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Category Archives: Transhuman News

The Trump Administration is Interested in Extracting Resources From The Moon – Futurism

Posted: April 19, 2017 at 9:29 am

In BriefWhile reviewing the budgets of federal agencies, the TrumpAdministration asked NASA officials about the potentialcommercialization of NASA technologies and how NASA tech could beused for profitable enterprises like lunar and asteroid mining. Supporting NASA

President Donald Trumps proposed 2018 federal budgetleaves most ofNASAs funding intact, with the total budget coming in at $19.1 billion (slightly less than the $19.3 billion approved for 2017). Thanks to Motherboards acquisition of communication between the Trump Administration and NASA, we may have a little more insight as to why the administration views NASA as a good investment.

According to documents, the Trump team asked fordata and examples of NASAs technology development with the commercial industry and information on whether government-funded developments are disseminated through contracts/partnerships.

In short, they wanted to know how NASA helped fund and fuel private industries and how they contribute to money-making enterprisescase in point, the administration asked about NASAs plan to survey the Moon in order to locate potential raw materials and determine how they can best be extracted for mining purposes.

In response, NASA assured the administration that it continuously searches for appropriate public-private partnerships, expecting the technology that it develops to grow private commercial pursuits such as work in low-Earth orbit. Specifically, they say they are working with industry to develop innovative cislunar [a region that is equidistantbetween Earth and the Moon] habitation concepts that leverage existing commercialization plans.

The commercialization of low-Earth orbit could mean a treasure trove of resources totaling up to potentially trillions of dollars. Rare and valuable resources, such as platinum-group metals, can be mined from nearby asteroids or the Moon over a sustainable period of time. That is, only if NASA has the chance to survey the Moons Polar volatiles, or regions that include minable water, hydrogen, and methane substances that can supply long-term human missions in the future.

This apparent focus from the administration is notable, as Lunar and asteroid mining has received increased interest from the private sector over recent years, with companies such asPlanetary Resources andNexGen Space (the president of which, Charles Miller, is part of Trumps team) advocating for the feasibility and profitability of such endeavors. While NASA isnt new to bolstering commercialized efforts in space, the space agency has subtly pointed out in Motherboards100 paged FOIA request that its mission isnt primarily commercial, but scientific.

NASA envisions a future in which low Earth orbit is largely the domain of commercial activity while NASA leads its international and commercial partners in the human exploration of deep space, they wrote.

To this end, the benefits of more private operations in space include greater transparency of costs, low-cost execution of launches and exploration, greater access to different vantage points in low-Earth orbit, quick production, international collaboration, and an overall facilitation of NASAs over-arching goal of achieving human deep-space exploration.

While NASA is in it for the science, the administration might have other ideas. But will a stronger emphasis on profitability stifle innovation or help it grow? We may get a clearer answer once the national budget is finalized and implemented.

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New Research Reveals What We Must Do to Avoid Catastrophic Climate Changes – Futurism

Posted: at 9:29 am

Man-Made Climate Change

There is a substantial body of research that details anthropogenic, or man-made, climate change.Climate mitigation policies have largely been based on theevidence that has resulted in thisscientific consensus. In particular, the Paris Climate Agreement,which was finalized in 2015 and opened for signatures in 2016, is perhaps the most comprehensive of these policies.

The historic agreement, which has been signed by 143 of the 197 total participating nations, aims to reduce the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Concretely, it sets a goal of limiting global average temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels and of pursuing efforts to limit temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit).

However, how these goals are to be achieved have largely been left on the discretion of the individual countries. This is where a new study published by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in the journal Nature Communications comes in.

The IIASA researchers, led by World Bank consultant Brian Walsh, used a global model of the carbon system which monitors both natural and anthropogenic activities that account for carbon uptake and release. This study gives a broad accounting of the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, where it comes from, and where it goes Walsh explained in an interview for a IIASA press release. We take into account not just emissions from fossil fuels, but also agriculture, land use, food production, bioenergy, and carbon uptake by natural ecosystems.

The findings showed that, for the Paris Climate Agreements goals to be realized, global energy supply must only be 25 percent dependent on fossil fuels by 2100. However, simply limiting greenhouse gas emissions is not enough. In addition,carbon sinks, like forests,must be preserved so they can continue to absorb carbon.The researchers found that landuse must changein order toreduce cumulative emissions to 45 percent by end of the century.

If nations can work together to attack climate change by both reducing fossil fuel consumption and by enforcing environmentally friendlyland use,we could reachzero net anthropogenic emissions well before 2040. This could allow us to achieve the goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100,according to coauthor Michael Obersteiner, Ecosystems Services and Management Program Director at the IIASA.

The model of a high renewable future for energyshowed an ambitious but possible alternative. In this scenario, a yearly 5 percent increase in renewable energy dependence could lead to a peak in net carbon emissions by 2022. Its an entirely plausible scenario, especially since renewable energy consumption has been on the rise. However, renewables have to be combined with negative emissions technologies, for without these global average temperature could still rise to 2.5C missing the Paris Climate Agreements goals.

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When It Comes to Tech, Lucid Motors Seems to Have Tesla Beat – Futurism

Posted: at 9:29 am

In Brief A new competitor is entering the auto and tech industry to compete with Tesla's dominance over electric vehicles. Lucid Motors is creating a true luxury vehicle in the Air. The Age of Electric Vehicles

While Tesla is the most recognized name in electric vehicles (EV), it isnt the only one. Teslas pursuit of a cheaper, cleaner, and more sustainable form of transportation hasa proven popularity. With this comes natural competition among electric automakers that leaves consumers and the Earth with a net positive.

Enter Lucid Motors, a California-based electric vehicle company that has developed a new electric car known as the Air. While the most affordable version of the Air is still more expensive than upcoming Model 3 at $52,500,Mashables Ray Wongsays that the vehicle has been billed by many as a Tesla killer thats more high tech and luxurious than the Model S, adding, it felt more like being in a private jet or in a first-class plane cabin than in a road vehicle. Even the former Chief Engineer on the Model S, Peter Rawlinson, agrees. Click to View Full Infographic Rawlinson, the current Chief Technology Officer at Lucid Motors, says that the sculpted battery on the Air provides passengers with far more space than what any Tesla vehicle is able to provide.Some features of the $100,000 fully-loaded Air include: a 1,000 horsepowerall-wheel drive twin-motor, a battery that lasts 400 miles, reclining backseats, and front seats that provide a massage. The basic Air will have a 400-horsepower rear-wheel drive single motor and a battery that lasts 240 miles. All models will allow drivers to activate level 4 or 5 autonomous driving, have touchscreens instead of an instrument panel, voice assistant/AI, and facial recognition.

While luxury cars have led the EV charge (pun intended), more options are gradually becoming available frommany other automakers so that everyone can be a part of the electric vehicle solution.

As more choices become available, consumershave the opportunity to find an EV that falls in their price range while meeting their own personal standards. All EVs today do come with certain benefits, such as home recharging, low-cost operation, reduced emissions, and a very quiet, smooth ride. The vehicles could also save the United States billions of dollars in healthcare costs. As more consumers jump on the EV bandwagon, we will see costs go down while a greener thumbprint across the globe emerges.

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FEDOR Is a Gunslinging Robot That’s Just a Skin Suit Away From Westworld – Futurism

Posted: at 9:29 am

In BriefRussia's FEDOR humanoid robot can now shoot guns, leadingcritics of artificial intelligence to express concerns over thepotential danger it poses. The Russian government, however, wasquick to point out that the exercise isn't meant to create a"Terminator." No Terminator, No SkyNet

A number of experts have already warnedthat artificial intelligence (AI)could lead to the end of humanity. While these warnings havent entirely fallen on deaf ears, the development of systems that would no doubt be considered questionable by AI-naysayers has persisted. Russias highly capable robot FEDOR is one such system.

FEDOR short for Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research is a humanoid robot developed by Android Technics and the Advanced Research Fund. The multi-talented bot can drive a car, use various tools (including keys), screw in lightbulbs, and even do pushups. It has also proven capable of working in extreme conditions.

Now, Russias deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin showed via Twitter that FEDOR has added shooting handguns to its skill set. Robot platform F.E.D.O.R. showed shooting skills with two hands, one tweet read. Rogozin also posted a video of FEDOR actually firing guns along with the tweet.

Naturally, such a display of gunslinging skills by a robot bothered some people. Rogozin, however, was quick to assure them that theres nothing to fear. We are not creating a Terminator, but artificial intelligence that will be of great practical significance in various fields, he explained in another tweet.

When FEDOR was first introduced, its purpose was quite clear the robot was designed to be used for rescue work. However, as its abilities have expanded, its purpose has been augmented to include space exploration.

By 2021, FEDOR is expected to be space-bound as the sole passenger on the Russian Federatsiya spacecraft, or it could be used as part of Russias planned 2031 Moon missions. This thing can work without a space suit, live not only in a crew vehicle, but even outside it, Rogozin previously said about FEDOR.

As for shooting guns, Rogozin explained that the exercise was meant to improve FEDORs decision-making algorithms and fine motor skills. Of course, potential military uses for the android have been suggested in the past, according to a report by The Independent, andFEDOR wouldnt be the first robot designed for combat.

Concerns over AIspotentially damaging effects arent limited to just physical harm. Several experts believe that a more concrete and imminent effect would be job displacement,which may already be happening. Of course,some see automation in a morepositive light, suggesting that it could actuallyimprove humanitys place in the workforce.

In any case, intelligent robots and machines will clearly change society,and they neednt be carrying guns to do so.

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Economist Jeff Thredgold Dies, Is Remembered as Entertaining Speaker, Futurist – Utah Business

Posted: at 9:29 am

Salt Lake CityEconomist, speaker and author Jeff Thredgold, 66, died April 15 at his home in Farmington. Since 2012 he had suffered from Fronto Temporal Degeneration, a neurological condition similar to ALS. He was president of Thredgold Economic Associates and served as an economic consultant to Zions Bancorporation for 17 years, providing Zions Bank and other affiliate banks with a monthly Small Business Index, quarterly economic reports and entertaining speaking engagements.

Thredgolds career as an economist spanned more than 40 years, including 23 years as senior vice president and chief economist for KeyCorp. He wrote a weekly economic and financial newsletter, called the Tea Leaf, for 37 years. He was the monthly economic columnist for an Asia-based business publication, Business Issues.

He authored several books, including econAmerica, A Parents Letter to My Children in School, and On the One HandThe Economists Joke Book. He also served as an adjunct professor of finance at the University of Utah for 16 years and served as President of the National Association for Business Economics Utah Chapter. He is a former member of the Economic Advisory Committee of the American Bankers Association and the Economic Policy Committee of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

In 2002, Thredgold received the designation of Certified Speaking Professional from the International Federation for Professional Speakers and the National Speakers Association. Active as a professional speaker since 1989, he logged more than 1,500 speaking engagements at conferences, conventions and other meetings throughout the country and internationally.

Jeff Thredgold successfully brought the dismal science of economics to life, said Scott Anderson, Zions Banks president and CEO. Over the years, hundreds of Zions Banks business clients had the opportunity to hear his lively speeches that provided context and relevance to the financial markets and demographic trends. We are grateful to have known and worked with Jeff and reflect upon the impact he made on Utahs business community.

According to his wishes, Thredgolds brain will be donated the University of Utah Hospital to support research of Fronto Temporal Degeneration. A celebration of his life will be Saturday, April 22, and Sunday, April 23, from 4 to 8 p.m. at his home, 1311 N. Hidden Quail Cove in Farmington.

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By 2030 Over 50% Of Colleges Will Collapse | Future Of …

Posted: at 9:29 am

In 1791 when Mozart died, his 29-year-old wife, Constanze Weber, was forced to earn a living, so she began selling her late husbands manuscripts and turned the former messy paper scraps lying around the house into a tidy income stream.

Lucky for her, she lived after Gutenbergs printing revolution had begun in Europe allowing her to leverage the power of rapid reproducibility.

Over time, the music industry has figured out many different formats for reproducing music, moving from sheet music, to Edisons cylinder phonograph, to vinyl records, to 8-track tapes, and eventually to downloadable digital recordings.

During those same 200+ years, colleges have done little to reproduce and distribute college courses, choosing instead to redo each college class, much like ancient monks reproducing the scrolls of history.

When demand for education increased, they simply built more colleges, thousands of them, in fact, all over the world. This is analogous to forcing people to go to concerts and other live venues to listen to music.

Over the coming decades, the amount of education we consume to stay competitive will increase exponentially.

However, the education we buy will increasingly be on our terms not on theirs. We will want education that is relative, timely, available on-demand, and fits within a specific need. And it will need to be far more affordable.

For these reasons and more, which Ill explain below, we will begin to see the mass failure of traditional colleges. But out of this will come an entire new education era unlike anything we have ever seen.

Embracing the Digital Era

Over the past decade, the number of people reading printed newspapers, visiting retail stores, and using direct mail have fallen sharply.

At the same time, the amount of news consumed on a daily basis has risen sharply, the overall level of retail sales has continued to increase, and person-to-person communications through email, social media, texting, and other forms of digital communications has exploded around us.

Each industry has forged its own unique path into the digital age.

In the past few months the level of experimentation surrounding college education has shot up considerably, and many are getting considerable traction. A high level of experimentation is always a leading indicator of change even if we dont have a clear view of what it will look like on the other side.

Key Metrics to Consider

Several driving forces are causing the world of higher ed to feel the ground shift beneath its feet. Consider the following metrics:

Rising Costs

Demand for Online Courses

The Seeds of Discontent

Shifting Trends

According to Andrew Ng, founder of Coursera,When one professor can teach 50,000 people, it alters the economics of education.

Student Loan Backlash

Theres a big difference between affordability and financeability. Until now, colleges have had a relatively easy time selling a student on getting an education today in exchange for some unknown monthly payment to be determined later.

Hundreds if not thousands of studies have been commissioned over the years to support the value of higher education, and students on the fence are quickly overwhelmed with evidence that theyre making the right decision.

In fact, the anti-education crowd is very small, and those questioning the cost of education have only become vocal during the past few years.

The education industrial complex is perhaps the most influential in the world, with everyone from Presidents and world leaders, to Nobel Laureates, to CEOs and business executives all unwavering in their support of colleges and their accomplishments.

Yet for the lowly student sitting at home with $100,000 in debt and the only job available to them is one that doesnt require a college degree, the entire system begins to feel like a house of lies, with festering levels of anger working their way to the top.

Over the coming months this seething cauldron of discontent will begin to erupt in unusual ways.

Eight Reasons Why Over 50% of Colleges will Fail by 2030

So what happens when the legacy power of an institution meets a rapidly changing business environment driven by emerging technology? Some will survive but many will not.

For this reason Ive decided to focus in on eight core issues for colleges that will drive a wedge between business-as-usual and the unstoppable forces of change.

Ironically, we are entering into a period where the demand for education will rise substantially. Yet traditional colleges are such a mismatch for what future consumers will want that dropping enrollments will cause many to fail.

At the same time many new opportunities will begin to surface, and future-learning centers will make use of former college facilities. Some may even resurrect the former institution under an entirely new business model.

Declining Enrollment Scenario

With several new alternative education options arising, many colleges will begin to experience a decline in their enrollment. When revenues run short, the first instinct will be to arrange short term financing. This coupled with long term bonds and other obligation will create a growing mountain of debt.

As less expensive schools with extensive online capabilities begin to steal students, several colleges will engage in a pricing war to keep their numbers up. Many will spend heavily on marketing to change their image and boost enrollment. Others will spend heavily on lobbyists in hopes of gaining more support from government.

Some will experience declining revenues, others declining enrollment. Most, however, will experience both.

How many colleges that experience a 10% decline in enrollment/revenue per year, will still be around after 5 years?

In the business world, declining metrics like this are referred to as a death spiral. How long will it take before dramatic changes are made? At what point will layoffs begin, assets be sold, or mergers be considered?

For state-supported institutions, at what point will an emergency session of the state legislature be called? If 3-5 state-supported colleges are all experiencing enrollment/revenue declines at the same time, at what point will the state decide to walk away from what they perceive to be a never-ending money pit?

How many colleges or universities will have the ability to reinvent themselves as this isoccurring?

Final Thoughts

Imagine coming across a job opening that requires a specific certification you currently dont have. You match up well will all of the other job requirements but youre only missing this one certification.

A few clicks later you find out the certification can happen online with 20 hours of training. So you spend your weekend getting certified.

Yes, theres a big difference between having a cursory understanding of a topic and working level proficiency. But for many of us our future careers will hinge on situations like the scenario I just described.

As a society weve grown complacent, thinking smart people in colleges are doing a good job preparing our kids for the future. Yet higher ed has become a lumbering giant, slow to adapt and increasingly out of sync with the needs of business and society.

The same top-down institutional systems that have preserved colleges for centuries are now becoming their greatest enemy.

Much as failed golf courses, big box retailers, and shopping centers end up in the laps of local communities, failed colleges will also become local problems for city governments to deal with.

Pedestrian campuses that worked well during peak enrollment have a way of becoming white elephants for whatever comes next.

Over the coming weeks Ill be focusing on whats next for colleges and universities. With the right transitioning effort, the downside may not be as dismal as what Im predicting.

At the same time Id love to hear your thoughts.

ByFuturist Thomas Frey

Author ofCommunicating with the Future the book that changes everything



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Economist Jeff Thredgold Dies, Is Remembered as Entertaining … – Utah Business

Posted: at 9:29 am

Salt Lake CityEconomist, speaker and author Jeff Thredgold, 66, died April 15 at his home in Farmington. Since 2012 he had suffered from Fronto Temporal Degeneration, a neurological condition similar to ALS. He was president of Thredgold Economic Associates and served as an economic consultant to Zions Bancorporation for 17 years, providing Zions Bank and other affiliate banks with a monthly Small Business Index, quarterly economic reports and entertaining speaking engagements.

Thredgolds career as an economist spanned more than 40 years, including 23 years as senior vice president and chief economist for KeyCorp. He wrote a weekly economic and financial newsletter, called the Tea Leaf, for 37 years. He was the monthly economic columnist for an Asia-based business publication, Business Issues.

He authored several books, including econAmerica, A Parents Letter to My Children in School, and On the One HandThe Economists Joke Book. He also served as an adjunct professor of finance at the University of Utah for 16 years and served as President of the National Association for Business Economics Utah Chapter. He is a former member of the Economic Advisory Committee of the American Bankers Association and the Economic Policy Committee of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

In 2002, Thredgold received the designation of Certified Speaking Professional from the International Federation for Professional Speakers and the National Speakers Association. Active as a professional speaker since 1989, he logged more than 1,500 speaking engagements at conferences, conventions and other meetings throughout the country and internationally.

Jeff Thredgold successfully brought the dismal science of economics to life, said Scott Anderson, Zions Banks president and CEO. Over the years, hundreds of Zions Banks business clients had the opportunity to hear his lively speeches that provided context and relevance to the financial markets and demographic trends. We are grateful to have known and worked with Jeff and reflect upon the impact he made on Utahs business community.

According to his wishes, Thredgolds brain will be donated the University of Utah Hospital to support research of Fronto Temporal Degeneration. A celebration of his life will be Saturday, April 22, and Sunday, April 23, from 4 to 8 p.m. at his home, 1311 N. Hidden Quail Cove in Farmington.

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Cargo Ship Launching to Space Station Tuesday: Watch Live in 360 Degrees –

Posted: April 17, 2017 at 12:30 pm

The Orbital ATK Cygnus spacecraft named S.S. John Glenn is seen here inside its protective payload fairing. The Cygnus is en route to be mated to its Atlas V rocket ahead of its planned April 18, 2017, launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

You can watch the first-ever 360-degree livestream of a rocket launch on Tuesday (April 18).

Orbital ATK's robotic Cygnus cargo spacecraft is scheduled to launch toward the International Space Station (ISS) Tuesday atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket at 11:11 a.m. EDT (1511 GMT) from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. You can watch it live here at, courtesy of NASA TV, or directly at the space agency's YouTube channel.

Cygnus has flown a number of such resupply runs in the past, but this liftoff will be special, from a viewer's perspective at least: You'll be able to get a pad's-eye view, in 360 degrees.

"To view in 360, use a mouse or move a personal device to look up and down, back and forth, for a 360-degree view around Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida," NASA officials wrote in a statement. "Those who own virtual reality headsets will be able to look around and experience the view as if they were actually standing on the launch pad."

The Cygnus is packed with more than 7,600 lbs. (3,450 kilograms) of scientific gear, hardware and supplies for the ISS crew so much cargo that the mission will employ an Atlas V rather than Orbital's own Antares booster, which is not quite as powerful. (An Antares is slated to loft the next Cygnus mission, which will lift off this summer.)

If all goes according to plan, the Cygnus dubbed the S.S. John Glenn, after the first American to orbit the Earth will chase the ISS down for four days, eventually reaching the orbiting lab on Saturday morning (April 22). It will then be grappled by the station's huge robotic arm and installed on the Unity module.

Both Orbital ATK and SpaceX fly robotic cargo missions to the space station for NASA. SpaceX, which uses its Dragon capsule and Falcon 9 rocket, has launched 10 such contracted missions, one of which failed. Tuesday's launch will kick off Orbital's seventh contracted flight. Orbital has suffered one failure as well.

Follow Mike Wall on Twitter@michaeldwallandGoogle+.Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebookor Google+. Originally published

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LOOK UP! The International Space Station flies over Asheville on Easter Sunday – WLOS

Posted: at 12:30 pm

At 8:45 p.m. on Easter Sunday, the ISS will fly over Asheville and be visible as it crosses overhead for four minutes. (Photo credit: MGN)

The International Space Station (ISS) orbits the Earth, and it's visible when it flies over Asheville-- if you know where and when to look.

At 8:45 p.m. on Easter Sunday, the ISS will fly over Asheville and be visible as it crosses overhead for four minutes. A great way to remind yourself to look for it is to set an alarm on your cell phone for just a few minutes before the ISS pass.

If skies are clear, look west at 8:45 p.m., and look for the ISS to become visible over the horizon. It will look like a bright, fast-moving star, and will travel overhead and move out of sight into the horizon to the SSE.

Check here to see if the skies in Asheville will be clear.

The ISS travels at about 17,150 mph. You can view how many people are aboard it here.

You can track where the ISS is here. There's even a livecam on the ISS, and you can see what the international astronauts are seeing here.

See you outside tonight!

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Genes in Space Student Experiment Launches to International Space Station – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 12:30 pm

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla., April 17, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --Julian Rubinfien (16), winner of the Genes in Space competition and a junior at Stuyvesant High School, NY, will launch his DNA experiments to the International Space Station (ISS) on April 18th from Kennedy Space Center, Fla, on cargo resupply mission OA-7. The experiments will be carried out using miniPCR technology aboard the ISS.

Julian's experiments investigate the genetic underpinnings of accelerated aging in space. The first experiment will test if telomeric DNA can be copied in space. Telomeres are protective caps on the ends of chromosomes and are known to shorten in response to stress and aging. Recently, the NASA one-year mission twin study found that Astronaut Scott Kelly's telomeres lengthened during his year in space. Julian's experiment will examine how measuring telomeres in space could enable health monitoring of astronauts during long-term missions.

The second experiment will test whether or not "on-the-spot" DNA-based diagnostic tests can be conducted on the ISS and will be the first of its kind in space. The work will make use of a new colorimetric LAMP (loop-mediated isothermal amplification) method from New England Biolabs to copy and detect specific DNA sequences. Detection of these sequences results in a change in the color of the experimental mixture.

Both experiments will use portable miniPCR DNA analysis technology. The ISS National Lab is a platform for cutting edge research and technology development that enables future deep space exploration. Julian was a student of MA Master Teacher Jessica Quenzer, who served as his mentor throughout the Genes in Space application process.

About Genes in Space Genes in Space is a national STEM contest that challenges students in grades seven through 12 to design DNA analysis experiments using the ISS National Lab (managed by the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, or CASIS.) The competition is a partnership between miniPCR, Math for America, CASIS, New England Biolabs, Inc, Boeing and is sponsored by FedEx.

The U.S. competition is accepting student research projects for 2017. Submissions are due April 25th. Learn more at

Media contacts: miniPCR: Emily Gleason,, 781-990-8727 Math for America: Scott Woodson,, 646-437-0944 Boeing: Kelly Kaplan,, 281-226-4367 CASIS: Patrick O'Neill,, 321-480-1054 New England Biolabs: Deana Martin,, 978-380-7464

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