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Category Archives: Transhuman News

News & Views – Labmate Online

Posted: April 7, 2017 at 8:35 pm

Amongst the potential causes for the decline in honey bee colonies, pathogens and parasites of the honey bee, particularly mites, are considered major threats to honey bee health and colonies. Now scientists at the University of Liverpool and Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) have sequenced the genome of the bee mite Tropilaelaps mercedesae to assess the interaction between the parasite and host. The results provide resources for control developing gene-based control strategies, determining the weak points for conventional methods, and identifying new targets for biological control.

T. mercedesae is a honey bee parasite prevalent in most Asian countries, and has a similar impact on bee colonies that the globally-present bee mite Varroa destructor has. More, T. mercedesae and V. destructor typically co-exist in Asian bee colonies and with the global trade of honey bees T. mercedesae is likely to become established world-wide.

Dr Alistair Darby, from the Universitys Centre for Genomic Research where said: The genome sequence data and research findings provide useful resources for understanding mite biology and identifying potential gene-based mite control strategies.

Of particular interest, the team found that the mite does not rely on sensing stimulatory chemicals to affect their behaviour, meaning that current control methods targeted to gustatory, olfactory and ionotropic receptors are not effective. The researchers also found that T. mercedesae is enriched with detoxifying enzymes and pumps for the toxic xenobiotics, which means the mite can quickly acquire miticide resistance.

Relevant to this, the researchers investigated the bacteria that infect the bee mite, of which little is known. The scientists discovered that the symbiotic Rickettsiella grylli-like bacteria is commonly present in T. mercedesae and suggest that manipulating this bacteria could help in the development of novel control strategiesin the battle to save bee colonies.

The extent of honey bee colony destruction remains a complex problem, but one that has an extensive impact on crop productivity since honey bees are needed for pollination of a variety of plants. The findings, genome, transcriptome, and proteome data from this T. mercedesae study add an important new resource in the battle to save bee colonies.

Draft genome of the honey bee ectoparasite mite, Tropilaelaps mercedesae, is shaped by the parasitic life history is published in GigaScience.

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‘Natural Healer’ leaves young beauty DEAD from tumeric IV for eczema – CrimeOnline

Posted: at 8:34 pm

A California woman died in March after being given an IV of turmeric, the San Diego County Medical Examiner confirmed Thursday.

NBC 7 reported that Jade Erick, 30, went to see a naturopathic practitioner for treatment of her eczema on March 10. She was taken to Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas, where she reacted badly to the IV.

Dr. Kim Kelly was reportedly administering a 250 mL infusion of turmeric, an Indian spice that has several uses in natural healing. Erick became unresponsive after just 5 mL of the infusion. Dr. Kelly immediately called emergency services and gave Erick CPR while he waited for them to arrive.

The report said that woman was sent to the ICU when she arrived at the hospital. The autopsy report read that Erick was diagnosed with severe anoxic brain injury secondary to cardiopulmonary arrest, most likely due to turmeric infusion.

Erick died 6 days after she was admitted to the hospital.

The medical examiners report indicated that Erick had several food allergies to soy protein, lactose and gluten, as well as hypothyroidism and pre-diabetes.

Her mother reportedly told authorities that her daughter never had an infusion of turmeric before, but she had taken the spice orally through capsules and shakes.

The death was ruled as an accident.

NBC 7 spoke with the Medical Board of California, which said that Dr. Kim Kelly was licensed through the naturopathic committee, which is run by the Department of Consumer Affairs. His license remains active and no administrative charges have been filed against him.

Steve Schechter, who started the vocational college Natural Healing Institute in 1996 and has practiced in the field since 1966, told NBC 7 that Dr. Kim is a caring person who wouldnt recklessly put anyone in danger.

Im not trying to imply defending him or being critical, Schechter said. Every doctor, every therapist I know at times, has made mistakes, every person I know has used things correctly and you get that incredibly small percent of people who are hyper reactive.

Schechter reportedly said that he only teaches traditional, natural therapy that involves only oral consumption.

He said that he hoped this tragedy wouldnt deter people from the many benefits of turmeric, and that these benefits have been proven through research.

Theres over 6,200 scientific studies, all peer reviewed, on Turmeric, primarily focusing on the varied health benefitsI dont want this story to obscure the thousands of years of beneficial use.

The San Diego County Sheriffs Department is reportedly not pursuing a criminal inquiry into Ericks death.

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The FDA Has Approved a New Treatment for Moderate-to-Severe Eczema – Paste Magazine

Posted: at 8:34 pm

The U.S Food and Drug Administration has just approved Dupixent, a new treatment option for people with moderate-to-severe eczema.

Dupixent works as an injection under the skin, andwas developed for patients whose condition can not becontrolled by topical treatments. However, it also gives patients who would typically use a topical treatmenta break from applying creamsto the skin multiple times per day.

Eczema is a condition when patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, red, cracked and rough. Most people outgrow the condition as children, but some continue to endure symptoms into adulthood. The causes of eczema are unknown, however it is believed to develop due to both genetic factors such as having parents with atopic diseases and environmental factors such as irritants, allergens, microbes, extreme temperatures, food, stress and hormones.

Dupixent was approved by the FDA after going through 3 clinical trials that included roughly 2,100 adults with moderate-to-severe eczema, whose symptoms could not be controlled by topical treatments. After 16 weeks, those who received Dupixent had clearer skin and less itching than those who received the placebo.

The most common side effects of the drug included injection site reactions, cold sores in the mouth and lips, and eye/eyelid inflammation. The FDA recommended those experiencing eye symptoms to see a doctor.

Dr. Julie Beitz, director of the Office of Drug Evaluation III in the FDAs Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a news release that eczemacan cause significant skin irritation and discomfort for patients, so it is important to have a variety of treatment options available to patients, including those patients whose disease is not controlled by topical therapies.

Photo: Vanina W., CC-BY

Elizabeth Chambers is a health intern with Paste and a freelance writer based out of Athens, Georgia.

The FDA Has Approved a New Treatment for Moderate-to-Severe Eczema - Paste Magazine

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Baby Gets Herpes After Kissing Relative – Independent Journal Review

Posted: at 8:34 pm

Credit: GoFundMe

Sienna Duffield was incorrectly diagnosed with eczema when she was eight months old.

Then, according to GoFundMe, on Duffield's second birthdayshe washospitalized for a rash that broke out all over her face.

Her mother Savina French-Bell wrote thatthe rash wasvery painful for her daughter:

It's infected, weepy, blistered, clustered, scabby, and very, very painful for her. She suffers with temperatures on and off, and struggles to sleep most nights. I'm normally greeted by a toddler covered in blood and puss most mornings!

For eight months, doctors struggled with her treatment. They tried steroids, antihistamines, but nothing worked. French-Bell wrote:

Nothing is working. We see improvements for the first few days, and then BANG it comes back. She has antihistamine, hundreds of creams, steroids, antibiotics body bandages and mittens, but nothing is helping my little girl. She's also had blood tests to rule out any allergies.

Then, she told Inside Edition, French-Bell rememberedwhen her daughter first started breaking out into rashes:

I realized that she kissed a family member last year which brought on the infection. Everyone in the family was distraught.

Doctors were able to correctly treat the toddler once they knew the family member had herpes.Now her skin is much clearer.

Every now and again she does break out intorashes, but doctorscan provideher with medicine to help alleviate thesymptoms. French-Bell told Inside Edition:

"For the past few months Sienna's face has looked amazing and the infection has not returned.There is always a chance of it coming back, but fingers crossed it won't happen and her skin will stay as good as it is now. It's great to be able to go outside and not get any horrible comments from anyone.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), herpes is a common and untreatable sexually transmitted disease. An estimated one in every six people between the ages of 14 and 49live with the herpes virus.

Women who are pregnant are encouraged to tell their doctors if they suspect they have herpes to avoid passing the virus to their unborn child.

BabyCenter reports that theherpes virus can be dangerous for babies and especially newborns. The virus canspread to the brain and other organs and cause major damage.

Just a few years ago, a baby had to be admitted to the hospital for five days after being infected with cold sores.

French-Bell knows the virus will stay with her child forever, but she's happy her daughter is out of the hospital and back outside again.

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Men More Prone to Severe Psoriasis: Study – WebMD

Posted: at 8:33 pm

By Robert Preidt

HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, April 6, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- Severe psoriasis is much more common in men than women, a new study from Sweden reports.

Researchers reviewed data from more than 5,400 people in Sweden with the common skin disease. The study found that women had a significantly lower rate of severe psoriasis than men.

This was true for all age groups and for all parts of the body except the head, where severity scores were about the same for both sexes.

The discovery that men's psoriasis is often more serious helps explain a gender gap, with more men than women seeking psoriasis treatment, said study senior author Marcus Schmitt-Egenolf. He is a researcher at Umea University's Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine.

"These findings should motivate a gender perspective in the management of severe psoriasis and its comorbidities, such as cardiovascular and metabolic disease," Schmitt-Egenolf said in a university news release.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease. Unlike severe psoriasis, most autoimmune diseases such as lupus and multiple sclerosis are more common in women than in men.

The study was published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology.

WebMD News from HealthDay

SOURCE: Umea University, news release

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Is It Possible to Have Psoriatic Arthritis Without Psoriasis? –

Posted: at 8:33 pm

Experts in the field of psoriatic arthritis have long faced a chicken-and-egg question: Can you have psoriatic arthritis without havingpsoriasisfirst?Some say yes. Some say no. Others say yes and no.

"There is a lot of debate going on," says Ted Mikuls, MD, professor of internal medicine in the division of rheumatology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

Like psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, meaning the immune systemattacks a part of the body. With psoriasis, the immune system attacks the skin (leading to telltaleraised red or silvery patches), while psoriatic arthritis attacks the joints (causing stiffness, pain, and swelling).About 80-85% of people who develop psoriatic arthritis have psoriasis first, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. For the remaining 15-20%,arthritis precedes the skin condition.

"It is much, much more common to have the psoriasis first," says Marcy OKoon Moss, senior director for consumer health at the Arthritis Foundation in Atlanta.

But the question remains: If a patient first experiencesjoint symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, does that mean they don'thave psoriasisor just that their psoriasishasnt been detected yet?

RELATED: The 5 Types of Psoriatic Arthritis You Need to Know About

Certainly it is at least partly a detection issue, says Dr.Mikuls. Existing psoriasis might be largely invisible, such as hiding in your belly buttonor behind your ears. "Skin psoriasis can be very, very subtle and appear in places we dont look at closely," hesays.

But you alsocant rule out the possibility that psoriatic arthritis can occur without psoriasis, he adds. You dont need to have been diagnosed with skin psoriasis to receive a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. Doctors can make a diagnosis based on a family history or personal history (such as if you had psoriasis but its cleared up), says OKoon Moss.It can also go the other way: A 2015 study found that 10-15% of people with psoriasis had psoriatic arthritis that simply had not been detected.

Another thing to consider is that people who have both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis dont necessarily have the same degree of symptoms; their psoriasis can be mild while their arthritis is bad, or vice versa. "There can be a real disconnect between the severity of your skin involvement and your arthritis," says Dr. Mikuls.

Clearly, more research is needed on this topic to be able to fully understand whether or not you can have psoriatic arthritis without any psoriasis. But Dr. Mikuls stresses the importance of speaking to your doctor if you're experiencing symptoms of either condition, since getting a correct diagnosis is critical for your treatment.A few years ago, he explains, a 100%-accurate diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis may not have mattered quite so much. Today, though, it's very important."In the past, we would have said treatments [for different types of arthritis] overlap," he explains. "But more and more were learning that [treatments] really are uniquely different in many ways."

Take DMARDs (disease modifying antirheumatic drugs), for example. Dr. Mikuls explains that they were an earlier psoriatic arthritis treatment that might also work for other forms of arthritis. But newer psoriatic arthritis treatments, like biologics, may work for psoriatic arthritis but not other forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

And not all cases of psoriatic arthritis are the same, nor do all treatments work the same way for everyone. "The lesson learned in rheumatology is that patients dont always present the same way," says Dr. Mikuls.

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Updates in Psoriasis Treatment: New Data from Vienna – Healio

Posted: at 8:33 pm

Updates in Psoriasis Treatment: New Data from Vienna
Plaque psoriasis is a debilitating, noncurable autoimmune disorder, having a significant impact on quality of life, associated with depression, anxiety, social isolation, unemployment, and suicide. Various therapies, such as topical formulations and ...

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Psoriasis and skin cancer – ModernMedicine

Posted: at 8:33 pm

Dr. Lebwohl

Certain psoriasis therapies contribute to the development of skin cancers, while other treatments protect against skin cancers, and still others have not been shown to increase or reduce skin cancers.

Since the description of psoriasis, it has been known that sun exposure makes the disease better, but it also causes skin cancers, says Mark Lebwohl, M.D., a professor and chair of the Department of Dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City.

In an interview with Dermatology Times, following his presentation on psoriasis at the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) annual meeting in March, Dr. Lebwohl also notes that when broadband ultraviolet (UV) phototherapy was introduced, by chance, it omitted most wavelengths under 300 nm, which happen to be the wavelengths that are the most carcinogenic.

A 25-year review published in the Archives of Dermatology in 1981 reported no increase in skin cancers among patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis who were treated with broadband UVB phototherapy.

You would expect narrowband UVB would be even safer that broadband, Dr. Lebwohl says. At least so far, it appears that narrowband UVB does not contribute to skin cancer. Nonetheless, in patients who are cancer-prone, we are cautious about the use of phototherapy.

On the other hand, PUVA (photochemotherapy) causes a dramatic increase in squamous cell carcinomas, and after many years, an increase in malignant melanomas.

Oral therapies

The oral therapy first used for psoriasis was methotrexate.

Now that we have access to registry data, it appears that the drug does cause an increase in skin cancers, specifically squamous cell carcinoma, Dr. Lebwohl says.

The transplant drug cyclosporine, which was subsequently introduced for the treatment of psoriasis, definitely causes an increase in skin cancers, Dr. Lebwohl adds.

An Australian study published in the journal Transplantation in 1996 found that among kidney transplant patients treated with cyclosporine, the most common cause of death was metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.

For transplant candidates who stay on cyclosporine, the frequency of skin cancers keeps rising year after year, Dr. Lebwohl says. In fact, in patients who have been on immunosuppressive transplant medication for 20 years, the frequency of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin approaches 50%.

The next drug introduced to treat psoriasis was the precursor to acitretin, called etretinate.

That drug has actually been shown to be clearly protective against the development of skin cancers, Dr. Lebwohl conveys. Thus, in a patient prone to acquiring basal cells and squamous cells, taking acitretin results in many fewer skin cancers. But once the patient stops taking the retinoid, the skin cancer count rebounds.

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OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. Announces World-Wide Expression of Interest in its Cannabis-based Topical … – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 8:33 pm

PETACH TIKVA, Israel, April 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --

OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. (OWCP), ("OWC" or the "Company"), an Israeli-based research company engaged in the development of cannabinoid-based therapies targeting a variety of different medical conditions and disorders, today announced it has received expressions of interest from the scientific and medical communities world-wide as a result of its recently announce positive preliminary clinical efficacy tests results of its topical cream to treat Psoriasis.

(Logo: )

OWCP's scientific team, led by the renowned Dr. Yehuda Baruch, the Company's Chief Science Officer and OWC's Director of Research and Regulatory Affairs, and former Director of Israel's Ministry of Health Medical Management Division, previously reported trial results and concluded that post-application of OWC's unique, active cannabinoid-based topical cream formulation, there was up to 70% improvement in a variety of inflammation markers directly associated with Psoriasis. These promising results have led the Company to expand the size and scope of its clinical study and has led directly to OWC's receipt of continuing inquiries and expressions of interest from researchers world-wide for more information on the cannabinoid-based topical cream for treatment of psoriasis and our product's anticipated availability for use in the market.

The Company actively protects its IP and will release the final results, relevant protocols and clinical data after the completion of the full BIO-DATA IP PROTECTION.

Mr. Ziv Turner, OWC's, Managing Director, commented, "As soon as we announced the efficacy results of our pre-clinical psoriasis treatment, OWC has continued to receive active inquiries from a variety of leading international scientific institutions in Countries like Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary and more, that adopted or about to adopt MMJ bills. We are currently in negotiations for scientific and marketing cooperation agreements. In addition, we realistically expect product readiness for our topical cream in early Q3 2017 and, subject to regulatory approvals, federal and states laws we will be able to offer our topical cream to those who suffer from psoriasis."

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes red, scaly patches to appear on the skin, and can be associated with other serious health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease and depression. Skin cells in patients with psoriasis grow at an abnormally fast rate, causing a buildup of lesions that tend to burn and itch. While the real cause of psoriasis is not known, genetics are believed to play a major role in its development. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, psoriasis affects 7.5 million people inthe United States.

A wide and in-depth multi-layer clinical study on Psoriasis and psychological aspects is targeted to start next year, 2018, after collection of data from patients to carefully plan the targets of such a unique study that will show a combination of cannabinoids treatments for a specific disease. The study is carefully managed by Dr.Yehuda Baruch, the Company's CSO & Director of Research and Regulatory Affairs. Dr. Baruch comments, "We started safety phase at the hospital by this month, April 2017, and already planning a unique multi-center efficacy study. This is the natural development of the next generation of safe and tested cannabinoids treatments".

AboutOWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp.

OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp., through its wholly-owned Israeli subsidiary, One World Cannabis Ltd., (collectively "OWC" or the "Company") conducts medical research and clinical trials to develop cannabis-based pharmaceuticals and treatments for conditions including multiple myeloma, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, PTSD, and migraines. OWC is also developing unique delivery systems for the effective delivery and dosage of medical cannabis. All OWC research is conducted at leading Israeli hospitals and scientific institutions, and led by internationally renowned investigators.

The Company's Research Division is focused on pursuing clinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of cannabinoids for the treatment of various medical conditions, while its Consulting Division is dedicated to helping governments and companies navigate complex international cannabis regulatory frameworks. For more information, visit:

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Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains "forward-looking statements" as that term is defined in Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Statements in this press release, which are not purely historical, are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such forward-looking statements include, among other things, filing patent applications, product development, and business strategy. Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, the inherent uncertainties associated with new projects and development stage companies. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and we assume no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe that any beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this press release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that any such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all of the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. (OWCP) periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Contact Information: InIsrael: Mordechai Bignitz Chairman and CEO Tel: +972-(0)3-770-8526

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Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Markets Undergo Big Changes as IL-17s, such as Novartis’ Cosentyx and Lilly’s … – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 8:33 pm

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 4, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Spherix Global Insights has just released the results of two independent surveys of 200 rheumatologists and dermatologists about the evolving practice patterns in the management of psoriasis (PsO) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA). The surveys were fielded in March.

In both studies, specialists report that the use of IL-17 agents, such as Novartis' Cosentyx and Lilly's Taltz is increasing. In the psoriasis market, where both drugs are approved, Taltz is making big gains and is expected to catch up to Cosentyx within the next two quarters. Overall, a slightly higher percentage of dermatologists would choose Cosentyx over Taltz if they were limited to just one IL-17 drug, but as Taltz continues to penetrate the PsO market, a preference battle is likely to emerge. An interesting finding in the psoriasis study is the impact of the IL-17 class on Stelara - among those planning to increase their use of IL-17s, more than a third predict corresponding decreases in Janssen's IL-12/23 inhibitor.

Studies estimate that up to 30% of patients with psoriasis will have an arthritic component to their disease and for these patients, the co-management between rheumatologists and dermatologists can add a layer of complexity. Less than one in five of the surveyed rheumatologists agree that dermatologists refer these patients at the first sign of joint involvement; far more agree that they first attempt to manage PsA and only refer if joint pain is not controlled. For now, Cosentyx has the advantage of a dual indication, but Taltz is likely to snag a PsA indication soon, placing the two on an even playing field.

While much of the focus has been on the IL-17 class, the solid first line position of AbbVie's Humira in both PsA and PsO cannot be overlooked. Not only is Humira deeply entrenched, but AbbVie is selected by the highest percent of both rheumatologists and dermatologists as the manufacturer offering the best support and Humira is the biologic most frequently requested by patients. Overall, however, patient requests are most frequently related to preference for an oral agent. Having an oral formulation is one of the most desirable characteristics in new products and is the leading advantage for Celgene's Otezla which continues to gain share in more mild-to-moderate disease. While 17% of the rheumatologists do report off-label experience with Pfizer's Xeljanz in PsA, the lack of an indication for psoriasis may limit this oral JAK inhibitor from gaining widespread use as the majority of rheumatologists prefer to use agents with a dual PsA/PsO indication.

Moving forward, it looks as though dermatology is becoming the new rheumatology. With increased comfort prescribing biologics and a plethora of new agents to choose from, it is no surprise that more than 80% of the surveyed dermatologists report that their use of biologics has increased in the past year. Added to this, the recent approval of Sanofi-Regeneron's Dupixent for atopic dermatitis expands the biologics into other key dermatology indications.

About Spherix Global Insights Spherix Global Insights is a business intelligence and market research company, specializing in renal, autoimmune, neurologic and rare disease markets. Our aim is to apply our commercial experience and unique relationships within core specialty markets to translate data into insight, enabling our clients to make smarter business decisions.

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Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Markets Undergo Big Changes as IL-17s, such as Novartis' Cosentyx and Lilly's ... - Yahoo Finance

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