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Why Artificial Intelligence Still Needs A Human Touch – Huffington Post UK
Posted: April 25, 2017 at 4:29 am
How do we distinguish between fact and falsehood? This is perhaps, one of the most debated questions of the past year. Google and Facebook are both in the spotlight for disseminating so-called "fake news", despite the artificial intelligence (AI) systems that these companies developed and deploy on their platforms. If AI is currently struggling to discern facts from fiction, could it be that human intelligence is still a necessary component for the continued successful integration of AI?
In a much simpler time, Google was a search engine that indexed websites. Today, the search giant is evolving towards giving users summarised answers to their billions of questions. Type in a word and you'll get the definition. Type in a name and you'll get a short biography. Type in a question and roughly one in five times, Google will generate a specific answer. This evolution of Google Search into something one could call Google "Q&A" goes hand in hand with the rapid evolution away from typed search towards AI-powered voice assistants.
In response to straightforward questions, Google usually cites reliable facts and sources pulled from its "knowledge graph". However, the more abstract or off-the-wall the questions are, the more likely the answers will be formulated from potentially unreliable sources. Multiple examples have recently gone viral, each demonstrating the shortcomings of Google's search methods and the ability of the AI utilized to generate factual information.
Ask Google if Obama is planning a coup, and you'll get the answer that he might be. Ask Google if women are evil and Google delivers the answer that all women have a "degree of prostitute in them". Ask Google if all republicans are fascists, and Google produces an answer that includes the suggestion they're all Nazis.
Google Home:
"Yes, republicans = nazis"— Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan) March 5, 2017
Most of these answers are derisory and inherently damage Google's brand. More dangerous, however, is the potential to warp users' perception of the world by providing incorrect and unfortunately inflammatory information. By giving patently false narratives top billing on Google lends these stories unwarranted credibility. Google's utilization of AI is helping to usher in what has been called the "post-truth" era.
Google is certainly cognizant of the problem. In a recent blog post, the VP of News explains their efforts to improve responses to questions through implementing a "fact check" tag, and several other initiatives focused on authenticating the sources from which its AI draws its answers. Similarly, Facebook - now the world's top referral source for web traffic - has rolled out its "disputed news" tag as a flagging system for fake news in the US.
The question is, how inherent is the problem to the system? Simply put, both platforms are powered by AI which is only as as accurate as the information on which it is trained. Weighing the veracity of different perspectives requires the kind of critical thinking that humans posses. Beyond tagging and user feedback, perhaps what Google and Facebook really require is valuable human expertise to steer and sanity check their AI - a technology still very much in the infancy stage of its development.
At Sparrho, we made the very conscious decision early on to combine AI with expert human curation. As a science discovery platform with over 60 million papers and patents, it's vital and highly essential that we deliver the most accurate and relevant results or simply facts to user queries. Through blending our AI with the insight of our users and expert scientists, we're able to identify non-linear links between research papers, ensuring that the most relevant items rise to the top.
Rather than thinking of AI as a replacement for human intelligence, information providers such as Facebook and Google ought to consider how one can enhance the another. Only by blending AI's ability to quickly process vast quantities of data with the ability of humans to understand nuance and context can we ensure facts remain facts in this post-truth era.
Interested in finding out the science behind truth and lies? Check out Sparrho's #ScienceofEveryday pinboard on #FakeNews here:
Want to dive into the research around Artificial Intelligence? Then this pinboard of the latest AI and deep learning research is just the ticket: ------
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Trump wants NASA to send humans to Mars pronto by his second term ‘at worst’ – Washington Post
Posted: at 4:29 am
President Trump had a light-hearted call with NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station on April 24, including congratulating astronaut Peggy Whitson on her record-breaking time in space, joking about drinking urine and moving up the schedule for exploration of Mars. (Reuters)
What we are reporting here isn't fake news. But it doesn't feel exactly like real news, either. It's in that foggy realm of Trump news in which everything is slightly ambiguous and wobbly and internally inconsistent and almost certainly improvisational and not actually grounded in what you could call government policy. What happened was: Trump called the International Space Station and talked to astronauts and, in passing, mentioned that he's going to send Americans to Mars, and soon, like really lickety-split.
Trump was marking the historic achievement of astronaut Peggy Whitson, the commander of the International Space Station, who set a record for most days in space by an American astronaut. (Also on the call from the Oval Office were Ivanka Trump, who spoke about the administration's efforts to encourage women and girls to get involved in STEM fields, and astronaut Kate Rubins.)
During the call, the president asked Whitson and fellow American astronaut Jack Fischer a question:
TRUMP: Tell me: Mars, what do you see a timing for actually sending humans to Mars? Is there a schedule and when would you see that happening?
WHITSON: Well, I think as your bill directed, it'll be approximately in the 2030s. As I mentioned, we actually are building hardware to test the new heavy launch vehicle, and this vehicle will take us further than we've ever been away from this planet.
So, unfortunately space flight takes a lot of time and money so getting there will require some international cooperation to get the it to be a planet-wide approach in order to make it successful just because it is a very expensive endeavor. But it is so worthwhile doing.
TRUMP: Well, we want to try and do it during my first term or, at worst, during my second term, so we'll have to speed that up a little bit, okay?
WHITSON: We'll do our best.
It's hard to know if Trump was entirely serious (it's possible he was just joshin') or if he even has been briefed on the current NASA human spaceflight program. He may not know where Mars is. (Who does, really? You know it moves around a lot.)
[Trump, with NASA, has a new spaceship. Where does he want to go?]
When Whitson said your bill she was clearly referring to the NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017, passed by Congress and signed by Trump this year. The act essentially keeps NASA on the same course it's been for years when it comes to human spaceflight aiming at a mission to Mars with a 2033 launch. The first mission would be an orbital mission only; a later mission would attempt a landing.
NASA, understanding that Trump wants to do something big in the first term, has pondered adding astronauts to a test flight of the new Space Launch System rocket. There is very little chance that NASA is sending humans to Mars by 2024. That happens to be the year that Elon Musk who has met with Trump has said he thinks SpaceX can launch a Mars mission, though that's an extremely ambitious timeline, and Musk has a history of over-promising when it comes to schedules. For NASA to pull off such a thing, and to do it with proper safety margins and reliable hardware, would require a massive infusion of money into the space agency. This would be a crash program. Even then, it would be almost impossible to make the 2024 deadline much less by the end of Trump's first term.
So we're going to mark this down as noise rather than signal when it comes to Trump's space policy. But who knows? We live in interesting times. We advise that you keep your seat belt securely fastened and your tray table and seat back in their full upright position.
Further reading:
Trump may echo JFK's moonshot speech
Trump's budget calls for seismic disruption in funding for science and medical research
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Trump wants NASA to send humans to Mars pronto by his second term 'at worst' - Washington Post
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Tesla Just Announced Plans for a Major Expansion – Futurism
Posted: at 4:29 am
In Brief Tesla will double the number of its Superchargers and Destination Charging connectors in urban centers and on long distance routes in 2017. This is part of the company's ongoing commitment to clean energy. Doubling Teslas Charging Network
On the heels of announcements about a more affordable Model 3 and a Tesla pickup truck, Tesla has begun to prepare for the mass-market in earnest for the first time by making more charging stations for available for their vehicles. To that end,Teslas blog announcedon Monday, April 24, that the company would be doubling the Tesla charging network in 2017. This includes expanding existing sites in city centers and along highways so drivers need never wait to charge before gettingback on the road.
Since the charging network began in 2012, Tesla has constructed more than 5,400 Superchargers to make long distance travel possible and even convenient for Tesla owners. Theyve also built more than 9,000 Destination Charging connectors equipped with Wall Connectors at restaurants, hotels, and other locations.
By the end of 2017Tesla plans to have more than 10,000 Superchargers and 15,000 Destination Chargers in place around the world. Superchargers will increase by 150 percent in North America, and 1,000 additional Superchargers will be built in California alone. Site selection is underway now so many will open before summer travel season begins. Tesla will place charging sites in urban centers for quicker charging. Larger sites, which will accommodate simultaneous charging for several dozen drivers, will be constructed along the most-used travel routes for Tesla drivers.
Teslas investment in infrastructure represents a vote of confidence in the success of its newest products as well as the potential for the auto industry to continue shifting toward electric vehicles. Teslas overall plan is to change the way we thinkabout power and energy. Experts are already acknowledging that Tesla will be disrupting the auto industry, and the energy industry is next.
Teslas newest solar panels integrate seamlessly with the Tesla Powerwall battery system and will be available this summer. By 2018, the Tesla Gigafactory will reach full capacity; when it does, it will be producing more lithium ion batteries than the rest of the world combined. These tools will allow Tesla owners to power their homes and their vehicles with solar power, greatly reducing their carbon footprints.
With the ability to harness and store enough renewable energy, we could end our reliance on fossil fuels once and for all and Musk thinks thats somethingEarth urgently needs. In terms of the effects of pollution and fossil fuel use, hes right: our planet cant wait.
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An All-Electric Flying Car Just Launched, and You’ll Be Able to Buy It This Year – Futurism
Posted: at 4:29 am
In Brief Late last year, Google founder Larry Page was spotted driving around in a flying car. Today, the first footage of his prototype going airborne was finally released.
Kitty Hawk, the flying car company thats backed by Google founder Larry Page, just released its first video footage of their prototype in action.
The Kitty Hawk Flyer, as the company explains, is a fully electric aircraft that can fly over water and wont require drivers to have a pilots license to fly. The company also asserts that anyone who wants to operate the vehicle will be able to learn how to do so in just minutes.
In the video, which you can view below, the Kitty Hawk Flyer is shown lifting off over a lake. And while it certainly looks a lot more like a jetski with wingsand much less like a flying carthe company says that they have already received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to fly the first iteration of the vehicle in uncongested areas.
Weve all had dreams of flying effortlessly. Im excited that, one day very soon, Ill be able to climb onto my Kitty Hawk Flyer for a quick and easy personal flight, Page said to the New York Times.
Best of all, Kitty Hawk is prepping to bring their vehicle into commercial production by the end of this year (2017). Yes, you will be able to buy one this year; however, when it does become available for sale, it will likely face some stiff competition from other manufacturers.
Ultimately, there are a host of individuals and companies working on flying cars. For example, theresLithium Aviation, AeroMobil, and PAL-V, who have been pushing to get their own versions of an all-electric airborne vehicle into the market in recent months.
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An All-Electric Flying Car Just Launched, and You'll Be Able to Buy It This Year - Futurism
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Truck Drivers Can Now Control A Fleet of Vehicles From Over 3000 Miles Away – Futurism
Posted: at 4:29 am
In BriefNew intelligence systems and perception technologies areallowing trucks to navigate around equipment by themselves andletting machine operators steer entire fleets from the safety oftheir offices. Sci-Fi Visions
Have you ever wanted to drive a bulldozer? What about a bulldozer thats miles away? What about a fleet of bulldozers that are all 3000 miles (4800 km) away? It sounds like something from a far off, sci-fi future, but in truth, people are already doing thisand if you went to the 2017 Edison Awards, you could have as well.
At the Awards, attendees had a chance to see a demonstration ofCaterpillars (CAT)driverless technologiestechnologies that are already saving lives.
As Tazio Grivetti, the Innovation Viability Manager atCaterpillar Inc., notes, mining is sometimes a dangerous business, with drivers being forced to navigate up and down steep and precariously thin inclines. If they arent navigating inclines, then drivers are often tasked with maneuvering enormous vehicles around other mining equipment, which, of course, require operators of their own.
To that end, the company has installed a host of advanced intelligence tech in their vehicles in order to save lives.
For example, they are using onboard artificial intelligence systems to pull drivers out ofthe (rather dangerous) drivers seat, sophisticated perception technologies to help vehicles work safely around people and other equipment, and other operator-assist techthat control various vehicle functions in order to boost both productivity and safety.
Ultimately, the semi-autonomous features allow operators to control vehicles from the comfort of their office, and the perception technologies installed on the equipment serve as a kind of kill switch that stops vehicles from hitting other machinery (or people).
It costs a little extra to add these technologies to a vehicle, butits impossible to put a price tag on a human life. Grivetti succinctly summarizes the main point, asserting, safety is our number one priority. And he continues by noting that CAT operators are already controlling fleets of three dozers from over 3000 miles away.
Sound impressive? This is just the beginning.
Grivetti states that the tech isnt limited to just a few thousand miles, but that it works equally well from any part of the world. As a result, an individual could be in an office in one country and be operating a small fleet thats literally on the other side of the world.
So the next time that someone tells you that autonomous vehicles will be the future of driving, think again. That future actually arrived some time ago. As the company notes, While automakers and tech companies plan for a future that includes self-driving cars, Caterpillar is already there.
Editors Note: This article has been updated to clarify points made byGrivetti about safety.
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Canada Just Took a Major Stand for Net Neutrality – Futurism
Posted: at 4:29 am
Canada Defending Net Neutrality
Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all data that travels through their networks equally, without favoring any sites, services, or apps. In other words, the business that gets you online should not control where you go, what you do, or what you see. Without net neutrality rules, ISPs can keep users from visiting certain sites, provide slower speeds for streaming services that use more data like Hulu and Netflix, or redirect users from one site to a competing site that pays the ISP or is otherwise favored by it.
Without net neutrality regulations, larger, wealthier companies can pay ISPs to give their sites faster, more reliable access than those of their competitors potentially passing the costs on to users. This deters small businesses and innovative start-ups.
In general, ISPs oppose net neutrality, probably because they stand to make more money without these regulations. In contrast, more than 100 tech companies including Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Netflix, Vimeo, and Yahoo support net neutrality regulations, citing their role in promoting innovation.
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), Canadas telecommunications regulator, just ruled that Canadian ISPs cannot exempt certain kinds of content, such as streaming video, from counting toward a users data cap a practice called zero-rating. The decision arose from a complaint against Videotron, a wireless carrier which operates mostly in Quebec.
In 2015, Videotron launched a promotional feature that allowed customers to stream music from services like Google Play Music and Spotify without it counting against a monthly data cap. This practice lets ISPs charge different prices based on the kinds of services or apps a person uses. This is similar to the sponsored data approach in which a company pays your ISP to exempt their service (and probably passes the cost on to you).
Supporters of differential pricing including Videotron say that the practice supports innovation and offers lower costs and more choice to consumers. However, consumer advocacy groups, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation,disagree, arguing that these practices favor some kinds of internet activity over others in violation of net neutrality. The CRTC took the latter position in this case.
Net neutrality remains under threat in the US. Net neutrality principles were passed in 2015, requiring American ISPs treat all Web traffic equally. This reform was major achievement of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) during the time it was led by Tom Wheeler, who has since been replaced by Ajit Pai, a Trump appointee. The net neutrality regulations were widely praised by open-Internet advocates and consumer groups. Many see them as central to a continued level playing field in terms of access to the internet.
Although Pai has stated that he believes in a free and open internet, he has also stated in a press interviewthat the government should not prevent businesses from offering free data plans, like those that are part of zero-rating schemes. Regarding net neutrality regulations in particular, he stated in a press conference: During the Trump administration, we will shift from playing defense at the FCC to going on the offense. We need to fire up the weed whacker and remove those rules that are holding back investment, innovation, and job creation.
The challenge for Pai will be overcoming the fact that current net neutrality regulations appear to be working. This means he will be in the difficult position of arguing that US courts should change their recent rulingswithout evidence that those rulings are causingproblems. This could be a tough sell to judges. There is a recognition from the industry that we cant re-litigate every time theres a new administration, Harold Feld of the digital rights advocacy group Public Knowledge told Wired.
The key here is that its already been tested in the courts and the court upheld this, Representative Anna G. Eshoo, (D-California) told The New York Times. Ajit Pai is intelligent and genial, but he is not on the side of consumers and the public interest.
Similarly, Pantelis Michalopoulos, who was involved in litigating anet neutrality case, told Law360 that Pais intention to repeal net neutrality regulations and instead get voluntary commitments from ISPs will still need a backup plan. I think it sounds easier than it will turn out to be because the devil will be in the details. He continued, the very idea of a voluntary commitment raises a question of what would be in place if that voluntary commitment is not voluntarily made.
While some doubt Pai will take this risk, other administration moves, such as repeated litigation of immigration bans and a signaled return to the healthcare issue, both undertaken without safety nets in place, seem to indicate that neither re-litigating issues nor proceeding without backup plans will be out of the question. Consumer advocacy groups are concerned about Pais net neutrality agenda. Craig Aaron, president of communications advocacy group Free Press, stated in his organizations press release: Ajit Pai has been on the wrong side of just about every major issue that has come before the FCC during his tenure. Hes never met a mega-merger he didnt like or a public safeguard he didnt try to undermine.
Netflix has stated that it is likely to be unaffected by the rollback of net neutrality regulations as a larger company, but that it supports the regulations on principle. On a public policy basis, however, strong net neutrality is important to support innovation and smaller firms, the company wrote in itsquarterly earnings reportin January. No one wants ISPs to decide what new and potentially disruptive services can operate over their networks, or to favor one service over another. We hope the new US administration and Congress will recognize that keeping the network neutral drives job growth and innovation.
However, Pai and the FCC have already begun implementing their agenda. At the beginning of 2017, Pai released twelve actions that put net neutrality at risk, including the denial of federal subsidies under the FCCs Lifeline program and the ending of investigations into zero-rating practices.
With these strong-arm tactics, Chairman Pai is showing his true stripes, Matt Wood, consumer group Free Press policy director, stated in a press release from his organization. The public wants an FCC that helps people, he added. Instead, it got one that does favors for the powerful corporations that its chairman used to work for.
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The Age of Elon: Can Tesla Really Take Over the World? – Futurism
Posted: at 4:29 am
In Brief Tesla's market cap was recently announced to be $51 billion, higher than both GM and Ford's and a steep increase from their value in 2016. Hopefully, this financial bubble doesn't burst, or SpaceX, Neuralink, and the Gigafactory could all suffer. Risky Business
Tesla seems set on taking over the world, and after their most recent market surge, they might be on track to do it that is, if the supposedly inflated financial bubble theyre in doesnt, well, burst.
This month, Teslas market cap hit a value of $51 billion, which was higher than General Motors at the time and $15 billion higher than Teslas own value in 2016. While Elon Musk disagrees, in the eyes of many experts, the company isovervalued, perhaps dangerously so.
Tesla will undoubtedly, as any company does, face roadblocks in new design and innovation. While they will most likely continue to produce incredibly popular, inventive, and successful vehicle models, some say the overvalued bubble in which they currently reside is heading for bursting.
For Tesla to keep up with its upward-trending market value, they will need to continue innovating at the tremendous rate that they have been.
From designing the first autonomous semi truckto driving down the price of their electric vehicles (EVs), Tesla has been keeping pace with, and moving ahead of, customer requests and demands. However, with other EV optionscosting a fraction of a Tesla vehicle, the company will have to get even further ahead of the game in terms of innovation if they want to maintain their value.
Elon Musk and his team arent the only ones hoping for Teslas continued success. If Tesla were to go under or begin to fail financially, more than just a luxury car company would suffer SpaceX, Neuralink, the Gigafactory, and more would be at risk of feeling the hit. The future of space travel and exploration, the advancement of alternative energy sources and usage, and the fight against climate change hang in the balance, so lets all hope that this bubble doesnt burst.
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Get Ready. Ridley Scott Is Making a Terrifying New Alien VR Experience – Futurism
Posted: at 4:29 am
In Brief Ridley Scott's film production studio has opened a dedicated VR division called RSA VR, and is working towards bringing the "Alien" world in virtual reality. It's another example of just how much VR is changing the way we interact with reality. Aliens in VR
As if the movies werent enough to give you chills, Ridley Scott, director of the sci-fi flick Alien,now wants to bring the horrificexperienceinto virtual reality (VR). RSA Films, a production studio Scott co-founded, recently launched its dedicated, in-house VR division called RSA VR. According to the companys short write up, this VR division wont just be limited to VR. It will also include projects that explore augmented reality (AR) and other so-called mixed media.
Leading the helm in RSA VR is Jen Dennis, who was involved in Scotts first VR foray. I think VR is one of the most exciting areas in the industry today, with potential to influence how we consume content for generations to come, she said in a prepared statement.
I enjoy everything from assembling teams and forging partnerships to create, distribute and market VR content, to having an ongoing informative and often inspirational dialogue with colleagues in the space. I consider us in a unique position to undertake this with RSAs talented roster of directors, Dennis added.
RSA VRs first work will be set in the world of Scotts latest addition to the Alien franchise, the upcoming Alien: Covenant. The VR division is working with Twentieth Century Foxs FoxNext and Technicolors MPC to deliver this experience and it may even involve keeping that baby alien from wrapping around your face.
Undoubtedly, VRs gaming and entertainment applications are broad and varied, not to mention enjoyable. However, this technology isnt just limited to fun and games. Already, VR is seeing wider, more real-life applications. These include assisting doctors in medical proceduresandletting you tour the world. VR is also set to change social interaction, as social media giant Facebook is working towards bringing it to their platform. Even McDonalds is in on it. VR is changing how we interact with reality.
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Kurzweil: By 2030, Nanobots Will Flow Throughout Our Bodies – Futurism
Posted: at 4:29 am
In Brief Futurist Dave Evans shares his thoughts about the future of human-machine interaction. In an interview with James Bedsole, Evans explained what the thought of Ray Kurzweil's prediction of nanobots in the body by 2030.
Ray Kurzweil, Googles director of engineering, is a well-known futurist who seems to have a penchant for accurate predictions. Most recently, he has again reiterated his prediction that the so-called technological singularity will happen by 2045. For Kurzweil, this doesnt translate to an end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it scenario courtesy of artificially intelligent (AI) machines. Rather, it means human beings will become powered by machines.
Kurzweil believes that, as part of this human-machine melding, nanobots will inhabit our bodies by the 2030s. While flowing through our arteries, thesemicroscopic robots would keep us healthy and transmit our brains onto the cloud.
Another futurist, Dave Evans, founder and CTO of Silicon Valley stealth startup Stringify, gave his thoughts about Kurzweils nanobot idea in an interview with James Bedsole on February.
Evans explained that he thinks such a merging of technology and biology isnt at all farfetched. In fact, he described three stages as to how this will occur: the wearable phase (where we are today), the embeddable phase (where were headed, with neural implants and such), and the replaceable phase.
Does Evans agree with Kurzweils idea of nanobots flowing inside our bodies? Check out the rest of his answer in the video embedded here.
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Supply ship named for John Glenn arrives at space station – ABC News
Posted: April 23, 2017 at 12:28 am
A supply ship bearing John Glenn's name arrived at the International Space Station on Saturday.
Astronauts used the station's big robot arm to grab the capsule, as the craft flew 250 miles (400 kilometers) above Germany.
NASA's commercial shipper, Orbital ATK, named the spacecraft the S.S. John Glenn in honor of the first American to orbit Earth. It rocketed from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Tuesday with nearly 7,700 pounds of food, experiments and other goods.
Glenn died in December at age 95 and was buried earlier this month at Arlington National Cemetery. His widow, Annie, granted permission for Orbital ATK to use his name for the Cygnus spacecraft. The company, in fact, sent up some memorabilia for the Glenn family.
Glenn made history in 1962 when he soared into orbit aboard Friendship 7, his one-man Mercury capsule. He returned to space in 1998 aboard shuttle Discovery, at age 77, right before station construction began in orbit.
Space station commander Peggy Whitson who on Monday will set a U.S. record for most accumulated time in orbit notified Mission Control when S.S. John Glenn was captured.
"We're very proud to welcome on board the S.S. John Glenn," said French astronaut Thomas Pesquet, who took part in the operation. The contents "will be put to good use to continue our mission of research, exploration and discovery."
Whitson and Pesquet have been living on the space station since November, along with a Russian. They were joined by another American and Russian on Thursday.
Whitson is making her third space station flight. Early Monday, she will surpass the 534-day, two-hour-and-change mark set by astronaut Jeffrey Williams last year. President Donald Trump will call her from the Oval Office to offer congratulations.
The S.S. John Glenn, meanwhile, will remain at the orbiting outpost until July, when it is let go to burn up in the atmosphere.
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Supply ship named for John Glenn arrives at space station - ABC News
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