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MF Rotarians watch Space Station video – Walla Walla Union-Bulletin
Posted: May 11, 2017 at 12:27 pm
Milton-Freewater Rotarians enjoyed a video screening recently about astronaut Peggy Whitson, who holds the all-time woman-in-space record with more than 534 days. She broke the record on April 24 this year. She holds the record for the most spacewalks by a woman astronaut and is the first woman to command the International Space Station twice, noted Rotarian Robby Robbins in a report.
The video takes viewers on a tour of International Space Station modules while Peggy describes life on board. Peggy shows the living facilities aboard, including a galley, bedrooms, bathrooms and viewing lounge while addressing typical questions people ask about life there.
She also went through the science labs that support activities for the United States, Russia, Japan and Europe.
The first piece of the ISS was launched in 1998 aboard a Russian rocket. As more pieces were added it was ready for the first crew to arrive on Nov. 2, 2000. It currently supports the 51st mission crew of six. It is approximately the size of a football field and has the facilities of a five-bedroom house.
At the meeting, Rotary President Ben Currin said the Rotary district conference this year will be held May 25-28 in Seaside, Ore. Rotarys international convention follows on June 10-14 in Atlanta.
Etcetera appears in daily and Sunday editions. Annie Charnley Eveland can be reached at or afternoons at 526-8313.
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MIT students will chat live with astronaut on International Space Station – The Boston Globe
Posted: at 12:27 pm
Astronaut Jack Fischer, a crew members on the International Space Station, waved prior to the launch of the Soyuz MS-04 spacecraft at the Russian-leased Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan in April.
Educators from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are expanding their classroom space this week.
On Wednesday, graduate and undergraduate students from the Cambridge schools department of Aeronautics and Astronautics will get the chance to participate in a live videochat with NASA astronaut Jack Fischer, an MIT alumnus who is currently aboard the International Space Station, 220 miles above the earth.
The question-and-answer session between students, faculty, and Fischer marks somewhat of a rare occasion for those interested in life as an astronaut. The last time MIT conducted such an interview was in 2011, when two MIT graduates, Greg Chamitoff and Mike Fincke, were aboard the ISS.
Its kind of an exciting opportunity, said William Litant, spokesman for the Aeronautics and Astronautics department. Its a good kind of community-building experience here, too.
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Litant said MIT has produced more astronauts than any other school in the country besides the Military Academies. He said it seems that at any given moment theres a former or current astronaut strolling through the schools campus. Four of the astronauts who walked on the moon got their degrees from MIT, according to NASA officials.
This is where astronauts tend to visit, he said. No matter where you turn, you see an astronaut.
Fischer, Wednesdays visitor, wont be grounded when he speaks to students. He will field questions from them as he floats inside the space station, taking a break from his day-to-day duties as an outer space explorer.
Fischer, who received a masters degree in aerospace engineering from MIT in 1998, is part of the Expedition 51/52 crew that launched to the space station in April, according to NASA.
The roughly 20-minute conversation will be streamed live on NASA TV, so those who arent part of the classroom environment can still get a feel for what its like to be an astronaut.
Litant said the questions from students tend to range from What is it like sleeping in space? to What do you do to entertain yourself?
It really runs the gamut, from serious technical questions to real human-interest type stuff, he said. It adds to the enthusiasm that our students already have here.
In a statement, NASA officials said that by connecting students directly to astronauts, it provides unique, authentic experiences designed to enhance student learning.
The video call offers a real-time opportunity for aspiring young aerospace engineers to pose questions about living, working, and researching in space to an alumnus who is doing just that, officials said.
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See the International Space Station pass over Staffordshire this May … – Stoke Sentinel
Posted: at 12:27 pm
The International Space Station is passing over Staffordshire in May 2017 - and there's chance to see it as long as the night skies are clear.
The ISS is the brightest man-made object in the sky and the third brightest overall.
It can sometimes be spotted during the day but is mostly visible at night during part of the 10 minutes it takes to travel from one horizon to the other.
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The space station is visible as a bright white dot because of sunlight reflecting off its surface and it should be possible to get a glimpse when it passes over Staffordshire this month.
It can sometimes be mistaken for a fast-moving plane or a shooting star.
The ISS is moving at four-and-a-half miles per second or about 17,500 miles per hour as it orbits the earth about 15 times a day from more than 200 miles up.
The station is a research facility and has a crew of six who may well be looking down on us as we look up at them.
The first expedition launched in October 2000. More than 200 people have visited it since then.
In 2012, NASA launched a Spot The Station service giving notifications of when the ISS is calculated to be visible from specific locations on the earth's surface.
Read more: Do you have OCD, think you do, or know someone else who does? These producers want to hear from you
Max Height
Tue May 9, 4:20 AM
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10 above ESE
Thu May 11, 4:11 AM
5 min
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Fri May 12, 3:21 AM
3 min
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11 above ESE
Sat May 13, 2:31 AM
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10 above ESE
Sat May 13, 4:03 AM
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Sun May 14, 3:13 AM
4 min
23 above S
10 above E
Mon May 15, 2:22 AM
2 min
18 above SE
11 above ESE
Mon May 15, 3:55 AM
6 min
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Tue May 16, 3:05 AM
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Wed May 17, 2:14 AM
2 min
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Wed May 17, 3:47 AM
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10 above WSW
11 above E
Thu May 18, 1:23 AM
1 min
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10 above E
Thu May 18, 2:56 AM
5 min
22 above WSW
10 above E
Thu May 18, 4:31 AM
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Fri May 19, 2:06 AM
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42 above SSW
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Fri May 19, 3:39 AM
6 min
10 above W
11 above E
Sat May 20, 1:15 AM
2 min
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Buzz Aldrin to NASA: Retire the International Space Station ASAP to Reach Mars –
Posted: at 12:27 pm
NASA and its partner agencies should retire the International Space Station and focus on getting astronauts to Mars instead, Apollo 11 moonwalker Buzz Aldrin said.
If NASA and its partner agencies are serious about putting boots on Mars in the near future, they should pull the plug on the International Space Station (ISS) at the earliest opportunity, Buzz Aldrin said.
"We must retire the ISS as soon as possible," the former Apollo 11 moonwalker said Tuesday (May 9) during a presentation at the 2017 Humans to Mars conference in Washington, D.C. "We simply cannot afford $3.5 billion a year of that cost."
Instead, Aldrin said, NASA should continue to hand over activities in low Earth orbit (LEO) to private industry partners. Indeed, the space agency has been encouraging that move by awarding contracts to companies such as SpaceX, Orbital ATK and Boeing to ferry cargo and crew to and from the ISS. [Buzz Aldrin's Visions for Mars (Video)]
Bigelow Aerospace,Axiom Spaceor other companies should build and operate LEO space stations that are independent of the ISS, he added. Ideally, the first of these commercial outposts would share key orbital parameters with the station that China plans to have up and running by the early 2020s, to encourage cooperation with the Chinese, Aldrin said.
Establishing private outposts in LEO is just the first step in Aldrin's plan for Mars colonization, which depends heavily on "cyclers" spacecraft that move continuously between two cosmic destinations, efficiently delivering people and cargo back and forth.
"The foundation of human transportation is the cycler," the 87-year-old former astronaut said. "Very rugged, so it'll last 30 years or so; no external moving parts."
Step two involves the international spaceflight community coming together to build cyclers that ply cislunar space, taking people on trips to the moon and back. Such spacecraft, and the activities they enable, would allow the construction of a crewed lunar base, where humanity could learn and test the techniques required for Mars colonization, such as how to manufacture propellant from local resources, Aldrin said.
Then would come Earth-Mars cyclers, which Aldrin described as "an evolutionary development" of the prior cyclers.
Aldrin foresees these various cycler iterations enabling a crewed mission to a near-Earth asteroid by 2020 and a Venus flyby by 2024. If all goes well, the first future Mars settlers could launch in the early 2030s, he said.
And they will be settlers, not just visitors, if Aldrin's vision comes to pass.
"Let's be certain that we've developed a sustainable plan to stay on Mars," he said. "No flags and footprints this time."
The ISS is currently funded through 2024, and officials of NASA, the Russian federal space agency and other partners have floated the possibility of extending the $100 billion outpost's life through 2028. NASA officials have repeatedly said that the ISS is a key part of the agency's "Journey to Mars" vision, which aims to get astronauts to the vicinity of the Red Planet sometime in the 2030s.
Follow Mike Wall on Twitter@michaeldwallandGoogle+.Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebookor Google+. Originally published
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UAE’s MBRSC Reveals Further Details About Its Mars 2117 … – SpaceWatch Middle East (press release) (subscription) (blog)
Posted: at 12:27 pm
An artists conception of the UAE colony on Mars. Image courtesy of the Dubai Government Media Office.
The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, has revealed further details behind the grand vision to colonise Mars by 2117 set out by their Highnesses Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan in February 2017.
Speaking to an audience at the Humans To Mars Summit held in Washington, DC, on May 9, 2017, Saeed Al Gergawi, Programme Director of the Mars 2117 Programme at the MBRSC, said, In the UAEwe believe that we are on the cusp of a new age of exploration. Theres a new space race that affects literally every human on Earth.
In the UAE, we live in a rough neighborhood, Al Gergawi added. Our neighborhood has over 100 million youth, with over 35 percent unemployment.
This high rate of youth unemployment in the region has a well-known negative impact such as radicalisation and even terrorism, Al Gergawi explained. One of the rationales for the Mars 2117 programme, however, is to turn the circumstances of young people in the Middle East into a positive impact that engages them in meaningful goals involving education in science and technology.
This is the impact were betting on, said Al Gergawi.
We want to enable the youth to play an active role in advancing the global efforts toward enhancing the Red Planet and other planetary bodies,
The Mars 2117 initiative was announced at the MBRSC facilities in Dubai by their Highnesses Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of the UAE and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, on February 16, 2017.
The new project is a seed that we plant today, and we expect future generations to reap the benefits, driven by its passion to learn to unveil a new knowledge, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said at the time. The landing of people on other planets has been a longtime dream for humans. Our aim is that the UAE will spearhead international efforts to make this dream a reality.
The Mars 2117 Project is a long term project, where our first objective is to develop our educational system so our sons will be able to lead scientific research across the various sectors. The UAE became part of a global scientific drive to explore the space, and we hope to serve humanity through this project, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan added.
The first phase of the project will focus on preparing the human cadres able to achieve scientific breakthrough to facilitate the arrival of human to the Red Planet in the next decades. The Mars 2117 Project also aims to prepare an Emiratis scientists team and to develop an international scientific consortium to speed up the research project. The project will start with an Emiratis scientific team and will be extended to include international scientists and researchers, in addition to streamline the human efforts in term of exploring and settlement of the Red Planet.
The project will also focus on developing faster means of transportation from and to the Red Planet, and come up with an integrated scientific visualization of how the settlement will look like, and how life will be there in term of food, transportation and energy among many others.
Earlier, an Emirati team of engineers, along with a group of scientists and researchers, have set a concept for the first human city on mars that will be built by robots. The plan showcased during the summit highlighted the expected lifestyle on Mars in terms of transport, power production and providing food, as well as infrastructure works and materials used for the construction of the city.
MBRSCs Al Gergawi told the Humans To Mars Summit that the Mars 2117 Programme rests on four pillars: research and development, where the UAE contributes to global efforts to colonise Mars; collaboration, where this colonization is achieved through international partnerships with other governments, universities, and research institutes; education programmes that embed a culture of discovery and exploration among young people in the Middle East; and, through education, enable young people from the region to engage and participate in global scientific efforts.
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South Korea urges ‘parallel’ talks and sanctions to rein in North Korea – Reuters
Posted: at 12:27 pm
SEOUL South Korea's new president launched international efforts to defuse tension over North Korea's weapons development on Thursday, urging both dialogue and sanctions while also aiming to ease Chinese anger about a U.S. anti-missile system.
Moon Jae-in, a liberal former human rights lawyer, was sworn in on Wednesday and said in his first speech as president he would immediately address security tensions that have raised fears of war on the Korean peninsula.
Moon first spoke to Chinese President Xi Jinping and later to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, with how to respond to North Korea's rapidly developing nuclear and ballistic missile programs, in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, dominating talks.
"The resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue must be comprehensive and sequential, with pressure and sanctions used in parallel with negotiations," Moon's spokesman, Yoon Young-chan, quoted Moon as telling Xi.
"Sanctions against North Korea are also a means to bring the North to the negotiating table aimed at eliminating its nuclear weapons," Yoon told a briefing, adding that Xi indicated his agreement.
Moon has taken a more conciliatory line with North Korea than his conservative predecessors and advocates engagement. He has said he would be prepared to go to Pyongyang "if the conditions are right".
Regional experts have believed for months that North Korea is preparing for its sixth nuclear test and was working to develop a nuclear-tipped missile capable of reaching the United States, presenting U.S. President Donald Trump with perhaps his most pressing security issue.
Trump told Reuters in an interview last month major conflict with North Korea was possible though he would prefer a diplomatic outcome.
North Korea says it needs its weapons to defend itself against the United States which it says has pushed the region to the brink of nuclear war.
"Threats from North Korea's nuclear and missile development have entered a new stage," Japan's Abe told Moon in their telephone call, according to Japanese Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Hagiuda.
"How to respond to North Korea ... is an urgent issue. I would like to closely cooperate with the president to achieve the denuclearization of North Korea," Abe told Moon.
But Abe also said "dialogue for dialogue's sake would be meaningless" and he called on North Korea to demonstrate "sincere and concrete action", Hagiuda said, adding that Moon shared Abe's views.
Japan has been concerned that Moon will take a tough line on feuds stemming from the bitter legacy of its 1910-1945 colonization of the Korean peninsula and could fray ties at a time when cooperation on North Korea is vital.
Moon told Abe to "look straight at history" and not make the past "a barrier", though he raised South Korea's dissatisfaction with a 2015 agreement meant to put to rest a dispute over Japanese compensation for South Korean women forced to work in Japanese brothels before and during World War Two, Korea's presidential office said.
(For a graphic on South Korea's presidential election, click
While South Korea, China and Japan all share worry about North Korea, ties between South Korea and China have been strained by South Korea's decision to install a U.S. anti-missile system in defense against the North.
China says the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) undermines its security as its powerful radar can probe deep into its territory.
China says the system does little to curb the threat posed by North Korea's nuclear and missile programs, which it has been pressing ahead with in defiance of U.S. pressure and UN sanctions.
The deployment of THAAD was agreed last year by South Korea's previous administration after North Korea conducted a long-range rocket launch that put an object into space.
Moon came to power with a promise to review the system and he told Xi that North Korea must cease making provocations before tension over the deployment could be resolved, officials said.
In the first direct contact between the South Korean and Chinese leaders, Xi explained China's position, Yoon, the South Korean presidential spokesman said, without elaborating.
"President Moon said he understands China's interest in the THAAD deployment and its concerns, and said he hopes the two countries can swiftly get on with communication to further improve each other's understanding," Yoon told a briefing.
South Korea and the United States began deploying the THAAD system in March and it has since become operational.
Xi told Moon South Korea and China should respect each other's concerns, set aside differences, seek common ground and handle disputes appropriately, China's foreign ministry said in a statement.
As well as clouding efforts to rein in North Korea's nuclear ambitions, the THAAD deployment has also led to recriminations from Beijing against South Korean companies.
Moon explained the difficulties faced by South Korean companies that were doing business in China and asked for Xi's "special attention" to ease those concerns, Yoon said.
China has also denied it is doing anything to retaliate against South Korean businesses.
(Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in BEIJING and Kiyoshio Takenaka in TOKYO; Writing by Jack Kim; Editing by Paul Tait, Robert Birsel)
SEOUL North Korea demanded on Thursday the handover of "terror suspects" who plotted to kill leader Kim Jong Un with a biochemical substance, repeating accusations it made last week that U.S. and South Korean spies were behind the plan.
LONDON U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Thursday that Washington was committed to protecting its NATO ally, a spokeswoman said, as Turkey fumes over a decision to arm Kurdish fighters in Syria.
WASHINGTON CIA Director Mike Pompeo said on Thursday there are large caches of weapons in Venezuela and a risk of them falling into the wrong hands as the country grapples with economic crisis and street protests.
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PBS Digital Studios Explores Genetic Engineering In Its First-Ever … – Tubefilter
Posted: at 12:26 pm
Across channels like PBS Idea Channel, Blank On Blank, and Its Okay To Be Smart, PBS Digital Studios has produced engaging videos about science, philosophy, pop culture, and many other topics in between. Most of those videos run between two and 15 minutes, but now, for the first time, PBSDS is releasing a project that is well outside that range. Its BrainCraft channel is home to Mutant Menu, a 37-minute short film that discusses advancements in genetic engineering.
On BrainCraft, which has more than 350,000 subscribers and over 18 million total views, creator Vanessa Hill leads viewers on an exploration of topics like psychology, neuroscience and why we act the way we do. In Mutant Menu, Hills particular focus is on CRISPR, a tool that allows humans to modify their own genes. The film examines the pros and cons of the technology at its center while also considering the ethical questions CRISPR raises.
Genetic engineering and CRISPR have the potential to save lives and cure disease, but it also comes with risk, said Hill in a press release. My goal with Mutant Menu was to explore all sides of the issue and let viewers come to their own conclusions about this technology.
Mutant Menu was made possible thanks to the support of Google and Screen Australia, who teamed up to fund the film (and Hill, its Aussie creator, in particular) through a joint venture called Skip Ahead. Other channels that have received assistance through that program include The Racka Racka and How To Cook That.
With Mutant Menu out in the open, BrainCraft will return to its regularly scheduled programming. Hill posts new videos to the channel each Thursday.
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Talking Biotech: Genetic engineering’s role in breeding more disease resistant and nutritious potatoes – Genetic Literacy Project
Posted: at 12:26 pm
In the industrialized world the potato is defined as one of a few varieties of tuber crops. But there is tremendous diversity available to be exploited, and potato breeders are folding that into modern germplasm using a variety of methods. Dr. David Douches from Michigan State University describes some of the current efforts in traditional potato breeding. The history of potato improvement is discussed, along with the efforts to introduce genes from wild populations that can improve cultivated varieties. These traits are mostly centered around color, disease resistance and nutrition. We also discuss efforts going on in the broader potato world, using genetic engineering to improve disease resistance and storage, both which could be of benefit to the developing world and the environment.
Dr. Douches program in potato breeding and genetics at MSU can be accessed here.
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Scientist discovers why skin peels off Afrikaners’ hands and feet – Times LIVE
Posted: at 12:26 pm
Scientist discovers why skin peels off Afrikaners' hands and feet
Dave Chambers | 2017-05-11 10:49:45.0
Scientists have discovered the genetic mutation that causes the rare skin disease, keratolytic winter erythema, or 'Oudtshoorn skin', in South Africa's Afrikaner population. Image by: Professor Michele Ramsay
Thandiswa Ngcungcu is the scientist responsible for the final breakthrough. She chose keratolytic winter erythema as a topic for her doctoral studies.
The disease colloquially known as Oudtshoorn skin causes redness on the palms and soles with cycles in which thick sections of skin peel especially during winter.
Wits researchers started studying the disorder in the late 1980s and in 1997 the trait was mapped to the short arm of chromosome 8.
But the mutation remained elusive until Ngcungcu decided to try to track it down said Wits spokeswoman Lisa Rautenbach.
Writing in this months edition of the American Journal of Human Genetics Ngcungcu and her fellow researchers say they discovered a mutation in a region between genes which was present in all Oudtshoorn skin sufferers they studied.
At the same time a researcher from the University of Bergen discovered the cause of the disease in Norwegians. When they compared notes they found an overlap in a critical genomic region called an enhancer.
After another years work said Rautenbach they demonstrated that the mutation causes a nearby gene to produce more protein than normal the likely cause of skin peeling.
Solving the mystery of (Oudtshoorn skin) was a journey of data analysis ancestry mapping genomic comparison and global collaboration said Rautenbach.
The discovery will allow dermatologists to make a definitive diagnosis of the disease in patients and is a starting point for researching possible treatments.
Rautenbach said Afrikaners are at high risk of inheriting several genetic disorders the best known being familial hypercholesterolaemia inherited high cholesterol leading to heart attacks early in life and porphyria sensitivity of the skin to ultra-violet exposure and adverse reactions to specific drugs.
These disorders are common because of founder mutations brought to South Africa by small groups of immigrants who settled in the Cape of Good Hope and whose descendants are now spread throughout the country she said.
Oudtshoorn skin was first described in 1977 by Wits dermatologist George Findlay. He noticed that it occurred in families and that if a parent has it about half the children inherit it in every generation.
Ngcungcu is now examining the genetics of another skin disorder albinism and will lecture in human genetics at Wits from July.
-TMG Digital/TimesLIVE
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Compiling big data in a human-centric way – Medical Xpress
Posted: at 12:26 pm
May 11, 2017 A depiction of the double helical structure of DNA. Its four coding units (A, T, C, G) are color-coded in pink, orange, purple and yellow. Credit: NHGRI
When a group of researchers in the Undiagnosed Disease Network at Baylor College of Medicine realized they were spending days combing through databases searching for information regarding gene variants, they decided to do something about it. By creating MARRVEL (Model organism Aggregated Resources for Rare Variant ExpLoration) they are now able to help not only their own lab but also researchers everywhere search databases all at once and in a matter of minutes.
This collaborative effort among Baylor, the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School is described in the latest online edition of the American Journal of Human Genetics.
Big data search engine
"One big problem we have is that tens of thousands of human genome variants and phenotypes are spread throughout a number of databases, each one with their own organization and nomenclature that aren't easily accessible," said Julia Wang, an M.D./Ph.D. candidate in the Medical Scientist Training Program at Baylor and a McNair Student Scholar in the Bellen lab, as well as first author on the publication. "MARRVEL is a way to assess the large volume of data, providing a concise summary of the most relevant information in a rapid user-friendly format."
MARRVEL displays information from OMIM, ExAC, ClinVar, Geno2MP, DGV, and DECIPHER, all separate databases to which researchers across the globe have contributed, sharing tens of thousands of human genome variants and phenotypes. Since there is not a set standard for recording this type of information, each one has a different approach and searching each database can yield results organized in different ways. Similarly, decades of research in various model organisms, from mouse to yeast, are also stored in their own individual databases with different sets of standards.
Dr. Zhandong Liu, assistant professor in pediatrics - neurology at Baylor, a member of the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children's and co-corresponding author on the publication, explains that MARRVEL acts similar to an internet search engine.
"This program helps to collate the information in a common language, drawing parallels and putting it together on one single page. Our program curates model organism specific databases to concurrently display a concise summary of the data," Liu said.
Supporting researchers
A user can first search for a gene or variant, Wang explains. Results may include what is known about this gene overall, whether or not that gene is associated with a disease, whether it is highly occurring in the general population and how it is affected by certain mutations.
"MARRVEL helps to facilitate analysis of human genes and variants by cross-disciplinary integration of 18 million records so we can speed up the discovery process through computation," Liu said. "All this information is basically inaccessible unless researchers can access it efficiently and apply it to their own work to find causes, treatments and hopefully identify new diseases."
This project started as a necessity for the Model Organism Screening Center for the Undiagnosed Disease Network at Baylor, but as it grew, the group began reaching out to researchers in different disciplines for feedback on how MARRVEL might benefit them.
"This program is just the start. I think our tool is going to be a model for us to help clinicians and basic scientists more efficiently use the information already publicly available," Wang said. "It will help us understand and process all of the different mutations that researchers are discovering."
"The most exciting part is how this project is bringing so many different researchers together," Liu said. "We are working with labs we might not have normally collaborated with, trying to put together a puzzle of all this data."
Both Wang and Liu are thankful to the contributions from the genetics communities allowing them access to the databases as they developed MARRVEL.
Others who contributed to the findings include Drs. Rami Al-Ouran, Seon-Young Kim, Ying-Wooi Wan, Michael Wangler, Shinya Yamamoto, Hsiao-Tuan Chao, and Hugo Bellen (Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Baylor) all with Baylor College of Medicine; Yanhui Hu, Aram Comjean, Stephanie E. Mohr, and Norbert Perrimon (Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard Medical School) all with Harvard Medical School.
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