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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Russia Is Trying to Copy China’s Approach to Internet Censorship – Slate Magazine

Posted: April 7, 2017 at 8:31 pm

Opposition supporters take part in an unauthorized anti-corruption rally in central Moscow on March 26.

Alexander Utkin/AFP/Getty Images

When you hear the words Russia and internet, you probably think of Kremlin-backed hacking. But the internet is also a powerful tool for Putins opposition. Last month, the internet helped spark Russias largest anti-government protests in five years. Russia respondedby blocking access to webpagesthat promoted demonstrations.

This is part of a larger story. Just a few years ago, Russians had a mostly free internet. Now, Russian authorities would like to imitate Chinas model of internet control. They are unlikely to succeed. The Kremlin will find that once you give people internet freedom, its not so easy to completely take it away.

I lived in Moscow in 2010 after spending years researching internet activism in China. I quickly found that Russia and China had very different attitudes toward the web. The Great Firewall of China blocked overseas sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. In Russia, by contrast, you could find almost any information online. This was largely because Russian authorities didnt view the internet as a serious political threat. That changed in late 2011 and early 2012, when Moscow was the site of the largest anti-government protests since the end of the Soviet Union. Social media helped organize those demonstrations, and President Vladimir Putin took note. A law that took effect in late 2012, to give just one example, granted Russian authorities the power to block certain online content.

Moscow clearly admires Beijings approach. Last year, former Chinese internet czar Lu Wei and Great Firewall architect Fang Binxing were invited to speak at a forum on internet safety. The Russians were apparently hoping to learn Chinese techniques for controlling the web. Russia has already taken a page or two from Chinas playbook. While Facebook and Twitter remain accessible in Russia, at least for now, a Russian court ruled to ban LinkedIn, apparently for breaking rules that require companies to store personal data about Russian citizens inside the country. This could be a warning to companies like Google, Twitter, and Facebook, which risk being blocked in Russia if they refuse to follow such rules.

Both Russia and China have made clear that they wish to regulate the internet as they see fit, without outside interference. Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed the importance of internet sovereignty, which essentially means that individual countries should have the right to choose their own model of cyber governance. Putin has taken this idea one step further by calling the internet a CIA project. By this logic, Russia needs to proactively protect its own interests in the information sphere whether by cracking down on online dissent or using the internet to spread its own version of events.

Russia internet expert Andrei Soldatov, author of the book The Red Web, says the Kremlin certainly looks for something close to the China approach these days, mostly because many other things failedfiltering is porous, global platforms defy local legislation and are still available. Soldatov says that the government would like to have direct control of critical infrastructure such as the national system of domain distribution, internet exchange points, and cables that cross borders. He adds that this approach, which may not even be successful, would be more of an emergency measure than a realistic attempt to regulate the internet on a day-to-day basis.

Chinas method has worked because Beijing has long recognized the internet as both an economic opportunity and a political threat. Chinas isolated internet culture has given rise to formidable domestic companies. It was once easy to dismiss Chinas local tech players as mere copycatsSina Weibo imitating Twitter, Baidu imitating Google, and so on. But now, some of these companies, notably Tencents WeChat, have become so formidable that we may soon see Western companies imitating them. In the meantime, Chinese internet users arent necessarily longing for their Western competitors.

In Russia, however, American sites like YouTube have become very powerful. The recent demonstrations were in part sparked by an online report by opposition leader and anti-corruption blogger Aleksei Navalny, who alleged that Russian President Dmitri Medvedev had amassed a fortune in yachts, mansions and estates. Navalnys video on YouTube, viewed more than 16 million times, detailed this alleged corruption. Navalny called for protests after his demands for investigating official corruption was denied by the Russian Parliament. According to Global Voices, the Russian prosecutors officerecently requested the blockingof a YouTubevideo calling on young people to rally.

Russian blogger Elia Kabanov believes that YouTube is now too big to block. I doubt the Kremlin will go there, he said. They blocked LinkedIn mostly because it was a niche site in Russia and nobody cared. And of course the government propaganda machine is using YouTube a lot, so it wouldn't make any sense to block it. If they try to take down protest announcements on platforms on YouTube, Kabanov says, new ones will appear. I really cant see the way for the Kremlin to implement the Chinese model now: Everything is too connected, their own agencies are using all these services.

Russia does have its own domestic social networks, of course. VKontakte (VK), for example, is far more influential than Facebook. Soldatov notes that VK played an unusually big role in the recent protests.But Facebook still has a devoted Russian following, especially among political activists.

No government can entirely control the flow of information. Even in China, those determined to find information can find a tool, say a virtual private network, to jump over the firewall. Russian censors will face a similar challenge. In recent years, there has been an ongoing increase in Russian use of Tor, a browser that can be used to circumvent censorship. As a 2015 Global Voices article noted, the increase in censorship closely mirrors the upward trend in interest towards Tor.

In the short term Russian street protests may fizzle out, especially as Moscow cracks down on dissent. But the story wont end there. The internet on its own will not cause a revolution in Russia, but it can be an effective tool for organization. Beijing figured this out a long time ago, but the Kremlin is learning it too late.

This article is adapted from the forthcoming Attacks on the Press: The New Face of Censorship, a book from the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Future Tense is a collaboration among Arizona State University, New America, and Slate. Future Tense explores the ways emerging technologies affect society, policy, and culture. To read more, follow us on Twitter and sign up for our weekly newsletter.

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Choose Wisely: Political Correctness Or A Retreat To Conservative Censorship? – The Pavlovic Today

Posted: at 8:31 pm

President Trump has no time for political correctness. What about you?

Beginning with the very inception of the country, conservative censorship has dominated the United States of America as a way to moderate public opinion. Beginning in the twenty-first century, however, a new kind of censorship dominated the headlines, schoolrooms, and workplaces of America: liberal political correctness. With the rise of right-wing ideals and isolationism, will we witness

This new liberal PC mentality seemingly accentuated a widespread shift from a traditional, religion-based outlook to the more contemporary inclusive, modern toleration-based outlook.

Political correctness has been criticized recently. From comedians to politicians, the doctrine is criticized for limiting free speech, overacting to even slightly offensive comments, and overall, acting as the thought police. The most obvious, essentially unmissable advocate against political correctness is, of course, President Donald Trump. At the first GOP debate, he stated that he has no time for political correctness, after replying to questions demanding why he has called women pigs and dogs in the past.

This societal censorship did not have liberal origins, however. Many forget that conservative-based censorship was ubiquitous in the twentieth-century. In 1918, for instance, the Sedition Act was enacted, effectively making it impossible to speak out against the United States government. The act barred any type of anti-government criticism that was profane, scurrilous, or abusive language. The penalty for such an offense? $10,000 and/or twenty years in prison. Eugene V. Debs, a prominent American socialist, was imprisoned for making an anti-war speech in 1918 under a similar law.

Even in 2013, almost one hundred years later, right-wing censorship is prevalent. Neil Gaimans book, Neverwhere, was banned in a New Mexico school after a parent complained of a sex scene and The F-word.

The Harry Potter series has come under attack for promoting witchcraft. One of the most thought-provoking and moving works of literature in recent memory, Brave New World, was also criticized for its anti-religion and anti-family values.

Literature has not been the only thing censored. The Pentagon Papers, published in part by The New York Times in 1971 were released after the government threatened to punish the company under the same law the aforementioned Eugene V. Debs was put up against. The Times later stated the papers were a great example of the widespread lying and censorship enacted by the Johnson administration.

The public-school superintendent in Georgia, Kathy Cox, was proposing banning the word evolution so as to not offend more conservative parents. The absurdity of this proposal is simply astounding.

However, with the growing backlash against liberal PC, we may see a retreat to conservative-based censorship. The pendulum of political influence may very well swing back to these kinds of restrictions. This development is doubtlessly influenced by the retreat of globalization and the possibility of the end of democracy as we know it.

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Choose Wisely: Political Correctness Or A Retreat To Conservative Censorship? - The Pavlovic Today

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Bias Response Teams: campus censorship at its most sinister – Spiked

Posted: at 8:31 pm

Professors are also getting it in the neck. Mike Jensen, an adjunct professor at the University of Northern Colorado, was hauled before campus authorities last year after one of his students filed a complaint with the campus BRT. Jensens crime? Encouraging students to debate controversial issues such as transgenderism.

According to a recording of the meeting, which Jensen gave to Heat Street, he had asked his class to read Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoffs seminal Atlantic article The Coddling of the American Mind. This would be hilariously ironic if it wasnt kind of sad, Jensen told the BRT official. He was threatened with an investigation, and for reasons undisclosed was not invited back to teach the next semester.

Though BRTs are described as support mechanisms, aimed at resolving unpleasant incidents and fostering campus diversity, Jensens experience reveals the more sinister reality. The FIRE report notes that most of the BRTs surveyed only purported to provide education to the offender, rather than punishment. But this, in itself, is deeply coercive. Not least because 42 per cent of investigations surveyed involved campus law enforcement. This is modern campus censorship at its most militarised.

Another irony here is that, as two professors pointed out in an article for the New Republic, BRTs are hitting the very subjects devoted to discussing issues of racial and sexual discrimination. Even a discussion about racism could be lodged as a bias incident. Fighting discrimination (no matter how illusory) has become the defining obsession of campus politics, and yet students are being encouraged to avoid learning about it or discussing it frankly.

Censorship is always, on some level, anti-intellectual. It presupposes that certain truths are best unchallenged, that certain opinions are better left unsaid, and that people are either too easily led or too easily shaken to participate in public life fully. BRTs make this plain. Whats more, they show that PC censorship has become a thoroughly neocolonial endeavour, devoted to looking after those black, brown, gay or trans folk deemed too wretched for the cut and thrust of academic debate.

The rise of BRTs remind us just how hollowed-out intellectual life on campus has become. As colleges have become bureaucratised, as services have swelled while academic staff have been squeezed, theyve drifted further away from their intellectual mission. Diversity is now the defining value, an article of faith. Tragically, this preoccupation has if anything made campus life more tense and fractured. Encouraging students to snitch every time they spy a racist tequila party is hardly going to make students from different backgrounds feel more chilled out around one another.

But this is not an internal coup by diversity-crazed bureaucrats - academia itself has a lot to answer for. For decades, victim feminism, critical race theory and Frankfurt school blather about the harm in speech, the power structures created by images, the idea that words act upon women and minorities, has laid the groundwork for the BRT craze. These ideas, which have so long gone unchallenged, have lent campus bureaucracies a moral mission, a justification for their bloat and meddling.

Its unclear whether BRTs are run by card-carrying ideologues or mere jobsworths, desperate to keep offended students happy and racist professor headlines out of the press. But whats clear is that campus authoritarianism isnt just a figment of civil libertarians imagination. Colleges have created vast byzantine bureaucracies which encourage students to snitch on their peers, which haul professors before committees for making off-the-cuff remarks, all in the name of protecting students from themed parties, sexist signage and, worst of all, debate. And they call us hysterical.

Tom Slater is deputy editor at spiked. Tom Slater is deputy editor at spiked. Unsafe Space: The Crisis of Free Speech on Campus, edited by Tom, is published by Palgrave Macmillan. Follow him on Twitter: @Tom_Slater_

Later this year, spiked is launching Unsafe Space, our US programme aimed at remaking the case for free speech on campus, with a tour of college campuses. Are you a US student? Want to find out more? Email the team today.

For permission to republish spiked articles, please contact Viv Regan.

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Ron Paul, former congressman, says ‘zero chance’ Bashar Assad gassed Syrians – Washington Times

Posted: at 8:31 pm

Theres no chance Syrian President Bashar Assad ordered the chemical weapons attack that killed dozens of civilians on Tuesday, former Republican congressman and three-time White House hopeful Ron Paul insisted afterwards.

Mr. Paul raised doubts over the Syrian governments role in this weeks deadly chemical weapons attack during a Wednesday taping of his YouTube show, The Liberty Report.

Before this episode of possible gas exposure and who did what, things were going along reasonably well for the conditions, Mr. Paul said during theepisode. Trump said let the Syrians decide who should run their country, and peace talks were making out, and Al Qaeda and ISIS were on the run, he added, the latter being an alternative name for the Islamic State terror group.

The blame now is we cant let that happen because it looks like it might benefit Assad, the former Texas congressman continued. Its not so easy though, is it? What happened four years ago in 2013, you know, this whole thing about crossing the red line? Ever since then, the neocons have been yelling and screaming, a part of the administration has been yelling and screaming about Assad using poison gas.

According to Mr. Paul, it doesnt make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poisonous gases.

I think there is a zero chance he would have done, you know, this deliberately, he added.

Mr. Paul shared Tuesdays episode through his official Twitter account afterwards in a tweet that called the chemical weapons attack a false flag.

The Trump administration said its inclined to believed otherwise, however, and authorized the U.S. military on Thursday to fire 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian airfield where the administration said Assads regime launched Tuesdays assault.

There is no doubt in our minds that Syria and the regime under Bashar Assad were responsible for this attack, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Thursday.

Mr. Assads regime called Thursdays retaliatory strike reckless, irresponsible and shortsighted, Russian media reported afterwards.

Mr. Paul, 81, represented Texas on Capitol Hill for over 20 years prior to his retirement in 2013. He launched presidential bids in 1988, 2008 and 2012, and placed second in the 2011 Ames Straw Poll. He is the father of Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican.

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Ron Paul, former congressman, says 'zero chance' Bashar Assad gassed Syrians - Washington Times

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Ron Paul: "Zero Chance" Assad Behind Chemical Weapons …

Posted: at 8:31 pm

According to former Congressman Ron Paul, the chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun that killed 30 children and has led to calls for the Trump administration to intervene in Syria could have been a false flag attack.

As Paul Joseph Watson details, pointing out that the prospect of peace in Syria was moving closer before the attack, with ISIS and Al-Qaeda on the run, Paul said the attack made no sense.

It looks like maybe somebody didnt like that so there had to be an episode, said Paul, asking, who benefits?

It doesnt make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poison gases I think theres zero chance he would have done this deliberately, said Paul.

he former Congressman went on to explain how the incident was clearly being exploited by neo-cons and the deep state to enlist support for war.

Its the neo-conservatives who are benefiting tremendously from this because its derailed the progress that has already been made moving toward a more peaceful settlement in Syria, said Paul.

Many have questioned why Assad would be so strategically stupid as to order a chemical weapons attack and incite the wrath of the world given that he is closer than ever to winning the war against ISIS and jihadist rebels.

Just five days before the attack, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, The longer-term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people, implying a definite shift in U.S. foreign policy away from regime change in Syria.

Why would Assad put such assurances in jeopardy by launching a horrific chemical attack, allowing establishment news outlets like CNN to once against use children as props to push for yet another massive war in the Middle East?

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Ron Paul: Trump’s Airstrikes Are ‘Helping The Enemy We’re Supposedly Fighting’ [VIDEO] – Daily Caller

Posted: at 8:31 pm


Ron Paul harshly criticized President Trumps decision to strike a Syrian airfield during a Friday interview on Russia Today.

The former Texas congressman first stated he doesnt believe the evidence is thereto say with 100 percent accuracy that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is responsible for the deadly sarin gas attack that took place earlier this week.

Ron Paul (Getty Images)

They needed a so-called excuse to go into Iraq so they concocted stories, and all kinds of things. Thats what this is a part of, Paul, a career non-interventionist, continued. If all of this is true, I dont know why they couldnt wait and take a look at it.

Right now, I dont see conceivably it doing what they claim because right now its helping ISIS, its helping al-Qaeda, its helping the enemy were supposedlyfighting. (VIDEO: Ron Paul Says Sarin Gas Attack In Syria Is A False Flag)

You can watch his entire interview below.


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‘False Flag’ vs. ‘Wag the Dog’: Conspiracy Theories Emerge on Syria … – Mediaite

Posted: at 8:31 pm

Two conspiracy theories emerged during the lead-up to and in the immediate aftermath of President Donald Trump ordering missile strikes on Syria. The first, most prominently touted by Ron Paul and controversial commentator Mike Cernovich, claimed that the chemical weapons attack days ago that served as the justification for the attack was a false flag. The other theory wondered whether the raid on the Syrian airfield was a wag the dog scenario.

On Wednesday, former Congressman Paul posted to Twitter: FALSE FLAG Ron Paul Says Syrian Chemical Attack Makes No Sense.He linked to a YouTube video where he made his case.

Cernovich also took to Twitter, boosting the #SyriaHoax hashtag. He underlined, Fake news is forming a pro-war media narrative in real time. #SyriaHoax They want war and will attack people who want peace. He also contended, Deep state planned false flag Syria attack as far back as 2013, according to Daily Mail. He later asked, Did McCain give moderate rebels (ISIS) in Syria poison gas and Hollywood style film equipment?

One of the most prominent wag the dog theorists on Twitter was former British MP Louise Mensch, who posted her contention on Thursday night.

The same evening, MSNBCs Chris Matthews and regular guest David Corn boosted this theory on Hardball. Matthews noted that Trump is under incredible scrutiny for his relationswith the Russians. He added that were hearing lots of talksthat there may be military action against Russias number one ally, which is Syria. Is this to cover his tracks? Corn replied, Well, that would be the wag the dog scenario, right?

[image via screengrab]

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'False Flag' vs. 'Wag the Dog': Conspiracy Theories Emerge on Syria ... - Mediaite

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‘FALSE FLAG’ — Ron Paul Says Syrian Chemical Attack ‘Makes No Sense’ [VIDEO] – Daily Caller

Posted: at 8:31 pm


Ron Paul claimed on Wednesdays broadcast of The Liberty Report that all signs point toward Tuesdayschemical attack in Syria being a false flag operation.

Before this episode of possible gas exposure and who did what, things were going along reasonably well for the conditions, the former Texas congressman stated. Trump said let the Syrians decide who should run their country, and peace talks were making out, and Al Qaeda and ISIS were on the run.

It looks like, maybe, somebody didnt like that so there had to be an episode, and the blame now is we cant let that happen because it lookslike it might benefit Assad.

Ron Paul (Getty Images)

Its not so easy though is it? What happened four years ago in 2013, you know, this whole thing about crossing the red line? he posed. Ever since then, the neocons have been yelling and screaming, a part of the administration has been yelling and screaming about Assad using poison gas.

It was never proven in fact, agreed Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity executive director Daniel McAdams.U.N. official Carla Del Pontesaid it was most likely done by the rebels.

It makes no sense, even if you were totally separate from this and take no sides of this and you were just an analyst, it doesnt make sense for Assad under these conditions to all of the sudden use poison gasses, Paul continued. I think its zero chance that he would have done this deliberately.


Back in November, Paul said in an interview with The Daily Caller that false flag attacks could be used by both the so-called American deepstate and foreign actors to drawthe Trump administration into foreign engagements. (RELATED: Ron Paul Warns Of False Flags And A Shadow Government)

All we need is a false flag and an accident and everybody will be for teaching them a lesson, he told TheDCs Alex Pfeiffer. You know the deep state is very very powerful and they have a lot of control.

I think theres the shadow government, the military-industrial complex, the CIA, and all the things that can be done because they just melt away and they do exactly what the establishment says.

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'FALSE FLAG' -- Ron Paul Says Syrian Chemical Attack 'Makes No Sense' [VIDEO] - Daily Caller

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How Libertarianism and Christianity intersect – Faith Facts

Posted: at 8:31 pm

January 5, 2013

Libertarianism and Christianity

We have noticed many conservative Christians these days claiming to hold to a libertarian political philosophy. Libertarianism is the idea that government should allow complete freedom, except in the case when one person directly harms another. While this often sounds appealing to Christians, we see a dangerous clash of worldviews in trying to mix Christianity with libertarianism. We think that Christian libertarians have been unwittingly duped into adopting a philosophy that has much in common with liberal secularists--and is contrary to the Bible at key points. One appealing thing about libertarianism is that it espouses that the state has been given too much authority. However, we will argue that libertarianism and Christianity really do not mix like some think. Among the problems are these:

Their worldview is determined by a secular philosophy rather than a biblical worldview. Even Christians frequently quote Ayn Rand for support of their theory. The fact that Rand was an ardent atheist and hater of Christianity should give considerable pause. Another libertarian stalwart was Ludwig von Mises, who was agnostic. While libertarianism is not exclusively atheistic or agnostic, a Christian that walks into that sphere is giving the devil a foothold, against which there is a strong commandment from Scripture (Ephesians 4:27).

Libertarianism is ultimately arbitrary. It is an attempt to define morality without God. But as Dostoevsky said, "If there is no God, everything is permitted." Any view of government not based on an unchangeable objective standard (the Bible!) is subject to be altered at the whims of political power brokers. Christianity, on the other hand, is not arbitrary. Our website is dedicated to demonstrating through reason and evidence that Christianity is objectively true.

Any philosophy (whether Jean-Paul Sartre's Existentialism, Darwin's Evolution, or Ayn Rand's Objectivism) that has a non-theistic foundation ultimately bumps into the problem of nihilism. This means, ultimately, no basis for meaning and purpose for life. (We come from nowhere, we go to nowhere, but somehow life in between has meaning?)

Despite attempts to meld biblical Christianity with this political philosophy, libertarianism inevitably interferes with the individual Christian's reliance on his faith as the sole lens from which to see the world, moving him away from a biblical worldview. Libertarianism, at its core, is a non-religious philosophy. This thinking is a dangerous diversion for the Christian and can be insidiously damaging to his or her faith, indeed to the Christian's soul. That libertarianism is divisive to the Christian's worldview is evident when, as we have noticed is often the case, "libertarian Christians" howl louder when someone attacks their libertarianism than when someone attacks their Christianity! This curious reaction seems to reveal their true allegiance.

We should remember that the law is a teacher. Before the Civil War, when slavery was legal, many Christians believed that slavery was OKand even biblical! After the Civil War, Christians abandoned that dangerous notion. I believe there is a parallel with gay marriage. Making gay marriage legal drives some Christians to think that it is OK--and even biblical.

Libertarian Christians usually think that Christians can segregate their faith--relegating their faith to their private lives. This is falling for the secularist mentality! It's a trap that marginalizes Christianity just like secularists want! Secularists say, "Sure. You can have your faith. Just leave it over there in the corner of society somewhere and don't bother anyone else with your stupid ideas." Falling for this has numerous negative consequences, including giving the impression to potential converts to Christianity that our faith is not universally applicable, that it is only one of many possible worldviews, and Christianity is only a crutch for weak individuals. Jesus' was given "all authority on heaven and earth" (Matthew 28:18)--not just some authority. This notion--that the Christian faith can be marginalized from society--is directly responsible for the decline of Christianity in America. The inclination to segregate one's faith so as not to "impose" our values on others smacks of "true for me but not for you." It is amazing that any Christian would buy into this post-modern relativism. Further, attempting to segregate our faith is dishonoring to God: God is god of ALL or He is not God AT ALL. (Psalm 24:1)

Our COMPASSION as Christians demands that we institute biblical values in society. What other basis for a successful and compassionate society could possibly be better than the Bible?! Who are you going to go with: Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, or Jesus? Jesus allowed no human partner; we are either with Him 100% or we are against Him. (Matthew 12:30)

Christians, make no mistake about this: The homosexual marriage movement is not about freedom. It is about banishing Christianity from the culture. To say that "the state has no authority to sanction marriage" is simply abdicating the role Christianity should play in the culture. Remember, Jesus has authority over all things, not just the church and not just individuals.

Libertarianism is at its core a selfish worldview. The mantra of libertarianism is individualism. This is distinctly different from biblical Christianity. Christianity subjugates the self to God, and to other people (Matthew 22:34-39). In contrast, classic libertarianism and liberalism alike are opposed to, or have no need for, a moral authority above the individual self.

Libertarian Christians have, amazingly, adopted other concepts and the language of liberal secularists. They say to other Christians, "We don't want a theocracy." This charge is a red herring. Theocracy is when the church, as an institution, has all political power, including administering civil law. Biblical Christians want no such thing. We support the separation of church and state, properly understood. And we certainly do not want Old Testament civil and ceremonial laws instituted in society. Such laws were repealed in the New Testament (Acts 10:12-15; Colossians 2:11-16; Romans 14:17).

While civil and ceremonial laws were repealed in the New Testament, moral law stands forever. Biblical moral law is applicable to everybody whether they believe it or not. Judicious application of biblical moral law to civil law is infinitely compassionate and positive for society. The idea that "you cannot legislate morality" is also an idea adopted from liberal secularism. It is a false idea. Virtually every law is a put in place based on someone's idea of morality.

Christianity does not bring bondage; it brings freedom. The truth sets you free (John 8:32)! The more Christian principles are put in society, the more true freedom we have. America's Founding Fathers noted this passage to support their cause of freedom: "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Corinthians 3:17). Our message to Christians and non-Christians alike is this: If you want both true freedom, vigouous capitalism, and a compassionate society--the answer is biblical Christianity WITHOUT COMPROMISE AND WITHOUT BEING WATERED DOWN BY OTHER WORLDVIEWS.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. (Psalms 9:17; 33:12)

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. (Psalm 127:1)

Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

Bits & Blog is a monthly blog from Faith Facts. We will not overload your Inbox with messages. But if you would like to subscribe to this infrequent communication we promise to try to bring you bits of information we hope will be of interest to you. Just complete the Faith Facts Update form on the home page.

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Why Are We So Obsessed With the End of the World? – New York Times

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New York Times
Why Are We So Obsessed With the End of the World?
New York Times
Cryonics has for decades tendered the double dream of immortality and the chance to sit out the worst of times until medicine and civilization get their perpetual act together. Aside from the still-unrealized goal of reanimation, the problem with ...

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