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NASA denies Infowars claim that the agency runs a child slave colony on Mars – Salon
Posted: July 3, 2017 at 7:50 am
NASA assured the public on Thursday that there was no child slave colony on the planet Mars, refuting a claim recently made by a guest on the popular The Alex Jones Show.
There are no humans on Mars, NASA spokesperson Guy Webster told The Daily Beastin a statement. There are active rovers on Mars. There was a rumor going around last week that there werent. There are.
But there are no humans, he added.
According toRobert David Steele, a former CIA officer who appeared on Alex Jones show this week, NASA had been shuttling children to the distant red planet for their blood, bone marrow and sexual exploitation.
We actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20-year ride, Steele said this week on Infowars. So that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony.
Look, I know that 90 percent of the NASA missions are secret and Ive been told by high level NASA engineers that you have no idea, Jones said in response to the outlandish allegation. There is so much stuff going on.
Accustomed to dealing with conspiracy theories (and the bunk claims of certain websites owned by certain Oscar Award-winning actors), NASA provided a statement Thursday clearly explaining to the American people that no human, let alone no child, had ever touched foot on the planet Mars.
Infowars listeners will likely disregard the denial. A child slave colony on Mars might not even be the most absurd conspiracy theory floated on The Alex Jones Show.
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Police use DNA from discarded cigarette butt to link man to 2014 Chicago murder – Fox News
Posted: at 7:49 am
A discarded cigarette butt at the scene of a 2014 gang-related killing in Chicago led authorities to arrest and charge a man with murder Thursday.
Jeffery Freeman, 24, was charged with first-degree murder in the October 2014 alley shooting that left one man dead, the Chicago Tribune reported. A judge ordered Freeman held on $1 million bail.
Authorities said Freeman was instructed by his fellow gang members to go and check Torrence Pickens, who was smoking and drinking in an alley and moved to a car when members of Freemans gang approached Pickens for allegedly being on their territory.
Surveillance footage captured Freeman, who was smoking a cigarette, holding a loaded gun and walking toward Pickens. He tossed the cigarette butt as he approached Pickens and fired multiple gunshots.
Police found Pickens body sitting in the car. The person who was with Pickens gave a description of the shooter, according to the Chicago Tribune. The description matched Freemans.
Police also recovered the cigarette butt and video footage. A DNA sample from Freeman was then compared to the DNA from the discarded cigarette and it was matched, according to prosecutors.
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Police use DNA from discarded cigarette butt to link man to 2014 Chicago murder - Fox News
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A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived: DNA, individuals, and species – Boing Boing
Posted: at 7:49 am
/ Cory Doctorow / 4:14 am Mon
British geneticist Adam Rutherford is one of the country's great science communicators, an alumnus of Nature whose work we've celebrated here for many years; with his second book, A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived, Rutherford reveals how the century's astounding advances in genetic science reveal just how little we understand about our genes -- and how our ideas about race and heredity are antiquated superstitions that reflect our biases more than our DNA.
At its worst, scientific debunking can be a kind of grim and humourless exercise in which a distinguished scientist explains how you've got it all wrong and scientists really know very little about a subject that you thought they'd had nailed down, and you should really be couching all your statements about the truth of the world in so many caveats that no statements can be discerned. That's not Rutherford's style.
Rutherford is one of the most sprightly and delightful science communicators in the field, a writer who uses footnotes for comic relief with skill not seen since the heyday of Douglas Adams, whose delight in language is matched by a wonder for the things science does teach us, who uses that delight to shine a glorious light on marvels even as he pitilessly illuminates the often harmful bullshit that the public has been told to believe about what genetics says about them.
Rutherford's thesis is that the more we learn about our genome, the more we learn about ourselves as a species -- and the less we can know about ourselves as individuals. Population-wide genetic sequencing reveals truths about how closely related we all are (we're all cousins, and much closer ones than you probably suspect), how little our alleged "race" predicts about us, and how much of what we think of as "heredity" is more complicated and weirder than we've been led to believe.
Brief History challenges our understanding of what a species is, and what our species is, as the extraction of genomes from living specimens and ancient fossils reveals that humans, neanderthals and other cousins co-existed for unimaginably long timescales, and crossed and re-crossed their DNA. Contrast this profligacy and its outcomes with the closely guarded, inbred "noble blood" of Europe's royal houses, whose belief in their own genetic superiority led them to breeding experiments that produced insane, pain-wracked monarchs whose reigns were marred by seizures, delusions, and violent outbursts that only ended when the lines' terminal specimens could no longer breed.
The upshot of all this is that those 23-and-me-style genetic "analyses" that you can send away for are fairy tales, describing genetic propensities that are more likely to be statistical ghosts than real phenomena, and family histories that rely on categories ("Germanic," say) that have no objective basis in reality.
But while your individual sequence won't tell you much about who you are and where you came from, these corpuses -- especially the public interest ones gathered by research scientists and not private, woo-peddling companies -- are revealing an astonishingly detailed picture of humanity's pre-history.
Genetics and heredity have a checkered past: at its best, our study of DNA has given us breakthroughs in fighting disease, breeding better crops, and learning about our common destiny. At its worst, it has provided demagogues with scientific cover for racist rhetoric and violence. As a new era of data-driven genomics dawns, Rutherford is determined to rescue it from being turned to evil ends and elevate it to a pedestal from which it can teach us how much we all share with one another.
A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived [Adam Rutherford/Orion]
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If big-game bow hunting sounds a little too intense for your delicate sensibilities, or you want to start building your kids archery proficiency early, this Real Action Crossbow Set is a fairly convincing replica of the real thing.The toy bow fires suction-cup tipped bolts up to 20 feet, so you can work on your marksmanship []
If theres such a thing as a household name for networked home audio systems, Sonos is definitely at the top of the list. And for good reasontheir products provide dead-simple wireless setup, with hi-fi speakers designed for a wide variety of interior spaces. But for anyone who doesnt care about brand-name prestige, the QFX Elite []
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A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived: DNA, individuals, and species - Boing Boing
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DNA tests reveal sources of E. coli contamination in Boise ponds … – KTVB
Posted: at 7:49 am
KTVB , KTVB 3:33 PM. MDT July 02, 2017
The Esther Simplot Park in Boise (Photo: Deren Martinez/KTVB)
BOISE - DNA test results show that fecal bacteria from dogs, geese and humans contributed to the recent E. coli contamination in several Boise ponds, city officials said on Sunday.
Ponds in Esther Simplot Park remain closed due to high E.coli levels, while Quinn's Pond reopened on Friday. The ponds were closed on June 21 after routine testing found levels above state water quality standards for recreation.
The Central District Health Department has received several reports of illness linked to swimming in the ponds, officials said.
DNA test results released Sunday point to three main causes of fecal bacteria in the ponds: dog feces, goose feces and human feces. The city said the human feces only showed up during a second round of testing.
Officials announced on Friday that dogs are no longer allowed at Quinns Pond or Esther Simplot Park, including the ponds and the previously designated dog off-leash area.
MORE:Quinn's Pond reopens, but no dogs allowed
Dog owners will still be allowed to use Greenbelt paths through Esther Simplot Park for connectivity, but dogs must be kept on-leash and out of closed areas.
The health and safety of our citizens is paramount and the decision was made to keep dogs out of Quinns Pond and Esther Simplot Park to help manage bacteria levels and prevent sickness, parks director Doug Holloway said in a statement.
The city is also ramping up efforts to scare the geese from the ponds, and is increasing frequency of goose feces removal at both parks. Officials also said they plan to continue to educate the public about the importance of using swim diaper for children recreating at the ponds.
2017 KTVB-TV
Portions of Greenbelt open as cities continue to assess damage
Most of Boise Greenbelt reopens as floodwaters recede
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DNA tests reveal sources of E. coli contamination in Boise ponds ... - KTVB
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Psoriasis Treatment: Does Your Diet Matter? – The Good Men Project (blog)
Posted: at 7:46 am
Editors note: This information is provided for educational purposes. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition. If you have skin lesions or any health issue, consult a licensed healthcare practitioner in person.
Psoriasis is complex to treat.
In fact, Physician Paul Bechet once said its the antidote to a dermatologists ego (1).
Its an autoimmune disease that causes chronic pain and itching that can severely impact on quality of life.
Many foods and supplements are rumored to help with psoriasis treatment. But does research support these claims?
This article examines the evidence surrounding the relationship between diet and psoriasis.
Psoriasisis a chronic autoimmune disease that causes patches of skin to become inflamed and scaly.
It affects up to 4% of the worlds population (2).
Symptoms occur in flares, and include itching, pain, and skin lesions. Psoriasis may also cause pitted fingernails and toenails, as well as mouth sores.
There are sixtypesof psoriasis. Each type causes a distinctive rash:
Plaque psoriasis.Image source.
Guttate psoriasis.Image source.
Inverse psoriasis.Image source.
Pustular psoriasis.Image source.
Erythrodermic psoriasis.Image source.
Summary:Psoriasis is a chronic condition that causes distinctive skin rashes, itching, inflammation, and pain. Symptoms occur in flares.
Psoriasis is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors (3).
One large study found that a persons risk increases up to 65% if their parents have psoriasis, and up to 83% if both their parents and siblings have it (4).
Not everyone who carries the gene will develop psoriasis. However, exposure to certain environmental stimuli may increase a persons likelihood of developing the disease.
These stimuli include:
In the presence of both environmental and genetic factors, the immune system malfunctions.
T cells, which normally respond to infection and injury, are mistakenly activated as a result. These cells recruit other immune cells and trigger the release of inflammatorycytokines(13).
This causes the skin cells to die off and regenerate more quickly than they should.
Onset of psoriasis.Image source. Click to enlarge.
The same environmental factors that cause psoriasis can also lead to flares, so its best to limit exposure to them when possible.
Summary:Psoriasis occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells. Many people carry a gene for the disease and develop it after exposure to certain environmental factors.
The standardtreatmentsfor psoriasis involve topical and oral medications, as well as ultraviolet light therapy.
There is no scientific proof that diet is an effective treatment for psoriasis on its own.
However, patient testimonials and studies have shown certain diet strategies may help relieve psoriasis symptoms, especially when combined with traditional therapies.
The following sections will focus on foods and nutrients that affect psoriasis severity.
Overweight (in a clinical setting) is characterized by a body mass index (BMI) greater than 24.9.
A BMI greater than 29.9 is classified as obese.
Many studies have found a possible link between obesity and psoriasis.
In one long-term study of more than 67,000 females (14):
Even weight gain of just 10 pounds (4.5 kg) appears to increase risk by up to 8%, regardless of BMI classification (15).
In addition to risk, obesity is also linked to disease severity. This is likely because excessive fat tissue increases production of inflammatory cytokines, which contribute to inflammation and lesions in psoriasis (16,17).
It makes sense then that studies have shown that calorie restriction paired with medication is more effective in reducing psoriasis symptoms than medication alone (18).
Notably, most studies on obesity and psoriasis are observational. This means that researchers arent exactly sure if obesity causes the disease or vice versa.
In any case, psoriasis is linked with several other heart disease risk factors, including high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Weight loss can reduce heart disease risk for people who are overweight or obese, so it makes sense to maintain a healthy weight (17).
You can calculate your BMIhere.
Summary:Those who are very overweight are more likely to have psoriasis, although researchers arent sure if obesity causes it directly. Maintaining a healthy bodyweight also lowers risk of heart disease which is more common in psoriasis patients.
The autoimmune protocol(AIP) is a diet that eliminates gluten, soy, dairy, legumes, grains, added sugars, nightshades, and alcohol for at least 30 days.
The goal is to identify foods that trigger undesirable autoimmune reactions.
Theres a strong link between psoriasis and other autoimmune diseases. In one large study, those with psoriasis had higher rates of 14 different autoimmune disease than the general population (19).
Patient testimonials suggest that the AIP is helpful for many conditions, including psoriasis.
There have been no clinical trials on the AIP, so theres no scientific evidence to support it. But certain foods eliminated in the AIPincluding gluten and alcoholhave been reported to worsen psoriasis symptoms.
Some small studies have shown a gluten-free diet to improve psoriasis symptoms, but only in those with antibodies againstgliadin(a protein found in gluten). These antibodies would be seen in those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (20).
Although other studies found no benefits at all, so its all quite unclear at this stage (19).
A stronger link has been suggested between alcohol intake and psoriasis severity.
One review of 28 studies found that alcohol is likely a risk factor for developing psoriasis, and that those with the disease drink more than healthy adults (11).
Its best to avoid alcohol if you have psoriasis, or a strong family history of it.
Summary:Patient testimonials suggest that the autoimmune protocol may help with psoriasis, but this hasnt been formally studied. You should definitely avoid alcohol and potentially gluten too if you are sensitive.
A Western diet high in fat, sodium, and added sugars has been linked to inflammation and autoimmune disease (21).
For this reason a so-called anti-inflammatory diet may ease psoriasis symptoms.
Theres no universal definition for anti-inflammatory diet, but it generally refers to a style of eating that (22,23,24):
An anti-inflammatory diet hasnt been studied in psoriasis specifically, but systemic inflammation is a key feature of the disease.
This diet pattern has also been shown to help with certain autoimmune diseases, so in theory and based on patient testimonials it may be beneficial (18,25,26).
Patient testimonials also indicate that an anti-inflammatory eating pattern is helpful for arthritis. As such, it may be useful for relieving pain and stiffness in thosewith psoriatic arthritis(27,28).
The diet is similar in many ways to the Mediterranean diet, which includes fish and lean meats, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, whole grains, and legumes.
In one study, stronger adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with fewer psoriasis symptoms. Further, those with fewer symptoms ate more fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fish and less meat (29).
More human studies are needed to know if the Mediterranean diet is beneficial for psoriasis. But given itsother health benefits, such as reducing heart disease risk, it makes sense to eat this way regardless of its effects on skin (30).
Summary:Anti-inflammatory and Mediterranean diets emphasize healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. One study linked the Mediterranean diet with improved psoriasis symptoms.
Several dietary supplements have been reported tohelp with psoriasis treatment.
Fish oil capsules contain the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA).
Its known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
In one literature review, 12 of 15 studies found fish oil to improve psoriasis severity (31).
The strongest evidence is in support of high-dose intravenous (IV) omega-3 infusions for plaque and guttate psoriasis. However, this isnt a typical therapy, and wouldnt be readily available to most patients (32,33).
One small observational study found that oral fish oil supplements significantly reduced psoriasis severity and improved quality of life when paired with prescription ointment. Volunteers in this study received 640 mg of DHA plus EPA per day for eight weeks (34).
Change in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) overdurationof study for fish oil plus ointment group compared to ointment only group.Lowerscore is better. Click to enlarge.
Larger clinical trials are needed to confirm these effects but it looks promising.
Probioticsare beneficial bacteria that we eat.
They have been the focus of many studies recently because of the interaction between the gutmicrobiomeand various health conditions, including psoriasis.
One study found adults with psoriasisespecially psoriatic arthritisto have less diversity in gut bacteria than healthy adults. The researchers likened the bacterial profile in psoriasis to that of inflammatory bowel disease, which often responds well to probiotics (35,36).
In another study, 23 patients with mild to moderate plaque psoriasis received the probioticBifidobacterium infantis35264 at a dose of 11010colony forming units (CFU) per day for eight weeks.
Researchers found that most blood markers of inflammation (CRP and TNF-) were significantly lower at eight weeks (37).
Other probiotic strains havent been studied specifically in psoriasis yet.
Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system by inhibiting T cell multiplication and limiting cytokine production (38).
Because T cells and cytokines play key roles in psoriasis, and because vitamin D deficiency is common among those with autoimmune disease, its been studied as a possible psoriasis treatment (38).
One literature review found vitamin D supplements and ointments to be as effective as corticosteroids in easing symptoms. The benefits were even greater when vitamin D was used with a high-dose steroid ointment (39).
In one study, 85 psoriasis patients began taking 0.5 micrograms (g) of oral calcitriol (the active form of vitamin D3) per day. Researchers increased the daily dosage by 0.5 g every two weeks, as long as lab tests were normal. Volunteers received treatment for between 6-36 months.
Patients saw significant reductions in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) scores at six months and even greater improvements at 24 months. Nearly 27% had complete improvement in symptoms, while 88% had some improvement (31,40).
The results are promising, and no negative side effects were reported.
But high quality clinical trials are needed to make firm conclusions.
Antioxidants are molecules that protect cells againstoxidative stress.
A handful of studies have linked oxidative stress and psoriasis, and certain antioxidants have been proposed as a supplemental therapy for the disease (41,42).
Seleniumis an antioxidant mineral found in vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, grains, and eggs.
Evidence is conflicting as to whether selenium deficiency directly contributes to psoriasis risk (43,44).
Small studies, however, have found that it may play an indirect role. Selenium helps inhibit activity of a protein calledosteopontin, and high osteopontin levels are thought to increase psoriasis risk (45,46).
Its unclear whether selenium supplements are helpful in reducing symptoms though.
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Psoriasis Treatment: Does Your Diet Matter? - The Good Men Project (blog)
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Selkirk-based Ryboquin secures 1.8m equity funding – BBC News
Posted: at 7:46 am
BBC News | Selkirk-based Ryboquin secures 1.8m equity funding BBC News ... Brian Kennedy and Sir Brian Souter. Executive chairman Paul Murray said their support was "testimony to the potential" of the firm. Founded in 2013, Ryboquin's business is focussed on gene therapy, primarily in the field of human cancer medicine. |
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Selkirk-based Ryboquin secures 1.8m equity funding - BBC News
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LiveJournal’s Goat Mascot Is Back to Protest the Site’s Russian Censorship – Gizmodo
Posted: at 7:45 am
All Photos Courtesy Ryan Estrada
The Russian-owned blog community LiveJournal previously banned political solicitation, part of a decade-long effort to censor Russians who were using the platform to criticize the government. Now, LiveJournals former comic artist has returned from an eight-year absence... bringing back LiveJournals Frank the Goat one more time to protest the sites abuses from the inside.
Back in 2006, indie comic artist (and LiveJournal user) Ryan Estrada really wanted to make a series about Frank the Goat, LiveJournals longstanding mascot. So, he worked out a deal with the sites owners: Hed make a commissioned comic about the goat with full creative control over the character and story, and in exchange they wouldnt have to pay him for it. For three years, Estrada charmed LiveJournal fans with a variety of stories about Frank and his friends.
It was a weird experimental series, where each chapter was a different genre. I did a musical, a rom-com, a murder mystery, a kids book, a horror story and others, Estrada told me. It was a fun way to try new things with a character that had a built-in fanbase.
This was right around when the Russian government was really starting to take interest in the site, as it had grown in popularity among journalists and citizens who were trying to circumvent Putins censorship of the media. One year later, everything came to a head. A Russian business bought LiveJournal and began the process of moving it over to Russian servers... meaning everybody who used the service (Americans like George R.R. Martin included) were subject to Russian censorship laws. Estrada ended the comic in 2009.
LiveJournal, a blog community thats hosted a lot of science fiction authors and fans (including
Estrada recently learned about just how bad Russian control of the site has gotten, primarily from a recent episode of the Reply All podcast. He told me he was appalled to learn how the Russian government was actively censoring anti-government and pro-LGBTQ content, which reportedly included a governor hiring thugs to assault a Russian who was using LiveJournal to spread his message, breaking his fingers so he couldnt type.
They were doing all this under the flag of a mascot that I may not have created, but that I had given personality to, Estrada said. The Frank the Goat I know didnt stand for that. I didnt want an outdated comic praising the company under my name to be this sad time capsule that might lead people to believe I support any of it.
When Estrada realized he still had administrative access to his Frank the Goat LiveJournal account, and the contract was never technically canceled, he decided to use his platform to create one final Frank the Goat comic. One that speaks out against what hate and fear turned a beloved site into.
As of now, the comic is still up on LiveJournal. It technically violates the sites rules against political solicitation, particularly involving LGBTQ representation but, since Estrada lives in South Korea, he wouldnt face actual prosecution for it. However, he can be kicked off LiveJournal for posting the comic, and the Frank the Goat account can be shut down. In the meantime, it serves as an homage to a community that was once treasured by scifi fans, and later used as a tool to fight for freedom.
If something isnt right, you should speak up. Use what little scrap of power and privilege you have to raise your voice, even if it is super dumb and involves drawing pictures of goats singing and kissing sheep, Estrada said.
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LiveJournal's Goat Mascot Is Back to Protest the Site's Russian Censorship - Gizmodo
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Watchdog likens May’s internet fines threat to Chinese censorship – The Guardian
Posted: at 7:45 am
Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron at a joint press conference in Paris in June. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA
The terrorism legislation watchdog has likened Theresa Mays proposals to punish companies such as Facebook and Google for failing to tackle extremist propaganda to Chinas strict regime of internet censorship.
Max Hill QC, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said internet companies should be brought firmly onside rather than threatened with fines.
In a speech delivered at the Terrorism and Social Media conference in Swansea, reported in the Times, he said: I struggle to see how it would help if our parliament were to criminalise tech company bosses who dont do enough. How do we measure enough? What is the appropriate sanction?
We do not live in China, where the internet simply goes dark for millions when government so decides. Our democratic society cannot be treated that way.
May outlined the idea of punishing companies such as Facebook, YouTube and Google if they fail to remove extremist propaganda and terrorist material from their platforms in the wake of the Manchester Arena bombing.
After a meeting with the French president, Emmanuel Macron, in June, May said they were both determined to ensure the internet could not be used as a safe space for terrorists and criminals.
The UK and France are to develop plans to create a new legal liability for tech companies that fail to take action against unacceptable content.
Speaking at the time, May said: The counter-terrorism cooperation between British and French intelligence agencies is already strong, but President Macron and I agree that more should be done to tackle the terrorist threat online.
In the UK we are already working with social media companies to halt the spread of extremist material and poisonous propaganda that is warping young minds. I can announce that the UK and France will work together to encourage corporations to do more and abide by their social responsibility to step up their efforts to remove harmful content from their networks, including exploring the possibility of creating a new legal liability for tech companies if they fail to remove unacceptable content.
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Ron Paul: Not a ‘shock’ if stocks fall 25% and gold soars 50% by Oct. – CNBC
Posted: at 7:44 am
A painful correction is coming and there's little that can be done to prevent it, according to former Republican congressman and libertarian firebrand Ron Paul.
Speaking to CNBC last week, the former GOP presidential contender argued the economy is not as strong as Wall Street consensus believes, and the situation could turn ugly as soon as October.
"If our markets are down 25 percent and gold is up 50 percent it wouldn't be a total shock to me," said Paul recently on "Futures Now."
That scenario would drag the S&P 500 Index as low as 1,819, and gold as high as $1,867 an ounce from current levels.
Paul, who's also a medical doctor and former U.S. Representative from Texas, is a well-known bear who has been sharply critical of Trump administration. He has also been putting a lot of blame on the Federal Reserve for keeping interest rates historically low for so long.
Although the Fed is undertaking a rate hike campaign after nearly a decade of ultra-accomodative monetary policy, some believe asset pricesand the economycould still react badly.
"I think it's a very precarious market, and the Fed better be very careful. Since they are incapable of knowing what to do, I don't expect much good to come out of anything they do," said Paul. "There are so many mistakes made out there that the correction is almost unlimited."
This is not the first time Paul has called for a pullback on "Futures Now."
He made a similar prediction almost exactly a year ago on June 28, 2016, almost exactly a year ago. Since then, the S&P 500 has ripped by 21 percent and the Dow is up 24 percent, breaking several records along the way. The tech heavy Nasdaq bounced into record territory over that time period, and soared 34 percent.
However, Paul still makes the case that the rally is on borrowed time.
"People have been convinced that everything is wonderful right now and that stocks are going to go up forever," Paul said.
"I don't happen to buy this. The old rules always exist, and there's too much debt and too much mal-investment. The adjustment will have to come," he added.
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Living to 125 and beyond: Scientists dispute there’s a limit to our lifespans –
Posted: at 7:42 am
Dont mess with our collective dreams of immortality. A flurry of new research vigorously opposes a study from last year that dared to suggest there might be a ceiling to the human lifespan.
In one new paper, Dutch scientists predict, by 2070, our lifespan may increase to 125 years while, beyond that, the sky may be the limit. Their analysis was published Wednesday in the journal Nature.
The debate over his original paper, published last October in Nature and widely reported by CNN and other media outlets, took Jan Vijg, senior author, by surprise.
For a biologist, a natural limit to the lifespan makes a lot of sense, so thats why I never imagined the paper would stir up so much comment, said Vijg, a professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
New analysis
To prove a 125-year lifespan is possible, researchers from the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute team began their study by refuting the relationship between age and immortality posed by Benjamin Gompertz.
This 19th-century mathematician pored over mortality data and noticed young people have a very low chance of dying. Yet, in middle age, the chance of dying increases and then rises again dramatically in old age.
This exponential increase in the rate of human mortality has long been accepted wisdom, yet the Dutch researchers decided to challenge it. Instead of basing their work on data derived from the general population, they used data from a group of people noted for their long lives Japanese women.
Using mathematical models, they claim mortality goes down in old age and projected an astounding new human lifespan 125 years will be achieved by 2070.
Along with this theory, an additional four separate papers poke holes in Vijgs work. A Canadian team of scientists claims Vijgs original paper is based on statistically noisy (or meaningless) data. Meanwhile, a research team from the University of Copenhagen argues any inferences about lifespan potential are premature; a team from the Max Planck Institute claims theres simply no evidence of a looming limit; and a team from the University of Groningen offers four cohesive arguments contesting the conclusions drawn by Vijgs team.
What inspired this heated debate?
In their paper, Vijg and his graduate students, Xiao Dong and Brandon Milholland, analyzed aging trends in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Japan.
Vijg explained their analysis was based not on some mathematical model that projected future data but on actual data of real human lives. They examined not one but two different data sets, and what they observed was, despite life expectancy being dramatically higher than it was 100 years ago, the probability of anyone living for more than 125 years was unlikely.
Initially, you see this increase every year, and you see this oldest record holder until the 1990s and then it stops, Vijg said. Think about it, how strange it is.
The number of healthy centenarians increased dramatically every year. That being the case, Vijg theorized the supply is certainly there to create more record-breakers, every year, yet there were none.
Vijg wondered How is that possible? A decades-long plateau following years of new old-age records must mean humans have reached the lifespan limit, he and his colleagues concluded.
It is a rather logical conclusion for biologists, who have long seen individual animal species each have a particular span of time in which they are born, develop into maturity and then die, Vijg explained.
When Jeanne Calment died, I really thought that this was the beginning of something very dramatic, Vijg said.
Calment died in 1997 at age 122, which remains the greatest fully authenticated age to which any human has ever lived, according to Guinness World Records.
Hearing about Calments long life, Vijg rebelled against the accepted wisdom that lifespan must be fixed, it must be like a ceiling.
Yet, testing the theory, Vijg and his co-authors found no fresh old-age record breakers. Sure, the Canadian scientists who created a mathematical model found random plateaus, some seven years long but still their research fails to explain a plateau of decades, Vijg said.
The Canadian scientists may believe their research disproves his but, instead, it is a beautiful confirmation of what we found, he said.
They want us to be wrong, said Vijg, who with his colleagues published a rebuttal to all the criticism. I can see that its very depressing when you find out that we can never get older than 115 years on average.
Vijg, though, is not a depressed man.
He said hes seen the tremendous strides made in all scientific fields as well as technology and hopes someday the aging process might be halted.
We may be able to do that at some point, as I say, by the way, at the end of my paper. But, if we are not able to do that because aging turns out to be still very mysterious or a process that we cannot really intervene with, then we are stuck with a real maximum lifespan that fluctuates around 115, Vijg said. Accept it.
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