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Facebook’s secret weapon for fighting terrorists: Human experts and AI working together – TechRepublic
Posted: June 15, 2017 at 8:44 pm
Facebook had declared that it is actively fighting terrorism online, and it is using artificial intelligence (AI) to do so. In a Thursday blog post, the company detailed its strategy for removing terrorist content from Facebook, and how it's working to protect users from such material.
The post said that radicalization typically occurs offline, but there's no denying that the internet is a major communication channel for terrorist groups around the world. The Islamic State (ISIS) is thought to have hundreds of social media accounts, even doing recruiting drives on social media.
It's a massive problem, and Facebook wants to help solve it.
SEE: How one ransomware campaign was actually a front for a terrorist kill list
"We remove terrorists and posts that support terrorism whenever we become aware of them," the blog post said. "When we receive reports of potential terrorism posts, we review those reports urgently and with scrutiny. And in the rare cases when we uncover evidence of imminent harm, we promptly inform authorities."
With billions of users speaking some 80 languages, the post noted, the challenge is enormous. But Facebook said it believes that AI can act as a solution.
One of the ways that the technology can help is by matching images and videos to known terrorist content. The hope is that the company would be able to prevent other accounts from uploading a photo or video that was previously removed from the site for its ties to terrorist activity, the post said.
Facebook's systems are also looking out for language. Text that praises extremist groups, or seems to be promoting the work of terrorist groups, can be recognized and flagged for removal. The site also uses signals to determine if a particular page is a central location for a terrorist cluster so they can remove it, the post said.
According to the post, Facebook is also working harder to eliminate fake accounts used to circumvent the site's policies. The company is also attempting to tackle terrorist activity on WhatsApp and Instagram as well, the post said.
AI isn't the only solutionpeople are also a big part of Facebook's anti-terrorism strategy. In addition to reports and reviews from its Community Operations team, Facebook is also employing some 150 counter-terrorism experts as well, including academic experts, former prosecutors, former law enforcement agents, analysts, and engineers, the post said. And if a threat is imminent, a separate Facebook team communicates with law enforcement.
Additionally, specialized training, partner programs, industry collaboration, and government partnerships all play a role in Facebook's work against terrorists online.
Image: iStockphoto/ventdusud
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Elon Musk: The Next Generation Tesla Roadster May Achieve 60 MPH in Under 2 Seconds – Futurism
Posted: at 8:44 pm
In Brief CEO Elon Musk hinted at a possible target for the next generation of Tesla Roadsters expected to launch by 2019, and it's going to be the fastest one yet. Of course, with all the vehicles Tesla's currently working on, we'll have to wait a while to test it ourselves.
From 2008 and 2012, Tesla actually had a line of electric sports cars called the Tesla Roadster, which was the first-ever highway legal serial production of an all-electric car powered by lithium-ion batteries. Tesla has since discontinued its production, but it was announced three years ago that a second generation roadsteris coming.
CEO Elon Musk plans for this Tesla Roadster 4.0, so to speak, to outdo the first version. It will be capable of a Maximum Plaid performance mode, as Musk would call it in reference to the movie Spaceballs. In a recent tweet, Musk hinted at just how fast this Maximum Plaid would be.
If the first generation, had a Ludicrous mode capable of 0 to 97 km/h (60 mph) acceleration in just 2.5 seconds, the Tesla Roadster 4.0 might just hit 97 km/h (60 mph) in under two seconds. That would [be] an interesting target, Musk said in a tweet, replying to a question about the new roadster.
Would, of course, only count if capable of doing so right off the production line with street legal tires, Musk added, which Electreks Fred Lambert considers a possibility for the roadster to be faster with aftermarket components.
However, because Tesla is still busy with launching the Model 3 and perhaps working on the Model Y, and not to mention the highly-anticipated all-electric semi, the roadster is still a few years away supposedly in 2019. But the Roadster still gives Tesla fans who love sports cars something to look forward to.
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Elon Musk Puts a Cap on Ticket Price to Mars Colony. Here’s How Much It Could Cost. – Futurism
Posted: at 8:44 pm
In Brief Elon Musk's talk at the International Astronautical Congress has been adapted as a journal article in this month's New Space. The CEO of SpaceX focuses on the affordability of tickets to Mars as a key factor in its successful colonization. Mars Planning
Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, delivered an address at the International Astronautical Congress held in Guadalajara, Mexico last year outlining his vision of getting humans into space. This talk has now been adapted into a fifteen-page article that was published in this months issue of the journal New Space. Musk focuses on affordability as a major factor to ensuring the possibility of Mars colonization. He says You cannot create a self-sustaining civilization if the ticket price is $10 billion per person. He believes that the cost should be about $200,000; equivalent to the median price of a house in the United States.
Musk outlines the steps he considers essential to ensuring this relative affordability. The first step, developing fully reusable transport, is already well underway at SpaceX. The company has already proven the reliability of itsreusable rockets,and have recently demonstratedthe reusability of theDragon spacecraft. Fueling is also a key factor in controlling costs: equipping any craft with additional fuel will significantly increase the weight of the craft. Musk proposes using methane which is produced on Mars and would thereforeallow for refueling viasources directly on the plant.
Many experts believe that in order to ensure the survival of our species, we must work to be multi-planetary beings. Perhaps Musks vision to get us to Mars is the first step toward that goal. Musks enthusiasm for his Mars project is quite timely if we are to believe Stephen Hawking, who predictshumanity only has 100 years left on Earth.
But colonizing Mars is only a one possibility space has to offer. Space miningand manufacturingcan help to decrease the burden on Earths resources and give us the capabilityto create products that would be impossible to manufacture on Earth.
We are at the beginning of an exciting crossroads for humanity. The space race of the mid-20th century brought about great change for humanity. Its looking like this iteration will completely transform us.
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Elon Musk Puts a Cap on Ticket Price to Mars Colony. Here's How Much It Could Cost. - Futurism
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Astronomers Discover That Our Sun Likely Had an Evil Twin That Killed the Dinosaurs – Futurism
Posted: at 8:44 pm
In Brief Scientists believe that most, if not all, sun-like stars are born with a twin. Evidence also suggests that our solar system's sun's twin may be responsible for knocking the comet that killed the dinosaurs toward Earth. Stellar Doppelganger
We have long known that the dinosaurs were killed by a catastrophic comet impact with the Earths surface but what if there was some foul play afoot? Astronomers have discovered that our sun may have been born with a twin, and an evil one, at that. One hypothesisstates that every 27 million years, the evil twin, aptly dubbed Nemesis, returns to wreck havoc on the solar system. They believe that the star lobs a few meteors in our direction as it makes its may through the outer limits of the solar system.
Research has lead scientists to believe that most stars are born with at least one sibling. According to UC Berkeley astronomer Steven Stahler, We ran a series of statistical models to see if we could account for the relative populations of young single stars and binaries of all separations in the Perseus molecular cloud, and the only model that could reproduce the data was one in which all stars form initially as wide binaries.
These findings could have implications for our understanding of how stars are formed. Looking into how they maintain or break those familial relationships will give us a deeper understanding of how our Universe came to be what it is today. Stahler said, Our work is a step forward in understanding both how binaries form and also the role that binaries play in early stellar evolution. Stahler also pointed out that this could even lead to a better understanding of how galaxies are formed.
These findings were made possible by the VLA nascent disk and multiplicity survey (VANDAM) which took a census of a group of baby stars merely a half-million years old. Their findings have been accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and can be read pre-publication at
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Color-Changing Tattoos Could Help Millions Monitor Their Health in Real-Time – Futurism
Posted: at 8:44 pm
In Brief A collaboration between MIT and Harvard has yielded a fascinating new way to monitor dynamic levels in blood using color-changing tattoo ink. Though the team has no plans to pursue clinical trials, the technology could foreshadow the future of blood level monitoring. The Tattoo Test
Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)and Harvard Medical School have developed a tattoo ink that could provide real-time updates on the bodys health. By making ink that responds to interstitial fluid the liquid in which our cells are suspended the researchers have found a unique way to monitor blood glucose, sodium, and ph levels.
The idea of the DermalAbyss project is that an individual would have the ink tattooed onto their body in the pattern of their preference. The tattoo would then change color according to the amount of the activating agent present. A tattoo using the ink designed to respond to glucose levels, for example, would change color from blue to brown as the persons blood sugar level rises.
The technology is an ingenious interaction of the body-art, medical, and bio-sensor sectors. While the researchers haveno immediate plans to release their inkto the public, the potential of the project is huge, and others could possibly explore and expand upon it in the future.
Aside from the initial tattooing process, the researchers skin interfaces are non-invasive, unlike the methods currently usedto monitor diabetes. Theyre also much harder to damage than current wearable technology.
That means the tech could improve millions of lives in the United States alone by helping the 10 percent of the population with diabetesmore easily monitor their disease.
As stated on the project website,the technology could potentially be used to measure far more than just the levels tested in the study: It could be used for applications in [continuous] monitoring, such as medical diagnostics, quantified self, and data encoding in the body.
This isnt the only research exploring innovative uses of tattoos others have found ways to link body ink to sound filesor use it to control smartphones but this research is the first to explicitly explore the medical possibilities of inked biosensors. Though just a proof of concept right now, DermalAbyss could be offering us a glimpse into the future ofhealth monitoring.
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12th Annual IT CAME FROM…THE NEO-FUTURARIUM! Lineup Announced – Broadway World
Posted: at 8:44 pm
Neo-Futurist alumnae Rachel Claff and Dina Walters curate It Came from ... the Neo-Futurarium XII: Dawn of the Neo-Futurarium! the 12th annual series of staged readings of the best worst film scripts of all time.
The summer 2017 festival features four of the clunkiest, junkiest movies ever made (details below), brought to life by past and present Neo-Futurists and acclaimed guest artists. Includes a Pride weekend show and gender-bending casts.
The festival will take place Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. (performances run 75-90 minutes without intermission):
Caged! (1950), June 24, 2017 Face/Off (1997), July 1, 2017 Suspiria (1977), July 8, 2017 Someone I Touched (1975), July 15, 2017
All events take place at The Neo-Futurarium, 5153 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60640. Some street parking; Berwyn El stop (Red line); #92 (Foster) bus; #22 (Clark) bus.
Online tickets at $15 for each performance; $12 for students (with ID); $50 for a festival pass (all four shows)
June 24: Caged! (1950) - Nave teenager Marie is thrown into the ladies' slammer for being an accessory to robbery. Will she come out a woman ... or a wildcat? Bust out and come to this over-the-top Pride Weekend reading featuring an all-female-identified cast! Directed by Neo-Futurist alumnus David Kodeski (Wicked Woman; The Flaming Urge) and festival curator Rachel Claff.
July 1: Face/Off (1997) - In our 2009 reading of Cool as Ice, Dina Walters played the role she was born to play: Vanilla Ice. This year she plays the other role she was born to play: Nicolas Cage. Trying to take her down (via sketchy surgical science) is Neo-Futurist Kristie Koehler-Vuocolo as John Travolta. Bullets and doves will fly in this face-swappin', gender-swappin' spectacular! Walters also directs.
July 8: Suspiria (1977) - From the moment she arrives at the prestigious Tanz Academy, ballet dancer Suzy Bannion senses that something horribly evil lurks within its walls. So what if Suspiria's got gorgeous cinematography and buckets of gore? Director and Neo-Futurist alumna Stephanie Shaw is out to prove that this gonzo Italian horror film is as chock full of cheese as a good manicotti.
July 15: Someone I Touched (1975) - Man, made-for-TV movies were so different in the 1970s. Like, remember that one where a pregnant Cloris Leachman's husband cheated on her with a teenager and got syphilis? And then Cloris was worried her baby wouldn't have arms? But she still found time to sing the movie's theme song? *Sigh* Those were the days. Directed by festival veteran Edward Thomas-Herrera (Devil Girl from Mars; Sorority Girl).
Production team: Neo-Futurist alumna Rachel Claff (Creator, Head Curator), Neo-Futurist alumna Dina Walters (Assistant Curator), Jeremy Hornik (Selection Committee; Production), Jason Meyer (Selection Committee; Production), Bob Stockfish (Selection Committee; Production), and Neo-Futurist alumna MeLinda Evans (Technician).
It Came from ... the Neo-Futurarium! (staged readings of the best bad films of all time) was founded in 2002 by Neo-Futurist alumna Rachel Claff. Since then, over 60 terrible, awful movies have been staged, from sci-fi schlock (Devil Girl from Mars; Night of the Lepus) to deplorable drama (Day of the Dolphin) to miserable musicals (The Apple; Purple Rain) to appalling animation (My Little Pony: The Movie).
The festival has featured countless Neo-Futurists as well as theater companies from Chicago and beyond, including The House Theatre, The Plagiarists, Barrel of Monkeys, WildClaw Theatre, and Dad's Garage (Atlanta, GA). The "film fest," as it's affectionately called, has consistently played to sold-out crowds of movie aficionados and has garnered attention from the Chicago Tribune, Time Out Chicago, A/V Club, and more.
More information about ICFTNF is at, and for more about the Neo-Futurists, go to or call 773-275-5255.
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12th Annual IT CAME FROM...THE NEO-FUTURARIUM! Lineup Announced - Broadway World
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Rachel Hatch, futurist and community vitality expert, to keynote regionalism / workforce track – The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines
Posted: at 8:44 pm
Iowa Ideas
Jun 15, 2017 at 4:26 pm
Rachel Hatch, program officer for community vitality at The McConnell Foundation, will keynote the regionalism / workforce track at Iowa Ideas 2017. Hatch will speak Thursday, September 21in Cedar Rapids.
Hatch will bring a unique perspective to Iowa Ideas as a Cedar Falls native who has spent nearly a decade in Northern California, working with some of the world's largest companies to study and act on emerging trends.
The McConnell Foundation, which is based out of California, focuses on building better communities through philanthropy and awards money to non-profits, public education agencies and government agencies in Northern California. Hatch is currently concentrating on downtown revitalization in the community of Redding, California.
She previously served as the research director at the Institute for the Future, a think tank based in Palo Alto, California. She worked with Fortune 100 companies, government groups and philanthropic organizations to focus on trends and disruptions that are likely to influence their work in the next decade.
The aim of foresight is to anticipate the future in order to make better decisions in the present, she said in a reflection about her time with the Institute for the Future.
Rachel is also co-curator of TEDxRedding, which brings together practical visionaries from the Redding area and beyond to share ideas.
The Iowa Ideas Conference, Sept. 20-22, will include 80 sessions and more than 250 speakers across eight tracks. The statewide gathering will mix panel discussions, interviews with state leaders and thought-provoking experiences to help move complex issues forward. Iowa Ideas is for anyone: doers, industry leaders, policy makers, lifelong learners and those who want to lead the conversation about the future of our state.
Other topics to be discussedin the Regionalism / Workforce track include new approaches to workforce development, the impacts of technology on Iowa's employers, the role of immigrants and diverse populations in Iowa's workforce, rural community vitality and regional efforts.
Iowa Ideas 2017 will kick off Wednesday, September 20, with an opening celebration and keynote address from best-selling author and innovation expert Alec Ross.
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A spy satellite buzzed the space station this month, and no one knows why – Ars Technica
Posted: at 6:51 am
Enlarge / SpaceX launches a satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office on May 1.
About six weeks ago, SpaceX launched a spy satellite into low Earth orbit from Launch Complex 39A at NASAs Kennedy Space Center. As is normal forNational Reconnaissance Office launches, not much information was divulged about the satellite's final orbit or its specific purpose in space. However, a dedicated group of ground-based observers continued to track the satellite after it reached outer space.
Then something curious happened. In early June,the satellite made an extremely close pass to the International Space Station. One of the amateur satellite watchers, Ted Molczan,estimated the pass on June 3 to be 4.4km directly above the station. Another, Marco Langbroek, pegged the distance at 6.4km. "I am inclined to believe that the close conjunctions between USA 276 and ISS are intentional, but this remains unproven and far from certain," Molczan later wrote.
In recent days, Ars has run these observations by several officials and informed sources. They are credible, these officials say, and curious indeed. "This is strange," said one astronaut who hascommanded the International Space Station. "I don't really believe in coincidences. But I can't really think of anything that would be worth highlighting a close approach."
One expert in satellite launches and tracking, Jonathan McDowell, said of the satellite's close approach to the station, "It is not normal." While it remains possiblethat the near-miss was a coincidence due to the satellite being launched into similar orbit, that would represent "gross incompetence" on the part of the National Reconnaissance Office, he said. Like the astronaut, McDowell downplayed the likelihood of a coincidence.
Another option is that of a deliberate close flyby, perhaps to test or calibrate an onboard sensor to observe something or some kind of activity on the International Space Station. "The deliberate explanation seems more likely, except that I would have expected the satellite to maneuver after the encounter," McDowell said. "But it seems to have stayed in the same orbit."
Another question, if the maneuver was deliberate, is whether the US government informed Russia or other international partners on the space station. The Russian segment of the station controls the thrusters that generally are used to maneuver the station away from orbital debris, so such coordination might seem prudent.
In regard to these questions, so far the US government has declined to provide answers. A NASA spokesman offered to look into the matter on Monday but as of Wednesday afternoon had nothing to say. A query sent to public affairs at theNational Reconnaissance Office went unanswered. We will update this story if we receive any official responses.
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A spy satellite buzzed the space station this month, and no one knows why - Ars Technica
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Russia Launches Robotic Cargo Ship to Space Station –
Posted: at 6:51 am
An uncrewed Russian cargo ship launched toward the International Space Station today (June 14), kicking off a two-day trip to deliver tons of fresh food and other supplies.
The automated Progress 67 spacecraft launched into orbit atop a Russian Soyuz rocket at 5:20 a.m. EDT (0920 GMT). The mission lifted off from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, where the local time was 3:20 p.m., NASA officials said.
The Progress spacecraft is carrying nearly 3 tons of fresh food, fuel and other vital supplies for the space station's Expedition 52 crew. It will arrive at the space station on Friday (June 16) at 7:42 a.m. EDT (1142 GMT), NASA officials said. [The Space Station's Robotic Cargo Ship Fleet (Photo Guide)]
"Less than 10 minutes after launch, the resupply ship reached preliminary orbit and deployed its solar arrays and navigational antennas as planned," NASA officials wrote in a mission update. "The Russian cargo craft will make 34 orbits of Earth during the next two days before docking to the orbiting laboratory at 7:42 a.m. Friday, June 16."
The Progress 67 launch comes on the heels of a two other cargo ship events at the space station. On Sunday (June 11), an Orbital ATK Cygnus cargo ship burned up in Earth's atmosphere to end its own recent resupply mission for NASA. On June 5, a SpaceX Dragon cargo ship arrived at the station two days after launching into orbit. Dragon will stay linked to the orbiting laboratory until July 2, when it will return to Earth to make an ocean splashdown.
An international fleet of robotic cargo ships periodically deliver supplies to the International Space Station. That fleet includes Russia's Progress spacecraft, the U.S. commercial vehicles like SpaceX's Dragon and Orbital ATK's Cygnus, as well as Japan's H-2 Transfer Vehicle.
The European Space Agency also flew five cargo missions to the station using its huge Automated Transfer Vehicles. The last European cargo ship flew in 2015.
Of all these robotic spacecraft, only SpaceX's Dragon is capable of returning cargo to Earth. The rest are disposed of by being intentionally burned up in Earth's atmosphere. Progress 67 will stay docked at the International Space Station until December, when it will depart to meet its fiery end in Earth's atmosphere.
NASA will stream live video of Progress 67's space station arrival on Friday. The webcast will begin at 7 a.m. EDT (1100 GMT) ahead of the docking. You can watch the docking live here, courtesy of NASA TV.
Email Tariq Malik at or follow him@tariqjmalikandGoogle+.Follow us@Spacedotcom,FacebookandGoogle+. Original article
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Baking crumb-free bread on the International Space Station – CNET
Posted: at 6:51 am
In 1969, astronaut Buzz Aldrin showed a TV audience back on Earth how to make a sandwich in zero gravity.
The aroma and warmth of freshly baked bread are such sensory delights.
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station may soon enjoy this elusive reminder of home if a new food experiment succeeds.
A German company calledBake In Space is testing both a new dough mixture for German bread rolls and an oven specially designed for the ISS and microgravity.
"We are working to produce a bread machine that will be capable of baking bread rolls and a dough mixture that will be suitable for the space environment," the Bake In Space site states.
While bread on the space station may not sound all that exciting, astronauts must worry about any food that creates crumbs or particles that can float around and damage equipment.
In fact, when astronauts on NASA's 1965 Gemini 3 mission ate a corned beef sandwich smuggled on board, crumbs of rye bread began to float around the cabin, jeopardizing the gear and potentially the astronauts themselves -- think crumbs in eyes. Bread has always been banned from the ISS, though currentlytortillas are allowed.
The baking experiment will take place next April during the European Space Agency's Horizon mission on the ISS. Ground crew will monitor live video feeds from inside the oven, so astronauts won't have to worry about their loaves while performing their regular duties.
As space tourism takes off and people spend more time in space, we need to allow bread to be made from scratch," Sebastian Marcu, CEO and founder of Bake In Space, told New Scientistlast week.
Perhaps cookies and brownies are next.
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