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The first commercial air lock is coming to the International Space Station – The Verge
Posted: February 6, 2017 at 2:50 pm
A brand-new air lock is set to be installed on the International Space Station in the next few years but this one will be commercially owned. NASA has accepted a proposal from spaceflight company NanoRacks to attach the first ever commercially funded air lock, which enables objects to safely pass from the inside of the station out into the vacuum of space. The new addition will allow NanoRacks to deploy even more satellites and commercial payloads from the ISS in order to meet the growing demand from its customer base.
Established in 2009, NanoRacks is focused on helping others utilize the low-Earth orbit region of space. To that end, the organization helps companies, government agencies, and schools conduct experiments on the International Space Station, as well as deploy small satellites from the ISS. NanoRacks already has a satellite deployer on the space station, but it is reliant on the air lock on the Japanese Kibo module. The deployer is extended out into space via that Japanese robotic arm when the air lock is open.
Our customers were coming to us saying theyd like to fly bigger satellites.
The problem is that the Japanese air lock isnt that big. Its the perfect size for deploying CubeSats, standardized satellites that are about the size of a breadbox, as well as slightly larger payloads that are about the size of a microwave. But NanoRacks customers have been eager to deploy even larger satellites. Our customers were coming to us saying theyd like to fly bigger satellites or payloads, and deploy them off the station, Brock Howe, the head of the air lock project for NanoRacks, tells The Verge. And these were bigger than what we can currently fit thorough the Japanese airlock.
Access to the air lock is also limited, according to Howe. The air lock on the Kibo module is the only method for deploying small satellites from the station, and it is only opened five to 10 times a year. Some of those openings are reserved for NASA and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, which operates the air lock, while just a few openings are reserved for NanoRacks. This limited availability has created a backlog in deployments for the company.
So we thought to ourselves: Why dont we look into designing and building our own air lock? And away we went, says Howe. NanoRacks approached NASA with the idea, and the space agency officially accepted the project.
NanoRacks will be working with Boeing to develop the air lock. The plan is for the aluminum dome-shaped unit to launch on a NASA cargo mission sometime in 2019, and then be attached to a port on the stations Tranquility module. Theres already a hatch in place on the end of Tranquility that blocks the inside of the station from the vacuum of space. Astronauts will be able to open this hatch to place satellites or other research payloads inside the air lock. Once the payloads are inside, the air lock will depressurize and all the air will be pumped out. Then the stations Canadian robotic arm will detach the air lock from the ISS and extend it out into space. From here, satellites can be deployed into orbit or research experiments can be tested in the vacuum of space.
This air lock will have five times the volume of the Japanese air lock
This air lock will have five times the volume of the Japanese air lock, so satellites the size of a refrigerator can potentially be deployed this way. It also allows NanoRacks to deploy even more satellites at one time. Instead of doing the microwave-sized satellites one at a time, we can do three or four of those at one time on one airlock cycle, says Howe. So we can do it a lot more efficiently than what can be done right now.
The air lock also poses an opportunity for companies to do technology demonstrations in space. Companies looking to commercialize a space sensor or camera can test how their technologies hold up in lower Earth orbit. Restraints inside the air lock can hold down these technologies as theyre exposed to the vacuum. Its opening a door to space, says Howe. Once those technologies are flight-proven, the companies then have an easier time selling and marketing their hardware.
The NanoRacks air lock is just one of many commercial vehicles that are slowly making their way to the International Space Station. Currently, a private inflatable space habitat called BEAM Bigelow Expandable Activity Module is already attached to the Tranquility module, and astronauts have been periodically going inside it to see how it is holding up in space. Built by Bigelow Aerospace, BEAM has been performing well, and there are hints that the module will soon be used every day by the astronauts on the station. Building off of that success, NASA has said it will allow companies to attach their own habitat modules to the ISS in coming years.
Its all part of NASAs plan to turn the ISS into a commercial-friendly outpost, before eventually turning over the orbiting lab to the private sector in the mid-2020s. We want to utilize the space station to expose the commercial sector to new and novel uses of space, ultimately creating a new economy in low-Earth orbit for scientific research, technology development and human and cargo transportation, Sam Scimemi, director of the ISS Division at NASA headquarters, said in a statement. We hope this new airlock will allow a diverse community to experiment and develop opportunities in space for the commercial sector.
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SpaceX will transport a deadly bacteria to the space station for study – Teslarati
Posted: at 2:50 pm
A deadly Superbug thats incredibly resistant to current antibiotics will be part of an upcoming SpaceX mission.
Sponsored by NASA and the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), SpaceX will launch a lethal pathogen into space and deliver it to the International Space Station (ISS) in a near-zero gravity experiment toassess accelerated mutation rates of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. Outer space offers an entirely different environment than earth, so the study can see ifmutation patterns will occur in space that have not yet happened on earth. Of particular interest are gene expression and mutation patterns.
MRSA is the cause of infections in hospitalized patients that happen frequently and are very difficult to cure. The ISS microgravity study will be overseen byDr. Anita Goel, who is a world-renowned expert and pioneer in the emerging field of nanobiophysics. This field examines the intersection of physics, nanotechnology, and biomedicine. Her particular area of interest is how open systems such as life and living systems are strongly intertwined with their environment.
Calling the work on the ISS both very practical and fundamental, Dr. Goels research is directed toward better prediction of drug resistance and, as a result, smarter drugs. She is especially looking at what she describes as how the environment can deeply influence the information flow from both the genome and transcriptome.
The ISS study is quite significant in its potential implications for medicine and drug development. Medical practitioners have a hard time treating many infections due to the current need to first observe the pathogens progress,which can be quite elusive, and then treat afterward. The wait-and-see scenario often lets the MRSA get too far ahead. As a result, many of todaysantimicrobial therapies are ineffective, so the ISS study will allow important observation of MRSA patterns of resistance as they occur as well as in their various stages.
Goel and her team will draw upon the very different ISS environment to track MRSAs activity as it moves from gene expression to mutations, with the goal to predict what might or might not happen with the same process back on earth. Drug development and molecular identification may result, which can help in the fight against future MRSA strains.
Dr. Goel, who is chairperson and CEO of Nanobiosym, wonthe first XPRIZE in Healthcare for the Gene-RADAR technology. This is a mobile Tricorder that offers real-time diagnosis of any disease with a genetic fingerprint. It costs about ten times less than comparable diagnostic tests on the market today.
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SpaceX will transport a deadly bacteria to the space station for study - Teslarati
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Japan’s troubled ‘space junk’ mission fails – Yahoo News
Posted: at 2:50 pm
An artist's impression of the more than 100 million pieces of debris in orbit around the Earth (AFP Photo/)
Tokyo (AFP) - An experimental Japanese mission to clear 'space junk' or rubbish from the Earth's orbit has ended in failure, officials said Monday, in an embarassment for Tokyo.
Over 100 million pieces of garbage are thought to be whizzing around the planet, including cast-off equipment from old satellites and bits of rocket, which experts say could pose risks for future space exploration.
Scientists at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) were trying to test an electrodynamic 'tether' -- created with the help of a fishing net company -- to slow down the orbiting rubbish and bring it into a lower orbit.
The hope was that the clutter -- built up after more than five decades of human space exploration -- would eventually enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up harmlessly before it had a chance to crash into the planet.
The 700-metre (2,300-foot) long tether -- made from thin wires of stainless steel and aluminium -- was due to be extended out from a cargo ship launched in December carrying supplies for astronauts at the International Space Station.
Problems arose quickly, however, and technicians tried for days to remedy the situation but only had a one-week window to carry out the mission before the vessel reentered the Earth's atmosphere before dawn on Monday.
"We believe the tether did not get released", leading researcher Koichi Inoue told reporters.
"It is certainly disappointing that we ended the mission without completing one of the main objectives," he said.
The disappointment is the latest failure to hit JAXA and comes just weeks after the agency had to abort a mission that sought to use a mini-rocket to send a satellite into orbit.
The agency also abandoned a pricey ultra-high-tech satellite launched in February last year to search for X-rays emanating from black holes and galaxy clusters after losing contact with the spacecraft.
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ULA’s navy delivers rocket that will launch supplies to the space … – Spaceflight Now
Posted: at 2:50 pm
A recent Mariner arrival at Port Canaveral for Atlas 5. Credit: Justin Ray/Spaceflight Now
PORT CANAVERAL The ocean-sailing ship that transports rocket stages from United Launch Alliances factory to U.S. launch sites completed its latest voyage overnight, pulling into port to deliver the Atlas 5 that will send a cargo freighter to the International Space Station in March.
The Mariner, owned and operated by the Foss Maritime company, made a week-long voyage from the ULA production facility in Decatur, Alabama to Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Originally built to carry Delta 4 rockets for Boeing to the Cape and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, the Mariner now also delivers Atlas 5 stages for ULA whenever circumstances permit.
The Atlas 5s original mode of transportation the massive Antonov aircraft continues to be used sparingly.
The custom-made, purpose-built cargo ship entered service in 2000. The 312-foot-long roll-on/roll-off vessel has a crew of 16, carries over 100,000 gallons of fuel and is powered by engines derived from a locomotive.
It features full living quarters, a kitchen and dining area, a fabrication shop below deck and even a helipad.
Construction of the Atlas was performed inside the sprawling Decatur factory, followed by full testing and being readied for transport to Florida.
The Mariner traversed 270 miles up the Tennessee River, 60 miles on the Ohio River and 646 miles down the Mississippi River. The trek then covered 815 miles through the Gulf of Mexico and around to Floridas east-central coast to Port Canaveral.
A trips round-the-clock average speed is about 12 mph.
Now at the harbor in Port Canaveral, a semi-trucks will drive the 106.6-foot-long, 12.5-foot-diameter bronze-colored booster stage and 41.5-foot-long, 10-foot-diameter Centaur upper stage off the Mariner and up through Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on Monday.
The first stage goes to the Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center high bay for receiving checks and the Centaur will be processed at the Delta Operations Center and integrated with the interstage and boattail.
Later, the stages will be taken further up the road to the Vertical Integration Facility at Complex 41 for stacking aboard the mobile launch platform.
Once the first stage is erected, the interstage and Centaur will be hoisted and attached to complete the basic build up of the Atlas 5 rocket, designated AV-070.
Installation of the encapsulated payload will occur about one week before launch to top off the 194-foot-tall rocket.
The mission, slated for March 19 at 10:56 p.m. EDT (0256 GMT), will launch the Orbital ATK OA-7 Cygnus spacecraft filled with 7,700 pounds of provisions and experiments for the International Space Station.
The Atlas 5 rockets yaw-steering ability will enable a 30-minute launch window extending 15 minutes before and after the instant when the stations orbital plane passes over the pad.
It will be Orbital ATKs seventh resupply mission to the station under NASAs commercial cargo-delivery program.
The pressurized cargo module for Cygnus arrived at Kennedy Space Centers Space Station Processing Facility on Jan. 9. The crafts propulsion section arrived Feb. 1.
The two pieces will be mated together and initial cargo loading performed at the SSPF before the Cygnus is moved to the nearby Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility for propellant loading and the stowage of late-load cargo items.
Encapsulation of the ship in the Atlas 5 rockets 14-foot-wide, 45-foot-long extra extended payload fairing (XEPF) will occur at the SSPF, too.
Previous Cygnus spacecraft have been given a ceremonial name for a former astronaut who has since passed away. The name for OA-7 has not yet been revealed.
NASA requested that this Cygnus be launched aboard the Atlas 5 instead of Orbital ATKs revamped Antares rocket. The switch allows the craft to carry a greater amount of supplies and gives the space agency better schedule assurance.
The Atlas 5 successfully launched two Cygnus missions in December 2015 and March 2016 while the Antares fleet was grounded to upgrade its engines from stockpiled Soviet-era powerplants to modern-day Russian ones.
Demo Antares 1,299 pounds Launched Sept. 18, 2013 Orb 1 Antares 2,780 pounds Launched Jan. 9, 2014 Orb 2 Antares 3,293 pounds Launched July 13, 2014 Orb 3 Antares 4,883 pounds Launched Oct. 28, 2014 *Failure OA-4 Atlas 5 7,746 pounds Launched Dec. 6, 2015 OA-6 Atlas 5 7,758 pounds Launched March 22, 2016 OA-5 Antares 5,163 pounds Launched Oct. 17, 2016
Among the science projects being launched in this upcoming OA-7 Cygnus include an Advanced Plant Habitat as a stepping-stone to food production systems on long-duration exploration missions, new tests on cell cultures in space for biological research, a technology experiment into coatings applied to container walls that could benefit fuel storage tanks, a host of cubesats that will be launched from the station, the third spacecraft fire test to study flames in microgravity and another try at collecting data during atmospheric reentry at the missions conclusion.
See earlier OA-7 Cygnus coverage.
Our Atlas archive.
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Conspiracy theorists suggest gaps in International Space Station footage prove NASA UFO cover-up – The Sun
Posted: at 2:50 pm
Shocking theories have emerged that NASA is covering up the existence of UFOs as footage has been cut from their space station four times just as mysterious objects appear on the screen
SHOCKING theories have emerged that NASA is covering up the existence of UFOs as footage has been cut from their space station four times just as mysterious objects appear on the screen.
In the last seven months, there have been four instances where the International Space Stations video stream has mysteriously gone down just as unexpected light objects appear in the distance.
The suggestions started after a bright craft was seen hurtling toward the Earth in July 2016.
But just as the unidentified object approached the Earths atmosphere the footage was cut short.
Virtually the same thing happened again only three months later.
Renowned UFOlogist Streetcap1 commented: NASA cut the camera feed so quickly even though this was very distant.
But when the incident repeated itself again at the beginning of 2017 viewers were desperate for answers.
Well known UFO YouTubers Secure Team 10 claimed to have spotted an astronaut covering the lens of a camera on the International Space Station.
Further away in the distance, a small bright spot was seen flying across the screen moments before the astronauts hand obstructed the view.
Tyler, a Secure Team spokesperson, said: We not only see a UFO fly overhead but we are also going to see the astronaut attempt to hide this activity by putting his hand in front of the camera.
And he actually does this a couple of times.
NASA have never responded to the claims that alien space crafts have been seen in the footage, but others have suggested it could just be passing meteors.
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Conspiracy theorists suggest gaps in International Space Station footage prove NASA UFO cover-up - The Sun
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Buzz Aldrin Is Officially Astronomy’s ‘Zoolander’ – Inverse
Posted: at 2:50 pm
On Wednesday, famed astronaut and badass Buzz Aldrin took one small step for a man, and one giant leap for space fashion when he became the first astronaut to walk New York Mens Fashion Week. Aldrin walked the runway for designer Nick Grahams Life on Mars: Fall/Winter 2035 collection, closing the show in a sleek silver bomber jacket and shirt emblazoned with his catchphrase Get Your Ass To Mars.
Aldrin wasnt the only science celebrity working it at Grahams show. Bill Nye The Science Guy and host of the upcoming Bill Nye Saves the World narrated the fashion show, while Aldrin worked the runway. Graham, who says Mars is the new black, named the show as a tip of the hat to Aldrins prediction that humans will begin to colonize Mars in 2035 two years after NASA predicts we will land on Mars.
Ive walked on the moon, so how hard can it be to walk in a fashion show? Aldrin said in a statement before the show. Nicks collection is very Mars-friendly and every astronaut should look their best when they land there.
And diggity damn, did Aldrin and his fellow models look their best, sporting metallic rainwear, sharkskin suits, and space-themed formalwear.
While the show was based off the colonization of Mars, Nye offered a different, ever-so-slightly Elon Musk-bashing message in the closing remarks of his fashion lecture.
There thing is, to have colony on Mars I think thats not an especially good idea, Nye said. Theres not a substitute for Earth. This idea well go Terraform Mars, youre freaking high. Theres no way the Earth is it. So you gotta take care of it.
Aldrin, who claims that the first thing he did on the moon was pee, claimed to the Los Angeles Times that his astronautics degree from M.I.T. helped him along the fashion runway.
I wasnt sure what side to get on, said Aldrin. If I walked too close to the people, then not enough of them would see. Im always calculating time an distance.
He also calculated how to dish out a impressive Blue Steel.
Space inspired fashion has long been a thing, but the space industry has become increasingly fashionable as well. Well have to see if NASA is inspired by any of Grahams designs in the meanwhile, where can we get one of those Buzz friendship bracelets?
Photos via Getty Images / JP Yim
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‘The Space Between Us’: Mission from Mars stays at surface level – Chicago Sun-Times
Posted: at 2:50 pm
Armed with a good cast and an intriguing premise, The Space Between Us nevertheless fails to launch.
Peter Chelsoms film was supposed to open in 2016 but didnt. Despite the delay, it seems unfinished, choppy, the storytelling almost of an after-school special variety.
The story involves Gardner Elliot (Asa Butterfield), whose mother was one of the first astronauts to travel to Mars and establish a permanent colony. She brings more than her toothbrush, though; she was pregnant and dies during childbirth on the red planet. Sensing a public-relations disaster, leaders of the Genesis project, as the colonization company is called, decide to hide the truth from the public.
Thus we have Gardner growing up on Mars, the only human ever born there, his existence one big secret. Hes raised mostly by Kendra (Carla Gugino), who keeps tabs on him and sees him as the son that she, we learn, can never have one of many melodramatic developments.
Hes also monitored on Earth by the Genesis staff, but not by Nathaniel Shepherd (Gary Oldman), who dreamed up the project. He left soon after Gardners birth. But the boy is 16 now and online friends with Tulsa (Britt Robertson), a foster kid, inexplicably unpopular at her high school. (With video chat, the distance between Mars and Earth is reduced considerably.) She and Gardner talk about various things, with Gardner telling her he has a disease and cant leave his Manhattan penthouse, so he cant visit. Tulsa doesnt really buy his story, but theres not much she can do about it.
But this isnt enough for Gardner. Hes only ever met in person the small group of astronauts in the colony, and never been around anyone his own age. After much cajoling he convinces Kendra he should visit Earth, the place about which he has heard so much but never seen. He wants to find his father (a photo and some video footage may hold clues). He wants to see all of the places hes only read about on his super-cool translucent computer.
And most of all he wants to meet Tulsa.
The problem is, his organs cant stand the switch to Earths atmosphere for long. So escaping the Genesis facility and running away with Tulsa for an impossibly picturesque search for his father is more complicated and dangerous than it might be.
Luckily for them the adults, led by Nathaniel and Kendra, are inept when it comes to pursuit, allowing Gardner and Tulsa to form a quick relationship on the road. Potentially interesting storylines, like finding the shaman who married Gardners parents, come and go, explored only in passing. The story seems to be in as much of a hurry as the characters.
Its a road-trip movie that travels to predictable places. A twist isnt much of a surprise. Thats not a fatal flaw in a film aimed at tweens and young adults. The bigger problem here is the chemistry, or lack thereof, between Butterfield and Robertson. His Gardner is a goofy innocent (though his naivet comes and goes), while her Tulsa is a rough-and-tumble outsider. Fine, opposites attract and all that. But Chelsom and Robertson make Tulsa abrasive, hard to relate to, even harder to like. Its Robertsons charm that prevents her from being completely unsympathetic.
The effect is to build a space between the characters and the audience probably not the space the title intended.
Bill Goodykoontz, USA TODAY Network
STX Entertainmentpresents a film directed by Peter Chelsom and written by Allan Loeb, Peter Chelsom and Tinker Lindsay. Rated PG-13(for brief sensuality and language). Running time: 120minutes. Opens Friday at local theaters.
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'The Space Between Us': Mission from Mars stays at surface level - Chicago Sun-Times
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Will We Really Be Living on the Moon Within the Next Decade? – TrendinTech
Posted: at 2:49 pm
Most people would probably say yes, its quite possible there will be humans residing on the moon within the next ten years, and it will be relatively inexpensive too. Much of this is down to 3D printing, robots, and SpaceX. Whatever the reason, its a cool concept and one that deserves exploring. Out of a workshop help in 2014, came nine papers that have been prepared specifically for the task of setting up an alternative environment on the moon. Although all nine papers differ in detail, essentially they are all working towards that same goal.
But, its not the first time people have talked about setting up a base on the moon, and so far nothing, so whats changed? Chris McKay, NASA astrobiologist, says, The reason all the previous plans for going back to the moon have failed is that theyre just way too expensive. The space program is living in a delusion of unlimited budgets, which traces back to Apollo. This was a project that cost $150 billion by todays standards.Today, however, estimates from the papers suggest that we could have a base in place on the moon by 2022 and for less than $10 billion.
As it stands, NASA has no intentions of returning to the moon and instead is looking at Mars as the next place of colonization. But people such as McKay and others feel that we need to conquer the moon first before trying to take on the likes of Mars. This would allow astronauts the chance to test new equipment and habitats just a few days away on the moon rather than nine months away on Mars. My interest is not the moon. To me, the moon is as dull as a ball of concrete. But were not going to have a research base on Mars until we can learn how to do it on the moon first. The moon provides a blueprint to Mars.
Others besides NASA that are also looking to get a base set up on the moon include China, Russia, and the European Space Agency. So even if NASA didnt want to fund the mission alone, it would soon be able to partner with another source. Private investors also want to go back to the moon, even if just as a stepping stone to Mars. But, how do we even go about building a lunar base there? Well, that will vary depending on who you ask, but many proposals will include some form of robotic exploration to find the perfect site for the living. Next, lunar excavation machines would set to work leveling the area while more robots would start to set up a solar power network.
It would take a while for the majority of people to start living on the moon, and at first, only a small crew would stay for a few days at a time. The missions would be increased each time until eventually there was a permanent base established, suitable for humans to reside on. It really shouldnt be that difficult either, as we already know how to survive on the moon. Now its a case of using the technology around us to drive down the cost of a moon base. Using VR technology could help with the planning of the mission and 3D printing could be used to replace any small components that happen to break on the spacecraft.
Some of the proposals were relying on technologies that arent even in existence yet, but not completely out of this world. One idea involved SpaceXs Falcon 9 rocket transporting small payloads or the Falcon Heavy taking large payloads to the moon, while another was to allow rockets to refuel in orbit. The moon lodgings are likely to be designed and manufactured by Bigelow Aerospace who have come up with a dwelling that is flexible and can be folded up to fit inside the cargo bay of a rocket, then simply expand on the lunar surface, similar to that of a pop-up tent. Test versions of the moon lodgings will be trialed at the International Space Station later this year.
The whole project doesnt come cheap, and its estimated that the cost of building a lunar base on the moon will be around $10 billion, with annual upkeep costs of around $2 billion per year. But, NASA can afford it especially if they team up with some private investors. One study last year showed that the project could even pay for itself after one year if large water deposits are found on the moon. And, whats more, is all of this could be up and running in less than ten years. How exciting!
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Will We Really Be Living on the Moon Within the Next Decade? - TrendinTech
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In Syfy’s The Expanse, Nuance Is the Antidote to Authoritarianism – Paste Magazine
Posted: at 2:49 pm
In Syfys The Expanse, Mars and Earth are two superpowers racing to gain the technological upper hand, while those who live in the Asteroid Belt mine resources for the more privileged planets and become more and more prone to radicalization.
Sound familiar?
As we enter the miasmatic era of a Donald Trump presidency, it is impossible not to view televisionany pop culture, for that matterthrough the lens of politics. Dystopian science fiction in particular warrants comparisons to present-day society, or at least points to where it might be headed. But finding allegories in fiction isnt necessarily a bad thing, and former President Barack Obamahimself has said that fiction can be a reminder of the truths under the surface of what we argue about everyday.
The Expanse does just that, only its the 23rd century, and humanity has successfully colonized the planets in the solar system. No, there is no demagogue with tiny hands running a planet in this story, but there are other obvious similarities you can draw: Marginalized communities are pitted against the wealthy and elite, limited natural resources cause war and strife, and nations are constantly poised on the brink of war.
But The Expanse doesnt merely copy and paste current global affairs into its story. Instead, the show uses a nuanced, character-driven narrative to combat a Trumpian view of the worldone that eschews complexity by boiling down politics to simply good versus evil. Authoritarianism perpetuates the idea that nuance does not exist, only the impetus to quell opposition, and as Ruth Ben-Ghiat in The Atlantic points out, this leaves society open to the possibility of violence without consequence. The Expanse, on the other hand, manages to paint a portrait of a divided universe without vilifying one group and raising the other to god-like status, a kind of storytelling that will be essential in the coming days.
The series achieves this feat by making us question who the real heroes in its story are. Is it Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo), operative of the United Nations, which controls Earth and the moon colony? Avasarala wants to protect the citizens of her planet and uphold Earths ideals of welfare and social reform, but she does so in a way that blatantly ignores civil liberties. We see this when she tortures a Belter for information, and when she repeatedly betrays friends and allies in order to achieve her goals. She is ruthless and cold, determined and vicious. Yet we also have to wrestle with the fact that she lost her son to terrorists, and her determination to stifle insurrection comes from her loss and her fear.
What about Joe Miller (Thomas Jane), the hardboiled detective who lives in the Asteroid Belt? On the surface, it looks like hes fighting for justice by investigating the disappearance of Julie Mao (Florence Faivre), a key player in the OPA (Outer Planets Alliance, a Belter activist group). But his motives are dubiousmuch of his search is misguided by fantasy, ignoring the Belter plight and rejecting his own heritage. Is Julie Mao our hero, then? She has a humanitarian streak, seen helping miners made sick from poor living conditions. But she joined a militant organization without questioning its methods, ultimately leading to her demise. As for the Belters, its indisputable that they are an oppressed group facing severe injustice, but they are hardly monolithic. Some have chosen violent means to achieve their goals by joining the OPAs terrorist cells, while others want legitimacy through formal negotiation.
The closest we have to heroes might be the crew of the Rocinante ship. This group of disparate people came together through unforeseen circumstances, each with different motivations for investigating the brewing conflicts between Earth, Mars and the Belters. What makes us root for them is not that they are consistently morally righteous (some of them possibly have sketchy backgrounds), but that they are fiercely committed to exposing the truth, whatever the truth may be.
This is not to say that there are no clear rights and wrongs in The Expanse universe. When the Belter miners are cruelly murdered after protesting inhumane conditions, we are meant to be appalled. When we see acts of terrorism that lead to the deaths of innocent civilians, we are meant to be horrified. There is no call to empathize with bigotry, or to tolerate murder. There is, however, a call to understand the root causes that underlie the institutions and systems that run the solar systemwhat privilege looks like, why terrorism happens. We are meant to confront evil and condemn it, but also to ask ourselves, and our leaders, What is really at work here? Only then can we move forward to better humanity as a whole.
And what might that look like? The Expanse has some ideas on that, too. All you have to do is take a look at the number of women in the series, all in positions of power, all with complex personalities. Theres the graceful and cruel Chrisjen Avasarala. Theres Naomi Nagata (Dominique Tipper), a capable engineer and natural leader aboard the Rocinante. Theres Theresa Yao (Jean Yoon), the stern captain of a Mars military vessel. On Ceres, theres Captain Shaddid (Lola Glaudini), head of Star Helix Security, as well as detective Octavia Muss (Athena Karkanis). And at the heart of the series mystery is the enigmatic Julia Mao. Daniel Abrahams, one of the authors of the books on which The Expanse is based, said in an interview with that [i]t was always our intention to have a future world that included women who were strong as characters.
The shows not perfect, though. For instance, it still suffers from the Smurfette syndrome by often having just one strong female character within a group, resulting in a dearth of female relationships. But its a start, already miles ahead of a lot of current television. And if it seems like the mere existence of female leaders in a show is a low bar to set, youd be right. Unfortunately, such is the reality of a country that balked at the very idea of a woman with political ambitions assuming the mantle of the presidency.
Most of these characters are played by women of color, and the showrunners are enthusiastic in their embrace of a multicultural future both in the story and behind the scenes. In an interview with The Verge, Naren Shankar explained that he was committed to the vision of the books authors: The people who make it out into space, its not just going to be Neil Armstrong, clean-cut, classically white Americans. Its going to be Indian, Chinese, Russian, a mix of everybody, every ethnicity. And thats just going to melt and mingle. The very foundation of the shows futuristic premise is immigrationthe colonization of previously uninhabited planets means that everyone is essentially an immigrant.
But The Expanse isnt simply touting the idea of celebrating diversity. Its imagining a post-racial society. Indeed, inequality doesnt seem to exist between different races, or even different genders. Instead, we see a different kind of inequality, based on which planet one is from. Although the Belters, for example, are a racially diverse people, the group itself has a unique cultural identity. They are physically different (their bodies being taller and thinner due to low gravity conditions) and possess their own pidgin language (Belter Creole, a mixture of different languages that reflect the original settlers). Because of where they live and how they look, the Belters are essentially treated by the other planets as slave labor, inhuman even.
In the spirit of nuance, we should recognize that there is a danger in the aspiration for a post-racial world. Belters dont want to give up their identity so much as gain civil rights that are afforded to all humans on other planets. Its a multiracial society we need, not a homogenous one. Perhaps the lesson here is that inequality will always exist in some form or another when the privileged dont recognize marginalized groups. Perhaps this is the story that progressives want to be able to tella story that does not pit the white working class against the black working class, for instance, but instead unites both against the same system of economic oppression.
The Expanse shows us a possible future, a future in which women can be leaders without the bat of an eye, in which racially diverse groups can unite in common cause. But it is also a warning about keeping institutions in check, about recognizing inequality wherever it might exist, in order to avoid past mistakes. Whether it provides lessons on how to deal with autocracy, or simply provides hope and relief from our current situation, The Expanse is must-watch television for our time. And I didnt even mention the mysterious glowing blue stuff
Elena Zhang is a freelance writer based in Chicago. Follow her on Twitter at @EZhang77.
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In Syfy's The Expanse, Nuance Is the Antidote to Authoritarianism - Paste Magazine
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Movie review: "The Space Between Us" is aimed squarely at teens – Tulsa World
Posted: at 2:49 pm
"The Space Between Us" is apparently a large divide when it comes to describing this silly, romantic, mixed-up movie.
It's an interplanetary adventure as a science-fiction flick with a race against time.
It's a teen romance (involving a girl named Tulsa!) formed around a fish-out-of-water story.
It's a morality play, and it's a redemption story.
It's a mess, more than anything, that goes from a convoluted, boring first hour to a second half that is such a heart-on-its-sleeve love story, aimed so squarely at tween girls, that your 12-year-old daughter may walk out of the theater swooning.
That may be the one group of people whose space between their ears will really appreciate "The Space Between Us."
Initially set in the very near future, NASA sends a shuttle of astronauts to prep Mars for colonization, but there's a problem: One of them is pregnant. The baby is born on Mars, and the mother dies in childbirth.
That makes Gardner Elliott the first human not born on Earth, and that makes him different.
No. 1: A full gestation in zero-gravity atmosphere means his organs are different than our own, endangering his ever coming home.
No. 2: Sentencing him to live on Mars is a bit of a public-relations nightmare, so his existence is kept a secret from the public.
I know what some may be thinking, but no: The moon landing was not faked.
This whole snafu leaves Gary Oldman, as the architect of this Mars mission, fretting and yelling at people about this massive cover-up, and it leaves a motherless boy stuck with astronauts inside a small space station for the first 16 years of his life.
Asa Butterfield ("Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children") already proved his sci-fi teen mettle in "Ender's Game," and now as Gardner he gets an upgrade to romantic lead.
But it takes forever to get him there in the hands of director Peter Chelsom ("Serendipity," "Hannah Montana: The Movie").
Between Oldman's rants down on Earth, Mars mother-figure Carla Gugino's sentimental concerns for the boy and Gardner's repeated questions What's Earth like? What's your favorite thing about Earth? Will I know how to act on Earth? that the only thing that kept me from snoring was thinking out loud: When are you going to get this boy on Earth?
The movie never really takes off until we get Gardner in front of Tulsa, the teen girl in Colorado he's been secretly future-texting from Mars, where the wi-fi is red planet-hot.
Tulsa is played by Britt Robertson, who was the one good thing about "Tomorrowland" and who, at 26, is so pretty that she can make us believe she's still in high school.
It turns out that she was abandoned at age 4 in Tulsa, and the orphan girl adopted the city as her nickname.
So we can see that bond start to form: Both Gardner and Tulsa grew up without parents, forced to live with strangers who didn't always tell them the truth.
Butterfield brings an awkward, goofy, somewhat cute manner to his discovery of Earth things both large and small, from crawly bugs to homeless people to Robertson's lips.
Robertson, playing the street-smart girl who can steal a car as easily as she takes off in a crop-dusting plane, brings a blushing sweetness to her tough chick, whose defenses weaken in the presence of a true innocent.
After a sloooow-developing period of great length, it's remarkable that the final act is as moving in a sappy kind of way as it is. Admittedly, my 12-year-old daughter may have coaxed that feeling along.
She and her friends are the audience for "The Space Between Us," and those accompanying them will just have to grin and bear it.
Michael Smith
Twitter: @michaelsmithTW
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Movie review: "The Space Between Us" is aimed squarely at teens - Tulsa World
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