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Erick Werner: Never OK to use political violence – Santa Clarita Valley Signal
Posted: April 28, 2017 at 2:34 pm
In 1941 the U.S. declared war on Nazi Germany. By 1945 that regime, and its adherents, had been wholly wiped away.
It is interesting, then, that in 2017 the question has come up: Is it OK to punch a Nazi? The answer for many has been Yes, it certainly is OK.
However, the fundamental issue with this logic falls in line with the fact that because there are no longer any real, official Nazis anymore, then simply applying that label to anyone you disagree with gives you carte blanche to use violence to silence that persons views.
The topic itself came up when white nationalist and head of the National Policy Institute Richard Spencer was assaulted on Inauguration Day in Washington, D.C. While giving an on-the-street interview with ABC, a member of the Antifa black bloc ran up and sucker-punched Spencer.
Now, for those unfamiliar with the group, Antifa stands for Anti-Fascist and is a group that has been operating as a far-left protest and riot organization that has grown considerably in the United States.
A fair amount of the destruction caused in recent protests on college campuses has been due to the actions of Antifa.
So when an Antifa member hit Richard Spencer, the conversation that ensued was not one of condemnation, but one in which people legitimately questioned whether the blow was socially acceptable. Organizations like the Guardian published videos advocating for this kind of behavior.
The fact of the matter is that for a representative Jeffersonian democracy to work, political violence must be shunned at every level, no matter how ignorant or misguided an individuals views are.
To be certain, I have disagreements with Richard Spencer and do not advocate his style of holistic identitarianism. However, if I met him in a crowd, I would much rather have a debate, rather than a fight.
Richard Spencer aside, however, let us assume the position of the left that implicitly or explicitly justifies political violence if it is targeted at a Nazi.
What in 2017 constitutes a Nazi? The SS has been a defunct organization since 1945, and even George Lincoln Rockwell has been dead since the late 1960s. How, then, would someone identify a modern Nazi?
Critics might cite Neo-Nazis who come out of prison gangs, of course, but lets be honest with ourselves those guys arent the people who are in any threat of being targeting for political violence. They are not the individuals that Antifa and those supporting the group are advocating violence against.
No, Antifa and the authoritarian left is decidedly bringing back the label Nazi as a way to justify violence against those they deem politically incorrect.
The punching of Richard Spencer was just one of many assaults on supposed Fascists though certainly a well-documented one due to his prominence.
Many dozens, if not hundreds, of other assaults have taken place at an alarming rate over the past year or so, and the trend does not seem to be letting up.
Make no mistake, this is the degeneracy of the American political system, and it is being spurred on by turning something that was once a well-defined, and frankly archaic, political party into a catch-all for those deemed conservative or on the political right.
These people do not want to listen and debate; they want to brutalize and punish.
In a sense, they are forgoing their civic duty as it was visualized by our Founding Fathers. Every enfranchised person should, theoretically, be an informed advocate of his or her political opinions.
These people are using the privilege of protest allotted by this country to silence opposition.
As we continue to move forward, there will no doubt continue to be more such events. To save the American political process, we must unmask these Antifa rioters and hold accountable those who grant their implicit support.
Only then will we be able to once more stand united and strong.
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Erick Werner: Never OK to use political violence - Santa Clarita Valley Signal
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NYU professor defends censorship and ‘snowflakes’ amid lecture … – Washington Examiner
Posted: at 2:33 pm
With the controversies over campus lectures coming to a head this spring, academic liberals are finally beginning to vocalize their substantive defenses of censorship.
In the New Republic, a Colby College professor argued that keeping conservative speakers off campus is necessary to the process of curating knowledge of value for impressionable students. On Monday, New York University Vice Provost Ulrich Baer defended so-called "snowflakes" in the pages of the New York Times, dramatically thanking them for "keeping watch over the soul of our republic."
"The idea of freedom of speech does not mean a blanket permission to say anything anybody thinks," Baer wrote. "It means balancing the inherent value of a given view with the obligation to ensure that other members of a given community can participate in discourse as fully recognized members of that community."
Baer uses the example of transgender rights to claim "the parameters of public speech must be continually redrawn to accommodate those who previously had no standing."
In fact, the opposite is true.
When I was in school, progressive students attempted to shut down my Young Americans for Freedom chapter because we opposed mandatory sensitivity training on transgender pronouns. We objected primarily to the idea of mandating political training, not the use of pronouns. But because we exercised our right to speak out, our campus engaged in a productive conversation about the merits of "mandatory sensitivity training," which is a reasonable discussion on the proper roles of university authorities. All participants emerged from the experience enriched by its lessons.
Baer would have that conversation stifled for preventing transgender people from being "recognized as fully human," despite both sides' emphatic efforts to speak with the utmost respect and compassion for members of that community.
But no matter how many times conservatives make those efforts, progressives obsess over every syllable we utter to argue that we are denying the humanity of any given marginalized community. There is nothing we can do short of agreeing with the Left to satisfy their standards. Even if our group on campus had objected to the use of transgender pronouns, is it not possible to argue that point, or, say, argue against Black Lives Matter, without denying people their humanity? If any new idea is automatically immune from rigorous debate simply because the opposition is deemed harmful to people, where does that standard lead us?
Consequently, serious discussion has become impossible on campuses. When mainstream conservative thought is equated with white supremacy or hate speech, only one side is afforded the right to express itself.
Like the Colby professor, Baer also argues that students no longer need to hear from campus speakers to be exposed to dissenting opinions because they enjoy access to the internet. It's true that any student on a campus where Charles Murray or Ann Coulter has been banned is able to watch another lecture on YouTube or pick up their books. But that's not what happens. At campus lectures, interested students who both agree and disagree often bring less interested friends to the event who would never otherwise seek out the information.
The lectures broach new ideas that would never otherwise find an audience in the classrooms of most liberal professors. And they give students the opportunity to engage directly with those speakers, allowing them to ask questions about issues specific to their campus or their personal lives. It is not something that can be replicated.
When I hosted a lecture by a prominent conservative on my campus, a liberal student stepped up to the microphone during a question and answer session to challenge the speaker on religious liberty. The speaker's answer, measured and calm, left the student speechless. She eventually retreated from the microphone after tilting her head and saying, "I guess I never thought of it in that way before."
That is the value of a campus lecture.
Professors do not give voice to alternative viewpoints, often presenting their perspectives as unimpeachable fact, thereby discouraging young people from even thinking to investigate the issues further. As a consequence, students graduate with worldviews that have never been subject to constructive criticism.
"It has been regrettably easy for commentators to create a simple dichotomy between a younger generation's oversensitivity and free speech as an absolute good that leads to the truth," Baer contended.
To some extent, I have to agree. For instance, I'm glad Baer published this op-ed because conservatives (understandably) have developed a reflex to issue outrage and mockery over the actions of "snowflakes" without understanding how the material professors like Baer teach in the classroom informs their behavior.
The crux of Baer's argument, however, is that these "snowflakes" are not oversensitive they are reasonably sensitive. He argues that if a speaker denies a marginalized community their humanity per the judgment of those privileged enough to hold power on college campuses (liberals) they are rightfully silenced. But it is doubtful that if a conservative student objected to a liberal speaker on the basis that their message is psychologically harmful to the humanity of, for instance, people of faith, they would be taken seriously.
This strikes me as similar to feminists' complaints about relinquishing power over women's rights to the "patriarchy." How can institutions dominated by one group who cannot understand another be trusted to protect it?
The problem with imposing qualifications on free speech, especially in higher education, is that they inevitably require the liberal academic bureaucracy to make judgments on what constitutes reasonable insight.
That will never ensure academia provides students with the balanced and challenging educations they are paying tens of thousands of dollars to receive.
The best answer to these questions is always to facilitate more speech, not less.
Emily Jashinskyis a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.
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NYU professor defends censorship and 'snowflakes' amid lecture ... - Washington Examiner
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DFB backs Bild’s Russian censorship claims – ESPN FC
Posted: at 2:33 pm
Russia will host the Confederations Cup this summer as they prepare for the 2018 World Cup.
German Football Association (DFB) president Reinhard Grindel has backed the Bild newspaper over claims of Russian censorship ahead of this summer's Confederations Cup.
Bild, Germany's most popular paper, has said it will boycott this summer's Confederations Cup in Russia if journalists are not given freedom to report as they please.
Print journalists attending the event -- which serves as a warm-up for the 2018 World Cup in Russia -- have been informed that they will be restricted in their travelling and reporting.
The guidelines issued to journalists working in print media with approved accreditation for the tournament stipulate that they "will solely cover the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 and related events," with their reporting limited to the "territory of the host cities and cultural sites located nearby."
If media want to report from other territories, or cover events unrelated to the Confederations Cup, a separate visa issued by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is required. That stipulation is not included in the guidelines for broadcasters with approved accreditation.
On Tuesday, Bild made those stipulations public and announced a boycott of the Confederations Cup as long as "censorship" remained in place.
The paper claimed that FIFA is aware of the restrictions and views them as "a relief."
Bild was backed by DFB president Grindel, who promised to address the issue at the next FIFA Council meeting in May.
Grindel told the paper: "At the next FIFA Council meeting on May 9, I will advocate for free coverage for accredited journalists at the Confederations Cup. It would be an important signal for the 2018 World Cup if the Russian Organising Committee, right from the dress rehearsal, made it clear there are no restrictions of the freedom of press."
Ralf Stegner -- a vice president of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, the smaller partner in Germany's grand coalition -- told Bild: "Just as we don't think it's right that U.S. President [Donald] Trump attacks the 'fake media,' we can't accept it when [Russian President Vladimir] Putin or FIFA restrict freedom of press."
Stephan Uersfeld is the Germany correspondent for ESPN FC. Follow him on Twitter @uersfeld.
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DFB backs Bild's Russian censorship claims - ESPN FC
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Ron Paul To Interview Julian Assange Today On His Liberty Report – The Liberty Conservative
Posted: at 2:33 pm
Libertarian stalwart Ron Paul will broadcast an interview with Wikileaks Julian Assange today, following recent news of President Trumps Department of Justice potentially pursuing criminal charges against the controversial whistleblower.
The CIA has been deeply humiliated as a result of our ongoing publications so this is a preemptive move by the CIA to try and discredit our publications and create a new category for Wikileaks and other national security reporters to strip them of First Amendment protections, Assange said in a teaser clip from the interview that will air today at Noon on the Ron Paul Liberty Report.
After celebrating its ten year anniversary in 2016, Wikileaks has stepped up their operations considerably. They published leaked e-mails of top Democratic Party operatives last October, possibly swinging the election in Trumps favor. This prompted then-candidate Trump to infamously say, I love WikiLeaks!
However, Trumps love affair with Wikileaks was to be very short-lived. After Trump assumed power, Wikileaks dumped their Vault 7 disclosures, which exposed the full capability of the CIAs hacking program. This prompted CIA director Mike Pompeo to call Wikileaks a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia that must be denied the latitude to use free speech values against us.
Candidate Trump loved Wikileaks so much he mentioned the organization more than 140 times in the final month of the campaign alone! Now, as President, it seems Trump wants Wikileaks founder Julian Assange sent to prison, Ron Paul wrote in his weekly column.
Assange is expected to discuss the increasing persecution from the Trump administration as well as other crucial topics with Paul during the broadcast. One thing can be sure: These two enemies of the state will certainly pull no punches when it comes to exposing the military-industrial complex. The interview will be broadcast in its entirety at 12pm on the Ron Paul Liberty Report, which can be accessed from his Youtube page.
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Pope Francis Warns Against ‘Invasion’ of Libertarianism – Breitbart News
Posted: at 2:32 pm
I cannot fail to speak of the grave risks associated with the invasion of the positions of libertarian individualism at high strata of culture and in school and university education, the Pope said in an message sent to members of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences meeting in the Vatican and subsequently shared with Breitbart News.
A common characteristic of this fallacious paradigm is that it minimizes the common good, that is the idea of living well or the good life in the communitarian framework, Francis said, while at the same time exalting a selfish ideal.
Members of the Pontifical Academy are currently engaged in a workshop bearing the title Towards a Participatory Society: New Roads to Social and Cultural Integration, which began Friday and will run through May 2.
Francis said that libertarianism, which is so fashionable today, is a more radical form of the individualism that asserts that only the individual gives value to things and to interpersonal relations and therefore only the individual decides what is good and what is evil.
Libertarianism, he said, preaches that the idea of self-causation is necessary to ground freedom and individual responsibility.
Thus, the libertarian individual denies the value of the common good, the pontiff stated, because on the one hand he supposes that the very idea of common means the constriction of at least some individuals, and on the other hand that the notion of good deprives freedom of its essence.
Libertarianism, he continued, is an antisocial radicalization of individualism, which leads to the conclusion that everyone has the right to extend himself as far as his abilities allow him even at the cost of the exclusion and marginalization of the more vulnerable majority.
According to this mentality, all relationships that create ties must be eliminated, the Pope suggested, since they would limit freedom. In this way, only by living independently of others, of the common good, and even God himself, can a person be free, he said.
This isnt the first time that the Pope has taken issue with popular social and political trends.
In March, Pope Francis told leaders of the European Union that the populist movements that are sweeping many parts of Europe and other areas are fueled by egotism.
Populism, he said, is the fruit of an egotism that hems people in and prevents them from overcoming and looking beyond their own narrow vision.
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Libertarianism Needs To Become More Realistic – Forbes – Forbes
Posted: at 2:32 pm
Forbes | Libertarianism Needs To Become More Realistic - Forbes Forbes For libertarianism to become more influential it has to become more realistic. A major impediment is that too many libertarians imagine a radical vision of society ... Why Foreign Policy Trips Up Libertarians |
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Tea Party in Forsyth welcomes Libertarian radio host – Forsyth County News Online
Posted: at 2:32 pm
CUMMING -- Radio host Monica Perez gave some local Tea Party members a lesson in libertarianism this week.
On Monday, the United Tea Party of Georgia welcomed Perez, who hosts a radio show on WSB and is a self-described anarcho-capitalist, a political philosophy she described as extremely libertarian.
I really am a radical Libertarian, Ive absolutely lost all faith in at least the federal government, Perez said. I really think they work against our interests for their own interests, like truly go out of their way to reduce our fiscal and physical security because thats their bread and butter.
Throughout the evening, Perez took questions from the ultra-conservative group, including some issues the group might not favor, such as her opinion of President Donald Trump.
I was always skeptical about Trump and felt, actually, that it was the establishments way to control the Tea Party and libertarians, so people who were desperate to restore the foundational laws of this country, she said.
However, Perez said she did not vote for the Libertarian candidates in November and was not a member of the Libertarian Party.
They were fake, she said. Libertarianism is individual responsibility and personal freedom on all issues at all time it is not fiscal conservatism or social liberalism; thats not what it is.
Also present at the event was District 24 state Rep. Sheri Gilligan, who answered a question about getting more involved in politics by recommending people get involved locally and never staying quiet by their beliefs.
We keep focusing on Congress. We keep focusing on Trump, and we act like everything is up there. By golly, its right here in Forsyth County and its right here in the state of Georgia, she said. As much as I love where I live, I would be really ridiculous to say we are clean and we have no problems and we dont want bigger government issues and answers here in Georgia.
The meeting was the first to be a joint meeting of the Forsyth County Tea Party and the United Tea Party of Georgia, which also holds events in Buford and Lawrenceville, and drew a larger crowd than most meetings.
The group meets on the last Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at VFW Post 9173 at 1045 Dahlonega Highway.
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Dragon Ball Super Episode 87 Recap And Review: Universal Survival Saga: Hunt The Poachers! Goku And No. 17’S … – Bam! Smack! Pow!
Posted: at 2:31 pm
Image Courtesy of Toei Animation
Gotham Season 3, Episode 15 Synopsis: Heroes Rise: How The Riddler Got His Name by Steve Lam
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The Universal Survival Saga for Dragon Ball Superfocuses on the Tournament of Power. The tournament involves eight out of the twelve existing universes. Ten of the strongest in each universe will fight in a Battle Royal-style match. The losing universes will be eliminated by the Omni-Kings.
On the previous episode of Dragon Ball Super, Goku and No.17 met for the first time. Goku visited No.17 to convince him to join the team. What we ended up getting was the fight that we never had the chance to see in Dragon Ball Z. In the end, No.17 declined Gokus request. Will Goku convince him this episode?
The episode begins with Goku continuing to persuade No.17. Giving one last effort, he mentions that the reward for the winning team is the Super Dragon Balls. He adds that the Super Dragon Balls are planet-sized and more powerful than the Earth ones. No.17 is slightly intrigued.
Before No.17 can decide, his attention is averted by the roar of the Minotaurus. An alien ship (which we saw at the end of the last episode) appears above the island. The ship starts beaming up all the animals on the island. We learned on the last episode that the aliens main target was the Minotaurus.
Goku and No.17 race to enter the spaceship. However, the ship closes before they can enter. Goku uses his Instant Transmission to enter the ship. They are confronted by henchmen. No.17 tells Goku to be careful. He mentions damaging the spaceship will cause it to crash, killing all the animals.
The episode shifts to Krillin and No.18. No.18 expresses concern over Goku and No.17. She mentions that both are similar and have an immature side.
We return to Goku and No.17. They easily deal with the henchmen. Theyre confronted by two bigger henchmen. No.17 tells Goku to deal with them, and hell go after the main boss. Goku mentions that he wants to fight the main boss. The two henchmen attack the two. No.17 dodges them and escapes, able to pursue the main boss. This leaves Goku to deal with the two henchmen.
No.17 confronts the boss. The boss summons two henchmen to attack No.17. He deals with them with ease. The boss is surprised at No.17s strength. The boss decides to attack, but No.17 counters, knocking him back.
Image Courtesy of Toei Animation
Goku catches up with them. No.17 asks the boss why hes after the Minotaurus. The boss mentions that the Minotaurus horns sell for a lot of money. He adds that some believe the horns can create immortality medicine. But the boss only cares about the money. He offers Goku and No.17 money, but both refuse.
No.17 approaches the boss and kicks him to the side. The boss reveals that he has a device that can self-destruct the whole ship. This stops Goku and No.17 in their tracks.
The boss pushes the button on the device and the ship explodes. Well, not really. We transition to Beerus, who wakes up from a dream. He mentions that he had a dream that Goku had died (the dream being that the ship exploded). Beerus screams that the dream is a bad omen.
We return to Goku and No.17 (still alive and well). The boss is still threatening the two with the device. He mentions a self-destructive device implanted in his body. He tells them that if they let him go, he wont destroy the ship. No.17 decides to sacrifice himself to save the animals. He tells Goku to take care of the animals. He then grabs the boss and flies out of the spaceship. Goku uses his Instant Transmission to catch up with them. He transfers them to King Kais planet.
Image Courtesy of Toei Animation
He tells King Kai that the boss has a self-destructive bomb in him. And he brought him to the planet like he did with Cell. Goku notifies King Kai that the boss isnt strong enough to handle the gravity on the planet, so King Kai has nothing to worry about.
Goku receives a message from Dende. He tells Goku that the boss was lying about having a self-destruct device in his body. No.17 tells the boss to press the switch on the device. The boss presses the switch and confetti flies out his nose. It turns out the device was for a surprise birthday party planned for later.
Goku and No.17 return to Earth. They land the ship safely back on the island. The animals are all let out. As for the boss, he and his henchmen are all arrested by Jaco (the Galactic Patrolman)turns out he had been after the aliens for years. Jaco leaves with the aliens in his own ship.
No.17 lets Goku know that he will join the team. He mentions that hell leave the island to Trunks and Goten. He adds that he will use the Super Dragon Balls to wish for a large cruise ship. His dream is to travel the world with his family. The episode ends with 23 hours and 20 minutes until the start of the tournament.
The episode had a lot of fun elements to it. The highlight was Goku teaming with No.17. The ending of the episode played on how Gokus villains eventually turn to allies. No.17 told Goku that he couldnt believe he wanted to kill him before. Goku responded that Tien, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Buu were all the same.
This episode had nice comedic elements to it also. Beerus and King Kai both provided laugh out loud moments. Even in a serious storyline, the anime still manages to sneak in that famous Dragon Ball humor.
In terms of the storyline, this was another filler episode. The only story advancement is No.17s joining the team. But with the tournament closing in, we expect things to pick up.
What were your thoughts on this episode? Let us know in the comments.
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Dragon Ball Super Episode 87 Recap And Review: Universal Survival Saga: Hunt The Poachers! Goku And No. 17'S ... - Bam! Smack! Pow!
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The Survivor’s Guide to Adulthood – Yale Daily News (blog)
Posted: at 2:31 pm
Yale Daily News (blog) | The Survivor's Guide to Adulthood Yale Daily News (blog) The day before, we had been talking about uploading a human brain onto a computer to achieve immortality. But the world was a place where 300 kids had drowned for no reason. I felt powerless in my lawn-chair ... Entering my clinical clerkships, I was ... |
The Survivor's Guide to Adulthood - Yale Daily News (blog)
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BUTCHER, a 2D tribute to the Doom series from the makers of Soldat, hits PS4 and Xbox One in May 2017! – Develop
Posted: at 2:30 pm
Transhuman Designs uncompromising, skill-based carnage will launch on PS4 May 9th and Xbox One on May 10th.
Warsaw, Poland, April 28 th, 2017: BUTCHER is a fast-paced 2D shooter and a blood-soaked love letter to the cult classics of the genre, developed by Transhuman Design the studio behind Soldat and King Arthurs Gold. The game will be published on PS4 and Xbox One by Crunching Koalas in May 2017.
As a cyborg programmed to eradicate the last remains of humanity, your sole purpose is to well... annihilate anything that moves. Grab your weapon of choice (from chainsaw, through shotgun, to grenade launcher) and kill your way through underground hideouts, post-apocalyptic cities, jungles and more. And if you're feeling creative, there are plenty other ways of ending your enemies' misery - hooks, lava pits, saws... no death will ever be the same.
If kicking corpses into a lava pit and adorning walls with blood is your idea of a good time, BUTCHER is THE game for you.
BUTCHERs main features:
Game info:
PS4 Pre-Orders (Europe):!/cid=EP2627-CUSA07809_00-BUTCHERPS4PREORD
Announcement trailer (YouTube both platforms):
Announcement trailer (PlayStation YouTube channel):
Announcement trailer (Xbox YouTube channel):
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Standard Price: $9.99, 9.99, 7.99 (Standard version), $12.99, 12.99, 9.99 (Special Edition Bundle including the base game and soundtrack)
Developed by: Transhuman Design
Published by: Crunching Koalas (PS4 / Xbox One)
For review codes please contact Tom Tomaszewski:
About Transhuman Design
Transhuman Design is an independent studio led by Michal Marcinkowski, creator of Soldat, the indie classic that dominated the 2D multiplayer world and directly inspired games like N, Showdown Effect and Take Arms. Soldat was followed by King Arthurs Gold, a very successful (and crazy) multiplayer buildnkill game featuring ridable sharks, shields used as parachutes and catapults employed as rapid means of transport into enemy base. The current projects range from Butcher, a blood-soaked love letter to Doom and Quake, to the atmospheric, story-driven Transmigration.
About Crunching Koalas
Crunching Koalas is a small game development team based in Warsaw, Poland. After developing and publishing MouseCraft, an indie puzzler commonly described as a mix of Lemmings and Tetris, they decided to start helping other indies in getting their titles (like BUTCHER, Lichtspeer or Sky Force Anniversary) published on consoles.
For more info please contact Tom Tomaszewski:
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BUTCHER, a 2D tribute to the Doom series from the makers of Soldat, hits PS4 and Xbox One in May 2017! - Develop
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