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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Mark Cuban: Universal Basic Income Is One of the Worst Possible Responses to Automation – Futurism

Posted: February 23, 2017 at 12:40 pm

In Brief

When business mogul Mark Cuban tweeted his concerns over the imminent unemployment that could stem from increased automation, Scott Santens assumed that the Dallas Mavericks owner was out to support universal basic income (UBI). Santens, a UBI advocate, replied to Cubans tweet, welcoming Cubaninto Team #Basicincome. Cuban, however, flat out responded by saying that he wasnt in favor of UBI. I think its one of the worst possible responses, he replied to Santens.

In the above conversation, Santens tried to convince Cuban of the merits of a UBI program. One of the arguments he put forward is what he calls the entrepreneurial effect of basic income. Cuban replied, saying that he has spent a lot of time looking at [UBI]. I dont see those countries [running a basic income program] as being apples to apples. Cuban also said that there are existing safety net programs today that need to be more efficient so more money can be distributed with far less overhead.

Under a UBI program, citizens receive a fixed, regular income from the government regardless of their financial background, employment status, or other qualities. The only qualification is that the recipients are citizens, and typically that they are of legal adult age. One reason behind testing a basic income program, proponents argue, is that it offers a better alternative to existing social welfare programs. Santens told Cuban that current welfare programs create disincentives for people to seek jobs. Cuban said its something that can be fixed.

UBI isnt a new idea. Recent concerns over job displacement due to automation, however, have given the UBI discussion a new spark. UBI advocates include economists from various countries and some of the tech industrys top leaders.

As of today, there are also several pilot programs running basic income setups. Theres one in Finland, one in Kenya through a charity organization called GiveDirectly, and there is even one thats blockchain-based courtesy of Grantcoin.

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Mark Cuban: Universal Basic Income Is One of the Worst Possible Responses to Automation - Futurism

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Watch the World’s First Rideable Hoverbike in Flight – Futurism

Posted: at 12:40 pm

In Brief

A Russian drone start-up called Hoversurf just posted a video unveiling a prototype for a single-seat aircraft that you can drive yourself.

Dubbed the Scorpion-3, the electric-powered hoverbike is capable of lifting itselfand a driver into the air. It combines a traditional motorcycle design with quadcopter technology, allowing both professionals and amateurs to easily control and maneuver the vehicle.

Using proprietary software, the company is able to limit the range and velocity of the hoverbike to ensure the safety of the driver. Aesthetically, the vehicle was inspired by the heavy-duty motorbike frames typically used in extreme games. The difference is that the Scorpion-3 has the ability to surf through the air by changing altitude and direction, its creatorsexplain on their website.

While it is the first manned quadcopter that has undergone testing, the Scorpion-3 isnt the only one that has been built so far.

Dubai is hoping that it will be able to launch a self-driving hover-taxi in a few months, which will be used to support an official public transport service by the middle of the year. The U.S. military, in partnership with Malloy Aeronautics, also has a prototype for a hoverbike that can help resupply soldiers on the battlefield. Meanwhile,Aerofex has a passenger-ready, low-altitude vehicle called the Aero-X that has the potential to be used for everything from leisure to search-and-rescue missions.

Hoversurf wants to position the Scorpion-3 for extreme sports,but an airborne vehicle with exposed propeller blades can prove to be a little unnerving, even for the most experienced X-gamer. With a little more refinement, though, the company should have no trouble meeting its goals.

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NASA Just Found A Solar System With 7 Earth-Like Planets – Futurism

Posted: at 12:40 pm

In Brief Astronomers just announced a breaking discovery that has a monumental impact on life beyond Earth: A planetary system with a number of Earth-sized planets that could host liquid water and, thus, life. An Ocean of Worlds

Today, scientists working with telescopes at the European Southern Observatory and NASA announced a remarkable new discovery: An entire system of Earth-sized planets. If thats not enough, the team asserts that the density measurements of the planets indicates that the six innermost are Earth-like rocky worlds.

And thats just the beginning.

Three of the planets lie in the stars habitable zone. If you arent familiar with the term, the habitable zone (also known as the goldilocks zone) is the region surrounding a star in which liquid water could theoretically exist. This means that all three of these alien worlds may have entire oceans of water, dramatically increasing the possibility oflife. The other planets are less likely to host oceans of water, but the team states that liquid water is still a possibility on each of these worlds.

Summing the work, lead author Michal Gillon notes that this solar system has the largest number of Earth-sized planets yet found and the largest number of worlds that could support liquid water: This is an amazing planetary system not only because we have found so many planets, but because they are all surprisingly similar in size to the Earth!

Co-author Amaury Triaud notes that the star in this system is an ultracool dwarf, and he clarifies what this means in relation to the planets: The energy output from dwarf stars like TRAPPIST-1 is much weaker than that of our Sun. Planets would need to be in far closer orbits than we see in the Solar System if there is to be surface water. Fortunately, it seems that this kind of compact configuration is just what we see around TRAPPIST-1.

The system is just 40 light-years away. On a cosmic scale, thats right next door. Of course, practically speaking, it would still take us hundreds of millions of years to get there with todays technology but again, it is notable in that the find speaks volumes about the potential for life-as-we-know-it beyond Earth.

Moreover, the technology of tomorrow could get us to this systema lot faster.

These new discoveries ultimately mean that TRAPPIST-1 is of monumental importance for future study. The Hubble Space Telescope is already being used to search for atmospheres around the planets, and Emmanul Jehin, a scientist who also worked on the research, asserts that future telescopes could allow us to truly see into the heart of this system: With the upcoming generation of telescopes, such as ESOs European Extremely Large Telescope and the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, we will soon be able to search for water and perhaps even evidence of life on these worlds.

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Scientists Uncover Genes That May Help Combat Aging and Disease – Futurism

Posted: at 12:40 pm

Late-Life Cyclers

Scientists and physicians alike agree that the circadian cycle, an organismsbiological clock, plays an important role in keeping the body healthy. Now, researchers from Oregon State University (OSU) have uncovered another reason why disrupting this cycle is bad for your health.

Led by OSU graduate student Rachael Kuintzle, the researchers discovered that a subset of genes associated with the circadian cycle become active only later in life or during periods of intense stress. Kunitzles team identified at least 25 such genes, which she dubbed late-life cyclers, or LLCs. The team wasnt able to determine the exact functions of all of the genes, but theywere able to link them to aging.

According to OSU professor Jadwiga Giebultowicz, co-author of the study, which was published today in the journal Nature Communications, This class of LLC genes appear to become active and respond to some of the stresses most common in aging, such as cellular and molecular damage, oxidative stress, or even some disease states.

The team found that age-related stresses arent the only things that activate these LLCs any kind of stress will do the trick just as well. In experiments where we created artificial oxidative stress in young fruit flies, the LLC genes were rhythmically activated,said researcher Eileen Chow. Some of these same genes are known to be more active in people who have cancer. They appear to be a double-edged sword, necessary during times of stress but possibly harmful if activated all the time.

As the OSU researchers note, constantly disrupting the circadian cycle can negatively affect our bodies natural processes and lead to a host of problems. Aging is associated with neural degeneration, loss of memory, and other problems, which are exacerbated if clock function is experimentally disrupted, said Giebultowicz. The LLC genes are part of the natural response to that, and do what they can to help protect the nervous system.

Discovery of LLC genes may provide a missing link, the answer to why the disruption of circadian clocks accelerates aging symptoms, added researcher David Hendrix.

With so many studies focused on treatingaging as a disease, perhaps further research involving LLCs can help efforts to reverse or halt aging completely.Furthermore, because LLC genes are found throughout the nervous system and peripheral organs, they tend to affect more than just sleep and stress reaction, but also feeding patterns, DNA repair, fertility, and even the effectiveness of medications. Clearly, the impact of the OSU teams research could be very far-reaching.

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Researchers Have Found a Way to Delay Aging – Futurism

Posted: at 12:40 pm

Focusing on the Cells Power House

More and more, scientists are becoming convinced thataging is a disease that can be stopped or, at least, slowed. Recently, researchers from Russia and Sweden investigated this idea furtherin a joint study byLomonosov Moscow State University and Stockholm University. Their study, published in the journal Aging, focuses on the role of mitochondria in the aging of organisms.

Under the leadership of renowned Russian biologist Vladimir Skulachev, the researchers experimented with a special strain of genetically-modified mice. A single mutation was introduced into the genome of these mice, which were created and characterized in Sweden. This mutation substantially accelerated mitochondrial mutagenesis. Instead of living more than two years, these mutated mice lived less than a year, and developed many age-related diseases and defects clearly indicating that these were caused by aging.

The researchers treated a group of 100-day-old genetically modified mice with a synthetic compound called SkQ1, an artificial antioxidant that targets the mitochondria. SkQ1 was developed in Moscow State University in Skulachevs lab. The SkQ1 was added into the drinking water of these mice, while a separate control group were given pure water. By the time the mice aged 200-250 days, the control group had aged rapidly and lost weight, experienced a decrease in body weight and temperature, had osteoporosis, and were developing alopecia. There was also a decrease in mobility and oxygen intake all signs of aging. On the other hand, these traits were dramatically decelerated for the mice treated with SkQ1.

The results of the study show that mitochondria indeed play a key role in aging. This work is quite valuable from both theoretical and practical points of view. First, it clearly demonstrates the key role of mitochondrially produced reactive oxygen species in the process of aging of mammals, Skulachev explained. At the same time our study opens the way to the treatment of aging with mitochondrially targeted antioxidants.

With these promising results, Skulachev is already working on developing potential drug treatments based on SkQ1. One is an eye drop called Visomitin, which has already been approved in Russia and has passed phase 2 clinical trials in the U.S. Another project currently in development is an oral version of SkQ1. In Russia, this drug is now on clinical trials. If all goes well and as expected, the drug can be approved for public use within 2-3 years.

These arent the only anti-aging efforts around. Other institutions, like the San Francisco-based startup Unity Biotechnology, are looking to understand the mechanisms of cellular senescence and slow down aging. Still others are relying on stem cell technology to regenerate human tissue damaged by aging or disease. One Nobel laureate thinksthe secret is in lengthening telomeres. With these studies around, we may just be able to soon slow down human aging or even stop it altogether.

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China is Using Drones Equipped With Flamethrowers for an Unexpected Purpose – Futurism

Posted: at 12:40 pm

In Brief

Year after year, we witness drones becoming more multifaceted in functionality. From artificial pollinationto performing at halftime during the Super Bowl drones have become just as diverse as the society that created them. This is nowtruer than ever, as China has recently equipped drones with flamethrowers for the benefit of the public.

A power company in Xiangyang, China has establisheda hot, new way to clean power lines. Rather than having people try to reach the far corners of the city scrapingoff caked-on debris thats been lodged in hard-to-reach-spots, the power company will now have drones perform this task.

While this seems dangerous, the use of drones seems to actually besafer than the previous protocol. Before, maintenance workers would risk their lives to clean power lines, climbing upwards of 10 meters (32 feet) into the air while risking electrocution with each step. While the use of a flamethrower may require more frequent cable replacements, the metal power lines willnot be harmed by the flames.

The 11kg drones have officially made their fiery debut, reminding us that while this might mean fewer maintenance jobs, technology, and flamethrowers, can improve safety.

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China is Using Drones Equipped With Flamethrowers for an Unexpected Purpose - Futurism

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Futurist Jason Silva Brings ‘Awestruck’ To NZ This June – (press release)

Posted: at 12:40 pm


Think Inc. Present: Awestruck with Jason Silva Thursday June 15, ASB Waterfront Theatre Tickets available now from Eventfinda

We are gods. Our tools make us gods. In symbiosis with our technology, our powers are expanding and so, too, our possibilities.

In June 2017 Think Inc., in association with AUT, Loop and National Geographic Channel, are excited to bring to New Zealand, for the first time, futurist and explorer of the metaphysics of imagination, Jason Silva. Described as a modern performance philosopher, Silva is set to expound on the power of science, technology, philosophy and creativity in Auckland as he challenges creativity, innovation, the co-evolution of human and technology, existentialism and the human condition.

Awestruck with Jason Silva will see Silva pull from a vast mental repository of tech knowledge to create an exhilarating, immediate experience. A self-described wonder junkie, performance philosopher, and idea-DJ, Silva has gained a huge following for his popularising takes on philosophy and the thrilling possibilities of creativity and technology. Futurist and epiphany addict, Silva likes ideas, their tenacity, flexibility, their contagious nature, their impact and their ability to expand, procreate and evolve into new ideas.

As the Emmy-nominated host of National Geographic Channels #1 rated and Emmy-nominated series Brain Games, Silva left audiences in state of wonderment, and has been responsible for a number of Ted talks. Like all the best communicators, Silvas strength is a tangible excitement for his subject matter.

Silva is the creator of the short film series Shots of Awe, which serves up invigorating shots of philosophical espresso in a format designed to be short, infectious and easily spread - think of them as inspired nuggets of techno-rapture. In the collection of videos, Silva invites audiences to share his glee in the rising and wondrous role of technology in amplifying intelligence and creativity.

We use our tools to extend our range of possibilities, we use our tools to extend our reach, to extend the impact on our consciousness, to extend our will. Technology is the human imagination turned inside out.

In June, let Think Inc. and Jason Silva pull you out of your intellectual comfort zone and launch you into a flight of possibilities.

Think Inc. Present: Awestruck with Jason Silva Brought to you by AUT, Loop & National Geographic Thursday June 15, ASB Waterfront Theatre

Doors 6:30pm / Show: 7.30pm / Ends 9.30pm

Tickets available now from EventfindaFor more info, head to Think Inc.

Scoop Media

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Virtual Reality Comes to the Space Station – Air & Space Magazine

Posted: February 22, 2017 at 3:51 am

Andrei Borisenko filming one of his 360-degree tours of the space station. February 21, 2017 3:15PM

Packed inside a Dragon cargo ship scheduled to dock with the space station tomorrow morning is a technology that, for all the attention it gets on Earth, has yet to be tried in orbit: an Oculus Rift headset, modified and certified for use in space.

The French space agency CNES sent up the headset and associated hardwaretogether called Perspectivesfor use in neuroscience experiments to be conducted by French astronaut Thomas Pesquet. American and European astronauts have used clunky, custom-built VR rigs on the station, but this is the first of the modern, high-end commercial VR headsets to go up. The Perspectives system will remain on the station for future astronaut studies.

It wasnt easy getting the hardware approved for spaceflight, says Maurice Marnat, who works for the MEDES Institute for Space Medicine and Physiology at the CNES CADMOS laboratory in Toulouse. Engineers first had to make sure the Oculus headset could pass safety tests regarding flammability and shatter-proofing (fortunately the lenses are plastic, not glass).

The stations onboard laptopsnewly arrived HP Zbooksare powerful by past space standards, says Marnat, but are not ideal for VR, which demands a lot of computing power. But theyll do for now. The engineers also couldnt use Oculus own Constellation infrared head-tracking system on the station, so they adapted a European head-tracker used for previous space experiments. Then they had to test the whole thing on zero-G airplane flights to make sure the magnetometer and other position sensors would work in the absence of gravity.

Pesquet will use the Perspectives headset in an experiment called GRASP, which tests a weightless subjects perceptions when reaching for virtual objects.

The ESA astronaut, who has been living on the station since November, also has been shooting 360-degree videos with a Giroptic camera. CNES and ESA expect to post Pesquets VR videos online within the next week or so.

They wont be the first, however. The Russian space agency Roskosmos, in cooperation with the Russia Today TV network, has been posting a series of 360-degree video tours of the space stations different elements [YouTube channel] by cosmonaut Andrei Borisenko, who does a pretty good job of adapting the typical astronaut tour for VR.

360-degree cameras like Giroptics and the one used by Borisenko are still fairly low-resolution, which leaves us still waiting for the day when, goggles strapped on head, well feel like were floating right there alongside the astronauts. U.S. astronauts have shot some experimental ultra-high-definition footage, and NASA and Oculus are looking into routinely filming high-resolution 360 video on the station, but they havent yet finalized their plans.

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India capable of building its own space station: ISRO chief – Mashable

Posted: at 3:51 am

India capable of building its own space station: ISRO chief
India's space agency has time and again set world records and earned praises for operating on thin budgets. But one thing that many space enthusiasts in the country have longed for but haven't seen getting materialised is a space station they could ...
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India capable of building its own space station: ISRO chief - Mashable

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Spectacular SpaceX Space Station Launch and 1st Stage Landing Photo/Video Gallery – Universe Today

Posted: at 3:51 am

Universe Today
Spectacular SpaceX Space Station Launch and 1st Stage Landing Photo/Video Gallery
Universe Today
Historic maiden blastoff of SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center) at 9:38 a.m. EDT on Feb 19, 2017, on Dragon CRS-10 resupply mission to the International Space Station (ISS) for NASA. Credit: Ken ...
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