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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Psoriasis: new treatments, excellent results – MSR News Online

Posted: March 27, 2017 at 4:23 am

Psoriasis is both a common and an age-old problem that affects about five percent of people worldwide. It presents as red, scaling plaques on the skin that often itch and bleed.Most commonly psoriasis occurs on the elbows and knees, but it can be found anywhere on the body, including the face and scalp.

For centuries, it has affected people in all walks of life and all nationalities.It can be progressive and may appear at any time during ones life.It is one of the most common skin diseases, striking an estimated five percent of the worlds population.

Of those affected, approximately 25 percent can develop an associated psoriatic arthritis, which is both progressive and degenerative.Psoriatic arthritis can be debilitating. Psoriasis is not contagious, but it can interfere with normal life and social relationships and cause many sufferers to isolate themselves from friends and family.

Heredity plays a part in the disease, with approximately 10 percent of all sufferers being able to identify a genetic relative with the disease.Stress, injury, infection, medication, or trauma can trigger an initial episode or cause a flare-up of psoriasis.

There are many varieties of psoriasis, including guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, plaque psoriasis, scalp psoriasis, and inverse psoriasis.Inverse psoriasis occurs in the armpit, under the breasts, and in the skin folds around the groin, buttocks, and genitals.

Scalp psoriasis is often mistaken for dandruff.Guttate psoriasis can affect anyone, but it often starts after a sore throat associated with streptococcal infection.

Pustular psoriasis is a painful condition that is limited almost exclusively to the palms and soles.Pustular psoriasis can be quite debilitating, and can even prevent walking and the ability to work with the hands.Psoriasis can also affect the nails, imitating a fungal infection and causing pits in the nails or producing brown spots under the nails known as oil spots.

What causes psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a genetic disease involving both autoimmune and inflammatory components.The standard skin growth cycle requires approximately 28 days for skin cells to go from the basal layer to the top.In psoriasis, this growth rate is dramatically increased and occurs every three to five days.As a result, the skin cannot shed normally and instead piles up, forming thick scaling plaques.

In the past it was believed that psoriasis was a disorder of the skin cells, where the cells were unable to grow at a healthy rate.However, it is now understood there are many contributing factors, such as the immune system.

Often, immune cells can leave the blood stream and produce compounds that interact with cells in the skin to produce this rapid growth phase.Biologic treatments are targeted at the immune cells to interfere with their ability to produce the rapid growth and inflammatory phase associated with arthritis.

How is psoriasis diagnosed?

Dermatologists diagnose psoriasis by examining the skin, nails and scalp.If the diagnosis is in doubt, a skin biopsy may be helpful.

How is psoriasis treated?

My philosophy is to use a combination approach, utilizing many different compounds in the treatment of psoriasis to achieve an effective and synergistic result.At Crutchfield Dermatology, we are recognized as a Psoriasis Treatment Center of Excellence. I employ both topical medicines, light treatments (ultraviolet light and lasers), and systemic medicines.

Topical treatments include steroid creams, tar-based products,Vitamin A treatments, Vitamin D treatments, and our exclusive, patented, and very effective CutiCort1 steroid spray.In addition to topical medicines, I also prescribe phototherapeutic measures, including narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy and targeted laser treatments.

Phototherapeutic treatments can be performed by using a full-body and hand-and-foot light box to treat resistant hand and foot psoriasis.Finally, oral/systemic medications including methotrexate, cyclosporine, oral retinoids, and the latest, most advanced generation of medicines that combat psoriasis known as biologic agentscan produce exceptional results.

Future of psoriasis

More and more research is being done every day giving us better insight into psoriasis.This research will allow the disorder to be treated even more efficiently in the future.

We know that psoriasis is a genetic disease and is much more than a cosmetic concern. Physicians now recognize that having psoriasis is associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, arthritis, obesity, intestinal diseases, kidney disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and gum disease.

However, with the correct diagnosis and modern treatment program, psoriasis can be very successfully managed, as well as the many complications of psoriasis.If you have psoriasis, you dont have to suffer. Talk to your dermatologist about the many new and significantly effective treatments now available.

Charles E. Crutchfield III, MD is a board certified dermatologist and Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the University of Minnesota Medical School.He also has a private practice in Eagan, MN.He received his M.D. and Masters Degree in Molecular Biology and Genomics from the Mayo Clinic. He has been selected as one of the top 10 dermatologists in the United States byBlack Enterprise magazine.Dr. Crutchfield was recognized by Minnesota Medicine as one of the 100 Most Influential Healthcare Leaders in Minnesota. He is the team dermatologist for the Minnesota Twins, Vikings, Timberwolves, Wild and Lynx. Dr. Crutchfield is an active member of both the American and National Medical Associations.

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Scientists Spot Gene for Rare Disorder Causing Deafness, Blindness – Sioux City Journal

Posted: at 4:22 am

THURSDAY, March 23, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- Researchers say they have found the genetic cause of a rare disorder that causes children to be born with deafness, blindness, albinism and fragile bones.

The syndrome is called COMMAD. It occurs when children inherit two mutations -- one from each parent -- of a gene called MITF. Each parent is also deaf due to another rare genetic disorder called Waardenburg syndrome 2A.

Further research is needed to learn more about the role of MITF during early development and how mutations in this gene result in the development of Waardenburg 2A and COMMAD, said researchers from the U.S. National Eye Institute (NEI).

COMMAD stands for the names of a number of conditions that affect people with this disorder. It includes missing tissue around the eye; abnormally dense bones prone to fracture; small or abnormally formed eyes; an abnormally large head; albinism (lack of melanin in the skin, eyes and hair), and deafness.

Identifying the genetic cause of COMMAD is important because deaf people commonly choose to marry other deaf persons. People who are deaf may not know that their deafness is associated with Waardenburg 2A, the researchers explained.

Deaf couples may want to consider genetic counseling prior to conceiving a child. If both potential parents have Waardenburg 2A, they risk passing mutated versions of MITF to their children, who would then have COMMAD, study lead author Dr. Brian Brooks said in a NEI news release.

Brooks is chief of the NEI's Pediatric, Developmental, and Genetic Ophthalmology section.

The study describes two unrelated cases of children born with COMMAD who inherited the two mutations of MITF from their parents.

Most people who are born deaf don't have Waardenburg 2A. Along with hearing loss, people with the syndrome have premature graying of the hair, blue eyes, fair skin and sometimes vision problems, the researchers said.

The study was published recently in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

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Novel gene therapy experiment offers hope for people with certain hearing loss and dizziness disorder – Science Daily

Posted: at 4:22 am

Science Daily
Novel gene therapy experiment offers hope for people with certain hearing loss and dizziness disorder
Science Daily
In a first-of-its-kind study published in the March 1, 2017 edition of Molecular Therapy, researchers from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine showed that gene ...

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Novel gene therapy experiment offers hope for people with certain hearing loss and dizziness disorder - Science Daily

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Code and Capital: Genetic Testing in China – Sixth Tone

Posted: at 4:22 am

Ran Yingying, a former state television presenter, is also the wife of Chinese Boxing Association flyweight champion Zou Shiming. Recently, Ran drew attention for posting the test scores of her 6-year-old sons commercial genetic test, which had come up with a series of figures covering everything from his ability to learn languages to music appreciation, athletic ability, interpersonal skills, and aptitude for mathematics.

It looks like the son of Chinas most successful boxer did not get his fathers sports genes, Ran wrote, mostly in jest. Her post was forwarded tens of thousands of times, with manycommenters saying they want to perform similar tests on themselves or their kids.

Such genetic tests have become so popular that in late 2015, 22 experts in the fields of genomics and sports science published a statementin the British Journal of Sports Medicine saying that no child or young athlete should be subjected to genetic testing to spot athletic talent or boost performance. They concluded that the scientific evidence on the effectiveness of these commercial tests is simply far too weak to back their use.

Public demand is running high regardless. With varying levels of scientific support, startups are already offering a wide array of genetic tests, be they screenings for health risks or predictors of personality.

The test taken by Rans child cost 6,500 yuan ($940) and was developed by DaAn Gene, a Guangzhou-based genomics company that only began offering personal genetic testing products in 2015. Affiliated with Sun Yat-sen University, DaAn had been focusing on research-related gene studies and working with institutions. It was only in the past two years that it started targeting members of the public as customers.

In China, there are over 150 genomics firms. Currently, 70 percent of them mainly offer gene-testing services, and an increasing number of them have started to offer tests to individual consumers. With attractive advertisements and mysteriously advanced technology, genomics firms have become attractive choices for investors. A rough calculation byCN Healthcaresays that 40 Chinese gene companies received investment in 2016, worth over 80 billion yuan in total.

According to the National Human Genome Research Institute in the U.S., genome sequencing costs started to fall sharply in 2007, when the cost per genome was around $10 million. By 2015, that number had dropped to less than$1,000.

As these businesses increasingly target the public, two types of gene companies have emerged: On one side, there are the traditional gene technology companies that entered the market before 2012; on the other side are the startups targeting individual customers and promoting the commercial use of genomics.

The young startups frame the debate as established gene companies turning their backs on ordinary consumers, while the traditional companies claim that many of these consumer-focused businesses are distorting genetic science. Li Ruiqiang, CEO of Beijing-based Novogene, says his company would never offer talent tests, as they only choose to do things that are scientifically reliable.

But at the same time, there are also companies like DaAn Gene that cover both professional and personal tests. As a leading company in the genomics industry, its our responsibility to help more people learn about gene studies, with lower prices and from a simpler angle,a spokesperson at DaAn Gene told Chinese business newspaper 21st Century in 2015.

A Changing Industry

China has strict rules for public hospitals hoping to distribute gene products developed by private companies: An official approval from the China Food and Drug Administration is needed, but in a general sense, the official attitude appears to favor the wider use of gene technology in medical fields. In 2015, the Chinese health ministry for the first time allowed107 hospitalsto conduct non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPTs). One year later, the ban was lifted, and all hospitals with an obstetrics department could do the test.

Worldwide, DNA-based tests are available for over1,500 diseasesin people of all ages, yet so far in China, the NIPT, which costs about 2,000 yuan per test, is the most common and screens for three kinds of genetic disease.

Although the government has allowed nearly all hospitals to conduct NIPTs, these tests which involve widely accepted science, still arent a direction many startup companies plan to specialize in. This is largely because two companies,Berry Genomicsand BGI, basically dominate the NIPT service market, leaving slim opportunities for newcomers.

Zheng Hongkun founded Biomarker Technologies in 2009 after working at BGI for nine years. With an estimated market value of 1 billion yuan, his company develops sequencing technologies and provides data and sequencing services for research institutes. Zheng says Biomarker will put more effort into developing genetic applications for early tumor detection and more precise medical treatment. Apart from reproductive health, tumors are the other area in which genomics can play an important role, he adds.

Gene data mining and analysis remain challenging areas, but they also have the biggest potential, says Zheng. In order to apply this to disease detection and medical treatment, we need more data to study and experiment on.

After doing two genetic tests, Huang Jinzhang, the former editor-in-chief of Phoenix Weekly, decided to start his own genomics company, Gese DNA, which focuses on providing readable content. The aim is to present information in a straightforward way, without technical jargon or figures.

I did genetic tests twice in 2013 with a very famous, very professional genomics company, and they gave me a report: a 14-megabyte document full of genetic code which I could not decipher by myself, Huang told China Newsweek magazine in December 2016. Afterward, he decided to develop a more user-friendly alternative.

The package offered by Gese DNA, which costs 499 yuan, claims to answer questions relating to six aspects of health and character for example, how fast you can learn new things, whether youre easily addicted to something, or if you have an introverted personality. If youre a man, it can even tell you the probability that youll go bald.

Compared to medical uses like NIPT and tumor treatment, personal genetic tests, which purport to answer peoples questions about their health, lifestyle, and personality, tend to be more explicit, have less scientific backing, and be less regulated.

On Taobao, Chinas largest online e-commerce platform, there are clear rules banning the sale of these genetic products, although gene-testing packages, ranging in price from 99 to 2,999 yuan, can still be found at over 40 stores. Most of these target parents who want to find out more about their childrens talents.

Though recognized by many people and favored by startups and venture capitalists, genetic tests remain controversial. If a parent forces their child whose genes showed athletic ability to play sports even though the child prefers piano, or if an employer wants to see the test results, there are obvious ethical problems, says Huang Shangzhi, a professor at Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing.

A controversial business model

But ethical issues and accuracy are not primary concerns for many businesspeople. WeGene, another personal genetics company, not only generates talent reports, but also gives health resolution packages that include advice on losing weight or curing insomnia.

Selling health solutions to consumers is a common business model applied by companies, but there is also another approach: data collection.

California-based23andMe has become a role model for many Chinese genomics companies. Initially a personal genetics startup, 23andMe has now become a research company that partners with drug developers and medical institutions. In 2015, it announced adeal with Pfizer, giving the giant drugmaker access to data it collected from 650,000 individuals.

Marcy Darnovsky, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, wrote in an articlecriticizing 23andMe: Once you part with your genetic information, there cant be guarantees of privacy and anonymity.

Will 23andMes Chinese acolytes follow a similar path to monetization by selling data? Cheng says that companies like Gese DNA and WeGene can certainly accumulate a lot of data, which is a core component for genetic research.

Personal genetic testing startups can see a path to becoming data-oriented research companies, provided they can get enough private data and permission to use it. Alternatively, they can try to develop their medical teams, becoming more service-oriented by partnering with hospitals and medical institutions to offer health solutions.

The qualifications to decode genes could be a determining factorfor startups, Professor Huang says. For talent tests, accuracy might not be vital, but medical treatment is different and Huang says China lacks trained genetic consultants. The genetic test results are useful tools for clinical diagnosis and treatment, but only people with both genetic knowledge and clinical experience can make sense of the data, he says, adding that only an estimated 5 percent of doctors in China are qualified to do this.

Speculating about the future of the genomics industry, Huang says that genetic tests alone cannot constitute an industry. While ensuring data security, companies will have to work together to share and integrate data resources to develop either health consultancies for ordinary people or disease treatment for the medical industry, he says. In either case, these gene companies cannot work alone they have to work with hospitals, drugmakers, or other research institutes.

This is an original article by CKGSB Knowledge and has been used with their permission. The article was first published here on Feb. 8, 2017.

(Header image: A laboratory technician holds a centrifuged blood sample to be used in a genetic test in Xian, Shaanxi province, Dec. 1, 2016. Wei Yongxian/VCG)

Code and Capital: Genetic Testing in China - Sixth Tone

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Politically incorrect places I will no longer visit – Huffington Post

Posted: at 4:21 am

In my 40-plus years of full-time travel writing I have been almost everywhere. There are places I have enjoyed to one degree or another, but wont be revisiting because I dont like what theyve become.

Top of the list: China. The cities are polluted, the politics suck, and Chinese food is much better in Hong Kong or even in Orange County than on the mainland. Plus I dont like the way China hacks the U.S. and steals intellectual property (yes, I realize that the West has screwed China for centuries (viz. the Opium Wars etc.) but two wrongs dont make a right. Been there, wont be doing that again.

Then theres Turkey. I will not be supporting Erdogans faltering economy any longer. Hes a madman.

Same with the Philippines until Duterte is gone.

Ditto Russia. Screw you, Putin.

Im no longer a huge fan of the Caribbean, other than St. Barts. It has nothing to do with Zika. Surly and slow service on too many (OK, not all) islands, disgustingly homophobic social mores.

Lets add Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Qatar to the list. The air is full of oil refinery pollution, the weather unbearable except maybe in late December through mid February, the politics ghastly, the way they treat guest workers building their soaring towers inhumane. Also, theres no there there anyway. Even if I were given a first class ticket to Dubai Id have to decline.

Ive never been to Saudi Arabia, but no thanks to that, too.

Malaysia? Never again. Another incredibly corrupt country.

There are other countries I could add to this list, but this is plenty for now.

Conversely, there are places I will happily revisit time and time again. England (its only March and Ive already visited twice so far this year), France, almost anywhere else in Europe, Canada, almost anywhere in the US (especially Hawaii), New Zealand, much but not all of South America, most of the South Pacific. Life is too short at this point not to just revisit the greatest hits.

But why should I spend my time and fortune in countries with terrible environmental and political policies?

Im sure theres something to be said for cultural exchanges even with the worst countries and all that, but I have a responsibility to avoid traveling to the countries with the worst political and ecological environments.

Where wont you go, dear readers?

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Ron Paul Is Dating Cassandra – Patriot Post

Posted: at 4:19 am

Cassandra was a mythological prophetess who became world-renowned for being the bearer of bad news. But because even the daughter of Priam and Hecuba cant be expected to carry the entire load, the former 12-term congressman and perennial presidential candidate, Ron Paul, has stepped forward to lend a hand.

The first time I realized that Mr. Paul had traded a life in politics for one as a doom-and-gloom huckster was when he began popping up on TV shilling for Frank Porter Stansberrys financial advisory outfit, where his message was: Were on the verge of the complete destruction of our economic system, and theres not much time for you to prepare. He advised us all to send away for one of Mr. Stansberrys over-priced investment guides, which advocated buying gold. He neglected to mention that Stansberry had been hit in the past with a $1.5 million fine by the SEC for engaging in securities fraud.

Not satisfied with painting a bleak future in which Americas economy would inevitably go belly up, I just heard Mr. Paul on my car radio clearly suggesting that the Apocalypse is on the horizon and that we had better prepare by stocking up on Harvest Right Freeze Dryers.

Between the financial meltdown and the nuclear holocaust that the former congressman envisions, one would assume that he must be the most pessimistic of men, the sort of guy one usually encounters in cartoons dressed in sackcloth and bearing a sign announcing The End is Near.

But even midst the dark clouds Mr. Paul painted, one could catch a glimmer of a silver lining. After all, if we saw the future through his eyes, wouldnt we at least contemplate suicide? But, wait, right there, in the midst of the Harvest Right pitch, Mr. Paul is letting us know that he got his freeze dryer because it can keep any food, including ice cream, delicious for 25 years.

Okay, perhaps I wouldnt want to be first in line to try a dish of chocolate swirl that had been sitting around for a quarter of a century, but when a guy whos 81-years-old suggests that hell be ready to dig in when hes 106, I know an optimist when I hear one.

Not since Geraldo Rivera garnered Super Bowl-size ratings for the opening of Al Capones empty vault has a non-event been as over-hyped as Rachel Maddows sharing two pages of Donald Trumps 2005 tax return on her MSNBC show.

She obviously thought she would somehow drive Trump out of office with the illegally-obtained bombshell. But, it proved to be a total dud. The only thing she exposed was how desperate she is to achieve ratings parity with Fox News.

Clearly, she must have been aware that it was an exercise in futility. After all, what did we learn? Well, for one thing, it showed that in 2005, Mr. Trump made $150 million, so he actually is as rich as he says he is. For another, it showed that despite taking a huge loss in the 1990s, he hadnt gone 18 or 19 years, as had been rumored, without paying income taxes. Instead, he had paid the IRS $38 million, which meant he was paying at a rate of about 25%. Which, by the way, compared favorably to the 19% and 13% paid respectively in 2016 by Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders, two schmucks who never got tired of complaining about wealthy Republicans not paying their fair share.

The best news of all is that the 150 million was all in the form of American dollars, and not a single ruble.

Still, I couldnt help thinking that he was paying way too much, and that perhaps I should recommend my accountant to President Trump.

If theres one thing that leftists enjoy even more than rioting in the streets and shouting down Republicans on college campuses, its bolstering each others self-esteem. Just a partial list of the partisan awards they hand out on an annual basis, and which no conservative should even fantasize winning, are Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, Tonys, Golden Globes, the Peoples Choice, Peabodys, Pulitzers and Nobel Peace Prizes.

I just learned of another. Its an award for excellence in journalism, so naturally it carries the name of the man who set the standard for blatant partisanship that ultimately led to the rise and fall of such pinheads as Dan Rather and Brian Williams; namely, Walter Cronkite.

Naming a journalism award after Cronkite, the left-wing propagandist who did everything in his considerable power to ensure that the U.S. would not defeat the North Vietnamese, would be like bestowing a patriotism medal bearing the name and likeness of Benedict Arnold.

Not too surprisingly, the 2017 honoree was Jose Ramos, the anchor for the Spanish-language TV network Univision, who declared during the presidential campaign that journalists shouldnt be neutral and objective in reporting on the monster known as Donald Trump.

If the name sounds familiar, but you cant place his face, you might remember Senor Ramos as the loudmouth advocate for open borders who kept shouting questions at Donald Trump during a campaign rally until he was ushered out of the arena by security personnel.

And that, my friends, is how a political operative cops a journalism award in 2017.

When I declared a while back that I tended not to enjoy jokes because I could usually spot the punchlines long before they arrived, a lot of you apparently took it as a personal challenge.

The jokes keep coming. In most cases, a child could spot the payoff from a mile off. But it seems only fair to share the few that caught me by surprise. The latest, which I only anticipated near the very end, was submitted by Dr. Richard Stiso, the pride of Florham Park, New Jersey.

Yossel Zelkovitz worked in a Polish pickle factory. For many years, he had an overwhelming desire to put his penis in the pickle slicer. Unable to fight the urge any longer, he sought professional help from the factory psychologist.

After six months, the therapist threw up his hands. Believing that Yossel was on the verge of insanity and would otherwise never again experience peace of mind, he advised him to go ahead and do it.

The next day, Yossel came home so early, his wife, Sacha, became alarmed and demanded to know what had happened.

Tearfully, Yossel confessed his tormenting desire to put his penis in the pickle slicer. He said that today he had gone ahead and done it.

Sacha gasped in horror and ran to her husband. She quickly yanked down his pants and shorts only to find a normal, completely intact penis.

She looked up and said: I dont understand. What about the pickle slicer?

Yossel shrugged, and replied: I think she got fired, too.

My publisher has asked me to announce that my two recent books, The Story of My Life and Angels on Tap, are now available on Kindle. He assured me that most of you would know what that meant.

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Ron Paul Is Dating Cassandra - Patriot Post

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Ron Paul – The New York Times –

Posted: at 4:19 am

Latest Articles

A veteran tea party activist who helped kick off a super PAC supporting Donald J. Trump resigned shortly after the candidate became the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, a fresh blow to a group whose other senior strategist was convicted on Thursday in an effort to effectively buy an endorsement in Iowa.


Candidates fathers kept coming up during Thursdays debate, resulting in some awkward moments.


Following is a transcript of the main Republican debate, as transcribed by the Federal News Service.


Federal prosecutors are again pursuing criminal charges against three top advisers to Ron Pauls 2012 presidential campaign.

During his 2010 race for the Senate, Mr. Paul appealed to Kentuckians who believed in shutting down the government to advance their goals.


Jesse Benton, who ran a super PAC backing Mr. Paul, was charged with misleading an investigation into payments made to an Iowa state senator for endorsing Mr. Pauls father, Ron, for president in 2012.


Mr. Paul testified in Iowa as an uncooperative witness in the federal corruption trial of two former top aides from his 2012 presidential campaign, including the husband of his granddaughter.


A federal judge dismissed charges Friday against Ron Pauls 2012 presidential campaign manager.

Jesse Benton, who was the campaign manager for Ron Paul, is accused of paying a former Iowa state lawmaker for his support in the caucuses.


Backers of Ron Paul, who had been reluctant to support his son Rand, are warming up to Rand Pauls positions on the N.S.A. and on foreign intervention.


Senator Rand Paul ventured to the Strand bookstore, where he and his wife, Kelley, appeared before fans who are upset with government surveillance and American interventionism overseas.


Much of the Republican candidates initial small-dollar support from online donations has come from smaller cities and towns.


The Kentucky senators policy views make him a novelty. But his campaigns mastery of the details makes him a contender.


In 1988, Ron Paul ran on the Libertarian Party ticket. Today, his son knows not to do so.


To win on the national stage, the Republican presidential candidate will have to embrace some of the partys extreme social positions.


Ron Paul raised more than $39 million in his 2012 run, but his supporters wont necessarily help his son.


As the Kentucky senator prepared to announce Tuesday that he will run for president, his advisers said he would not rely on being the son of a man who fared well in 2008 and 2012.


Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has been laying low for weeks, will return to the public arena on Tuesday for a paid speech to female technology executives in Silicon Valley.


As he works to build a broad national following, Senator Paul is trying to stitch together very disparate worlds.


Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz might end up running against each other for the Republican presidential nomination, but they can agree on one thing: their distrust of the Federal Reserve.


A veteran tea party activist who helped kick off a super PAC supporting Donald J. Trump resigned shortly after the candidate became the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, a fresh blow to a group whose other senior strategist was convicted on Thursday in an effort to effectively buy an endorsement in Iowa.


Candidates fathers kept coming up during Thursdays debate, resulting in some awkward moments.


Following is a transcript of the main Republican debate, as transcribed by the Federal News Service.


Federal prosecutors are again pursuing criminal charges against three top advisers to Ron Pauls 2012 presidential campaign.

During his 2010 race for the Senate, Mr. Paul appealed to Kentuckians who believed in shutting down the government to advance their goals.


Jesse Benton, who ran a super PAC backing Mr. Paul, was charged with misleading an investigation into payments made to an Iowa state senator for endorsing Mr. Pauls father, Ron, for president in 2012.


Mr. Paul testified in Iowa as an uncooperative witness in the federal corruption trial of two former top aides from his 2012 presidential campaign, including the husband of his granddaughter.


A federal judge dismissed charges Friday against Ron Pauls 2012 presidential campaign manager.

Jesse Benton, who was the campaign manager for Ron Paul, is accused of paying a former Iowa state lawmaker for his support in the caucuses.


Backers of Ron Paul, who had been reluctant to support his son Rand, are warming up to Rand Pauls positions on the N.S.A. and on foreign intervention.


Senator Rand Paul ventured to the Strand bookstore, where he and his wife, Kelley, appeared before fans who are upset with government surveillance and American interventionism overseas.


Much of the Republican candidates initial small-dollar support from online donations has come from smaller cities and towns.


The Kentucky senators policy views make him a novelty. But his campaigns mastery of the details makes him a contender.


In 1988, Ron Paul ran on the Libertarian Party ticket. Today, his son knows not to do so.


To win on the national stage, the Republican presidential candidate will have to embrace some of the partys extreme social positions.


Ron Paul raised more than $39 million in his 2012 run, but his supporters wont necessarily help his son.


As the Kentucky senator prepared to announce Tuesday that he will run for president, his advisers said he would not rely on being the son of a man who fared well in 2008 and 2012.


Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has been laying low for weeks, will return to the public arena on Tuesday for a paid speech to female technology executives in Silicon Valley.


As he works to build a broad national following, Senator Paul is trying to stitch together very disparate worlds.


Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz might end up running against each other for the Republican presidential nomination, but they can agree on one thing: their distrust of the Federal Reserve.


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Ron Paul - The New York Times -

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Comey Lied? Trump Vindicated? Ron Paul says Nobody’s Safe From PATRIOT Act – (blog)

Posted: at 4:19 am

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) dropped a bombshell yesterday when he revealed that members of the Trump campaign staff possibly including Trump himself had their communications intercepted by US intelligence. The surveillance was likely undertaken under expanded spying permission granted by section 702 of the post-9/11 FISA amendments. This provision enables the NSA to listen in to and keep information from phone calls of US citizens as long as the person on the other end is believed to be a non-US citizen overseas. The possibilities for abusing this expanded authority for political or other gain are endless and this may be what is behind the latest revelations. Politicians dont mind when we are spied on by the government, but they scream loudest when they are the victims. Whats the solution? Tune in to todays Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

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Comey Lied? Trump Vindicated? Ron Paul says Nobody's Safe From PATRIOT Act - (blog)

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6 Reasons Why I Gave Up On Libertarianism

Posted: at 4:18 am

These days, libertarianism tends to be quite discredited. It is now associated with the goofy candidature of Gary Johnson, having a rather narrow range of issueslegalize weed! less taxes!, cucking ones way to politics through sweeping all the embarrassing problems under the carpet, then surrendering to liberal virtue-signaling and endorsing anti-white diversity.

Now, everyone on the Alt-Right, manosphere und so wieser is laughing at those whose adhesion to a bunch of abstract premises leads to endorse globalist capital, and now that Trump officially heads the State, wed be better off if some private companies were nationalized than let to shadowy overlords.

To Americans, libertarianism has been a constant background presence. Its main icons, be them Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard or Friedrich Hayek, were always read and discussed here and there, and never fell into oblivion although they barely had media attention. The academic and political standing of libertarianism may be marginal, it has always been granted small platforms and resurrected from time to time in the public landscape, one of the most conspicuous examples of it being the Tea Party demonstrations.

To a frog like yours trulyKek being now praised by thousands of well-meaning memers, I can embrace the frog moniker gladlylibertarianism does not have the same standing at all. In French universities, libertarian thinkers are barely discussed, even in classes that are supposed to tackle economics: for one hour spent talking about Hayek, Keynes easily enjoys ten, and the same goes on when comparing the attention given to, respectively, Adam Smith and Karl Marx.

On a wider perspective, a lot of the contemporary French identity is built on Jacobinism, i.e. on crushing underfoot organic regional sociability in the name of a bureaucratized and Masonic republic. The artificial construction of France is exactly the kind of endeavour libertarianism loathes. No matter why the public choices school, for example, is barely studied here: pompous leftist teachers and mediocre fonctionnaires are too busy gushing about themselves, sometimes hiding the emptiness of their life behind a ridiculous epic narrative that turns social achievements into heroic feats, to give a fair hearing to pertinent criticism.

When I found out about libertarianism, I was already sick of the dominant fifty shades of leftism political culture. The gloomy mediocrity of small bureaucrats, including most school teachers, combined with their petty political righteousness, always repelled me. Thus, the discovery oflaissez-faire advocates felt like stumbling on an entirely new scene of thoughtand my initial feeling was vindicated when I found about the naturalism often associated with it, something refreshing and intuitively more satisfying than the mainstream culture-obsessed, biology-denying view.

Libertarianism looked like it could solve everything. More entrepreneurship, more rights to those who actually create wealth and live through the good values of personal responsibility and work ethic, less parasitesbe they bureaucrats or immigrants, no more repressive speech laws. Coincidentally, a new translation of Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged was published at this time: I devoured it, loving the sense of life, the heroism, the epic, the generally great and achieving ethos contained in it. Arent John Galt and Hank Rearden more appealing than any corrupt politician or beta bureaucrat that pretends to be altruistic while backstabbing his own colleagues and parasitizing the country?

Now, although I still support small-scale entrepreneurship wholeheartedly, I would never defend naked libertarianism, and here is why.

Part of the Rothschild family, where nepotism and consanguinity keep the money in

Unity makes strength, and trust is much easier to cultivate in a small group where everyone truly belongs than in an anonymous great society. Some ethnic groups, especially whites, tend to be instinctively individualistic, with a lot of people favouring personal liberty over belonging, while others, especially Jews, tend to favor extended family business and nepotism.

On a short-term basis, mobile individuals can do better than those who are bound to many social obligations. On the long run, however, extended families manage to create an environment of trust and concentrate capital. And whereas individuals may start cheating each other or scattering their wealth away, thanks to having no proper economic network, families and tribes will be able to invest heavily in some of their members and keep their wealth inside. This has been true for Jewish families, wherever their members work as moneylenders or diamond dealers, for Asians investing in new restaurants or any other business project of their own, and for North Africans taking over pubs and small shops in France.

The latter example is especially telling. White bartenders, butchers, grocers and the like have been chased off French suburbs by daily North African and black violence. No one helped them, everyone being afraid of getting harassed as well and busy with their own business. (Yep, just like what happened and still happens in Rotheram.) As a result, these isolated, unprotected shop-owners sold their outlet for a cheap price and fled. North Africans always covered each others violence and replied in groups against any hurdle, whereas whites lowered their heads and hoped not to be next on the list.

Atlas Shrugged was wrong. Loners get wrecked by groups. Packs of hyenas corner and eat the lone dog.

Libertarianism is not good for individuals on the long runit turns them into asocial weaklings, soon to be legally enslaved by global companies or beaten by groups, be they made of nepotistic family members or thugs.

How the middle classes end up after jobs have been sent overseas and wages lowered

People often believe, thanks to Leftist media and cuckservative posturing, that libertarians are big bosses. This is mostly, if not entirely, false. Most libertarians are middle class guys who want more opportunities, less taxation, and believe that libertarianism will help them to turn into successful entrepreneurs. They may be right in very specific circumstances: during the 2000s, small companies overturned the market of electronics, thus benefiting both to their independent founders and to society as a whole; but ultimately, they got bought by giants like Apple and Google, who are much better off when backed by a corrupt State than on a truly free market.

Libertarianism is a fake alternative, just as impossible to realize as communism: far from putting everyone at its place, it lets ample room to mafias, monopolies, unemployment caused by mechanization and global competition. If one wants the middle classes to survive, one must protect the employment and relative independence of its membersbankers and billionaires be damned.

Spontaneous order helped by a weak government. I hope they at least smoke weed.

A good feature of libertarianism is that it usually goes along with a positive stance on biology and human nature, in contrast with the everything is cultural and ought to be deconstructed left. However, this stance often leads to an exaggerated optimism about human nature. In a society of laissez-faire, the libertarians say, people flourish and the order appears spontaneously.

Well, this is plainly false. As all of the great religions say, after what Christians call the Fall, man is a sinner. If you let children flourish without moral standards and role models, they become spoiled, entitled, manipulative, emotionally fragile and deprived of self-control. If you let women flourish without suspicion, you let free rein to their propensities to hypergamy, hysteria, self-entitlement and everything we can witness in them today. If you let men do as they please, you let them become greedy, envious, and turning into bullies. As a Muslim proverb says, people must be flogged to enter into paradiseand as Aristotle put forth, virtues are trained dispositions, no matter the magnitude of innate talents and propensities.

Michelle The Man Obama and Lying Crooked at a Democrat meeting

When the laissez-faire rules, some will succeed on the market more than others, due to differences in investment, work, and natural abilities. Some will succeed enough to be able to buy someone elses business: this is the natural consequence of differences in wealth and of greed. When corrupt politicians enter the game, things become worse, as they will usually help some large business owners to shield their position against competitorsat the expense of most people, who then lose their independence and live off a wage.

At the end, what we get is a handful of very wealthy individuals who have managed to concentrate most capital and power levers into their hands and a big crowd of low-wage employees ready to cut each others throat for a small promotion, and females waiting in line to get notched by the one per cent while finding the other ninety-nine per cent boring.

Censorship by massive social pressure, monopoly over the institutions and crybullying is perfectly legal. What could go wrong?

On the surface, libertarianism looks good here, because it protects the individuals rights against left-hailing Statism and cuts off the welfare programs that have attracted dozens of millions of immigrants. Beneath, however, things are quite dire. Libertarianism enshrines the leftists right to free speech they abuse from, allows the pressure tactics used by radicals, and lets freethinking individuals getting singled out by SJWs as long as these do not resort to overt stealing or overt physical violence. As for the immigrants, libertarianism tends to oppose the very notion of non-private boundaries, thus letting the local cultures and identities defenseless against both greedy capitalists and subproletarian masses.

Supporting an ideology that allows the leftists to destroy society more or less legally equates to cucking, plain and simple. Desiring an ephemeral cohabitation with rabid ideological warriors is stupid. We should aim at a lasting victory, not at pretending to constrain them through useless means.

Am I the only one to find that Gary Johnson looks like a snail (Spongebob notwithstanding)?

In 2013, one of the rare French libertarians academic teachers, Jean-Louis Caccomo, was forced into a mental ward at the request of his university president. He then spent more than a year getting drugged. Mr. Caccomo had no real psychological problem: his confinement was part of a vicious strategy of pathologization and career-destruction that was already used by the Soviets. French libertarians could have wide denounced the abuse. Nonetheless, most of them freaked out, and almost no one dared to actually defend him publicly.

Why should rational egoists team up and risk their careers to defend one of themselves after all? They would rather posture at confidential social events, rail at organic solidarity and protectionism, or trolling the shit out of individuals of their own social milieu because Ive got the right to mock X, its my right to free speech! The few libertarian people I knew firsthand, the few events I have witnessed in that small milieu, were enough to give me serious doubts about libertarianism: how can a good political ideology breed such an unhealthy mindset?

Political ideologies are tools. They are not ends in themselves. All forms of government arent fit for any people or any era. Political actors must know at least the most important ones to get some inspiration, but ultimately, said actors win on the ground, not in philosophical debates.

Individualism, mindless consumerism, careerism, hedonism are part of the problem. Individual rights granted regardless of ones abilities, situation, and identity are a disaster. Time has come to overcome modernity, not stall in one of its false alternatives. The merchant caste must be regulated, though neither micromanaged or hampered by a parasitic bureaucracy nor denied its members right for small-scale independence. Individual rights must be conditional, boundaries must be restored, minority identities based on anti-white male resentment must be crushed so they cannot devour sociability from the inside again, and the pater familias must assert himself anew.

Long live the State and protectionism as long as they defend the backbone of society and healthy relationships between the sexes, and no quarter for those who think they have a right to wage grievance-mongering against us, no matter if they want to use the State or private companies. At the end, the socialism-libertarianism dichotomy is quite secondary.

Read Next: Sugar Baby Culture In The US Is Creating A Marketplace for Prostitution

Dec 1, 2016Andr du Ple

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6 Reasons Why I Gave Up On Libertarianism

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The Necessity of Libertarian Thought – The Libertarian Republic

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by Ram Jayaraman

It seems nowadays that people cannot have a conversation about politics without setting fire to any possible notion of perceived tranquility. Debates seem to irrevocably devolve into ad hominem assaults. However, in the interest of tranquility, I ask that you humor me while I try to describe my political inclinations, and why I think libertarianism is essential to free thought.

The concept of libertarianism is eponymous. At the core of the movement is the idea that ones liberty must be unfettered, necessarily unrestricted provided it does not interfere with the liberty of another. Very broadly speaking, this aligns mostly with the social perspectives of modern liberalism and the economic perspectives of modern conservatism. However, there is an important distinction that must be made which is best highlighted through example. Take the recent gay marriage ruling, for instance. The socially conservative stance, owing primarily to the philosophical tenets set forth by the Judeo-Christian pantheon, posits that marriage is an institution between a biological man and a biological woman. The socially liberal stance posits that marriage is an institution of love and therefore is not confined to heterosexual norms. In contrast, the libertarian stance is simply that the government has no business telling you who you can or cannot marry in a consensual relationship. At first glance, one would argue that the liberal and the libertarian perspectives are synonymous. However, upon closer inspection, this argumentation is deemed specious. Under liberalism, marriage between homosexuals is permissible; id est there exists an implication that the government is allowing its existence. Alternatively, libertarians advocate that the government should not have any leverage to regulate the institution of marriage. This example highlights, in brevity, what libertarianism is: provided I am not harming anyone else, the government should not act to restrict my agency.

Let us take this example a bit further. Assume that someones family does not condone homosexuality and views the practice as an abomination against God. He considers it nothing less than mortal sin, and to those for whom he cares, he vehemently preaches these beliefs. In the system of libertarian thought, his views are irrelevant. Regardless whether he thinks that LGBTQ+ people are destined for eternal damnation, their activities do not disrupt his agency. If one were to assume that these two constructs are mutually exclusive, consider this. The libertarian party has been pro LGBTQ+ rights for decades longer than either of the current duopoly. However, at the time, a sizable proportion of libertarians did not personally espouse gay marriage; they just advocated that they had no business enforcing their beliefs on others.

The current system of political duopoly in the United States has developed the false notion that the government need function as a moral executor. However, morality is relative. Our cultures and our beliefs are relative. My criteria for morality is not necessarily congruent to yours. As such, assuming that neither of our practices harms the other, there is no logical reason that the government should interfere. In the common vernacular, there is no logical reason, within the sphere of libertarianism, to enforce punitive measures for victimless crimes. Moreover, there is also no need to enforce such measures resulting from differences in morality that do not result in a disruption of individual agency. This notion is antithetical to the current paradigm of the duopoly, culminating in the development of a false binary with regard to political ideology.

The hypocrisy of the political binary can be evidenced as follows. Currently, liberals appear to have a disdain for firearms, yet they also believe that Muslim people are not responsible for the acts of war that terrorist cells commit under some perverse banner of Islam. In contrast, conservatives tout the existence and usage of firearms, yet they believe in the restriction of Muslim entry to domestic territory. Statistically, an infinitesimal percentage of firearms that are used in the United States are used for nefarious purposes. Statistically, an infinitesimal percentage of Muslims act in the name of terrorism. If one claims that the potential damage of an event outweighs the statistical insignificance of its occurrence, this would logically imply that liberals would deny Muslims entry to the United States. Analogously, if one claims that the statistical insignificance of an event outweighs its potential damage, this would logically imply that conservatives would allow unbarred entry of Muslims into the United States. Obviously, this is not the case. Both parties exhibit hypocrisy in their logical reasoning.

In summation, here is why libertarianism appeals to me. I barely know what is best for myself. Why on earth, then, would I try to enforce my views on other people? Obviously, there are far more intricacies that cannot be described transiently, but the core of the philosophy remains. Your thoughts are your own. A political party does not own my ideologies. Why should they enforce them upon me? Let me think, and Ill let you think. Thats what libertarianism is: freedom to think, freedom to act, and freedom to be. Liberty.


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The Necessity of Libertarian Thought - The Libertarian Republic

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