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Try Post Human W.A.R. with our Beta Giveaway – Turn-based Strategy & Tactics Indie Game – Wccftech
Posted: June 1, 2017 at 10:08 pm
Weve partnered with Playdius Ent, the indie game label by Plug In Digital, to organize a Post Human W.A.R. beta giveaway. This indie title is a turn-based tactical and psychological strategy game, according to the developers at Studio Chahut.
Post Human W.A.R. launched earlier this month on Steam Early Access, but youll be able to get in by picking one of the 500 codes available in the giveaway below. Do note that these codes wont give you access to the full game once the beta is over; the Early Access phase is reportedly going to last two months, which should mean that Post Human W.A.R. is set to release at some point in July.
Post Human W.A.R. Beta Giveaway
At the dawn of our third millennium, mankind went extinct, leaving behind a deeply affected planet Earth. Ferocious mutated animals, household robots converted for warfare, and inventive monkeys in tracksuits battle it out to decide the fate of the human heritage.
Form your armies and set off on an adventure through solo campaigns, or face off against players online! Experience a purely strategy-oriented gameplay with nothing left to chance, and filled with tactical challenges, bluffs and absurd humor.
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Try Post Human W.A.R. with our Beta Giveaway - Turn-based Strategy & Tactics Indie Game - Wccftech
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In interview, Cory Gardner says he talked with notorious Philippines leader Rodrigo Duterte about human rights abuses – The Denver Post
Posted: at 10:08 pm
U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner on Wednesday met with notorious Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte, who isaccused of allowing thousands of extrajudicial killingsas part of a drug crackdown. The Colorado Republican says the pair talked about human rights abuses in the Philippines, battling extremismand North Korea.
I am very concerned about the direction that things are heading in the Philippines, Gardner told The Denver Post in a phone interview Thursday after getting off a plane back to the U.S. Im very concerned about the extrajudicial killings and Im very concerned about the rule of law, and if it is being followed when it comes to human rights. Imvery concerned about human rights abusesand thats why I brought it up face to face.
Gardner said he also met with several other high-ranking Filipino officials, as well as the chairman of the Philippines Human Rights Commission, Chito Gascon.
Instead of engaging in press release diplomacy, Gardner said, Im actually going to do something about it.
Gardner met Duterte in Manila, the Philippines capital. ThePhilippines Presidential Communications Operations Office, which released photos of the two men shaking hands and speaking, called the meeting a courtesy call.
The meeting came during a four-day trip that Gardner, chairman of a Senate subcommittee on East Asia, took to the regionwhile Congress has been in recess. On that trip, he alsovisited withU.S. military leaders in the region, senior officials in South Koreas newly elected government and Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen.
The senator from Yuma met, too, withSung Kim, U.S. ambassador to the Philippines.
ProgressNow Colorado, a left-leaning advocacy organization, quickly criticized Gardners meeting with Duterteand demanded a full accounting of Gardners meeting with a murderous strongman who has been condemned by international human rights organizations.
Sen. Cory Gardner owes the people of Colorado an explanation for why he cant meet with us, but has time to visit with murderous Filipino strongman Rodrigo Duterte, said ProgressNows executive director Ian Silverii. Since taking office last year, Dutertes regime has been accused of thousands of extrajudicial killings, encouraging lawless vigilante violence against civilians, and threats against journalists. Duterte has boasted about personally committing murder. Duterte is the last person Sen. Gardner should be associating with, and yet there he was a headline in Filipino news media, smiling and shaking hands with this murderous strongman.
Gardner brushed off the criticism, saying liberal groups did not attack U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, his Democratic counterpart in Colorado, after hisvisit to Cuba.
Gardner also said he was able to secure a guarantee from Duterte that the Philippines would stop trade with North Korea. That they would help us on North Korea.
President Donald Trump and Duterte spoke on the phone about two months ago. A White House statement in April described the call as very friendly and said the U.S.-Philippine alliance is now heading in a very positive direction.
Duterte has taken a friendlier approach with Trump versus the antagonistic stance he had toward President Barack Obama, whom Duterteoncetold to go to hell for criticizing the Philippines leaders bloody anti-drug crackdown.
During Obamas final months in office, the Philippine president moved to build closer economic ties with China and Russia while repeatedly threatening to end his nations longstanding military alliance with the U.S.
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In interview, Cory Gardner says he talked with notorious Philippines leader Rodrigo Duterte about human rights abuses - The Denver Post
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Chimps and people console victims in surprisingly similar ways – Washington Post
Posted: at 10:08 pm
Asecurity camera recorded four black-clad gunmen as they rushed into a Netherlands supermarket. The camera watched them wave a gun in the face of a female employee. It watched her quietly hand over the money.
Later,MarieLindegaard, a scientist at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, reviewed this crime and21 other commercial robberies to study the behavior of victims and bystanders.
The supermarket robbery hit close to home. It was Lindegaard's local grocery store.
After the crime, a few nearby male employees approached the victim, talking for a few seconds. A female employee left her position at the tobacco counterto walk across the length of the store.She embraced the victim intensely. She held the victim in her arms for a very long time, as if the victim was a small baby, Lindegaard said, hugging her and moving her back and forth. The victimbegan to cry.
Women were more likely to console victims than men, Lindegaard and her colleagues reported Wednesday in the journal PLOS One.If a victim was an employee, another employee was more likely than a stranger to soothe the victim, a factor the study described as social closeness. These findings and others show that humans are a lot like other great apes.
Only a few species have been scientifically documented consoling victims of aggression: human children, chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas. The new study is the first to observe consolation in adults, Lindegaard wrote in an email to The Washington Post. Other studies had concluded that consolation behavior in chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates was similar to humans, but they actually meant human children, she said.
For both humans and chimpanzees, scientists defined consolation as afriendly touch. The cameras recorded 249 people and 3,680 possible pairs of interactions. Gender, social closeness and the threat of violence played a role. Physical proximity did not.
Whenrobbers wielded weapons, or forcefully threatened victims, the odds of consolation increased sharply. A co-worker was several times more likely to offer consolation than a stranger. Women were about three times more likely to provide comfort than men.In 4 of 22 robberies, no one was consoled.
Frans de Waal, a primatologist at Emory University who was not involved with the research,called for more studies like this one, based on observations instead ofsurveys. Many human studies based on questionnaires don't find gender differences in empathy, he said. In real-life observations, however, striking gender differences have been found in children, with girls expressing empathy (consolation behavior) more often than boys, de Waal said, just as in the present study.
The reaction by bystanders, such as embracing and touching of the victim, is extremely similar, de Waal said. It is the prototypical empathy response of the primates.
A few weeks ago, Dear Science answered a question about evolution that sparked a flurry of more questions. The Post's Sarah Kaplan answers them here. (Gillian Brockell,Julio Negron,Sarah Kaplan/The Washington Post)
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Stewart blasts Gillespie’s work for Tyson Foods – The Washington Post – Washington Post
Posted: at 10:08 pm
Virginia gubernatorial hopeful Corey Stewart on Tuesday accused one of his rivals of participating in human trafficking, a claim he based on work Ed Gillespies lobbying firm did for Tyson Foods when the poultry giant was charged with smuggling Mexicans across the border to work in its U.S. plants.
In essence, Ed Gillespie is complicit in smuggling illegal aliens into this country, Stewart said. Hes complicit in human trafficking.
Stewart, who faces Gillespie and state Sen. Frank Wagner (Virginia Beach) in the June13 GOP primary, made the claim one day after The Washington Post reported that Tyson paid Quinn Gillespie & Associates more than $1million for help on a range of issues, including the criminal case, which ended in acquittal.
[GOP front-runner Ed Gillespie in a tight spot on immigration]
Gillespies campaign dismissed Stewarts claim which came exactly two weeks before the primary as a baseless attack.
Corey Stewarts campaign has been a constant stream of fabrication and falsehoods, Gillespie spokeswoman Abbi Sigler wrote in an email. Tyson Foods retained Quinn Gillespie in 2001 to provide public relations services dealing with charges for which a jury later found the company not guilty. As The Washington Post reported, Tysons made clear the firm was not retained to lobby on the issue and Ed was not involved in the day-to-day work for them.
Polls show Gillespie, a former Republican National Committee chairman and onetime adviser to President George W. Bush, with a double-digit lead over Stewart, who is chairman of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors, and Wagner heading into the homestretch. Gillespie left the lobbying firm in 2007. Many political analysts think Stewart turned himself into a fringe candidate months ago by making the preservation of the states Confederate monuments the central issue of his campaign.
[Do Corey Stewarts Confederate antics help Ed Gillespie or hurt the GOP brand?]
But Stewart sees an opportunity to reset the race by playing up Gillespies ties to Tyson, noting that a sizable chunk of the electorate is undecided or even unaware of the race.
Now people are tuning in, he said, suggesting that voters will turn away from Gillespie when people find out that Ed Gillespie has been complicit in human trafficking of illegal immigrants into this country, illegal immigrants who are murdering and battering and raping American citizens.
On Facebook, Stewarts campaign promoted The Post story under an inaccurate headline of its own making: BREAKING: Gillespie Exposed for Receiving $1M+++ for Colluding with Illegal Alien Human Trafficker. The actual Post headline was, In Va. governors race, Gillespie in a tight spot on immigration in Trump era.
Tyson hired Quinn Gillespie & Associates in December 2001, just days before the U.S. Justice Department charged the poultry giant with illegally smuggling Mexicans into the country to work at processing plants in Virginia and elsewhere. Tyson acknowledged some smuggling at the time but maintained that it had been the work of rogue employees and was not sanctioned by corporate leaders. The company was acquitted.
Tyson paid Gillespies firm more than $1.1million from 2001 to 2007 to lobby Bushs White House, the Senate and the House on a range of issues, according to federal lobbying disclosures. Gillespie was listed as a Tyson lobbyist for several of those years. He was registered to handle issues that included amnesty proposals, immigration reform, country of origin labeling, and labor and workforce issues, according to those forms.
Gary Mickelson, a Tyson spokesman, told The Post last week that the company hired Gillespies firm for public affairs consulting, not lobbying, when our company was facing immigration charges. ... Most of the work done by Quinn Gillespie for our company did not involve Mr. Gillespie.
In response to Stewarts comments Tuesday, Mickelson issued a statement saying: Wehave zero tolerance for employing anyone who is not authorized to work in this country and use all available tools provided by the U.S. government to check the documents of the people we hire.
Even without this latest development, immigration has been a tricky issue for Gillespie, who hails from the partys establishment wing and supported the 2013 Gang of Eight immigration initiative in the U.S. Senate that called for tighter border security as well as a pathway to citizenship for an estimated 12million undocumented immigrants. Gillespie now says he never supported the amnesty aspect of the proposal; he says he wanted a pathway to legal status, not citizenship.
Gillespie has struck a big tent tone in TV commercials, which have him promising to be a governor for all Virginians, while his Facebook ads show images of a massive border wall and a handcuffed illegal immigrant.
Stewart also tried to appeal to various GOP constituencies as he blasted Gillespies work for Tyson, by turns describing the illegal Tyson workers as murderous and exploited.
He spoke at a morning conference at a county office building, surrounded by photos of Virginians who he said had been killed by illegal immigrants.
If it werent for the efforts of Ed Gillespie and Tyson, some of these people would still be alive today, Stewart said.
Asked whether he had any evidence that illegal immigrants who had worked at Tyson plants had killed anyone, Stewart said, No, but I know a significant portion of those who come here illegally, they have criminal backgrounds and commit crimes.
At the same time, Stewart suggested that Gillespie had helped to exploit the immigrants, saying that they were smuggled into the country to work for wages and under conditions that no American would accept.
Theres another victim, too, and that is the illegal immigrants themselves, Stewart said. Theyre paid next to nothing, and theyre forced to work in conditions that no American would work in. ... And hes been making a million dollars.
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Vince Staples Calls His New ‘Big Fish Theory’ Album Afro-Futurism – XXLMAG.COM
Posted: at 10:08 pm
Kevin Winter, Getty Images
There have been a number of rap sub-genres that have come along throughout the years including G Funk, snap, crunk, trap and drill, just to name a few. Vince Staples is onhis own wave with the release of his new album, Big Fish Theory,and its called Afro-futurism.
All I can tell you is that its current. Its tomorrow. Its next Thursday, Staples recently told LA Weekly. We making future music. Its Afro-futurism. This is my Afro-futurism. Theres no other kind.
The Long Beach rapper is indeed trying new things. He explained his step outside the box further saying, If a photographer took the same picture over and over again, youd call them crazy, right? If an architect built the same house, if a designer made the same clothes, if a painter made the same painting wed all discredit them.
He added, Then why do we expect musicians, and rappers specifically, to do the same thing over and over and over? Its because they do not look at rap music as art. They like to say the word, but theyre not really holding anything to those standards.
Vince has revealed the release date for Big Fish Theory as June 23. He will be going on tour with Danny Brown and Gorillaz next month. Check out the full list of tour dates here.
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Vince Staples Calls His New 'Big Fish Theory' Album Afro-Futurism - XXLMAG.COM
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The World’s Largest Floating Solar Plant Is Finally Online – Futurism
Posted: at 10:07 pm
In Brief The largest floating solar power plant in the world is now online in China. Floating where coal used to be mined, the installation is helping China transition toward renewables and making the most of its surroundings. Sungrow Floating Power Plant
The worlds largest floating solar power plant is now online in China. Built by Sungrow, a supplier of PV inverter systems, the 40MW plant is now afloat in waterfour to 10 meters deep, and successfully linked to Huainan, Chinas grid. The placement was chosen in large part because the area was previously the location of coal mining operations; and, as a result, the water there is now mineralized and mostly useless. The lake itself was only formed after years of mining operations, the surrounding landcollapsed and created a cavity that was filled with rainwater.
Floating solar plants are advantageous because they put otherwise useless water and land to good use, and the water naturally cools the system and the ambient temperatures, improving generation and limiting long-term damage from heat. They also avoid taking up space in densely populated regions, which is especially an issue in China; the country is currently home to more than 100 cities with populations of at least one million people each. Finally, the floating PV arrays, customized to work efficiently despite higher levels of humidity, prevent the evaporation of fresh water.
Although it was once among the worst offenders worldwide in the realm of carbon emissions and climate change, China has turned the page in a serious way. Now, it has become a world leader in the adoption of renewables in its quest to lead the way toward a greener, more sustainable future. This kind of dedication is what each country needs to commit to. As climate change progresses, we continue to see negative trends and changes; the last three years have all set horrifyingtemperature records.The future of humanity is directly tied to the future of renewables. Fortunately, innovations like the floating solar plant prove that there are almost endless ways to approach the problem in a practical, effective way.
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Musk To Resign From Trump Government if US Withdraws From Paris Climate Agreement – Futurism
Posted: at 10:07 pm
In Brief Earlier today, Elon Musk threatened to leave his post as an adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump's administration if the latter decides to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreements.
Amidst reports that U.S. President Donald Trump plans to pull out of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, serial entrepreneur and White House adviser Elon Musk has made his thoughts on the matter clearly known.
Earlier today, Musk took to Twitter, threatening to leave the White House advisory councils if Trump drops from the Paris accord. He began by outlining that he has done everything he can to show Trump that the U.S. must take a strong stance on climate change andkeep to the agreement. In a subsequent tweet, he said he would resign as an adviser if his words were not heeded.
When asked what he would do if the U.S. did leave, Musk responded, Will have no choice but to depart councils in that case.
According to the New York Times, three officials with knowledge of Trumps decision regarding the historic climate agreement have confirmed that the president is intent on backing out. Its a stance thats consistent with how the current administration has previously expressed their beliefs regardingclimate change, and if he does follow through, Trump will simply be making good on one of his campaign promises.
Naturally, for a man who owns a company that develops climate-friendly technologyTeslas electric vehicles and solar roofsworking with a government that refuses to recognize the reality of climate change would be a contradiction. If it comes down to it, as Musk pointed out, he would have no choice but to leave his advisory post in the administration.
Musk has previously taken flack for his decision to stay as an adviser to Trump, but it seems like he wont be able to tolerate the administrations stance on climate change any longer.
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NASA Just Unveiled Their Next Mission: We Will Finally Touch the Sun. – Futurism
Posted: at 10:07 pm
In Brief NASA has released new details about its solar probe and renamed it the Parker Solar Probe. In 1958, astrophysicist Eugene Parker first suggested the presence of a solar wind, which is the primary object of study for this historic mission to the Sun. Named After the Living
As NASA readies itself for its historic mission to the Sun set sometime between July and August 2018, the space agency made an announcement today that highlights the importance of this mission. The Solar Probe Plus has now been renamed the Parker Solar Probe, after astrophysicist Eugene Parker who discovered the phenomenon that this first-ever mission to a star will be investigating.
This is the first time NASA has named a spacecraft for a living individual, NASA administrator for the Science Mission DirectorateThomas Zurbuchen said in todays announcement. Its a testament to the importance of his body of work, founding a new field of science that also inspired my own research and many important science questions NASA continues to study and further understand every day. Im very excited to be personally involved honoring a great man and his unprecedented legacy.
Usually, NASA missions are renamed only after launch and certification, the agency noted. However, NASA decided not to follow the usual naming procedures to highlight the importance of Parkers work and his contributions to heliophysics and space science, as well as how the planned mission ties in with his research.
The Parker Solar Probe will examine a phenomenon known as a solar wind, which Parker first pointed out in 1958. High speed matter and magnetism, Parker theorized, constantly come out of the Sun and affect the planets and space around it.
The solar probe is going to a region of space that has never been explored before, Parker said in the NASA announcement. Its very exciting that well finally get a look. One would like to have some more detailed measurements of whats going on in the solar wind. Im sure that there will be some surprises. There always are.
Getting close enough to the Sun is crucial, and the Parker Solar Probe is equipped with technology that would allow it to do so. Its a spacecraft loaded with technological breakthroughs that will solve many of the largest mysteries about our star, including finding out why the suns corona is so much hotter than its surface, explained Nicola Fox, the probes project scientist, in the announcement.
Parker Solar Probe is going to answer questions about solar physics that weve puzzled over for more than six decades, Fox said in the announcement. We will finally touch the sun.
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100-Year-Old Drug May Be the Key to Treating Autism – Futurism
Posted: at 10:07 pm
In BriefA small clinical trial has demonstrated that 100-year-old drugcan relieved symptoms of autism in children. The work has alsogenerated a unifying theory of ASD linking the disorder to alteredmetabolic processes. Old Drug, New Tricks
A small clinical trial fromthe University of California, San Diego, has just yielded some promising results for those living withautism spectrum disorder (ASD). The results indicate that suramin, a 100-year-old drug used to treat African sleeping sickness, can measurably, albeit transiently, improve ASD symptoms in children.
This has led the research team to conclude that ASD in many children may becaused by a treatable metabolic syndrome and that, for some people with ASD, the right treatment can improve symptoms since they are not necessarily permanent.
ASD is just that a spectrum, and many children fall somewhere on that spectrum. According to the World Health Organization, about one in 160 children worldwide have ASD, although the CDC estimates that number to beone in 68.While it is not entirely clear whether the incidence of ASD is increasing, or detection of ASD is changing, or some other mechanism is at work making the numbers grow, there is no doubt that many people are affected.
The UCSD team is now focusing on metabolismthe shared language of the brain, immune system, and gutwhich allows the three linked systems to communicate. In peoplewith ASD, each of these systems works differently, and the communication between them is altered.
The researchers chose to test suramin because it inhibits purinergic signaling, a cell communications process that takes place in metabolism. Within seven days, all five of the children treated with suramin showed a steady improvement of symptoms, with no change at all shown in the placebo group.
These results mark the first time any drug has shown the potential to actually altersymptoms of ASD. Of course this is a small first trail, and the treatment may never be available depending on further research outcomes. Even so, these results are likely to prompt a major shift in the way we think about autism.
If the researchers are right, abnormally persistent cell danger response (CDR) is whats producing the metabolic syndrome causing ASD. Both environment and genes are factors in the CDR, so its possible that genetic causes alone might produce the metabolic syndrome and ASD. However, if a metabolic syndrome is whats behind ASD symptoms, it can be treated, even though the genes cant be.
This research also provides the first real unifying theory for the root cause of ASD. The lack of such a theory has been a huge factor in pharmacologic failures in treating aspects ASD. Treatments werent targeting the aspect of autism that could lower peoples quality of life and were sometimes worse than symptoms.
However, if this unifying theory is right thatCDR and problems in purinergic signaling play an important role in some forms of ASD, then doctors should be able to treat some symptoms of ASD such as difficulties with verbal communication, fear of changes in routine, and social anxiety without suppressing the traits that sometimes make people with ASD exceptional.
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Construction Has Begun On A Telescope That’s 5 Times Bigger Than The World’s Largest – Futurism
Posted: at 10:07 pm
In Brief The European Space Organization (ESO) has started construction on the Extremely Large Telescope, which will be the world's largest optical telescope. The new equipment will give astronomers a new tool to search for alien planets and any life they host.
A new era in space exploration is upon us.
Elon Musks SpaceX has expanded the possibility for what we can do in space, and the latest development in astronomyis going to expand what we can learn about space. Construction began late last week on what will be the worlds largest optical telescope.
The telescope is aptly named the European Extremely Large Telescope (ELT).
The telescope is being constructed on a 3,000 meter (9842.5 foot) high mountain in a Chilean desert. The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet Jeria, was present for the start of construction ceremony and noted the significance of this move to the sciences:
With the symbolic start of this construction work, we are building more than a telescope hereIt is one of the greatest expressions of scientific and technological capabilities and of the extraordinary potential of international cooperation.
It will boast some truly impressive measurements including a total weight of 5,000 tons(5,512 US tons), an 85 meter (279 ft) rotating dome, and a 39 meter (128 ft) diameter main mirror. The ELT will be five times larger than the largest telescopes in use today. The new equipment will allow for greater planetdiscovering ability and perhaps even help us discern the makeup of the atmospheres of alien worlds, giving us greater insights into a planets ability to host life as-we-know-it.
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