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Category Archives: Transhuman News

NASA Appears to Be Looking for Partners to Help Them Mine the Moon – Futurism

Posted: May 9, 2017 at 2:54 pm

In Brief

NASA is looking to get deeply involved in the moon in the coming decades. The space agency has recently delivered a request for information to private agencies seeking to collaborate in future missions to the moon. In the request, NASA writes, NASA has identified a variety of exploration, science, and technology demonstration objectives that could be addressed by sending instruments, experiments, or other payloads to the lunar surface. To address these objectives as cost-effectively as possible, NASA may procure payloads and related commercial payload delivery services to the Moon.

The letter signals an increased interest in both the commercial and scientific research opportunities that the moon provides. As Inverseexplains, the moon could be a haven of valuable resources, like iron and platinum. Experts believe that even with existingtech,space mining is possible. Some experts have even estimated that if NASA were to divert 3 12 percent of their budget to mining efforts, it could become a reality.

The ESA has previously announced plans to build a station on the moon. The ability to mine resourcesfrom the moon itself could minimize cost as minimal materials would have to be launched from Earth and the rest could be3D printed.

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Iceland is Using Extreme Tech to Harvest Clean Energy From Volcanoes – Futurism

Posted: at 2:54 pm

In Brief Iceland currently runs on 100% renewable energy, making them a global leader in the fight against climate change. Their latest project uses a drill named Thor to harness the geothermal energy of volcanoes. Drilling for Clean Energy

Drilling and clean energyare concepts rarely used together in the same sentence, but when it comes to geothermal energy, drilling is a major part of the process. In Iceland, engineers have created a drill which goes by the name Thor that has drilled up to a record-breaking depth of 4,659 meters (almost 3 miles). While this drilling project is experimental, it could potentially produce 10 times more energy than conventional fossil fuels.Click to View Full Infographic

Geothermal energy comes from the Earth, and since the team is digging in volcanic areas, its abundant. These areas, when accessed with a drill like Thor, contain extremely hot (427 degrees C (800 F), pressurized liquids that give off enough steam to turn a turbine, which then generates clean electricity. This project, the Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP), is still in its experimental phases, and hasbeen given two years to demonstratehow successful and economically viable it can be.

Iceland currently runs on 100% clean, renewable energy: approximately 25% geothermal and 75% hydroelectric energy. However, while geothermal energy is much more environmentally-friendly than the use of fossil fuels, it is not completely green. According to Martin Norman, a Norwegian sustainable finance specialist for Greenpeace, drilling for geothermal energy is not completely renewable and without problems. As soon as you start drilling you have issues to it, such as sulphur pollution and CO2 emission and they need to find solutions to deal with it.

While Iceland is making great progress with renewable energy, there are still improvements that can be made to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, according to The Institute of Economic Studies at the University of Iceland, due to their produced emissions, the country will not beadherent to the Paris climate agreement.

However, while Iceland still has a lot to accomplish in order to lessen their carbon footprint, this type of progress is what will make it possible for us to fight the progression of climate change.

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Iceland is Using Extreme Tech to Harvest Clean Energy From Volcanoes - Futurism

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The FDA Just Approved the First New Drug to Treat ALS in Two Decades – Futurism

Posted: at 2:54 pm

In BriefThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Radicava, anew drug for ALS. It's only the second time the FDA approved an ALSdrug that could slow down the progress of the disease. The Second of its Kind

By now, most people are familiar with theneurological disorder called ALS, which is short for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, thanks to social media and the ice bucket challenge. The latter was, of course, started by the ALS Association to raise awareness and funding for ALS treatment research. Speaking of treatment, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved a new drug for ALS called Radicava, which is based on an antioxidant known as edaravone.

This is only the second time the FDA has approved such a drug meant to treat ALS, and the first one, called Riluzole, was approved 22 years ago. ALS is a disease that affects about 14,000 to 15,000 people in the U.S.according to the NIH,and some 450,000 people worldwide. It also currently has no known cure, which is why new drug treatments are so important.

After learning about the use of edaravone to treat ALS in Japan, we rapidly engaged with the drug developer about filing a marketing application in the United States, explained the FDAs Eric Bastings in a press release. This is the first new treatment approved by the FDA for ALS in many years, and we are pleased that people with ALS will now have an additional option.

Patients diagnosed with ALS have varying life expectancies. At its worst, an ALS patient succumbs to respiratory failure around three to five years after the first signs of symptoms. As such, finding a way to cure ALS is crucial. Of course, Radicava isnt a cure, but it could slow the progressionof ALS.

However, its not going to be cheap. According to a Reuters report, Radicava is going to cost $1,086 per infusion and were talking about 12 to 13 cycles, which puts the total cost to $145,524 without government discount. The pharmaceutical company thatwould sell Radicava, according to the New York Times, is working on a co-payment plan.

Nevertheless, Radicava is expected to be well received. Its exciting. I expect many, if not all, of our patients will be lining up to try to get the medication, Nathan Staff, Mayo Clinics ALS Clinic director, told Forbes.

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Revisiting the Retro-Futurist Dreams and Nightmares of The Fifth Element – Consequence of Sound (blog)

Posted: at 2:53 pm

Consequence of Sound (blog)
Revisiting the Retro-Futurist Dreams and Nightmares of The Fifth Element
Consequence of Sound (blog)
It's a grungy near-dystopia full of bureaucratic struggle at nearly every turn, but the plausibility of a New York that just kept building atop itself makes it all the more realistic. It's retro-futurism, delivered with an alt-'90s sheen that's at once ...

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Revisiting the Retro-Futurist Dreams and Nightmares of The Fifth Element - Consequence of Sound (blog)

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Dr. Bertalan Mesko, ‘The Medical Futurist’ to Deliver Headline … – PR Newswire (press release)

Posted: at 2:53 pm

Dr. Bertalan Mesko, PhD is The Medical Futurist analyzing how science fiction technologies can become reality in medicine and healthcare. As a geek physician with a PhD in genomics, he is also an Amazon Top 100 author. With 500+ presentations including courses at Harvard, Stanford and Yale Universities, Singularity University's Futuremed course at NASA Ames campus and organizations including the 10 biggest pharmaceutical companies, he is one of the top voices globally on healthcare technology. Dr. Mesko has been featured by dozens of top publications and influencers, including CNN, the World Health Organization, National Geographic, Forbes, TIME magazine, BBC, and the New York Times. He publishes his analyses regularly on

"If you work in the life sciences supply chain, NEXUS has become the one industry event that you can't afford to miss, providing attendees with high caliber speakers and innovators who are at the forefront of the industry and offer invaluable insight on global track and trace trends and new, disruptive technologies," said Shabbir Dahod, president and CEO, TraceLink. "This year, we are delighted to host Dr. Bertalan Mesko, one of the world's leading influencers on digital health. There is a natural synergy between his pioneering vision and the future opportunities that can be achieved from a digital life sciences supply chain, and we are excited that NEXUS will be the venue for this revolutionary industry discussion."

"Drug serialization is one of the greatest transformations currently affecting the pharmaceutical supply chain and, while this brings significant challenges, it also presents a positive opportunity for innovation and advancement," said Dr. Bertalan Mesko. "Technology will play a pivotal role in advancing the future of the medical and healthcare industries and in this case, ensuring patient safety. I am delighted to join business leaders and companies at the forefront of this transformation at NEXUS 17, discuss the latest developments and debate the positive impact of technology in helping to shape the future of the pharmaceutical industry."

Additional keynote presentations include experts from the European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as well as industry leaders from Recipharm, Sanofi, Santen, Aurobindo and Tjoapack.

NEXUS 17 is open to everyone in the life sciences community at a registration fee of 995. TraceLink customers can register for a special discounted rate of 795. To register for NEXUS 17 in Barcelona, please visit

About TraceLinkTraceLink is the World's Largest Track and Trace Network for connecting the Life Sciences supply chain and eliminating counterfeit prescription drugs from the global marketplace. Leading businesses trust the TraceLink Life Sciences Cloud to deliver complete global connectivity, visibility and traceability of pharmaceuticals from ingredient to patient. A single point and click connection to the Life Sciences Cloud creates a supply chain control tower that delivers the information, insight and collaboration needed to improve performance and reduce risk across global supply, manufacturing and distribution operations. A winner of numerous industry awards including Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 (ranked number 149 in 2016), the Amazon AWS Global Start-Up Challenge Grand Prize, and the Edison Award for Innovation in Health Management, the Life Sciences Cloud is used by businesses across the globe to meet strategic goals in ensuring global compliance, fighting drug counterfeiting, improving on-time and in-full delivery, protecting product quality and reducing operational cost. For more information on TraceLink and our solutions, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

TraceLink is funded by Goldman Sachs, FirstMark Capital, Volition Capital and F-Prime Capital.

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Dr. Bertalan Mesko, 'The Medical Futurist' to Deliver Headline ... - PR Newswire (press release)

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Astronaut does something amazing on the International Space Station – Morning Ticker

Posted: May 7, 2017 at 11:28 pm

A French astronaut many miles above the surface of the Earth did something that pretty much none of us will ever do.

French astronaut Thomas Pesquet pulled off quite the feat aboard the International Space Station recently. Even though hes currently orbiting the Earth 249 miles from the surface, and his home country of France, he was able to cast his vote in the countrys contentious election.

Pesquet had to handle more than a few obstacles in order to vote. For one thing, he had to have a colleague act as power of attorney to cast a vote on his behalf, and secondly he had to deal with the problem that when not on the ISS, he resides in journey. Nevertheless, you wouldnt expect an astronaut like Pesquet to be bothered by hurdles like that, and he dutifully performed his civic duty as a French citizen while looking down on the country from high above.

Pesquet is the European Space Agencys youngest astronaut, and he described himself in interviews as passionately interested in politics. He once remarked in an interview with Franceinfo that people should open up and understand that the world is done with others, not against others, that we need more bridges than walls. That suggests he is unlikely to be voting for far-right anti-immigration candidate Marine Le Pen, who is expected to fall to moderate candidate Emmanuel Macron in Sundays election.

Pesquet first arrived at the ISS back in November, and he will spend six months there with astronauts Oleg Novitsky and NASAs Peggy Whitson.

Here is NASAs biography of Pesquet as posted on their website.

Born in Rouen, France, on 27 February 1978, Thomas Pesquet is a black belt in judo and enjoys basketball, jogging, swimming, squash and outdoor sports such as mountain biking, kite surfing, sailing, skiing and mountaineering. He also has extensive experience in scuba diving and skydiving. His other interests include travelling, playing the saxophone and reading.


Thomas graduated from the competitive French classes prparatoires aux grandes coles at the Lyce Pierre Corneille in Rouen, France, in 1998.

In 2001, he received a masters degree from the cole Nationale Suprieure de lAronautique et de lEspace in Toulouse, France, majoring in spacecraft design and control. He spent his final year before graduation at the cole Polytechnique de Montral, Canada, as an exchange student on the Aeronautics and Space Master course.

Thomas graduated from the Air France flight school in 2006. This led to an Air Transport Pilot License-Instrument Rating (ATPL-IR).


Thomas is a member of the French Aeronautics and Astronautics Association (3AF) and of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).


From April to September 2001, Thomas was a trainee engineer with Thales Alenia Space in Cannes, France, where he developed a satellite system design tool using concurrent engineering techniques.

From October 2001, he worked as a spacecraft dynamics engineer on remote sensing missions for GMV S.A. in Madrid, Spain.

Between 2002 and 2004, Thomas worked at the French space agency, CNES, as a research engineer on space mission autonomy. He also carried out studies on future European ground segment design and European space technology harmonisation. From late 2002, he was a CNES representative at the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, working on cross-support between international space agencies.

An avid private pilot in his spare time, Thomas was selected in 2004 for Air Frances flight training programme. He went on to become a commercial pilot for the airline, where he started flying the Airbus A320 in 2006. Having logged more than 2300 flight hours on commercial airliners, he became a type rating instructor on the A320 and a Crew Resource Management instructor.

Thomas was selected as an ESA astronaut in May 2009. He joined ESA in September 2009 and completed basic training in November 2010. After graduation, he worked as a Eurocom, communicating with astronauts during spaceflights from the mission control centre. He was also in charge of future projects at the European Astronaut Centre, including initiating cooperation with new partners such as China.

To be ready for a space mission, he received further technical and operational training in Europe, Russia and the USA: on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft, on the US and Russian spacesuits, and on Space Station systems. He took part in exploration training courses: living and working underground on ESAs CAVES training course in 2011, and underwater on NASAs Seatest-2 mission.

On 17 March 2014, Thomas was assigned to a long-duration mission on the International Space Station.

Spaceflight experience

Thomas was launched to the International Space Station on 17 November 2016 for his six-month Proxima mission as a flight engineer for Expeditions 50 and 51. His is scheduled to return to Earth in May 2017.

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Tim Peake could be last scientist to leave the International Space Station before it crashes into Pacific in ‘huge … – The Sun

Posted: at 11:28 pm

Bosses at NASA and the ESA are drawing up plans on how to dispose of the floating research centre when its funding runs out in 2024 with the money used in an attempt to reach Mars

SCIENTISTS are planning to send the International Space Station off in a blaze of glory when they demolish it at some point in the next 10 years.

Funding for the floating research centre runs out in 2024 and NASA are hoping to dismantle it by sending it hurtling towards the Pacific Ocean in what should prove to be a spectacular fireworks display.


The space centre is made up of massive sections for researchers to work and live in as well as fuel tanks and other components that should generate a massive series of fireballs when they re-enter the Earths atmosphere.

The denser air on Earth will cause huge friction with the objects which should burn up spectacularly as they are sent hurtling towards the sea.

Tim Peake, the British astronaut, could be among the space team that prepares the ISS for its fiery death as he is due to return to the station between 2021 and 2024, reported The Sunday Times.

The plans were revealed by Dr Ellen Stofan, NASAs chief scientist, who helped draw up the idea before leaving the agency in December last year.

She said: The future of the ISS is a big issue for NASA. The funding is there till 2024 but then it must start moving money to human Mars missions.

If we keep it fully funded after 2024 it will compromise the Mars budget and by 2028 it will start failing. It is huge, the size of an [American] football pitch, so the overall plan is to drop it into the Pacific.


The 56-year-old will be describing the plans in more detail when she speaks at the Cheltenham science festival in Gloucestershire next month.

Another idea for the ISS is to dismantle some elements of it and bring them back to Earth while leaving the rest in space but this depends on what the Russian government thinks as they own several sections of it.

Alternatively, commercial flights could use the station from 2020 with Richard Branson and Elon Musk among the entrepreneurs trying to make space tourism a reality.

Additionally, Boeing is developing a next generation capsulecalled a Starliner which would be able to take people into low orbit space, including the ISS, from 2020.

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The building of the ISS began in 1998 when the first modules were launched into space and has been valuable in helping scientists understand more about surviving the health hazards of living in space which can include brain swelling, eye damage and skin problems.

One of the contributors to the ISS is the European Space Agency who pays approximately 300m a year into the project.

David Parker, director of human spaceflight and robotic exploration at the ESA, said: Our plan is to free up this money from the mid-2020s to explore beyond low earth orbit . . . that will eventually mean de-orbiting the ISS.

The south Pacific is the target and it will be a huge fireworks display.

To date 227 astronauts have lived on board the ISS and it weighs around 412 tons the largest-ever space structure.

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Tim Peake could be last scientist to leave the International Space Station before it crashes into Pacific in 'huge ... - The Sun

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International Space Station to go down in a blaze of glory – The Times (subscription)

Posted: at 11:28 pm

Plans are being drawn up to scrap the vessel and send it hurtling into the ocean in a spectacular firework display

Jonathan Leake, ScienceEditor

Nasa scientists are drawing up plans to dismantle the International Space Station and send it hurtling into the Pacific in the worlds most spectacular demolition job.

Tim Peake, the British astronaut, could be among the team that prepares the ISS for its fiery demise he is due to return to the station between 2021 and 2024 when its funding runs out.

The massive modules, fuel tanks and other components would generate a series of fireballs as they burn up in the atmosphere.

The plans were revealed by Ellen Stofan, Nasas chief scientist, who helped set them in motion before recently leaving the agency.

The future of the ISS is a big issue for Nasa. The funding is there till 2024 but then it

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International Space Station to go down in a blaze of glory - The Times (subscription)

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China to begin construction of manned space station in 2019 – Geo News, Pakistan

Posted: at 11:28 pm

China will begin construction of a permanent manned space station in 2019 after carrying out a successful in-orbit refuelling from its Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft, officials leading the project said on Friday.

The Tianzhou-1, China's first cargo spacecraft, launched on April 20 and completed the first of three planned docking attempts with the orbiting Tiangong-2 spacelab two days later, state media reported.

The successful five-day refuelling, directed from technicians on Earth and completed on Thursday, is a key milestone towards China's plans to begin sending crews to a permanent space station by 2022.

"This again announces the ambition and aspiration of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people, and our resolute confidence in becoming a major space power," the space station project's supervisor Wang Zhaoyao told a news briefing in Beijing.

"After completing experimental stage spaceflight missions, we will enter the development and construction phase. According to our plans we will carry out the assembly and construction of China's manned space station between 2019 and 2022."

President Xi Jinping has prioritised advancing China's space programme to strengthen national security. The Central Military Commission, chaired by Xi, sent a letter congratulating staff of the Tianzhou-1 mission for "realising our unremitting space dream", according to the official Xinhua news agency.

The US Defense Department has highlighted China's increasing space capabilities, saying it was pursuing activities aimed at preventing other nations from using space-based assets in a crisis.

China insists it has only peaceful ambitions in space, but has tested anti-satellite missiles.

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Radiation-Resistant Mutants at Chernobyl Pave the Way for Life on Mars – Motherboard

Posted: at 11:27 pm

This is a series around POWER, a Motherboard 360/VR documentary about nuclear energy. Follow along here.

Comic book logic dictates that a high dose of radiation will turn you in the Hulk, Godzilla, Radioactive Man, or any number of other radiation-induced superbeings. In real life, it's more likely to be a cause of deleterious mutations than a shortcut to enhanced abilities, as shown by major ecological damage in nuclear meltdown fallout zones, like Chernobyl and Fukushima.

These contaminated regions have become a popular destination for scientists interested in the immediate and long-term impact of radiation on wildlife, which has led to the formation of intriguing niche disciplines, like radioecology and radiobiology.

Watch more on Motherboard in 360/VR: Nuclear From Above

Understanding how living organisms adapt to radiation doses has a range of applications, from medicine to conservation, but one of the most overlooked is preparation for long-duration human space missions and interplanetary colonization, both of which involve sustained exposure to higher radiation doses than what we experience on Earth's surface.

An experiment conducted on the International Space Station (ISS) last year examined this idea with the help of eight fungi species sourced from the Chernobyl exclusion zone. These strains sprung up in the wake of the 1986 meltdown, and two of them Cladosporium mouldsseem to prefer radioactive surfaces. The fungal samples were curated by a team led by Kasthuri Venkateswaran, a senior research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who goes by Venkat for short.

Read More: Chernobyl Microbes Are Heading to the International Space Station

"The radiation seen at Chernobyl is high, but this black fungi popped up first [after the meltdown] compared even to the bacteria," Venkat told me over the phone. "That is how we selected those fungi, from such a radiation-rich environment. These fungi persisted due to some sort of protein-coding and biomolecule information that protect against the radiation level."

Would ingesting such a hardy mould give one radioactive superpowers? Not quiteor more accurately, not yet. The eventual goal of Venkat's research is to develop a fungi-based "sunblock" for outer space radiation that could be used to protect humans from the harmful effects of long-term exposure. The fungi was returned to Earth just a few months ago, so the results are preliminary, but Venkat and his colleagues are eager to pursue the research further.

"We have to take all the precautions before building a human habitation on Mars and beyond," he told me.

Watch Motherboard's six-part POWER series in 360/VR here.

In addition to helping humans become more radiation-resistant, studying the wildlife in fallout regions can also yield insight into engineering crops that can survive the radiation environment beyond Earthespecially highly irradiated worlds like those in the Jupiter system.

Cladosporium mould. Image: Medmyco

The Chernobyl exclusion zone is significantly more radioactive than the interior of proposed long-duration spacecraft, which makes it a bad direct analogy to outer space. But the ways in which crops develop tolerance to contaminated environments is rich with clues about surviving sustained doses of cosmic radiation.

"Radiation-resistant genes can be incorporated into yeast cells that produce beer so that humans are willing to go to spacethey will have a better beer to drink," Venkat said, as one example.

Fallout zones are also useful testbeds for studying astrobiological questions about the search for aliens on other worlds, and the origins of life on our own planet. Flax crops grown at Chernobyl in the decades since the meltdown have demonstrated increasing resistance to contamination, for instance, leading some researchers to wonder if their genes are a kind of vestigial time capsule to the dawn of life on Earth.

"My favorite speculation is that when life on Earth was evolving, radioactivity was much more present on Earth's surface than is today," Martin Hajduch, a senior scientist at the Slovak Academy of Sciences' Institute of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology, said of his research into Chernobyl flax. "And so the plants are somehow 'remembering' it, [which is] what helped them to adapt in Chernobyl's radioactive area."

In this way, the world's worst nuclear disasters, which have threatened the health of our planet, may now help us understand our origins on Earth, and learn to survive the harsh conditions beyond it.

Subscribe to Science Solved It, Motherboard's new show about the greatest mysteries that were solved by science.

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Radiation-Resistant Mutants at Chernobyl Pave the Way for Life on Mars - Motherboard

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