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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Program lets Michigan students play role in International Space Station research – Michigan Radio

Posted: May 23, 2017 at 10:27 pm

Stateside's conversation with Terry McCormick, a 7th grade teacher at Smith Middle School in Troy.

School kids in the 1960s thought it was super cool if they could watch a space shuttle launch on one a TV rolled into their classroom on a cart.

But today, school kids do a lot more than just watch a shuttle launch. They can play an actual role in research being done aboard the International Space Station from their own classroom.

Its all because of a Michigan-based program called Orions Quest.

Terry McCormick is one of the Michigan teachers whose students are taking part in real life science missions here on the ground.

Listen to the full interview above to hear more about how school kids are contributing to the research taking place on the International Space Station. Plus, we ask 7th grade studentMeera Manek what she thinks about the program.

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Program lets Michigan students play role in International Space Station research - Michigan Radio

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Cambridge company’s sensors go into orbit on International Space Station – Cambridge News

Posted: at 10:27 pm

Sensor specialists Zettlex will see their products hit new heights when they're blasted into orbit to help astronauts on the International Space Station.

The Newton company's IncOders have been selected by NASA scientists as the critical control elements for a new generation of high-tech fitness equipment now being used by crew members on the International Space Station.

Long periods in the microgravity of space can have severe effects on an astronauts body. To counter these effects, crew members on the International Space Station must exercise intensively for 2-3 hours per day. Whilst traditional gym equipment might work well on earth, in space things are not so straightforward. The bulk of traditional gym equipment effectively prohibits a space launch and any normal weights machine effectively becomes useless. In space, running on a normal treadmill would likely only produce comical results.

Understanding the effects of space on the human body is an important area of medical research and establishing how exercise keeps astronauts healthy is important in enabling humans to remain in space. This is a critical area for longer range manned missions, most notably to Mars. Accurate and reliable data on an astronauts exercise intensity, speed and duration is valuable scientific data.

Mark Howard, Zettlex general manager, said: "Perhaps fitness equipment is not the first piece of scientific apparatus that one might consider for the International Space Station. However, its crucial to the health and well-being of astronauts and we were delighted that Zettlex products were selected for this important project. Our products had to undergo a long and rigorous qualification process and Im pleased to say that we passed with flying colours.

Cllr Peter Topping, leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council, added: Its great to see Zettlex sensors picked for such a vital piece of equipment. Their technology is world-leading and making a name for South Cambridgeshire innovation on the global stage. Zettlex is an exceptional example of the kind of high-tech, high-growth business that the Council is proud to support and wants to see thriving.

Its likely that British astronaut Tim Peake will be putting NASAs new fitness equipment through its paces on his next visit to the International Space Station, scheduled for 2019.

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Cambridge company's sensors go into orbit on International Space Station - Cambridge News

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La Jolla institute sending experiment to space station to benefit health of astronauts – The San Diego Union-Tribune

Posted: at 10:27 pm

The Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in La Jolla is sending 2,000 fruit flies to the International Space Station to study how micro-gravity affects the insects hearts research that could benefit astronauts who one day travel beyond Earths orbit.

Fruit flies are routinely used as a proxy for humans because their genetic makeup is similar, as is the pace of their heartbeat.

A spacecraft is scheduled to carry the flies to the space station on June 1 and return them to Earth on July 5 or 6.

A team led by Karen Ocorr, a neurobiologist at the institute, plans to perform a series of tests when the flies are brought back to this planet. It intends to examine everything from how well the insects hearts function to which genes are expressed in certain conditions.

Research like this can help tell us learn what would happen to astronauts who go to Mars, or who stay in colonies on the moon, Ocorr said Monday. Both missions could happen in the not-too-distant future. So could sending astronauts to mine asteroids.

The work also will help us understand what happens to people who spend extended time in bed people who are infirm or who have diseases, she added.

Fruit flies have been used to model congenital heart disease in humans, as well as cardiomyopathy and arrhythmia, among other afflictions.

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La Jolla institute sending experiment to space station to benefit health of astronauts - The San Diego Union-Tribune

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Amazon boss Bezos outlines ambitious plans for permanent moon colony (VIDEO) – RT

Posted: at 10:26 pm

Published time: 23 May, 2017 19:14

Amazon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos wants to send people back to the moon but this time to colonize.

The billionairerevealed more about his ambitious plan to settle on the moon during a Q&A with kids at the Seattle Museum of Flights Apollo exhibit Saturday.

Answering a question about the impact of AI on space exploration, Bezos said: I think we should build a permanent human settlement on one of the poles of the moon. Its time to go back to the moon, but this time to stay.

READ MORE: Amazon boss wants to start delivery service to the Moon

Bezos has previously spoken about Blue Origins plan to send cargo shipments to the moon to deliver equipment necessary for building a human colony.

Writing in an internal company report earlier this year, Bezos said: A permanently inhabited lunar settlement is a difficult and worthy objective. I sense a lot of people are excited about this.

The future lunar mission could be underway as early as July 2020, Bezos said although he is counting on NASAs help.

Our liquid hydrogen expertise and experience with precision vertical landing offer the fastest path to a lunar lander mission, he said. I'm excited about this and am ready to invest my own money alongside NASA to make it happen.

READ MORE: Cosmic concrete ideal for Mars can make Red Planet settlement a reality

Meanwhile, the race to colonize other parts of the solar system is hotting up. Earlier this month, NASA revealed it has developed a form of concrete that could be produced on Mars, solving the problem of how to build structures that can withstand the planets radiation.

While the space agency still hopes to accomplish its Mars mission goal by 2030, SpaceX billionaire Elon Musk is confident he can get humans on the red planet by 2024.

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Amazon boss Bezos outlines ambitious plans for permanent moon colony (VIDEO) - RT

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A Stanford scientist on the biology of human evil – Vox

Posted: at 10:25 pm

What drives human behavior? Why do we do what we do? Is free will an illusion? Has civilization made us better? Can we escape our tribal past?

These questions (and many, many others) are the subject of a new book called Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst. The author is Robert Sapolsky, a biology professor at Stanford and a research associate with the Institute of Primate Research at the National Museums of Kenya.

In a brisk 800 pages, Sapolsky covers nearly every facet of the human condition, engaging moral philosophy, evolutionary biology, social science, and genetics along the way.

The key question of the book why are we the way we are? is explored from a multitude of angles, and the narrative structure helps guide the reader. For instance, Sapolsky begins by examining a persons behavior in the moment (why we recoil or rejoice or respond aggressively to immediate stimuli) and then zooms backward in time, following the chain of antecedent causes back to our evolutionary roots.

For every action, Sapolsky shows, there are several layers of causal significance: Theres a neurobiological cause and a hormonal cause and a chemical cause and a genetic cause, and, of course, there are always environmental and historical factors. He synthesizes the research across these disciplines into a coherent, readable whole.

In this interview, I talk with Sapolsky about the paradoxes of human nature, why were capable of both good and evil, whether free will exists, and why symbols have become so central to human life.

This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

You start the book with a paradox of sorts: Humans are both exceptionally violent and exceptionally kind. Were capable on the one hand of mass genocide, and on the other hand of heroic self-sacrifice. How do we make sense of this dichotomy?

In an evolutionary sense, we're this incredibly confused species, in between all sorts of extremes of behavior and patterns of selection compared to other primates who are far more consistently X or Y, and we're so often floating in between. In a more proximal sense, I think what that tells you over and over again is just how important context is.

Can you clarify what you mean by context here?

Sure. What counts as our worst and best behaviors are so much in the eye of the beholder. So often it really is the one man's freedom fighter versus the other's terrorist. But even separate of that, just the fact that in some settings our biology is such that we are extraordinarily prosocial creatures, and in other settings extraordinarily antisocial creatures, shows how important it is to really understand the biology of our response to context and environment.

You argue that biological factors don't so much cause behavior as modulate it can you explain what you mean?

Ultimately, there is no debate. Insofar as using "genes" as a surrogate for "nature," it only makes sense to ask what a gene does in a particular environment, and to ask what the behavioral effects of an environment are given someone's genetic makeup. They're inseparable in a way that is most meaningful when it comes to humans.

Given how variable human behavior is, do you believe in a fixed human nature? There is a lot of debate about this in the world of philosophy. I wonder how you think about it as a scientist.

Human nature is extraordinarily malleable, and I think that's the most defining thing about our nature.

Okay, but in the book you come awfully close to concluding something very different. Specifically, in your discussion of free will, you reluctantly embrace a deterministic account of human behavior. You argue that free will is, in fact, an illusion, and if thats true, Im not sure how malleable we can be.

If it seemed tentative, it was just because I was trying to be polite to the reader or to a certain subset of readers. If there is free will, its free will about all sorts of uninteresting stuff, and it's getting cramped into tighter and increasingly boring places. It seems impossible to view the full range of influences on our behavior and conclude that there is anything like free will.

Thats a bold claim...

Youre right. On the one hand, it seems obvious to me and to most scientists thinking about behavior that there is no free will. And yet its staggeringly difficult to try to begin to even imagine what a world is supposed to look like in which everybody recognizes this and accepts this.

The most obvious place to start is to approach this differently in terms of how we judge behavior. Even an extremely trivial decision like the shirt you choose to wear today, if dissected close enough, doesnt really involve agency in the way we assume. There are millions of antecedent causes that led you to choose that shirt, and you had no control over them. So if I was to compliment you and say, Hey, nice shirt, that doesnt really make any sense in that you arent really responsible for wearing it, at least not in the way that question implies.

Now, this is a very trivial thing and doesnt appear to matter much, but this logic is also true for serious and consequential behaviors, and thats where things get complicated.

If we're just marionettes on a string and we don't have the kind of agency that we think we have, then what sense does it make to reward or punish behavior? Doesnt that imply some degree of freedom of action?

Organisms on the average tend to increase the frequency of behaviors for which theyve been rewarded and to do the opposite for punishment or absence of reward. That's fine and instrumentally is going to be helpful in all sorts of circumstances. The notion of there being something virtuous about punishing a bad behavior, that's the idea thats got to go out the window.

I always come back to the example of epilepsy. Five hundred years ago, an epileptic seizure was a sign that you were hanging out with Satan, and the appropriate treatment for that was obvious: burning someone at the stake. This went on for hundreds of years. Now, of course, we know that such a person has got screwy potassium channels in their neurons. It's not them; it's a disease. It's not a moral failing; it's a biological phenomenon.

Now we dont punish epileptics for their epilepsy, but if they suffer bouts frequently, we might not let them drive a car because its not safe. Its not that they dont deserve to drive a car; its that its not safe. Its a biological thing that has to be constrained because it represents a danger.

Its taken us 500 years or so to get to this revelation, so I dont know how long it will take us to reach this mindset for all other sorts of behaviors, but we absolutely must get there.

So what is true for the epileptic is true for all of us all of the time? We are our brains and we had no role in the shaping of our biology or our neurology or our chemistry, and yet these are the forces that determine our behavior.

Thats true, but its still difficult to fully grasp this. Look, I believe there is no free will whatsoever, but I can't function that way. I get pissed off at our dog if he pees on the floor in the kitchen, even though I can easily come up with a mechanistic explanation for that.

Our entire notion of moral and legal responsibility is thrown into doubt the minute we fully embrace this truth, so Im not sure we can really afford to own up to the implications of free will being an illusion.

I think thats mostly right. As individuals and a society, Im not sure were ready to face this fact. But we could perhaps do it bits and pieces at a time.

You write that our species has problems with violence. Can you explain this complicated relationship?

The easiest answer is that we're really violent. The much more important one, the much more challenging one, is that we don't hate violence as such we hate the wrong kind of violence, and when it's the right kind of violence, we absolutely do cartwheels to reinforce it and reward it and hand out medals and mate with such people because of it. And thats part of the reason why the worst kinds of violence are so viscerally awful to experience, to bear witness to. But the right kinds of violence are just as visceral, only in the opposite direction.

The truth is that this is the hardest realm of human behavior to understand, but its also the most important one to try to.

What is the wrong kind of violence? What is the right kind of violence?

Of course that tends to be in the eye of the beholder. Far too often, the right kind is one that fosters the fortunes of people just like us in group favoritism, and the worst kinds are the ones that do the opposite.

Violence is a fact of nature all species engage in it one way or other. Are humans the only species that ritualizes it, that makes a sport of it?

That does seem pretty much the case. Certainly you see the hints of it in chimps, for example, where you see order patrols by male chimps in one group, where if they encounter a male from another group, they will kill him. They have now been shown in a number of circumstances to have systematically killed all the males in the neighboring group, which certainly fits a rough definition of genocide, which is to say killing an individual not because of what they did but simply because of what group they belong to.

What's striking with the chimps is that you can tell beforehand that this is where they are heading. They do something vaguely ritualistic, which is they do a whole bunch of emotional contagion stuff. One male gets very agitated, very aroused, manages to get others like that, and then off they go to look for somebody to attack. So in that regard, there is a ritualistic feel to it, but that's easily framed along the conventional lines of nonhuman animal violence. By that, I mean when male chimps do this, when they eradicate all of the other males in a neighboring territory, they expand their own; it increases their reproductive success.

I believe it is really only humans that do violence for purely ritualistic purposes.

Is our tribal past the most important thing to understand about human behavior?

I think it's an incredibly important one, and what's most important about it is to understand the implications of the fact that all of us have multiple tribal affiliations that we carry in our heads and to understand the circumstances that bring one of those affiliations to the forefront over another. The mere fact that you can switch people's categorization of others from race to religion to what sports team they follow speaks to how incredibly complicated and central tribal affiliation is to humans and to human life.

You spend a lot of time talking about the role of symbols and ideas in human life. We kill and we die for our symbols, and we often confuse the symbols themselves for the things they symbolize. Do you think symbols and ideas amplify our tribal nature, or do they help us transcend it?

Well, its important to understand that not only are we willing to kill people because they look, dress, eat things, smell, speak, sing, pray differently from us, but also because they have incredibly different ideas as to very abstract notions. I think the thing that fuels that capacity is how primitively our brains do symbolism.

I think the fact that our brains so readily intermix the abstractions and symbols with their visceral, metaphorical analogues gives those abstractions and symbols enormous power. That fact that were willing to kill and die for abstract symbols is itself crazy, but nonetheless true.

Has civilization made us better?

Absolutely. The big question is which of the following two scenarios are more correct: a) Civilization has made us the most peaceful, cooperative, emphatic we've ever been as a species, versus b) civilization is finally inching us back to the level of all those good things that characterized most of hominin hunter-gatherer history, preceding the invention of agriculture. Amid mostly being an academic outsider to the huge debates over this one, I find the latter view much more convincing.

You say you incline to pessimism but that this book gave you reasons to be optimistic. Why?

Because there's very little about our behaviors that are inevitable, including our worst behaviors. And were learning more and more about the biological underpinnings of our behavior, and that can help us produce better outcomes. As long as you have a ridiculously long view of things, things are getting better.

Its much nicer to be alive today than it was 100 or 200 years ago, and thats because weve progressed. But nothing is certain, and we have to continue moving forward if we want to preserve what progress weve made.

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Microsoft Expects DNA Data Storage to Be Operational By 2020 (MSFT) – Investopedia

Posted: at 10:25 pm

Microsoft Expects DNA Data Storage to Be Operational By 2020 (MSFT)
believes that its data center will contain a fully functional DNA storage system by the end of the decade, representing a potentially massive breakthrough in the tech industry battle to meet surging global demand for space-effective information storage ...
Microsoft Has a Plan to Add DNA Data Storage to Its CloudMIT Technology Review
Microsoft Reportedly Wants to Use DNA for Cloud Data StorageGizmodo
Microsoft working on DNA-based data storageBetaNews
The Stack -Computer Business Review -ITProPortal
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Microsoft Expects DNA Data Storage to Be Operational By 2020 (MSFT) - Investopedia

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Sounding out the properties of DNA – BMC Blogs Network (blog)

Posted: at 10:25 pm

A song made from DNA is unlikely to top the charts but converting DNA sequences into musical notes could lead to identifying mutations that would be otherwise missed. A recently published article in BMC Bioinformatics looks at six different algorithms that can convert DNA into musical notes and highlights the ability of sonification to discover specific DNA properties

Danielle Talbot 22 May 2017

DNA-MUSIC (Abhijit Bhaduri, Flickr CC)

Genomics researchers are all too used to seeing DNA sequences represented as long lists of A, T, C and Gs but could there be a better way to analyze this data? The recently published article by Dr Mark Temple of Western Sydney University suggests that representing DNA as musical notes could aid us in identifying stop and start codons and even help us to spot mutations that otherwise could prove much more difficult to find.

Sound has been used in the past to help aid analysis; even as far back as 1948, Alan Turings computer used different sounds to help indicate the progress of software to the user. As the amount of available genomic data increases, researchers are increasingly seeking new ways to analyze and seek out unique features. Using sound to identify these features in the same way that Turings machine used sound to identify progress could provide a novel way of processing these large data sets.

DNA representation (Andy Leppard, Flickr CC)

Dr Temple developed six separate sonification algorithms that could each parse a DNA sequence and convert it into a musical score. Some of the algorithms worked by treating each nucleotide as an individual note, while others used di- or tri-nucleotide groups, the protein sequence itself, or the codon reading frames. The resulting musical notation can then be played in the same way as any conventional music.

Listen track eight

Listen track twelve

This approach is particularly useful as it can highlight start and stop codons by using them to turn the music on or off, making those points in the DNA sequence abundantly clear. And this could be just the beginning of sound-based DNA analysis. As further research is carried out in this area, software could be developed that uses different sounds to represent features like binding sites, restriction endonucleases sites and SNPs. Todays DNA sequence browsers may use conventional analysis tools but perhaps we will soon see sonification algorithms like these included as well.

So while we may not see a DNA-based song topping iTunes, DNA sonification may open new avenues in DNA sequence analysis for researchers around the globe.

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New DNA technology that could help solve the 27-year-old murder – Kern Golden Empire

Posted: at 10:25 pm

BAKERSFIELD, CALIF - When it comes to the Jessica Martinez case, as well as numerous other cases, we're often told that evidence can be tested today that could potentially crack the case wide open. But what exactly does that mean? The science behind DNA testing is extremely complex, but we wanted to understand what new developments there are in 2017 that could help find justice for Jessica.

We found The Kern Regional Crime Lab is using new technology that could potentially help solve the Jessica Martinez case, as well as other cold cases, where decades have gone by without answers.

After someone is murdered, officials preserve physical evidence at the crime lab, where technicians test for the presence of DNA. If there is- then they look for what they call "locations", in order to develop a DNA profile. In the last two months, technicians in the lab have started using a new method.

"We were basically looking at 16 different locations in the DNA, where as with the global filer kit, we're looking at a total of 24 locations. So basically we're adding those additional locations for comparison", says DNA technical lead, Garett Sugimoto.

Sugimoto explains that having more locations to examine in the DNA, it gives them more information about the DNA to then compare against suspects. Having 24 locations, instead of 16, can make a big difference, Sugimoto says.

"I think the simplest way to explain it is if you think about a fingerprint, and if you had a fingerprint previously where you had 16 different points for comparison, well now you've just enhanced that fingerprint and now you have 24, and so it's just more points of identification, or more points for comparison", says Sugimoto.

In the Jessica Martinez case, DNA was recovered from the child's shoe. It hasn't been revealed what kind of DNA, but it hasn't matched anyone in CODIS, the nationwide DNA database, or to the primary suspect, Christopher Lightsey.

But the District Attorney's Crime Lab isn't giving up. Officials with the DA's office say some of the evidence in the case are being reexamined.

"Just the technology itself and where we are now with DNA testing, we could potentially test items from back in the early 2000's, when we wouldn't have considered them good items for DNA analysis. So I think we're looking at more items such as potential touch DNA samples and we're testing those more often, so the new kit can help test those kinds of samples", says Sugimoto.

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New DNA technology that could help solve the 27-year-old murder - Kern Golden Empire

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Research decoding the first deep-sea mussel genome published – Phys.Org

Posted: at 10:25 pm

May 23, 2017 (Left) Shell of the deep-sea mussel Bathymodiolus platifrons and (right) shallow-water mussel Modiolus philippinarum. Credit: Hong Kong Baptist University

A joint research led by Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has assembled the 1.64 gigabytes genome of a deep-sea mussel, which is roughly equivalent to 50% of the size of human genome. This is the first decoded genome among all deep-sea macrobenthic animals, revealing a complete set of DNA. The discovery gives wider insights into future research on the mechanisms of symbiosis in other marine organisms such as giant tubeworms and giant clams.

The research team, led by HKUST's Chair Professor of Division of Life Science Professor Pei-Yuan Qian and HKBU's Associate Professor of Biology Dr Jian-Wen Qiu, has published the research findings in prestigious international academic journal Nature Ecology & Evolution in early April.

The team used a specimen collected in 2013 during Dr Qiu's participation in China's manned submersible Jiaolong's expedition of the South China Sea for the research. Deep-sea organisms including mussels thrive in the extreme environments of hydrothermal vents and cold seeps which are characterised by high hydrostatic pressure, lack of photosynthesis-derived food, variable temperatures and high concentrations of toxic substances. Despite their ability to survive under stressful conditions, a lack of genomic resources has hindered the understanding of their molecular mechanisms of adaptation.

The study sequenced the genome of the deep-sea mussel Bathymodiolus platifrons as well as its shallow-water relative Modiolus philippinarum collected from a local softshore in Tingkok for comparison of genomic features. Through phylogenetic analysis, the research team discovered that modern deep-sea mussels are the descendants of shallow-water mussels, and their ancestors migrated to the deep sea approximately 110 million years ago, providing evidence to support a hypothesis that their ancestors survived through an extinction event during the global anoxia period associated with the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum which occurred around 57 million years ago.

Genome comparison revealed that the great expansion of several gene families in the deep-sea mussel may be related to its adaptation to the deep sea. For instance, the expansion of the "heat shock protein 70 family", a family of proteins that are produced by a cell in response to exposure to stressful conditions, may help the mussel stabilise protein structures. The expansion of the "ABC transporters family", the unit of the transport system, may enhance the mussel's ability to move toxic chemicals outside its gill epithelial cells.

The expansion of gene families related to immune recognition, endocytosis and caspase-mediated apoptosis indicates the mussel's adaptation to the presence of chemoautotrophic endosymbionts in its gills. An additional proteomic analysis of the deep-sea mussel gill reveals nutritional and energetic dependency of the mussel on its methanotrophic symbionts.

Professor Qian said, "The study has provided genomic resources for understanding how the deep-sea mussel has adapted to the abiotic stresses and lack of photosynthesis-derived food in the deep-sea chemosynthetic environment. The general mechanisms of symbiosis revealed in the study are of relevance to other symbiotic organisms such as deep-sea tubeworms and giant clams."

Dr Qiu said, "The genomic resources will facilitate various studies, including genetic connectivity among deep-sea populations, which is relevant to the establishment of deep-sea marine reserves."

Explore further: Symbiosis bacteria produce a variety of toxins that appear to save mussels from being eaten

More information: Jin Sun et al, Adaptation to deep-sea chemosynthetic environments as revealed by mussel genomes, Nature Ecology & Evolution (2017). DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0121

Journal reference: Nature Ecology & Evolution

Provided by: Hong Kong Bapstist University

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Sequencing of Green Alga Genome Provides Blueprint to Advance Clean Energy, Bioproducts – (blog)

Posted: at 10:25 pm

Biofuels International Magazine
Sequencing of Green Alga Genome Provides Blueprint to Advance Clean Energy, Bioproducts (blog)
Plant biologists have sequenced the genome of a particularly promising species of green alga, providing a blueprint for new discoveries in producing sustainable biofuels, antioxidants, and other valuable bioproducts. The researchers targeted ...
Big progress for algae biofuels? Green alga genome sequencedBiofuels International Magazine
Algae can do pretty much anythingInnovators Magazine

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