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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Artificial Heart Transplants May Be The Future Of Medicine – Forbes
Posted: April 13, 2017 at 11:19 pm
Forbes | Artificial Heart Transplants May Be The Future Of Medicine Forbes The human race could achieve immortality. While that may sound like some science-fiction writer's subverted desire that shall not come true in a hundred years, artificially recreating body cells and tissues, for now, has a much more practical application. |
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Artificial Heart Transplants May Be The Future Of Medicine - Forbes
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Irish journalist reveals all about transhumanism – as people pay big bucks to be cryogenically frozen after death – The Irish Sun
Posted: at 11:19 pm
The transhumanmovement believes that in the future we are going to be able to live forever through technology
IMMORTALITY may be closer than you think.
Irish journalist MARK OCONNOLLs fascinating new book To Be a Machine explores the relatively new phenomenon that is known as transhumanism.
This growing movement believes that in the future we are going to be able to live forever and its not a medical breakthrough that they are counting on but a technological one.
Some transhumanists are paying hundreds of thousands to be cryogenically frozen so, many years from now when technology advances, their brains can be scanned and uploaded and they will be able to live again as a computer.
Others reckon were on the way to becoming cyborgs and its only a matter of time before humanity and technology merge.
Here Mark, tells Fiona about some of the people, organisations and groups who believe sci-fi will soon become sci-fact.
TRANSHUMANISM is essentially a movement based on the conviction that we should and can ultimately use technology to become immortal and to otherwise push out the boundaries of the human condition to transcend the bodily condition.
I mean it sounds quite extreme, and it is, but there are a fair few influential figures in Silicon Valley who are heavily invested in this stuff and believe this is the future evolution of humankind.
When researching this I dealt with people who were, in most cases, very intelligent, scientifically grounded, rationally minded and able to rigorously argue their position.
It left me in a position where I had no grounds to disagree with this stuff but, from a basic human perspective, it sounds insane.
Not only are they afraid of dying but theyve convinced themselves that death is the greatest problem that the human species faces.
Notable transhumanist Aubrey de Gray calls it 30 September 11s every day. He frames dying of old age as a humanitarian crisis.
A lot of the people who are fully invested in this are already quite privileged, like PayPal co-founder and Donald Trump adviser Peter Thiel.
He is also convinced death from ageing is the biggest problem we face as a species.
But if the defeat of ageing becomes a possibility, who is going to benefit from it?
The obvious conclusion is the super rich, who can afford such therapies and technologies. And that will only exacerbate the vast social inequalities that already exist.
But Thiel insists one of the biggest inequalities is that between the living and the dead.
One of the strange things about writing a non-fiction book on this subject is that you come across ideas and people that, if youd written them as fictional characters, youd have to tone down.
At the Alcor Life Extension Foundations cryonics facility outside Phoenix, Arizona in the US, there are theories about what is the best way to die to preserve your body.
Cancer is good, but a heart attack is probably best because you die quickly and there is little cell damage.
Very quickly after the point of death, corpses are brought to the cryonics facility and a cocktail of substances are injected to prevent cell breakdown.
Then they are put in essentially giant Thermos flasks filled with liquid nitrogen and preserved until such time technology becomes sophisticated enough to bring them back. The idea is that were computer programs that can run on other software.
Most transhumanists are quite speculative they talk about future technology.
But these guys in Pittsburgh open source biotechnology startup Grindhouse Wetware talk about building tech to be implanted in their own bodies. They were the guinea pigs for the cyborg future.
They implanted themselves with stuff that would give them the ability to sense magnetic fields, to open the doors of their laboratories by waving their hands.
They say we are already cyborgs and our relationship with tech is so intimate. We just need to push it further.
My impetus for the book was never just to figure out how likely it all was, but to get a sense of those involved.
What gave them this level of faith around technology?
There were moments where I was almost convinced by this vision but ultimately Im still sceptical.
TO Be a Machine: Encounters With a Post-Human Future is in all good bookshops. See
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Crunchyroll – New "ID-0" Trailer Introduces the Transhuman I … – Crunchyroll News
Posted: at 11:18 pm
A new trailer for the original science fiction TV animeID-0is now available online, and it introduces more of the setting and characters, including the "mind trance system" that allows people to transfer their personalities into versatile robots known as I-Machines. The trailer also features the song "Stargarden", performed by Sayaka Sasaki.
ID-0 is directed by Goro Taniguchi and features animation by Sanzigen. The series is currently airing in Japan on Tokyo MX, Sun TV, KBS Kyoto, and BS11, and will also be digitally distributed by Netflix.
Netflix describes ID-0 as follows:
"In the midst of a field exercise operating I-Machines, Alliance Academy student Maya Mikuri is thrown into an entirely different kind of adventure. Robots designed for extreme environments are just the beginning. Now she's facing instellar pirates and more."
Source: Ota-suke
Paul Chapman is the host ofThe Greatest Movie EVER! Podcastand GME! Anime Fun Time.
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Crunchyroll - New "ID-0" Trailer Introduces the Transhuman I ... - Crunchyroll News
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Humans can now control turtles with their minds – New York Post
Posted: at 11:18 pm
It sounds like something Dr. Evil from Austin Powers might have come up with. But unlike sharks with laser beams attached to their heads, mindcontrolled turtles are now a reality. Thats right, researchers in Korea have figured out a way to control how turtles move with human thought. The new technology uses the turtles natural flight or fight response to tell it which direction to swim.
The system, created by researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), combines two technologies opposite to one another: braintocomputer interfaces (BCIs), which allow humans to control machines via thought and computertobrain interfaces (CBIs), which make it possible to transmit data from a computer to the brain.
The system works like this: a camera is attached to a turtles shell providing a live feed to a human. When the human operator thinks of a direction to move in left, right, or to stay put the thought is received by a computer the human wears, which recognizes the directions as electroencephalography (EEG) signals. The wearable computer then transmits the command over WiFi to a receiver, also mounted atop the turtles shell.
This receiver activates a small blind attached to the front of the shell. This blind can move from left to right. Whichever direction the human decides for the turtle to swim, the blind will move to the opposite side. For instance, when the human thinks left, the blind will move to the right. The turtles instinct kicks in, telling it to swim to the left to get around the perceived obstacle.
The new technology was put to the test with three obstacle courses, one indoors and two outdoors. The deckedout turtle navigated all three successfully, moving over grass and gravel while dodging trees, with his human controller sitting three miles away.
Turtles were chosen for the experiment in part due to their high cognitive ability but mostly because they display very strong instinctual escape behavior. They predictably avoid obstacles and naturally gravitate towards light, which to them represents open space.
Though the experiment was eventually successful, the team did experience some speed bumps along the way.
Because this study was a new concept experiment that conveyed human thoughts to animals, there was a lot of trial and error, study coauthor Daegun Kim told
One hurdle was making sure they didnt break any animal protection ordinances, which are very strict. The last thing they wanted was a shellacking from angry animal rights activists.
It is very important to conduct animal experiments in accordance with ethical regulations, Kim said. We designed and conducted experiments in accordance with the KAIST Animal Experimental Ethics Code.
So whats next for the technology? There are many possibilities, including applications to military recon and surveillance.
I believe that these animal avatar technologies will be developed in the future for entertainment, military, and industrial purposes, Kim said, and I think there is a possibility that it can be applied to humans.
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Smithfield Makes Move On Market For Pig-Human Transplants – Huffington Post
Posted: at 11:18 pm
Smithfield Foods, the worlds largest pork producer, has established a separate bioscience unit to expand its role in supplying pig parts for medical uses, with the ultimate goal of selling pig organs for transplantation into humans.
Routine pig-human organ transplants are years away, but recent scientific advances are breaking down barriers that frustrated prior attempts to use pigs as a ready supply of replacement parts for sick or injured people, making it an attractive new market.
Our bread and butter has always been the bacon, sausage, fresh pork - very much a food-focused operation, Courtney Stanton, vice president of Smithfields new bioscience unit, told Reuters in an exclusive interview.
We want to signal to the medical device and science communities that this is an area were focused on - that were not strictly packers, she said.
Smithfield, the $14 billion subsidiary of Chinas WH Group (0288.HK), in its first move has joined a public-private tissue engineering consortium funded by an $80 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense. Smithfield is the only pork producer, joining health-care companies including Abbott Laboratories (ABT.N), Medtronic (MDT.N) and United Therapeutics Corp (UTHR.O).
Transplants are used for people diagnosed with organ failure and who have no other treatment options. Transplants from animals could help close a critical gap to help those in need. The United Network for Organ Sharing estimates that, on average, 22 people die each day while waiting for a transplant.
Smithfield already harvests materials for medical use from the 16 million hogs it slaughters each year. The company owns more than 51 percent of its farms and hopes to sell directly to researchers and health-care companies, which now typically buy from third parties.
Stanton said the U.S. market for pork byproducts used for medical, pet food and non-food purposes stands at more than $100 billion, and that excludes any potential market for animal-to-human transplants, known as xenotransplants.
Smithfield has deals in the works to supply pig organs to two entities, though Stanton would not disclose the names.
Its just a huge potential space, and to be at the leading edge and focused on building those relationships is critical, she said.
Pigs have long been a tantalizing source of transplants because their organs are so similar to humans. A hog heart at the time of slaughter, for example, is about the size of an adult human heart.
Other organs from pigs being researched for transplantation into humans include kidney, liver and lungs.
Prior efforts at pig-to-human transplants have failed because of genetic differences that caused organ rejection or viruses that posed an infection risk. Swiss drugmaker Novartis AG (NOVN.S) folded its $1 billion xenotransplantation effort in 2001 because of safety concerns about pig viruses that could be passed to humans.
George Church, a Harvard Medical School genetics professor and researcher, tackled that problem two years ago, using a new gene-editing tool known as CRISPR to trim away potentially harmful virus genes that have impeded the use of pig organs for transplants in humans.
Church has since formed a company named eGenesis Bio to develop humanized pigs that do not provoke a rejection response or transfer viruses to people. The company last month raised $38 million in venture funding.
Eventually, Church said, the process could enable researchers to harvest a dozen different organs and tissues from a single pig.
Church estimates the first transplants involving humanized pig organs could occur in a clinical trial later this year, but these would only be used on people too sick to receive human organs.
Genome pioneer Craig J. Venters Synthetic Genomics Inc has been working for two years with United Therapeutics on editing the pig genome and mixing in human cells to overcome the complex issues involved in immune rejection. Its not like changing a couple genes and youve got it solved, Venter said.
Stanton would not rule out breeding genetically modified animals, but said Smithfields first ventures will likely involve whole pig organs that go through decellularization - a process in which existing cells are washed away and replaced with human cells.
Miromatrix Medical Inc, of Eden Prairie, Minnesota, for example, is using whole pig livers to make a surgical mesh used in hernia repair and breast reconstruction, and it is working toward developing replacement livers, hearts and kidneys.
Church welcomes the involvement of a big pork producer. Even though weve got companies like eGenesis that would make the first pigs, you still need someone who will breed them and do it to scale, he said.
(Reporting by Julie Steenhuysen and Michael Hirtzer; Editing by Leslie Adler)
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Police: Man tried to buy human skin on Facebook – AOL
Posted: at 11:18 pm
Aris Folley,
Apr 12th 2017 6:23PM
Police arrested a man in Florida for allegedly trying to buy "human skin" on Facebook for $400.
A woman reported the troubling ad to a Martin County sheriff's investigator after coming across the post on "Jensen Beach Garage Sale" -- a public page that serves as a "community yard sale" for locals in the area.
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Matthew Ezekiel Stager is aa convicted sex offender.
(Photo:U.S. Marshals)
Mahin Khan, 18, is shown in this Maricopa County, Arizona, U.S. Sheriff's Office booking photo from July 1, 2016. Courtesy Maricopa County Sheriff's Office/Handout via REUTERS/ File Photo ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. EDITORIAL USE ONLY
Mixed martial arts fighter Jason "Mayhem" Miller is seen in an undated booking photo released by the Orange County Sheriff's Department in California. Miller was arrested in Southern California on Friday for assault with a deadly weapon on an officer after he threw a ceramic tile at police outside his house, authorities said. REUTERS/Orange County Sheriff's Department/Handout via Reuters THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS
Robert Young, 43, is seen in this booking photo released to Reuters September 16, 2011. Young is one of two men accused of driving around Denver with their friend?s corpse and using the dead man?s debit card to pay for a night on the town including a visit to a strip club, prosecutors said on Friday. REUTERS/Denver District Attorney's Office/Handout (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Stockton Police Department photo shows Jeremy Meeks, 30, arrested on June 18, 2014 in a gang crackdown in a crime-ridden area of Stockton, California. The mugshot of Meeks, a convicted felon, went viral on a police Facebook page this week, making him an instant celebrity with Web users who have called him "handsome" and clicked "like" on his picture more than 64,000 times.
(REUTERS/Stockton Police/Handout via Reuters)
Ryan Elliot Giroux is seen in an undated picture from the Arizona Department of Corrections. Giroux has been identified by police as the gunman opened fire inside a motel room in the Phoenix suburb of Mesa on Wednesday, killing a man and wounding two women before shooting three more people.
(REUTERS/Arizona Department of Corrections/Handout)
Kevin Gibson, arrested for possession of marijuana.
(Photo viaMiami-Dade County Corrections)
The booking mugshot of 92-year-old Helen Staudinger is seen in this handout released March 23, 2011. The central Florida woman fired a semi-automatic pistol four times at her 53-year-old neighbor's house after he refused to kiss her, police said on Tuesday.
(REUTERS/Courtesy of Marion County Sheriffs Office/Handout)
Cody J Plagmann, 37, is seen in an undated booking photo released by the Oregon State Police April 5, 2016. Two men accused of hunting a pair of protected bighorn sheep on private land and beheading them alongside an interstate highway in northern Oregon have been arrested on suspicion of poaching, police say.
(REUTERS/Oregon State Police/Handout)
In this handout from the Utah County Jail, Megan Huntsman is seen in a booking photo April 13, 2014. Huntsman was arrested and booked after the discovery of seven dead babies in cardboard boxes in a garage of a home in Pleasant Grove, Utah. She is charged with six counts of murder, it is reportedly unclear why therer are only six counts, for allegedly killing her own infants between 1996 and 2006.
(Photo by Utah County Jail via Getty Images)
In this image provided by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Larry Reid, brother of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, is pictured in a booking photo following his arrest on February 2, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Reid was arrested by Nevada Highway Patrol and charged with driving under the influence and assaulting a police officer.
(Photo by Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department via Getty Images)
Nicole Carmon is shown in this booking photo in Thornton, Colorado, U.S., December 19, 2016. Courtesy Thornton Police Department/Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. EDITORIAL USE ONLY.
Linda Thompson, also known as Brian Thompson, is pictured in this undated handout booking photo obtained by Reuters October 12, 2016. Laramie County Sheriff's Department/Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. EDITORIAL USE ONLY
David Lopes Jackson is pictured in this undated booking photo provided by the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. Jackson, 35, was charged with two counts of second-degree arson in connection with fires set at the doors of two predominantly African-American churches in St. Louis, police said. REUTERS/St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department/Handout Via Reuters ATTENTION EDITORS - FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
James Boulware is shown in this 2013 booking photo courtesy of Lamar County Sheriff's Office, released on June 13, 2015. Dallas Police Chief David Brown said the man whom police negotiators had spoken with inside the van identified himself as James Boulware, but police declined to name the suspect pending identification by a medical examiner. REUTERS/Lamar County Sheriff's Office/Handout via Reuters ATTENTION EDITORS - FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Kenneth Stancil is shown in this Volusia County Corrections Department booking photo taken on April 14, 2015. Stancil, the 20-year-old former student, sought in the fatal shooting of an employee at a North Carolina community college was arrested on Tuesday after being found sleeping on a beach in Florida, police said. REUTERS/Volusia County Corrections/Handout FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Christian Jose Gomez is pictured in this undated handout booking photo provided by the Pinellas County Sheriff?s Office. Gomez, a Florida man, confessed to decapitating his mother with an ax on New Year's Eve after becoming upset by her request to put some boxes into the attic of their home, authorities said, January 2, 2015. REUTERS/Pinellas County Sheriff?s Office/Handout (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Leonard Sullivan, 73, is seen in a booking photo released by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department in Las Vegas, Nevada October 13, 2014. One man was shot and wounded on Monday when a gunman opened fire in a state office building in Las Vegas and Leonard Sullivan was taken into custody as a suspect, police said. The booking photo of Sullivan, a resident of Las Vegas, appears to show him being restrained by officers. REUTERS/Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department/Handout (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW) THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS
Zachary Rapheal Torrance, 18, is pictured in this booking photo provided by the Hueytown Police Department. Torrance, a suspect in an armed robbery of a Subway sandwich restaurant in Alabama, told investigators he acted out of anger because of his failed "Subway Diet," police said on October 31, 2014. REUTERS/Hueytown Police Department/Handout (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Beauty queen Kendra Gill is shown in this Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office booking photo released on August 5, 2013. Gill, Utah hometown beauty pageant winner was among four people arrested on suspicion of throwing homemade bombs at houses in a Salt Lake City suburb over the weekend, authorities said on Monday. REUTERS/Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office/Handout (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW HEADSHOT) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Actor Jason London is shown in this booking photo provided by Scottsdale Police Department in Scottsdale, Arizona January 29, 2013. London was arrested Sunday on suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct outside a Scottsdale,Arizona bar January 27, 2013 according to news reports. REUTERS/Scottsdale Police/Handout (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Richard Allen Schoenfeld is pictured in this booking photo dated January 12, 2012, and received by Reuters June 21, 2012. Schoenfeld 57, was freed on Wednesday after serving more than 34 years in prison for his role in the 1976 abduction of 26 schoolchildren and their bus driver in the town of Chowchilla in central California. REUTERS/California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation/Handout (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW SOCIETY) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Alleged drug kingpin Christopher "Dudus" Coke wears a wig in this handout photograph released to Reuters June 23, 2010. Coke was arrested by police on the outskirts of Kingston on Tuesday, peacefully ending a manhunt for the fugitive at the center of last month's deadly raids in the Jamaican capital. Coke, 42, is wanted for extradition to the United States on drug and gun trafficking charges. Police said they arrested him without violence at a road checkpoint in the Portmore area of St. Catherine Parish. QUALITY FROM SOURCE. REUTERS/Handout (JAMAICA - Tags: CRIME LAW IMAGES OF THE DAY) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS
According to the police report, deputies went to the man's home "in reference to someone trying to buy human skin," in a post that has since reportedly been deleted.
Deputies discovered the man's identity before the ad was redacted, however, and were able to run his address.
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The police report cites Florida Statute 873.01, which bans the purchasing and selling human tissue and organs.
If prosecutors find the man in violation, he could face a felony charge, TCPalm reported.
It remains unclear what the alleged buyer planned to do with the skin.
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Police: Man tried to buy human skin on Facebook - AOL
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Synthetic Blood Is About To Go Through Human Trials – Huffington Post
Posted: at 11:18 pm
Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood. In the U.S. alone, 41,000 donated pints are needed every day and although an estimated 38 percent of the population is eligible to donate blood, less than 10 percent of that eligible population actually do each year.
Thats why we need synthetic blood. There have been decades of failure in making a usable blood substitute but now, scientists from the universities of Bristol, Cambridge, and Oxford have isolated and manipulated stem cells in labs to produce red blood cells.
Their goal is to make red cells for patients with complex blood types because it can be hard for them to find donors. In the future, lab-grown blood could revolutionize medical care by providing a far reaching solution to keeping people in need supplied with blood regardless of type or donor.
While they're about to go through human trials, there is still a long road ahead for a full-scale rollout of synthetic blood. However, these developments could possibly change the future of mankind itself. This could be the holy grail of science.
kasto80 via Getty Images
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Synthetic Blood Is About To Go Through Human Trials - Huffington Post
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Your Brain Cells Could Be Reprogrammed to Fight Parkinson’s Disease – Futurism
Posted: at 11:17 pm
Support Cells Turned Super Cells
Parkinsons disease is one of the worlds most common neurodegenerative ailments. It causes patients with Parkinsons to lose dopamine neurons, which are important for the motor control centers of the brain. According to statistics from the Parkinsons Disease Foundation, there are over 10 million people worldwide whosuffer from it, with about 60,000 diagnosed cases in the United States alone.
Researchers from the the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm developed a stem cell-based treatment that doesnt rely on embryonic or adult stem cells, which are often too difficult to harness and transplant into the brain. Instead, they found a way to reprogram the brains astrocytes support cells forneurons into dopamine neurons.
You can directly reprogram a cell that is already inside the brain and change the function in such a way that you can improve neurological symptoms, senior author Ernest Arenas explained to the Scientific American.
The trick was adding a cocktail of three genes and a small RNAmolecule to force astrocytes into becoming dopamine neurons. The treatment was tested on mice whose dopamine neurons in brain were destroyed to simulate Parkinsons disease. Within five weeks of being injected with this gene cocktail, the mice showed improved and more coordinated movement. These results were published in the journal Nature Biotechnology.
While this stem cell approach wont cure Parkinsons, it can certainly improve current standard treatments for it. For one, astrocytes are already present in the brains of Parkinsons patients. Reprogramming these would eliminate the need for donor cells, which run the usual incompatibility risks associated with transplants. Second, the proteins produced in the treatment are involved in normal cellular processes, limiting potential side effects thatcurrent drug-based therapies often carry.
This is like stem cell 2.0. Its the next-generation approach to stem cell treatments and regenerative medicine, said James Beck, VP and chief scientific officer for the Parkinsons Disease Foundation, a nonprofit organization that was not involved with the research.
Still, theres a long way to go before an actual cure can be developed. Motor improvement is only half the battle, Beck said to Scientific American. But winning half the battle is still significant. This new approach, he noted, could ease the management of motor symptoms in potentially millions of Parkinsons patients. It might also make keeping up with medications simpler for them, potentially reducing the eight or more pills that patients with advanced Parkinsons often take.
Further research is needed to make sure thatthis reprogramming method doesnt change other cells in the brain. Only then would it be ready for human clinical trials. But Beck is hopeful that this study will spur new Parkinsons treatments down the road. This is an insight into what the future of Parkinsons treatment holds, Beck noted.
Stem cell therapies are revolutionizing Parkinsons disease treatment, as well as a host of other medical conditions. Many believe that the ability to reprogram cells is a glimpse of the future, not just of Parkinsons treatment, but of the entire field of medical research.
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Scientists Announce That The Great Barrier Reef is Officially Terminal – Futurism
Posted: at 11:17 pm
In BriefThe Great Barrier Reef in Australia is recognized as thebiggest living structure on Earth. Unfortunately, it's dyingwithmany portions facing no hope for recoverythanks to back to backmass bleaching events. The Great Barrier Reef
Why care about reefs? In a wordbiodiversity. The reef is home to 3,000 varieties of mollusks, over a hundred types of jellyfish, 1,625 species of fish, hundreds of shark and ray species, and over 30 kinds of whales and dolphins. These sea creatures call the soft and hard corals that make up the reef home. And without it, many of them will die.
If thats not enough, it has the distinction of being the largest living structure on the planet.
The Great Barrier Reef is home to 3,000 individual coral reefs stretching across a staggering 2,575 kilometers (1,600 miles), covering an area of about 344,400 square kilometers (133,000 square miles.)
Unfortunately, because of back to back mass bleaching events, scientists are telling us that the massive, impressive Australian Great Barrier Reef is now at a terminal stagewith large portions having no hope of recovery.
Mass bleaching, a phenomenon caused by global warming, is prompted when the water warms to a point that corals begin ejecting the symbiotic algae in their tissue, essential for their survival. Throughout history, there have only been four instances of this occurrence, and after such an event, it will take decades torecover.
This is the fourth time the Great Barrier Reef has bleached severely in 1998, 2002, 2016, and now in 2017. Bleached corals are not necessarily dead corals, but in the severe central region we anticipate high levels of coral loss, said researcher James Kerry, from James Cook Universitys ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, in an official statement. He clarifies why the 2017 bleaching is significant: It takes at least a decade for a full recovery of even the fastest growing corals, so mass bleaching events 12 months apart offers zero prospect of recovery for reefs that were damaged in 2016.
The newest aerial surveys covered over 8,000 kilometers (5,000) miles, which includes 800 individual coral reefs.
According to the surveys, 1,500 kilometers (932 miles) of the Great Barrier Reef is now bleached. These new statistics come less than a year after 93 percent of the reef suffered severe damage, with reports adding that the effects have also spread further south.
Combined with the mass bleaching event, the arrival of Tropical Cyclone Debbie added to the devastation, as it struck a section of the reef that managed to escape the worst of the bleaching.
In an interview with The Guardian, scientists note just how dire the situation is. Weve given up, said Jon Brodie, a James Cook University water quality expert, who was referring to inaction on the part of the Australian government. Its been my life managing water quality, weve failed.
Unfortunately, in this age of global warming, temperatures are expected to continue rising, which means more of these bleaching events willhappen, and they will cause evenmore damage. And the reality is, this could be the last generation who will get to see the grand beauty of this reef.
Fortunately, its not too late for us to save the rest of the planet from the worst effects of climate change. But we must act now.
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Today, NASA Is Unveiling a Major Discovery About "The Search for … – Futurism
Posted: at 11:17 pm
In Brief NASA has scheduled a press conference for Thursday, April 13th at 2 PM to discuss new results about ocean worlds in our solar system. Esteemed members of NASA staff are participating in a question and answer session following the talk. Uncovering Interstellar Oceans
NASA shocked the world earlier this year when they announced the discovery ofthe seven Earth-like exoplanets found in what is now known as the Trappist-1 system. It seems as though the space agency is bent on shocking the world again with an upcoming press conference on ocean worlds in our solar system.
The announcement comes in light of data collected by NASAs Cassini spacecraft during its final missionand the Hubble Telescopeand is scheduled for Thursday, April 13th at 2 PM. The conference will cover new results about ocean worlds in our solar system andthe search for life beyond Earth.
NASAs quest to find life in our solar system has rested on the possibility of interstellar water. Because a majority of our home planet is covered in water and all life (as we know it, as it adheres to known scientific principles) depends on water, it is logical to expect that wherever there is water, extraterrestrial life might not be too far away.
There are several possible ocean worldscurrently being investigated by NASA. The moons of the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are prime suspects for the space agency. Of Jupiters many moons, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto are all suspected to have oceans underneath their icy crusts, while of Saturns moons, its suspected that Enceladus, Titan, and Mimas might also hold sub-surface oceans.
Its exciting to imagine that all this happening in our very own solar systembut what exactly would it mean if we find oceans?
Searching for hidden oceans far off in our solar system could give us some insight into the origins of life. We might be able to better understand how we came to be, and how other creatures in the cosmos might come to be. The conditions for life to arise may not be as limiting as we once thought. But, we can only find answers to these questions if we venture forth and take a thorough look at our cosmic neighborhood.
The press conference, held at the James Webb Auditorium at NASA Headquarters in Washington on April 13th, might just give us a better understanding of the possibility of ocean worlds and the prevalence of life beyond Earth. The briefing will feature prominent scientists such as:
After the conference, these scientists will take questions from those attending as well as from the public on social media (using #AskNASA). The live stream begins at 2 pm ET right below.
While no one expects the press conference to tell us that a secret set of seven earth-like planets with massive alien-laden oceans are hiding between Jupiter and Saturn, the press conference should give us a good idea of where we stand in our search for life in the cosmos.
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