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Embracing Collaborative Strategy Paramount for Future of the … – PR Newswire (press release)
Posted: March 17, 2017 at 6:40 am
"Over the past few years, I've conducted extensive interviews with over 150 executives and analyzed over 250 global organizations to better understand what the successful ones are doing when it comes to collaboration," said Morgan. "It turns out there is a very specific set of activities and behaviors that the top organizations are focused on, and that's what we'll be exploring in this webinar: how to create a successful, collaborative environment, built with employees who actually want to show up to work."
Morgan will be joined by Prysm's director of product marketing, David Schweer.
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About Prysm Prysm is a leading provider of cloud-based, digital-canvas solutions to many of the world's largest globalenterprises. ThePrysm Visual Workplace platform drives a new era of digital transformation and enterprise agility. By enabling individuals and teams to explore all their data, content, applications and tools on hyper-visual, always-on digital canvases, Prysm ignites innovative thinking, drives decisions, accelerates productivity and transforms presentations into experiences. Customers using Prysm benefit from an open, enterprise-grade solution that integrates with existing collaboration tools and scales to hundreds or thousands of users, while meeting advanced security requirements.
Founded in 2005 in the Silicon Valley, Prysm has over 500 employees with offices worldwide. Learn more
About Jacob MorganJacob Morgan is a three time best-selling author, keynote speaker, and futurist who explores the future of work and employee experience. His latest book is, The Employee Experience Advantage: How to Win the War for Talent by Giving Employees the Workspaces they Want, the Tools they Need, and a Culture They Can Celebrate (Wiley, March 2017) and is based on an analysis of over 250 global organizations. His previous books are, The Future of Work and The Collaborative Organization. Jacob's work has been endorsed by the CEOs of: Cisco, Whirlpool, T-Mobile, Best Buy, SAP, Nestle, KPMG, Schneider Electric, and many others. He is regularly featured in business publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, CNN, NPR, USA Today, Forbes, and others. Jacob also has a popular podcast and Youtube series where he explores various themes around the future of work. You can learn more and get access to all of these resources by visiting:
Contact Shannon Lyman Director of Communications +1 859-699-6891
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SOURCE Prysm, Inc.
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ISS 2.0: Why the next space station could orbit the moon … – Christian Science Monitor
Posted: March 12, 2017 at 7:49 pm
March 11, 2017 Dominating the night sky, Earths natural satellite is often the first target to catch the eye of budding astronomers, and now the moon's siren call is pulling the worlds leading space powers too.
The five space agencies responsible for building the International Space Station (ISS) met last month in Tsukuba, home to the Japanese space agency JAXA, to decide what comes after the aging ISS. Discussions advanced an evolving plan to build a lunar space station, settling on a tentative orbit and paving the way for finalized plans that may come in late 2017 or early 2018.
But friction remains around the ultimate goal of the station: Will the ISS successor be a truly lunar space station or a spaceport on the way to Mars?
With the ISSs decommissioning tentatively scheduled for 2024, the International Spacecraft Working Group (ISWG), composed of the American, Russian, Japanese, European, and Canadian space agencies, is looking ahead to the next phase of human space exploration.
This years meeting extends work done last year in Houston, when the team established a number of non-binding recommendations regarding technical details likely to serve as the foundation for future proposals.
Compared with the ISS, a space station orbiting the moon holds greater scientific potential and the opportunity to test technologies needed for deep space missions, but poses significant challenges.
Much of the research done aboard the current ISS focuses on microgravity (commonly, if mistakenly, known as "zero gravity"), which arises from the craft being in a constant state of freefall. A lunar station could carry out similar studies of microgravity phenomena and astronaut health, with the added benefit of lunar proximity making the moon an additional target of study.
Whats more, the station could play an essential role as a steppingstone to Mars, both as a physical spaceport accessible to NASAs upcoming Orion spacecraft, as well as a scientific testing ground for new deep-space technologies. Japanese- and European-built habitats featuring closed-loop life support systems could be one such development. The ISS currently relies on frequent shipments of water and oxygen from Earth, but a less accessible lunar station would likely have no such luxury. For a Mars mission, near-perfect recycling of these resources will be even more of a necessity.
Some wonder why not build a base on the moon itself, rather than a station in orbit. Its true that a base could be more easily shielded from harmful radiation by piling up yards of moondust over the habitats. But extensive lunar construction would require unproven technologies as opposed to the tried and true modular approach to space station building.
Moreover, escaping Earths gravitational pull takes fuel, and the same is true of the moon. Breaking free and staying in orbit, rather than making repeated visits to the surface, may be more efficient.
The ISWG has set the goal of developing common standards that will make it easy for various countries to develop plug and play parts to smooth the construction process. Current designs call for a Russian airlock, the Canadian robotic arm from the ISS, and US-built power and propulsion systems.
Still, the question looms, where is humanity headed next? Russia wants to return to the moons surface, which a station in a low lunar orbit would support. But a higher orbit lends itself to Mars access, an approach preferred by NASA, who reportedly proposed naming the station a "spaceport."
Last months conference seems to have broken NASAs way, with the consortium agreeing on a distant loop known as a Near-Rectilinear Halo Orbit. As the name suggests, this oval path bulges significantly.
At its closest approach, the craft would be only 900 miles from the moon, but its farthest reach would take it 43,000 miles from the surface, completing arevolution in one week. Thats 4 to 174 times higher from the lunar surface than the ISS sits above the Earths.
In addition to being convenient to Mars, this orbit features a number of advantages including constant sun for solar panels, good communication with Earth, and stability that reduces the need for expensive fuel-consuming height boosts.
Unfortunately, its not ideal for actually visiting the surface of the moon, prompting the Russians to continue their analysis of a lower orbit station.
But NASA may be open to compromiseand is reportedly considering designs for a station that could split in two, one part bound for Mars and one remaining to service lunar activity. Another alternative is to modify the orbit as needed for different missions.
The current timeline suggests construction throughout the 2020s in preparation for Mars- or asteroid-oriented expeditions in the 2030s, although the group's previous construction project suffered significant delays.
Any new ISS in lunar orbit may have company. Chinas nascent but booming space program recently announced plans for a 2036 crewed lunar mission, and private companies are targeting the satellite as well. Space habitat company Bigelow Aerospace envisions an inflatable space station orbiting the moon by 2020, and SpaceX harbors ambitions of an Apollo 8-style shot around the moon in the next couple of years.
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International Space Station to host coldest spot in the universe – CBS News
Posted: at 7:49 pm
The International Space Station (ISS), photographed by an astronaut aboard the space shuttle Endeavour on Feb. 10, 2010.
The International Space Station (ISS) will soon host the coldest spot in the entire universe, if everything goes according to plan.
This August, NASA plans to launch to the ISS an experiment that willfreeze atoms to only one billionth of a degree above absolute zero-- more than 100 million times colder than the far reaches of deep space, agency officials said.
The instrument suite, which is about the size of an ice chest, is called the Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL). It consists of lasers, a vacuum chamber and an electromagnetic knife that together will slow down gas particles until they are almost motionless. (Remember that temperature is just a measurement of how fast atoms and molecules are moving.) [Watch a video about the CAL]
Artists illustration of an atom chip for use by NASAs Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL), which will use lasers to cool atoms to ultracold temperatures. CAL is scheduled to launch to the space station in August 2017.
If successful, CAL could help unlock some of the universes deepest mysteries, project leaders said.
Studying these hypercold atoms could reshape our understanding of matter and the fundamental nature of gravity, Robert Thompson, a CAL project scientist at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California,said in a statement. The experiments well do with the Cold Atom Lab will give us insight into gravity and dark energy -- some of the most pervasive forces in the universe.
Attempts to create Bose-Einstein condensates on Earth have been only partially successful to date. Because everything on Earth is subject to the pull of gravity, atoms and molecules tend to move toward the ground. This means the effects can only be seen for fractions of a second. In space, where the ISS is in perpetual freefall, CAL could preserve these structures for 5 to 10 seconds, NASA officials said. (Future versions of CAL may be able to hold on for hundreds of seconds, if technology improves as expected, officials added.)
11 Photos
Stunning views of the distant solar system 40 light-years away that NASA announced Wednesday
The researchers hope CAL observations will lead to the improvement of several technologies, such as quantum computers, atomic clocks for spacecraft navigation and sensors of various types -- including some that could help detectdark energy. The current model of the universe suggests we can only see about 5 percent of whats out there. The remainder is split between dark matter (27 percent) and dark energy (68 percent).
This means that even with all of our current technologies, we are still blind to 95 percent of the universe, JPLs Kamal Oudrhiri, CAL deputy project manager, said in the same statement. Like a new lens in Galileos first telescope, the ultra-sensitive cold atoms in the Cold Atom Lab have the potential to unlock many mysteries beyond the frontiers of known physics.
CAL, which was developed at JPL, is scheduled to fly to the ISS this August aboard SpaceXs robotic Dragon cargo capsule. Final testing is underway ahead of CALs shipment to the launch pad in Cape Canaveral, Florida, NASA officials said.
Follow Elizabeth Howell@howellspace, or Were also onFacebookandGoogle+. Original article All rights reserved.
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This International Space Station simulator for VR will give you vertigo – Fox News
Posted: at 7:49 pm
The obvious promise of virtual reality is its ability to take you places you'd never actually be able to go. The International Space Station is a pretty great candidate for that, so it's fitting that Oculus teamed up with NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency to create a VR game based on an astronaut's life aboard the ISS. The best part, of course, is that the game is absolutely free.
The game, called Mission:ISS, is designed to be used with the Oculus Rift's Touch motion controllers, and you use both the VR headset and a pair of disembodied glowing hands to interact with the spacecraft and the objects within. As Oculus describes the experience on its store page, Mission:ISS features a number of "mission-critical tasks" to dutifully carry out in your role as a well-trained and totally not amateur space traveler. Those include things like walking around the outside of the space station and managing crates of cargo.
In a particularly hilarious twist, Oculus also just announced that it's sending one of its virtual reality headsets to the real International Space Station. The hope is that by having an astronaut strap the device to his noggin, they can "test the effects of zero-gravity on human spatial awareness and balance using software developed by the space agencies." If using a VR headset in zero gravity doesn't sound like a recipe for nausea I don't know what does.
As for Mission:ISS, the app will remain free to play for the foreseeable future, so if you've always dreamed of hanging out in space, this might be the closest you'll ever get.
This story originally appeared on BGR.
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Budweiser Is Exploring How to Brew Beer on Mars Adweek – Adweek
Posted: at 7:48 pm
As scientists search for life on Mars and plot a way for people to live there in the future, Budweiser is hard at work figuring out how to make life in space a little more fun by developing a beer made just for the Red Planet.
Today at South by Southwest Interactive in Austin, Texas, Budweiser announced its plans to research and produce a microgravity brew, on a panel moderated by The Martian star, Kate Mara, with retired astronaut Clayton Anderson, who discussed the future of space colonization. Ricardo Marques, vp of Budweiser, and Val Toothman, Anheuser-Buschs vp of marketing innovation, outlined the experiments and research that will go into the Martian beer.
The biggest challenge of brewing beer a space is the lack of gravity. When youre in a zero-gravity environment, a beverage with carbonation is going to be an issue, Anderson explained. However, Budweiser is researching options to work with the micro-gravity environment that exists on Mars to develop a beer that can be consumed there.
Its a dream that builds off of our relentless focus on innovation, Marques said. When we can enjoy a few ice-cold Buds on the Red Planet, that will be the moment when we can truly realize our dreams of space colonization.
This takes the Budweiser experience to a whole other level, Toothman added. We know that colonization of Mars could be a decade or two away, but we want to make sure that Budweiser is the beer that people are toasting with on Mars when we get there.
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Budweiser Is Trying to Make It Possible to Brew Beer on Mars –
Posted: at 7:48 pm
Sure, your fancy Brooklyn brew may taste like oats or whatever, but is it a microgravity brew?
Budweiser is currently working on how to brew beer on Mars, for some reason. Adweek reports that the company announced its plans to "research and produce a microgravity brew" at South by Southwest Interactive in Austin, Texas.
On a panel moderated by noted Martian Kate Mara and retired astronaut Clayton Anderson, the company discussed the logistics of brewing beer in space. "When you're in a zero-gravity environment, a beverage with carbonation is going to be an issue," Anderson said.
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However, Budweiser's still working hard at it, because sometimes, you just gotta focus on what you can do instead of what you should do! "When we can enjoy a few ice-cold Buds on the Red Planet, that will be the moment when we can truly realize our dreams of space colonization," Budweiser vice president Ricardo Marques said.
Anheuser-Busch's vice president of marketing innovation, Val Toothman, also added that the Martian beer will "take the Budweiser experience to a whole other level." "We know that colonization of Mars could be a decade or two away, but we want to make sure that Budweiser is the beer that people are toasting with on Mars when we get there," he said.
Capitalism, the Martian way.
Seven Earth-Like Planets Orbit One Nearby Star
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Moon | Define Moon at
Posted: at 7:48 pm
Old English mona, from Proto-Germanic *menon- (cf. Old Saxon and Old High German mano, Old Frisian mona, Old Norse mani, Danish maane, Dutch maan, German Mond, Gothic mena "moon"), from PIE *me(n)ses- "moon, month" (cf. Sanskrit masah "moon, month;" Avestan ma, Persian mah, Armenian mis "month;" Greek mene "moon," men "month;" Latin mensis "month;" Old Church Slavonic meseci, Lithuanian menesis "moon, month;" Old Irish mi, Welsh mis, Breton miz "month"), probably from root *me- "to measure," in reference to the moon's phases as the measure of time.
A masculine noun in Old English. In Greek, Italic, Celtic, Armenian the cognate words now mean only "month." Greek selene (Lesbian selanna) is from selas "light, brightness (of heavenly bodies)." Old Norse also had tungl "moon," ("replacing mani in prose" - Buck), evidently an older Germanic word for "heavenly body," cognate with Gothic tuggl, Old English tungol "heavenly body, constellation," of unknown origin or connection. Hence Old Norse tunglfylling "lunation," tunglrr "lunatic" (adj.).
Extended 1665 to satellites of other planets. To shoot the moon "leave without paying rent" is British slang from c.1823; card-playing sense perhaps influenced by gambler's shoot the works (1922) "go for broke" in shooting dice. The moon race and the U.S. space program of the 1960s inspired a number of coinages, including, from those skeptical of the benefits to be gained, moondoggle (cf. boondoggle). The man in the moon is mentioned since early 14c.; he carries a bundle of thorn-twigs and is accompanied by a dog. Some Japanese, however, see a rice-cake-making rabbit in the moon.
c.1600, "to expose to moonlight;" later "idle about" (1836), "move listlessly" (1848), probably on notion of being moonstruck. The meaning "to flash the buttocks" is first recorded 1968, U.S. student slang, from moon (n.) "buttocks" (1756), "probably from the idea of pale circularity" [Ayto]. See moon (n.). Related: Mooned; mooning.
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Travel to the Red Planet is the next big biz (ad)venture – Boston Herald
Posted: at 7:48 pm
Commercial space missions, colonies on Mars and finding a way for the tourists of the future to book round-trip flights to the Moon were among the out-of-this-world ideas being discussed by brainiacs yesterday at a Massachusetts Institute of Technology forum aimed at helping private companies get a foothold in what could be a budding multibillion dollar economy.
The universitys second annual New Space Age Conference focused on getting out in front of the space race of the new millennium, which is being fueled by private companies looking to create and expand a brand new commercial market for space travel.
Aside from making space travel affordable for the public, one of the hot topics at yesterdays forum was the ongoing effort to land astronauts on Mars and the technology that would be required before a human could set foot on the Red Planet.
Among the challenges facing future Mars-bound astronauts will be dealing with radiation exposure, developing better propulsion systems that will allow them to complete the journey, which would currently take eight months, and creating equipment reliable enough to withstand the journey.
If we had all these things, we can just do it, said Jeffrey Hoffman, a former NASA astronaut and MIT professor. Theres a lot of challenges ahead.
Hoffman, who serves as the deputy principal investigator of an experiment aiming to produce oxygen from extraterrestrial material for NASAs Mars 2020 mission, said finding a way to get there is one thing but finding a way to create a self-sustainable colony will be exponentially more difficult.
The level of skills well need will be much broader, Hoffman said. Well need a lot of MacGyvers up there.
Keegan Kirkpatrick, an aerospace engineer and founder of RedWorks, said in order for humans to truly become interplanetary, future astronauts will have to cut the cord completely.
Mars has to operate independently from Earth, he said. Colonization is a question of high value and low cost. You have to have a lot of people to support a large diverse economy. Mars has to achieve resource independence. This was key to the colonization of the Americas.
And when it comes to funding such an ambitious expedition, scientists gathered yesterday agreed its going to take a partnership between government and private companies.
It would be prohibitively expensive, Hoffman said, noting the $20 billion Apollo 11 mission that sent man to the moon in 1969 would cost $150 billion today.
If the government is sponsoring an expedition and something goes wrong, they get holed up in the halls of Congress. If a private company gets into an accident, they answer to shareholders, Hoffman said. Its going to take a public-private partnership.
The university will host another daylong seminar today, titled Beyond the Cradle: Envisioning a New Space Age, which will focus on how to adapt our culture for people that may never call Earth home and how to develop the habitats, spacecraft and innovations of the future.
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Jeff Bezos Wants to Improve Amazon Delivery Service… to the Moon … – Breitbart News
Posted: at 7:48 pm
After The Washington Post obtained a copy of the confidential white paper that Bezos space company Blue Origin is passing on to Trumps transition team, the company verified its authenticity. And while Elon Musks SpaceX rushes to beat Trumps own lunar ambitions, Bezos is focused on the logistics of something a little more permanent than private sightseeing excursions.
Blue Origin want to deliver cargo to the moon, paving the way for sustained human colonization of our natural satellite. Theyve even picked a spot for this potential real estate a cheery little crater near the moons south pole, with access to water via ice hidden in the craters shadows, and enough consistent sunlight to make use of solar energy.
The thought of lunar expansion hasmanaged to whet the appetites of several companies, who are already offering their own ideas for involvement. One such example is Bigelow Aerospace. Its founder, Robert Bigelow, wants to adapt the design of their BEAM habitat, currently docked with the International Space Station. He wants to create an orbital depot to house supplies and medical facilities.
According to Bigelow, venturing toward Mars is premature. As for the moon? Bigelow asserts that We have the technology. We have the ability, and the potential for a terrific business case. For his part, Bezos believes that if you go to the moon first, and make the moon your home, then you can get to Mars more easily.
Bezos says that this projectonly be done in partnership with NASA, and believes that [Blue Origins] liquid hydrogen expertise and experience with precision vertical landing offer the fastest path to a lunar lander mission. He is personally excited about this, to the point of investing his own money alongside NASA,to make sure they get there.
Blue Moon is all about cost-effective delivery of mass to the surface of the Moon, according to the Amazon boss. Any credible first lunar settlement will require that capability But all of this is just the beginning of Blue Origins ambitions. Their first proposed mission hopes to be just the first in a series of increasingly capable missions.
Well have to wait to see whether President Trump and his advisors are as excited about the possibilities as Bezos himself.
Follow Nate Church @Get2Church on Twitter for the latest news in gaming and technology, and snarky opinions on both.
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Apollo astronaut: ‘You go to heaven when you are born’ – Business Insider Australia
Posted: at 7:48 pm
It seems like the world has caught a case of moon fever.
On February 27, tech entrepreneur Elon Musk announced that two unnamed people are paying his rocket company, SpaceX, to send them on an auto-piloted trip around the moon in 2018. Later The Washington Post revealed that founder Jeff Bezos and his own rocket company, Blue Origin, had circulated a 2020 moon colonization plan around Capitol Hill.
But its not just a gaggle of billionaires whove set their sights on Luna. On Tuesday, Congress passed its first big NASA budget in nearly 7 years. The bill calls on NASA to reach the moon by 2021.
To bring everything back to Earth a little, we called up Jim Lovell: an astronaut who visited the moon twice, once during Apollo 8 (the first crewed lunar mission) and again on Apollo 13 (which required a storied effort to rescue from disaster).
During a wide-ranging interview, we asked Lovell if there was a moment on Apollo 8 that he wished he spoke more about and his response floored us.
But first, a little setup.
Apollo 8, which launched aboard a gigantic Saturn V rocket on December 21, 1968, took off during what Lovell called a hilarious time for the planet.
There was the Vietnam War going on, it was not a popular war, especially with the younger people, Lovell told Business Insider. There were riots, there were two assassinations of prominent people during that period, and so things were looking kind of bad in this country.
And yet at the end of the year, he said, NASA was working toward its commitment, made in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy, to send people to the moon before the end of that decade.
And it happened. So in the last few weeks or days of 1968 we accomplished something that we set out to do that was favourable and approved by just about every body in this country, he said.
However, Lovell said that he and his two crewmates, Frank Borman and Bill Anders, soon realised it was more than just a spaceflight.
You have to remember we brought back a picture of the Earth as it is 240,000 miles away. And the fact is, it gives you a different perspective of the Earth when you see it as three-dimensional between the sun and the moon, and you begin to realise how small and how significant the body is, he said. When I put my thumb up to the window I could completely hide it, and then I realised that behind my thumb that Im hiding this Earth, and there are about 6 billion people that are all striving to live there.
Lovell said this moment was a seed being planted, and one that would germinate into full blossom once he was back on Earth.
You have to really kind of think about our own existence here in the universe. You realise that people often say, I hope to go to heaven when I die,' he said. In reality, if you think about it, you go to heaven when youre born.
By this Lovell meant the remarkable situation we find ourselves in: floating on a cosy rock that is drifting through the seemingly endless void of space.
You arrive on a planet that has the proper mass, has the gravity to contain water and an atmosphere, which are the very essentials for life, he said. And you arrive on this planet thats orbiting a star just at the right distance not too far to be too cold, or too close to be too hot and just at the right distance to absorb that stars energy and then, with that energy, cause life to evolve here in the first place.
In reality, you know, God has really given us a stage, just looking at where we were around the moon, a stage on which we perform. And how that play turns out is up to us, I guess, he said.
Trapped on a cosmic stage together, and at a time when the US is again painfully divided, Lovells words are ones we could all take to heart.
Disclosure: Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post and is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.
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