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Category Archives: Transhuman News
The Genetic Engineering Generation – Huffington Post
Posted: February 14, 2017 at 11:52 pm
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Over a year ago, I read an article about the genetic engineering of human embryos and I immediately knew that the world was in trouble. Todays article in The Times has only confirmed my fears.
I don't fear scientific progress or the eventual certainty that our species will customize offspring like video game characters. I accept that people will one day be born who are immune to cancer, asthma, and blindness. When that day comes, when the benefits of genetic engineering have been studied, tested, and perfected, the results will be extraordinary: a world where - physically speaking at least - no one will ever be born unlucky.
Creating a world free from the misfortunes of birth defects and genetic diseases will truly be one of our species' greatest accomplishments. The trouble, though, is how we get there.
Those of us alive today are going to live through a complicated transition. Some day in the next decade or two, some of us will be regular people, and some of us will have been born with the benefits of genetic engineering.
How are you going to react to the other side?
How will you feel about a "designer baby" who grows up and competes for your job or takes your child's place at an elite college? Should these people have less rights than you and me? Or should they should have special protections, considering the resentment they are sure to engender?
These are the questions I set out to explore in my novel, The Ones, and it is urgent that we as society begin to address these issues now.
Consider what scientists are already capable of: the relatively recent discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 has created a gene editing tool that can cut, add, or replace parts of our DNA sequence. Think of this as similar to the "find and replace" function in your word processing program.
Altering DNA used to be painstaking and imprecise. Now, with CRISPR and a computer, Darwin could bang out a new finch family from the Beagle business center.
Even more remarkable, whatever changes are made in the original DNA of a human embryo would endure unaltered in the germline. In layman's terms, this means that future generations would continue to have this altered gene - forever. The potential effects on the genetic makeup of humanity are extraordinary and totally unpredictable.
A real-world experiment along these lines is beginning to play out already, albeit not with humans. Using CRISPR technology, biologists have been able to engineer female mosquitos that pass defective breeding genes to all of their offspring, in effect creating a generation of sterile mosquitos that cannot propagate their species. The benefits of releasing these genetically engineered females into an area beset by Zika or malaria are easy to see.
It is striking to note that laws concerning this technology are different in every country. Some nations have banned research in the field outright. Here in America, there are strict guidelines, but no legally enforceable restrictions. Besides the odd headline, why is no one talking about this? When was the last time you heard a politician utter the words genetic engineering?
For now, much of the world appears to be operating under the policy of let's-agree-not-to-do-anything-too-crazy. Call me a cynic, but pretty much all of history proves this policy is a recipe for disaster. Stopping advances in technology is impossible; waiting too long to deal with them responsibly is all too common.
As with most new technology, only the very wealthiest citizens will have access to genetic engineering at first. Will this benefit be tolerated by the rest of the natural-born masses? Should it? Could this divide lead to outright war?
Today, in America and around the world, ambitious scientists are pushing the envelope on gene editing. Their motives may be driven by altruism, profit or curiosity. One country might want better Olympic athletes. Perhaps another country identifies the genes for scientific aptitude and tries to breed a genius who can solve global warming. No matter what prompts the advancements, the results are inevitable: a new category of humans will be born.
We should embrace this new generation with both a wary eye and open arms. But let's get our act together now so we can nail that awkward hug.
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The Genetic Engineering Generation - Huffington Post
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Top Science Organization Cautiously Supports Genetically Engineering Humans – Gizmodo
Posted: at 11:52 pm
Human mesenchymal stem cells (Image: Rose Spear/Flickr)
New gene editing methods like CRISPR/Cas9 have given scientists unprecedented potential to edit human DNA. But how should researchers in the field actually use these methods, especially when editing traits that can be passed down to children? Should they be used to cure disease? Should they be used to enhance features that arent necessary for our survival?
Were definitely far from seeing X-men mutants and genetically modified superhumans from whatever dystopian young adult novel you may be reading, especially in the United States where lawmakers passed legislation preventing government money from funding this kind of research. That hasnt stopped researchers in other countries like China from creating gene-edited embryos, which has some scientists very concerned. Today, the National Academies of Sciences and Medicine released a major new report and recommendations to ensure any such research done stateside in the future is performed responsibly and ethically.
The implicit message is that whether we like it or not, a future of gene-edited humans is on its way.
Although scientists have been able to chop up DNA for decades, precise new tools like CRISPR/Cas9 make it easier than ever to experiment with gene-edited livestock, or using gene-edited cells to help fight cancer in humans, for instance. But CRISPRs relative ease of use has caused many to worry about the ethical implications of germline editing, or editing traits in cells that could be passed on to later generations. A commentary published in 2015 in Nature warns that gene editing humans could have unpredictable effects on future generations.
The new National Academies report is an attempt to offer guidance both for germline editing to cure disease, as well as for enhancementmaking stronger, smarter, better humansshould the funding ban in the United States lift.
The Academies ruling on germline editing for curing inherited diseases is basically that scientists need to be very careful. The group recommends only permitting such procedures with lots of oversight, so long as researchers dont have better treatment options, know for a fact the gene theyre editing causes disease, are editing the gene to match the naturally-occurring healthy version, and perform rigorous research including clinical trials and multi-generational follow-up studies. After all, they need to ensure they havent accidentally introduced some dangerous mutation that will harm future humans.
As far as editing germline cells for human enhancement, the Academies said no wayat least, not yet. They hope to see further public discussion to make sure people are okay with what we might be doing to our species. I think its basically a lets buy some time, director of New York Universitys Division of Medical Ethics Arthur Caplan told Gizmodo. Its not inappropriate to buy some time. The techniques are new and we dont know if theyre safe. Plus, the technology isnt even close to making superbabies, although that hasnt stopped ethicists from considering the moral conundrum superbabies pose.
Caplan was concerned that the report didnt more strongly recommend testing any potential gene editing procedures in animals first, or discuss who actually owns the rights to various gene editing methods and how much they will cost. Im very worried about access, he said. Whos keeping an eye on the prices that will be charged? Will this be another repeat of the drug price problems?
Ultimately, the Academies and Caplan hope to see more communication between the scientists and the public about how we as a society feel about gene editing. The reality is the scientific community hasnt really spent enough resources thinking about how to really engage the public, said Caplan. They have to do more surveys, better outreach, use the internet more. The report is quiet about that...Weve gotta get more creative than weve been.
Update 1:55PM: Some are disappointed with the Academies statement, which approves of genetic engineering despite the cautious wording. The Center for Genetics and Society sent Gizmodo a statement including the following quote:
The recommendations and conclusions of this report are unsettling and disappointing, said Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, Executive Director of the Center for Genetics and Society. Although theyre couched in apparently cautionary language, they actually constitute a green light for proceeding with efforts to modify the human germlinethat is, to engineer the genes and traits that are passed on to future children and generations.
In December 2015, the National Academies International Summit on Human Gene Editing concluded with a statement that it would be irresponsible to proceed with human germline modification unless and until a broad societal consensus had been reached. Todays report dispenses with the idea of meaningful public participation in this profoundly consequential decision, Darnovsky said. It calls for `continued public engagement [page 146] with the details, but excludes the public from participation in deciding whether human germline modification is acceptable in the first place.
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Top Science Organization Cautiously Supports Genetically Engineering Humans - Gizmodo
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CRISPR Applications in Plants – Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Posted: at 11:52 pm
Are you a food label reader? If so, you may have noticed some of your favorite snacks bear the phrase partially produced with genetic engineering. This makes sense, given that the soy lectin and corn syrup used in many foodsis probably isolated from plants genetically modified to be resistant to a powerful herbicide, glyphosate. Genes, originally isolated from bacteria, were inserted into crop plants, conferring glyphosate tolerance to the soybeans, corn, and other crops. Then, federal regulations followed: requiring that human food made with these plants be labeled partially produced with genetic engineering.
While these genetically modified plants have been around almost 20 years, new tools for plant biologists have yielded new traits for plants. At the Plant and Animal Genomics Conference held recentlyin San Diego, a topic of great interest was applications of the CRIPSR/Cas9 system to plants.
One brilliant approach to using CRISPR in plants is to edit the family of genes that confers susceptibility to bacterial blight in rice. Bacterial blight in rice, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, is a huge problem in Asia and Africa.
To understand sensitivity to bacterial blight, it is necessary to first understand the biology of the disease process, explains Bing Yang, Ph.D., associate professor in genetics, developmentand cell biology at Iowa State University.
Bacteria that cause the blight have effector proteins (called TALs; transcription activator-like) that transcriptionally activate a family of genes in rice, referred to as SWEET genes. We strategized that by mutating the promoter region of the SWEET family of genes, the bacterial TAL proteins would no long be able to bind to the promoter. Being unable to bind to the promoter DNA, the bacterial TAL proteins cannot induce expression of the SWEET genes. Hence, TAL proteins could no longer bring about a state of disease susceptibility in rice, explains Dr. Yang.
CRISPR experiments can be designed to leave no fingerprint, or exogenous DNA in the plants. From a regulatory standpoint, the USDA should accept rice plants with small deletions or mutations in their genomes as safe for field tests, concludes Dr. Yang.
Using a similar approach, disease-resistant citrus trees have also been developed. In Florida, the citrus industry faces disease challenges from citrus canker and citrus greening disease caused by two bacteria, Xanthomonas citri and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, respectively.
"Citrus canker is also a big problem," asserts Nian Wang, Ph.D., associate professor, department of microbiology and cell science, Citrus Research and Education Center, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. "A specific effector protein from the infecting bacteria binds to the promoter region of the canker susceptibility gene CsLOB1 to induce disease symptoms. By utilizing CRISPR techniques, we can target the promoter region or the coding region of the citrus susceptibility gene to mutate it in such a way to prevent binding of bacterial transducers."
The CRISPR/Cas9 system can be applied in a manner that leave no exogenous DNA in the citrus, which is very beneficial in getting USDA approval.
"Applying the same strategy for citrus greening disease, we have begun research to identify the key virulence factors and their targets," continues Dr. Wang. "We are mutating the putative targets using the CRISPR technology. We hope to generate citrus trees resistant to citrus greening disease."
Another talk at the conference was on gene editing in cereals by Ming Luo, Ph.D., of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Canberra, Australia. Wheat rust is a huge problem in failure of wheat crops worldwide; finding a solution to the problem would be a milestone in addressing world hunger.
A pilot study of CRISPR efficacy in rice was successful with a knockout of two closely linked genes. In contrast, the homologous CRISPR experiment in wheat did not lead to any mutations, declares Dr. Luo. In contrast, using TALEN in wheat yielded results.
While CRISPR works in rice and barley, CRISPR editing in wheat has not worked in our hands. We conclude that employing TALENs as a gene-editing tool in wheat is more efficient than CRISPR.
One drawback to the CRISPR/Cas9 system in plants concerns off-target effects. To assess these effects in plants, whole genome sequencing is the current gold standard.
Recent work in the model organism Arabidopsis, shows that the CRISPR/Cas9 system correctly targets the desired loci in plant genomes, states Cara Soyars, University of North Carolina doctoral candidate. This finding contrasts with off-target CRISPR effects in animals where off-target effects are a serious concern. Extrapolating this to other genera of plants, we postulate that modifications to the Cas9 protein to increase specificity of the binding site is not necessary in plants.
Plant genomes have many redundant genes. Hence, to effectively knockout a particular pathway of interest, many genes need to be knocked out, continues Soyars. Our lab, the Zachary Nimchuk lab, has developed a system that allows entire families of genes to be targeted in one experiment. While the system is predicted to increase the risk of off-target effects, we have shown with whole genome sequencing that there are very few or no off-target effects in Arabidopsis.
One of our studies necessitated the targeting of 14 genomic loci at once. Using the multiplexed CRISPR/Cas9 system, we had a 3392% success rate. Whole genome sequencing also revealed that chromosomal translocation events are extremely rare after genome manipulation in Arabidopsis via CRISPR/Cas9.
We really do not know why there is such a lower rate of off-target effects in plants when compared to animals, clarifies Soyars. Speculatively, plants use nonhomologous recombination; whereas animals employ homologous recombination when joining double DNA breaks. Perhaps differences in these repair mechanisms explain the difference in off target effects?
One advantage of the CRISPR/Cas9 system is the applicability across a wide range of organisms. Editing carried out for research purposes does not require the same level of stringency as those for therapeutic applications. However, any plants or animals undergoing genome editing will need to be carefully vetted.
The regulatory body overseeing this is the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), which is part of the USDA. APHIS released for comment a policy suggesting a path forward. For now, very small changes [like single base insertion or deletions (210 base pairs removed)] do not seem to be of much interest to APHIS.
The ability to make these tiny changes at a very specific place in the genome is the result of using CRISPR/Cas9 technology in plants, affirms Jeff Wolt, Ph.D., professor of agronomy at Iowa State University. In the past, genetic additions to plants included either exogenous genes or even some of the machinery to get the modifications incorporated.
Dr. Bing screened plants to select the edited gene of interest, while selecting against the inclusion of the CRISPR machinery. Dr. Bing confirmed this with lots of sequencing. His letter of inquiry to APHIS posed the question: will these rice plants be subject to regulation? APHIS responded that the material can be used without regulatory oversight.
Plant researchers are moving forward cautiously, as the all the wonderful technology from previous methods of transgenic manipulation was not fully realized due to public push-back. We need to ensure that what we are doing is well-communicated and transparent, expounds Dr. Wolt.
Plant sciences have lagged behind in adopting new technologies for genome editing for a couple of reasons, he continues. First, funding levels are generally lower for plant researchers than studies involving animals. Second, the techniques used to change the genome must go through the cell walls of plants; in animals, especially cell lines, it is much simpler to get the components of CRISPR/Cas9 into the cells.
Another reason many of the exciting applications of CRISPR in plants are not discussed as often as medical applications, explains Mark Behlke, M.D, Ph.D., CSO of Integrated DNA Technologies, is that the development of agricultural applications done by industry is confidential and is not published quickly, or at all. Also, working with crop plant genomes can be more complex than mammalian cells; as these species are often polyploid, which makes manipulation of their genomes more complicated. Furthermore, plant genomes often have huge repetitive content.
On the other hand, Dr. Behlke continues, advances in CRISPR/Cas9 technology has made genome manipulation accessible for just about any research lab in the world. One method that is especially promising is the use of a DNA-free system to perform genome engineering in plants. In this sort of system, the RNA guide is bound to recombinant Cas9 protein and added directly into cells as a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex, with no use of plasmids or other DNA-based expression cassettes.
A delivery method of coating gold nanoparticles with plasmids and shooting them into whole animals has worked in cattle vaccinations (biolistics). This approach is already being applied to plants, to get the Cas9 RNP complexes into cells through their tough cell walls, concludes Dr. Behlke.
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Scientific Panel Says Editing Heritable Human Genes Could Be OK In The Future – NPR
Posted: at 11:52 pm
Editing human genes that would be passed on for generations could make sense if the diseases are serious and the right safeguards are in places, a scientific panel says.
Scientists could be allowed to make modifications in human DNA that can be passed down through subsequent generations, the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine say.
Such a groundbreaking step should only be considered after more research and then only be conducted under tight restrictions, the academies write in a highly anticipated report released Tuesday. Such work should be reserved to prevent serious diseases and disabilities, it says.
The academies determined that new gene-editing techniques had made it reasonable to pursue such controversial experiments down the road, though not quite yet.
"It is not ready now, but it might be safe enough to try in the future," R. Alta Charo, a bioethicist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who co-chaired the committee, said. "And if certain conditions are met, it might be permissible to try it."
That conclusion counters a long-standing taboo on making changes in genes in human sperm, eggs or embryos because such alterations would be inherited by future generations. That taboo has been in place partly because of fears that mistakes could inadvertently create new diseases, which could then become a permanent part of the human gene pool.
Another concern is that this kind of genetic engineering could be used to make genetic modifications for nonmedical reasons.
For example, scientists could theoretically try to create designer babies, in which parents attempt to select the traits of their children to make them smarter, taller, better athletes or to have other supposedly superior attributes.
Nothing like that is currently possible. But even the prospect raises fears about scientists essentially changing the course of evolution and creating people who are considered genetically superior, conjuring up the kind of dystopian future described in movies and books like Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
"These kinds of scenarios used to be science fiction; they used to be seen as far-off hypotheticals," says Marcy Darnovsky, who runs the Center for Genetics and Society, a genetic watchdog group. "But actually, right now, I think they're urgent social justice questions."
She says, "we're going to be creating a world in which the already privileged and affluent can use these high-tech procedures to make children who either have some biological advantages" or are perceived to have biological advantages. "And the scenario that plays out is not a pretty one."
But Charo says the report clearly states that any attempt to create babies from sperm, eggs or embryos that have had their DNA edited could only be tried someday under very tightly controlled conditions and only to prevent devastating medical disorders.
"We said, 'Use it for serious diseases and serious conditions only period,'" Charo says. "We simply said, 'No enhancement.' "
But Darnovsky is skeptical that line will hold. "I don't think there's any way to keep that genie in the bottle," he says.
The report, however, was praised by many scientists.
"It's important to be extraordinarily cautious on technologies that could leave a permanent mark on the human population for all generations to come," says Eric Lander, who runs the Broad Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. "But it's important to try to help people. I think they've been very thoughtful about how you should balance those things."
The report acknowledges that it may be difficult in the future to draw a line between using gene-editing to prevent or treat disease and using it for enhancement. Gene-editing designed to prevent or treat the muscle disease muscular dystrophy, for example, could theoretically be used to try to make healthy people stronger.
Prominent Harvard geneticist George Church agrees. "The report is very clearly broad," he says. "It could include a lot of things people consider enhancement. I think it will be case by case and there will be some people will be consider enhancement that some people will consider preventive medicine."
For example, if scientists figure out how to makes changes that boost thinking abilities to stave off dementia in Alzheimer's patients by making them slightly above average or considerably above average, he says, "that might be considered enhancement or it might be considered preventive medicine."
Scientists have been able to edit the DNA in the cells of humans and other creatures for decades. But the academies commissioned the report after scientists developed powerful new gene-editing techniques in recent years, such as CRISPR-Cas9, that make it much easier and faster.
That raised the possibility that gene editing might be used to treat many diseases and possibly even to prevent many devastating disorders from occurring in the first place by editing out genetic mutations in sperm, eggs and embryos. That could potentially prevent a wide range of diseases, including breast cancer, Tay-Sachs, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis and Huntington's disease.
As a result, the academies assembled a 21-member committee of scientists, bioethicists, lawyers, patient advocates, biotech entrepreneurs and others to conduct a far-reaching investigation that involved more than year of study.
The resulting report stresses that because the technology is so new, it would be unsafe for anyone to even begin studies to try to create babies from sperm, eggs or embryos that have had their DNA edited before conducting much more research.
The committee also says no clinical trials of gene editing should be allow unless:
"It would be essential for this research to be approached with caution, and for it to proceed with broad public input," the 261-page report states.
The report notes that the Food and Drug Administration is barred from reviewing "research in which a human embryo is intentionally created or modified to include a heritable genetic modification." Federal funding of such research is also prohibited.
Many other countries have signed an international convention prohibiting this kind of gene editing.
But the report aims to provide guidance for those countries where it's not prohibited or in those where the prohibitions would be lifted. The FDA ban, for example, could expire or be reversed.
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Scientific Panel Says Editing Heritable Human Genes Could Be OK In The Future - NPR
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Edited DNA OK for Health, But Not Designer Babies, Panel Says –
Posted: at 11:51 pm
A cloned human embryo is seen in this file photo. Centre for Life File
Right now, such genetic manipulation of human embryos isn't known to be possible, and no one could do it in the U.S. The Food and Drug Administration would have to approve it and is barred by Congress from using its funding to consider anything that involved changing a human embryo.
It might be possible down the road, and labs in other countries might do it, the committee said in its
And if someone finds a way to prevent disease using these techniques, there would be a clamor for it to be made available.
"However, genome editing to enhance traits or abilities beyond ordinary health raises concerns about whether the benefits can outweigh the risks, and about fairness if available only to some people," said Alta Charo, a bioethicist at the University of Wisconsin who helped chair the panel.
Gene therapy is still experimental. The idea is to treat genetic disease by replacing faulty genes with healthy ones. But the technique is imprecise.
Gene editing is a big step up from simple gene therapy. New techniques, such as one called CRISPR, allow scientists to precisely alter genes in a much more controlled way than before, offering the possibility that embryos could be changed not only to prevent the development of genetic diseases, but to prevent any resulting children from passing harmful traits to their own offspring.
In 2015, Chinese scientists
One obvious question is whether labs might try to offer parents babies that are prettier, smarter or stronger than the genetic lottery would otherwise allow them to be. It's not so easy: even eye color is not controlled by a single gene or even a few genes, and there are no known genes for intelligence.
But a genetic disease such as muscular dystrophy is caused by easily measured genetic mutations, and it's possible that finding a genetic cure for MD might lead to ways to make healthy babies more muscular, the panel said.
"And using the technology to increase someone's muscle strength to the extreme end of human capacity (or beyond) would almost certainly be considered enhancement," the report reads.
That's when people might need to start thinking about how far is too far to go in improving children.
Tests for so-called germline editing for people would be ethically acceptable if there were no reasonable alternatives; if it was being done to prevent a serious disease or condition and if the genes being changed were clearly shown to cause the condition, the panel recommended.
Any change should resemble naturally occurring genetic sequences, not introduce some exotic change to DNA, the panel added. Data should be openly shared and there should be oversight, it added.
Some of the better known genetic diseases include muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis and the premature aging disease progeria, but there are dozens more.
See the original post here:
Edited DNA OK for Health, But Not Designer Babies, Panel Says -
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DNA technology gives new face to decade-old cold case – The San Diego Union-Tribune
Posted: at 11:51 pm
For a decade, Art and Lois Serrin have desperately sought the identity of the man they found having sex with their daughter moments before discovering her lifeless body.
Now, innovative DNA technology may have finally revealed his face, officials said Tuesday.
Jodine Serrin, a 39-year-old Carlsbad woman with developmental disabilities, was found beaten and strangledin her condominiumon Feb. 14, 2007.DNA evidence collected from the bedroom where she was found was analyzed numerous times over the years, but it never led to a suspect.
Recently, detectives on the case submitted that DNA to Parabon NanoLabs,which has developed a test that transforms genetic material into a digital image of an unknown suspect.
Investigators believe its the first time the technology has been used in San Diego County, and called it a game changer for unsolved cases especially ones that have gone cold, like Jodine Serrins death.
Carlsbad police Chief Neil Gallucci said any tool that gets detectives one step closer to catching and prosecuting a suspect is a worthwhile investment.
"To create a profile that someone out there recognizes, that sparks even one phone call that helps our detectives thats an awesome possibility, he said.
The process, called phenotyping, uses DNA to predict a suspects skin color, eye color, hair color, gender, ancestry and face shape. It can even determine if someone has freckles or not.
According to the analysis, the man who killed Serrin has very fair to fair skin, green or blue eyes, blonde or brown hair and some freckles. He is likely in his 40s and of Northern European descent.
Using information from Jodine Serrins father, who may have caught a glimpse of the killer that Valentines Day night,police also believe the suspect is heavyset with a fat stomach and disheveled hair. He is between 5 feet 8 inches and 6 feet tall and likely has a history of mental health issues.
We believe the suspect was an acquaintance of, or had just met the victim, said Tony Johnson, an investigator with the San Diego District Attorneys Office.We believe there are friends of Jodine who will recognize the composite, and we urge them to call us.
Officials released the suspects imageon Tuesday, the 10th anniversary of Serrins death, and asked anyone with information to call (760) 931-2225. Her parents said the image has given them hope that their daughters murderer may one day be brought to justice.
We feel that somehow, somewhere hes out there and somebody knows something whatever that might be, it will help, said Art Serrin.Its been toughwaiting. Ten years is a long time.
Usually on the anniversary of their daughters death, the Carlsbad couple gets out of town to insulate themselves from anything that might remind them of that horrific day.
It was Valentines Day 2007. The parentswere celebrating the holiday at the movies, but Lois Serrin couldnt shake the feeling that something was wrong.
Although Jodine had lived independently for 15 years, she had mental disabilities that called for extra care. It was very unusual to go a day without hearing from her, and they hadnt spoken since the night before.
They left the theater before the movie was done and went to their daughters condominium on Swallow Lane. When they unlocked the door, a chainlock was in place. They called out to her, but there was no answer. Thats when Art Serrin kicked open the door.
The parents rushed in, and stumbled on their daughter apparently having sex with aman who looked vaguely familiar.Startled, they went to another part of the residence to wait, but their daughternever emerged.
When they peeked in on her again, she was dead and the man was gone.
Since then, the couple has partnered with police to solve the case.
They created a website where people could learn of the case and submit information. With help from the Governors Office, a reward of $52,000 was put together for anyone who provides information that leads to an arrest.
The couple is holding out hope that the new image will finally lead to their daughters killer.
We need to get this monster out of the woodwork and off the street, Art Serrin said. Thats whats kept me and my wife going.
Twitter: @LAWinkley
(619) 293-1546
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DNA technology gives new face to decade-old cold case - The San Diego Union-Tribune
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Diabetes in your DNA? Scientists zero in on the genetic signature of risk – U of M News Service
Posted: at 11:51 pm
The researchers' findings suggest that DNA variations linked to Type 2 diabetes interfere with the ability of Regulatory Factor X to bind to a "runway" of DNA before the start of various genes, and therefore with its ability to do its job in the reading of those genes.ANN ARBORWhy do some people get type 2 diabetes, while others who live the same lifestyle never do?
For decades, scientists have tried to solve this mysteryand have found more than 80 tiny DNA differences that seem to raise the risk of the disease in some people, or protect others from the damagingly high levels of blood sugar that are its hallmark.
But no one "type 2 diabetes signature" has emerged from this search.
Now, a team of scientists has reported a discovery that might explain how multiple genetic flaws can lead to the same disease. They've identified something that some of those diabetes-linked genetic defects have in common: they seem to change the way certain cells in the pancreas "read" their genes.
The discovery could eventually help lead to more personalized treatments for diabetes. But for now, it's the first demonstration that many type 2 diabetes-linked DNA changes have to do with the same DNA-reading molecule. Called Regulatory Factor X, or RFX, it's a master regulator for a number of genes.
The team reporting the findings in a new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences comes from the University of Michigan, National Institutes of Health, Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, University of North Carolina and University of Southern California.
They report that many diabetes-linked DNA changes affect the ability of RFX to bind to specific locations in the genomes of pancreas cell clusters called islets. And that in turn changes the cells' ability to carry out important functions.
Islets contain the cells that make hormones, including insulin and glucagon, which keep blood sugar balanced in healthy people. In people with diabetes, that regulation goes awryleading to a range of health problems that can develop over many years.
"We have found that many of the subtle DNA spelling differences that increase risk of type 2 diabetes appear to disrupt a common regulatory grammar in islet cells," said Stephen Parker, assistant professor of computational medicine and bioinformatics, and of human genetics, at the U-M Medical School. "RFX is probably unable to read the misspelled words, and this disruption of regulatory grammar plays a significant role in the genetic risk of type 2 diabetes."
Parker is one of four co-senior authors on the study, which also includes Michael Boehnke of the U-M School of Public Health's Department of Biostatistics; Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health; and Michael Stitzel of the Jackson Laboratory.
Prior to their current faculty positions Parker and Stitzel worked in Collins' lab at the National Human Genome Research Institute. Parker's graduate student, Arushi Varshney, is one of the study's co-first authors with Laura Scott and Ryan Welch of the U-M School of Public Health's Department of Biostatistics and Michael Erdos of the National Human Genome Research Institute.
They performed an extensive examination of DNA from islet samples isolated from 112 people. They characterized differences not just in DNA sequences, but also in the way DNA was packaged and modified by epigenetic factors, and the levels of gene expression products that indicated how often the genes had been read and transcribed.
This allowed them to track the "footprints" that RFX and other transcription factors leave on packaged DNA after they have done their job.
RFX and other factors don't bind directly to the part of a gene that encodes a protein that does a cellular job. Rather, they bind to a stretch of DNA near the genea runway of sorts. But when genetic changes linked to type 2 diabetes are present, that runway gets disrupted, and RFX can't bind as it should.
Each DNA change might alter this binding in a different way, leading to a slightly different effect on type 2 diabetes risk or blood sugar regulation. But the common factor for many of these changes was its effect on the area where RFX is predicted to bind, in the cells of pancreatic islets.
So, says Parker, this shows how the genomethe actual sequence of DNAcan influence the epigenome, or the factors that influence gene expression.
The researchers note that a deadly form of diabetes seen in a handful of babies born each year may be related to RFX mutations. That condition, called Mitchell-Riley syndrome, involves neonatal diabetes and malformed pancreas, and is known to be caused by a rare autosomal recessive mutation of one form of RFX.
In addition to co-senior and co-first authors listed above, the study's authors include a range of researchers from several institutions. The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health.
Parker is a 2014 recipient of the American Diabetes Association's Pathway to Stop Diabetes grant, a type of grant awarded annually by the American Diabetes Association to provide up to $1.625 million to each scientist over a five- to seven-year grant term to spur breakthroughs in clinical science, technology, diabetes care and potential cures. Since launching in 2013, Pathway has awarded more than $36 million to 23 leading scientists.
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Diabetes in your DNA? Scientists zero in on the genetic signature of risk - U of M News Service
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Cottrel: DNA test results a golden ticket for family history – Springfield News Sun
Posted: at 11:51 pm
We have all seen those advertisements on television. Spit here, scrape there and send the samples in to have your DNA analyzed.
But what really happens? What can you really learn?
There are a variety of tests available and each company has its merits. The company you choose will probably be determined by what you want to learn.
It may sound unfair but only men can have their yDNA studied, which will follow their male line from their father through his father through his father and so forth. Simply put, fathers pass the yDNA only to their sons, which makes them boys. This can follow family name, but not always.
People changed last names more often in past human history than they do now in this computer age. They changed spellings because they couldnt spell or they wanted to seem more English to blend in. There were adoptions, rapes, plagues, invasions and affairs. Children were orphaned, abandoned, kidnapped and rescued. There were indentures, slavery and people running away from their past. This was life then and our history. Dont be upset if you cannot follow a name very far. Just assume it was for a good purpose and move on.
In the yDNA test you can opt to have a 12, 25, 37, 64, or 111 marker test. Yep, each tiny yDNA has that many unique parts. Since 12 wasnt as specific as most people need, we opted to order the 37 marker test, which I recommend. We knew we could always upgrade if we wanted to later on.
If women want to follow their fathers yDNA, they will need to ask their brother, father, uncle or cousin with the same grandpa to take the test for them.
Men or women can have the mitochondrial DNA test which follows the line of their mothers mothers mother, etc. This changes family name every generation and is very difficult to follow, but you will learn regional origin for your motherly line.
One company will tell you if you are a carrier of genetic variances or of other health related issues. This group also claims to be able to predict things like lactose intolerance or baldness.
Most companies offer a general DNA study that gives an overall view. It is technically called autosomal DNA. This test determines your ancestors origins by percentage. Some of the tests divide this up by countries. Others are more general. If you want to know your Irish or Scots percentage see how these areas are reported by a company. Sometimes it just comes out as British Isles. You also need to remember that the borders of today are most likely not the borders of 300 years ago.
Research which test company is best for your needs. There are some great comparison sites online. Just do an online search or ask at the library for some articles on the subject.
My husband was the perfect test subject for the yDNA test. His father to son line had been in Ohio since 1836, and was solidly documented. We knew nothing of his paternal line before that.
We sent in his DNA sample with the name of the oldest man on his fathers male line, Gershom Cottrell, and waited.
First thing we learned is that the processing never goes as fast as you wish it would. In fact that month or six weeks or two month wait does not begin until they receive it and log the sample into their laboratory.
We have a good friend, a retired pathologist, who says the clinical crime shows on television drive him crazy. He blames these shows for misleading the public to believe that DNA can be analyzed instantaneously. Trust me, it takes awhile. Be patient. And if the lab is busy, it might take even longer.
Meanwhile, all the companies have either information-filled websites or literature you can request. Do yourself a favor. Read the basic stuff. Read the commonly asked questions. Look at the examples. Get familiar with the terms while you wait.
Then finally one day we got a message that the results were in and logged into the website.
Wow. We were amazed at how many relatives there were and, as predicted, how few had the same last name. There was obviously a lot of life going on in the family history way back then.
Since the company we chose included contact information for emails we planned on reaching out to the Cottrels on the list. However before we could, we got an email from New Jersey. It was Cousin Bob.
Turns out the Cottrells in New Jersey have an extra L at the end of their names and a very nice complicated tree with one dead end written in pencil. Gershom moved to Ohio 1836. For them my husband was the missing link.
Bob mailed us a copy of the tree. It covered our dining room table. We looked at the spot where we fit in and followed it up to Newport, Rhode Island, where my hubbys ancestor Nicholas Cottrell was one of the original settlers not long after the Pilgrims arrived.
Of course we had to take a trip to visit with our New Jersey cousins, Bob and Pat, and they showed us where the Cottrells had lived since 1700. Funny thing was they had the same canister set on their kitchen counter as we did. What were the odds of that? We hope to visit the family historical sites in Newport someday.
Now this is the dream come true for genetic genealogists, but it is the rare acorn. My husbands yDNA test results were like finding the golden ticket in a Willy Wonka bar. Most people just get the chocolate.
When the results get in you dont get a carefully designed scrap book like in some of those family history television programs. The test results are just the beginning of the process. Sometimes it sheds light, sometimes you connect with other researchers, and sometimes it is just downright frustrating like my Dads yDNA study, which I will tell you about later.
Next week, Ill let you know how some of our western Clark County neighbors have done with this new form of family research. Cannot wait to write more on this subject.
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Grant to help pave a big data highway to explore genome, enhance health – Penn State News
Posted: at 11:51 pm
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. A $6.1 million, five-year grant from the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases at the National Institutes of Health may help researchers leverage massive amounts of genomic data to develop medical treatments and pharmaceuticals, according to an international team of researchers.
The project called VISION or Validated Systematic Integration of Hematopoietic Epigenomes -- will integrate and functionally validate large amounts of emerging genomic and epigenetic data, according to Ross Hardison, T. Ming Chu Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Penn State and a member of the Genome Sciences Institute of the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences.
Hardison, who will lead the international multidisciplinary team, added that the group will try to develop new tools for using data to facilitate advances both in basic research as well as medical applications, such as precision medicine.
The project will focus on blood cell development as a model system for gene regulation in mammals. Blood cell development is vitally important to health because humans must continually replace old and damagedcells, and because many diseases, like leukemias and anemias, result from mis-regulation of gene expression during blood formation.
"We are excited about this project because the methods we are developing can be applied not only to diseases that affect blood, but others as well," Hardison said. "A person's genetic profile can have a significant impact on disease susceptibility and response to specific treatments. However, the critical genetic variants that make up that genetic profile most often do not code for protein, but rather they are located in the much larger noncoding genome. We are studying these noncoding regions and finding new ways to extract valuable information about functional elements within them, which in turn informs us about how genetic variants play a role in disease."
The results of the VISION project are being provided to the research community in readily accessible, web-based platforms and online tools that will allow researchers to extract meaningful, experimentally validated interpretations from the data andproduce a guide for investigators to translate insights from mouse models to human clinical studies.
Hardison is working with Cheryl Keller, project manager, Yu Zhang, associate professor of statistics, andFeng Yue, assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, College of Medicine, all at Penn State; Mitchell Weiss, chair of the department of hematology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital; Gerd Blobel, Professor of Pediactrics, University of Pennsylvania abd Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; James Taylor, associate professor of biology and associate professor of computer science, Johns Hopkins University; David Bodine, chief and senior investigator, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH; Berthold Gttgens, principal investigator and professor of haematology, Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge; Douglas Higgs, group head and principal investigator, and Jim Hughes, associate professor of genome biology, both of the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford University.
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Grant to help pave a big data highway to explore genome, enhance health - Penn State News
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Genome-edited humans get green light from expert panel – Ars Technica
Posted: at 11:51 pm
Editing the genomes of human embryos should be allowable to treat or prevent serious diseases and disabilitiesbut only amid stringent oversight and safety protocols and only if no reasonable alternatives existaccording to a reportreleased Tuesday by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine.
The expert panel22 of the worlds leading experts on genetics, bioethics, medicine, and lawis still completely opposed to such efforts. But amid new, powerful genome-editing tools, such as CRISPR/Cas9, the experts were forced to reconsider genome editings potential for good.
Human genome editing holds tremendous promise for understanding, treating, or preventing many devastating genetic diseases, and for improving treatment of many other illnesses, Alta Charo, co-chair of the panel and a professor of law and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said in a statement.
But critics say this endorsement may help legitimize irresponsible applications. This opens the door to advertisements from fertility clinics of giving your child the best start in life with a gene-editing packet, Marcy Darnovsky, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, a public interest group based in California, told The New York Times.
For now, the discussion is all theoretical. Though technology is advancing swiftly, real human applications and clinical trials are still years away. In the meantime, the panel recommends that policy makers foster public discussion and engagement on the issues to make sure that any new rules account for social, ethical, and legal considerations.
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