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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Turning Censorship Into Symbolism: How State Censorship Defined and Strengthened Post-War Polish Cinema – MovieMaker Magazine

Posted: March 29, 2017 at 10:44 am

Under censorships nefarious grip, cinema becomes not just a driver of social justice but a sophisticated tool of oppression.

There is, however, a positive side effect of censorship: Sometimes it inspires filmmakers to be more experimental, innovative and free-thinking. Case in point: Poland after World War II.

Under the Communist regime, Polish authorities raged war on moviemakers who tried to reveal that the states ballyhoo about progress was nothing more than propaganda. Any critique of the Soviet Union or the Polish Peoples Republic was silenced. For a new generation of filmmakers, young people disillusioned by the sacrifices made during the war, these laws became an invitation to rebela cinematic revolution handed to them on a silver plate.

Polish censors, under the primary censorship board at Gwny Urzd Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Widowisk (i.e. the Main Office for Control of the Press, Publications and Public Performances), were highly literary, capable of deciphering even the most sophisticated subversions in books, newspapers and other written formsbut they were quite impotent when it came to evaluating images. So beginning in 1957 with Andrzej Wajdas Kanal, Polish films started to develop and expand upon an intricate cinematic language of metaphors, allegories, symbols, poetic imagery and other means of non-verbal expression. In Kanals devastating final act, the dying fighters of the Warsaw Uprising represent different parts of Polish society, past and present. For censors, this sequence may have seemed like a condemnation of the insurrection.

Polish filmmakers were forced to learn how to say something without saying it directly, how to depict a reality that did not officially exist, says Ryszard Lenczewski, the Oscar-nominated cinematographer of Pawe Pawlikowskis Ida (shot together with ukasz al). Lenczewski began his career in 1970s, when the battle for Polish cinema was raging on many fronts. This was a responsibility we all felt: to create layered images, images with double meanings that dared viewers to interpret them differently.

Andrzej Wajdas 1958 film Ashes and Diamonds

Viewers were depended upon to be active participants, decoding hidden meanings. It was all in the detailslike using wider lenses to show things you would not be able to show any other way. Something may be occurring in the background, slightly blurred. Sometimes all the film needed was to not include something or someone in the frame. Or to show a person in an unbalanced manner, i.e. a drunken assistant to a town mayor in Ashes and Diamonds.

That film, Wajdas 1958 masterpiece shot by cinematographer Jerzy Wjcik, is filled with symbols and layered imagery portraying everything wrong with post-war Poland. It made the censors heads spin. They knew the material was dangeroussome of them tried to stop it from reaching a wider audiencebut ultimately had to back off. Unsurprisingly, some messages were too cryptic for international audiences to decipher. Yet a universal cinematic language resonated for viewers in different parts of the globe. In the films most famous scene, the protagonist lights glasses of vodka as if they were candles, and the world understood the symbolism.

Censors, perturbed by the growing international acclaim, grew more paranoid. After we finished The Wedding, the censors held the material for two or three weeks without uttering a word of explanation, remembers Sawomir Idziak, camera operator under cinematographer Witold Sobociski on that Wajda film. The Oscar-nominated cinematographer (Black Hawk Down) started his career at the end of 1960s. They supposedly watched the film shot by shot, comparing it to the novel by Stanisaw Wyspiaski on which it was based to see if something was added or missing in an attack of the Communist order.

Idziak shot Krzysztof Kielowskis 1988 film A Short Film About Killing. I shot the film in this hideous yellow-greenish color to subtly hint at the directors idea that the country could be a killer, just like the main character. I remember one reviewer in Cannes writing that because the screen assumes the color of urine, it encapsulates the reality of Communist Poland. That was beautiful.

Krzysztof Kielowskis A Short Film About Killing, shot by Sawomir Idziak

The paradox was that state funding of these films and the censors decisions on how they should be seen were intrinsically linked. The government valued art, and wanted to produce films, yet wanted art to be propagandisticso instead of denying moviemakers the ability to create movies, officials chose to marginalize those that they didnt agree with, or those who they suspected of being subversive. Polish films were huge outside of PolandAmerican auteurs like Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola saw them as masterpiecesbut their directors sometimes had to be content for the titles to, domestically, only reach a handful of city intellectuals who were opposing the regime anyway, as Idziak puts it. The truth is, many of these internationally applauded films, now classics, were commercial failures in Poland.

2017 marks the 28th anniversary of the fall of Communism in Poland, and the beginnings of a differentperhaps harsher and less forgivingtype of censorship: the dictates of the commercial market. Yet Idziak and Lenczewski, both distinguished film educators, consider this a good test for their countrymen.

We had to work with many limitations and yet we managed to speak our own voices, says Idziak. Now, the limitation is only within yourself. MM

Darek Kuma is a cinephile, film journalist, translator, freelancer, husband, father and Camerimage Film Festival programmer, not necessarily in that order.

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Turning Censorship Into Symbolism: How State Censorship Defined and Strengthened Post-War Polish Cinema - MovieMaker Magazine

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King’s Raid Devs Remove Censorship Following Fan Complaints – One Angry Gamer (blog)

Posted: at 10:44 am

(Last Updated On: March 29, 2017)

In order to appease the growing trend of third-wave feminist requests to censor the sexuality of fictional female characters, many developers have opted to cover up cleavage, make sure that the women in fantasy games are fully clothed with realistic designs, and remove things like jiggle or boob physics to placate SJWs, similar to Mortal Kombat X. Well, the developer of the action-RPG Kings Raid, Vespa Inc, received a lot of backlash after they attempted to censor and cover up their female characters.

Censored Gaming covered the incident, showcasing how many of the female characters in the game were covered up from head to toe to either hide cleavage, or add extra articles of clothing to lessen the sex appeal of the character illustrations and in-game models.

A large enough segment of their fans rebuffed this decision, complaining about Vespa censoring the characters in Kings Raid, the mobile hack-and-slash RPG.

The complaints were made in such abundance that just a day after the update was released, Vespa made a post on Facebook on March 24th, 2017 stating

We are aware that the update on March 23 has upset many of our Raiders, especially regarding the change brought to the Heroes appearances. As it is our ultimate goal to support and enhance the players experience, we have decided to take your voices to revoke some of the changes to the Heroes appearances.

They showed an image of the characters that were censored in the previous update, and how they were going to uncensor them in the following update, following the fan complaints.

As you can see, not only did they alter the games anime-style illustrations but they also modified the characters 3D meshes, covering them up and attempting to make them more conservatively dressed.

The backlash over the censorship rippled through the reviews of the game as well, with people complaining about the change.

While a lot of fans thanked Vespa for uncensoring the characters, others complained that the game should be censored and that they also need to remove one of the staple features in Kings Raid: the boob physics.

One of the people on the Google Play store going by the handle of Narendra MC wrote

Well, in overall its good. I just saw some comments about censorship and i really think that it doesnt really matter to people who arent a bunch of horndogs. I support censhorship as it reduces the possibility of people becoming more attracted in to sexual stuff.

The Facebook page where the announcement was originally made is now a full sociopolitical argument over censorship, female sexuality and identity politics.

Many male Asian gamers like the boob physics and cleavage. Many European and North American gamers are complaining about the sexualization of the characters and saying that the original art caters toward perverted gamers. Awais from Ontario, Canada wrote

They didnt even do anything wrong. Cant believe how ridiculous most of you adults were over a little censoring. Absolutely ridiculous how no one appreciates a company for finally focusing less on satisfying the perverted gamers Nope, but its alright because as long as you get to drool over pixel tits, theres nothing wrong right? Shameless community cant think outside theyre horny little bubbles.

As evidenced on the Facebook page, Awais was clearly in the minority with his beliefs and was shouted down by a lot of other gamers.

Additionally, Censored Gaming pointed out that Vespa never actually stated the reasons as to why they made the change in the first place.

The Western release of Kings Raid is rather recent, though. It launched back in the middle of February, 2017. The Asian version of the game was available since the middle of last year in 2016. The game was quite popular for bringing hardcore hack-and-slash action to mobile devices with PS2-quality graphics and a lot of fan-service.

As showcased in the video below from Android Gameplay, the in-game characters, illustrations and dialogue sequences were filled with plenty of fan-service, lots of cleavage and jiggle physics.

Vespa may have weighed the complaints of Western gamers versus Eastern gamers and attempted to make the change. However, if the gamers who actually bought microtransactions are the ones who enjoyed the fan-service, then Vespa may have decided to revert back to the uncensored version of the game to appease the people who actually put money in their coffers.

However, all of the above is just speculation when it comes to the reasons behind Vespa uncensoring Kings Raid. Unless the company decides to share their reasons such as the Dragon Heroes developers who were forced by Google and Apple to censor their game we dont actually know why they censored and then uncensored the game, but it was pretty obvious a significant portion of the community was not happy with the censorship.

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Twitter Censors Search Terms, Offers No Transparency and Mixed … – Heat Street

Posted: at 10:44 am

Twitter has upped its censorship game and is now blocking certain terms from showing up on the platforms built-in search engine. The added filters are part of the companys plans to reduce harassment on the service. Some of these filters were deployed earlier this month when users were given the option to mute certain types of accounts.

As with previous efforts to convert Twitter into a safe space, free from wrongthink and uncomfortable opinions, the company that once branded itself as the free speech wing of the free speech party has offered little transparency on the terms it filters out of its search engine. Furthermore, its enabled by defaultand the settings to disable safe search are hidden away on the Search page, so you wont find them with the rest of your account preferences.

Users on the platform were quick to discover how looking up certain terms returnedzero results. Examples of prohibited terms include porn, BDSM, sex, and kink. Other censored words include hentai, and nsfwneither of which show up in the search results. Curiously, racial slurs like the n-word and terms like jihad still show up unfiltered.

Over the weekend, the terms marijuana and cannabis were also filtered out out the search engine. Butcomplaints may have prompted the platform to uncensor the term, as it now shows up.

The filtering system doesnt even work as its developers intendedsensitive terms are filtered out on the Latest tab, but youll still find some of them in the Top tab. Twitters censorship is confusing and lacks the transparency necessary to be useful to users.

Twitter is well within its rights to implement safety features, but so far, theyve only hurt usability. After all, who uses Twitter search to look for porn?

Ian Miles Cheong is a journalist and outspoken media critic. You can reach him through social media at@stillgray on Twitterand onFacebook.

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Censorship: Is it happening at MSU? – Standard Online

Posted: at 10:43 am

Columnist Ali Spies revealed last week in The Standard that her COM 115: Fundamentals of Public Speaking instructor, purportedly acting on instructions of the Department of Communication, rejected her proposal to research, compose and deliver a brief speech about Planned Parenthood in the United States. The instructor asserted that the topic has ... too much controversy ... and implied that, while some controversy might be acceptable, too much controversy is off-limits. Spiess Department of Communication instructor censored Spies. Dr. Shawn T. Wahl heads the MSU Department of Communication.

George Anastaplo, a professor of law at Loyola University in Chicago, wrote that censorship is ... the changing or the suppression or prohibition of speech or writing that is deemed subversive of the common good. In other words, our universitys Department of Communication determined before Spies had begun to research her topic that mere mention of the topic would subvert the well-being of our academic community. Without further explanation, we can only speculate in our collective bafflement how the history of Planned Parenthood could possibly subvert the moral or physical welfare of our academic community.

The Department of Communications intellectual tyranny is not unique. A member of the Department of English censored me several semesters ago. In a fiction writing class, I submitted a story that included horrific violence to be discussed and evaluated by my classmates and instructor during our next class.

The instructor inexplicably failed to read the entire piece until just before class, although all of my classmates had read it. Rather than proceed, the instructor blindsided me and told the class that my story was inappropriate for class discussion.

The instructors censorship struck me as particularly hypocritical, given not only the graphic sex and violence in some of the published short stories the instructor had assigned the class to read, but also the instructors reading aloud to the class a lengthy and particularly graphic episode of deviant sex excerpted from one of those assigned short stories. The smug instructors hypocrisy is now part of a successful, if mediocre, academic career.

Given the Department of Communications irrational fear of controversy, its rewriting of Emma Lazaruss sentiment on the plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty, might well read:

Give me your apathetic, your indolent,

Your texting masses yearning to shop,

The benighted spawn of your vacuous world.

Send these, the complacent, directionless to me,

I lift my middle finger to their delusive dreams!

Censorship at a university is an abuse of power and a corruption of authority; it is a tool of bullies and despots whose victims are never the same. This toxic silencing stunts the intellectual growth of students and abuses them to such a degree that, out of paranoia, they self-correct whenever they feel theyve entered uncharted territory. They fear rocking the boat; their souls are crippled and their respect for instructors of all ranks becomes wary and stressful.

If Einstein had been intimidated effectively by mediocre instructors, would it have delayed special relativity or general relativity? If incompetent, self-hating instructors had strong-armed Lincoln, would he have authored the Emancipation Proclamation? Is it unreasonable to hope that theres a special place in Hell for I darent eat a peach instructors who hog-tie youths exuberant and yeasty passions for learning?

Whether the above incidents of censorship are anomalies or part and parcel of university dry-rot and mediocrity needs to be investigated, but first, Missouri State President Clif Smart and Wahl each needs to apologize to Spies for permitting censorship to exist on their collective watch. Since Spiess experience is now quite public, both Smarts and Wahls apologies should also be public; our academic community demands redress.

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#HandsOffSocialMedia as ‘internet censorship’ bill booed – Southlands Sun

Posted: at 10:43 am

#HandsOffSocialMedia: A PROPOSAL to regulate social media has been put forward by minister of state security, David Mahlobo and citizens are outraged.

An online petition by the Right 2 Know (R2K) Organisation against the proposal has garnered nearly 1,000 votes by South Africans who believe their freedom of speech under threat.

The independent courts, a vibrant civil society and critical media are essential to the democratic process, especially when state entities fail to act with integrity, transparency or accountability. It is the executives paranoia and abuse of power that undermines democracy and creates instability.

R2K has already raised concerns that SAs state-security structures have abused their surveillance powers and shown a disregard for democratic process. Mahlobos regime change mantra is part of a recycled narrative where members of the security cluster have tried to paint their critics as threats that must be targeted, read a statement by R2K.

People have taken to Twitter to express their opposition to the proposal with the hashtag #HandsOffSocialMedia.

Social media law specialist, Emma Sadleir even commented on the situation:

The campaign packaged the plan to regulate social media among other bills as affronts to freedom from censorship.

It comes on the back of a range of existing, deeply problematic censorship policies, including the Film and Publication Boards internet censorship regulations, the draft Hate Speech Bill, and the new Cybercrimes Bill, which would hand the keys of the internet to David Mahlobo.

Regulation of social media already exists platforms like Twitter and Facebook have added self-regulation measures to empower users to take action against online harassment and cut down on the spread of fake news and propaganda. These systems are flawed, and users need to be empowered to engage with content critically and decide for themselves whether to trust the content they access.

Giving state security any role in regulation is a sure path to internet censorship.

What do you think about the proposal? Talk to us.

Do you have more information pertaining to this story? Feel free to let us know by commenting on our Facebook page or you can contact our newsroom on 031 903 2341 and speak to a journalist.

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(Comments posted on this issue may be used for publication in the Sun)

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Media groups rap Voice TV censorship – Bangkok Post

Posted: at 10:43 am

Two media associations have called on the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) to review its committee's order to black out Voice TV's broadcasts for seven days, saying it harms media freedom.

The call was made by the Thai Journalists Association (TJA) and the Thai Broadcast Journalists Association (TBJA), which released a joint statement Tuesday.

They made the call a day after the NBTC board decided to punish Voice TV, which belongs to the Shinawatra family, for airing content that violated the NCPO's announcements Nos.97 and 103, and Section 97 of the NBTC Act more than 10 times last year.

The NBTC said the content was inappropriate and could lead to social divisions.

The associations said they oppose the committee's decision to suspend the channel's licence for seven days.

They said the suspension order could affect media employees who may have nothing to do with the TV content or were unaware of the anchors' actions.

If the committee had suspended particular programmes, the impact would be felt only by those producing the programmes, but the suspension of the channel's licence would have a larger impact, they said.

The NBTC is an independent agency which provides licences to the TV operators and regulates them.

If it uses its power carelessly, media freedom could suffer, they said.

The committee cited complaints from the media monitoring panel of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) in making its order, which suggested the committee was susceptible to allowing those in power to damage the agency's independence, they said.

The move will undermine the credibility of the NBTC and affect the freedom of its regulated media outlets, they said.

The committee's resolution also conflicts with both the 1997 and 2006 constitutions, which safeguard those in the media who deliver news or opinions in compliance with their career ethics.

The charters bar any orders which force the closure of media outlets to infringe on their freedom, according to the associations.

They said that in the case of Voice TV, any problematic programmes could be considered on a case-by-case basis and power should not have been used to suspend the TV licence.

Authorities also have the right to file police complaints against TV channels, if their broadcasts affect national security, infringe on people's privacy or defame them, they said.

Meanwhile, NCPO spokesman Winthai Suvaree insisted the temporary suspension of Voice TV's licence has nothing to do with the NCPO and the council did not request the NBTC to act on the matter.

"That is up to the NBTC to consider, which was made according to its own process," said Col Winthai, adding the suspension may have resulted because earlier warnings to the channel went unheeded.

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Chongqing citizens using VPNs to skirt censorship controls to face fines, govt says – Hong Kong Free Press

Posted: at 10:43 am

People in the Chinese megacity Chongqing could be fined for using VPNs to jump over the countrys Great Firewall that blocks access to forbidden websites from Google to Facebook.

The punishment would be meted out to people using virtual private networks to access banned sites for commercial purposes, but Amnesty International said the wording was vague enough that it could affect any business or individual.

Photo: Marc Oh.

Anyone who skirts censorship controls in the southwestern metropolis of 30 million people will receive a warning to disconnect from the internet, the Chongqing government said Monday.

Those who make a profit of more than 5,000 yuan ($730) while using VPNs will be fined 5,000-15,000 yuan, according to the updated internet security regulation which came into effect in July but only announced this week.

The move is a departure from authorities previous approach of reinforcing the governments Great Firewall to block VPN providers, who provide virtual tunnels that allow users to evade Chinas vast censorship system.

It looks like such practices might be extended to other parts of China if Chongqing police succeed in punishing people using VPNs, Amnesty Internationals China researcher Patrick Poon told AFP.

In January Beijing launched a campaign to crack down on such tools.

While China is home to the worlds largest number of internet users, a 2015 report by US think tank Freedom House found that the country had the most restrictive online use policies of 65 nations it studied, ranking below Iran and Syria.

But China has maintained that its various forms of web censorship are necessary for protecting its national security.

Sites blocked due to their content or sensitivity, among them Facebook, Twitter, Google Search and Gmail, cannot be accessed in China without VPNs.

The national VPN crackdown and Chongqing campaign come after the passing of a controversial cybersecurity bill last November that tightened restrictions on online freedom of speech and imposed new rules on service providers.

Earlier this month, Beijing said it would push a China solution to global cyber governance after releasing a strategy paper outlining a vision of the web where individual countries control the information that flows across their borders.


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Ron Paul: Did the government spy on Trump? Of course, it spies on all of us – Tulsa World

Posted: at 10:43 am


Posted: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 12:00 am

Ron Paul: Did the government spy on Trump? Of course, it spies on all of us By Ron Paul |

There was high drama last week when Rep. Devin Nunes announced at the White House that he had seen evidence that the communications of the Donald Trump campaign people, and perhaps even Trump himself, had been incidentally collected by the U.S. government.

If true, this means that someone authorized the monitoring of Trump campaign communications using Section 702 of the FISA Act. Could it have been then-President Obama? We dont know. Could it have been other political enemies looking for something to harm the Trump campaign or presidency? It is possible.

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There is much we do not yet know about what happened and there is probably quite a bit we will never know. But we do know several very important things about the government spying on Americans.

First there is Section 702 itself. The provision was passed in 2008 as part of a package of amendments to the 1978 FISA bill. As with the PATRIOT Act, we were told that we had to give the government more power to spy on us so that it could catch terrorists. We had to give up some of our liberty for promises of more security, we were told. We were also told that the government would only spy on the bad guys, and that if we had nothing to hide we should have nothing to fear.

We found out five years later from Edward Snowden that the U.S. government viewed Section 702 as a green light for the mass surveillance of Americans. Through programs he revealed, like PRISM, the NSA is able to collect and store our Internet search history, the content of our emails, what files we have shared, who we have chatted with electronically, and more.

Thats why people like NSA whistleblower William Binney said that we know the NSA was spying on Trump because it spies on all of us!

Ironically, FISA itself was passed after the Church Committee Hearings revealed the abuses, criminality, and violations of our privacy that the CIA and other intelligence agencies had been committing for years. FISA was supposed to rein in the intelligence community but, as is often the case in Washington, it did the opposite: it ended up giving the government even more power to spy on us.

So President Trump might have been wiretapped by Obama, as he claimed, but unfortunately he will not draw the right conclusions from the violation. He will not see runaway spying on Americans as a grotesque attack on American values. That is unfortunate, because this could have provided a great teaching moment for the president. Seeing how all of us are vulnerable to this kind of government abuse, President Trump could have changed his tune on the PATRIOT Act and all government attacks on our privacy. He could have stood up for liberty, which is really what makes America great.

Section 702 of the FISA Act was renewed in 2012, just before we learned from Snowden how it is abused. It is set to expire this December unless Congress extends it again. Knowing what we now know about this anti-American legislation we must work hard to prevent its renewal. They will try to scare us into supporting the provision, but the loss of our liberty is what should scare us the most!

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Posted in Othervoices on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 12:00 am. | Tags: Donald Trump, Politics Of The United States, Economy Of The United States, Trump, Legal Affairs Of Donald Trump, Espionage, Donald Trump Presidential Campaign, American People Of German Descent, Wwe Hall Of Fame, Climate Change Skepticism And Denial, The Apprentice, United States, Devin Nunes, William Binney, U.s. Government, Campaign Communications, Obama, Barack Obama, Internet Search History, Edward Snowden, Ronpaul Institute, Congress, Washington, America, Government Spy, Spy, Central Intelligence Agency, White House, Ron Paul, President, Tulsa World, Editorial, Politics, Institutes, Fisa Act, Nsa, Government, Liberty

Ron Paul: Did the government spy on Trump? Of course, it spies on all of us - Tulsa World

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The Problem with Saying Taxation is Theft – Being Libertarian

Posted: at 10:42 am

It is hardly surprising that the phrase Taxation is theft has become a popular slogan in libertarian circles. After all, the closest thing to a universal tenet of the movement is the desire for the elevation of individual liberty over the collective, which usually translates to the minimization of the states intrusion on citizens affairs that, almost of a necessity, means less taxes. It probably also helps that libertarians skew young and have a deeper-than-mainstream relationship with meme culture. So the slogan has both a receptive audience and an ecosystem in which to propagate.

And the idea is hardly new. The economist Murray Rothbard did a great deal to propagate the concept in libertarian circles. Rothbard argued that taxation was fundamentally appropriation without consent, and thus theft by definition. He even encouraged the view that there is no moral requirement to tell the tax collector the truth about ones assets or income; just as no one is morally required to answer a robber truthfully when he asks if there are any valuables in ones house, so no one can be morally required to honestly answer similar questions asked by the State, e.g., when filling out income tax returns. So, the idea is that the government is doing something to you (i.e. taking your property without your expressed permission) that no private citizen could do without being imprisoned for theft.

The eminent philosopher Robert Nozick even did Rothbard one better he argued that taxation was, since it resulted in individuals effectively working without compensation part of the time, tantamount to slavery (it is somewhat unfortunate that Nozick has gone unloved by the current generation of libertarians; his influence on libertarianism as a serious branch of philosophy cannot be overstated).

Yet these titans of libertarian thought spent virtually the entirety of their careers within the academic milieu. They were concerned with theories of justice that did not necessarily take into account their applicability within the context of society as it is. The problem of that disconnect between the theoretic and real becomes glaringly obvious when it is moved from the safe harbors of academic cloisters and libertarian web groups.

The problem is that ordinary people going about their daily lives do not believe taxation is theft. Neither do the many so-called economically conservative and socially liberal cohorts who are obvious candidates for conversion to a libertarian view of the world. The claim that taxation is theft is not intuitive to those of us (read: virtually everyone) who spend our lives within the bands of what might be called mainstream political discourse. Because it is so alien a concept, it can cause knee-jerk rejection by prospective libertarians.

When you are trying to convince people to change their ideology and to adopt a new way of looking at the world, and the proper relationship of state and citizen, you need to engage with them on a level that will bring them in, not push them away or alienate them. A big statement like calling taxation theft demands a defensive posture from the start, and that is hardly a position of strength from which to change hearts and minds. Instead, we need to focus our attacks on the failures of statist ideologies in practice and offer an alternative to those on the fence that they will find palatable. People are naturally conservative in the sense that they fear radical change. Taxes are such a fundamental part of life that trying to build a case around their total rejection will meet with failure. No one likes paying taxes. But there is a default belief in our society that they are a necessary evil, if not a positive good. When we open with taxation is theft we have to defend a big proposition, and we have to do it in the face of intuitive cognitive opposition. That is just bad argumentation strategy. Successful arguments have to play to peoples intuitions and gradually shift their thinking. Beginning in an adversarial posture guarantees that the people we approach are on mental defense, when we need them to be open to change.

There is also the simple fact that not all (likely a wide majority, in fact) libertarians actually believe that all taxation is truly theft. in practice, many libertarians are willing to accept taxes as a legitimate mechanism for funding certain frontline services, such as the military and courts. These libertarians may differ as to what sort of tax would be most legitimate (or least invasive), but they do not waste the energy to question the idea of taxes qua taxes. Whether the minimal state is funded by a flat-rate (or just flat) income tax, or through a sales tax or value-added tax, or even a broader-based economic transaction tax, there is still the perceived need for some kind of tax regime. The debate is about changing taxes to maximize freedom and limit the imposition of such taxes on individuals while retaining a sufficient tax-base to furnish the necessary basic services of a state apparatus. Yet even for these libertarians, the refrain of taxation is theft is still an easy fallback phrase; it is now something of a shibboleth of the movement. It is also sometimes just fun to say and it can spark a debate, something we fractious libertarian types relish.

None of this is to say that no one actually believes that taxation is theft. Many do, to be sure. How else could the phrase have gained such traction within libertarian circles? And those true believers are frequently the most active and vociferous voices in many libertarian communities. Unfortunately, that is a problem for libertarianism if it is going to be a movement for change.

Of course, the idea of an organized libertarian movement as a change agent is not viewed credibly by some libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, and other fellow travelers. Instead, many favor purity of ideology and the echo-chamber of those already initiated, to the harder task of engaging with the world as it is rather than it ought to be.

In all this I do not mean to argue that libertarians who are of the uncompromising persuasion are bad libertarians. Far from it! Libertarianism can ill afford factionalism and in-fighting. Rather, what I contend is that we should all reevaluate how we present our arguments to the outside world, and to the significant mass of citizens who might well be won over by our arguments if we are given a fair chance to explain ourselves. The way we get that chance is by positioning our outward persona, and our internal discourse, in such a way as to give us the widest chance to make those first vital inroads.

So lets try to think of something better than taxation is theft to lead off discussions. We can do better. The country and the world need us to do better.

This post was written by John Engle.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.

John Engle is a merchant banker and author living in the Chicago area. His company, Almington Capital, invests in both early-stage venture capital and in public equities. His writing has been featured in a number of academic journals, as well as the blogs of the Heartland Institute, Grassroot Institute, and Tenth Amendment Center. A graduate of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and the University of Oxford, Johns first book, Trinity Student Pranks: A History of Mischief and Mayhem, was published in September 2013.

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The Problem with Saying Taxation is Theft - Being Libertarian

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What You Missed at the Colorado Libertarian Convention – 303 Magazine

Posted: at 10:42 am

Over the past weekend in Westminster, Colorado there was a gathering of a political party that values your privacy above all else the Libertarians. All political parties are private clubs that hold conventions annually, in every level of government, to determine their platform, the candidates they want to promote or nominate and to rally the support of their base. We caught up with the young third party that is starting to make real waves in the political landscape. After upsetting the 2016 presidential election their foot is in the door and they are not going to back down until they are fully on the national stage. Pulling values from the center left and right politically whileputting full focus on personal freedom andlaissez-faire capitalism the LibertarianParty might be exactly what the framers had in mind.

The Libertarian Party was founded in 1971 in Colorado and had its first national convention one year later in 1972. The 70s were the prime time for a party focused on personal freedoms and non-government interference to spring up. At that time, the mistrust of government spurned by the Vietnam war, the highly active civil rights movement and the oncoming War on Drugs that would cost trillions of dollars would push certain citizens of theUnited States to say back off to the federal level of government and watch it to the local levels. The Libertarian Platform continues to reflect these simple principles today. As of July 2016, 144 Libertarians held elected seats in 34 states including three congressional seats. But many Americans had not heard about the Partyuntil the 2016 presidential election when Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson and running mate Bill Weld swept up 4.4 million votes nationwide 3.3 percent of all votes counted and more than all other third party candidates combined. The Libertarian presence in Colorados 2016 presidential election was even larger than the national average with the Libertarian ticket pulling in 5 percentof the vote five times as much as the next largest third party, the Green Party.We went to the Colorado Libertarian Convention to find out what the party can bring to Coloradans and what a Libertarian country would look like.

Libertarians Are the Largest Third Party in the US Photo by Traci Hanner

Saturday and Sunday morning were given to in-house Party Business at the Westin Hotel in Westminster. Higher ups and those passionate about policy, which in Libertarian terms usually means removing it, set to updating guidelines, giving reports and tallying membership to try and get more delegates to the National Convention. Having additional delegates from Colorado at the national convention raises the say they have in picking a presidential nominee and with the success of the last election there was a renewed urgency to get people officially signed up and counted.

Saturday afternoon is where the real discussions of applying the platform to daily life took place. Many seminars tackled attempting to get a third party onto a ballot, into a national debate or were just about the best way to spread the message of the party. While laws vary depending on where you are running they are set by the two parties already in control (Democrats and Republicans) and often require extensive support or membership and sometimes there is a financial component making it very difficult for third party candidates to break through the bureaucracy and be seen on the national stage. Local elections can be easier but without membership there is no cash flow and without money it can be hard to promote a candidate or get a strong media message across.

Approval Based Voting Was a Huge Discussion In the Effort to Support 3rd Parties Photo by Traci Hanner

Other seminars were related more to what a Libertarian world would look like: The effects of government interference in business, ending the war on drugs and the prohibition of all controlled substances and legalizing prostitution and sex work. Sarah Peterson is a travelingspeaker and sex worker rights advocate. Her seminar on full legalization of prostitution was titledWhen Helping is Hurtingand discussedthe resources that would be freed up by allowing consenting adults to perform sexual acts for money or goods. She opened up about a common belief in the Libertarian community that arresting non-violent offenders is tantamount to putting humans in cages for no reason:

We, [libertarians], offer solutions and care about people. We have been working to decriminalize drugs since 1971 and prostitution since the beginning. We want people to have personal liberty and personal responsibility, they go hand in hand. Liberty, when in place, will create a happier environment, we wont have people in cages for non-violent crimes [] Libertarianism is where were going to end up. It will be a natural progress.

Sarah Stewart is a Sex Worker Rights Advocate and Circuit Speaker Photo by Brittany Werges

In addition to the seminars and party business, Saturday offered an array of Libertarian business, entertainment and related organizations to showcase their goods, platforms and wares. The young men from Major League Libertarians came to promote their podcast and live streamed videos. The MLLs Facebook Pagehas a ton of content and discussions relevant to young libertarians in Colorado, they also posted a ton of content from the convention itself.

The MLL Podcast Crew Discusses their Views Photo by Traci Hanner

Saturday night culminated in a gala style banquet with high profile circuit speakers talking about upcoming legislation and their respective bids to bring Libertarian values to different levels of government across the United States.

Brian Rogers summed up two very important parts of Libertarian doctrine in his seminar titled Government Interference in Business, What then is business if government is going to interfere in it? This question drives the majority of Libertarian Principle the idea that a free and unregulated market will regulate itself. Libertarians believe that the majority of restrictions that the government places on the free market are designed to eliminate competition of existing special interests or to gross extra funds for the government in the form of fees, dues and fines. They believe this to be a violation of the fourth amendment, an example of unlawful search and seizure.

The Presidential Ticket in 2016 from the Libertarian Party Photo by Brittany Werges

Rogers also commented on prohibition, which in its various forms is another sticking point for the party, Prohibition almost always ends up more dangerous and more expensive to society. This theme plays large rolls in the Libertarian arguments to legalize drugs and prostitution. The idea that attempting toprevent something that will happen anyway (as is documented in both these realms) simply costs taxpayers limitless funds and creates unsafe environments and back alley dealings.

While Libertarians differ on the amount of government that is actually necessary (on a scale of none to severely limited), they do agree that given the opportunity many of the services provided by the government with tax dollars would be provided through volunteering of funds and charitable workers on a community to community basis based on need. John Keil is running for City Council in Lovelands Third District and we asked him what Libertarianism can bring to a city council. Im running to oppose subsidies [] we need new ideas for generating funding, Keil said. We want to encourage volunteer funds, not wait for votes and taxes. If a lot of people believe in something its easy to get it going

John Keil is Running for City Council in Loveland District 3 Photo By Brittany Werges

Kim Tavendale is running for State Representative in House District 33, in the Broomfield area, we asked her what Libertarian principle she wanted to bring with her to office, Libertarianism embodies the spirit of Colorado,Tavendale said. The sense of independence and self-reliance that permeates throughout the state.

Kim Tavendale is Running for State Representative in House District 33 Out of Broomfield Photo by Brittany Werges

Austin Peterson, who debated Gary Johnson for the 2016 Presidential nomination had a grander picture of what the party offered, More freedoms, all the freedoms! Coloradans dont know how often Libertarians are fighting for your freedoms. We are present for all ballot access issues, when recreational marijuana was legalized we helped. We are trying to restore the gun rights that were recently lost in congressional bills.

Austin Peterson ran for President of the United States in 2016 Photo by Brittany Werges

It is unclear what the future will hold for the Libertarian party but the growing (in numbers and votes) third option is certainly here to stay andtheir consistency in message and platform helps to set them apart.

Photography by Brittany Werges andTraci Hanner

303 Magazine303 PoliticsApproval Based VotingAustin PetersonBrittany WergesBrittany Werges PhotographyJohn KeilKim TavendaleLibertarianLibertarian ConventionLibertarian Convention ColoradoLibertarians DenverLocal politicsMajor League LibertariansMLLsarah heathSarah StewartTraci Hanner

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What You Missed at the Colorado Libertarian Convention - 303 Magazine

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