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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Urban Dictionary: libertarianism

Posted: June 27, 2017 at 6:44 am

The idea that licentiousness among consenting adults (legalized drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc.) can co-exist with limited government (confined strictly to preventing anyone from infringing upon the life, liberty, and property rights of anyone else) under a constitutional republic in an environment free from interference by over-zealous right-wing Bible-thumpers, tax-and-spend liberals, or other external agents of oppression.

The main problem with this delusional notion of co-existence is that it runs afoul of an annoying immutable natural law - roughly translated as "nature abhors a vacuum" - that's understood and exploited by every drug pusher, credit card issuer, Las Vegas casino, and Madison Avenue marketer and even the bailout-happy U.S. Federal Reserve and which was summed up by Edmund Burke:

"Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites; in proportion as they are disposed to listen to the counsels of the wise and good in preference to the flattery of knaves.

"Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without.

"It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters."

-or as John Adams said:

(The U.S.) constitution was made for a moral and religious people; it is wholly inadequate for any other.

"We favor the repeal of all laws creating 'crimes' without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes."

"The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights life, liberty, and justly acquired property against aggression"

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Humans reach for godhood and leave their humanity behind … – Washington Post

Posted: at 6:42 am

Much analysis of Yuval Noah Hararis brilliant new book, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, focuses on the harrowing dystopia he anticipates. In this vision, a small, geeky elite gains the ability to use biological and cyborg engineering to become something beyond human. It may upgrade itself step by step, merging with robots and computers in the process, until our descendants will look back and realize that they are no longer the kind of animal that wrote the Bible [or] built the Great Wall of China. This would necessarily involve the concentration of data, wealth and power, creating unprecedented social inequality.

In the early 21st century, argues Harari, the train of progress is again pulling out of the station and this will probably be the last train ever to leave the station called Homo sapiens.

Few of us Homo sapiens are eager to take such a trip, apart from some dataists who pant for the apocalypse. But, as Harari repeatedly insists, the prophets job is really an impossible one. Someone living in the 12th century would know most of what the 13th century might have to offer. Given the pace of change in our time, the 22nd century is almost unimaginable.

Yet the predictions are not the most interesting bits of the book. It is important primarily for what it says about the present. For the past few hundred years, in Hararis telling, there has been a successful alliance between scientific thought and humanism a philosophy placing human feelings, happiness and choice at the center of the ethical universe. With the death of God and the denial of transcendent rules, some predicted social chaos and collapse. Instead, science and humanism (with an assist from capitalism) delivered unprecedented health and comfort. And now they promise immortality and bliss.

This progress has involved an implicit agreement, In exchange for power, says Harari, the modern deal expects us to give up meaning. Many (at least in the West) have been willing to choose antibiotics and flat-screen TVs over the mysticism and morality behind door No. 2.

It is Hararis thesis, however, that the alliance of science and humanism is breaking down, with the former consuming the latter. The reason is reductionism in various forms. Science, argues Harari, revealed humans as animals on the mental spectrum, then as biochemical processes and now as outdated organic algorithms. We have opened up the Sapiens black box and discovered there neither soul, nor free will, nor self but only genes, hormones and neurons.

This rather depressing argument is well presented, with a few caveats. Hararis breezy style is sometimes in tension with his utter nihilism. Here is a moral rule: You can either be cheery or you can describe the universe as an empty, echoing void where human beings have no inherent value. But you cant do both.

And Hararis treatment of religion is, charitably put, superficial. He seems to think that the absence of an immortal soul can be proved by dissection. Scientists have looked into every nook in our hearts and every cranny in our brains. But they have so far discovered no magic spark. For future reference, religious believers dont generally view the liver or the pineal gland as the seat of the soul. And when Harari claims that religion is no longer a source of creativity and makes little difference, it is tempting to shout Martin Luther King Jr. at your e-reader.

But Harari has one great virtue: intellectual honesty. Unlike some of the new atheists, he recognizes that science is incapable of providing values, including the humanistic values of Locke, Rousseau and Jefferson. Even Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker and the other champions of the new scientific worldview refuse to abandon liberalism, Harari observes. After dedicating hundreds of erudite pages to deconstructing the self and the freedom of will, they perform breathtaking intellectual somersaults that miraculously land them back in the 18th century.

Harari relentlessly follows the logic of reductionism as it sweeps away individualism, equality, justice, democracy and human rights even human imagination. Yes, God is a product of the human imagination, but human imagination in turn is the product of biochemical algorithms.

This is the paradox and trial of modernity. As humans reach for godhood, they are devaluing what is human. Omnipotence is in front of us, almost within our reach, Harari says, but below us yawns the abyss of complete nothingness. A humane future will require someone to offer a bridge across the chasm.

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This human food tray gets aroused when strangers eat off of her body – New York Post

Posted: at 6:42 am

2:12 This human food tray gets aroused when strangers eat off of her body

Lying on a dining table and wearing nothing but a flesh-colored thong, Miranda Robero from Bushwick keeps professional in her role as a living food platter a job she describes as "performance art." Robero, who also works as a fire juggler and gentlemen's club dancer, is one of eight so-called "human trays" at Brooklyn's latest hipster fad Lust, an "immersive erotic dinner party" founded by Abby Hertz.

For one Los Angeles resident, water is much more than a necessity its the future of luxury. Martin Riese is Americas one and only water sommelier, and he wants restaurant patrons choices to go far beyond sparkling or still. Riese not only created an extensive water menu for Patina Restaurant Group in Los Angeles, he started a Water 101 class where for $50, students can learn about what makes each glass so unique.

A 72-year-old man is making waves in synchronized swimming a sport almost entirely comprised of females. Harvey Burgett began swimming less than a decade ago in a continuing education class taught by Dale Mohammed at LehmanCollege in New York City.Burgett, who works as a music teacher and composer by day, is one of the few male synchronized swimming competitors in the world.

As a 6-year-old, this basketball phenom was already shooting her way to stardom. Jaliyah Manuel, from New Orleans, Louisiana, has been honing her skills since she was 4 with the help of her dad and coach, Javon Manuel.The duo trains for 30 hours every week. "I want to be in the WNBA," she said. Jaliyah may not have pro status yet, but she already has over 100,000 followers on Instagram, thanks to talent and hard work.

Divorce doesn't have to be ugly if you've got the budget. "My tagline is, 'There's no ugly women, just lazy ones,' which is also Coco Chanel's quote," New York image consultant Amanda Sanders told The Post. "But it's true." Sanders charges $250 anhour to give newly single womena sexy new look and a big boost in confidence after their split. "If you can afford me, I'm your fairy godmother," she said, adding that her services are the least expensive part of the process. Anew wardrobe for clients can cost as much as $15,000, cosmetics $4,000 and services like teeth whitening $1,000. Sanders' newest client, Jen, who chose not to share her last name, said the price isworth it now that she's separated from her husband.

They need to stop clowning around and get a job. When the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus closes its doors this monthafter a 146-year run, a group of costumed entertainerswill be out of work. Were going back in the workforce and, of course, were constructing our resumes and demos. Were all sort of, you know, hustling, 41-year-old Johnathan Lee Iverson, the first African-American ringmaster of a major US circus., told The Post.

A 92-year-old yoga master has the secret to staying young going to raves! Madan Bali, the founder of Yoga Bliss studio, brings his fun-loving, no-stress approachtothe dance floor. Wearing a green Yoda hat topped by a bejeweled crown and paired with gold sunglasses, Bali looked like the ultimate club kid at the Igloo Fest in Montreal in February.Life is too short. I like to have a party. I like to enjoy and celebrate life and thats what were here for, Bali told The Post. Produced for the New York Post by Fanny Texier.

A Superman who turned into a down-and-out Clark Kent is thriving again after Post readers came to his rescue.Christopher Reeve look-alike Christopher Dennis who for yearsmade a living as aSuperman impersonator on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles was way down on his luck just a few months ago.Last August he was violently robbedof his Superman suit, laptop, phone and nearly $1,000. But Dennis is making a comeback as the Man of Steel thanks toreaders. In addition to 700 social media comments offering support, people donated money to buy him new costumesand helped him gethousing.

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This human food tray gets aroused when strangers eat off of her body - New York Post

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Did NASA Just Discover Alien Life? Spoiler Alert: No. – Futurism

Posted: at 6:42 am

In Brief A Youtuber claiming affiliation with the hactivist group Anonymous released a video stating that NASA is on the verge of announcing the discovery of intelligent life. The video takes quotes out of context and adds their own unproven assumptions. Anonymous Tip

Living in these uncertain times, it seems that false news stories generated to rack up the clicks disseminate faster than ever before. Some of these fake stories even make it beyondthe traditionally susceptible Great Uncles Facebook feed and are quickly gobbled up by traffic-hungry publications who are more concerned with riding a wave of sensationalism than earnestly informing the populace. Such a story had its grips on publications across the internet today, and the salacious topic fueling the frenzy was (of course) aliens.Click to View Full Infographic

A video was posted by a self-describedmember of Anonymous a loosely associated international hacktivist group who claimed that they hadexclusive evidence from NASA saying that we are on the verge of discovering alien life. The person in the Guy Fawkes mask with the digitally-altered voice goes even further, claimingthat theyre not just talking about microbial life, but advanced, space-faring civilizations.

Unfortunately, the facts just do not measure up to these claims which were taken out of context from actual hearings. Keeping in mind thatNASA is certainly making significant progress in discovering life on other planets,The Washington Post decided to do some actual journalism and reach out to NASA for a quote on the fake news. While were excited about the latest findings from NASAs Kepler space observatory, theres no pending announcement regarding Extra-Terrestrial life, a spokesman for the agency wrote.

One of the quotes pulled for the video was said by NASAs Thomas Zurbuchen during a congressional hearing back in April (the entire hearing is publicly available). Zurbuchen did indeed state We are on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented discoveries in history, but he was discussing the discovery of possible habitable planets around distant suns, as well asorganic chemicals being found on a moon of Saturn.

Futurism will continue to follow all leads regarding the search for life beyond Earth but we will do so with the full backing of peer reviewed science and not by taking the word of a viral video.

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First Ever Cable-Free Elevator Can Move Horizontally and Vertically – Futurism

Posted: at 6:42 am

In Brief Engineering firm ThyssenKrup has just finished the first tests of its Maglev elevator that operates horizontally and vertically without cables. This in-building hyperloop could change high-rise building design and cut down wait time for elevators.

Engineering firm ThyssenKrup has created a Maglev elevator that operates horizontally as well as vertically, and without cables. The firm has completed the first public tests of the technology in a dedicated tower. Named Multi, the experimental elevator trades in cables for rails and magnetic fields. The fields push the cabins along the rails which work like linear motors, much like an in-building hyperloop.

The cabins can rotate to shift a cabin to the side when it stops at a floor. This allows more cabins to use the system seamlessly without getting in each others way. The cabins will also be able to plan their routes, which will reduce wait timesand prevent in-shaft traffic jams.

This tech may also solve an ongoing issue facing designers of modern high-rise buildings. If youve ever been in a very tall building, youve probably noticed that youre forced to take elevators from different banks to reach the highest floors. This is because standard cable elevator designs can only safely rise about 1,600 feet per single continuous stretch. The Multi system would put an end to that, making more space and style options possible.

ThyssenKrup has already signed up its first customer: the East Side Tower building planned for Berlin will feature the Multi. Before you get too excited, though, realize that the price tag of the system will probably keep it from becoming the new standard anytime soon:it costs up to five times as much as a standard elevator system. And, theres no up and out button the cabins will rely on the rails.

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Ethereum is Up 4000% This Year, And The World’s Elite Are All Buying In – Futurism

Posted: at 6:42 am

Ethereum Goes Up

MGT Capital, the company run by John McAfee, said it would start to mine Ethereum the bitcoin rival that has surged nearly 4,000% this year in its latest bid to turn a profit. Although ethereumhas since dropped in value, its an alteration that was predicted by experts, given its unprecedentedly excessive rise. And as this latest announcement highlights, tech experts and investors alike are confident that its price will soon surge again.

MGT, which is publicly traded over the counter, has pitched itself to investors mostly as a cybersecurity company. Cybersecurity is where McAfee made his mark as the founder of the antivirus company that bears his name.

But McAfee has more recently started to tout cryptocurrencies. He said last month that investments in bitcoin would help put MGT back in the black by the end of the year.

Ethereum is like bitcoin in that it can be mined by computers that solve complex computations. MGT said Friday that it reached an agreement with Bit5ive LLC to buy up to 60 graphics-processor-based mining computers to help mine for ether.

We are more convinced each day of the growth and value of digital currencies, and our company is uniquely positioned to be a leading provider of processing power to relevant blockchains, McAfee said in the statement.

McAfees foray into the cryptocurrency space comes when others have been sounding the alarm after a huge run-up in prices.

In early June, billionaire Mark Cuban said it was evident that bitcoin was a bubble, tweeting, When everyone is bragging about how easy they are making $=bubble.

Days later, Goldman Sachs warned that bitcoin was looking heavy and that a drop to between $2,330 and $1,915 a coin was looking likely. Bitcoin put in a low of $2,076 just a day later after the scaling debate came back into focus as the bitcoin-mining firm Bitmain outlined its contingency plan for if a hard fork were to occur. Bitcoin has recouped those losses and now trades at $2,708.

Ethereum is up by 3,964% in 2017. As for MGT, its stock is up by 42% year-to-date.

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Twin Peaks recap: ‘The Return: Part 8’ –

Posted: June 26, 2017 at 4:51 pm

Subscribe to A Twin Peaks Podcast: A Podcast About Twin Peaks on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts to unwrap the mysteries in EWs after-show every Monday during the Showtime revival.

Let it be weird.

No need to explain it. No need to figure it out. No need to tame it with reason or theory.

Just let it be weird. For now.

Part 8 of Twin Peaks: The Return was the David Lynch on heroin wed been promised. For the most part, it was a mesmerizing rush of pure-cut WTF, albeit one that made a certain amount of sense for those versed with the shows symbol system and Lynchian motifs. Still, I officially gave up trying to make sense of everything during my first viewing right about the time the eyeless transhuman entity known as Experiment started barfing foamy ejaculate containing speckled (Easter?) eggs and a creamed corn glob of BOBs face. I quit taking notes, quit pressing PAUSE so I could Google things like The Manhattan Project, quit sweating that I wasnt getting it. I decided to accept Gotta light? as an act of pure Strangelove. I stopped worrying about it and just enjoyed all the crazy bomb drops.

This is not to say we wont be trying to understand it in this recap. We will! We should! Part 8 was this shows version of Losts Across the Sea episode a big bang creation myth for the evil that haunts and poisons Twin Peaks America and gave rise to abominable mutants and brought otherworldly cosmic horror to a fallen world; it was Lynchs version of a 50s sci-fi/horror movie. (From this perspective, you could see the episode as a big bang creation myth for pop culture.) Still, everything I have to offer in the way of being Mr. Explainer is mostly speculation, and the last thing I want to do is confuse you more than you might be. So Ill try to be disciplined in my theories. I do hope Lynch and Mark Frost will offer some illumination for what we saw here in the episodes to come, especially since some of it was actually hard to see; this was a dusky, dim episode, appropriate for a story about spiritual darkness, but some images were hard to make out. Example: the shot of the BOB embryo harvested from the chest of Dirty Cooper. But for now, Im okay to just let it be weird, and delight in that weirdness. Also, its my girlfriends birthday, and I promised Id celebrate her with an energetic, attentive presence unimpaired by a recap-broken brain. Priorities, people.

Part 8 opened with Dirty Cooper and Ray, newly sprung from prison, traveling by yellowy rental car at night to a place Ray liked to call The Farm. Fitting for a creature from the deep web of Black Lodge space, Dirty Cooper used one of his dark devices some kind of black magic cell phone full of cheat codes for techno-reality to exorcise the vehicle of three tracers and/or cast them upon a truck. (Poor hexed scapegoat truck!) He then threw the phone out the window, the big litterer. The earth cried from mans indifference to the environment, and not for the last time in this episode.

Tension between these two criminals: palpable. Dirty Cooper knew that Ray had accepted a $500,000 contract to rub him out. But he needed to extract some information from his treacherous associate before he made him say hello to his little friend hidden in the glove compartment. (No, not Ike the Spike a gun!) What Dirty Cooper didnt know was that Ray was pretty hip to all this. He had no intention of giving up whatever it was that he knew a string of numbers; coordinates, I believe unless the man he called Mr. Cooper wished to pay for them, or so he intimated; I think Ray has no intention of giving Dirty Cooper anything he wants. Ray also knew all about the concealed weapon, and he wasnt worried abut it for a few reasons, including the fact that he had a revolver of his own, courtesy, we might assume, of the warden whom Dirty Cooper blackmailed last week. Truly, there is no honor among thieves and their corrupt jailers.

Dirty Cooper directed Ray to exit the highway and take a smaller road to their final destination. This led to some long, Lynchian shots of Cooper and Ray driving in silence or shots from their point of view of the car following highway lines and directional markers and pushing into darkness across rough, uneven, unpaved terrain. In retrospect, Lynchs filmmaking choices foreshadow the protracted odyssey to come: This was an episode that basically departed from the shows main narrative (such as it) to go off-roading into the wilderness of Twin Peaks mythology.

Ray stopped the car in the woods because he had to take a leak, because by now, it just wouldnt be an episode of Twin Peaks without someone peeing. (The shows biggest whizzer, coffee-chugging Dougie, was MIA this week.) Perhaps Dirty Cooper could smell the bulls on Ray. He retrieved the gun, checked the chamber, and demanded that Ray cough up the digits in his head. Ray spun around with a gun of his own. Dirty Cooper was the first to pull trigger but the gun didnt fire. Click-click-jammed! Tricked you, fer, quipped Ray, who then put Dirty Cooper down with two bullets in the chest.

And thats when s got weird. (Recap continues on page 2)

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Bread’s Done! This Company Wants to Help Astronauts Bake in Space –

Posted: at 4:51 pm

This proof of concept shows the front plate of an oven that can bake bread in microgravity.

A team of engineers and scientists may have just found a way for astronauts to enjoy fresh bread in space.

Currently, astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) rely on tortillas as their "bread" because they have a long "shelf life" and don't produce crumbs. But now, a team of engineers and scientists in Germany is developing an oven that works in microgravity, as well as space-grade dough that's suitable for baking bread in orbit, so that astronauts may one day be able to bake and enjoy fresh bread on the job.

Germany-based startup Bake In Space also plans to develop a made-in-space sourdough brand based on yeast cultivated at the International Space Station.

According to Sebastian Marcu, founder and CEO of Bake In Space, the idea came from his friend, spacecraft engineer Neil Jaschinski, who had been struggling to find a better solution to what he says was poor-quality bread in the Netherlands, where he works.

"Bread is a big topic in Germany," Marcu told "We have 3,200 variations of bread, with a bakery pretty much on every street corner. In the Netherlands, most Germans would complain about the quality of bread." [Space FoodEvolution: How Astronaut Chow Has Changed (Photos)]

Spacecraft engineer Neil Jaschinski poses with Bake In Space's prototype microgravity oven.

Jaschinski have overcome the lack of good bread by learning to bake his own at home. However, he and Marcu realized that their fellow German, ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst who is slated to command the ISS in the second half of 2018 would have no choice but to survive his six months in space on NASA-approved tortillas.

"I have heard from several former German astronauts that they really missed bread" while in space, Marcu said. "Everything on the space station has to have [a] long shelf-life. And fresh produce, freshly baked products that's something they really miss."

Former German astronaut Gerhard Thiele has joined the project as well.

'We need to take care of the human beings that we are sending [to space], of their wellbeing, and food, as well as the environment, is an essential part of this," commented Thiele, who spent 11 days in space in 2000 aboard Space Shuttle mission STS-99

To have something fresh, whether it is bread or whether it is vegetables, it would be wonderful.

Bread has been a staple in human diet for thousands of years but replicating the art of bread making in orbital conditions presents multiple challenges. Microgravity, Marcu said, is only one of them.

"We have to comply with a whole set of safety regulations that we have on the space station," Marcu said. "We have to make sure that none of the surfaces [of the oven] becomes hotter than 45 degrees Celsius [113 degrees Fahrenheit]. This means that we cannot preheat the oven; we cannot open the oven in the middle of operation."

On Earth, bread needs to be baked at a temperature of about 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Once its done, the bakers remove it from the heated oven. But that would not be possible in space. Processes such as thermal convection, which helps to mix up air on Earth, don't work in space. If a bubble of air that hot were to escape from the oven in orbit, it could stay floating inside the station for quite a while, posing a serious health risk to the astronauts,Marcu said.

Marcu said the team has found a way to overcome this challenge.

"We basically put the baking product, the dough, inside the cold oven and start heating it up," he said. "Once it's almost done, we start cooling it down. But at that time, any product will start to get dry, and that's why we need to design the oven so that some water is added during the baking process."

The oven also needs to be able to operate with only 270 watts of power about one-tenth the power used by conventional ovens on Earth. Marcu said the team hopes to have a prototype ready by the end of this year. [The International Space Station:Inside and Out(Infographic)]

Mastering the process of baking is only one step toward making the space-grade bread. Crumbs could damage the station's equipment, or astronauts could accidently inhale them. Marcu said he hopes the combination of the new baking process and a carefully designed dough will solve the problem.

There are further challenges when it comes to the dough, Marcu added. While the ultimate goal is to make bread in space from scratch, he said, the engineers will launch a premade bread product to the space station as a first step. But as with all space food, this bread product will have to have an extremely long shelf life and survive without a fridge or a freezer.

"At the moment, we are testing out different dough recipes, doing longevity storage tests, keeping them at ambient temperature and making sure that nothing grows inside that is not wanted that could contaminate the space station," Marcu said.

Separately, Bake In Space will send a yeast culture to the space station that the astronauts will use to create sourdough, which will be delivered back to Earth to establish a line of made-in-space bread.

Sourdough is a traditional type of bread dough that people used before the industrialization of bread making. It uses naturally occurring yeast and bacteria that ferment the dough and provide it with its typical mildly sour taste.

"Sourdough basically takes up the bacteria from its near vicinity and the person that has his hands in the bread, and that's how the special taste of the bread is developed," Marcu said. [Can You KeepKosheror Halal inSpace?]

"Wherever you are on Earth, sourdough has a unique taste, whether it's created in San Francisco or India," he added. "It will be interesting to see what the flavor will be when we cultivate it in space."

Marcu said the made-in-space bread could be one small way to improve the quality of life in space before space tourism and deep-space exploration fully take off. Although the diversity of space food has improved greatly, it can still be rather dull compared Earth-based fare.

"On Earth, bread has always been a symbol of quality of life," Marcu said. "Bread always stands for friendship and well-being, and that's what drives our project. If we want to go further into space, we need to create quality of life, and that's why bread is really a stepping stone for human exploration of space."

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How Former Astronaut Leroy Chiao Turned His Dream of Space into a Reality –

Posted: at 4:50 pm

Former astronaut Leroy Chiao's astronaut class took a photo in front of a T-38 jet after their selection in 1990.

Leroy Chiao is the CEO and co-founder of OneOrbit LLC, a motivational, training and education company. He served as a NASA astronaut from 1990-2005 and flew four missions into space aboard three space shuttles and once as the co-pilot of a Russian Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station. On that flight, he served as the commander of Expedition 10, a 6.5-month mission. Chiao has performed six spacewalks, in both U.S. and Russian spacesuits, and has logged 229 days in space. You can read more of Chiao's Expert Voices Op-Eds and film reviews on his landing page. Chiao contributed this article to's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

Recently, NASA announced its newest class of astronauts: Twelve were chosen from a record-setting pool of over 18,000 applicants to form Group 22. As you would imagine, these 12 are quite accomplished and talented individuals, who are walking on air. It brought me back to my own selection as part of Group 13 back in 1990. What an exciting time!

I had wanted to be an astronaut from a young age. Growing up in the 1960s, I can't remember a time when I wasn't fascinated by airplanes and rockets. I followed the early missions when I was old enough to understand space exploration, but it was the Apollo 11 moon landing that captured my imagination and started my dream of becoming an astronaut myself. I remember looking at the moon as an 8-year-old and marveling that there were two astronauts in a lander on the surface, getting ready to go out and actually walk. That settled it for me: I knew I was going to at least try to become an astronaut. I wanted to be like those guys. [Astronauts Record Awesome Welcome Video for NASA's 2017 Recruits]

Studying engineering was natural for me; I was always interested in technology and building things. As a university sophomore, I signed up for the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) intending to become a fighter pilot and, hopefully, an astronaut. Just a few months in, however, I discovered that my left eye had slipped a bit from 20/20. My military pilot plans were dashed. I had not yet reached the point of becoming a contract cadet, so I was able to leave AFROTC, but it was disappointing, to say the least. I did go on to be a pilot, and have been flying airplanes now for almost 33 years.

Just a year later, the Space Shuttle Columbia made its maiden flight. I watched the television intently as Columbia executed a perfect landing in the Mojave Desert. The space shuttle program re-opened the gates for me, since NASA had begun to select more civilian scientists and engineers as astronauts. I was back in the game!

After earning my university degrees and working for a few years, I wrote to NASA to request an application package. Seven months later, after I applied, I received a call inviting me to Houston to interview. That itself was thrilling; it meant that I was one of the 100 or so who would be interviewed, chosen from several thousand applicants. Several months afterward, I received that life-changing phone call, and reported for duty just six months later.

Most NASA astronaut class photos have been shot in the studio. These new astronaut candidates had their photo taken in front of a NASA T-38 jet, just as we did 27 years earlier. That's what first caught my eye when they were announced. Over the next two years, these 12 new astronaut candidates (ASCANS) will train together as a class. Yes, they really are called ASCANS, just like it's spelled, with a bit more than a hint of derision. That is how it's always been.

The 2017 NASA Astronaut Class: (from left) Zena Cardman, Jasmin Moghbeli, Jonny Kim, Frank Rubio, Matthew Dominick, Warren Hoburg, Robb Kulin, Kayla Barron, Bob Hines, Raji Chari, Loral O'Hara and Jessica Watkins.

As with any new group of highly skilled and motivated individuals from different backgrounds, strong friendships and rivalries will form among the new astronaut class. They will be expected to do things as pledges in this fraternity that they perhaps didn't anticipate. They will perform skits for the astronaut office holiday parties, plan the astronaut reunions and do more menial and grunt work than they might have imagined. It's all part of the process and experience, the rite of passage. [What It's Like to Become a NASA Astronaut: 10 Surprising Facts]

The ASCANS will learn about the International Space Station and its systems, participate in simulator sessions and train on robotics and spacewalks, called extravehicular activity (EVA). They will learn the Russian language, and work out in the astronaut gym. They will travel as a class to the NASA field centers and be trained in aircraft egress, as well as land and sea survival. They will fly T-38 jets civilians are trained to be co-pilots and go out on public affairs trips to talk to the public about NASA and space exploration.

After their initial training, the ASCANS will shed this somewhat ignoble title, graduate and receive their silver astronaut pins. It will be a great day for them. They will wear this pin exactly once, as they move one step closer to realizing the dream of wearing one made of gold.

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Valles Marineris landing would leave little room for error – Enid News & Eagle

Posted: at 4:50 pm

For those of us who wonder whether life once existed on Mars either in the ancient past or present day, there is a particular feature that piques our interest.

It is a massive feature Valles Marineris, the Grand Canyon of Grand Canyons.

The Red Planet may be decidedly smaller than our homeworld, but it is home to some truly gargantuan features, including Valles Marineris and Olympus Mons, an enormous volcano.

The former stretches the length of Los Angeles to New York, if we could somehow transport the United States to Mars. Arizonas Grand Canyon is, well ... its a bit smaller than that.

Here are some hard numbers. Valles Marineris is 4 miles deep, up to 370 miles across and 2,500 miles long.

The Grand Canyon, in comparison, is 1 mile deep, 18 miles wide and 280 miles long.

I dont need to tell you that this is an enormous feature.

So you think of something four time as deep as the Grand Canyon. About 20 times wider. And much, much longer.

Valles Marineris is a crack in Mars surface forged as the planet cooled that covers 1/5th of the planets circumference, said Rick Davis, assistant director for science and exploration in NASAs Planetary Science Division. Subsequently, it offers unprecedented insight into the geological history of the Red Planet.

The valley offers a mural of Martian history that would captivate geologists and astrobiologists alike with rock strata that stretch back to the days when Mars was still wet.

Imagine being at the bottom of that forever-deep canyon and being able to peer into Mars ancient past. What might be found down there? First and foremost, though, what are the possibilities of sending scientific instruments down to study Mars past life?

While the opportunities for science are tantalizing, the challenges of landing in such a deep canyon with imprecise guidance, navigation and control (GNC) systems are signficiant, Davis said.

For any landing site, we have a desired landing spot, but due to limitations in our GNC systems and our understanding of Martian winds and atmospheric density, the actual landing can occur anywhere within an ellipse which we refer to as a landing error ellipse.

Initial landing error ellipses at Mars were very large. For Viking, the first successful lander at Mars, the error ellipse was 174 x 62 miles. But, the precision of our landing systems has improved over time. Curiositys error ellipse was just 15 x 12 miles.

There is another upcoming rover mission to Mars, called Mars 2020, that will conduct geological surveys, determine environmental habitability, search for signs of ancient Martian life and assess the risk and reward humans face in colonization.

Davis said the Mars 2020 team is trying to reduce the error ellipse to an even smaller 11 x 8 miles. There was a site at Valles Marineris considered as a possible landing site, but it was judged to be too small (6 miles across at its narrowest).

In the meantime, scientists have come up with a short list of three potential landing sites: Northeast Syrtis (a very old part of the planet), Jezero Crater (once home to an ancient lake) and Columbia Hills, which possibly once held a hot spring long, long ago.

In other words, Valles Mariners is pretty much out. For now, anyway.

But not all hope is lost. Davis said that human landings will demand pinpoint accuracy; accuracy, in other words, that would be conducive to landing inside the giant canyon.

Of course, we dont know exactly when we will be able to send humans to Mars, but, as far as decades go, it will probably happen quite soon.

For now, we can only imagine what well find in the most ancient strata of Valles Marineris.

Perhaps there is a discovery waiting that will change the course of history; one that will alter our view of our place in the solar system and its past.

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Valles Marineris landing would leave little room for error - Enid News & Eagle

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