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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Computers Trascend Humanity in "Garakowa -Restore the World-" – Crunchyroll News

Posted: July 3, 2017 at 7:41 am

What's Cruising the Crunchy-Catalog?

There are so many different anime to experience, and the works have so many different styles and permutations that it helps to have some additional information and cultural context in order to determine whether or not you want to spend your precious time with a unknown title. Cruising the Crunchy-Catalog is here to help you make informed decisions. Life is brief. Art is long.

What's Garakowa -Restore the World-?

Garakowa -Restore the World- is a 2016 theatrical anime science fiction film with direction by Masashi Ishihama and animation by A-1 Pictures. The film is known in Japan as Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai, which is also translated as Vitreous Flower & Destroy the World. Crunchyroll describes the film as follows:

A space inhabited by multiple worlds, countless timelines and a diversity of people, where Dual and Dorothy battle the enemy viruses encroaching on the world. A world infected by a virus must be deleted. This is Dual and Dorothys responsibility and job. One day, Dual and Dorothy discover a new virus attacking a girl. They save the girl and quietly wait for her to awaken. Who is she? Where did she come from? Where will she go? The girl finally awakens. She calls herself Remo and has only one thing to say: I have to return to the flower garden

One detail that this description doesn't entirely convey is that all of the main characters in Garakowa aren't human beings, but rather they are sapient computer programs. Dual and Dorothy are anti-virus software installed in a massive database known as the Box of Wisdom, while Remo's function and purpose are unknown.

Beautiful Backgrounds.

Garakowa is a visually beautiful film with high production values, and much effort is poured into creating the film's environments. The entirety of Garakowa -Restore the World- takes place in virtual spaces, such as in the various layers of the Box of Wisdom or in the programs stored within the database that reproduce different periods in human history.

The film has spectacular background artwork, and it also uses multi-planar camerawork (where the backgrounds move independent of the foreground objects) to convey the impression of an artificial, otherworldly digital space. Director of photography Kenji Takahashi also deploys unconventional camera angles to reinforce a sense of unreality.

Transhumanist Themes.

Garakowa is essentially a transhumanist film. It deals with the idea of a digital Singularity, a computer program in which the entirety of human experience can be reproduced so faithfully that the people inside it are unaware that they are merely lines of code. As part of their core programming, Dual and Dorothy purge virus-infected programs, effectively deleting entire realities and obliterating the inhabitants within.

Hard Solipsism, Soft Hearts.

As the story develops, Dual, Dorothy, and Remo journey through programs recreating various places, cultures, and time periods in search of Remo's ultimate purpose. Along the way Garakowa tackles some heavy philosophical concepts, such as the problem of hard solipsism (How can I know that anything I experience is real?), which is aggravated by the in-universe idea that entire realities can be created ex nihilo in a matter of processor cycles.

In the process, the three programs begin to demonstrate human emotions, to question their core programming, and to wonder about the world outside of the Box of Wisdom.Garakowa's ultimate message is both humanistic and life-affirming, but the film's dramatic sensibilities make the journey toward those goals an emotional one.

Multiple Realities, Multiple Worlds.

Crunchyroll currently streams Garakowa -Restore the World- in 207 territories worldwide. The film is available in the original Japanese with subtitles in English, French, Portuguese, Arabic, and Italian. There is also a Japanese Bluray with English subtitles released by Pony Canyon, which is available as an import through RightStuf.

A visually rich and intellectually challenging film, Garakowa -Restore the World- should appeal to science fiction fans that enjoy stories where the philosophical underpinnings are just as important as the action sequences. The film clocks in at a brisk 67 minutes, but if you want more Garakowa, Crunchyroll also streams the director's introduction and the Q & A session that accompanied the film's original theatrical release.

Is there a series in Crunchyroll's catalog that you think needs some more love and attention? Please send in your suggestions via e-mail to[emailprotected]or post a Tweet to@gooberzilla. Your pick could inspire the next installment of Cruising the Crunchy-Catalog!

Paul Chapman is the host ofThe Greatest Movie EVER! Podcastand GME! Anime Fun Time.

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Computers Trascend Humanity in "Garakowa -Restore the World-" - Crunchyroll News

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The State Department just released its human trafficking report. Here’s why it matters. – Washington Post

Posted: at 7:41 am

By Judith Kelley By Judith Kelley July 3 at 6:00 AM

The State Department has released its annual Trafficking in Persons report on human trafficking. The big headline was that China was downgraded to Tier 3, the lowest ranking, suggesting that the Trump administration had decided to rebuke China by grouping it with the likes of Syria, Iran and North Korea.

The report grades countries on how well or poorly they are doing in combating human trafficking. This approach which I call Scorecard Diplomacy has become increasingly important in international relations. Countries often really care about their scores. Heres how it works.

What is a scorecard?

A scorecard is a way of rating or ranking how countries or other actors perform in a given policy area. These scorecards are not one-off rankings; they recur, usually yearly.

[International agreements to prohibit child labor dont always work. Heres why.]

Why should states, or anyone else, care about scorecards? First of all, they are easier to understand and digest than complicated policy reports. Instead of emphasizing detailed data, they sort countries into categories (e.g., countries that are succeeding vs. countries that are failing), or rank them with some score, showing which countries are at the top and at the bottom. These categories and rankings are framed to pressure the countries being ranked. For example, if your country is at the bottom of a well-respected scorecard for Ease of Doing Business, you might find that international businesses start to avoid investing in your economy.

Beth Simmons and I have data on more than 180 scorecards set up by countries, international organizations and nongovernmental organizations. More and more scorecards have been appearing, covering more and more topics. The U.S. government has scorecards for areas as varied as aid, religious freedom, narcotics control, child laborand international property rights protection.

This proliferation of scorecards has brought more and more critiques. Sometimes thescorecards are based on questionable data, or questionable ways of organizing the data. Yet, even if they are biased or based on dubious assumptions, scorecards do influence behavior. Why?

Heres why these scorecards are more than just scraps of paper

My recent book on the TIP report on human trafficking explains what I call the cycle of scorecard diplomacy. The TIP report doesnt just rank countries. Producing the report involves U.S. diplomats on the ground engaging with governments year-round and orchestrating indirect pressure by media and civil society.

These combined efforts make governments concerned about their ratings. Officials react strongly to the report, particularly to the tier that their country falls into. U.S. diplomats wrote in a cable to Washington that one Albanian officials face went pale when told ofhis countrys low rating. Thats hard to fake! Many governments criticize the report in publicbut cooperate with the U.S. in private. This suggests that these grades are really getting to governments. Even allies such as Israel feel the sting. In 2009, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon told the Knesset subcommittee analyzing the TIP report that:

A U.S. government report lumping Israel together with states such as Afghanistan, Jordan and Botswana in its success in combating human trafficking has troubling political implications for Israel. It has a direct impact on Israels standing in the international community.

Because countries are rated again and again, they have an incentive to improve their behavior in the hopes of boosting future grades. As a result, states pay more sustained attention to an issue than they would do if they were just shamed in an ad hoc way.

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Simmons and I have shown that countries criminalize human trafficking more quickly when they are included in the report, get worse grades or see their grades drop. My work on TIP shows that this is not just because countries fear being sanctioned.The stigma of the scorecard makes states change their behavior. Countries that criminalize trafficking also work harder on related efforts to fight the problem. In many countries, the TIP report has led states to set up new institutions, to train judges and police, to improve shelters, and to increase trafficking prosecutions and convictions. Thus scorecards can prompt real changes.

But scorecards have their limits

None of this is to say that scorecards are universally successful. Critics of scorecards are correct when they say, for instance, that scorecards are often ideologically loaded and based on dubious statistics. Sometimes countries try to game the rankings rather than make genuine improvements, as Belarus has tried with TIP. When these problems combine, they may even be dangerous because they encourage unwise or wasteful reforms.

Still, all effective tools can be dangerous if used badly. The TIP report has been criticized for inconsistency, shifting goal posts and U.S. arrogance. Yet in a global survey that I did with Andrew Heiss of nearly 500 anti-trafficking organizations, more than 60 said they think the United States is an important actor in the countries where they work, with more than a quarter saying that the United States is the most important actor. Amazingly, only two organizations had a negative view. And people working for international organizations have told me that they appreciate the report enormously.

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Its hard for international organizations to criticize states frankly over sensitive problems, since they rely on those governments for funding, support and cooperation. At their best, scorecards can hold governments accountable and help spread solutions. Thats why its important to understand exactly how they can do this and when they succeed or fail.

Judith Kelley is the Kevin D. Gorter professor of public policy and political science and a senior associate dean at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. Her bookScorecard Diplomacy: Grading States to Influence their Reputation and Behavioris recently out from Cambridge University Press.

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The State Department just released its human trafficking report. Here's why it matters. - Washington Post

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More Businesses Would Promote Human-Trafficking Awareness Under Jacksonville Bill – WLRN

Posted: at 7:41 am

A Jacksonville City Councilman wants more types of businesses to be required to post human-trafficking awareness signs.

Although a 2015 state law requires the signs in strip clubs and massage parlors, labor trafficking often happens in different types of establishments.

Under a city ordinance, Jacksonville massage parlors and adult entertainment spots can be fined $500 if they dont post signs, printed out online, with trafficking awareness information, including the phone number for the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline: 1 (888) 373-7888.

After City Council adopted the policy last year, Councilman Tommy Hazouri has a new bill.

(It) would increase the awareness signage for human trafficking around the city, specifically at businesses that are hotbeds for human trafficking, he said.

The bill adds hotels and restaurants to the list of establishments required to post the signs under state and city laws.

Northeast Florida attorney Crystal Freed, who almost exclusively represents victims of trafficking, agrees with the expansion.

I think its a move in a positive direction because its adding establishments other than the typical venues that you find sex trafficking, Freed said.

She said the original city ordinance ignored restaurant and hotel workers, as well as support staff like maintenance workers, who are targets for labor trafficking.

And Freed said she hopes Hazouris bill isnt the end of the conversation because the community needs better education about how to spot trafficking. Much of it happens in home services, like housekeeping or lawn care, she said.

This March, Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Lt. Kevin Goff told the City Council that labor trafficking is 10 times harder to investigate than sex trafficking. And though Hazouri is targeting labor trafficking with his hotel signage, Undersheriff Pat Ivey told Council last year that sex trafficking is prevalent in the more than 150 hotels in Jacksonville.

Florida ranks third in the country for the number of human trafficking cases documented by the national resource center database. Last year, the top referrer of callers to the hotline was a Department of the State Know Your Rights pamphlet given to those who get work visas.

Hazouri says hes working out some logistics of his bill, like who would be responsible for monitoring restaurants and whether all of them would have to post the signs. He said hell soon schedule a workshop with other Council members, the state attorney's office and JSO.

State law already requires the signs be posted in other well-traveled places, including highway rest areas, emergency rooms and airports.

Lindsey Kilbride can be reached at, 904-358-6359 or on Twitter at @lindskilbride.

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More Businesses Would Promote Human-Trafficking Awareness Under Jacksonville Bill - WLRN

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‘They are not treated like humans’ – Washington Post

Posted: at 7:41 am

Abdulrazag Shneeti, a spokesman for the governments Department for Combating Illegal Migration, did not respond to repeated calls for comment.

The Zawiyah facility known as the al-Nasr detention center was set up by the al-Nasr Brigade, a militia involved in oil and human smuggling that has links to the coast guard, U.N. investigators said in a report released in June. Christine Petre, an IOM spokeswoman, said the facility is now being run by the Western-backed government, but migrants and coast guard members said the militia and its tribesmen are still in charge.

Migrants sleep and eat on the dirty floors. Lunch is a six-inch loaf of bread. Dinner is a plate of macaroni.

On a recent day, the mattresses had been taken away from a group in a cell as punishment for fighting, said Fathi al-Far, the centers director. Last year, he said, four migrants were killed and a guard was injured in clashes.

An inmate in poor health is tended to by a friend after passing out at the al-Nasr detention center on May 24.

Two migrants died of treatable problems in the past two years, Far said. He has been awaiting a water purifier for months. Nearby, an Algerian migrant lay on the floor against a wall, clutching his stomach and writhing in pain. But there was no doctor to help him.

Guards are quick to give beatings, several migrants said.

It happens, Far said.

In their report, U.N. investigators described Far as a former army colonel and said that the center is used to sell migrants to other smugglers.

Far acknowledged that smugglers come to the center to take migrants but said he is unable to stop them. Guards or militia members call the migrants families to extort cash if they pay, the migrant is released and put back on a boat to Europe.

The guards can do anything, Far said. They have the keys to the cells.

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'They are not treated like humans' - Washington Post

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This Next Generation Car Company is Developing Solar-Powered EVs – Futurism

Posted: at 7:41 am

In Brief Lightyear is a company that is promising a solar powered electric car. The car could be charged both by regular home outlets as well as the sun. Lightyears Ahead

Even before electric cars officially take over as the new normal, clean driving just isnt enough for some. One company is looking to take green personal transportation to unprecedented heights. Lightyear is a next-generation car company from the Netherlands that is making some truly lofty promises. The company is working on bringing the world a vehicle powered not just by electricity, but by energy generated from the sun.

According to the companyswebsite, all cars of the world combined drive one light year, every year. Their mission is to switch from a fossil fuel powered light year of travel to one powered by the sun by 2030.

Lightyear is hoping to sidestep one of the major limitations and anxieties of electric vehicles: range. Mass adoption of electric vehicles could be hindered by a lack of investment in charging infrastructure. The website claims that [o]nly 3% of the world population lives within 100 km of a publicly accessible charging station.

The vehicle promised will be powered by energy stored in a battery that can be charged both by a standard (3.7 kW) outlet, as well as solar panels in the vehicles body. In a sunny environment like Hawaii, the car could theoretically run for months between charges. Even without the sun, the car could run for a significant range. Depending on your battery configuration you have between 400 800 km of range buffered in the battery, Lightyear says on their websitesFAQ section.

This technology has yet to be proven, although the company is planning to haveten vehicles produced in 2019. Cost is also a considerable barrier to obtaining one of these future cars. You can reserve one for 19,000 (around $21,700) a small chunk of the overall 119,000 ($135,800) price tag. Its an interesting addition to the EV lineup, so well be sure tokeep an eye on the development of this technology asthe first prototype gets closer to hitting the road.

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After 1000 Days in Orbit, Here Are the 10 Most Remarkable Things MAVEN Taught Us – Futurism

Posted: at 7:41 am

In BriefOver its 1,000 day orbit, MAVEN has revealed the weird andwonderful history of Mars, which NASA has now codified into a listof top ten discoveries. As well as being scientificallyfascinating, what does this knowledge allow us to prepare for? The MAVEN Mission

On June 17th, NASAs Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN) celebrated 1,000 days in orbit around our solar system neighbor it entered into this orbit in September 2014. To commemorate the 1,000 day anniversary, NASA released a list of its 10 most exciting findings.

MAVENs goalis to explore the Red Planets upper atmosphere, ionosphere, and interactions with the sun and solar wind in order to gain insight into the history of Marss atmosphere and climate, liquid water, and planetary habitability. The changes that caused its transition from a habitable world to the rocky tundra we see today are mainly caused by the dissipation of Marss volatiles (the low-boiling point compounds that make up the atmosphere) into space.

The mission is remarkable because it is the first to explore Marss atmosphere rather than its surface. In order to do this, MAVEN is using eight separate instruments and fluctuates between 3,728 miles (6,000 km) and 77 miles(124 km) from Marss surface this allows it to study the entire spectrum of Marss atmosphere. It contains no tools to search for life on the planet, because adding a detector for methane (a gas indicative of extant life) would have exceeded the projects budget.

MAVEN has made a number of interesting discoveries during the last 1,000 days. Gas is exchanged between the upper and lower halves of the Mars atmosphere in a way that will require further study; the ionosphere of the planet has a layer of metal ions; and there are two new types of aurora that have been discovered,calleddiffuse and proton and, informally, Christmas Lights.

What NASA thinks is most important is the explanationbehind how it lost such a significant proportion of its atmosphere. It was stripped layer by layer from the top by the the sun and the solar wind, which were more violent millions of years ago. Bruce Jakosky, Mavens principal investigator, said that it was like the theft of a few coins from a cash register every day, the loss becomes significant over time.

These arent all of the discoveries made by MAVEN; you can read the full list on the NASA website.

MAVEN has given us an incisive look into the nature of Mars, which is pivotal if we want to colonize the planet in the future, as both Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have proposed. This is because a knowledge of the past allows us to make more accurate predictions about the future: it will inform us of the nature of the challenges we may face when we reach the Red Planet, and allow us to prepare for them in advance.

An example of this early preparation is the recent concept of what a human driven Mars rover could look like, which is informed by the information gathered by MAVEN and other, land-based Mars exploration missions like the Spirit and Opportunity rovers.

These missions also show us what we dont know, which allows us to send tailored spacecraft to Mars to fill in gaps in our knowledge. Our next mission to Mars will be NASAs InSight Mars Lander, which is due to launch in 2018 and aims to study the planets deep interior. InSight will complete our study of the layers of Mars, giving us a schematic of the planet from the subterranean to atmospheric level.

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After 1000 Days in Orbit, Here Are the 10 Most Remarkable Things MAVEN Taught Us - Futurism

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"Demolishing The Futurist Was The Right Thing To Do" – Yorkshire Coast Radio

Posted: at 7:40 am

Demolishing Scarborough's Futurist Theatre was the right thing to do.

That's the view of the Leader of Scarborough Borough Council, Councillor Derek Bastiman. Last month we told about the recent decision by a High Court judge not to allow a case against the borough council, brought by campaigners from the Save the Futurist Group trying to save the venue.

The campaign group was also told to pay costs to the borough council of 10,000. The group wanted a judicial review into the council's decision to demolish the building, which was decided back in January.

Derek said:

"The outcome was what I expected because I believe that this authority has done everything in a correct, right and proper manner.

In fact the Ombudsman found in our favour that everything had been done in the right manner.

So I don't mind this authority being taken to court because I know, through the legal advice that we obtained, we did everything right and proper.

There was a lot of opposition, but by the same token, I got and still get some horrible emails and letters addressed to me.

They have no sense of decency whatsoever. They've accused me and others of doing all kinds of things.

I have always done what I think is fair and right, and I think the decision to demolish the Futurist was right. "

Listen to Derek's interview with Yorkshire Coast Radio's Jon Burke below:

The judicial review was lodged in April, and the Save the Futurist Campaign Group becameSave The Futurist Theatre (Scarborough) Ltd.

They were tasked with raising 10,000 in order to fund legal services and a further 6,000 to cover specialist legal advice.

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"Demolishing The Futurist Was The Right Thing To Do" - Yorkshire Coast Radio

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Dragon Spacecraft’s Historic Second Return to Earth: How to Watch … –

Posted: July 2, 2017 at 8:50 am

SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft will depart the International Space Station July 2, bringing more than 4,100 lbs. of cargo back to Earth.

UPDATED 7/1 8:52 p.m. EDT: Due to weather conditions in the Pacific Ocean splashdown zone, the Dragon spacecraft's release will be delayed until Monday, July 3 at 2:28 a.m. EDT (0628 GMT).

On Monday (July 3), the crew of the International Space Station will bid farewell to a Dragon cargo spacecraft, which will head back to Earth with more than 4,100 lbs. (1,900 kilograms) of returning cargo in tow. It's this specific spacecraft's second splashdown: It brought cargo to the space station and safely returned to Earth in 2014 as well.

When the cargo craft launched to the space station in June on SpaceX's Falcon 9 spacecraft, it was the first-ever relaunch of a previously used Dragon.

Departure coverage will begin at 2 a.m. EDT (0600 GMT), and you canwatch it here on, courtesy of NASA TV. Flight controllers will detach the spacecraft using Canadarm2, the space station's robotic arm, and then NASA astronauts Jack Fischer and Peggy Whitson will command the arm to let go, NASA officials said in a statement.

The spacecraft will move away from the space station and then head out of orbit, splashing down in the Pacific Ocean after a 5.5 hour journey. The deorbit burn and splashdown won't be shown on NASA TV.

The spacecraft brought close to 6,000 lbs. (2,700 kg) of supplies, equipment and research experiments to the station. Its cargo included the Neutron star Interior Composition ExploreR (NICER) and the experimental Roll-Out Solar Array (ROSA). After ROSA's experiment completed, the array was jettisoned from the space station because the ground team was unable to roll it back up to stow.

When Dragon splashes back down, SpaceX personnel will travel two days by sea with the spacecraft to return it to Southern California. From there, the craft's cargo will be shipped back to Houston, NASA officials said in a blog post.

Email Sarah Lewin at or follow her @SarahExplains. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

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Chinese media report Long March 5 rocket failed soon after launch – Spaceflight Now

Posted: at 8:50 am

Chinas Long March 5 rocket ran into troublesoonafterblasting off at 1123 GMT (7:23 a.m. EDT) Sunday from the Wenchang space base in southern China. Check back shortly for a full report on todays launch failure.

Live video coverage provided by Chinas Xinhua news agency.

Chinas Long March 5 rocket is counting down to liftoff Sunday from the countrys tropical island space center with a high-power, electrically-propelled communications satellite.

The heavy-lifter is scheduled to blast off from the Wenchang launch base on Hainan Island at around 1120 GMT (7:20 a.m. EDT; 7:20 p.m. Beijing time) Sunday, heading for an elliptical geostationary transfer orbit with the Shijian 18 communications satellite, the first in a new series of modern Chinese high-capacity relay stations.

Sundays launch will be the second flight of a Long March 5 rocket, Chinas most powerful launcher, which made a successful maiden mission in November 2016.

Chinese space officials will closely watch the performance of the Long March 5 rocket Sunday as engineers prepare to send Chinas Change 5 sample return mission to the moon in November on the third launch of the heavy-lifter.

Ten engines on the Long March 5s first stage and four strap-on boosters will send the launcher skyward on 2.4 million pounds of thrust. The 187-foot-tall (57-meter) Long March 5 will head east from the Hainan Island launch base, which will host its fourth launch Sunday after entering service last year.

Ground crews at Wenchang rolled the Long March 5 to its launch pad Monday.

Riding on a vertical launch table, the Long March 5 completed the trip in about two-and-a-half hours, according to the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology. Swing arms on the seaside launch pads 300-foot-tall (92-meter) service gantry enclosed the Long March 5 for final launch preparations.

Chinas state-run media has not said if they plan any live coverage of the launch.

The Long March 5s maiden test flight last year deployed an experimental satellite named Shijian 17 to test electric thrusters, technology that could give Chinese spacecraft improved maneuverability between different types of orbits around Earth.

The Shijian 18 satellite aboard Sundays flight is the first in an upgraded series of Chinese spacecraft called the DFH-5 platform. Developed by the China Academy of Space Technology, the DFH-5 design is bigger and more capable than Chinas existing satellites, providing more power for communications payloads and additional data throughput for Internet providers, television broadcasters and data networks.

Shijian 18 also hosts a laser communications instrument for even higher-speed data links, and ion thrusters will keep the spacecraft in geostationary orbit, a perch more than 22,000 miles (nearly 36,000 kilometers) over the equator.

China hopes to sell communications satellites based on the new DFH-5 design to international governments and commercial customers.

Ground controllers will run the Shijian 18 satellite through extensive testing to verify the new satellite design works as expected.

Chinese officials say the Long March 5 is a centerpiece of the countrys long-term space ambitions, allowing China to dispatch satellites to space that are twice as heavy as payloads that can fit on earlier Long March rockets.

The heavy-duty rocket can haul about the same amount of weight into space as United Launch Alliances Delta 4-Heavy, the worlds other leader in space lift capability. The Long March 5 bests the capacity of the European Ariane 5 and Russian Proton launchers.

The Long March 5 is one of three new launch vehicles China has debuted in the last two years.

The Long March 6 is the smallest of the three, tailored to deliver small satellites into low-altitude orbits. The medium-lift Long March 7 is designed to carry resupply ships, and eventually crews, to Chinas future space station.

The Long March 5 will haul three 20-ton modules to low Earth orbit for the Chinese space station, beginning next year with the launch of the Tianhe 1 core module. The Long March 5 is also slated to launch the robotic Change 5 mission to the moon later this year to scoop up surface samples for return to Earth, and Chinas first Mars rover will ride a Long March 5 rocket when it blasts off in mid-2020.

The new family of launchers will eventually replace Chinas Long March 2, 3 and 4 rockets, which burn toxic liquid propellants and launch from inland space centers, requiring them to drop spent stages on land.

The Long March 5 rocket, when flown from Wenchang, jettisons its boosters over the South China Sea. Its engines also consume a more environmentally-friendly mixture of liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and kerosene.

Email the author.

Follow Stephen Clark on Twitter: @StephenClark1.

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Chinese media report Long March 5 rocket failed soon after launch - Spaceflight Now

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Child Slaves on Mars? NASA Debunks InfoWars Conspiracy Theory – Patheos (blog)

Posted: at 8:50 am

You read that right. A spokesperson for NASA recently went on the record to deny a conspiracy theory that Mars is populated by children who were kidnapped and now serve as slaves.

Guy Webster, a spokesperson for Mars exploration at NASA, responded with the facts about Mars.

There are no humans on Mars. There are active rovers on Mars. There was a rumor going around last week that there werent. There are But there are no humans.

Where did this ridiculous notion come from? It might not surprise many of you to find out it was popularized by an episode of The Alex Jones Show. A guest on the show, Robert David Steele, recently said he believes NASA operates colonies filled with kidnapped child slaves.

We actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20-year ride So that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony.

Jones, who is known for spreading conspiracy theories without any supporting evidence (Pizzagate, anyone?), weighed in with his own thoughts on NASA.

90 percent of the NASA missions are secret and Ive been told by high level NASA engineers that you have no idea Clearly they dont want us looking into what is happening Every time probes go over they turn them off I dont about Mars bases But I know theyve created massive thousands of different types of chimeras that are alien life forms on this earth now.

This isnt the first Mars colonization conspiracy theory Ive seen (although the child slavery part might be new), but I think its the first time a NASA representative has given one enough credence to respond. I wonder if the believers will accept the official story, or continue undeterred in their irrationality?

The most important part of all this is that neither Jones nor Steele ever provided a shred of evidence for the ludicrous and offensive allegations. This urban legend made it all the way to the mainstream, and into the mouth of a NASA spokesman, without any supporting data.

People spread ideas when they are interested in them, without regard to whether or not there is a good reason to believe, and thats the real problem. We can help stop this spread of harmful disinformation by consistently asking for evidence and sharing legitimate research.

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Child Slaves on Mars? NASA Debunks InfoWars Conspiracy Theory - Patheos (blog)

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