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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Chinese official calls for easing of internet censorship – The Guardian

Posted: March 4, 2017 at 12:45 am

China restricts outside websites including Google. Photograph: Sinopix/REX

Chinas sprawling internet censorship regime is harming the countrys economic and scientific progress, a senior official has said in a rare public rebuke of longstanding Communist party policy.

Internet restrictions had also cooled enthusiasm among overseas investors and should be relaxed for politically innocuous content, said Luo Fuhe, vice-chairman of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, the top advisory body to Chinas rubber-stamp parliament.

It is a rare criticism of the countrys censorship policies, which have become more severe since Xi Jinping assumed power in 2012.

China operates one of the worlds most sophisticated and far-reaching internet censorship systems. Known as the Great Firewall, it completely blocks many foreign websites including Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

China was the worst abuser of internet freedom in 2016, ranking lower than Syria and Iran, according to a report by Freedom House. Aside from banned websites, censors frequently delete comments deemed politically sensitive from social media, and posts have led to jail time in some cases.

From within China, attempting to visit to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization or a lot of foreign university website is very slow, Luo said. Opening each page takes at least 10-20 seconds and some foreign university sites need more than half an hour to open.

Slow internet speeds and the increasing number of banned sites would have a significant impact on Chinas economic and social development and scientific research, Luo said.

Some researches rely on software to climb over the firewall to complete their own research tasks. This is not normal, Luo added.

Luo, a former scientific development official, said he hoped to work with others to introduce legislation lifting the ban on websites that are not politically sensitive and are necessary for scientific purposes.

His chances would appear to be slim. Censorship has increased in recent years with Chinas leadership advocating for what it calls internet sovereignty, a doctrine that encourages nations to aggressively police what is allowed to enter each country over the internet.

China will open the annual session of parliament, the National Peoples Congress, on 5 March.

Chinese official calls for easing of internet censorship - The Guardian

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Censorship at the arXiv: endorsements, and even publication won’t matter. – Science 2.0

Posted: at 12:45 am

The (said as archive) is one of the oldest websites on the internet and serves as a curated collection of scholarly preprints submitted by recognized scientist. I even have a paper there on massive star formation (arXiv:1311.3983). I tried to publish in another area and they say submit to a journal and get feedback. Then a favorable review isnt enough, so I need to get it published. Then in a subsequent email from them, I must get it published in a mainstream journal with no guarantee that being published in any journal would do the trick.

What is arXiv, why they moderate, and why that can go wrong.

The arXiv has to maintain a certain standard for a reason. The value of arXiv is that it provides a copy of papers that cost money either way. That means it is moderated. This is a reasonable thing to do. There is also an appeals process which is supposed to avoid abuses. However, when moderation devolves into unreasoned censorship and even doing what they tell you to get a paper up there may not sway them someone has to call it what it is.

So, I get endorsements, twice, that is not so unusual.

They ask that I submit to a peer reviewed journal for the requisite feedback. I get back a review from Science/Nature (does not matter which one) a long detailed review stating that the paper is not bad, and would be of interest to a small audience. Just not a big enough audience for Nature/Science.

Then arxiv says they need for it to be published in a mainstream journal. I ask for clarification of just what comprises a mainstream journal which would ensure acceptance on arXiv. Then I get this.

So even if I did what they asked it would probably not be enough. Supposed I submitted to another Nature/Science journal more focused on a specialty . What would the result be. I could never pay an open access fee for such a journal it would be too much. So even if I got it published in Nature/Science or a journal in one of those families that may not be enough. Hypothetically acceptance in Nature/Science wouldn't be enough for them.

Whats the big deal?

In this day and age most papers, in the fields of Physics, and Astronomy, are published open access in some form or fashion.

In this climate being published in a paywalled, traditional, and what I surmise they mean by mainstream, format is little better than not being published at all.

If one is browsing for papers on their Ipad, or phone or other device and has to pay they are not going to read it. If one has to even enter university library credentials that can be a pain in the rump many will simply avoid.

The assumption that serious researchers would be reading on a computer, on a campus, logged into a university or national lab IT system, etc is from the early 2000s or really the 1990s.

Philosophically, I believe in open access and I believe in public, post publication, peer review. The peoples taxes pay my salary, and for my retirement, and whos taxes loaned me money for school and pay for the facilities I rely on. They shouldnt have to pay Springer or Elsevier $30 bucks to read my work. If anything I should pay them to host it.

As for public, peer review, post publication, the attitude of the arXiv moderators shows why thats needed. It is possible to be frank, honest, and negative, without being unreasonable or insulting. Having to be publicly accountable for ones words ensures fairness in the process. Individual researchers are then free to use their own judgement on the pros and cons of a paper and contribute to the flow of ideas that will lead ultimately to greater knowledge accepting or rejecting all or part of a paper individually. The mainstream and traditional process is based on authority and belongs to a past era of paper and ink not hard drives and internet.

The bottom line

Yes, the arXiv does in fact censor ideas that dont fit the taste of the moderators. Even if those ideas have been found acceptable enough to publish, or have at a conference. . Yet they accepted how many papers about faster than light neutrino physics based on a clearly obviously flawed set up? Accepting those and not papers like mine which have a prayer of being right and propose an experiment to prove or disprove them is not scientific moderation. What that is is art criticism based on ones feelings about an idea without reasons and logic. That is the essence of censorship, not moderation.

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Censorship at the arXiv: endorsements, and even publication won't matter. - Science 2.0

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Censorship, in all its forms, is damaging – Wicked Local Boxford

Posted: at 12:45 am

Censorship, whether at a broader or more personal scale, ultimately leaves society with more harm done than good.

Everyone would agree that censoring society from potential evils protects and benefits the people in the long run, wouldnt they? Of course, they wouldnt. Censorship, whether at a broader or more personal scale, ultimately leaves society with more harm done than good.

Though I may not be proud of it, I have experienced censorship firsthand. Witnessing an innocent little boy being bullied by my friend in our local library didnt seem to trigger my preteen brain to spring into action. Not realizing the full severity of the situation, I decided to censor my words and actions in order to not lose my friend. Though I grew to learn that my decision was incorrect, I negatively impacted society by letting a bullying situation go untouched. I could have easily stopped this incident, if not for my personal censorship.

American author Charles Bukowski told how censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others. Their fear is only their inability to face what is real, and I can't vent any anger against them. I only feel this appalling sadness. Somewhere, in their upbringing, they were shielded against the total facts of our existence (Bukowski, Charles Bukowski on Censorship).

Essentially, hes describing the simple principle of how censoring is only us pushing away reality, and it is unhealthy for us to do so. Chinas censorship of critical health information validates Bukowskis beliefs that censorship is used by those who want to intentionally withhold facts from others. In 2012, the World Health Organization estimated that about 4,000 people died each day in China due to severe air pollution, a devastating7 million each year (Jolley, End the censorship). Chinese citizens reacting to this created Under the Dome, a documentary created to grow awareness of this increasing health issue. However, the film, as well as posts regarding it, were deleted from the public eye. The Chinese government was trying to protect their image by not having society understand this issue, though it truly hurt China as a whole in the long run, considering this problem continued to worsen at the expense of human life. Meanwhile, President Xi announced that he was fully involved in cleaning this polluted air and expected all his people to be as well (Jolley, End the censorship). However, that idea of society helping out is unattainable considering how people arent even allowed to discuss it openly. This unnecessary censorship put not only China but also bordering nations at risk, considering how air doesnt remain within borders.

Another excellent example of censorship harming society revolves around global warming. It's well known in the media how burning fossil fuels and emitting carbon dioxide adds to the gradual worsening of the climate, though its barely known how arctic ice sheets containing tons of methane are melting extremely fast in some locations (Redmond, The Top 10 Stories The Mainstream Media Didnt Want You To Hear About In 2015). As methane enters the atmosphere as ice melts, it damages the environment much more than carbon dioxide would. American Journalist Dahr Jamail stated that a 2013 study, published in Nature, reported that a 50-giganton burp of methane is highly possible at any time, and that would be the equivalent of at least 1,000 gigatons of carbon dioxide...since 1850, humans have released a total of approximately 1,475 gigatons in carbon dioxide (Redmond, The Top 10 Stories The Mainstream Media Didnt Want You To Hear About In 2015). He also spoke about how a massive, sudden change in methane levels could, in turn, lead to temperature increases of four to six degrees Celsius in just one or two decades - a rapid rate of climate change to which human agriculture, and ecosystems more generally, could not readily adapt (Redmond, The Top 10 Stories The Mainstream Media Didnt Want You To Hear About In 2015). Since this isnt talked about in the news, the majority of society is unaware of how terrifying this situation is and that it is happening right now. The media believe that they are helping by keeping the people in the dark about this horrible issue, though it only leaves us without the knowledge to stop it.

Taking away books from the public is another form of censorship that is incredibly hurtful toward society. Judy Blume, an American writer, notes how tragic the idea is that there are some books that will never be read. And all due to the fear of censorship. As always, young readers will be the real losers (Blume, Judy Blume Talks About Censorship) When books are taken away from society, this unexplainable connection we have to books is cut, as well as the possible knowledge that it could provide us.

There are multiple forms of censorship that are damaging to society and individual life. Whether it be a countrys government withholding critical health information, or swallowing your words when witnessing an act of bullying, censorship is detrimental toward people on both sides of the act. Overall, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel the need to censor your voice or opinion out of fear that you may harm others, remember that your censorship will only do more damage to both sides in the end.

Katie O'Brien

Tyler Lane


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Censorship, in all its forms, is damaging - Wicked Local Boxford

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The Real K&C The Wheel of Choice, censorship & slobbery 3-3-17 –

Posted: at 12:45 am

Friday marked the third it's the real okay NC I would daresay first for the real case he probably can't hear Chris Curtis we are in the air studio I was rattled as an American. Sheila alliance it was just the kind of a cluster (%expletive) finish but it bumps from our normal studio but the soccer cat. Welcome on into the WEE guys' soccer cast and I'm too nice of you got to tell you all in the other room Alex is a good guy Alex does those guys are in every week joining me on the phone as always rusk gold and how we doing today era I was not aware it's 10 o'clock until nicely got to say it is the real okay NC this pissed off many in the office I know he's pissed that I'm not this who. Who who I didn't booted out these pissed that he's the only one that's this about the soccer cast giving clearance over and then that's sort of set up the whole thing happened to. A good show or not I couldn't see the force of the trees I enjoyed it this was a classic example of us having. Pretty much all the sound ready we had multiple podcast come up we have the die to broadcast. The crevice podcast per easily just hide in the studio we had some reaction to Paula cap predict there. They we learned Colin Capp permit will change his stance on the National Anthem is sol where do you stand. You wish you just it is Tom. And we start the show with. The new Comcast TV show. Right into Michael polish right Pauly or remain in his day job as an afternoon drive host at WE I the program will air at 9 PM to midnight every weeknight. It is how the every night every night and here's how to buy the network is a cross section of opinion. Information and Feingold signal that that is a secret other management 10 on information and final like god. What price information once. Opinion opinion who well late edge really good ripping on Paulie you know we can do a good job as an afternoon drive time this would Wear me costs. And be the fact that once again the afternoon show has an opportunity. To address and massive story and chooses to avoid. Good radio went over Sharkey part it's a Madonna I missed I missed a completely. At the very fair point I don't know of keep herta is usually a way to the party maybe Pete can tellem today you're in the men they have Pope blessed I like the first hour of the show they got us into it a a new staple possibly the real choice of the real choice was. Cross section of opinion information fondness that struck me as that's that's a good idea for she asks what's been the wields in the Boston sports night we'd like to. Curtis and into. One couldn't we have information. Cool yeah. Well as always but for the first hour is coming applaud and good. That's rock that's a so like Curtis for I guess an hour at the action headlines. Was feisty today Jeff Sessions Obama take down art and all classless. 44 president is now. In. As a full time job out of his mansion as he eyes as he doing his job is to bring down at trump how's he doing discredit trump as he doing it. As to what what does he do you just have a that's tied to sessions has its. You were trying to weigh in with did you at any real idea what Obama's plan was called Kirk won at a group names of and in their creativity surrogacy to save his legacy Valerie Jarrett as we've operation hours from our Daily Mail. To the name of it to be honest the budget would come up with one IE I said the insurgency. Apparently. It's but he got a lot of hours of I was reading the word insurgency in front of me in a story by the Daily Mail put he'll Bonnie insert my two Brothers. And a crock pot but kinda does his voice back in that segment kind of set that one a little bit these how realistic do you. I'm not sure the the former president is directing it. But it was Martin no win situation Megan and appalled at what he thought he briefly bigger and gave him shoot at the end of the segments or you we've been here while he was called Jerry Jude right he's called Jerry Julia I'm surprised and disappointed disappointed I. YUN the generalized and can't handle it can help us and your journey one that I'm the one analyst agrees with me because Sophie gets into starts depending Jerry Kirk shoots over him for just being you know try to deter his approval and -- doesn't ways and Denny's killed for not being a part of the segment and this. Oh we can't violence. After that Kirk got upset we had a debate. Behind the glass it was a miscommunication or off that is would markets upset which does lead do you could come in and discussed coming out some internal podcasts out he was with your obvious you were able to dig deep and led. Kirk exhaust you that was our kind of a tentative plan right I tried to read the situation at the line of scrimmage. Kirk looked at me when there was no audio playing I thought let's hold off people who are obviously is he started ago and he asked me oh no sound of art. I'm guessing that I responded in his ear which is a mistake. Hey I'm so happy that which. Jesus with him here semen got a and then. At the end Latvians at all I thought he threw a break yet. The break completely yet I think there's one would get to that we get execs want separate 779790. Three's. This thought of the downward spiral for me at least just from from 8 o'clock on I was at. It was salute the start the segment Kirk came back from getting his cocoa puffs. Yeah they put it again new sugar cereals eggs from cocoa Cory Coco Crisp user policy and I ask them a sedate you wanna do this year we get into orcas drill a point there we're gonna get between the show was a relic. I'm gonna metallic podcasters and thanks to us. In his appearance. Obviously nick Kurt and Callahan nothing helps like your personal brands like arguably they're stronger. But today with the shorts and we deploy this new parliament so yeah whatever sure so I've really that Cuba were literally within seconds of coming back from the break at that point. And then you were sort of Reading Kirk with user instinct there. Is that nobody in their car knows who kept who. The people with podcasts arbiter of course that's off lower staples and so welcome back persona as everybody knows who you speak. Right and that's on the Kircus WI about saying you know why would you do that why would you place out of nova in the car knows it is so I understand were reflecting on our. But guess. Kirk pause was anticipating a sound Lagos and flipped out because of that the I it's his rhetorical question in easier shot hop Jesus. And that is no fun and in the segment and anybody cot this actually well he started to get the phone number up we are going to break each. Happy and this week by anchors one we'll get to that league execs want separate 779790. Three's. Eluded him the talk practice say in what the (%expletive) you doing. And them was not pleased with there routes and. Yes that we had a commercial spot that did run. Where was scheduled not their fault com. We recorded it in another studio Paul's intern barged in and for the first on Kirk is seen posted there. Bob is the state. You need chat on a first look so curt saddened that. The ball Augusta I had no idea what is the order to reflect the volume with the X 600 possible to be looking at Leo like what am I doing I'd never see in person before. It's appalled six months to get and we're happy he got the progress we've put it. Lessons challenge like that interns from. I don't know that likelier to crack or. Trade violence all could be. I'm not a violent person so we barged in Colombia the I don't know Imus just literature capitol of her sisters stories now can. Where are the reasons why the world is ending another one yesterday we finished the show. And I thought yesterday I was going to go to was a client yet I -- has declined for Kirk or Kirk and get some talking points near my house there will be no big deal turns out today so what bump into the sales lady who's in charge of this account is expecting me there and I don't know I don't go to a lot of these I just threw out there are saying you know always there like some sort of a dress code or Alamo like with me. Yet you've. Is this okay as things went well I was wearing us there was a vineyard vines shirt and you're very typical Michael J. Fox puff for code which where you're totally hard though I'm not hipster and she said well don't like hustle law. Look over for for her and in a way Kirk for the show that you know about it. I or you get matches are out. I see it if I do but I don't know it's the point is is that this is nothing but driving to Dorchester just because like I happen to be in the neighborhood doing it because at master I'm happy to do it. Told him. I've been told to and part of this I just wanna I'm going there aren't a lot of the around people in suits or jackets or should be wearing slacks I don't know. It's like a pretty logical question in the roots it's just so rude and condescending like. Oh. IC meant it to be that out of its out its its its name offers yet like I'm a teenager. Like us off. That the go marshals pigs slobs and dogs anyway and then click back bogeys and whatever I can. It's what you can only hear from these people when when anything goes wrong. You never hear from them when you're getting fourteen the number one rated show on the market. When there are sold out spots because of the success of the show you never hear a peep from them. One spots out of place. Or one thing is is not right and you have an email chain with 300 people on that under selling minicamp to be nice to know the bank Q once in awhile but thanks for the show running smoothly today they Vicksburg. Doing a fifteen and you know giving me new. Hey hey hey back on us but let's walk the course where during Thursday's anymore I will say we've added outpouring of support. On social media I get at least two tweets that comedy you've got pepper is that the five is like at three in the last report it is people saying freed or brought freedom bombarded yeah open kitchen he's getting crushed free the real king at CB one of five days a week you know people drops in their head. Makes me happy that does make you proud legacy we've created a we have got back to three days a week. Soccer cast is going to be five days and yet it's been teaching did sit down with revolution center in mid Scotty Caldwell for 1005 AM and holidays going on yard are coming up the search for us Paul's in turn is coming out of podcast also turn has missed the door. I understand people that are hurting out there we have to look back the Thursday it out to. So it's up twice a week now we're going to be double recapture. One of two days kept. What was the big take any day I think probably the most viral sound if there were to be some. Would be the wheel on we will choice the real fun. Part two might be album from Rhode Island totally. And plus. If we you know we're together quite quite. Would have secured it they'll grow peak unfortunately. That the joke was taken the wrong way that's I was joking. You were not sure why not lower at you like salaries. She's right on. Such an idiot. Such community well teams not the right term woody do leaders seek he claims dual slider try to play a joke on us or the guy doesn't have a funny bone and what he has no ability to laugh at quarter to take anything as it's like personal satire or sarcasm there is no. Mean talk about miserable human being which proves that he was telling the truth. In his appearance couple days ago he and his wife for a rocked for eight after six months how is married life horrible horrible. So she's left and ready albums. She left guard you really think about it now he's gotten heat for it. The home office. Made things worse so who's trying to pretend it was a joke of the money Jones joked we got here telling jokes you're on the phone lose he's there or could you play with it for like a minute. Before you say and it's not true you know are set him up saying that he thinks strings federal and he told me that yesterday. You can at least be you know all I need to see pictures no do something. Just totally pop the balloon immediately into the entire era outlets that I would say load Kirk is rightly seated at all. Answer either wants wants the segment we went south good luck Lucy are losing will try to do with ties the next time. I hate she was there she regretted ago was Albert the room that's that I think Thursday shows what shall show would you do not agree oh absolutely I thought yesterday was good we had obviously bigger problem who's got lots fallen in mouse. They give Mott a hard time today that they showed it was at its best when we were off the rails on the keep him impersonation by right by Kirk the guy that is are rich. Yeah and that thing with Lester as he went to the cubs. He's a lefty and ago. Through. A terrible rich keep. Really it was yesterday. Was good as you know the contentious you know that the back and forth between Terry and Kirk on the future grow up blow the show after reports from one year back one more like making 25 mil like he would ensure they can't for one year you can't he can't reaction to hand you can't to possible it's a book she gets a legal religious liberals I know. And you had late breaking news with with David Price as we get Bradford on which is huge for us is to Brett response. I. Stock up on a big group as they say yep and then we had a about the last two that one's pretty good Beau Biden. Widow is a duck with saving the day it was a two day story we got that at 630 days from it wasn't that those are information that's different age they are boys aren't. I love the information. Can I start right we you know what we do with the real tells us to do so. Among the wheels organist for any trigger a story today which they. Sort of referenced where she said that she is offended when people refer to her knees as a cute girl. Edit that words matter it's just words and looks chillingly called beautiful baby food that I really truly. Don't know what you meant by I have a daughter my daughter has friends I'd seen my daughter's friends. I may man how to lie interpret that. Anyway it was somewhere written on this story I don't know what he was doing doughnuts. She'll be here on Monday I've a feeling at that story will be mentioned with her and the guys also affirm as the first Monday for her zeroed in on little money. I don't know what she was governor Tuesday she prefer Monday and she sort of reached that status were we'll do Monday is Jerry now what likes people on Monday guest fastening trillion on Monday we'll have the new Comcast show to talk about and some big breaking news behind the scenes. T see what's or less than I don't know Casey said Smith nip this in the normal yet Casey so Casey Smith is falling Kirk and Callahan. Yet you correspond with her. Sent a note haven't heard back LC you know maybe one Avaya appearance by the new star of the Michael Holley show but I do pray for you. Casey's meant yeah beat out Kirkland I cut it is unbelievable can you imagine that news breaking during your show when you don't talk about another. A three hour show until midnight the same husband should on cue for doing an hour showed til seven with with mud. Give us Keefe. From two to six and don't put anything else on its plate. Saying it's distract you really gonna be there all three hours is that. He has battled but it Scotty some nice to beat Italy it's a three hour show that he's at a headline and so no matter what it's going to be taking a time. But the big take away yesterday the big reaction was of course a play by placing all Micah and which I thought was gold at 745. And management. Got involved. You and I were put a tough spot. Put a kibosh on some recent play by play calls. And you know been in Dallas supporters he always does. Censored here Peta people like here that their cars that the number one start the BI and a common goal family might say it's it's got some handcuffs on all of this was Wednesday a around eleven that we started coming out that mastered an auto and Britain were calling the game that's pick. OPEC DeVon relic listen himself heap praise than yesterday ailment podcast in Caracas. It was the Tim Britton and Jason after not as great called game excellent call guys. Radios everywhere 850000 on a number like that you wanna years not since Levitt's arms and where we on in Boston so you had a huge audience going there and Kirk with a brilliant radio mind that he has gets on twittering to starts doing his own. Play by play. So Wednesday this real I'm not sure we can replay here in the post a podcast that we even replay Errol segment I believe they burn the tapes it. But a delicate week a delicate week and it's all we gotta attract people that's been more than. Well it's been like every quarter it's either we had a performance review in the middle of that we had the texting about the show content and we we can't talk about. The pos socks play by play guy and then we had Kirk's reaction and everyone of these were you and I were planning for what the next steps are because if you say one thing to Kirk. You have to be ready for his response and then you have to be uber ready for what that leads to some were talking to like six steps felt alive today in the control room. Try to figure out what you know we're gonna give the dissidents like all be all because the market pulse like skies are tailor made fifty. Yet actually highlight the Thursday ship to me was when Jerry called for more pos socks play by play audio at nine. It by year and I had to tell him discreetly subtly in Europe Kirk on the level of play that's Jack series at a look like it and the league. And Robson blame me my car broke down that was erupt when you're also like it's not a solution. In baton a bad idea and I do what's about it. Tell you was not planning drops from put the game play by play guys allowing you to be kidding me. He paused. It. He get a little corner glanced to Kirk as Kurt was the there was no doubt he said Allah shall I tell Immersion and not element you know a 100%. Jerry is anything to get cart there oh my god that was funny I can OK okay and capsules took all of a millisecond from beside him and his eyes light up in the it is who sit a lot of focused or that he knows that a set Kirk on fire. I'll be clear about the type I might have I he's a parable play by play again. I asked my opinion I'm not allowed to talk show host in the biggest archer host in New England to have that opinion. I can I can have an opinion why. It hurts people's feelings advocates say eye socket is a talk show host an open air heavenly feelings your monster I feel like it you cut me I believe. It goes a bit and that was just a man. While we appreciate the dedicated listeners of the rookie as to podcast for sticking with us this has been trying week for you and I this has been our worst podcasts I think ever. I may just replace stretches of the soccer cast here. Even mentioning he also has still Bob Berry if you want you to know lumber. You also have up front they've brought back fabricated in its betrayed for that it. It should go listen to the soccer casts instead of our show I think I'm cinnamon and seed here in the main air studio and I'm impairment committed and yet I feel. Off Cayard and headphones and they bizarre way to finish the week but Curtis you have work to do. You're gonna represent Kirk minute well Dorchester where are heading I only do like a slob even sales people were concerned. Through my best to represent sales with with some real style and glamour with great passion and reconvene here Monday and try to do better on Monday and it could weaken. This early threat. Jesus where that's what's trending show on WE RU WEP I'd like trump. Could weaken.

The Real K&C The Wheel of Choice, censorship & slobbery 3-3-17 -

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Ron Paul: On Military and Spending, It’s Donald Trump vs. Donald Trump – Noozhawk

Posted: at 12:45 am

It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Donald Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute.

Consider his speech last week at the Conservative Political Action Conference. It was reported as fiery and blistering, but it was also full of contradictions.

In the speech, Trump correctly pointed out that the last 15 years of U.S. military action in the Middle East has been an almost incomprehensible waste of money $6 trillion, he said and that after all that U.S. war and meddling the region was actually in worse shape than before we started.

It would have been better for U.S. presidents to have spent the last 15 years at the beach than to have pursued its Middle East war policy, he added, stating that the U.S. infrastructure could have been rebuilt several times over with the money wasted on such militarism.

All good points.

But then minutes later in the same speech he seemed to forget what he just said about wasting money on militarism. He promised he would be upgrading all of our military, all of our military, offensive, defensive, everything, in what would be one of the greatest military buildups in American history.

This greatest military buildup is in addition to the trillions he plans on spending to make sure the U.S. nuclear arsenal is at the top of the pack in the world, as he told the news media last Thursday.

And that is in addition to the trillion-dollar nuclear modernization program that is carrying over from President Barack Obamas administration.

Of course when it comes to nuclear weapons, the United States already is at the top of the pack, having nearly 7,000 nuclear warheads. How many times do we need to be able to blow up the world?

At CPAC, Trump is worried about needlessly spending money on military misadventures, but then in the same speech he promised even more military misadventures in the Middle East.

Where is the money going to come from for all this? Is Trump going to raise taxes to pay for it? Is he going to make massive cuts in domestic spending?

In the same CPAC speech, Trump reiterated his vow to massively lower taxes on the middle class, reduce taxes on American business, and make our tax code more simple and much more fair for everyone. And thats all good. So its not coming from there.

Will he cut domestic spending? Trump has indicated that he also wants a massive infrastructure modernization program launched in the near future. The plan will likely cost far in excess of the trillion dollars he has suggested.

That leaves only one solution: printing money out of thin air. It has been the favorite trick of his predecessors.

While Trump correctly condemns the $20 trillion national debt passed down from previous administrations, his policies promise to add to that number in a massive way. Printing money out of thin air destroys the currency, hastening a U.S. economic collapse and placing a very cruel tax on the working and middle classes as well.

Following Trumps constantly changing policies can make you dizzy. Thats a shame because the solution is very simple: end the U.S. military empire overseas, cut taxes and regulations at home, end the welfare magnet for illegal immigration and end the drug war.

And then get out of the way.

Ron Paul is a retired congressman, former presidential candidate, and founder and chairman of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity. Click here to contact him, follow him on Twitter: @RonPaul, or click here to read previous columns. The opinions expressed are his own.

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Ron Paul: On Military and Spending, It's Donald Trump vs. Donald Trump - Noozhawk

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Dutch Libertarian Party Pres. Robert Valentine: If Goods Don’t Pass … – The Libertarian Republic

Posted: at 12:45 am


Dries Van Thielen

TLR: Why will the 2017 elections be more successful than the one in 2012?

VALENTINE: Like the American Libertarian Party, the Dutch Libertarian Party was inspired by dogmatic anarchists. However, similar to the American Libertarian Party, we recently had a strong disagreement on approach. On the one side, we had dogmatic theorists, stating that the libertarian ideology could not dilute. On the other side, we had an uprising of pragmatics favoring a more conciliatory attitude. We went along with the pragmatics and thus far we reached a wider audience and I myself, receive more phone calls from journalists. Without betraying our ideology, we composed a more attractive program which resulted in more and younger members.

TLR: Your campaign shows similarities with Gary Johnsons presidential campaign which was unable to attract major media attention. What is the approach of the LP towards media?

VALENTINE: For 2017, our strategy consists out of two approaches. First, we try to attract political attention for the upcoming elections. In doing so, we make efforts to draw attention by focusing on social media Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn and mixing ourselves in online discussions by creating our own content. You see, similar to Johnson, we are never asked for political debates. When we are debating on a local level, the audience is drawn into our ideas since we pose a different concept than spending more money on topic A or B as our colleagues propose. Political TV debates are somnolent since no party offers solutions for ongoing problems (like poverty, ).

Secondly, we try to look further than the upcoming elections. In 2017, we will work to introduce three cornerstones (political, intellectual and social) of libertarianism in the LP. A political cornerstone since it is the only way to become more influential in the Netherlands. An intellectual cornerstone since we are too often drawn to American media outlets (FEE, Libertarian Republic, CATO, and,), focusing on the United States. Instead, we would introduce our own articles and platform focusing on the Netherlands.

Third, a social cornerstone, showing the power of freedom and individual cooperation. We missed out on a strong equip of volunteers throughout the years, being active in the fibers of society will change that. Currently, we are working to maintain and professionalize our team.

TLR: According to your recent Twitter campaign (#Nexit), the Netherlands have to opt out of the EU and NATO. Why would this be a good idea?

VALENTINE: People who join politics are well-intended, I presume. They join a party with the firm belief to change the mishaps in their respective country. So did the EU: it started with good intentions free movement of goods, people and capital, a lessening of trade restrictions These ideas are utterly libertarian-inspired, but the reality and elaboration differ from these well-intended ideas. Nowadays, we have an army of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and Luxembourg, designing our society! This is as un-libertarian as can be.

Without sounding too much like Geert Wilders (the entire Preliminary Election Program of PVV is 1 page long), I believe that the EU-agreements can be summed up on 1 page: freedom and free trade doesnt need codices. Brussels needs to disappear and The Hague needs to retake control.

As an alternative to the European Union, I would suggest the model Switzerland holds up. Granted, it isnt a libertarian utopia, but it only has 8 million inhabitants divided amongst 26 cantons, each with its respective constitution. The smallest particle decides which results in a more involved population. The citizens witness first handed the effects of their own policies.


VALENTINE: The same goes up with NATO. The NATO pact took off with good intentions, for we have to defend ourselves against invaders: libertarians arent pacifists. However, similar to the EU the intentions are overtaken by reality.

See, the moment we centralize our countrys interests, it gets troublesome since the organization you transfer your own interests to, has incentives of their own. In the case of NATO, the interests of its largest member the United States prevail on the ones of smaller member states (Netherlands and Belgium).

It is untenable to keep this relic from the Cold War alive as you take into account what it is used for nowadays: bombing sovereign states. Consistently bombing neighboring countries will not lead to a more secure Europe.

TLR: Can free trade solve the question of security, as a reaction for the dismantling of NATO? The majority of wars are fought for a lack of free trade.

VALENTINE: If goods dont pass the border, troops will. No sane country will put well-functioning commercial relations at risk since every interaction is advantageous for both participants. It would benefit the world if the world-wide free trade would be allowed (decline of poverty as the main advantage).

TLR: Besides free movement of goods and capital, your program mentions the open border solution based on the 19th-century European model. Will every individual integrate into this model?

VALENTINE: We favor the open border policy. Every individual is free to cross borders but we will check in your country of origin, whether you have ties with terrorist organizations.

Also, we encourage immigrants to work as soon as they enter the country instead of being pampered by the government, as is the case nowadays. Only, we will not allow immigrants to make use of the social benefits. In doing so, we counter the argument (theyll ruin our welfare) made by advocates of closed borders.

I find our system logical. Therefore, we counter the argument made by Geert Wilders. He states: We have to close borders, no one is allowed to cross borders and the Muslims already residing in the Netherlands will soon be kicked out! These accusations are nonsense and will harm the economy.

TLR: You grew accustomed to libertarianism by the writings of Ron Paul. Do you have any book recommendations for our readers?

VALENTINE: As an introduction into libertarianism, I highly recommend Revolution: A Manifesto by Dr. Ron Paul. Besides the classics (Economics in One Lesson or The Law), I was impressed by Matt RadleysThe Evolution of Everything. He refers to himself as a libertarian in minuscule. Many libertarians are attracted to libertarianism for its moral or economic aspect. It never goes both ways. The entire world is driven by invisible natural laws so it is unnecessary and illogical to set up structures according to Radley.

Since it is election season, I am currently reading The audacity to win by David Plouffe, Obamas Senior Advisor. It was he who was responsible for his (re-)election which interests me nowadays and I think it is a good read for many (non-pragmatic) libertarians. Unfortunately, the story does not tell itself.

TLR: I heard a passionate libertarian. When do you call the elections successful?

VALENTINE: The goal of the American Libertarian Party was to reach for 5% of the votes mainly to become a household name. The same goes up for us: the long-term is more important than these elections. If we reach 1 seat in parliament, it will be considered a grandiose success. Even if we reach 0.5 seats, which will correspond with about 20 thousand votes, these elections will be considered successful. This way, we will become a party worth taking into account.

EUGlobal Politicsimmigrationlibertarian partyNAvoNetherlandsRobert Valentine

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Dutch Libertarian Party Pres. Robert Valentine: If Goods Don't Pass ... - The Libertarian Republic

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Social Conservatism and Libertarianism Are Not Mergeable – So … – Being Libertarian

Posted: at 12:45 am

Being Libertarian
Social Conservatism and Libertarianism Are Not Mergeable - So ...
Being Libertarian
It goes without saying that libertarianism, as a political philosophy, is fiscally conservative i.e. that on a policy level, the State must 'conserve,' rather than spend ...
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Social Conservatism and Libertarianism Are Not Mergeable - So ... - Being Libertarian

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Biocentrism Posits That Death Is Merely Transport into Another Universe – Big Think

Posted: at 12:44 am

Swiss Engineer Michele Angelo Besso was a close friend of Einsteins. Upon his death, the father of relativity said, "Now Besso has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us ... know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

We often think of the afterlife as a spiritual or religious belief, when in a way, its pursuit is also somewhat familiar to science. Robert Lanza, M.D. takes things one step further. He thinks we start out with a wrong assumption, that we have it all backward. It isnt the universe which is supreme, but life. In fact, life and in particular consciousness are essential to the makeup of the universe, he says. Through the theory of biocentrism, he believes he can prove that space and time do not exist, unless our consciousness says they do.

This is an all-encompassing theory which in Greek means life center. Though radical, if one day proven correct, it could have ramifications for the study of physics, biology, consciousness, the brain, and even AI. Consider a blade of grass. Your brain through your eyes tells you its green. But what if a neuroscientist could reconnoiter that part of the brain where the concept registers, and make it indicate red or yellow instead? Lanza reminds us that all reality is sensory information interpreted by our brain.

Its our consciousness that puts our reality together. For instance, space-time in physics is different from how we experience these, separate concepts in real life. Science treats the space-time continuum as a solid principle. According to Lanza they are simply tools of our mind. Death too in his view cannot exist in any real sense.

Dr. Robert Lanza in his laboratory, 2009.

Notice how, for instance, when you are a child, days and weeks seem to drag on, while when you get older, they fly by. Time itself hasnt changed, just our perception of it. Whether the universe actually works the way in which we perceive it isnt readily known. One of the fundamental laws of Newtonian physics is that energy isnt created or destroyed, it simply takes another form. The energy trapped in our brain must take another form then, even when a person dies. Meanwhile, our senses tell us that its their end. But where does this energy go? In a world with endless space and time, could death really exist? If not, is immortality a phenomenon which occurs within space-time or outside of it?

Dr. Lanza isnt some newfangled guru. Hes a biotech Zion, and currently, the Chief Scientific Officer of the Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Hes studying stem cells and their application for treating disease. Previous to this, he did some research on embryonic stem cells and in cloning, both with animals and humans. Lanza is also an adjunct professor at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina.

In quantum physics, particles can be observed in several different states at the same time. This is called superposition. They in fact, exist in all possible states simultaneously. In terms of predicting what a particle will do, nothing is absolute. Each state has its own range of probability. In Lanzas view, each corresponds with a different universe.

This coincides with the many worlds theory, also known as the multiverse. Each universe is thought to operate with its own physical laws. Anything that can occur does, with one possibility playing out in each realm. Our life, Lanza believes, at one stage or another, is occurring across many universes simultaneously. Yet, your life on one world wouldnt influence your life in another.

What are the chances that death is a portal into another universe?

What has long plagued particle physicists is that observation affects reality. Consider the famous double-slit test. In this classic experiment, physicists observe a particle passing through two slits in a barrier. When the phenomenon is observed, it behaves like a particle, a little cannonball shooting directly through the slits. If it isnt observed, it performs like a wave, gliding through both openings at once. This shows that energy and matter are made up of both particles and waves, and that ones mere observation changes its form.

Such inconsistencies dont prove the existence of the multiverse, however. Yet, through the scaffolding of biocentrism or this new Theory of Everything, the physics begins to take shape. Consciousness is an essential force in the universe, according to this theory, which shows why the properties of energy, matter, space, and time, depend on whether or not a conscious mind is observing them. Lanza uses other research to support his view.

A 2002 study of photons or light particles, showed that they communicated with one another. When one photon was guided to a certain place, it was picked up by a detector. Researchers used a scrambler to force it to remain a particle rather than a wave. After one was sent out and reached its destination, the second photon crossed the same space instantaneously. It was as if it knew where it was going, and the knowledge must have traveled back to it faster than the speed of light. Another supporting factor in an entirely different category, is the Goldilocks principle. This is the theory that the universe was made just right for supporting life.

Photons being smashed at the CERN large hadron collider. By ESO/M. Kornmesser [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Critics argue that unexplained phenomena in physics only occurs on the quantum level. They also point out that there is no direct evidence of the existence of other universes. Several physicists have told Forbes that Lanzas writings look more like works of philosophy rather than science. The doctor himself states that he is healing a glaring rift, and applying innovative methods from biotech to physics. He also admits his theory lacks a mathematical basis. As such, Lanzas working on the supporting mathematical structure. Papers are expected to follow in scientific journals.

Another competing theory accounts for inconsistencies in quantum physics by stating that the universe is an illusion. It could be for instance, a projection created by a highly advanced quantum computer. Though still entirely theoretical, biocentrism offers those of us who want to hold onto a comforting afterlife scenario, without giving up a devotion to science, an avenue to explore. In this vein, Lanza wrote, Life is an adventure that transcends our ordinary linear way of thinking. When we die, we do so not in the random billiard-ball-matrix but in the inescapable-life-matrix. Life has a non-linear dimensionality; it's like a perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse.

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Biocentrism Posits That Death Is Merely Transport into Another Universe - Big Think

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Time Challengers – Sri Lanka Guardian

Posted: at 12:44 am

Time will exist in the future but it wont be time as we know it.

( March 3, 2017, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) In most countries across the world, humans are bound to a system of time that tends to shunt us through the main phases of life in the same order first, we learn; then we work; at some point children come along and eventually we retire.

But is this roadmap of a lifetime still relevant? And even if it is today, will it still be tomorrow?

Exponential technological innovation is making it clear that were at a pivotal point in human history. Were on the cusp of advances in medicine and science that could significantly increase the average human lifespan but at the same time, we hear every day about how our resources are critically depleted and our environment is collapsing. Meanwhile, automated workforces and Universal Basic Income are redefining the way we think about labour not just for manual workers, but for experts, too. Is our current political machinery set up to deal with the world of tomorrow? What will our economy look like in 30 years? Will we still die? Will we still pursue the future or come to fear it? Will we continue falling in love, for life?

Underpinning all of these questions, and each of the possible futures that their answers could precipitate, is one fundamental question: Do humans need to invent a new relationship with time?

We spoke to six diverse individuals bio-hackers, education tsars, apocalypse-thwarting visionaries, desert island castaways and immortality-hunting scientists with the vision to see the way ahead, and new models of living.


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Time Challengers - Sri Lanka Guardian

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Surge in human cases of deadly bird flu is prompting alarm – Washington Post

Posted: at 12:43 am

A surge in human infections of a deadly bird flu in China is prompting increasing concern among health officials around the world. While the human risk of these outbreaks is low at the moment, experts are calling for constant monitoring because of the large increase in cases this season, and because there are worrisome changes in the virus. U.S. officials say of all emerging influenza viruses, this particular virus poses the greatest risk of a pandemic threat if it evolves to spread readily from human to human, according to a report released Friday.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials are developing a vaccine that would target a newly evolving version of the virus.

China is experiencing its largest outbreak of the H7N9 bird flu strain, with at least 460 infections reported since October. About a third of people diagnosed with H7N9 have died of their infections, according to the World Health Organization.Human infections with this type of bird flu were first reported in China in March 2013, and since then, there have been yearly epidemics of human infections.

But this winter, the number of cases is greater than any of the previous four seasons. This year's infections account for more than a third of the 1,258 H7N9 cases that have been reported since 2013. Most human infections involve exposure to live poultry or contaminated environments, especially markets where live birds have been sold.During the previous four waves of H7N9, 88 percent of patients developed pneumonia, 68 percent were admitted to an intensive care unit and 41 percent died, according to a report from the CDC.

This is the virus we were concerned about in 2013, and now we're seeing these increasing number of cases, said Daniel Jernigan, who heads the CDC's influenza division, in an interview this week. This year it came back much stronger, so the numbers of cases we're seeing has already surpassed all the other waves, and the season isn't even over yet.

In addition, the virus has become more deadly to poultry, which might lead to more severe infections in humans, he said. For all those reasons, officials are watching developments closely.

This is a virus you don't want to take your eyes off, he said.

[Outgoing CDC chief talks about his greatest fear: pandemic influenza]

Among a dozen animal and bird viruses that are not yet circulating widely in people, the H7N9virus has the greatest potential to cause a pandemic, according to the CDC. That assessment is based on the virus's ability to spread easily and efficiently to people from animals and its ability to cause serious disease.

On Wednesday, WHO officials in Geneva said the risk of sustained human-to-human transmission of H7N9 remains low. The characteristics of the infections and case fatality rate remain similar to previous waves, officials said.

But constant change is the nature of all influenza viruses, Wenqing Zhang, who heads WHO's global influenza program, told reporters during a media briefing Wednesday. This makes influenza a persistent and significant threat to public health.

One change already underway is that the virus has split into two distinct genetic lineages, with a new branch of the virus family now emerging in the current epidemic, officials said.

That has rendered the H7N9 vaccine stockpiledby the United States less effective against the newly emerging branch, officials said. The CDC is developing an influenza seed virus that can be used by vaccine manufacturers to produce another H7N9 vaccine to match a newly emerging H7N9 strain.

It will take several months to produce and test a new vaccine, a process that will get underway in June and July after vaccine manufacturers complete their work on making seasonal flu vaccine.

Vaccines to protect first responders against the highest-risk bird flu viruses are part of the pandemic flu stockpile maintained by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, the agency within the Department of Health and Human Services responsible for providing medical countermeasures to human-made and natural threats, including pandemic influenza and emerging infectious diseases.

Rick Bright, director of BARDA, said manufacturers will be producing enough vaccine to provide 40 million doses, enough to vaccinate 20 million people, he said.

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Rate of birth defects in Zika pregnancies 20 times higher than in pre-Zika years, CDC says

These 12 superbugs pose the greatest threat to human health, WHO says

Trump is energizing the anti-vaccine movement, with Texas as its epicenter

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