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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Melting Permafrost Threatens The Doomsday Seed Bunker – Futurism

Posted: May 23, 2017 at 10:18 pm

In Brief Flooding due to the melting of permafrost surrounding the Svalbard Global Seed Vault has put the seed bank to the test. The seeds were not harmed, but the event stands as an example of the dire circumstances in which global warming places us. Not So Permafrost

Its a sad state of affairs when a structure designed to withstand the apocalypse cant handle the current condition of our planet. The Svalbard Global Seed Vaultis supposed to withstandend of the world-caliber events, but it seems that the Earths current condition is already too much for it to handle as water from melting permafrost spilled into the entrance tunnel last week.

The flooding did not reach any of the seeds stored for safekeeping, so the vault has passed that major test. Cary Fowler, a figure instrumental in the creation of the seed vault, is confident in its ability to withstand this threat. He told Popular Science, If there was a worst case scenario where there was so much water, or the pumping systems failed, that it made its way uphill to the seed vault, then it would encounter minus 18 [degrees celsius] and freeze again. Then theres another barrier [the ice] for entry into the seed vault.

The vault has already proven its usefulness when researchers in the Middle East made the first withdrawal from the backups stored at Svalbard back in 2015. They would traditionally retrieve their needed specimens from a facility in Aleppo, but instability in the city made those seeds impossible to extract. The vault provided the researchers with116,000 samples so they could continue their research on drought-resistant crops.

Science has been warning of the dangers of global climate change for decades, and we are beginning to see the widespread results of years of inaction. Last year was the hottest on record, and 2017 looks like it will also be one for the record books.

The area housing the doomsday vault is particularly vulnerable. As Ketil Isaksen from Norways Meteorological Institutetold Norwegian newspaperDagbladet, The Arctic and especially Svalbard warms up faster than the rest of the world. The climate is changing dramatically, and we are all amazed at how quickly it is going.

Truly, this breach says more about the state of the planet than it does the vaults construction.The structure is meant to be a stronghold to protect plant life in their seed form to ensure the survival of crop diversity, and even it cant keep up with global warming.

To mitigate these effects, Norway is working on making some improvements to the area surrounding the vault to ensure proper drainage away from it. As smund Asdal at the Nordic Genetic Resource Centre told The Guardian, We have to find solutions. It is a big responsibility and we take it very seriously. We are doing this for the world. This is supposed to last for eternity.

Systemic changes across the entire globe are the only real way to not only ensure the safety of the stored seeds but also lessen the probability that well need to call upon the vaults services.

Melting Permafrost Threatens The Doomsday Seed Bunker - Futurism

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Students Made a Car That Gets a Staggering 2,713 Miles per Gallon – Futurism

Posted: at 10:18 pm

In Brief A prototype car took home the top trophy for a fuel efficiency competition organized by Shell: it gets an incredible 2,713 miles per gallon. Extreme Fuel Efficiency

While electric vehicles (EVs) are steadily gaining ground, the majority of the cars on the road todayare still gas-powered. Gas prices, however, arent exactly getting cheaper. So, while we work towards transitioning from fossil fuel-based vehicles tocleaner alternatives, it certainly helps to find ways to make the cars we have now more fuel efficient. Students from the Universit Laval might just have a solution.

As an entry for this years Shell Eco-marathon Americas, the Laval students developed a prototype vehicle that could run for 2,713 miles per gallon (mpg) on a Detroit, Michigan test track. Their vehicles outstanding performance landed them this years top trophy. The competition gives students a chance to design vehicle concepts that maximizes efficiency using various fuels, including everythingfrom gasoline to hydrogen fuel cells.

In winning the overall competition, Universit Laval defeated 114 other rivals vying to see whose vehicle could travel the farthest distance on the equivalent of a gallon of gas, according to a press release for the event. While the Laval teams achievement was no small feat, it wasnt able to outperform last years champion car from the University of Toronto which covered an astounding 3,421 mpg.

Better fuel efficiency could translate to less fossil fuel vehicle consumption. While this could count as a win for the environment, fossil fuels remain one of the leading contributors to climate-warming emissions. As such, doing away with them completely is athe ultimate goal.

While it may feel like it, its not an impossible task: over the past months, fossil fuels are losing valuein terms of price, and seeing reducedefficiency compared to their renewable counterparts. EVs, while still only covering a relatively small share of the automobile industry, are set for a major take over. The increased interest from veteran automakers likeVolkswagen, Chevrolet, and Honda is a testament to the future of EVs. And soon, they may not evenbe the only alternatively fueled vehicles available: one automaker in China is working on a car that runs on solar power.

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LinkedIn Meets Tinder in This Mindful Networking App – Futurism

Posted: at 10:18 pm

Improving the Odds

Swipe right. Match. Meet over coffee.

No, we arent talking about Tinder. Introducing Shapr,a free app thathelps people with synergistic professional goals and skill sets easily meet and collaborate.

Shapris a completely free tool for building your professional network.Whether looking to grow your network in a new industry, seeking cofounders and investors for your startup idea or just hoping tograb acoffee with someone new, Shapr introduces professionals who are equally interested in expanding their networks.The companystates that their goal is ultimately to encourage professionals to learn from each other and find ways to work together.

The appuses an algorithm to parse the profiles of users and provide you with possible matches based on professional experience, location,and, tagged interests. Each day, Shapr produces a personalized selection of 10-15potential opportunities.

Users swipe right if theyre interested, and they swipe left if theyre not. Once the interest is mutual, you can message with your match and set up a time to meet. That conversation could take place over coffee, Skype, or whatever communication you prefer but the point is to get people meeting face to face.

In the modern age, we tend to spend a lot more time living in the digital world than living in the real world. In a number of ways, this is great, as it makes communication and collaboration faster than everafter all, it takes only a few seconds to send a text. However, the age of the Internet also has its problems. Its really easy to network and communicate, but difficulties arise when one considers whether or not they are actually networking with valuable individuals and whether a social media connection is worth much.

This is where Shapr comes in.

The company has shared hundreds ofsuccess stories,and they assert that they have already made 1.5 million matches this year. For example, an Atlanta-based user named Sarah found a skilled collaborator on Shapr in just three days after spending a staggering three years of unsuccessful searching. Jessica, a New-York-based journalist looking for mentoring and advice, found two more senior journalists to advise her, thanks to the app.

To be clear, there are plenty of existing ways to put yourself out there online and network with LinkedIn being one of the most notable examples. So what makes this app different from AngelList orMeetup? To begin with, Shapr is meant to be more active. The appis full of relevant professionals who want to actually take a conversation offline.

In addition, the algorithm does the work for you on Shapr there is no sourcing or endless browsing of profiles. You can check your daily batch of 10-15 connections in less than two minutes a day. The app focuses on quality matches, so that you spend time speaking to the right people and taking those conversations offline rather than just collecting business cards.

This mindful networking approach is an efficient way to hack networking and make it moremeaningful, inspiring and fun. Technology has already drastically altered the way we search for jobs. Why shouldnt it impact the way we make meaningful, professional connections?Test it out for yourself Shapr is free for iOS and Android.

Futurism curates the products that could help reshape our world. This post has been sponsored by theteam behind Shapr.

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Alien Megastructure Star Resumes Its Bizarre Behavior After 2-Year Hiatus – Futurism

Posted: at 10:18 pm

In BriefOver the weekend, the so-called "alien megastructure" star orTabby's Star resumed its unusual behavior. Astronomers hope thatnew data from this recent dips in light would help explain thisbizarre phenomenon. A Series of Excited Tweets

When astronomers turn to Twitter to ask everyone who has access to a big enough telescope to look at the sky, you know something is up. Indeed, something was up this past weekend, as one of the Universes most mysterious stars reignited some baffling behavior. Tabbys Star, also known as KIC 8462852, once again started the unusual pattern of dimming its lights, a behavior first observed in 2015.

As far as I can tell, every telescope that can look at it right now is looking at it right now, Tennessee State University astronomer Matt Muterspaugh told Loren Grush at The Verge. Mutterspaugh, like fellow astronomer Jason Wright from Penn State University, noticed the dip in KIC 8462852s light emissions this past weekend.

[W]e are officially on alert and we are asking astronomers on telescopes to please take spectra (light measurements) of the star, Wright told CNet. As early as Friday, he already observed that Tabbys Star had dimmed by three percent in just a couple of days.

Discovered in 2009, KIC 8462852 came to be known as Tabbys Star because a team of astronomers, led by Tabetha Boyajian from Yale University, noticed the unusual way its light dims. Its not uncommon for a stars light to dim when planets orbiting around it pass in front of it relative to Earth. Tabbys Star, however, didnt follow the usual pattern of such dips in light, suggesting no periodic orbiting of planets or other cosmic bodies.

Naturally, such a phenomenon tugged on the curiosity of astronomers, and a number of possible explanations have been suggested. The most common, and perhaps popular among these you guessed it is that something alien is the cause. One astronomer thinks that a Dyson Sphere is causing the strange dips, thereby nicknaming Tabbys Star as the alien megastructure star.

However, as much as wed (maybe) love to find aliens at the root of this strange obvservation, other astronomers have found, and are developing, other explanations. Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, Wright told The Atlantic back then. Though, it doesnt hurt to be on the lookout.

Some think that comet swarms,debris from a devoured planet, or possibly even space dustfloating around the star are causing the unusual light emissions. Still, others suggest that it could all just be flawed data, which is why nothing conclusive has been said yet about Tabbys Star. Simply, there wasnt enough data from two years ago to say anything definitively.

We were kind of stuck in a spot where we couldnt do anything, Boyajian told The Verge. We had all the data we could, and to learn anything more, we needed to catch it in action again.

Now, there is now a lot more data to use, but it would take timefor researchers to fully consider what the information could tell us about Tabbys Star. Its also possible that the new data wont result in anything definitive, but its worth a shot. Some data is better than no data at all. At the very least, itll help us to better understand curiosities in the cosmos like KIC 8462852.

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Dubai Wants Robots to Make up 25% of Its Police Force by 2030 – Futurism

Posted: at 10:18 pm

In Brief

On Wednesday, May 24, Dubai will launch a new police robot that marks the first phase of the integration of robots into the police force. Thismodified version of the REEM robot (Designed by PAL robotics and unveiled in 2011) is capable of feeding video to a command center, forwarding reported crimes to police, settling fines, facial recognition, and speaking nine languages. It will operate at most malls and tourist attractions.

Dubai hopes robots will constitute 25percent of its police force by 2030, with the next stage being to use them as receptionists in police stations. Brigadier Khalid Nasser Alrazooqi, General Director of Dubai Polices Smart Services Department, told CNN that they eventually want to release a fully-functional robot that can work as [a] normal police officer.

Robotic police officers or soldiers are old sci-fi idea, but they arebecoming more and more of a reality. In February, China started using the AnBot that uses facial recognition to identify criminals and is capable of following them until the police arrive. The Russian robot, Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research (FEDOR), has prompted comparisons to Robocop when a video showed it shooting with deadly accuracy, lifting dumbbells, and walking.

The biggest ethical concern raised by these developments concerns who is culpable if a robot makes the wrong decision and hurts someone in a criminal situation. Elon Musk, Steven Hawking, and other prolific scientists have identified AI as a serious existential risk, arguing that robots should never be allowed to kill people.

Alan Winfield,professor of robot ethics at the University of West England, writes about this issue on his Blog. The problem is that you cant make a machine responsible for its mistakes, Winfeild said in an interview with CNN. How do you punish it? How do you sanction it? You cant.

Disclosure: The Dubai Future Foundation works in collaboration with Futurism and is one of our sponsors.

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A Futurist on compliance – Compliance Week (subscription) (blog)

Posted: at 10:18 pm

Day One of Compliance Week 2017 is in the books. The event is the largest ever with over 650 attendees. The conference opened this year with a Futurist, Dr. Brian David Johnson, who talked to the assembled group about where the compliance profession might be headed in 10 or 20 years out. It was a fascinating talk, and Dr. Johnson brought a high energy to the opening Keynote session. He also had some very significant things to say about the future of the compliance profession and the position of the chief compliance officer (CCO).

Of course, one of his key themes was Artificial Intelligence (AI). Dr. Johnson said there would be multiple grades of AI and most of them would fall into the range of what he called Industrial Grade AI. In this highest category would be sentient tools which will be aware, be able to process information in a manner which allows them to think and will be social. While there is talk about this type of AI in the realm of compliance, Dr. Johnson related he is not seeing much be actually done in this area.

Dr. Johnson did relate that the importance of compliance would grow, together with the increasing importance around ethics and corporate governance. He related that AI would increase the speed at which business decisions could be made will make a robust compliance program, operationalized into the fabric of an organization more critical. AI will first allow more and quicker business decisions. It will be the compliance program which is most closely integrated into the DNA of an organization so it can respond to ever-shifting market conditions. Not simply in sales but moving seamlessly between third party sales representatives and those from the Supply Chain. A robust compliance program does not slow down a business but properly functioning, allows it to move more quickly and more nimbly.

Dr. Johnson sees the necessity for compliance to be integrated into an organization. The Justice Department says compliance should be operationalized into a company. It seems that the legal side of things is pointing the direction in which you should be moving your compliance regime. Dr. Johnson would agree.

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Space Station Astronauts to Take Surprise Spacewalk Tuesday to Replace Failed Computer Relay –

Posted: May 22, 2017 at 3:15 am

NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson is pictured with an Orbital ATK Cygnus spacecraft (left) during a May 12, 2017 spacewalk outside the International Space Station. Whitson, the station's commander, and fellow NASA astronaut Jack Fischer will conduct a repair spacewalk on Tuesday, May 23.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. NASA astronauts will take an unplanned spacewalk Tuesday (May 23) to replace a failed data relay box outside of theInternational Space Station, restoring critical redundancy to the orbiting outpost, agency officials said Sunday (May 21).

The failed device, known as a multiplexer/demultiplexer, or MDM, was installed on March 30 during a spacewalk by NASA astronautsPeggy Whitson, now the station's commander, and then-flight engineer Shane Kimbrough, who returned to Earth last month. Whitson will perform Tuesday's spacewalk repair with fellowNASA astronaut Jack Fischer who arrived at the orbiting laboratory in April. [Watch: Whitson and Fischer Play Zero-G Water Ping Pong]

The MDM, one of two located on the outside of the station's S0 segment of the station's backbone-like main truss, controls exterior U.S. systems, including solar arrays, cooling loops, radiators and other equipment.

The upgraded MDM failed on Saturday (May 20), NASA officialssaid in a statement, adding that the crew was never in any danger.

"The cause of the MDM failure is not known," the statement said.

After the failure, the station switched over to the spare MDM, but NASA wants to restore redundancy as quickly as possible.

Station program managers met on Sunday to assess troubleshooting efforts and decided to replace the failed unit with a spare.

Working inside the station, Whitson spent Sunday assembling and testing a new MDM, which will be installed during a two-hour spacewalk Tuesday. The unit measures 10.5- by 14.9- by 16.4 inches (27- by 38- by 42 centimeters) and weighs 51 lbs. (23 kilograms.)

Whitson and Fischerconducted the station's last spacewalk on May 12. The stations current crew also includes two Russian cosmonauts and French astronaut Thomas Pesquet of the European Space Agency.

The MDM failure and replacement is not expected to impact next week's launch of aSpaceX Dragon cargo ship to the station, NASA spokesman Dan Huot said.

Launch of a Falcon 9 rocket with the Dragon freighter currently is targeted for June 1.

Tuesday's spacewalk is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. EDT (1200 GMT). NASA's live webcast coverage will begin at 6:30 a.m. EDT (1030 GMT).You can watch the webcast live here, courtesy ofNASA TV.

Irene Klotz can be reached on Twitter at @free_space. Follow us@Spacedotcom,FacebookandGoogle+. Original article

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NASA scientists honour Abdul Kalam, new organism discovered on International Space Station named after him – Firstpost

Posted: at 3:15 am

Los Angeles: Scientists at NASA have named a new organism discovered by them after former Indian presidentAPJ Abdul Kalam. Till date, the new organism a form of a bacteriahas been found only on the International Space Station (ISS) and hasn't been found on Earth.

Researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the foremost lab of NASA for work on inter-planetary travel, discovered the new bacteria on the filters of the International Space Station (ISS) and named it Solibacillus Kalamii to honour the late president, who was a renowned aerospace scientist.

Kalam had his early training at NASA in 1963 before he set up India's first rocket-launching facility in the fishing village of Thumba in Kerala.

File image of the International Space Station. AFP/NASA

"The name of the bacterium is Solibacillus Kalamii, the species name is after Dr Abdul Kalam, and genus name is Solibacillus, which is a spore forming bacteria," said Dr Kasthuri Venkateswaran, senior research scientist, Biotechnology and Planetary Protection Group at JPL.

The filter on which the new bug was found remained on board the ISS for 40 months. Called a high-efficiency particulate arrestance filter or HEPA filter, this part is the routine housekeeping and cleaning system on board the International Space Station.

This filter was later analysed at JPL and only this year did Venkateswaran publish his discovery in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.

According to Venkateswaran, even as it orbits the Earth from 400 kilometres above, the ISS is home to many types of bacteria and fungi which co-inhabit the station with the astronauts who live and work on the station.

Venkateswaran said even though Solibacillus Kalamii has never been found on Earth till date, it is really not an extra-terrestrial life form or ET. "I am reasonably sure it has hitch hiked to the space station on board some cargo and then survived the hostile conditions of space," explained Venkateswaran.

Naming the new microbe after Kalam was natural to Venkateswaran and his team. "Being a fellow Tamilian, I am aware of the huge contributions by Kalam," he said.

New bacteria are usually named after famous scientists. Venkateswaran is part of a team which is asking that eternal question "are we alone in the universe". Towards that, his responsibilities include monitoring the bug levels on the ISS and he also has to ensure that all spacecraft that fly to other planets are free of terrestrial bugs.

One of his big jobs was to ensure that NASA's Mars Curiosity rover the massive car-sized almost 1,000 kg buggy was totally sterile when it left Earth. By international law, this extreme hygiene is required else other planets could get contaminated by bugs hidden on human satellites.

Today, the ISS is the size of a football field and its construction started with a launch in 1998 and as of now it is the largest human-made object orbiting the earth. Weighing about 419 tonnes, it can house a maximum of six astronauts and has costs roughly $150 billion.

Till date, 227 astronauts have flown to the space station. This makes the space station actually a very dirty place and maintaining hygiene is critical so that humans can live on it with ease.

On the space station all the air and water is recycled, being a completely closed environment there is a rapid build-up of moulds and bacteria on the station. These not only have to be cleaned but monitored to ensure that they do not corrode the walls of the space station and do not turn hazardous to the astronauts.

Venkateswaran's main job is to monitor the environment of the space station so that harmful bugs do not proliferate. He heads the 'Microbial Observatory' on the ISS projects to measure microorganisms associated with compartments owned by the US.

According to NASA, he also directs several research and development tasks for the JPL Mars Program Office, which enables the cleaning, sterilisation, and validation of spacecraft components.

He directs several NASA competitive awards on the microbial monitoring of spacecraft and associated environments for the Exploration System Mission Directorate, closed habitats like ISS or its earth analogues for the Human Exploration and Operation Mission Directorate.

But is the new bug of some use. "These spore formers tend to withstand high radiation and also produce some useful compounds protein wise which will be helpful for biotechnology applications," Venkateswaran said.

His team has not characterised the bacteria fully but he hints that the new bug could be a key source for chemicals that can help protect against radiation damage.

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‘Alien: Covenant’ Cast Calls Space Colonization a Risky Necessity –

Posted: at 3:15 am

LONDON With their ominous, gory visions of extraterrestrials, the "Alien" movies could cause some viewers to fear space exploration. But the latest movie's cast and production team think any possible danger is a necessary risk to prepare for the possibility of a post-Earth era.

There are monsters out there, the "Alien" saga warns viewers, and they do bite. The plot of the latest installment, "Alien: Covenant," which hits theaters worldwide today (May 19), is no exception. Repulsive creatures once again burst through the skin of infected space explorers and begin to hunt down everyone else. (Check out our "Alien: Covenant" review here.)

But although the story's message may seem grim, the film's cast and creators say humanity must venture to other planets. In fact, it's even more of a necessity now than when the "Alien" series was conceived, in the late 1970s, they told here earlier this month. [Should We Search for E.T.? 'Alien: Covenant' Cast Answers]

"We can't solve global warming," said Sir Ridley Scott, who directed the original 1979 "Alien," the 2012 prequel "Prometheus" and the new "Alien: Covenant." "We would just have to close everything down right now that causes global warming."

The Covenant spacecraft seen in "Alien: Covenant." The science fiction film's cast says colonizing space will be risky, but necessary for humanity.

In the movie, the Covenant spaceship is on a mission to establish a new human colony on a distant habitable planet in the time when Earth is no longer able to sustain human life, as could occur if the planet continues to warm beyond safe levels. And even if we temporarily stop global warming, the sun will eventually become so big that it will scorch the Earth either way (although that is still millions of years away).

Scott added that Mars, which is known to have decent water resources, could provide a suitable next home for humanity.

Living on Mars currently would be quite a challenge. The first explorers would have to protect themselves against extreme radiation and face freezing temperatures while dealing with the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere. However, if terraforming were possible, the planet could eventually become quite comfortable to live on.

Scott didn't repeat his recent remarks to French press agency AFP, which warned that a possible encounter with aliens could only end in a disaster for mankind. Rather, he focused on the idea that space exploration is essential.

Katherine Waterston portrays the Xenomorph-fighting heroine Daniels in "Alien: Covenant."

In the new film, Katherine Waterston plays terraforming expert Daniels, who fights the iconic Xenomorph. She agreed that space colonization may soon become a risky necessity.

"If we trash this planet to the point that we have to go to other places to live, we may find those places, a hospitable planet to sustain human life, but we don't know what we will find there," Waterston said. "It can be powerful enough to destroy us. It makes a good argument for trying to save our planet. But I am fascinated by the possibility of what else is out there."

Waterston's co-star Michael Fassbender, who portrays the androids David and Walter, added that damage to our planet necessitating a move elsewhere might be inevitable. "I think Mars is going to be the next destination," Fassbender said. "It's already happening. Elon Musk is working on that right now."

For Danny McBride, who plays the ship's exuberant pilot Tennessee, the search for alien life is more a matter of curiosity than necessity.

"I think we definitely should be looking," McBride said. "I think that George Carlin says that if we are the only people here, the universe aimed low and achieved little, so we should always be looking."

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Western Pennsylvania beekeepers abuzz on genetic engineering – Tribune-Review

Posted: at 3:14 am

Updated 3 hours ago

A theory to solve the nation's ever-worsening bee decline through genetic engineering has Western Pennsylvania beekeepers split about whether it will work.

We have to start working with bees that are locally adapted to the areas we keep them, explained Dwight Wells, 77, a founding member of the Heartland Honeybee Breeders Cooperative and president of the West Central Ohio Beekeepers Association who was a guest speaker at a weekend seminar in Beaver County. Beekeepers have got to understand their bees like farmers understand their crops and cows and pigs. Farmers are careful on the genetics they have in herds and fields big-time. They're looking for proper genetics.

Beekeepers have to start thinking along the same line and start calling themselves bee farmers.

Wells has worked with Purdue University geneticists since 2013 to improve the genetics of honeybees by mating them with queen bees that have adapted to chew off the legs of Varroa mites, also known as Purdue ankle biters. The parasites have long been blamed for honeybee loss because they transmit deadly diseases.

Wells said there are many theories that attempt to explain the mysterious colony collapse disorder, which surfaced in 2006. But he is convinced the main problem is linked to the Varroa mite and malnourished bees a problem he believes is solvable by combining the genetics of mite-resistant bees with Southern, commercial bees that are not fully adapted to surviving harsh winters.

Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, is not sure the project will work in the long run.

Fine, who keeps about 130 colonies at farms and backyards throughout Allegheny, Washington and Westmoreland counties, lost about 60 percent of his honey bees this winter.

Beekeepers can't afford not to treat for mites because we have to treat them to keep business going, Fine said.

He makes money by selling bees and honey and by renting out colonies to farmers. Business suffers when bees die off in winter, so Fine said he has a vested interest in keeping his bees alive.

To replenish his stock, he buys packages from large-scale commercial beekeepers in Georgia.

You like your strawberries I like blueberries and squash is really good, and people like zucchini, Fine said. Bees are always going to be moved.

According to the Atlanta-based American Beekeeping Federation, bees contribute nearly $20 billion to the country's agriculture industry by pollinating everything from apples to cranberries, melons and broccoli. Crops such as blueberries and cherries are almost entirely dependent on bee pollination. Almonds are entirely dependent on their pollination.

An estimated two-thirds of the country's 2.7 million bee colonies are transported to different farms across the nation throughout the year, ABF reports.

To keep his bees alive, Fine usually sprays them with an organic pesticide twice a year. The spray, he said, burns Varroa mites with naturally occurring acids. This year, however, he plans on using three or four treatments.

But Wells' genetic improving program is not necessarily targeting large beekeeping operations, which typically move bees long distances, said John Yakim, president of the Beaver Valley Area Beekeepers Association. He thinks the program would work if hobbyists who own five to 10 hives, like himself, introduced Purdue ankle biters to the region.

Yakim met Wells at a Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association seminar in November 2014. Since then, he said he has been learning about the practice and wants others to be exposed to it as well.

BVABA hosted its Queen Raising Seminar on Friday and Saturday in Baden. Participants received unmated queen bees that Yakim and Wells hope mate with local drones.

This is designed for small-scale hobbyist and sideliners, Yakim said of the genetic improving program.

But that doesn't mean he thinks the program couldn't potentially work for large-scale beekeeping operations.

I don't see why not, even for producers with 10,000 colonies. The underlying science isn't going to change, he said.

The science lies in combining the genes of climate survivability and Varroa mite resistance, Wells said.

The problem with bees bought by beekeepers is that most of them are adapted to live in warmer climates, such as Georgia and Florida, where most commercial stock is produced, Wells said.

Beekeepers have been relying on chemicals since the 1980s to treat for mites. But mites develop resistance. And now they're running out of chemicals, Wells said. The smart ones are understanding they got to start developing their own stocks in order to kill mite spells. They're in trouble, and they realize it.

Dillon Carr is a Tribune-Review staff writer. Reach him at 724-850-1298, or via Twitter @dillonswriting.

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, inspects his bee hives, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

The queen bee, marked with a yellow dot, can be seen inside an observation hut Al Fine, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017. Fine

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, lights a ball of cardboard for his smoker, before he inspects his bee hives, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017. The Smoke is believed to mask the bees alarm pheromones, which blocks the bees ability to raise the alarm of an intruder.

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, removes the cover of a beehive, before inspecting the hive after recently introducing a new queen, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, removes the cover of a beehive, before inspecting the hive after recently introducing a new queen, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017. The Smoke is believed to mask the bees alarm pheromones, which blocks the bees ability to raise the alarm of an intruder.

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, searches for a newly introduced queen, while inspecting his bee hives at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, inspects his bee hives, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

The dark bodied queen bee, crawls around a frame, as Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, inspects his bee hives, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

Honey bees, owned by Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, stand at the uncovered entrance to the bee hives, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017. Fine

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, inspects his bee hives, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, takes a break while inspecting his bee hives, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017. Fine

Dan Speicher | Tribune-Review

Al Fine, owner of Fine Family Apiary, poses for a portrait in his bee keeper suit, at Triple B Farms in Monongehala, on Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

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Western Pennsylvania beekeepers abuzz on genetic engineering - Tribune-Review

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