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Senate hearing spotlights ‘political censorship’ of science – E&E News
Posted: April 12, 2017 at 8:10 am
Hannah Hess, E&E News reporter
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) called for a fight against political censorship of climate scientists and their data today during a field hearing in West Palm Beach, Fla., on extreme weather and coastal flooding.
"If a doctor were barred from using the word 'cancer,' he or she can't do his job, and the same is true with scientists and the work they do to understand and educate the public about the Earth's own fever," said Nelson, ranking member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.
Nelson hosted a panel of experts and local officials at a site less than 5 miles from Mar-a-Lago, the 124-room mansion that's been dubbed President Trump's "Winter White House," to talk about future risks and efforts to address the impacts of climate change which Trump has called a "hoax."
Like Trump, Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has drawn repeated criticism from environmental groups for sidestepping questions about climate change and saying he does not believe climate change is caused by humans.
Scott, who served as chairman of a super political action committee supporting Trump during the campaign, also came under fire for reports that Florida environmental regulators had been ordered not to use the phrases "climate change" and "global warming," even as the phenomena continue to affect the state (Greenwire, March 9, 2015).
Nelson invited Ben Kirtman, a professor with the University of Miami's Department of Atmospheric Sciences, who has spoken to Scott about climate science and has offered to educate Trump on the issue (E&E News PM, Dec. 22, 2016).
"Today we sit at ground zero of the impacts of climate change in the U.S. And while there are still some who continue to deny climate change is real, South Florida offers proof that it is real and it's an issue we're going to be grappling with for decades to come," Nelson said.
Kirtman summarized evidence that sea-level rise along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States is accelerating because of a number of factors that could be due to changes in ocean circulation associated with global warming.
"Even if one is skeptical that human activities are the cause of these trends, there is a clear local need to protect lives and property and ensure economic opportunity in response to changes we see today," Kirtman said.
The panel also heard from Leonard Berry, a professor emeritus of geosciences at Florida Atlantic University who co-founded Coastal Risk Consulting LLC. The Florida-based company has estimated Mar-a-Lago will eventually be under at least 1 foot of water for 210 days a year due to tidal flooding (Greenwire, Oct. 5, 2016).
Berry testified that the work of climate scientists depends on "the continued information flow from the federal government."
Nelson used the forum to stress his concerns about Trump's preliminary budget proposal, which includes cuts to climate science funding and monitoring resources.
The Interior Department's internal watchdog today largely cleared one of the National Park Service's former top superintendents of allegations of harassment and hostility toward women.
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Sex and Sensibility: India’s Censor Board and Overreach | The … – The Diplomat
Posted: at 8:10 am
Indian censorship of film continues apace.
The Central Board of Film Certification in India under is commonly referred to as the Censor Board. A quick glance at some of its heavily debated recent decisions will elucidate why. While primary role of the CBFC is to provide certification for different categories of films, it is also entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that films do transgressone of the express restrictions of free speech in India. This has meant that from time to time, the CBFC has withheldpermission for the screening of films or requested specific cuts and changes to the story. More recently, this has become commonplace rather than the exception.
The biggest theme that the CBFC under Chairperson Pahlaj Nihalani appears to be at war against depictions of sexuality. Recently, the film The Danish Girl was denied the required certification to be aired on TV as its topic was declared as overly sensitive and accordingly requiredtoo many cuts. The film looks at sex reassignment and gender dysphoria. Ka Bodyscapeswas similarly denied certification as it apparently glorified homosexual relationships and contained vulgarity, depicted Hinduism in a derogatory manner, and also depicted a Muslim woman masturbating.
This war is not just against depictions of desire among sexual minorities, as evidenced by the CBFCs halt on the screening of Lipstick Under My Burkha. The stated reason for this ban was that the film was too lady-oriented and had abusive words, audio pornography, and was potentially sensitive to some sections (implying the Muslim community). These bans and others have been banded together as evidence that the CBFC is extremely skittishabout depictions of sexual desire. Adding to the fray, kissing scenes are routinely cut out of the television screenings of movies, and abusive words are muted even in films about verbal violence or abuse.
This trigger-happy censorship environment has a larger context in the specific demands of cultural groups and morality crusaders. While the CBFC seems happy to lead by example, political parties, cultural representatives, and religious groups add to this growing trend towards censorship. The film Parched for instance faced opposition for depictions of female nudity inUdta Punjab, which discussed drug abuse,faced opposition for its use of language and violence and its portrayal of the state of Punjab. Alleged distortion of history is another common theme cultural groups draw upon while calling for these bans as in the case of the trouble faced by the films Bajirao Mastani and Padmavati, both of which depicted Hindu-Muslim inter-religious romances in the lives of historical rulers or leaders.
In each of the above cases, specific criticism has been levied against the ban, but collectively they allude towards a dangerous trend where existing taboos are solidified and a certain narrative of history alone is tolerated. Sexuality in some forms is accepted typically when it adheres to the male gaze, fictional license is allowed for historical movies that merely attempt to create a larger than life narrative, which does not discomfit existing understandings of power and villainy.
Prominent directors and actors, both new and veteran, have spoken out against this trend both on mainstream media and social media, but the enemy they wish to take down is not singular. While much of the anger may be directed against the CBFC, and rightfully so, the source of the CBFCs mandate comes from the public. For as long as public sentiments continue to be inflammable in the face of art, and fragile narratives of masculinity, social order and historical narrative are threatened, the lurking demon of censorship cannot be defeated.
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Ron Paul: US Attack on Syria Is To Prop Up the Military-Industrial … – (blog)
Posted: at 8:09 am
Interviewed Monday by Kennedy at Fox Business, Ron Paul challenged the contention that the United States government was acting in accord with good intentions in attacking Syria last week. Instead, Paul suggests a big motivation was generating profit for the military-industrial complex. Discussing the reason for the attack, the Ron Paul Institute Chairman and former presidential candidate concludes, I think the only interest that has been involved here is to prop up the province of the military-industrial complex.
Paul elaborates that the reason for the attack has nothing to do with concern about the Syria governments purported use of chemical weapons to kill innocent people, given that the US has long been, and continues to be, in the practice of killing innocent people.
Paul also suggests in the interview that neoconservatives influence US actions in regard to Syria. Many people had hoped that President Donald Trumps America First emphasis would cause a move away from military intervention against governments overseas. However, it appears that the influence of people supporting such intervention, including neoconservatives, continues strong in the Trump administration. While Paul says that the neoconservatives politically are winning, he proceeds to note that, at the same time, he believes that the American people are still with us who believe that this war is absolutely unnecessary.
Watch Pauls complete interview here:
Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.
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Interview: Jazmine Sullivan & Kadir Nelson Bring Henrietta Lacks To Life With ‘The HeLa Project’ Exhibit – Vibe
Posted: at 8:07 am
The creatives speak toVIBE about their artistic contributions in conjunction with HBOs film, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
To many, Henrietta Lacks is a hidden figure. Her spirit left the world in 1951, but her cells went on to advance modern science. From treatments of the polio vaccine, cloning and HIV research to the discovery of the Human Papilloma Virus, Lacks immortal cells are considered to be the biggest medical miracle of the last century. Her story will be told in the upcoming HBO film, The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks,starring Oprah Winfrey, but last week the network created The HeLa Project, a traveling art exhibit telling Lacks story through touching artistic tributes.
READ HBO Sets A Date For The Premiere Of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Kicking off in New Yorks SoHo areaApril 7, VIBE was on site to view a stunning original portrait by Kadir Nelson, poetry by Saul Williams and a rendition ofMotherless Children by Jazmine Sullivan. Other multimedia installationsincluded art by Zo Buckman, Doreen Garner and Tomashi Jackson.
Each piece makes sure to showcase Lacks storyone that many know little about. Im getting so much information and its cool. It keeps people interesting and wanting to learn more about Henrietta and her history, Sullivan said. I just learned about her two weeks ago and now that Im here and going through the exhibit and reading everything, its truly amazing and crazy that I didnt know about her because she was so important to life.
READ Interview: Jazmine Sullivan On Owning Her Confidence & An Unbalanced Industry
HBO contacted the Grammy-nominated singer to flip Motherless Children, a negro spiritual made popular by the likes of blues greatBlind Willie Johnson and Paul Robeson. After hearing a bluegrass version of the song, Sullivan decided to give it more of a gospel note, connecting it to what Lacks loved the most. What I always want to capture is the soul, she explained. For this song in particular, I wanted to keep the music minimal so that you can hear it.The version I head was a blonde, bluegrass feel to it but the only thing I can liken it to was gospel. I grew up in a Baptist Church, so sometimes all you got is your foot and the clap, so you start singing [to] feel the spirit. Thats the vibe I try to bring the song and letting you hear the message.
Sullivans mission mirrors Kadir Nelsons thoughtful approach to his tribute to Lacksa portrait that presents her beauty, faith and everlasting hold on history. The Maryland native has made his own mark on the art world with pieces that strike conversations about black culture and livelihood. His portraits have been seen on the covers of Ebony and The New Yorkerand infamous album covers like Drakes Nothing Was The Same.His commissioned portrait titled, Henrietta (HeLa) Lacks: The Mother Of Modern Medicine brings Lacks to life. Her smile is genuine, andher floppy church hat acts as a halo. She clutches her Bible close to her pelvic area, representative of the site where her ovarian cancer began. These placements are far from accidental, Nelson explained.
The painting is a juxtaposition of faith and science. Henrietta being a woman of faith, came from a very religious family, he said. After reading this book about Henrietta and her story (Rebecca Skloots New York Times Bestseller), she really described [who she was]. I wanted to not only share her being a religious person, but also being consumed by science. The background is an ancient symbol of immortality and cell divisions. Its a repeated circular pattern that forms a hexagon and its an ancient symbol found on the walls of Egypt. Its called the Flower of Life, and it connects to the flowers on her dress which is pretty much in the same vain.
Like Sullivan, Nelson wast fully privy to the magic Lacks held in her possession. Through The HeLa Project, Nelson hopes others will be inspired and educated about the no longer hidden figure.
It was good opportunityto learn more about her story and to celebrate her life, he said. Life is full of stories and dramaparticularly African American stories. I like to tell that story and its great to see work like this, mine or not, in a place where people can see it. HBO has really put forth that opportunity for people to see it on a larger scale, through film and and through this exhibit. Arts highest function is a reflection of the human soul, the human spirit and it has the power to inspireand teach people to just be that reflection. You can see yourself in so many different ways though art. Ive always known that and felt that and I always wanted to create artwork that did that specifically. Not just to create a picture on the wall for me, but to others who want to learn, too.
Before the films release on HBO April 22, the exhibit will travel toAtlanta, on April 13 through April 16 at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights & Culture.
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Interview: Jazmine Sullivan & Kadir Nelson Bring Henrietta Lacks To Life With 'The HeLa Project' Exhibit - Vibe
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Who on earth wants to live forever with the people who want to live forever? –
Posted: at 8:07 am
Are you a deathist? A deathist is someone who accepts the fact of death, who thinks the ongoing massacre of us all by ageing is not a scandal. A deathist even insists that death is valuable: that the only thing that gives life meaning is the fact that it ends an idea not necessarily embraced by someone about to be murdered on video by an Isis fanatic.
But what is the alternative? There has never been one, which is why until recently no one needed to coin the term deathist. But now many tech entrepreneurs and scientists take a different view: death, they say, is simply an engineering challenge. Biotechnology should, in principle, be able to reverse the wear-and-tear on cellular machinery in our bodies and keep us in our prime indefinitely, barring violent accident. Consider how many lives this would save. If you think such research should not be pursued, then you are a throwback, a deathist, a morose Luddite thanatophile.
Anti-deathism is one of the main strands of a set of sci-fi dreams that come under the umbrella term transhumanism, the subject of the Irish literary critic Mark OConnells engaging tour. He visits a cryonics facility in the desert outside Phoenix, where customers have paid to have their whole bodies or just their heads (called, Greekly, cephalons in the facilitys distancing jargon) preserved by freezing, in the hope that science will one day figure out how to revive them. He goes to a robotics fair where the audience gasps at humanoid robots that can operate door handles or egress successfully from a car. He hangs out with a gang of grinder cyborgs, that like to implant boxes of electronics under their skin in order to, say, be able to sense the presence of an electromagnetic field. He interviews people working on the idea of uploading human minds to computers, and those like the philosopher Nick Bostrom who fear that one day soon they, and we, might be killed by an omnipotent artificial intelligence of our own creation.
This is all related in a sort of wryly melancholy version of gonzo narrative non-fiction, structured in the simple What I Did Next For My Research style. Think a more overtly erudite version of Jon Ronson. As with that writer, you do occasionally feel that OConnell is expending energy on a less interesting figure simply because they provide so much freakish colour. Some of his transhumanist subjects are pitiful (the virginal man who looks forward to sexbots) but others for instance, the American scientist Laura Deming, who focuses on life extension research are extremely intelligent and persuasive. Overall, the book is thoughtful, modestly unsure of its own opinion, and often disarmingly funny. (Cryogenically frozen brains are left in their skulls, OConnell explains, because technically, it is kind of a hassle to remove the thing entirely.)
The author is especially alert to the assumptions encoded within tech-utopian rhetoric for example, the habit of saying that we should solve death:
The word solve seemed to me to encapsulate the Silicon Valley ideology whereby all of life could neatly be divided into problems and solutions solutions that always took the form of some or other application of technology.
And the very prefix trans- in the word transhumanism expresses, for some, a forlorn desire for spiritual transcendence of mere meat. As one cyborg tinkerer explains to the author:
Ask anyone whos transgender. Theyll tell you theyre trapped in the wrong body. But me, Im trapped in the wrong body because Im trapped in a body. All bodies are the wrong body.
The apparent paradox, then, is that so many transhumanists, while bent on defeating or solving death, also seem rather, well, misanthropic. To be transhumanist is on some level also to be anti-humanist: people tell OConnell what contemptible monkeys current humans are, how disgusting it is that they are doing all this breeding, and how theyd rather be machine-based consciousnesses exploring the vastness of space. But when it comes down to it, you might think there is not all that much to distinguish this, as a consummation devoutly to be wished, from good old-fashioned death.
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The Disrupted Generation – h+ Magazine
Posted: at 8:06 am
Change in the direction of humanity is inevitable. Whether Transhuman or Posthuman, we are unlikely to be the humans of recent history in the immediate future that lies ahead. The disruption to normal human life is profound in implication and consequence. From communication to life changing technologies the fabric of human existence is being fundamentally disrupted and re-engineered.
In an era where the developing wisdom encourages continuous challenge of the status quo how do the disrupted generation, shaped by the value systems of the past, adapt to this ever-changing world. The deer caught in the headlights analogy perhaps understates the many challenges facing humans shaped by societal norms of the recent past. Technological progression represents the proverbial oncoming truck of change that threatens to ride roughshod over those of us rooted to the spot unable to adapt.
Value systems centered around life and death, religious moral and philosophical frameworks, pro-creation, family values and capitalism are being inevitably challenged. Global political systems are showing many signs of frailty through the Arab Spring, rise of populism, anti-establishment sentiment and the fragmentation of globalism. These symptoms would appear to represent society grappling with the disruptions to the status quo unfolding around us.
With value systems of the future framed by extended longevity, human-technology integration, space colonization, artificial super intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, universal basic income, and interconnectedness the value systems of the past will become largely defunct. Expected casualties are likely to include current religious doctrines, the capitalist system, accepted norms on the inevitability of death, education systems, employment practices, monetary systems, family, and social systems. In short just about everything will be disrupted and subject to re-invention.
This level of change from accepted norms will undoubtedly face unprecedented resistance and an extended period of turbulence is expected in this transitional twilight as an increasingly interconnected humanity reacts to these life changes. This would be consistent with accepted human reactions to change, of shock, resistance and defensive retreat prior to acceptance and adaptation to the changes. Studies suggest that only approximately one quarter of us actively engage and welcome change, whilst the remainder either go with the flow or resist. To prevent a protracted transitional period of uncertainty and unrest it is therefore imperative that the change agents pursue a cohesive strategy of disruptive evolution.
During this disruptive transition period, how do the affected generations adapt and promulgate a successful transition to a different vision of the future? From the older segments of the population, who are perhaps more fashioned by convention, to the increasingly progressive younger age bracket, embracing change will be required for survival. This survival is in itself being disrupted on many levels is it merely the survival of the individual, or of the species as we know it. And what is survival?
Consider the current generation of humanity as the last bastions of mortality perhaps, faced with the prospect that the immediate future generation, indeed some of the younger current humans, are the forerunners of the first Immortals. Immortality is a strong word that invokes and attracts debate and often distraction. It is simply the opposite of mortal and most of the disruptive technologies with respect to human life extension are indeed trying to address the issues associated with ageing and mortality and effectively break the cycle of life and death.
But is the human populace ready for radical progression through transhumanism? A simple survey was developed to gauge the readiness and/or willingness of those surveyed (broad USA cross section, n=200) for/towards transhumanism.
The survey entitled Human Progressive Survey was conducted with the PollfishTM application and the full results and demographics of those surveyed can be viewed via: (Human Progressive Test button) or
The results of survey responses (for all participants) are summarized in the graphs below (including a few demographic qualification questions):
Responses to the individual questions in the survey highlight some interesting points:
Approximately one-third of respondents support transhuman principles with a further one-third undecided.
Greater than half of respondents support radical life extension yet the majority believe human mortality to be part of the normal cycle of life and death
The majority of respondents expect the technological Singularity to occur in the 20-40-year time frame but are largely unconvinced that transhuman forms will develop in the interim
Evolution of humans to transhuman forms will be for the select few
Artificial Intelligence development is viewed cautiously with approximately two-thirds of respondents believing it should be done carefully, yet nearly half believe it will not surpass human intellect.
The overwhelming majority of participants viewed human poverty, hunger and the environment as the important issues facing humanity
These results suggest that transhuman principles are moderately accepted and understood within the surveyed group.
This is perhaps a reflection of a prevalent attitude supporting life extension but stopping short of stepping outside the norms with respect to mortality.
It is interesting to note that the majority of those surveyed actually expect the technological Singularity to occur. In the transitionary period, there is uncertainty whether transhuman forms will develop through physical and intellectual augmentation in tandem with CRISPR gene-editing techniques.
The surfeit of media discussion on Artificial Intelligence and the views of prominent futurists such as Musk and Hawkings seem to have imparted a very cautious view of Artificial Intelligence development. Whilst the respondents are cautious overall only 22% believed we should not pursue AI at all. Expectations on the level of intelligence AI will reach are however guarded when asked when AI will surpass human intellect 40% answered never. The remaining 60% believed this would happen within 10 to 30 years.
Though the majority of respondents support space colonization by humans or our transhuman counterparts it is interesting to note that the remaining 40% of respondents did not support any form of space colonization.
Half of respondents believe that should transhuman progression occur it will not be for the entire human population but rather for select individuals based on status age, wealth, intelligence or race.
This result suggests that the majority of respondents are more focused on our immediate environment and concerns rather than more future based activities such as Artificial Intelligence, CRISPR gene-editing or space colonization.
Human Progressive Index
To evaluate the progressiveness of the survey group a binary scoring system (+score for more progressive answers, -score for less progressive answers and nil scores for non-committal answers) was developed for individual responses to arrive at a total score or index where an index of minus one represents the least progressive and plus one the most progressive.
The results for various demographic groupings are presented below in simple frequency histograms (note all populations normalized to n=200).
The entire survey population shows a marked regressive bias distribution indicating the overall population is non-progressive in terms of transforming the species through progressive technology, transhuman development and space colonization. To isolate the more progressive subsets within the population surveyed different age brackets and male: female subsets were analyzed.
Considering two selected age brackets (25-34yrs and 45-54yrs) against the overall population highlights the importance of age to the progressive index distribution. Clearly the younger 25-34yrs age bracket is more progressive than the overall population while the older 45-54yrs age bracket is more regressive.
Comparing the male and female subsets of the population reveal some interesting differences.
Clearly the female subset of the population is markedly regressive when compared to the more progressive distribution for the male subset. This raises some interesting questions as to why the female subset appears less progressive fear of change, lower risk tolerance, other priorities, more social concerns may be some of the factors at play.
Taking the more progressive 25-34 yrs age bracket it is interesting to compare the male:female subsets within this age group.
The results are quite startling showing almost diametrically opposed populations a markedly regressive female 25-34yr subset versus a markedly progressive male counterpart. Exploring the reasons behind these differences is outside the scope of this article however it is hoped that these results will encourage discussion and further research into these dynamics.
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Oceans: A Human Casualty – Huffington Post
Posted: at 8:06 am
As I sat behind my son, watching him take in and rejoice the awe-inspiring ocean, I couldn't shake my overwhelming worry for his future and for its future.
It used to be that the oceans were the last untouched and wild places on the planet. There were minimal signs of man's influence until the last century.
For hundreds of thousands, even millions of years, oceanic species flourished in a beautiful equilibrium that can only come from simultaneous co-existence and evolution.
Coral reefs housed and supported hundreds of species, and the oceans could rejuvenate themselves when small-scale catastrophes occurred.
Today, more than 90% of large-fish species, including sharks have been culled, killed, or removed from the oceans. Our appetite for fish, sharks, and other marine life is decimating them.
We are systematically destroying millenia-old coral reefs and other habitats through climate change (oceanic warming), acidification (from carbon), and bottom-trawling fishing gear.
Small island nations are being forced to emigrate as ice melts in the Arctic and Antarctic, raising sea levels to unprecedented new highs.
Every year we increase the rate in which we are adding plastic and other deleterious chemical residues into the ocean, choking it. We watch as animals starve to death as plastic fills their stomachs, or drown to death as they get caught in nets, long-lines, and other fishing gear.
We know that if left alone, the ocean can and will repair itself.
However, year after year after year of warmer waters, chemical insults, and overfishing and exploitation of oceanic species are making this recovery increasingly difficult if not impossible.
Humans embarked on an unknown experiment. Our agricultural runoff, oil rigs, plastic, fish-glut, and noises are killing the ocean.
My son asks me "Mama, the ocean is big?" I respond, "yes, the ocean is very big." He says, "There is a lot of water?" I say, "yes, there is so much water, you just can't see it all"
And, silently in my mind I add, "or the destruction we [humans] created."
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Viral blog post outlines the human need for suffering – Deseret News
Posted: at 8:05 am
Warning: The article linked to in this post includes strong language.
A powerful blog post has gone viral since it was posted last week.
Heather Kirn Lanier writes that when she was expecting, she tried to make a SuperBaby. She detailed the extreme things she did in an effort to create the perfect child, ranging from giving up wheat and getting rid of her microwave to keeping her cellphone an arms length away from her belly. She opted for a natural birth and discussed with doctors her desire to avoid cutting the cord prematurely to make sure that her baby got all of the vital nutrients.
However, her baby was born with Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome, a diagnosis that carried with it a 34 percent mortality rate in the first two years of life as well as intellectual disabilities and serious physical limitations, including the possibility of never walking and seizures.
Lanier explains that she learned the same lesson Jesus taught his disciples when asked if it was the blind man who sinned or his parents. She learned that there is no blame to be placed but rather, this suffering is a crucial part of the human experience.
Perhaps the point of life was not to achieve some kind of perfection. Perhaps illness was an integral part of lifes dance, she writes. Perhaps fragility was built into our very design. Perhaps fragility was also strength.
Lanier breaks down the error in seeking to create SuperBabies" and imagines what "SuperPeople" would be like.
And on their holidays, they would gather around fires propping their lean, tall, muscular bodies onto core-boosting exercise balls and tell stories of the generations past, when people were not Super but Regular, Lanier wrote of the fictional species. In those bygone days, RegularPeople had autoimmune disorders and chronic pain. They had broken hearts and failed dreams. They had something the SuperPeople only know through history books: suffering.
Suffering will not be easy, and it will not be comfortable, but it will be, and you will become, Lanier explains in conclusion.
Read the entire article here.
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We May Have Just Discovered the Deepest Traces of Life on Earth – Futurism
Posted: at 8:05 am
In BriefResearchers have found traces of organic materials in samplesof mineral-rich mud from a mud volcano near the Mariana Trench. Ifthese samples prove to be evidence of life, it would be the deepestform of life ever found on our planet. Early Life Surviving Below
While the average depth of the ocean is just 2.2 miles, youd have to travel another four or so to reach the bottom of the massive underwater canyon known as the Mariana Trench. This underwater world isthe deepest known place on Earth today, and now, scientists are reporting that the mysterious canyon may also tell the story of how some of the earliest lifeforms on our planet survived in the past.
The Mariana Trench is part of a subduction zone where the sea floor is cluttered with mud volcanoes and hydrothermal vents evidence of our planets molten core. The entire region is located directly over the friction point between the Philippine Sea and Pacific tectonic plates.
Approximately four billion years ago, nascent life on a much younger Earth was hard-pressed to survive thehostile surroundings. The planet endured frequent asteroid strikes and was pock-marked with craters and molten rock. Livable spaces and food were scarce, even for microbes, so researchers think some early lifeforms managed to survive despite these challenges by going deep and calling the Mariana Trench home.
A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports that researchers found traces of organic materials in samples of mineral-rich mud from a mud volcano near the Mariana Trench. Although they did not find actual microbes intact, the organic material could indicate that even the most extreme environments may be able to support life. If these samples do prove to be evidence of life, it would be the deepest form of life ever found on our planet.
This is another hint at a great, deep biosphere on our planet, study leader Oliver Plmpertold National Geographic. It could be huge or very small, but there is definitely something going on that we dont understand yet.
Subduction zones like the one in which the samples were discovered are relatively cool what we understand to be the temperature limit for life, 121 degrees Celsius (250 degrees Fahrenheit), wouldnt be reached untilsix or more miles below the floor of the ocean. Furthermore, the mineralsin which the organic materials were found are formed through a process known asserpentinization, which produces both methane and hydrogen gases that microbes can then consume as food.
Since they started to look for it inthe 1960s, scientists have found serpentinization all over the planet: where continents meet and form, inside mountain ranges that were once at the bottom of the ocean, and near hydrothermal vents.
Because serpentinization is fairly common and can support life in extreme conditions, scientists think it might be the key to finding life on other worlds. Both Saturns moon Enceladus and Jupiters moon Europa likely have deep liquid oceans underneath their icy exteriors, and Enceladus appears to have some tectonic activity, the source of subduction zones like those of the Mariana Trench.
However, scientists in search of microbial life deep within the trenches of other worlds would need to conquer the same challenges as scientists studying the Mariana Trench here on Earth. Reachingdeep enough for direct study isnt possible, so youre limited to interpreting evidence spewed from geysers and extracted from rock. I think of it kind of like a message in the bottle, explained Plmper. We have this container coming up, and we are opening it up and trying to figure out whats going on.
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We May Have Just Discovered the Deepest Traces of Life on Earth - Futurism
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Italy Has Banned Uber From All Its Streets – Futurism
Posted: at 8:05 am
In Brief An Italian judge banned Uber's services across the country last Friday in a ruling favoring major Italian taxi associations. The ban covers all of Uber's ride-hailing services and gives the company 10 days to respond.
The ride-hailing company Uber is no stranger to controversy and regulatory issues. The latest of these roadblocks now comes from Italy, as the European country decided on April 7 to ban Ubers service nationwide. The ban came as a Rome judge ruled in favor of major Italian taxi associations, a report by Reuters noted. The court cited Uber as unfair competition for taxis in Italy.
Were shocked, Ubers lawyers said in a statement, which Italian dailyCorriere della Sera obtained. We will appeal this ruling that is based on a 25-year-old law. Now the government cant waste more time and needs to decide whether it wants to remain anchored to the past, protecting privileged profits, or whether it wants to allow Italians to benefit from new technologies.
The ban extends across all the ride-hailing services Uber offers Black, Lux, Suv, X , XL, Select, and Van and also prohibits the company from advertising in Italy. Uber has 10 days to appeal the decision or to cease operations in the country in order to avoid paying up to $10,600 worth of fines for every day it continues to operate.
Meanwhile, the lawyers of the major taxi associations hail this as a victory. It is the fourth decision of an Italian judge who establishes unfair competition from Uber, they told Corriere della Sera.The last battle of a legal battle started in 2015 to block the most striking form of unfair competition ever recorded on the Italian transport market.
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