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The 2014 #YearOnTwitter | Twitter Blogs
Posted: March 17, 2017 at 6:42 am
This year, people across the world came together in moments of celebration, protest, mourning and joy. Many millions of you contributed to the moments and conversations that all unfolded on Twitter.
People send more than 500 million Tweets per day. Each one contributes something special to Twitter, but only one is recognized as the Golden Tweet, a.k.a. the most-Retweeted Tweet of the year. This year, the honor goes to @TheEllenShows starry photo from the March Oscars telecast:
To look back on the best global moments from the year, were unveiling #YearOnTwitter on From Ellens Tweet to space travel and triumphant World Cup moments, if it happened in the world, it happened on Twitter. Heres a peek: also showcases the year from the perspective of some of your favorite (and most prolific) Twitter users. The list of featured users is below. From the site, you can also explore their #5toFollow to see their own must-follows.
Finally, while Ellens Tweet is the most Golden, there are countless others we wont soon forget. Here are a few you might appreciate:
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The 2014 #YearOnTwitter | Twitter Blogs
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Ron Paul: Whistle-blowers are heroic, patriotic – USA TODAY
Posted: at 6:42 am
Ron Paul 5:06 p.m. ET March 13, 2017
Ron Paul(Photo: Brendan Smialowski, AFP/Getty Images)
Its deeply troubling that so many in the news media and in both political parties attack the efforts of whistle-blowers and those who publish their revelations. These individuals risk it all, not for their own wealth and glory, but to inform us of what is being done to us and in our name.
Their releases are both heroic and pro-American.
We are told that the government must be allowed to operate in secret in order to keep us safe, but how much security do we really have if we allow the government to deprive us of our liberty?
What have we learned from whistle-blowers Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning or WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and others? We now know that our government views the Fourth Amendment as a mere suggestion, rather than a constraint on its actions.
Our consumer products have been turned into listening devices that the government can turn on and off at will. Those who ruled East Germany could only fantasize about such technology and its potential for controlling anyone who disagrees with the government.
What WikiLeaks reveals: Our view
Revelations last week that our televisions may actually be watching us? Has the CIA been reading George Orwells 1984 as an instruction manual?
If we are to be a free society, we must demand the right to know about government malfeasance. We must reject the anti-American notion that the government has the right to know everything about us, but that we have no right to know anything about the government. We cannot entrust our life, liberty and happiness to an unelected shadow government that operates in secret and is accountable to no one.
History teaches of the horrors that result when a people are willing to sacrifice their liberty for the false promises of government-provided security. Totalitarianisms of the left and right have thrived in such an environment.
Whistle-blowers are the truth-seekers, and we must demand the truth. Who does not want to know the truth? Sadly, in an empire of lies, the truth has become treason.
Ron Paul, a former Republican congressman from Texas and Libertarian Party presidential candidate, is host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report.
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Ron Paul: Whistle-blowers are heroic, patriotic - USA TODAY
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‘Not a very smart thing to say’: Ron Paul hits McCain & US envoy to UN over anti-Russian comments – RT
Posted: at 6:42 am
Former US congressman Dr. Ron Paul took no prisoners in an exclusive interview with RT America, following Senator John McCain's charge that his son, Senator Rand Paul, was working for Vladimir Putin and the US ambassador to the UN saying, Never trust Russia.
We cannot trust Russia. We should never trust Russia, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley told NBC News on Thursday. Its a sentiment widely held in Washington, DC, as just a day earlier, Senator McCain (R-Arizona) accused his own colleague Senator Paul (R-Kentucky) of being an agent of the Kremlin, just because he objected to adding Montenegro to NATO.
Dr. Ron Paul knows first-hand what a character assassination such as the one his senator son faced feels like as McCain has blasted Dr. Pauls foreign policy of nonintervention as appeasement to the enemies of the US.
But in an interview with RT Americas Ashley Banks, the elder Paul makes the case that more is at stake than typical political squabbling when this kind of anti-Russian rhetoric is used so flippantly.
Asked whether Ambassador Haleys comments undermined global security and US-Russia relations, Paul told RT, Well I don't know about that, but I know it's going to cause mixed feelings here in this country because Trump was elected with the position he took that he wanted better relationships with Russia.
It's not a good way to start things off, Paul said of Haleys words. I don't think it's the end of a relationship with Russia or anything like that, but it seems like either she's inexperienced or has a completely different position than Trump, or Trump has modified his position.
Paul, 81, also called her statementnot a very smart thing to say.
More importantly, the former Texas congressman stressed, is the US policy in Syria, where more US troops may be deployed in the near future. Paul noted that there has been US and Russian cooperation against Islamic State, but that hed like to see the US back off and allow those people in Syria to deal with their own problems.
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Moving onto McCain, Paul dismissed the strategy of name-calling or demagoguery.
As a libertarian, I'm a strong advocate of talking to people and treating people decently, so that to me is not a wise thing to do.
[McCain] struck me as being a bit irrational, Paul said of the six-term 80-year-old senator.
His goal is building up NATO, Paul explained, adding that his motion in favor of expanding the treaty was based on the unfounded fear that all of a sudden the Russian tanks were gonna go into Montenegro, which makes no sense.
As a non-interventionist, I don't even like NATO, Paul said.
Paul went on to criticize US involvement in the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, or coup, as well as its increase of so many troops and bases near the Russian border as well as stationing missiles between North Korea and South Korea.
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Ron Paul: Why Donald Trump’s Syria Surge Will Fail – FITSNews
Posted: at 6:42 am
Last week President Donald Trump significantly escalated the US military presence in Syria, sending some 400 Marines to the ISIS-controlled Raqqa, and several dozen Army Rangers to the contested area around Manbij. According to press reports he will also station some 2,500 more U.S. troops in Kuwait to be used as he wishes in Iraq and Syria.
Not only is it illegal under international law to send troops into another country without permission, it is also against U.S. law for President Trump to take the country to war without a declaration. But not only is Trumps first big war illegal: it is doomed to failure because it makes no sense.
President Trump says the purpose of the escalation is to defeat ISIS in Raqqa, its headquarters in Syria. However the Syrian Army with its allies Russia and Iran are already close to defeating ISIS in Syria. Why must the U.S. military be sent in when the Syrian army is already winning? Does Trump wish to occupy eastern Syria and put a Washington-backed rebel government in charge? Has anyone told President Trump what that would to cost in dollars and lives including American lives? How would this U.S.-backed rebel government respond to the approach of a Syrian army backed up by the Russian military?
Is Trump planning on handing eastern Syria over to the Kurds, who have been doing much of the fighting in the area? How does he think NATO-ally Turkey would take a de facto Kurdistan carved out of Syria with its eyes on Kurdish-inhabited southern Turkey?
And besides, by what rights would Washington carve up Syria or any other country?
Or is Trump going to give up on the U.S. policy of regime change and hand conquered eastern Syria back to Bashar al-Assad? If that is the case, why waste American lives and money if the Syrians and their allies are already doing the job? Candidate Trump even said he was perfectly happy with Russia and Syria getting rid of ISIS. If U.S. policy is shifting toward accepting an Assad victory, it could be achieved by ending arms supplies to the rebels and getting out of the way.
It does not appear that President Trump or his advisors have thought through what happens next if the U.S. military takes possession of Raqqa, Syria. What is the endgame? Maybe the neocons told him it would be a cakewalk as they promised before the 2003 Iraq invasion.
Part of the problem is that President Trumps advisors believe the myth that the U.S. surge in Iraq and Afghanistan was a great success and repeating it would being the victory that eluded Obama with his reliance of drones and proxy military forces. A big show of US military force on the ground like the 100,000 sent to Afghanistan by Obama in 2009 is what is needed in Syria, these experts argue. Rarely is it asked that if the surge worked so well why are Afghanistan and Iraq still a disaster?
President Trumps escalation in Syria is doomed to failure. He is being drawn into a quagmire by the neocons that will destroy scores of lives, cost us a fortune, and may well ruin his presidency. He must de-escalate immediately before it is too late.
Ron Paulis a former U.S. Congressman from Texas and the leader of the pro-liberty, pro-free market movement in the United States. His weekly column reprinted with permission can be foundhere.
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Rep. Massie’s theory: Voters who voted for libertarians and then … – Washington Examiner
Posted: at 6:42 am
In an interview with the Washington Examiner two months into President Trump's administration, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) reflected on the president's ascent to America's highest office, offering fresh insights from his vantage point as a libertarian-leaning representative smack in the heart of Trump country.
To explain 2016, Massie looks to previous cycles. Rand Paul's upset victory in the 2010, Ron Paul's enthusiastic following in the 2012 presidential race, and his own win in the 2012 congressional primary all looked, at first glance, like a libertarian wave.
"I went to Iowa twice and came back with [Ron Paul]. I was with him at every event for the last three days in Iowa," Massie said. "From what I observed, not just in Iowa but also in Kentucky, up close with individuals, was that the people that voted for me in Kentucky, and the people who had voted for Rand Paul in Iowa several years before, were now voting for Trump. In fact, the people that voted for Rand in a primary in Kentucky were preferring Trump."
"All this time," Massie explained, "I thought they were voting for libertarian Republicans. But after some soul searching I realized when they voted for Rand and Ron and me in these primaries, they weren't voting for libertarian ideas they were voting for the craziest son of a bitch in the race. And Donald Trump won best in class, as we had up until he came along."
Massie's observation that libertarian-minded voters, those who devoted passionate support to Sen. Paul and his father in previous cycles, are likely more attracted to "crazy" personalities than candidates with ideological purity bears important implications for the future of that movement. Do those voters, more than anything, crave change agents over philosophical disciples?
Massie sees Trump as more of a populist than a libertarian conservative, but noted important similarities between both camps. "There are some places where populism overlaps with libertarianism and contradicts the establishment here in D.C.," Massie said. "For instance, less proclivity to go to war, less appetite for having 20 or 30,000 troops in any one country to subsidize their defense."
"I see overlap there," he concluded.
Massie chalks Trump's success in the general election up to his pledge to shake up Washington, saying, "He had the change mantle and Hillary didn't."
Massie recalled an encounter he had with one of Trump's most powerful primary opponents during the election, reflecting, "I remember I ran into Jeb Bush in a hotel lobby in Iowa. He was just there, no staff and we started talking.
Also from the Washington Examiner
Two months after his nomination, a confirmation hearing hasn't even been announced.
03/17/17 12:01 AM
Bush, Massie said, "was adamant that Trump wasn't a real Republican."
"Ironic," the congressman noted, "because that was in my circle of hardcore supporters that's the charge leveled at the Bushes."
It's worth noting that Americans generally tend to be less devoted to ideological teams than we realize, as I outlined Tuesday in this analysis of Bernie Sanders' appeal to Trump voters. Populism transcends party lines for a reason.
Emily Jashinsky is a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.
Also from the Washington Examiner
The White House's budget gets the federal government to focus on what it can do better than anyone else.
03/17/17 12:01 AM
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Rep. Massie's theory: Voters who voted for libertarians and then ... - Washington Examiner
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Conservatism and Libertarianism: Mutually Exclusive or Inherently Inseparable? – Being Libertarian
Posted: at 6:42 am
Being Libertarian | Conservatism and Libertarianism: Mutually Exclusive or Inherently Inseparable? Being Libertarian A few of my comments regarding the issue of conservatism and liberalism were recently taken out of context by a colleague of mine at Being Libertarian, Martin van Staden, our Editor in Chief. Martin's article, Social Conservatism and Libertarianism ... |
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Conservatism and Libertarianism: Mutually Exclusive or Inherently Inseparable? - Being Libertarian
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Leonard Perlmutter’s 17th Annual Meditation and Yoga Retreat to be Held at The American Meditation Institute in … – Benzinga
Posted: at 6:42 am
The American Meditation Institute (AMI) in Averill Park, New York will host Leonard Perlmutter's 17th annual summer retreat July 13-16, 2017. This CME accredited foundation course for self-care will present an extensive curriculum of Yoga Science as mind/body medicine including topics on AMI Meditation, stress and pain management, breathing, easy-gentle yoga, Ayurveda, Yoga psychology, immortality and nutrition.
AVERILL PARK, NY (PRWEB) March 14, 2017
The American Meditation Institute (AMI) in Averill Park, New York will host Leonard Perlmutter's 17th annual summer retreat July 13-16, 2017. This CME accredited foundation course for self-care will present an extensive curriculum of Yoga Science as mind/body medicine including topics on AMI Meditation, stress and pain management, breathing, easy-gentle yoga, Ayurveda, Yoga psychology, immortality and nutrition. The weekend intensive is designed for first-time or experienced meditators, and offers 18 continuing medical education credits for physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals. Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev), AMI founder, noted educator and author of the award-winning book The Heart and Science of Yoga: Empowering Self-Care Program for a Happy, Healthy, Joyful Life will present all course components.
This intensive "Heart and Science of Yoga" retreat presents Leonard's comprehensive training in the world's most effective holistic mind/body medicine and explains its scientific foundation. Noted physicians Dr. Oz (Mehmet Oz MD), Dean Ornish MD, Bernie Siegel MD and Larry Dossey MD have endorsed the curriculum being offered. The American Medical Association and American Nurses Association provide medical accreditation credits for health care practitioners in attendance.
As part of AMI's "Yoga of Medicine" program, this weekend intensive will include the following areas of study: an easy meditation procedure; a systematic method for harnessing the power of the mind; breathing practices to enhance the immune system; an understanding of the creative benefits of mantra science; Ayurvedic health principles; easy-gentle yoga exercises for joints, glands and internal organs; and the benefits of contemplation and prayer. The entire agenda is designed to encourage active participant interaction by combining engaging lectures, practicums and Q&A in a concentrated three-day format. Leonard Perlmutter's 40 years of personal study and teaching will provide all attendees, regardless of the level of experience, a complete set of meditation tools that can relieve stress, reduce pain, boost the immune system, heal relationships, enhance problem solving abilities, and help them experience greater health, happiness, creativity and security.
Meditation master Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev) has taught on the faculties of the New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine, the Himalayan Yoga Teachers Association and the College of Saint Rose. He is a disciple of holistic health pioneer Swami Rama of the Himalayas, the Yoga scientist who, in laboratory conditions at the Menninger Institute, demonstrated that blood pressure, heart rate and the autonomic nervous system could be voluntarily controlled. Leonard has presented courses at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, the Albany Medical College, the Commonwealth Club of California, "The New York Times" Yoga Forum with Dean Ornish, MD, and the United States Military Academy at West Point.
According to Leonard Perlmutter, "Human beings are not merely physical bodies. We are breathing and thinking beings alsoliving with complex thoughts, desires and emotions. Our individual achievement of optimal health does not begin with a lower health insurance premium. First and foremost, human wellness requires a reliable blueprint for mind/body self-care. With active and discriminating participation in our own health management, we can form a healing partnership with our physiciansand stop working against our own best interests."
About the American Meditation Institute The American Meditation Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization devoted to the teaching and practice of Yoga Science, meditation and its allied disciplines as mind/body medicine. In its holistic approach to wellness, AMI combines the healing arts of the East with the practicality of modern Western science. The American Meditation Institute offers a wide variety of classes, retreats, and teacher training programs. AMI also publishes Transformation, a bi-monthly journal of meditation as holistic mind/body medicine.
Media Contact: Robert Washington 60 Garner Road Averill Park, NY 12018 Tel: 518-674-8714 Fax: 518-674-8714
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Leonard Perlmutter's 17th Annual Meditation and Yoga Retreat to be Held at The American Meditation Institute in ... - Benzinga
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Graduate students showcase research at annual OU conference – News at OU
Posted: at 6:42 am
Nearly 100 students presented at Oakland University's second annual Graduate Student Research Conference, which took place March 10. The event spotlighted a diverse array of research topics and was keynoted by Dr. Kathie Olsen, a neuroscientist whose career includes leadership roles at NASA and the National Science Foundation.
Dr. David Stone, Oakland Universitys chief research officer, noted the value of having Dr. Olsen on campus as a role model to aspiring science and technology professionals.
Kathie Olsen started her career as an undeclared major at a small college, she fell into biology by accident and rose to the top of the federal science community, Stone said. What a great reminder that where you start doesnt dictate where you finish.
Following breakfast and registration, the day started with a 90-minute block of oral presentations held in various rooms of the Oakland Center. Thirty-five students delivered oral presentations, with topics ranging from health care and medicine, to physics and engineering, to accounting and finance, to the social sciences.
Showcasing a variety of research topics helped to broaden the conference's appeal across campus, according to Physical Therapy faculty member Dr. Christine Stiller, a member of the faculty committee that organized this years event.
The oral presentations were arranged in breakout sessions consisting of four to five presenters, with each presentation running 15 minutes. Each session featured presentations on related research topics, with presenters from different academic areas. Stiller moderated a session with presenters from Oakland's School of Health Sciences, School of Computer Science and Engineering, and the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine.
Stiller said that bringing students together from different areas helps promote collaboration and interdisciplinary learning. The experience also prepares students to present at professional conferences around the country.
It's a great opportunity for graduate students to develop their presentation skills, but also for undergraduate students to come and see where graduate school could lead them, Stiller said.
After the oral presentations, the event continued with a series of poster presentations by students from each of the university's schools, along with the College of Arts and Sciences.
Claudia Petrescu, dean of Graduate Education at OU, said this years conference featured twice as many presenters as last years event.
Students see this venue as the key venue to present their work, to connect with other students and to be in the spotlight, Petrescu said. It is wonderful to see how important this conference is becoming to OU.
Kathie Olsen
When the presentations concluded, attendees gathered in the Oakland Center Banquet Rooms for lunch and a keynote presentation by Dr. Olsen. The former Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer of the National Science Foundation and Chief Scientist at NASA shared stories from her career and touted the robust outlook for high-paying jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields, especially those requiring advanced degrees.
A Ph.D. opens the door to so many opportunities, Olsen said. You will have a job.
She also emphasized the importance of diversity, noting that women are still underrepresented in science and technology.
Diversity is critical for best products, said Olsen, pointing to examples such as voice recognition technology. If you have a diverse team, your products are going to be better.
Aside from money and prestige, Olsen cited what she called the ultimate reason to pursue a STEM career.
When you choose science and technology, you choose immortality, she said. Research has a lasting impact and is really good for society.
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What Our Cells Teach Us About a ‘Natural’ Death – New York Times
Posted: at 6:41 am
New York Times | What Our Cells Teach Us About a 'Natural' Death New York Times While as humans, we often consciously or unconsciously hope to achieve immortality, immortality has a very real existence in the cellular world it's called cancer. In fact, most cancers occur because of defects in apoptosis, and most novel cancer ... |
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What Our Cells Teach Us About a 'Natural' Death - New York Times
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REM frontman Michael Stipe to premier audiovisual installation at Moogfest 2017 – Durham Herald Sun
Posted: at 6:41 am
DURHAM -- Multimedia artist and R.E.M. frontman Michael Stipe will premiere an audiovisual installation that explores desire and movement during Moogfest 2017, to be held May 18-21. It will be set to a solo composition from Stipe himself.
Here are some more updates from Moogfest:
-- Kate Shaw will deliver the keynote lecture on Exploring the Universe and Impacting Society Worldwide with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Shaw will discuss the present-day and future impacts of the collider on society. She will also share findings from the work she has done promoting particle physics in developing countries through her Physics without Frontiers program
-- Joe Davis of MIT will trace the history of several projects centered on ideas about extraterrestrial communications that have given rise to new scientific techniques and inspired new forms of artistic practice.
-- Magenta by Google Brain: The Google brain team will bring its work to life through an interactive demo plus workshops on the creation of art and music through artificial intelligence.
-- Zoltan Istvan (Immortality Bus), former U.S. presidential candidate and leading Transhumanist, will explore the path to immortality through science.
-- Marc Fleury and members of the Church of Space Park Krausen, Ingmar Koch, and Christof Veillon return to Moogfest for a second year to present an expanded program with daily explorations in modern physics and the occult, Illuminati performances, and a Sunday Mass in their own dedicated Church venue.
-- Andy Cavatorta of MIT Media Lab will present a conversation and workshop on a range of topics including the four-century history of music and performance at the forefront of technology.
-- Michael Bierylo of the Berklee College of Music will present his Modular Synthesizer Ensemble alongside Csound workshops from fellow Berklee professor Richard Boulanger.
-- Chris Ianuzzi, synthesist of Ciani-Musica and past collaborator with Vangelis and Peter Baumann, will present a daytime performance and sound exploration workshops with the B11 brain interface and NeuroSky headset.
-- Duke University professors Mark Kruse and Katherine Hayles along with physicist Steven Goldfarb will lead the full ATLAS @ CERN program that will take place in addition to Kate Shaw's keynote address. The program will include a virtual visit to the Large Hadron Collider via a live video session, a half-day workshop analyzing and understanding LHC data, and a Science Fiction versus Science Fact live debate.
-- Duke professors Ryan Shaw and Michael Clamann will lead a daily science pub talk series on topics that include future medicine, humans and anatomy, and quantum physics.
A full schedule and more details will come later. For tickets, visit
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REM frontman Michael Stipe to premier audiovisual installation at Moogfest 2017 - Durham Herald Sun
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