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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Ape that lived in Europe 7 million years ago could be human ancestor, controversial study suggests – Washington Post
Posted: May 23, 2017 at 10:18 pm
In 1944, German soldiersconstructing a bunker in Greece uncovered afossilized jawbone. The specimen was in poor shape, just a curve of mandible with its teeth mostly chipped away. It was considered to be a specimen that nobody really knew what to do with, said paleobiologist David R. Begun,a professor at the University of Toronto. But a new analysis of this broken jaw revealed that the bone is about7 million years old. The jawalso has some humanlike characteristics, he says.
Begun and his colleagues say the fossil could represent the oldest known human ancestor. They further suggest that the fossil means our ancestors diverged from apes in Southern Europe not Africa.
Both are bold and highly disputed claims. But the fossil itself is a rare specimen ofan ape from around the time of the last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans.
Ina pair of reportspublished Monday in the journal PLOS One, the scientists describe the fossil and the possible savanna environment in which the specieslived. Theresearchers claim that the Eastern Mediterranean could just as likely be the location of ape and human diversification, as well as human ancestororigins, as tropical Africa.
Other experts on human prehistory disagree, pointing to extensive fossil evidence that hominins, meaning non-ape humans and their ancestors, originated in Africa and migrated north.
David Begun has repeatedly proposed that the African ape and human clade arose in Europe and that gorillas, chimps and humans arose from an early European member of this group that migrated into Africa, said Jay Kelley, a paleontologist at Arizona State University's Institute of Human Origins. This 'back into Africa' scenario has garnered few if any adherents. The near consensus, Kelley said in an email, is that the hominin lineage arose in Africa.
The jaw in question belonged to a primate that anthropologists had previously namedGraecopithecus freybergi.In the new study, researchers at theUniversity of Tbingen in Germanyused a CT scan to peer insidethe jaw. They also analyzed an upper premolar tooth from another primate, dated via paleomagnetic studies to 7.2 million years ago, discovered in the Balkans in Bulgaria. The authors of the new studiessuggest that this loose tooth could have come from another member of the same species.
The scans of the jaw showed some similarities with human ancestors.Despite the chipped teeth, the roots buried inthe jawbone remained intact. The canine root was very short, Begun said. The premolar roots were simplified, partly fused.Both of those characteristics we find only in members of human lineage.
For the loose tooth, the thickness of the enamel ruled out other, better-documented ancient apes, the scientists said, such asOuranopithecus. But they could not prove with absolute certainty that the tooth camefrom Graecopithecus freybergi.
I really appreciate having a detailed analysis of the Graecopithecus jaw the only fossil of its genus so far, said Richard Potts, a paleoanthropologist who directs the Smithsonian Institutions Human Origins Program.But I think the principal claim of the main paper goes well beyond the evidence in hand.
Potts, who was not involved in this study, noted that the heyday of ape diversity occurred in Eurasia between 12 and 10 million years ago. This diverse group of primates migrated to lower latitudes namely, Africa and Asia to escape cooling northern temperaturesand more powerful seasonal changes. There was little to support the idea that hominins appeared before leavingEurope.
I don't think it's a strong case for hominin origins in Asia rather than Africa. Possible, yes, said New York University'sSusan C. Antn, a professor of anthropology who was not affiliated with the recent study. But because all of the later hominins are found inAfrica, the simplest explanation, she said, is an African origin.
Kelley questioned the significance of the fused premolar root. Some of the earliest hominins didnt have these fused tooth roots, whereas some of the later hominins did, he said. Given this discrepancy, it's a feature that may have evolved independently in several different lineages, he said.
The evidence that canine root reduction indicates the hominin status of Graeco is also not very convincing, Potts said. Only one canine root was studied. Plus, he said, there's no way to consider the root in the context of the entire tooth the canine crown had snapped off.So theres little basis for accepting the exceptional claim that a 7.2 million year old fossil from Greece is the oldest known human ancestor!
I'm the first to admit that what we have is less than ideal, Begun said. We need better-preserved jaws, and some limb bones to tell us if it was bipedal.The site in urban Athens where the jaw was discovered is now too developedto hunt for fossils.But where the lone tooth was found in the Balkans, to the north across the Aegean Seafrom Athens, ancient rocky outcrops remain.
Begun said he plansto travel to Bulgaria tolook for additional fossils.If you have one tooth, he said, that means there has to be other specimens out there.
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Archaeology shocker: Study claims humans reached the Americas 130,000 years ago
Humanitys strange new cousin is shockingly young and shaking up our family tree
Another problem with cannibalism: Humans actually arent very filling
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Ape that lived in Europe 7 million years ago could be human ancestor, controversial study suggests - Washington Post
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Fossil discovery delivers blow to ‘Out of Africa’ theory – New York Post
Posted: at 10:18 pm
New York Post | Fossil discovery delivers blow to 'Out of Africa' theory New York Post The creature, known as Graecopithecus freybergi and nicknamed El Graeco, may be the oldest known member of the human lineage that began after a split from the branch that led to chimpanzees, our closest cousins. The jawbone, which included teeth, ... |
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State police, FBI bust Dover human trafficking operation – Dover Post
Posted: at 10:18 pm
Five people have been arrested and are in prison
Five people are in custody after the Delaware State Police, with the assistance of the FBI and the Delaware Department of Justice, completed their investigation into a case of human trafficking.
Delaware State Police spokesman Master Cpl. Gary Fournier said the investigation began May 8 when the foster parent of a 16-year-old girl contacted Troop 3s Criminal Investigation Unit. The parent said the girl, who had been missing since March 27, may have been prostituting via the website.
Detectives found a listing that showed photographs appearing to be the missing teen and were able to confirm her identity through the foster parent. Investigators conducted a search of law enforcement records for the phone number listed and were able to link it to 18-year-old Jason Haith of Dover and his girlfriend, Jessica A. Hutkin, 34, of Smyrna.
A joint DSP/FBI/DOJ operation was started Friday, May 19 as investigators called Haiths number and arranged a meeting for sexual favors in exchange for compensation at a south Dover motel.
At about 1:40 p.m. a white 2017 Hyundai Sonata, bearing New York registration, pulled into the motel and the 16-year-old victim was seen leaving the car. Troopers stopped the car after it left the motel and the Haith and Hutkin were taken into custody without incident. Another passenger, Austin White, 19,of Smyrna, also was arrested.
A computer check showed Sonata had been reported as stolen out of Philadelphia April 6, Fournier said.
Further investigation revealed that Haith, Hutkin, and White, along with two other people, Donnell Singletary, 32, and Taliesha Haith, 34, both of Dover, used each others cell phones to make calls, send text messages, and/or connect to the internet to arrange prostitution activities for the 16-year-old victim and another 17-year-old victim who also was advertised on
Singletary and Taliesha Haith were taken into custody at Jason Haith's home in the 1000 block of East Lebanon Road, Dover.
Information also suggested the prostitution activities were coordinated out of the Haith home on East Lebanon Road.
Jason Haith and Jessica Hutkin are charged with human trafficking sexual servitude, second-degree promoting prostitution, receiving stolen property, and second-degree conspiracy. They both are being held on a $34,000 secured bond.
Taliesha Haith, Donnell Singletary, and Austin White are charged with Human Trafficking Sexual Servitude, second-degree promoting Prostitution, and second-degree conspiracy.
They are being held on $32,000.00 secured bond each.
Because of the sensitivity of this case, and in consideration of the victims, only limited information will be released, Fournier said. Both victims have been placed in the safety of Division of Family Services.
Victims or persons with information regarding the activities of any of the five individuals in custody are asked to contact Detective M. Weinstein at 302-698-8443 or the Troop 3 Major Crimes Unit at 302-698-8434.
Information also may be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 900-TIP-3333, via the internet at, or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword DSP.
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State police, FBI bust Dover human trafficking operation - Dover Post
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Wolf nominates insurance commish for top post at proposed Health and Human Services – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Posted: at 10:18 pm
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | Wolf nominates insurance commish for top post at proposed Health and Human Services Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Gov. Tom Wolf said Tuesday that he intends to nominate Insurance Commissioner Teresa Miller to serve as the first secretary of his proposed Department of Health and Human Services. Mr. Wolf has proposed combining the Department of Aging, the ... Insurance chief would lead new health, human services agency |
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Centuries-old human remains found at Alexandria waterfront … – Washington Post
Posted: at 10:18 pm
Human remains thought to be from the 1700s or 1800s have been found on the site of a residential development under construction on Alexandrias waterfront, just in time for a city-sponsored excavation tour Saturday.
City officials said the remains were discovered Thursday by archaeologists working under contract with developer EYA, which is building the residential-retail project Robinson Landing on the site of an old newsprint warehouse, Robinson Terminal South, that was once owned by the former Washington Post Co.
City government spokesman Craig Fifer said theres no reason to believe other human remains are at the site; during the 18th and 19th centuries, it was not uncommon to bury people outside formal graveyards.
City and contract archaeologists will oversee the testing of the remains found this week to determine what should happen next, both at the site and with the bones themselves, Fifer said. Virginia law outlines specific processes for disposing of remains.
On Saturday morning, city archaeologists are scheduled to lead a previously arranged, reservations-only tour of the area.
Fifer said others who are curious about the site should not show up for the tour, because only 18 people can fit on the sidewalk at a time. The human remains are not on display.
An EYA spokesman said the discovery is not expected to seriously delay the Robinson Landing project, which is still in the early phases of excavation and backfill.
The site was once a point that jutted out into the Potomac River named Point Lumley. The cove was eventually filled in, and on that land, a shipwright built a wharf.
A shipyard and a flour mill operated there for a while, and a bone mill, where animal bones were processed into fertilizer. A 1987 fire regarded as the most devastating in the citys history destroyed much of the property, but the buildings were eventually replaced and used for a variety of marine, industrial-type operations.
The property has already given up artifacts including historic stone foundations for buildings, brick shafts and evidence of wooden box privies. The site is adjacent to another lot where a warehouse foundation and remnants of a 300-year-old ship were found in late 2015.
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Alaska lawmakers reject transgender man for human-rights post … – The Seattle Times
Posted: at 10:18 pm
One Republican state senator said theres no problem with being an advocate until you get on that commission and then what you want to do is you want to look at protecting all rights.
JUNEAU, Alaska The Alaska Legislature has rejected the appointment of Drew Phoenix, a transgender man, to serve on the states human rights commission.
The vote came Tuesday near the end of an hourslong joint session called to consider Gov. Bill Walkers nominees to boards, commissions and administration posts. Phoenix was the only nominee to be voted down.
Leading up to the vote, some conservative groups sought to paint Phoenix, who has advocated for LGBT rights, as too political for the post.
Sen. John Coghill, a Republican from North Pole, said theres no problem with being an advocate until you get on that commission and then what you want to do is you want to look at protecting all rights.
Sen. Bill Wielechowski, an Anchorage Democrat who supported Phoenixs nomination, asked whether the state is willing to appoint people to boards and commissions who understand discrimination firsthand and will work to end it or if people want to live in a state intolerant of those different from the majority or who have different views.
In a phone interview later in the day, Phoenix said he was incredibly upset and disheartened by the vote.
I just find it so ironic that somebody like myself, with so much years experience personally and professional working on behalf of human rights, that they would not confirm me to the commission on human rights, he said.
Phoenix said a state Senate committee that held confirmation hearings asked him questions related to his work as a transgender man with the LGBT community and if, given the opportunity, he would work to advance issues of equality for the LGBT community through the commission. He said he replied that, if thats what the commission seeks to do, he would.
He said one conservative group has framed the advancement of LGBT people as posing a threat to religious freedom. He said he is an ordained Christian minister and values religious freedom.
Phoenix thanked Walker for having faith in my qualifications.
Im so sad I wont be able to use my expertise and experience to advance the work of the commission, Phoenix said.
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This Living Clothing Keeps You Cool by Breathing – Futurism
Posted: at 10:18 pm
In Brief A team of researchers from MIT has developed a workout suit which incorporates microbial cells into flaps that allow it to self-ventilate. This new fabric melds biological systems and engineering perfectly and it comes with running shoes too. Alive and Breathing
If it was up to a team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the next trend in sportswear would be clothes made out of living cells. You got that right, living microbial cells. With a design that looks like it came straight out of science fiction, the self-ventilating workout suit developed by the MIT researchers gives a new meaning to breathable and no-sweat clothing plus, it comes with a pair of running shoes lined with the same living cells on the inside.
[W]e propose to use genetically tractable microbial cells to create multifunctional, moisture-responsive interfaces, the researchers wrote in a study published in Science Advances. We hypothesized that microbial cells can be used as functional building blocks for constructing moisture-responsive materials.
The cells that researchers used are the most common nonpathogenic strain of E. coli, printed onto latex sheets. The cells were then designed into ventilating flaps in the workout suit. These tiny thumbnail- and finger-sized flaps open and close in reaction to the heat and sweat generated by an athletes body. The microbial cells respond to changes in humidity, expanding when the body begins to sweat and shrinking when it cools down. Furthermore, the microbial cells used are durable and also safe to touch or even consume (but please, dont).
Biologic from Tangible Media Group on Vimeo.
We can combine our cells with genetic tools to introduce other functionalities into these living cells, explained MITs Wen Wang, lead author of the study. We use fluorescence as an example, and this can let people know you are running in the dark. In the future we can combine odor-releasing functionalities through genetic engineering. So maybe after going to the gym, the shirt can release a nice-smelling odor.
While this biofabric is pretty cool, both literally and figuratively, we can expect even more cool stuff as researchers gain access to new and innovative materials. For example, biofabrication has already opened up doors into 3D-printing human organs, and the development ofbiodegradable shoes. Outside the realm of biomaterials, there are what are considered to bethe futures super materials most notably, graphene and its other iterations.
As for the self-ventilating workout suit, its definitely at the forefront of biofabrication and the use of biomaterials. This work is an example of harnessing the power of biology to design new materials and devices and achieve new functions, said Xuanhe Zhao, a co-author of the study. We believe this new field of living materials and devices will find important applications at the interface between engineering and biological systems.
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Bitcoin Surges Past $2,200 – Futurism – Futurism
Posted: at 10:18 pm
In Brief Bitcoin has set record after record as a global currency. It also has the potential to become a universal currency. But, what are the realities behind the impressive figures? The Rise of Bitcoin
Bitcoin (for its history, see this infographic) has experienced unprecedented success since their domain name was registered on Monday, it was reported that the single bitcoin hit a landmark point, reaching $2,251.61 dollars, which far exceeds the price of gold. Its exchange rate has increased in 23 of its past 26 sessions. It has been the top performing currency every year since 2010 (besides 2014). By the summer, it will be accepted at more than 260,000 stores in Japan, since it is officiallylegal tender in the country. The verdict against the Winklevoss Twins to not allow it to enter the U.S stock exchange may, in the wake of this success, be overturned.
All of this seems to point to Bitcoin becoming a currency on par with the Dollar, Pound, Yen or Euro; or because of its decentralized and digital nature it could become the global currency.
These figures, however, may not tell us the whole story. All that glitters is not gold.
The first thing that Bitcoin will have to do to continue its rise is to become more stable. The reason Bitcoin is so successful is also the reason it could fail. It has the ability to swing and shift extremely quickly: we need only look at when it dropped 15% in a matter of minutes in response to the Winklevoss Twins ETF verdict. One key characteristic of a successful currency, rather than its worth as an asset, is stability, which Bitcoin has not yet achieved.
Second, it will need to increase its transaction speed. In comparison with payment processors like Visa, the number of transactions Bitcoin can process is tiny: around 7 compared to thousands. This is because of each transaction has to be validated and verified by an individual due to it being part of a blockchain. And, even though it has the potential to stretch to 27, unless this value is increased there will forever be a serious limitation to how much bitcoin can grow.
Third, these exciting new figures may be artificially caused by an indirect centralization (centralization not through the legal process, but by market means similar to a hostile takeover of a company). While Bitcoin is an uncentralized currency, if an individual miner (or collection of miners) take control of most of the mining then they are able to abuse the majority loophole, created as a democratic foundation of the currency. This would also allow the individual or group to rewrite the blockchain. As the majority of the miners are Chinese companies, and demand for the currency is increasing in the country due to the value of domestic currency falling, some fearthe rise of state control in a system designed to be anti-state.
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New Tech Uses WiFi and Holograms to Let You See Through Walls – Futurism
Posted: at 10:18 pm
In Brief German scientists from the Technical University of Munich have developed an imaging technology that uses Wi-Fi signals to construct 3D hologram images. This could be used to assist in search and rescue operations after disasters. A Whole New View
If youve played any of the recent Batman video games, youre probably already familiar with his ability to scan through walls using one of the many gadgets he has at his disposal. In real life, German scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) may have developed a technology that could give you a similarBatman-esqueskill. What makes it even cooler?Basically all it takes is a Wi-Fi signal.
It can basically scan a room with someones Wi-Fi transmission, Philipp Holl said, speaking toBusiness Insider. Holl and TUM professor Friedemann Reinhard developed theconcept behind the technology and published their findings in the journal Physical Review Letters.
Its surprisingly simple,exploiting Wi-Fis ability to pass through walls. Using two antennas, they record a Wi-Fi field around a particular room. The antennas capture the intensity and the phase of the Wi-Fi field both from its source spot and the placesit bounces off from. The result is a holographic image of the room that, while its not yet vivid,proves that the concept worksin practice rather than just theory.
The ability to see through walls might be a littleunsettling at first,as it could open up potential privacy exploitation issues. Of course, this raises privacy questions. After all, to a certain degree even encrypted signals transmit an image of their surroundings to the outside world, Reinhard saidina press release from TUM, However, it is rather unlikely that this process will be used for the view into foreign bedrooms in the near future. For that, you would need to go around the building with a large antenna, which would hardly go unnoticed. There are simpler ways available.
The tech could also have many beneficial if not life-saving applications. Apart from the potential to be used by spy agencies for legitimate operations requiring the scanning of buildings, it could also be an asset torescue operations after a disaster such as an earthquake or an avalanche. The antennas couldbe placed in a truck and then driven around the rubble or debris are to survey and look for survivors.
These antennas dont need to be big. They can be very small, like the ones in a smartphone, Holl said, meaning they could be easily wielded even in the smallest, most remote,spaces.
Further research, such as on the transparency of specific materials, is needed to refine the technology. But its exciting to think that superhero technology could come to life in such a way, especially with potentially life-saving applications.
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Tesla’s Next Update Could Include In-Car WiFi and a 360-Degree View – Futurism
Posted: at 10:18 pm
In Brief In a Monday Tweetstorm, Elon Musk spoke about including a wireless hotspot and 360-degree cameras in new Teslas. Other updates coming soon include improvements to the Autopilot system. Update Possibilities
Today on Twitter, Elon Musk got into an interesting conversation with some Tesla fans. First, he was asked about the possibility of adding a wireless hotspot:
The idea was popular, and led to an additional request for a 360-degree view:
This function, which is already in development, could allow for a complete 360-degree view while driving. And,as Electrek reports, the idea of the hotspot is not new, but fan popularity might give it more traction.
Musk has also been talking about Tesla updates to the Autopilot system that are coming soon.
Originally, Musks plan was to have every Tesla fully autonomous by sometime in 2017. Tesla will be conducting a coast to coast test drive this year, during which the human driver is expected not to take over control at all. At TED 2017, Musk confirmed that future Teslas on the road may be as autonomous as the coast to coast test car.
According to Inverse, Musk has already stated that if autonomous driving demands upgrades to the computers in any of the Tesla models, the design should make the process simple. The updates are going to make Teslas even safer, so its easy to see why fans are so excited.
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