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Allegion futurist looks into his crystal ball – Security Systems News
Posted: March 19, 2017 at 3:52 pm
DUBLINSecurity Systems News caught up with Allegion futurist and VP of strategy and partnerships Rob Martens to get his take on the top emerging technology trends in the industry, from big data and analytics to AI and robotics, as well as the companys plans for ISC West.
On a personal level, Martens is doing a presentation on April 6 at ISC West on what he calls enhanced design.
This is a huge topic and an unbelievable opportunity for our industry, Martens told SSN. This is one of those where you truly need to embrace the change, and if you do, you can be insanely rewarded but if you dont you could be punished.
He pointed out that enhanced design is the idea of incorporating new technology into the aesthetic and functional design of a projectcreating opportunities to make a home or a building safer, more efficient and more convenient.
The real concept of enhanced design isespecially for integrators and security professionalshow do we help these architects, who are already pretty burdened, integrate in this new technology at the beginning of the design process, because it will fundamentally change the way that an architect designs the interior and potentially even the exterior of a building, he explained. But in order to do that, weve got to be more than wire pullers or mechanical security guys.
From an Allegion standpoint overall, Martens said the company will be very focused on electro-mechanical convergencehow devices that have historically been mechanical in nature, effectively integrate electronics, software, and play well within more complex ecosystems, he said. The big announcement for us it that our Engage platform is expanding hugely, to include many more products, so that level of connectivity is now getting rolled out and becoming a reality.
Looking beyond ISC West, Martens said that the way the industry responsibly leverages all of the data that is available today continues to be a hot topic.
The data in the more tech-driven opportunities that you are starting to see people embrace, not only are they inevitable but they are crucial to the growth and the health of our industry, he asserted. And with more people concerned about their data being sold, crowdsourcing data to create better experienceswhile keeping individual user data privatewill only become more important in 2017.
One of the mega trends that he is seeing is differential privacy, which in simple terms, is the ability to collect data without collecting specific data about a person. So there is an ability to protect people while still extracting beneficial things that allow you to recognize big opportunities and use that data effectively, he said.
He noted that the utilization and application of tools like differential privacy are going to be a really important part of the debate around: What do you want to extract and why?
The key, said Martens, is that everything is getting faster and cheaperstorage, the sensors that collect the data, the pipelines that transport the data, and the tools that sort the data into useful, clean and analytically capable intelligence.
So I think the security industry is going to benefit hugely and I am very optimistic about the inclusion of meaningful data into physical tools and managerial tool sets, he said. I think we leave a tremendous amount of productivity on the table every day, and you will continue to see more key decision makers on a project, such as the CIO and IT person, working closer than ever with integrators and security professionals to bridge that gap between physical security and digital or IT security.
The growth of intuitive interfaces and the emergence of AI will also see continued growth this year and beyond, noted Martens.
AI is multiple levels and many flavors, from chatbots to more complex voice interfaces, he said. It is not just its ability to crunch numbers, and give you the right answers at the right time, but also the nature of the interaction itself. How intuitive or frictionless can we make it? And how can we make the technology so everyone can use it?
Where AI gets interesting in security is how fast it can analyze all of the data that is being produced.
If you look at IBMs Watson platform, for example, it is looking for statistical anomalies across mountains and mountains of research, and Watson exponentially speeds up that evaluation process that would take someone, such as a doctor looking through cancer research, years and years to complete. And the applications on the security side are endless. What that is ultimately going to do is give the user better and more control than they have ever had before and if they want to cede some of their activities so they can focus on other things, they will be able to do that.
He pointed out that robotics is the physical manifestation and a great and meaningful extension for the capabilities associated with AI. Drones can do the job of many security guards, and you can use unmanned vehicles in manufacturing and all the other things that people have said, but there are some really excellent and interesting use cases for robotics in a security environment as well.
Augmented and virtual reality will also play a role in making security much more intuitive and frictionless. People think headsets right away, but AR is just another user interface for the technology that is in the building, and it can help a technician, for example, do his job faster and more effectively, he noted. AR is overlaying information over a picture, so if you are using AR as a service tech coming to do an audit, for example, and you have never been to the building, when you get out of your car and turn on the camera on your phone, all of the sudden the devices that are within range are going to call out to you and alert you to any issues, from a battery to an audit that is needed, and also give you the fastest route through the building to get to each device.
Another technology that will help improve the overall user experience, as well as help protect systems from ransomware, is the cloud.
I see greater adoption of cloud-based solutions, he said. The truth of the matter is, if you are worried about ransomware, you are a lot better in many cases ceding that control to the experts in the cloud than trying to protect your own local network. Who has better resources to defend your network? [Amazon Web Services] or your local IT guy?
Another factor that will drive the cloud forward is the introduction of 5G. The amount of data that is going to be available through 5G is so staggeringly huge, the response times for huge amounts of data are just milliseconds, so any concerns that people had about if it will be fast enough will no longer exist.
Allegion futurist looks into his crystal ball - Security Systems News
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Forget Colonization. The UAE Plans to Build a City on Mars by 2117 – Big Think
Posted: March 17, 2017 at 6:50 am
The US, Russia, China, India, the EU, and even private companies are in a race to colonize Mars. There are lots of technical things to work out, from food supply to protection from solar radiation. Though few smaller countries have jumped into the Mars race thus far, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is looking far beyond planting a flag or a few threadbare shelters. Their motto seems to be, go big or go home. The country recently released its plan to build a futuristic city on the Red Planet by 2117. The proposal and accompanying images look like something ripped from the pages of a sci-fi novel.
The UAE is a collective, an oil rich federation of seven smaller states. They are late coming to the space race. But the country developed extremely quickly, from a Gulf backwater to one of the richest and most developed countries in the region, in less than half a century.
A rustic, pearl diving village a little over 40 years ago, Dubai today is a glittering metropolis full of modern skyscrapers. It even boasts the worlds tallest. This financial hub of the region hosts impressive sites including an archipelago of manmade, palm islands, The World islands, and the planets largest indoor ski resort, among others. Read into this, maybe they can pull it off.
The UAE launched its space program in 2014. Though a newcomer, if the countrys development is any indication, it could become a major player in the next great space race. The Emerati agency plans to work with their British and French counterparts, beginning next year, in order to send up an unmanned Mars probe named Hope, by 2021, reaching the Red Planet two years later. The Martian city announcement was made recently at the World Government Summit in Dubai. Visitors were able to gaze at a 3D model of the proposed city.
Model of the city. HH Sheikh Mohammed via Twitter.
Entering into the space race adds cache to a country. It telegraphs that youve come a long way, in terms of wealth and technological development. Theres no way theyll be the first to put people on Mars, starting their own space agency so late. Instead, the UAE found a different way to distinguish itself. No newcomer to city design in and of itself, officials are planning to establish the first urban living community, based on human happiness, in oncoming years. So placing the first metropolis on Mars may not be out of its wheelhouse.
The City of Wisdom as its being called, will be about the size of Chicago, according to the announcement. Vice president of the UAE and sovereign of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, announced the project. Human ambitions have no limits, and whoever looks into the scientific breakthroughs in the current century believes that human abilities can realize the most important human dream, he said.
The first step he said, was building up science programs in schools and universities. Just as Sputnik triggered advanced science and math education programs in the US, so too will this spur such learning in the UAE. Besides that, the Sheikh plans to build an Emirate scientific group, which will include international experts. These will be broken up into teams.
Another conceptualization. HH Sheikh Mohammed via Twitter.
Each will investigate a certain aspect, such as the faster transportation to Mars, as it now takes 150-300 days, depending on where each planet is in their journey around the sun. Thats way too slow, considering that the first toehold colony will be supplied with dried food from Earth, at least at first, and will depend on such shipments. Other teams will look at growing food, creating energy, methods of transportation across the planets surface, and more.
Scientific and research committee manager Saaed Al Gergawi, told CNBC that the city is expected to house 600,000 people. He said, We came up with that number because it's like someone going to an exotic island, not everyone can go first, then we get advancement of rocket tech, which makes people move there easily, then the advancement of oxygen tech to make it more earth like, which would incentivize people.
A lot of questions remain. For instance, will substantial radiation shielding be needed? If so, how do they plan on doing it? Solar radiation bombards the Red Planet, which will put human health at serious risk. One theoretical NASA plan is to build a magnetic shield which protects the planet. But if it doesnt work, buildings will have to have special shielding in order to protect colonists.
Other questions include, How will the city be built, and where on the surface will it reside? This is a long-term project, but the expansive timeline could give the UAE space agency the time it needs, to make sure this considerable feat becomes a reality. As the earliest colonies take shape in the next few decades, UAE scientists will be able to adjust their plans to fit conditions on the ground.
To learn more about the UAE project, click here:
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Forget Colonization. The UAE Plans to Build a City on Mars by 2117 - Big Think
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Lockheed Martin Gears Up for Mars Colonization National Daily … – National Daily Press
Posted: at 6:50 am
The aerospace and defense giant Lockheed Martin announced that it plans to colonize the Red Planet in 12 years. The first objective of the mission would be to place a manned mission on the orbit of mars for three years.
Lockheed executives unveiled the ambitious plan during a meeting of the National Space Club Florida Committee last week. The company said that the astronauts orbiting the Red Planet would perform a series of scientific tasks and remote exploration of the planet.
The astronauts would control rovers and drones which will explore the surface and beam back data aboutthe most suitable places to set up a colony. The official outline showed that the concept is quite simple: the astronauts in the Martian orbital laboratory will conduct science from above, analyze the planets soil and rocks, and find the best site for humans to settle down.
The head of the Lockheed Martins civil space programs Tony Antonelli said the plan is doable by 2028. However, the company will need the U.S. governments help along with international cooperation.
Still, the U.S. is not the only nation that seeks a Mars mission. In the coming years, many states and space agencies plan to explore the Red Planet. Obama administration wished for the U.S. Mars mission to land the first man on Mars by 2030.
The U.S. Congress is about to approvea bill that granted NASA $19.1 billion in funding, with the Mars Mission being a top priority. Trump administration and congressional Republicans want a manned mission to Mars to be launched as late as 2033.
In the meantime, the United Arab States said they are eyeing the construction of the first Martian city. They didnt give a deadline, but they said the city would be Chicago-sized.
The Dutch have also said that they plan to build a similar structure on the Martian soil, while SpaceXs founder Elon Musk said his company was working on colonizing Mars as well.
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Bill Nye Answers: If Humans Colonize Mars, How Will We Evolve? – Futurism
Posted: at 6:50 am
In Brief
Bill Nye doesnt believe well ever colonize Mars, but if we do, he has an idea of how our bodies might adapt to survive on the Red Planet. He recently shared it via his Tuesdays with Billseries for Big Think.
Humans born on Mars might have a tough time surviving on Earth. The surface gravity of Mars is only 38 percent of what we have here on Earth. That means the hearts of humans born on that planet might not be able to tackle as much aerobically on Earth. In fact, astronauts who travel to Mars and stay therelong enough for their bodies to adjust to the lower level of gravitywill likely experiencepermanent changes in circulation, muscle strength, and bone density, making it impossible for them to return to Earth.
Would our bodies ever truly adapt to Mars? Well, evolution is slow. In fact, the process is barely noticeable. Serious selection pressure would be necessary for it to have a discernible effect on the population, for example, only the offspring of women who could handle Martian gravity surviving long enough to reproduce.
Some people believe that terraforming planets such as Marsis a better idea rather than waiting for our bodies to adapt to the planets environment, wed change the environment to adapt to us. In the case of Mars, wed have to alter its ecology, atmosphere, topography, temperature, and other traits.
Ultimately, Bill Nye doesnt see it happening although he likes the question being asked!
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Buzz Aldrin dreams of a colony on Mars: Could VR make it a reality? – Christian Science Monitor
Posted: at 6:50 am
March 16, 2017 Buzz Aldrin wants to establish a permanent colony on Mars and he has a plan to make it happen. But bringing that plan to fruition requires communicating his vision to others.
Dr. Aldrin set out to do so at South by Southwest this week, describing a small but permanent colony of 150 residents on the planet. Unlike the one-way journeys proposed by some advocates of Mars colonization, he pictures prospective residents signing up for 10-year round trips. The moon, which made him a household name in 1969, features in his plan as a resupply station for the Mars colony.
On Tuesday, Aldrin revealed a new tool for sharing his dream: a 10-minute virtual reality immersion into life on the moon and Mars, produced in partnership with virtual reality company 8i and guided by Aldrin himself. By giving people the tools to "experience" the possibilities for themselves, he hopes to encourage enthusiasm for Mars exploration something scientists say can only help.
Anything that elevates people above the petty daily realm is good, says Paul Davies, a physics professor at Arizona State University who has written extensively about Mars colonization, in a phone interview with The Christian Science Monitor. What Buzz Aldrin is doing, its inspiring.
Many, including Aldrin, have been fascinated by Mars since around the time of the first moon landing. In the past few years, a journey to Mars has taken off in the public consciousness. NASA satellites have produced images of the planets surface, while rovers have collected soil samples and sniffed for life. The Obama administration set a goal of going to Mars and returning humans safely to Earth some time in the 2030s, while billionaire and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has released plans to create a self-sustaining city of 1 million people on the planet. And from The Martian to National Geographics MARS miniseries, its become ever easier for people to envision life on the red planet.
His status as the second man on the Moon, as well as his academic background, mean Aldrin is uniquely positioned to advocate for colonizing Mars. Aldrins stature definitely gives him a power to inspire enthusiasm that others lack, writes Dirk Schulze-Makuch, a professor at Washington State Universitys School of the Environment, in an email to the Monitor.
Nor is this his first foray into virtual reality. A holographic image of Aldrin guided visitors to the Kennedy Space Centers Discover: Mars exhibit, which ended in January.
The opportunity to get up close and personal with a walk on Mars is so exciting, said Therrin Protze, chief operating officer of the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, in a press release. "We cant wait for our guests to experience the thrill of it."
That exhibit closed on January 1, but Aldrin's new virtual reality experience can continue to bring the possibilities of Mars to a broader audience. It will be released on Friday through a number of VR providers.
The immersive tool provides a "great experience of almost being there and that's going to be wonderful for expressing a number of ideas, Aldrin told CNBC in an interview at South by Southwest.
But the challenge may not be as Aldrin seems to suggest inspiring recruits, Professor Schulze-Makuch says.
When Paul Davies and I suggested the Mars One-Way Mission Concept many years ago, we had about 1,000 emails from people who wanted to volunteer though we never asked for volunteers (and obviously did not have ourselves the means or technology)," he says.
The missing ingredient is the money and political will.
But virtual reality has proven itself as a fundraising tool for charities, helping them engage with key audiences in a meaningful way. Aldrins film could similarly help space-travel advocacy groups encourage Congress or private investors to fund a colony on Mars.
Professor Davies, however, is uncertain of the merits of this approach. NASA is an inherently conservative organization, he says, and there are simply too many risks for them to consider sending human missions at this point.
With that in mind, he says, the virtual reality experience is going to be pretty marginal in terms of its impact on public policy.
Even if NASA or some other entity were to agree, creating a self-sustaining community on Mars will likely take centuries, he says, adding that we currently have very little idea of what it would take to have a self-sustaining ecosystem on Mars.
For now, the virtual reality experience may inspire people to get involved with planning for such missions. Virtual reality is increasingly available in classrooms, Davies notes, describing a virtual field trip to a Mars-like environment in Australia in which his Arizona State students participate.
But its important that the possibilities of virtual reality not become more enticing than exploration itself, Schulze-Makuch points out.
It might inspire many people, but it could also have the opposite effect, that people become content to experience it in virtual reality and not willing to undergo the hardships of spaceflight anymore, he writes.
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Buzz Aldrin dreams of a colony on Mars: Could VR make it a reality? - Christian Science Monitor
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SXSW 2017: Buzz Aldrin Shows Us The Pathway To Mars … – UploadVR
Posted: at 6:49 am
Software company 8i is leading the charge for volumetric human capture, a key technology that could have a lasting importance across virtual platforms. Digitally created characters are very detailed and can leave an impression in interactive and/or cinematic experiences but, when attempting to recreate real people, theres a level of realism that just isnt reached. 8is holograms are bringing real people into virtual experiences with a high image quality that doesnt break the immersion and they have the tech on display for their narrative experience Cycling Pathways To Mars at the 2017 South by Southwest show (SXSW).
Buzz Aldrin, one of the legendary astronauts from the worlds first moon landing, is the subject of 8is tech in Cycling Pathways To Mars. Aldrin and 8i previously collaborated on Message To Mars, a project that couldcombat mission isolation for astronauts, and this new experience is essentially an extension of that. Aldrin has had a complex theory for how the colonization of Mars would begin, but it was not something easily explained to those that dont share Aldrins level of expertise. The immersion of VR coupled with Aldrins knowledge made for a narrative experience where his words are brought to life and viewers, such as myself, come away with a much better understanding.
Cycling Pathways To Mars places you on a platform with a projection system on the floor that displays the virtual Buzz Aldrin as he theorizes the different steps needed to move toward Mars colonization. As he walks us through his ideas, the space around us unfolds to match what he describes. Were shown his original moon landing, the moon of the future, the proposed journey to Mars on massive ships called Cyclers and, finally, the Mars colony. The experience is running on an HTC Vive in roomscale, so youre able to walk around the platform and get a look at things from a different perspective.
Planets fly through you as youre surrounded by thesolar system and youll even fly through the Cycler and get a close look at its components. There was an interesting interaction I was making that I didnt realize until my host told me after the hands-on. Ben Stein, 8is General Manager, pointed out I gave Buzz Aldrins hologram a wide berth and those before me had done the same. I moved through the other digital assets with no problem, but I really felt like Aldrin was sharing the space with me. 8i has shared images of their volumetric projections before, but seeing one close up really reveals how impactful they can be.
If youre at SXSW, you owe it to yourself to check out Cycling Pathways To Mars. It is being hosted at the Marriott in downtown Austin until Thursday March 16. On Friday, it will be available through TIME Inc so others can experience it as well.
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UC Davis alumni revolutionize genetic engineering – The Aggie
Posted: at 6:49 am
Arshia Firouzi, left, and Gurkern Sufi, right. (COURTESY)
Biology meets engineering to increase production of transgenic organisms
Of the thousands of students that attend UC Davis, Arshia Firouzi and Gurkern Sufi met one another in Tercero Hall in 2011. Bright-eyed freshmen at the time, they had yet to embark on the exhilarating journey that would lead to their founding of Ravata Solutions a company dedicated to making transgenics, the field of biology that results in genetically engineered organisms, easier for genetic engineering.
Sufi has a degree in biotechnology and Firouzi in electrical engineering and the intersect between these two sciences is what intrigued them the most. Under the guidance of UC Davis professor Marc Facciotti, they gained a VentureWell grant in 2015 to begin tinkering with their project and conducting basic research in Translating Engineering Advances to Medicines (TEAM) Molecular Prototyping and Bioinnovation Laboratory.
We had put together a lab space and equipment where people can come and explore the various types of technology that are associated with engineering biology, Facciotti said. Connected to that is an award from a foundation called VentureWell, and VentureWell gave some money to help facilitate this general idea, and Ive been using it to seed projects that students are coming up with.
The initial idea revolved around micro-electrical components and biology together, but the application that came out of it was not the original plan.
We had been working on single-cell electroporation, [using an electric field to increase absorption of foreign materials into cells], for a while with exploring potential applications in a variety of cells, Sufi said. We asked, What are some high-value, high priority cells that researchers cant risk losing large quantities of when they want to do a transformation? Naturally, we fell upon embryos.
And thus, Ravata Solutions was born. Ravata is dedicated to creating a device that will transform transgenics. This automated device would take the place of microinjection, the classic technique used to manually insert DNA into an embryo. While microinjection does ultimately result in the production of transgenic animals, it has critical flaws. A real limitation of microinjection is the time it takes to make a successfully transgenic organism, Sufi said. It is also an outdated field [that] you cant find many skilled professionals in anymore.
Ravatas device increases the efficiency and viability of producing transgenic animals with the incorporation of electroporation and single-cell sensing. This new technology results in up to 1,000 embryo transformations per hour with over 80 percent viability and over 80 percent efficiency. This is important because it allows researchers to rapidly conduct embryo transformations and know if they are on the right path.
The rate-limiting step in creating transgenic animals is embryo transformation, Firouzi said. What Ravata is doing is enabling production of embryo engineering by allowing input of the process of embryo transformation to increase 100-fold.
Ravata was accepted into the IndieBio accelerator program in San Francisco in October of 2016, and partnered with the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, VIB Life Sciences and the UC Davis Mouse Biology Program. They are currently testing pilot programs and plan to launch the product in 2018.
We are excited to launch and also start exploring the many other applications of our technology in plants, Firouzi said. At the end of the day, our device doesnt transform just embryos, it can transform any cell type with a high efficiency and high viability. Written by: Harnoor Gill
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UC Davis alumni revolutionize genetic engineering - The Aggie
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From skin to brain: Stem cells without genetic modification – UB News Center
Posted: at 6:49 am
BUFFALO, N.Y. A discovery, several years in the making, by a University at Buffalo research team has proven that adult skin cells can be converted into neural crest cells (a type of stem cell) without any genetic modification, and that these stem cells can yield other cells that are present in the spinal cord and the brain.
The applications could be very significant, from studying genetic diseases in a dish to generating possible regenerative cures from the patients own cells.
Its actually quite remarkable that it happens, says Stelios T. Andreadis, PhD, professor and chair of UBs Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, who recently published a paper on the results in the journal Stem Cells.
The identity of the cells was further confirmed by lineage tracing experiments, where the reprogrammed cells were implanted in chicken embryos and acted just as neural crest cells do.
Stem cells have been derived from adult cells before, but not without adding genes to alter the cells. The new process yields neural crest cells without addition of foreign genetic material. The reprogrammed neural crest cells can become smooth muscle cells, melanocytes, Schwann cells or neurons.
In medical applications this has tremendous potential because you can always get a skin biopsy, Andreadis says. We can grow the cells to large numbers and reprogram them, without genetic modification. So, autologous cells derived from the patient can be used to treat devastating neurogenic diseases that are currently hampered by the lack of easily accessible cell sources.
The process can also be used to model disease. Skin cells from a person with a genetic disease of the nervous system can be reprogrammed into neural crest cells. These cells will have the disease-causing mutation in their chromosomes, but the genes that cause the mutation are not expressed in the skin. The genes are likely to be expressed when cells differentiate into neural crest lineages, such as neurons or Schwann cells, thereby enabling researchers to study the disease in a dish. This is similar to induced pluripotent stem cells, but without genetic modification or reprograming to the pluripotent state.
The discovery was a gradual process, Andreadis says, as successive experiments kept leading to something new. It was one step at a time. It was a very challenging task that took almost five years and involved a wide range of expertise and collaborators to bring it to fruition, Andreadis says. Collaborators include Gabriella Popescu, PhD, professor in the Department of Biochemistry in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB; Song Liu, PhD, vice chair of biostatistics and bioinformatics at Roswell Park Cancer Institute and a research associate professor in biostatistics UBs School of Public Health and Health Professions; and Marianne Bronner, PhD, professor of biology and biological engineering, California Institute of Technology.
Andreadis credits the persistence of his then-PhD student, Vivek K. Bajpai, for sticking with it.
He is an excellent and persistent student, Andreadis says. Most students would have given up. Andreadis also credits a seed grant from UBs office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Developments IMPACT program that enabled part of the work.
The work recently received a $1.7 million National Institutes of Health grant to delve into the mechanisms that occur as the cells reprogram, and to employ the cells for treating the Parkinsons-like symptoms in a mouse model of hypomyelinating disease.
This work has the potential to provide a novel source of abundant, easily accessible and autologous cells for treatment of devastating neurodegenerative diseases. We are excited about this discovery and its potential impact and are grateful to NIH for the opportunity to pursue it further, Andreadis said.
The research, described in the journal Stem Cells under the title Reprogramming Postnatal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes Toward Functional Neural Crest Fates, was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health.
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The European Society of Human Genetics condemns move to … – (press release) (blog)
Posted: at 6:49 am
A Bill that would allow companies to require employees to undergo genetic testing and disclose the results to their employers, or risk having to make health insurance payments of thousands of dollars extra, was recently approved by the US House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce, with all 22 Republicans supporting it and all 17 Democrats opposing.
Genetic tests can predict health risks. In the US, where companies cover significant parts of the health insurance of their employees they may, understandably, want to minimise these risks. In the past, however, decisions on whether or not to undergo genetic testing have been the voluntary choices of individuals. Both the Council of Europe and the US law (Genetic Information and Non-Discrimination Act, GINA)uphold this standpoint.
The European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) defends the principle that employees should be employed on the basis of their skills and expertise, and not on their future health risks. This Bill has apparently been integrated into the activities related to the revision of the Affordable Care Act,otherwise known as Obama Care. Transparency is needed on the potential decision to discontinue the GINA. The genetic and health information of individuals needs protection, said Professor Martina Cornel, chair of the ESHG Public and Professional Policy Committee.
European Society of Human Genetics
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The European Society of Human Genetics condemns move to ... - (press release) (blog)
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Mouse study helps find genetic causes of human behavioral disorders – Medical Xpress
Posted: at 6:49 am
March 14, 2017 by Graciela Gutierrez Credit: NIH
Scientists studying the role of a protein complex in the normal development of the mouse brain unexpectedly created a mouse model that replicates clinical symptoms of patients with complex neurological disorders such as hyperactivity, learning deficits and social behavior abnormalities. Careful study of this mouse model led to the discovery of the genetic cause of the human neurological condition of five patients who, until now, had not received a genetic diagnosis. The team, which includes researchers, from Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children's Hospital and other institutions, has published the results in Nature Genetics.
"When we began this research, we were just curious about what the ATXN1-CIC complex normally does," said senior author Dr. Huda Zoghbi, professor of molecular and human genetics and of pediatrics - neurology and developmental neuroscience at Baylor and director of the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children's Hospital.
The researchers knew that enhanced function of the ATXN1-CIC complex can lead to neurodegenerative conditions. In this work, to discern the role of the complex in the development of a normal brain, they explored the biological consequences of the opposite situation, the complex losing its function. Using genetic tools in the lab, the researchers selectively removed genes involved in the formation of the complex in distinct regions of the mouse brain; the forebrain, and the hypothalamus and amygdala.
"We discovered that genetically removing the complex from forebrain cells resulted in learning and memory deficits and hyperactivity in the mice," said co-first author Dr. Qiumin Tan, postdoctoral fellow of molecular and human genetics in the Zoghbi lab. "Interestingly, within the forebrain, only the upper layers of the cortex showed a reduction of thickness, while lower layers appeared intact."
"The biggest surprise was how the fairly specific and relatively limited changes in the cortex caused dramatic hyperactivity in mice," said co-first author Dr. Hsiang-Chih Lu, who was a doctoral student in the Zoghbi lab during this study and is currently at Washington University.
When the researchers knocked out genes involved in the protein complex only in the hypothalamus and amygdala, they observed changes in the mice behavior that were different from those described above. "In this case, the mice showed prominent deficits in their social interactions," Tan said. "For instance, they interacted less with other mice, and spent less time interacting with unfamiliar mice. These behaviors resemble some of the behaviors observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorders."
In contrast to the marked changes in thickness observed in the cortex, the researchers did not observe any major alterations in the structure of hypothalamus and amygdala when they lacked the protein complex.
Intrigued by their findings in mice, the researchers decided to investigate whether similar genetic changes in humans would be associated with comparable behaviors.
"If we hadn't seen these neurological problems in the mice, we would not have looked for the human parallel," Zoghbi said.
The human connection
To find individuals carrying mutations in the genes involved in the formation of the ATXN1-CIC complex, the researchers entered the candidate genes they had worked with in mice in GeneMatcher, a web-tool developed as part of the Baylor-Hopkins Center for Mendelian Genomics for rare disease researchers. Similar to online dating websites that match couples, GeneMatcher allows researchers to find others that are interested in the same genes they are working on.
"Through GeneMatcher we found five individuals carrying a mutation in capicua, one of the genes linked to the ATXN1-CIC complex," Tan said. "Taken together, the affected individuals present with a spectrum of behavioral disorders including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), developmental delay and intellectual disabilities and some have autism and epileptic seizures."
These individuals did not have an explanation for their condition; they did not know it was a genetic disorder or what had caused it. This work has provided them with an answer; researchers can now better understand the biology of their hyperactivity and intellectual disability.
"Hyperactivity is a relatively common problem in children, but it's been hard to understand it biologically," Zoghbi said. "I think our work has pointed out an area of the brain in which we can begin to investigate to understand what drives this behavior."
"Some people have suggested that mouse models are not good enough to study human diseases. I think that the models are good, what is important is how we study them," Zoghbi said. "In this case, careful study of the mouse models has shown us where to look in human patients to potentially find the biological underpinnings of complex behavioral disorders, such as ADHD and autism spectrum disorder."
"This work has shown that the ATXN1-CIC complex is important for proper development and function of the brain and also uncovers its roles in human neurodevelopmental disorders," Lu said.
Explore further: Mutations in CWC27 result in a spectrum of developmental conditions
More information: Hsiang-Chih Lu et al. Disruption of the ATXN1CIC complex causes a spectrum of neurobehavioral phenotypes in mice and humans, Nature Genetics (2017). DOI: 10.1038/ng.3808
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ADHD can be cured by oral administration of 250mg of healthy adult male facial skin surface lipid pheromone. Airborne emissions from the collected skin surface lipid pheromone are behaviorally dangerous and measures need to be taken to diminish their effects on everyone: activated charcoal dunnage with sealed packaging, storage under hoods, oscillating fans, staff to use supplied air respirators, social isolation of the patient for 40 days (long enough for the pheromone to "wear off" one's saliva after being dosed).
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