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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Scientists Have Captured the First-Ever "Image" of a Dark Matter Web – Futurism
Posted: April 13, 2017 at 11:17 pm
In Brief By combining photographs of distant galaxies 4.5 billion light-years away, scientists now have photographic evidence of dark matter linking galaxies together. Any new insight into dark matter will lead to a more complete understanding of the universe in which we live. Seeing the Unseeable
The theory that birthed the concept of dark matter came to be out of necessity. Based on the matter we can see, our universeshouldnt be able to exist and operate as it does this visible matter cant generate the gravity necessary to keep our galaxies held together.Dark matter is a way for scientists to account for this discrepancy. They posit that our universe must containa kind matter that we cannot see, a kind that doesnt absorb, reflect, or emit light a truly dark matter.
For our scientific models to hold true, dark matter mustmake up more than a quarter of all the matter in the universe. Still, what dark matter is actually made of remains a mystery, and finding evidence of something that cannot be seen is a daunting task. Previously, the gravitational effects of dark matter are the closest thing to proof that scientists have, but now, researchers from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, have something even better: a composite picture that proves that galaxies are indeed connected by dark matter.
Using a technique known as weak gravitational lensing, the researchers combined images taken over the course of years to show the presence of dark matter. The composite was created usingimages from more than 23,000 galaxy pairs situated 4.5 billion light-years away.
We may not have greater insight as to exactlywhat this matter is composed of, but at least we now have a physical representation of its existence between galaxies.
For decades, researchers have been predicting the existence of dark-matter filaments between galaxies that act like a web-like superstructure connecting galaxies together, explained Mike Hudson, a professor of astronomy at Waterloo, in a press release from the Royal Astronomical Society.This image moves us beyond predictions to something we can see and measure.
Indeed, the image is an important step toward legitimizing dark matter and dark energy at a time when other scientists are proposing models that would do away with the need for dark matter to exist entirely. Itbrings us closer to understanding dark matter and the role it plays in binding the universe together. Existenceis an infinitelylarge puzzle comprising innumerable pieces. Any time we can find a way to connect those pieces we bring the big picture into greater focus and move one step closer to truly understanding the world in which we live.
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Scientists Have Captured the First-Ever "Image" of a Dark Matter Web - Futurism
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This is the Stunning Electric Car Porsche is Creating to Oust Tesla – Futurism
Posted: at 11:17 pm
In Brief Porsche unveiled their first fully electric vehicle last year and we are hoping to see a production model by 2020. An increased focus on the development and manufacture of e-cars is giving a glimpse into the future of personal transport. Car Wars
With each new development, its becoming clear that electric vehicles are the future of personal transport. Gasoline-fueledcars are a major burden on the environment. One third of all air pollution in the United States comes from vehicles. Not only does this contribute to climate change, but also puts everyones health at risk as we end up breathing in these emissions.
More manufacturers are adding electric cars to their lineups. Even the fanciest of automakers are putting their hat in the ring to get carve out a piece of that market. Porsche is planning on rolling out its Mission Eelectric cars by 2020. The company has already unveiled the model as a concept car at last years International Motor Show in Frankfurt. The concept car was a sleek, attractive, four-door sedan. The company plans to offer wireless software updates just like Tesla.
The new car will undoubtedly feature some high-tech bells and whistles. Porsche has not officially confirmed the full spectrum of what will be available with the production model of the car, but we do at least have an idea of where they might be headed.
Inductive charging is a relatively new technology thats, so far, only widely been integrated into portable technology like cell phones and smart watches. It is quickly becoming more popular in future designs for electric vehicles thanks to the implications of creating parking spots that feature charging pads.
Range anxietyis a common concern among electric vehicle consumers. No one wants to get stranded in the middle of a long trip with the nearest charging opportunity potentially miles away. Porsche is hoping to assuage that fear by offering an 800v charging system that will allow a range of 402 km (250 miles) with just 15 minutes of charge time. A fully charged Mission Ecould drive up to 498 km (310 miles), leaving Teslas Model 3s 473 km (294 miles) in the dust.
Porsche is also making a huge switch that may even rival the change that Apple made to its phones by removing the headphone jack. Instead of the traditional exterior mirrors, the vehicles will be equipped with cameras that display the world around the vehicle in the lower corner of the windshield. Other cameras in the vehicle will track the drivers eyes to help control the dashboard menu.
The future of electric vehicles is as clear as it is necessary. Combating climate change is of the utmost importance to the continued health of our planet. However, as each new model is unveiledexactly what that future will look like is only limited by the imagination and innovationit can spark.
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This is the Stunning Electric Car Porsche is Creating to Oust Tesla - Futurism
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Tesla Challenger Faraday Future Just Showed off Its Flagship … – Futurism
Posted: at 11:17 pm
In Brief A prototype of Faraday Future's flagship vehicle, the FF 91, made an appearance this weekend at a car show in Long Beach. The company is positioning itself as a competitor for Tesla in the electric autonomous vehicle market. An Actual First Look
Three months afterits unveiling at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Faraday Futures concept autonomous electric vehicle finally made an encoreappearance this weekend. A beta version of the FF 91, the flagship vehicle from the California-based startup, was spotted byMotorworld Hypeat a car show in Long Beach.
Faraday Future has been accepting reservations for the FF 91 since January, with the first 300 orders eligible for an exclusive launch upgrade called the Alliance Edition, though no word yet on what that would entail.
With the FF 91, Faraday Future seems to be hoping to emerge as a serious challenger to Tesla in the electric and autonomous vehicle markets. The company has evenbuilt its own megafactory right in Teslas backyard.The FF 91 does, though, warrant attention as its own entity. Not only is it a rather beautiful electric vehicle (EV) with autonomous capabilities, the FF 91 packs its own hefty punches in terms of specs.
The FF 91 was designed and built following Faraday Futures so-called Variable Platform Architecture (VPA).According to the company, the vehicles130 kWh battery is the worlds highest energy density battery, and it deliversan estimated range of 378 miles on the EPA cycle and over 700 km on the NEDC cycle. The FF 91runs on a 1,050 horsepower electric propulsion system capable of zooming from zero to 96 kmh (zero to 60 mph) in just 2.39 seconds. (For its part, Tesla seems to have acknowledged the rather stealthy Faraday Future by topping that acceleration rate almost as soon as the new vehicle was unveiled and before it actually hit production.)
The FF 91 isimpressive as an autonomous vehicle, too. Its set to be the first vehicle to feature retractable 3D lidar [], part of a complex sensor system including 10 high definition cameras, 13 long and short range radars, and 12 ultrasonic sensors. Its topped with more sensors than any of its counterparts.
Clearly, the FF 91 is a formidable foe for both EVs and self-driving cars. All thats left now is for Faraday Future to actually roll it out. Hopefully, that future event isnt too far away.
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Tesla Challenger Faraday Future Just Showed off Its Flagship ... - Futurism
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An All-Electric Vehicle Just Reached 217 MPH in a High-Speed Test – Futurism
Posted: at 11:17 pm
In BriefAutomaker Lucid Motors just shared a clip of its all-electricAlpha Speed Car clocking a speed of 217 mph. This achievementdemonstrates the ability of electric cars to meet the sameperformance standards set by their traditional counterparts. One Super-Fast EV
Lucid Motorsjust unveiled its luxury Lucid Air and an Alpha Speed Car prototype during the annual New York International Auto Show. Now, the California-based luxury automaker hasshared a video of the vehiclesfirst high-speed stability test.
During the test at the Transportation Research Center test track in Ohio, the all-electricAlpha Speed Car clocked a speed of 350 kmh (217 mph). Thats the same as a Ferrari LaFerrari.
These tests are relevant to the engineering process of the vehicle as they will allow the team to combine computer simulation models with real-world data to improve performance. According toLucid Motors website:
The test, software-limited to 217 mph (350 km/h), was successful in demonstrating the capabilities of the car and in finding areas for improvement that could not be properly evaluated in static bench tests [] The collected data will now be used to finesse thermal and aero computer simulations and to make further performance improvements that will be tested later this year at higher speeds.
The company assures potential drivers, however, that the Air is more than just fast: High-speed capability does not compromise our mission to develop a highly efficient vehicle. On the contrary, the focus on maximizing range provides the high power and aerodynamic efficiency that enables higher speeds.
TheLucid Air is scheduled for production in 2019 and is largely considered a strong competitor for Teslas Model S. Priced at $52,500, the vehicle is expected to come equipped with autonomous-ready hardware. It will have a 400-mile range, a 1,000-horsepower engine, anda strong focus on passenger comfort and luxury.
The diversity of electric vehicles (EV) coming onto the market demonstrates the increased demand for electric alternatives to traditional high-performance transport.
If we really want to reduce carbon emissions, ending our reliance on traditional forms of transportation is one way to do it, so the arrival of numerous EV options is certainly welcome. In addition, many of these cars are being built with advanced autonomous capabilities, which could mean that traffic jams, a perennial problem in urban areas, will be considerably reduced.
Furthermore, the governments support for self-driving technology is drawn from its potential to help address common pedestrian and road safety issues. Given that most traffic-related accidents and fatalities are caused by human error, the rise of autonomous vehicles on the road would ultimately save lives.
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An All-Electric Vehicle Just Reached 217 MPH in a High-Speed Test - Futurism
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CEDIA 2017 Keynote Dave Evans: IoT Futurist Inspires New Thinking for Smart-Home Pros – CEPro
Posted: at 11:17 pm
Former Cisco chief futurist and Stringify co-founder Dave Evans to present opening keynote at CEDIA 2017, highlighting how new developments in IoIT (Internet of intelligent things) can apply to smart-home pros.
Stringify co-founder and CTO Dave Evans, the guy who coined the term "Internet of Everything" at Cisco, will deliver the opening keynote at CEDIA 2017, the trade show for home-technology specialists.
During a "CEDIA Talk" last year (below), Evans noted that in the coming years, "the power of your smart phone will fit inside a red blood cell," with massive implications for "what we connect and how we connect it."
We won't be asking, "What is connected?" Instead, we'll be asking, "What isnotconnected," he suggests.
"We now create more new data every 10 minutes than we did in all of human history as of just a few years ago," Evans says. "All of this data has huge implications for deep learning. ... The more data you put into these systems, the more they can learn."
He points to IBM Watson, which now can teach college courses and soon could replace lawyers with its ability to process 65 million pages of text "with a linguistic understanding" per second.
As further example of deep learning, Evans points to machines that can learn to see, given massive amounts of images and descriptions scraped from numerous sources.
In one illustration (above), a computer auto-generates the correct description, "Woman in white dress standing with tennis racket with two people in green behind her."
Video: Stringify's Dave Evans, CEDIA Talk, 2017
Not only can machines learn to see, Evans says, They can also see things we cant see.
For example, MITs work in Eulerian Video Magnification allows a system to determine a persons heartbeat by amplifying frames in a video and analyzing minute changes in their skin color.
Dale Evans Keynote Wed., Sept. 6 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm San Diego Convention Center more special events at CEDIA
CEDIA 2017 Conference: Sept. 5-9 Tradeshow floor: Sept. 7-9 San Diego Convention Center Registration opens May 31
He asks the audience to imagine the implications of this technology for things such as baby cams and health checks for elders.
Today it is used in applications such as language translation (point your phone at foreign text) and math calculations (point your phone at an equation).
With all of the processing occurring in the cloud these days, dumb devices can become pretty smart, says Evans: The cloud and connectivity bring super-computing capabilities to anything with a connection.
So then theres the issue of connectivity. Indeed, that critical component of IoT is making great strides. Today were seeing faster speeds, lower power requirements and new ways of communicating, for example over LED light waves (Li-Fi).
All this futurism stuff Evans was chief futurist at Cisco does it really matter to home-technology specialists today?
Sure, its interesting to see where things are headed, but many lessons can be gleaned from developments along the way.
For example, you know that Photomath application that calculates complex mathematic equations via the camera on a smart phone?
How can we apply similar technology today, for example, to identify A/V components and connections?
What could we do with facial recognition? Lots of products in the channel today feature cameras that could be used to identify people, emotions, health (e.g., anomalies in movement) and much more. How might a home-automation system respond?
At the same time, many of our products include microphones that could be used to detect if someone falls, if a resident yells help, if an occupant is distressed, or if an assault is occurring or likely to occur.
Evans will expose the industry to some new ways of thinking about the (really) smart home.
Dale Evans Keynote Wed., Sept. 6 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm San Diego Convention Cente
Julie Jacobson, recipient of the 2014 CEA TechHome Leadership Award, is co-founder of EH Publishing, producer of CE Pro, Electronic House, Commercial Integrator, Security Sales and other leading technology publications. She currently spends most of her time writing for CE Pro in the areas of home automation, security, networked A/V and the business of home systems integration. Julie majored in Economics at the University of Michigan, spent a year abroad at Cambridge University, earned an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin, and has never taken a journalism class in her life. She's a washed-up Ultimate Frisbee player currently residing in Carlsbad, Calif. Email Julie at [emailprotected]
Follow Julie on social media: Twitter LinkedIn Google+
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Scarborough Futurist Theatre campaigners begin legal battle – The Stage
Posted: at 11:17 pm
Campaigners fighting to save Scarborough's Futurist Theatre have issued legal proceedings seeking a judicial review of the council's decision to demolish the venue.
The Save the Futurist campaign group has begun proceedings against Scarborough Borough Council in an attempt to stop plans to pull the building down.
The campaign has employed a team of solicitors to help it try and overturn the decision, made by Scarborough council in January.
The group said: "This action is costly but has had to be taken in an attempt to stop demolition of the Futurist Theatre. The legal fight has only just begun... There is now a concrete focus to rally around and this is the best chance that our local, national and international supporters have to do something real and practical to save the Futurist."
The campaigners are also fundraising in order to continue legal proceedings.
The Theatres Trust has supported the group's latest efforts, emphasising that a refurbished Futurist could play a significant role in bringing live entertainment and events to the town.
"We have seen the value that the local community places in the Futurist and advocate ensuring that the viability of the theatre is fully considered before any final decision on the demolition of the building is taken.
Following the council's decision earlier this year to demolish the former theatre which has been derelict since 2014 the campaign attempted to get the building listed in order to stave off demolition. However, the application was rejected.
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IBM Watson Executive and Futurist to Keynote Spigit’s Ignite … – Marketwired (press release)
Posted: at 11:17 pm
Keynote speakers Damion Heredia and Robert Tucker will join 20+ executive speakers from leading companies including Pfizer, Duke Energy, and Johnson & Johnson, all presenting at Ignite 2017
SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwired - April 11, 2017) - Spigit today announced the keynote speakers for Ignite 2017, the premier conference for innovation leaders and executives, held in San Francisco on May 4th, 2017. IBM Watson's VP of Strategic Partnerships, Damion Heredia, and renowned thought-leader and author, Robert Tucker, will share insights on innovation with the Ignite audience in two keynote addresses.
The morning of Ignite will bring Damion Heredia to the stage, where he'll share his unique perspective on artificial intelligence, its capabilities, and the role it plays in the future of ideation across industries.
In the afternoon, Robert Tucker, president of The Innovation Resource, and author of seven books focused on innovation, will address the audience in a second keynote presentation. Mr. Tucker is a futurist and innovation coach, who has brought his practical and empowering message to thousands of audiences around the world. Two hundred of the Fortune 500 companies have benefitted from his strategies, and he is best known for advocating that innovation must become an embedded, systematic enterprise-wide process that drives growth, engagement, and competitive advantage.
"We're thrilled to welcome Damion Heredia and Robert Tucker to Ignite as our keynote speakers," stated Amy Millard, Chief Marketing Officer of Spigit. "From artificial intelligence to collective intelligence, Ignite 2017 will energize and inspire our customers and the broader innovation community."
Mr. Heredia and Mr. Tucker will join numerous executives and thought-leaders speaking at Ignite, including presenters from Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, UnitedHealth Group, Cambia Health Solutions, Li & Fung, Duke Energy, the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, UC Berkeley, and more.
Over 200 innovation leaders and executives from every major industry will be in attendance. The audience comes from the likes of Wells Fargo, AIG, American Express, Booz Allen Hamilton, Campbell Soup, Deloitte, Capital One, IBM and more. In the afternoon, attendees will choose between a variety of panels focused on ideation use-cases in new product development, marketing, bringing ideas to market, and more.
From keynotes to panels, Ignite provides actionable takeaways from domain experts around current and emerging trends impacting enterprises around the world. This includes digital transformation, customer experience, culture of innovation, employee engagement, and others. This year the conference includes a new Partner Pavilion featuring products and services from IBM, Topcoder, Launchpad Central, and Booz Allen Hamilton. The Ignite conference will also continue its tradition of pre-conference Innovation Workshops on May 3, structured to help customer attendees build and grow successful innovation programs.
About Spigit Spigit is the largest provider of ideation management software to some of the world's foremost companies, including AT&T, Citibank, Duke Energy, MetLife, Pfizer, Unilever, UnitedHealth Group and more. Spigit has powered ideation for large enterprises across major industries of financial services, manufacturing, healthcare, and energy. For a demo, click here.
Spigit enables enterprises to harness the collective intelligence of their employees, customers and partners to solve today's problems, maximize tomorrow's opportunities and accelerate innovation. Spigit's ideation management platform scales across the enterprise to surface the best ideas. Spigit global HQ is in San Francisco, European HQ in London, and our Asia-Pacific HQ is in Sydney. Learn more at
2017 Spigit Corp. All rights reserved. Spigit, the Spigit logo, Kindling, the Kindling logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Spigit Corporation and/or its in the U.S. and elsewhere. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
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IBM Watson Executive and Futurist to Keynote Spigit's Ignite ... - Marketwired (press release)
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Watch three space station astronauts make a bull’s-eye landing in the Kazakhstan desert – Washington Post
Posted: April 12, 2017 at 8:17 am
Threeastronauts descended 250 miles to touch down in the desert near the city of Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan, on Monday. Sergey Ryzhikov and Andrey Borisenko, both Russian cosmonauts, and NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough made a clean landing in theirRussian spacecraft, the Soyuz MS-02. Thanks to the accuracy of the descent the craft landed just as planned cameras were able to film the incoming capsule.
It was a textbook touchdown, Rob Navias, a NASA spokesman saidin TV commentary after the landing, as reported. The Soyuz was pulled by its main parachute onto its side, but the crew was quickly extracted and are in good shape.
The landing's precise nature was a testament to how far we've come since the early days of spaceflight. The second Americanin space, Gus Grissom, almost drowned in the Atlantic in 1961 when his capsule, Liberty Bell 7, plopped intothe ocean and began to flood with seawater. (He maintained that there was a malfunction, contrary to insinuations that he panickedand triggeredthe escape hatch too early.)Liberty Bell 7" sank,exiled to the ocean floor until a salvage boat recovered it in 1999.
There was no such indignity for the Soyuz MS-02 spacecraft. The recent touchdown had more than a touch of drama the footage ends with an explosion of brown dust as the capsule's retrorockets fired but the astronauts can be seengrinning and shaking hands moments after personnel lift them out of the capsule.
A Russian spacecraft carrying three astronauts from the International Space Station landed 'on target' in Kazakhstan on Monday, April 10. The spacecraft carrying NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough and cosmonauts Sergy Ryzhikov and Andrey Borisenko of the Russian space agency landed safely in an open field. (Reuters)
With the Soyuz MS-02's return came the end of the International Space Station's Expedition 50.Kimbrough and his crewmates had logged173 days, just under half a year, in space on this mission.
Along the way, the astronauts on the space station completed 2,768 orbits of the planet a voyage of some73.2 million miles.
After the Soyuz undocked from the ISS, the station's Expedition 51 officially began. The Earthbound astronauts bid farewell to three colleagues who remained on the station: cosmonautOleg Novitskiy, the European Space Agency's Thomas Pesquet and NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson, who is now thefirst woman to command two missions aboard the ISS and who is about to set a record for spending more time in space than any other U.S. astronaut.
Read more:
NASA astronauts lose key piece of ISS shield, and now its floating free in space
How filthy is the International Space Station? An astrobiologist weighs in.
A bit of debris chipped the International Space Station. Thats just one piece of a much bigger problem.
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Axiom Aims To Build World’s First Commercial Space Station – Forbes – Forbes
Posted: at 8:17 am
Forbes | Axiom Aims To Build World's First Commercial Space Station - Forbes Forbes Axiom Space, a Houston-based commercial space startup, will build the world's first, privately-funded commercial space station --- an incredibly economical, ... Roscosmos considering prolongation of International Space Station ... Space News: Uranus and the International Space Station How To Spot The International Space Station: When Will It Fly Over? |
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Space station flyovers visible from San Diego this week – The San Diego Union-Tribune
Posted: at 8:17 am
The International Space Station will be visible from San Diego for brief periods of time for eight consecutive nights, beginning on Monday, April 10, NASA says.
The orbiting outpost can be seen with the naked eye, and will look like a shiny ball bearing as it tracks across the sky.
Projected viewing times:
Monday, April 10: Station will be visible for about one minute at 9:15 p.m. It will appear 10 degrees above the north-northwest horizon.
Tuesday, April 11: Visible for 2 minutes, starting at 8:24 p.m. Look 10 degrees above the northern horizon.
Wednesday, April 12: Visible for one minute at 9:07 p.m. Look 13 degrees above the north-northwest.
Thursday, April 13: Visible for four minutes, starting at 8:15 p.m. Look 11 degrees above the north-northwest. The station also will be visible for about one minute at 9:51 p.m. Look 11 degrees above the west-northwest.
Friday, April 14: Visible for one minute at 9 p.m. Look 27 degrees above he west-northwest.
Saturday, April 15: Visible for four minutes, starting at 8:08 p.m. Look 20 degrees above the northwest.
Sunday, April 16: Visible for three minutes, starting at 8:52 p.m. Look 13 degrees above the west.
Monday, April 17: Visible for four minutes, starting at 8:01 p.m. Look 32 degrees above the west.
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Space station flyovers visible from San Diego this week - The San Diego Union-Tribune
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