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Category Archives: Transhuman News

A New Technique Transforms Human Skin Into Brain Cells – Futurism – Futurism

Posted: April 27, 2017 at 1:29 am

From Skin to Brain

The brain is one of the most vital organs in the human body, so damage to the brain from injury or aging can have major impacts on peoples quality of life.Neurological disorders representsome of todays most devastating medical conditions that are also difficult to treat.Among these is Alzheimers disease.

Usually, research involving Alzheimers rely on brain cells from mice. Now, neurobiologists from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) have developed a method that could allow the use of human cells instead of animal ones to help understand neurological diseases better.

In their study, which was published in the journal Neuron, the researchers found a way to transform human skin cells into stem cells and program them into microglial cells. The latter make up about 10 to 15 percent of the brain and are involved in the removing dead cells and debris, as well as managing inflammation. Micgrolia are instramentalin neural network development and maintenance, explained researcher Mathew Blurton Jones, fromUCIs Department of Neurobiology & Behavior.

Microglia play an important role in Alzheimers and other diseases of the central nervous system. Recent research has revealed that newly discovered Alzheimers-risk genes influence microglia behavior, Jones said in an interview for a UCI press release. Using these cells, we can understand the biology of these genes and test potential new therapies.

The skin cells had been donated by patients from UCIs Alzheimers Disease Research Center. These were firstsubjected toa genetic process to convert them into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells adult cells modified to behave as an embryonic stem cell, allowing them to become other kinds of cells. These iPS cells were then exposed to differentiation factors designed to imitate the environment of developing microglia, which transformed them into the brain cells.

This discovery provides a powerful new approach to better model human disease and develop new therapies, said UCI MIND associate researcher Wayne Poon in the press release. The researchers, in effect, have developed a renewable and high-throughput method for understanding the role of inflammation in Alzheimers disease using human cells, according to researcher Edsel Abud in the same source.

In other words, by using human microglia instead of those from mice, the researchers have developed a more accurate toolto study neurological diseases and to develop more targeted treatment approaches. In the case of Alzheimers, they studied the genetic and physical interactions between the diseases pathology and the induced microglia cells. These translational studies will better inform disease-modulating therapeutic strategies, Abud added in the press release.

Furthermore, they are now using these induced microglia cells in three-dimensional brain models. The goal is to understand the interaction between microglia and other brain cells, and how these influence the development of Alzheimers and other neurological diseases.

This is all made possible by reprogrammable stem cells. Indeed, this study is one more example of how stem cells arechanging medicine.

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Canada Has Unveiled the Details of Its Highly Anticipated UBI Program – Futurism

Posted: at 1:29 am

In BriefThe Ontario Premier revealed details about a UBI pilot programthat will run in three areas of the province. This UBI experimentwill help the government decide whether to adapt a full-scale UBIprogram in the future. No Strings Attached

On Monday,Premier Kathleen Wynne of Ontarioannounced the details ofthe Ontario Basic Income Pilot, a universal basic income (UBI) program that will begin this spring andrun for a period of three years. A total of 4,000 people from three areas Hamilton, Thunder Bay, and Lindsay will be receiving income.

Ideally, under a UBI program, every citizen of legal age regardless of social status and employment situation is eligible to receive a fixed amount of income with no strings attached. This basic income can be given either on a regular basis or in lump sum. In the case of the Ontario UBI program, the Toronto Star reports, the recipients will be chosen randomly.

The project will explore the effectiveness of providing a basic income to people who are currently living on low incomes, whether they are working or not, Wynne said in Mondays speech. People participating in our pilot communities will receive a minimum amount of income each year a basic income, no matter what.

Single adults between the ages of 18 and 64 are eligible to receive $16,989 annually. Meanwhile, couples would be given up to $24,027 and persons with disabilities would receive an added $6,000. Its not an extravagant sum by any means. For a single person, we are talking about just under $17,000 a year, but even that amount may make a real difference to someone who is striving to reach for a better life, Wynne explained.

Other countries and nonprofit groups have been running UBI pilots most notably Finland, the Netherlands, and a startup called GiveDirectly thats been running basic income programs in several Kenyan villages. Another effort from a non-profit in the U.S. focused on giving basic income via a cryptocurrency.

Experts put themselves on both sides of the UBI debate. Those who support the idea see UBI as a better alternative to existing social welfare models, and as a potential solution to the impending unemployment that could come withincreased automation. On the other hand, critics raise concerns over how UBI can lead to a less productive society by encouraging people not to work. Still others point out the difficulty in raising the funds needed to run a full-scale basic income program.

The debate is an ongoing one. The viability and effectiveness of UBI still needs to be proven, and running pilot programs like Ontarios is the best way to go about it. As the OntarioPremier said in her speech: We want to find out whether a basic income makes a positive difference in peoples lives [] and whether it is an approach that deserves to be adopted across our province as a whole.

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Singles Club: Laurel Halo takes futurist pop to new heights – FACT

Posted: at 1:29 am

Each week on the FACT Singles Club, a selection of our writers work their way through the new music of the week gone by.

This week, Goldie gets a Record Store Day reworking from none other than Burial, Lady Gaga searches for The Cure to her post-Joanneslump, UKclub producer Murlo strikes againandDJ Shadow teams up with Nas.

Theres also another stellar Sevdaliza single in the offing as well as something special from Hyperdub hero Laurel Halo. Lets get into it, shall we?

Goldie Inner City Life (Burial Remix)

Tayyab Amin: Im grinning and I can feel the devil emoji horns sprouting from my head as I listen. Its messy, theres a lot happening and none of it is happening in a straightforward manner. Theres something wonderfully perverse about new Record Store Day pressings with inherent vinyl crackle almost the work of a saboteur. Now, Im not saying our dearest Burial would ever do something like that, but I am saying he is totally Chaotic Good. (6)

Haley Potiker: I feel like I could have a really great karate training video to this song, where years of intense physical labor are condensed into six-and-a-half-minute montage. Isnt Record Store Day great? (7)

Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: I am sure that a generation of music fans remembers Goldie as one of the cameo roles in Snatch rather than a D&B figurehead who decided to take his mainstream ascendancy and release an hour-long song, but his bonafides exist for a reason. Inner City Life in its original incarnation is a sort of proto-Burial joint: distant vocal lamentations over deceptively simplistic programming, a sentimental performance in spirit. Its interesting to hear Burial swerve hard in a different direction when he could have just added rainy SFX and called it a day instead, he goes more aggressive, suggesting that youre listening to some lost piece of siren-wailing, wall-of-sound aggro-rave. He switches it up again, shifting the sound into something different, touching on the sentiment of the original before cutting it abruptly short, like an open airlock blasting you out into the great silence. This refix bares little resemblance to its source it is scintillating and disrespectful and yet respectful and utterly confounding. For years, Burial has continued to leave you in such a state one song at a time, and thats something to applaud. (7)

Jibril Yassin: Burials recent work hasnt had the kind of heft seen on this Goldie remix, which almost feels blasphemous to listen to. However, itsclaustrophobic in a way only that he could provide and its gratifying to hear. My only gripe is thatDiane Charlemagnes vocals arecriminally low in the mix granted it helps the remix gain a wholly separate identity, but this isnt exactly the Torching A Classic thing I expected to hear. (6)


DJ Shadow Systematic (ft. Nas)

Tayyab Amin: So this is for the Silicon Valley soundtrack, and it fittingly encapsulates the mistaken innovation the TV shows subject matter prides itself on. Im not even that mad at the retro-throwback beat, its just that Beastie Boys, for example, would have gone cinematic with it, while Nas doesnt really go anywhere at all. To make you feel is my new expression should pack the heaviestpunch in the chorus, yet it hides behind the production almost as if they knew it couldnt really carry itself as it was. The verses are all over the place, occasionally phoned in with the likes of Im like a Russian mob figure, Im mad low, in the shadows / Big up to Shadow. Its so hard to hear Nas like this. (5)

Haley Potiker: Its funny to think about how far apart Nas and DJ Shadows sensibilities were 20 years ago, especially compared to how similar they must be now. A fun fact is that this song closed out the Silicon Valley premiere last night and was written entirely by the guy who plays Jared. (8)

Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: At first listen, this is your over-enthusiastic modern hip-hop dispatch from DJ Shadow (a producer who could sometimes do with simplifying his barrage of ideas) and a fair performance from Nas, as he rattles around waiting to release another album. On reflection, its also a fun B-side where these two find a soft spot in each others approach. This is Shadow giving Nas a classicist at heart a post-turntablists update of the good ol Ultramagnetic style. Imagine Nas didnt will Nas Escobar into being, stayed Real Hip-Hop infamous rather than If I RuledThe World famous, and we may have gotten this very song sooner, give or take some vocal effects. (6)

Jibril Yassin: Even as DJ Shadows latest compositions have been getting all the more dustier (and this is no insult, this really does sound like it could score a well-made dystopian spaghetti film), Nas is out here providing the spark, going from talking about street dreams and wearing Gucci links to dealing out investment tidbits, dropping cooking recipes and making Keith Haring comparisons, all in the same verse. (8)


Laurel Halo Jelly

Tayyab Amin: Future music is often portrayed in pure digital or dirty mechanics, whereas this marries electronics with organic sound in a way that doesnt even seem possible in tomorrows world. Put simply, this is the kind of song that makes me excited for everything music has the possibility to be. (10)

Haley Potiker: I could watch this lyric video all day. Its like a Windows 98 screensaver. It sounds like the music youd hear in the elevator at the worlds tightest Macys where the elevator keeps going up and up until youre floating above the city like Willy Wonka. (8)

Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: In the best possible way, this felt longer than its five-minute runtime, a soak in a combination of emotional sniping from Halo and percussive combinations slotting into place like a Tetris line. Fairly stunning I only say fairly because Halos presentation feels weirdly low-key, perhaps in the way it avoids being overwhelmed by its many moving parts. You want to overpraise this composition, but it melts into the ether at the end, as though its brilliance does not want to cause a fuss. (8)

Jibril Yassin: I very much like that this is entirely focused around Halo and her collaborators but most important of all, that voice. It feels surreal, playful at moments but a storm when doubled, making Jelly feel incredibly disorienting as the track seems to change and warp around you. (7)


Sevdaliza Hubris

Tayyab Amin:Sevdaliza really knows how to send those Portishead chills down my spine, and there are a few shades of La Roux here and there too. Her voice doesnt go through you, rather it moves around and passes over you. Climaxing with a quiet roar, the aching in her voice is impossible to overlook. I love how delicately balanced the tracks elements are: Sevdalizas singing is powerful on its own, though the occasional electronic stutter instilsas much unease as it does intrigue. The production plays the part of backing band well, even when it transforms into electronic beats completely. (7)

Haley Potiker: Theres something gothic about this, like it was made on a banged-up laptop in the middle of a medieval church. (7)

Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: Sevdaliza songs usually have many great ideas pieced together by passages of unengagement: here, the artists songwriting continues to grow but parts like a robotic, clattering vocal interlude hold back a climatic key change (one of pops greatest emotional weapons!) from hitting as hard as it should. Theres plenty of promise in her haunted trip-hop revivalism, and despite those tetchy swerves of lodged-in experimentation, there are even more signs she can be behind a great song from start to finish. (6)

Jibril Yassin: Were witnessing one of the smoothest key changes in history on this one. I hope people take notice. (8)


Murlo Tired of You

Tayyab Amin: Few artists from recent years have developed as singular a sound as Murlo. He doesntrehash his music between projects its always about building from the last thing. Murlo constructs his samples, melodies and rhythms clinically, butthat drop into gunfinger synth stabs that appears from nowhere is a total show-stealer. (8)

Haley Potiker: Come for Murlo, stay for the animated video thats better than most of the prestige TV airing right now. Tired of You is knotty and claustrophobic and irresistible. (8)

Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: The vocal sample driving Murlos latest moans in a childlike voice as to being tired of you, the you drawling and fading into something that sounds like a me. Its intriguing how themelted vocals collapse the songs focus: as glissando keys and military-might bass take control, the vocals slide around from me to you, from self-pity to rage and back again. (7)

Jibril Yassin: Holy shit, so this is what a funhouse version of PC Music sounds like? I dont know whats more knocking, the acid bass keeping it together or the waves of percussion and bleeps that could fit right at home on a trap or grime track in another dimension. (9)


Lady Gaga The Cure

Tayyab Amin: The entire second verse sounds like Gaga has a blocked nose. Why is she singing If I cant find the cure, Ill fix you with my love if she cant even fix her hayfever? (5)

Haley Potiker: This song is catchy and fun but also pretty innocuous for Gaga. The beat is super generic it could be from a random songwriter on SoundCloud. But then it transformsinto a true Pop Banger. Itll be interesting to see if she doubles down on this approach as a course-correction from Joanne, which was stuffed with a bunch of disparate ideas but got a lukewarm reception. (8)

Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy:Chorus machine Gaga has finally accepted the fate of modern pop the post-Where Are U Now vocal squiggle-as-hook, a songwriting trick Skrillex once referred to as the dolphin. It overshadows what is a strong-enough effort to please a pop fanbase scared of country music (and ergo scared of Joanne), but its also Gaga jocking the chartsin a way thats a little depressing to hear. You want to see her wear the meat dress, not try on someone elses normal-ass wardrobe. (5)

Jibril Yassin:Make no mistake, The Cure is thrilling, but as satisfying as it is to hear Lady Gaga over something more akin to The Fame Monster than career-reboot Joanne, this feels far too normal for someone like Gaga and thats upsetting. When even your missteps feel wholly yours, why now set out to soundanonymous? (5)


Final scores:

Laurel Halo Jelly (8.25) Murlo Tired of You (8) Sevdaliza Hubris (7) DJ Shadow Systematic (ft. Nas) (6.75) Goldie Inner City Life (Burial remix) (6.5) Lady Gaga The Cure (5.75)

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Geniecast Welcomes New Experts to Platform, Including Globally … – IT Business Net

Posted: at 1:29 am

April 26, 2017 --

St. Louis, MO (PRWEB) April 26, 2017

Geniecast recently welcomed several new subject matter experts, speakers, and thoughts leaders or Genies to its platform, growing its offerings to over 1,300 experts available for booking. Genies recently added include tech and innovation author Vivek Wadhwa, best-selling innovation author Deborah Perry Piscione, author and researcher Tom Rath, and Emmy-winning writer and producer for ?The Simpsons," Joel Cohen.

?Keeping abreast of the latest trends, connecting with up-and-coming thought leaders, and strengthening our relationships with established experts is our priority. We understand the world moves quickly and that people need to know the latest to stay ahead. At Geniecast, we make it a point to move fast and always be innovating to guarantee that our clients are on the cutting edge of their industries." - CEO and founder, Keith Alper

Clients can now connect with respected academic and futurist Vivek Wadhwa to learn the latest in technological change, biotechnology, healthcare and driverless cars. Delivered via Geniecast's two-way video platform, Wadhwa helps companies understand where their industry is headed and offers strategies to prepare for the future.

Business leaders looking to revamp their companies can speak with innovation author and entrepreneur Deborah Perry Piscione. Piscione provides the guidelines of what makes Silicon Valley businesses successful and presents ways other companies can embrace the startup mentality.

?Genies are respected leaders in their fields and we are excited to be able to offer their expertise to our clients. It is critical that today's business executives have convenient access to experts who can help them strategize and innovate. We are confident that with our Genies' help, they will be able to do just that." - VP of Marketing Communications and Technology, James Gallagher

To learn more about Geniecast or to browse Genie programs, please visit

Geniecast is the world's first and largest marketplace of thought leaders, athletes, speakers, celebrities, consultants, facilitators and more-all available via two-way, live video broadcast. By delivering top talent via two-way video, Geniecast makes education and professional development more accessible and affordable, providing boards and teams efficient access to subject matter experts for problem-solving, strategy sessions and more. To date, the Geniecast marketplace has thousands of programs led by ?Genies" who are experts in a variety of topics, ranging from customer service and business best practices, to leadership and other timely industry topics.

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Source:PRWEB.COM Newswire. All Rights Reserved

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Trump Calls @AstroPeggy at the International Space Station – New York Times

Posted: April 25, 2017 at 4:39 am

New York Times
Trump Calls @AstroPeggy at the International Space Station
New York Times
President Trump called the International Space Station from the Oval Office, congratulated Dr. Whitson and urged NASA to go further, even saying perhaps jokingly that he would like to send an American to Mars during my first term or at worst ...
Trump congratulates record-breaking astronaut on International Space StationCNBC
[ April 24, 2017 ] President Trump calls International Space Station Mission ReportsSpaceflight Now
Space station astronauts science their way into record bookCNET
USA TODAY -TIME -Tech Times -NASA Blogs
all 338 news articles »

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China announces major step forward to establishing permanently-manned space station by 2022 –

Posted: at 4:39 am

China has marked a major step towards its goal of establishing a permanently-manned space station by 2022, after the country's first cargo craft docked in space.

President Xi Jinping has prioritised advancing China's space programme to strengthen national security.

China's first cargo spacecraft docked successfully with the Tiangong-2 space lab on Saturday, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

The Tianzhou-1 cargo resupply spacecraft made the automated docking process with the orbiting space lab after it had taken off on Thursday evening from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Centre in the southern island province of Hainan.

The Tiangong-2 space laboratory, or "Heavenly Palace 2", was home to two astronauts for a month last October in China's longest ever manned space mission.

The cargo spacecraft mission provides an "important technological basis" to build a Chinese space station, state media have said.

It can reportedly carry six tonnes of goods, two tonnes of fuel and can fly unmanned for three months.

Despite the advances in China's space programme for military, commercial and scientific purposes, China still lags behind the United States and Russia.

In late 2013, China's Jade Rabbit rover landed on the Moon to great national fanfare, but ran into severe technical difficulties.

The US Defense Department has highlighted China's increasing space capabilities, saying it was pursuing activities aimed at preventing other nations from using space-based assets in a crisis.

China insists it has only peaceful ambitions in space, but has tested anti-satellite missiles.

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Where is the International Space Station? ISS live tracker –

Posted: at 4:39 am

The International Space Station (ISS) orbits the Earth some 220 miles above its surface at incredible speeds of 7.6 km/s (17,134 mph).

Circling the planet roughly every 90 minutes, the largest man-made satellite in space can be tracked live over the internet.

Every 24 hours it completes about 15 trips around the planet, passing from day to night every 45 minutes.

According to NASA, lucky observers can catch a glimpse of the ISS "[once] a month to several [times] a week", when it is dusk or dawn. Chances are however it will look nothing more than a white speck dashing across the sky.

Astronomy enthusiasts who want to find out when their next sighting is, can find a full list here.

The ISS also offers a 24 hour live stream of the fascinating views of the planet underneath it. You can watch the stream below:


Every 45 minutes the stream cuts out as it enters the dark of the night and is replaced by pre-recorded footage of Earth.

The station was first launched into space in 1988 as a joint-international scientific research station.

After several parts being added to the station, it received its first human crew on November 2, 2000, and finally saw completion in 2011.

On the inside it is roughly the size of a house with five bedrooms and contains two bathrooms and even a gym. Six people are able to live in it at once.


1 of 16

Soyuz MS-04 spacecraft carrying crew of US' Fischer and Yurchikhin of Russia blasts off to the ISS from launchpad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome

It weighs in at roughly 10 million pounds, and is filled with science labs from the US, Russia, Japan and Europe.

Space looks like a carpet of countless tiny perfect unblinking lights in endless velvet

Chris Hadfield, Astronaut

The ISS is home away from home to the astronauts from across the planet who fly to space to carry out tests not possible to conduct on Earth.

It is an invaluable part of NASAs plans to send humans into deep space, and provides research on what happens to people who live in orbit.

The space station came into public awareness thanks toastronaut Chris Hadfieldwhose rendition of David Bowies Space Oddity went viral on the internet.


Mr Hadfield rode the wave of his popularity by continuing to create and share entertaining and educational videos on board the ISS.

In a public Reddit chat he described the views he had from space: Australia looks coolest - the colours and textures of the Outback are severly artistic.

The most beautiful to me are the Bahamas, the vast glowing reefs of every shade of blue that exists.

He added: [Space] looks like a carpet of countless tiny perfect unblinking lights in endless velvet, with the Milky Way as a glowing area of paler texture.

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China begins work on its own large space station – The Space Reporter

Posted: at 4:39 am

Chinas April 20 launch of the first in its new line of spacecraft marks the first step in its goal of constructing its own version of the International Space Station (ISS).

The 10.6-meter long cargo Tainzhou-1 cargo vehicle will spend the next two months conducting three separate docking attempts at the Tiangong-2, a small prototype space station already in orbit.

Each docking attempt will be done from a different direction in relation to the small space station. Following the dockings, Tainzhou-1 will detach from the station altogether and conduct its own science experiments.

When those are concluded, the spacecraft will be sent to burn up in Earths atmosphere.

Tainzhou-1 is capable of carrying as much as six tons of supplies, approximately twice as much as the cargo vessels that resupply the ISS, such as Russias Soyuz, Japans HTV, and the USs Dragon and Cygnus capsules.

Without being part of an international partnership, China will have to resupply its space station on its own.

Current plans aim at putting the first crew in orbit in 2022 and keeping the station continuously crewed for about 10 years.

Taking a page from the ISS and its predecessor, the Russian Mir, China envisions its space station as being constructed of various modules, including housing areas, science laboratories and places to store equipment. All the modules will be assembled in Earth orbit.

The space station is only one part of a much more ambitious Chinese space program that includes sending both robotic and crewed missions to the Moon.

Engineers are working on building a heavy-lift rocket, known as the Long March-9, that is similar to the Saturn V rockets used in the USs Apollo program.

Expected to be operational in about 15 years, the Long March-9 will be capable of carrying 130 metric tons into orbit. China envisions it transporting taikonauts to the Moon by 2030.

Laurel Kornfeld is a freelance writer and amateur astronomer from Highland Park, NJ, who enjoys writing about astronomy and planetary science. She studied journalism at Douglass College, Rutgers University, and earned a Graduate Certificate of Science in astronomy from Swinburne Universitys Astronomy Online program.

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ILM Brings International Space Station Reality to ‘Life’ – Animation World Network (press release) (registration) (blog)

Posted: at 4:39 am

When a satellite returns from Mars with what appears to be an alien lifeform, the celebratory mood at the International Space Station turns to horror as each of the astronauts become hunted prey with very few places to hide. Life, directed by Daniel Espinosa (Child 44), stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Rebecca Ferguson, Ryan Reynolds, Hiroyuki Sanada, Ariyon Bakare and Olga Dihovichnaya, with visual effects supervised by John Moffatt (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince). ILM was hired to orchestrate the introduction of the ISS orbiting Earth and the different crew members working within spacecrafts tight confines -- ILM San Francisco handled the 1,000 frame opening shot that establishes the exterior presence of the ISS while ILM London was responsible for a seven-minute long interior ISS sequence that consisted of 10,000 frames and required the stitching together of 17 plates.

There was an extensive amount of previs and techvis done to start the whole process off so we had a good idea of where we were trying to join shots together and what were the key story points, explains ILMs London-based VFX supervisor Mark Bakowski. Then we worked with John Moffatt to put together a rough version. There was not much in the way of concept art as the ISS and Earth were reasonably realistic builds.

Though Bakowskis team had considerable previs at hand, framing and composition of the shots were not entirely predetermined. He notes, We had joins that involved a character on-screen taken over by a digital double and transitioned to the B plate of a different character. Those joins involved CG environments or at least a reprojection of the plate environment. We had a fair degree of freedom to play with that. Daniel Espinosa was keen to have those as naturalistic as possible. If you were shooting this for real and were following someone down the tight confines of the tunnels in the ISS then space was needed for the cameraman to back up and turn around. We werent framed up perfectly with our characters as they go through so there was some dead time and space as we went back to find our hero character again.

Unlike on Gravity, extensive sets were built for Life. Three quarters of the ISS tunnels were built practically with the roof removed so that the wire rigs could go down and have access to the actors, remarks Bakowski. The interior of the ISS is spartan and feels like a laboratory. We did little touches of dust motes being caught in the light and had glints outside the window. Anytime we could stick a lens flare in we would stick a lens flare in. Some interior lights we gave flares and glints to bring the shot to life. Then there were natural patches of darkness and highlights for range and variety so we werent constantly in a florescent light lit office space world.

The characters movements helped the creation of seamless transitions from one plate to another keeping things interesting was the utilization of a poor mans motion-control. Says Bakowski, There were a couple of key moments where we had an in-camera drift with so much parallax that it would have been hard and expensive to rebuild and takeover the camera so we used floating props to justify the movement of the camera.

Digital human augmentation was required to simulate zero gravity. We certainly had to repose parts of the body when you could see that the actor was wearing a hip swivel harness, explains Bakowski. Their waist would sag so we had to do a bit of warping. There were creases in the clothes, sections where the clothes would ride up and times that the wires went in front of peoples faces. Its not spectacular work but is still challenging. Another of our challenges was having characters coexisting in the same zero-g environment and making sure there was consistency in the lighting and their momentum. Youll have characters who would just keep on going until an object forced them to stop, such as an existing bulkhead or a CG version.

Additionally, user interfaces had to be produced for the visible ISS computer monitors. For story point purposes, we needed to make it clear that Jake Gyllenhaals character was controlling the Canadarm, which catches the satellite. We replaced a few on-set monitors and added some CCTV style exterior views of the Canadarm. We also added a red dot on an exterior map to show where Gyllenhaal was relative to the approaching satellite.

We went back and forth [with Moffatt] about how much in the way of stars we would see and how much in the way of artefacts, like lens dirt and glow, states Bakowski. Hero images were selected where you could see how the sun bled through the sections of the solar panels while others reflected and refracted light. We cheated the amount of sun moving across the solar panels to make sure that the whole thing came to life rather than looked like a static still frame. Embellishments were also made to Earth by putting glints onto rivers. Bukowski continues, Our view of Earth was based on reference photography and time lapse footage from the ISS. We were careful that the sun was behind something such as a solar panel or crane so you would never be looking at it and Earth at the same time; that would have given us an exposure nightmare.

Along with traditional matte paintings, Terragen was used by Bakowski for the first time to block the lighting positions of Earth. We did a fair bit of motion vector dynamism to get rid of the worst of the fireflies because when youre dealing with high contrast space material it can get quite noisy with the light bouncing around. We held our render power back, then kicked out a large render, put that through various compositing processes, and did reprojection here and there to patch it up as required.

Trevor Hogg is a freelance video editor and writer best known for composing in-depth filmmaker and movie profiles for sites such as the CGSociety, 3DTotal, Live for Films and 3D World Magazine.

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ILM Brings International Space Station Reality to 'Life' - Animation World Network (press release) (registration) (blog)

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Cygnus Cargo Ship SS John Glenn Arrives at Space Station –

Posted: at 4:39 am

The Orbital ATK Cygnus cargo ship S.S. John Glenn arrives near the International Space Station on April 22, 2017 to deliver tons of supplies for the orbiting lab's crew. The robotic spacecraft is named in honor of the famed Mercury astronaut John Glenn, who died in December.

John Glenn has arrived on the space station.

The S.S. John Glenn,Orbital ATK's seventh Cygnus cargo ship to deliver supplies and science for the crew on board the International Space Station, completed a four-day rendezvous to the orbiting laboratory on Saturday morning (April 21). The robotic freighter was namedin honor of the late Mercury astronaut and U.S. Senator.

Expedition 51 flight engineer Thomas Pesquet of the European Space Agency (ESA), working with commander Peggy Whitson of NASA, captured the John Glenn using the space station's Canadarm2 robotic arm at 6:05 a.m. EDT (1005 GMT). [The Cygnus S.S. John Glenn Launch in Pictures]

"We are very proud to welcome on board the S.S. John Glenn," Pesquet said.

With the Cygnus in grasp, flight controllers at NASA's Mission Control Center in Houston will take over from Pesquet and Whitson and to guide the spacecraft to a berthing on the Earth-facing port of the space stations Unity module, where it will remain attached for the next 85 days.

Launched atop a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas 5 rocket from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Tuesday (April 18), the S.S. John Glenn could have arrived at the space station earlier, but held off its approach (referred to by NASA as "station-keeping")to allow Russias Soyuz MS-04 spacecraft to dock with crewmembers Jack Fischer of NASA and Fyodor Yurchikhin of the Russian federal space corporation Roscosmos on Thursday.

With the arrival of the Cygnus came the delivery of more than 7,600 lbs. (3,500 kilograms) of cargo, including the research materials to support dozens of new and ongoing science investigations. The delivery will enable studies on cancer-fighting drugs and crystal growth.

Also aboard the S.S. John Glenn is equipment to be installed outside the space station during a spacewalk scheduled for May 12, 38 CubeSats (many built by university students from around the world) to be deployed from the stations Japanese airlock (or from the Cygnus itself) and a new advanced plant growth habitat.

"A big difference in this system, compared to [the plant growth chamber]Veggie, is that it requires minimal crew involvement to install the science, add water and perform other maintenance activities," said Bryan Onate, the habitat's project manager, in a NASA interview. "We are learning how plants grow in space and what levels of commodities, such as light and water, are required so we can maximize our growth with the least resources.

Once emptied of its deliveries, the space station's crew will refill the S.S. John Glenn with spent equipment and other refuse to be destroyed during the spacecraft's destructive re-entry into Earth's atmosphere in July. Prior to that plunge but after the Cygnus departs from the space station the cargo freighter will support the third in a series of experiments intohow fire burns in microgravity.

The spacecrafts namesake,John Glenn, died on Dec. 8, 2016, at the age of 95 and was interred at Arlington National Cemetery on April 6. A Marine Corps Colonel and four-term U.S. Senator from Ohio, Glenn was the last of NASA's Mercury astronauts to die. In addition to being the first American to orbit Earth,Glenn became the oldest astronaut to fly in space at age 77 on space shuttle Discovery in 1998 (a record he still holds).

Robert Pearlman is a contributing writer and the editor of, a Space.compartner site and the leading space history news publication. Follow collectSPACEon Facebookand on Twitter at @collectSPACE. Follow us @Spacedotcom,FacebookandGoogle+. Original article

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