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Meet Ask Trump Supporters, the only place where Trump fans and haters actually talk – The Daily Dot
Posted: July 10, 2017 at 7:44 pm
Amid the chaos and division that has paralyzed American politics, one community of Trump supporters is striving tocut through theinsults, petty memes, and misconceptions hurled left and right.
This collective of conservatives, all users on social news site Reddit, run the subreddit Ask Trump Supporters to connect with critics and facilitate discussion.
With eight moderators, including a non-supporter of Trump, the subreddit aims to exist as neutral ground where every comment is moderated equally, and everyone with an open mind who participates in good faith is welcome.
This subreddit is about bridging that gap that has been formed by our media and getting to better know each other, the subreddits wiki reads. How do you get to know someone better? Ask questions. Ask yourself why you hold that view of Trump supporters or non-supporters. Respectfully ask the other person how they came to those conclusions.
Recent popular threads relate to Trumps retweet of a CNN meme and his visit to Europe to meet with other world leaders for the G20 conference.
It all sounds, well, quite open-minded. Non-supporters of the presidentwho are identified by flair saying as much next to their usernamesare actively encouraged to engage and question the social perspectives and political motivations of those who do support Trump, known on the subreddit as Nimble Navigators. Its an initiative that is simply not happening elsewhere.
To make it happen, however, moderators enforce a number of rules. These are aimed at maintaining a space for civil, honest, and thoughtful conversation. One pointed requirement, for example, is that all comments must be clarifying questions in an effort to better understand the answers given by Trump supporters. Moderators actively remove posts they deem to0 argumentative or leading questions.
On top of this, the moderators emphasize what they call posting in good faith and require this standard be upheld by both pro-Trump redditors and non-supporters.
What does this mean? An acknowledgment that not all Trump supporters are alike, and not all non-supporters alike. Practically, this translates to a curtailment of the language of partisan caricature. Non-supporters of Trump are not libtards or cucks nor are Trump supporters are bigoted racists.
It is, in many ways, the exact opposite of the popular, hyper-pro-Trump subreddit, The_Donald, where non-supporters are banned and liberals are constantly mocked.
We have this rule to keep the communication open the moderators explain. Not posting in good faith is when a user is not engaging in thoughtful discussion, and instead is hostile or extremely biased to others viewpoints, to the detriment of discussion.
Ask Trump Supporters also enforces an outright ban on memes, trolling, doxing, vote manipulation or brigading in contrast to other pro-Trump online communities.
In this respect, it is alternative in culture and moderation standard, despite being part of and endorsing a broader pro-Trump networkthatincludes The_Donald and AskThe_Donald.
The notorious and often politically incorrect The_Donald is the biggest community of Trump supporters on the website and serves as an incubator for much of the pro-Trump hype online, with nearly half a million subscribers. It has made headlines several times for its memes and trolling. Members of the The_Donald have also engaged in vast crowdsourced investigations into the Democratic National Committee email dumpby WikiLeaksduring the run up to the 2016 presidential election, and set out to prove a conspiracy theory involving murdered Democrat staffer Seth Rich.
The_Donald moderators manage their own question and answer subreddit called AskThe_Donald. It focuses more on policy conversations than The_Donald but remains insular and designed to serve Trump supporters and suppress differing opinions. Users have complained openly about the extremely ban-happy moderators there.
Although originally established by The_Donald moderators, who during the pre-election period pointed their users there, AskTrumpSupporters eventually broke away and revamped its rules. A quick scroll through either of these subreddits shows just how different the mission of AskTrumpSupporters now is.
Our goal isnt to promote an echo chamber, one moderator tells the Daily Dot, but to combat misconceptions by media and 80 percent of Reddit.
Motivated by the desire to be objectively understood and listened to, the rules around interaction work to displace the noise and ridicule that has come to dictate political discourse. In implementing it, moderators have been forced to not only disarm the quick judgement of the left but confront the limitations of rabid right-wing shitposting.
Doing so has led to conflicts with other pro-Trump moderator circles and it being dropped from promotion on The_Donalds banner. The community has also been accused by The_Donald diehards of being loaded with CTR shillsDemocratic supporters paid to spam pro-Trump online communities with liberal propagandabecause of the neutrality of the comments.
Reddit drama might be way inside baseball, but its indicative of what it often costs to reach across the table in a culture of hyper-partisanship.
Boasting a subscriber count of over 30,000 users, however, an appetite for conversation across the political divide quietly grows. And in this small corner of the internet, its been instigated by the presidents supporters.
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Meet Ask Trump Supporters, the only place where Trump fans and haters actually talk - The Daily Dot
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Four Action Movies Every American Needs to See | LifeZette – LifeZette
Posted: at 7:44 pm
A great action movie can be as American as baseball and apple pie. Some of the finest movies of the genre follow an individual who goes up against a group or a power structure connected to authoritarianism and violence.
The idea of one man or woman taking a stand and stopping what he or she sees as the atrocities of society is about as American as it gets.
Related: Three Celebrities Who Think Theyre Experts
Heres a look at four action movies every American should take the time to watch. (And if you feel weve missed any, email us at [emailprotected] with your recommendations!)
1.) Die Hard, 1988.John McClane is the perfect American hero. Hes flawed, politically incorrect, and agitated by authority, but he never leaves a job unfinished or an innocent person at risk.
"Die Hard" remains one of the best action films of all time, not just because of its impressive set pieces, stunt work, and lack of computer-generated imagery (CGI) but because of the performance of Bruce Willis as New York City detective John McClane. An actor originally from New Jersey, Willis brought an attitude and a toughness to the character that made him believable and charming.
He'd always do the right thing, but he'd be sure to curse the whole time through and complain about why he was there in the first place and that's what any average Joe would do. He wasn't the hero because he wanted to be; he saved the day because there wasn't anyone else around to do it. What's more American than that?
It may have been released in 1988, but no action film since has quite topped the lightning in a bottle that was "Die Hard."
Plenty have tried to mimic the film's success by taking the same basic concept of "wrong guy in the wrong place at the right time" but few viewers remember those copycats. Everybody remembers "Die Hard."(go to page 2 to continue reading)
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A Korean Punk Band’s Struggles with Censorship – Hyperallergic
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Bamseom Pirates Seoul Infernoby Jung Yoon-Suk (image courtesy M-Line Distribution)
The Last Waltz, Martin Scorseses quintessential concert film chronicling the last show of the 70s rock group The Band, begins with text declaring across the screen: This film should be played loud. In the decades following the 1976 classic, this advice found its way into the beginning of countless music films. Most recently, the spirit of the message traveled across the globe to South Korea in Jung Yoon-Suks documentary Bamseom Pirates Seoul Inferno (2017), the story of the college punk duo Bamseom Pirates and their struggles with government censorship. But the onscreen statement near the beginning of Jungs film skews in a more political direction, notifying the viewer, The sounds of the film were left unbalanced to help you experience the imbalances in Korean society. In the background, we hear the Pirates aggressive, discordant music.
As a bellwether of whats to come, the statement works twofold. First, it prepares the viewer for an on-the-ground look at the politics and class conflicts of contemporary South Korea. Second, like the rest of the movie, it presents an endlessly compelling subject in a clodding, inelegant manner.
The film, which is playing at the New York Asian Film Festival at the Film Society of Lincoln Center, revolves around the arrest of the bands producer and manager Park Junggeun. He is said to have violated the countrys nebulous National Security Laws after posting tweets that were seen as praising the enemy. These tweets, including Dear leader, please buy me some chocolate and Kim Jong-Il is Car Sex, show how vague and easily manipulable the laws are. The messages are shared on-screen in front of images of Park dressed in costumes goofing off with friends, making it even clearer that Park is joking. However, South Korean culture seems to treat any expression of dissent comical or not as aiding the enemy.
Watching the Pirates at work is a riveting experience. Sarcasm and irony infuse everything they do especially their lyrics. In some songs, they seemingly, wholeheartedly endorse North Korean Communists, with choruses like All Hail Kim Jong-Il! But we recognize this stance is a farce in moments where the band discusses its almost nonexistent politics. Having spent his young life firmly on the south side of the DMZ, the drummer of the band, Kwon Yung-man, admits at one point, Honestly I know almost nothing about North Korea. The musicians scream slogans praising their countrys enemies just to provoke the powers that be.
Despite efforts to mirror the bands slapdash aesthetic, the film unfortunately follows a fairly consistent formal structure that keeps it from being engaging. A protest ensues around the privatization of Seoul University and a Korea-US free trade agreement. Then the band Yung-man and bassist Jang Sung-geon performs at the protest, offering a set of their signature punk/metal fusion and nonsense banter. The handheld cinematography that fills most of the film is a visually unspectacular means of chronicling these happenings, and Kwons tendency to tell the camera exactly what the band is doing instead of simply showing it drags the story on.
More interesting is Jungs repurposing of newscasts that intrude on the bands story, giving cultural context for the society that yielded the Pirates. A story about a 1994 meeting between North and South Korean officials, where the Communist representative warns that his country can turn their countries into an inferno if provoked, offers context for the tense political climate on both sides of the DMZ; this anecdote also explains the origins for the name of the Pirates debut album Seoul Inferno, which is excerpted throughout the film. Later in the film, as Park is on-trial, Jung appropriates propaganda from the era, where in a staged conversation two men and two women discuss their thoughts on war with the north. One of them declares, If certain elements within the South cause turmoil when the North attacks, they will pay dearly for their mistakes. Jungs appropriation of this footage paints a vivid portrait of the social consensus allowing the crackdown on Park, which ends in a 10-month jail sentence and two years probation.
Following the delivery of the verdict, however, Bamseom Pirates Seoul Inferno fails to end on a note acknowledging this very emotional moment. The viewer is treated to shots of the pirates riding in cars through the city at night, a middle-aged man asleep on public transportation, and cats, as well as scenes of the band recording screams, moans, claps, belches, and the whir of power tools. The film suffers for not making a final statement regarding the censorship imposed on artists in South Korea. The fault lies with the filmmaker and not the artists, whose dadaist sensibilities are the reason to watch this documentary.
Bamseom Pirates Seoul Infernois playingat the New York Asian Film Festival at the Walter Reade Theater, Film Society of Lincoln Center (165 W 65th St, Upper West Side, Manhattan) on Tuesday, July 11.
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Bolshoi Ballet denies bowing to censorship over canceled Rudolf Nureyev show –
Posted: at 7:43 pm
The Bolshoi Ballet has denied bowing to a controversial Russian law banning "homosexual propaganda" after it cancelled a new production about Rudolf Nureyev three days before the premiere.
The long-anticipated production had been due to open on Tuesday but was called off at the weekend amid speculation that authorities had balked at its depiction of Nureyev's love life.
Vladimir Urin, the theater's director general, said on Monday that he had cancelled the ballet about the Soviet dancer-turned-defector because rehearsals showed it was not ready.
"The ballet was not good," he said, saying it had been postponed rather than cancelled and would open in May next year instead.
Earlier the Tass news agency cited a culture ministry source saying Vladimir Medinsky, Russia's minister of culture, cancelled the production because he feared it broke a controversial law banning the promotion of homosexuality to minors.
Mr Medinsky's ministry confirmed he had spoken to the director, but denied issuing a "ban."
"Yes there was a long conversation with Urin," Irina Kaznacheeva, a spokeswoman for the culture ministry said in a statement. "But a ban is the not the ministry's working style."
Rudolf Nuryev was one of the most celebrated ballet dancers of his generation. In 1961 he became was one of the first acclaimed Soviet artists to defect to the West, where he had successfulcareer - and a turbulent love life including a string of gay relationships - until his death in 1993.
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Golden Apricot Festival Kicks Off Amid Censorship Allegations – Asbarez Armenian News
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Banners at the Moscow Theater ushered in the Golden Apricot International Film Festival
2 LGBT-Themed Films at the Center of Controversy YEREVANOpening ceremonies for the 14th annual Golden Apricot International Film Festival were held Sunday, kicking off this years festival amid controversy stemming from the organizers decision to cancel an off-competition screening of 40 films showcasing work of filmmakers from around the world, with some accusing organizers of censorship.
Filmmakers who had submitted their work to be screened in an off-competition program entitled, Armenians: Internal And External Views, were informed Friday through an email from Golden Apricot organizers that the screening of the entire slate of films was cancelled, without elaborating on a reason for this decision.
Filmmaker Hrayr Eulmessekian, whose film Vah Oshagan: Between Acts, was to have been screened during Armenians: Internal And External Views received the email, which he shared on his Facebook page.
We want to inform you that Armenians: Internal And External Views non-competition program is completely cancelled. We apologize for any inconveniences, said the email received by Eulmessekian and the other filmmakers whose works were to be screened.
The decision has also baffled Beirut-based filmmaker Nigol Bezjian whose documentary, Temple of Light, centering on the closure of the Melkonian School in Cyprus, was to have been screened during the program.
The film is about shutting down of the Melkonian School and now the film is shut [down] in Yerevan, Bezjian told Asbarez through Facebook Messenger, pointing to the irony of the situation.
At the same time, activists took to social media to voice their anger at the cancelation, with some claiming that two LGBT-themed films, which were part of the programs slate were at the heart of the decision to cancel the entire program.
A documentary, Listen to Me: Untold Stories beyond Hatred and Apricot Groves a fiction film featuring LGBT characters were originally included in the Armenians: Internal And External Views lineup.
Armenias Cinematographers Union said that due to the passing of the groups former director, Rouben Gevorgyants on June 23, the group was in mourning and would not screen any films. The group had said earlier that the two LGBT-themed films would have to be removed and threatened to cancel the entire showcase of 40 films.
Throughout the weekend social media sites were abuzz with allegations and finger pointing and conclusions that the Golden Apricot organizers caved in to archaic approaches toward LGBT people and cancelled the entire slate.
The organizers are doing themselves a disservice by not clearly articulating the impetus for the cancelations. Asbarezs email inquiry to the organizers of the festival remains unanswered.
Canadian Armenian filmmaker Atom Egoyan and his actress and activist wife Arsine Khanjian posted an announcement on Facebook decrying the decision to cancel the slate of films. They also argue that the best way to honor a late cinematographer is to ensure that the medium continues to flourish and proliferate.
We are very concerned about the censorship by the Union of Cinematographers and the following decision to cancel an entire programming by the Golden Apricot Film Festival. Atom was President of the Festival for almost ten years and its dismaying to see a festival that we both proudly advocated for within the international film community in the name of films and filmmakers that spoke of such urgent human rights issues can be suppressed, especially when these ideas need to be discussed and brought to light, said the announcement by the two Diasporan artists.
Surely there is no better way to honour the spirit of an important Armenian filmmaker, Rouben Gevorgyants, than by making sure new films from Armenian voices can be seen and shared. We have never heard of a program of new films being cancelled to commemorate a cineastes death as a sign of mourning and respect! This claim seems, therefore, quite preposterous. We urge the Festival to review this outlandish decision. We urge the Festival to present this programme of thought-provoking work which reflects the true diversity of voices present in Armenia today and the Diaspora alike, added the announcement.
The festival kicked off on Sunday with the traditional blessing of the apricots, a fruit indigenous to Armenia, and continued with the unveiling of stars of directors Frunze Dovlatyan, Yuri Yerznkyan and cinematographer Sergey Israelyan at Charles Aznavour Square in Yerevan.
Welcoming remarks were delivered by founding director of the festival Harutyun Khachatryan and Ralph Yirikian, the General Manager of VivaCell-MTS, which is the general partner of the festival.
After the introduction of the jury and the competition program, the festivals opening film, Khaspush by Hamo Beknazaryan, was screened.
According to the organizers, this year, the annual film festival, founded in 2004, received 1,100 film submissions from 96 countries. Organizers selected 47 films to compete in three main categories: International Feature Competition (12 films), International Documentary Competition (16 films) and Armenian Panorama National Competition (19 films).
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Alankrita Shrivastava: It’s time to bid goodbye to censorship – Times of India
Posted: at 7:43 pm
'Lipstick Under My Burkha' director Alankrita Shrivastava said film censorship needs to be bid a goodbye. Her debut feature film was caught in a tussle with the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) which deemed it too lady-oriented to see the light of the day. But when the makers approached the Film Certification Appellate Tribunal (FCAT), they got a green signal. Talking about the issue, Shrivastava said, "We are reaching a crisis point. We have to decide, as citizens of India in 2017, whether we want to claim our freedom and live in a free and democratic country or do we want to live with this guardianship."
"I think time is up on censorship and we need to bid it a proper and clear goodbye. We need to get into a process which is much more matter of fact in certification."
"Censorship is not something new in India. We have been living with censorship for decades. Censorship is coming to sharp focus now, because there are many more independent films being made which are more international in nature."
"As a citizen of a free and democratic country, I also want the freedom to be able to make whatever I like because I see people from other free countries making whatever they like."
'Lipstick Under My Burkha' to release on July 28
Konkona Sen Sharma strikes a pose during a photo shoot, held at Intop Studio, Jogeshwari in Mumbai on July 08, 2017.
Aahana Kumra looks gorgeous during a photo shoot, held at Intop Studio, Jogeshwari in Mumbai on July 08, 2017.
Ratna Pathak Shah during a photo shoot, held at Intop Studio, Jogeshwari in Mumbai on July 08, 2017.
Plabita Borthakur is all smiles during a photo shoot, held at Intop Studio, Jogeshwari in Mumbai on July 08, 2017.
(L-R) Plabita Borthakur, Konkona Sen Sharma, Alankrita Shrivastava, Ratna Pathak Shah and Aahana Kumra during a photo shoot, held at Intop Studio, Jogeshwari in Mumbai on July 08, 2017.
Konkona Sen Sharma strikes a pose during a photo shoot, held at Intop Studio, Jogeshwari in Mumbai on July 08, 2017.
Aahana Kumra looks gorgeous during a photo shoot, held at Intop Studio, Jogeshwari in Mumbai on July 08, 2017.
Ratna Pathak Shah during a photo shoot, held at Intop Studio, Jogeshwari in Mumbai on July 08, 2017.
Plabita Borthakur is all smiles during a photo shoot, held at Intop Studio, Jogeshwari in Mumbai on July 08, 2017.
(L-R) Plabita Borthakur, Konkona Sen Sharma, Alankrita Shrivastava, Ratna Pathak Shah and Aahana Kumra during a photo shoot, held at Intop Studio, Jogeshwari in Mumbai on July 08, 2017.
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Embracing Libertarianism Will Make You a Better American – Being Libertarian
Posted: at 7:43 pm
There are so many reasons to be a Libertarian in this day and age. In a nation where Republicans and Democrats each advocate for big government in their own ways, the Libertarian Party is the one true representation of pure liberty.
Libertarians promote freedom, capitalism, private property rights, and more. Likewise, Libertarians oppose unnecessary wars, statism, taxes, and the like.
People who subscribe to libertarianism believe each American is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, so long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others. Espousing libertarianism will help the citizens of this nation cherish the values that America was originally founded on.
According to the Free Republic, one of the core creeds of our Founding Fathers stated that life and liberty are secure only as long as the rights of property are secure.
In essence, property rights are as follows: Americans reserve the rights to create and use goods, earn income from their productions, and distribute the goods to others if they so choose. This is a critical component of capitalism.
Detractors of capitalism assert that it is an unfair system which favors the wealthy and privileged. In reality, capitalism favors individuals who are able to produce marketable goods and services. Capitalism has engendered many Americans to escape the crippling bonds of poverty.
Libertarians are staunch defenders of a capitalist society because we realize the importance and necessity of Americans being able to engender their own wealth and success as opposed to receiving crippling government handouts.
Contrary to what many radical liberals preach, nobody is entitled to someone elses income. Becoming a libertarian opens ones eyes to all of the existing possibilities and opportunities available to those who are willing to work hard.
Just as libertarians embrace property rights, liberty, and capitalism, we also vehemently oppose destructive and anti-American forces such as wars, statism, and crippling taxes. These toxic influences are direct extensions of big government.
As stated on the foreign policy page of the Libertarian Partys official website, Libertarians aspire for America to steer clear of war. In doing so, countless fatalities and injuries will be prevented.
Quite frankly, a plethora of wars are preventable and many politicians enter them due to matters like ego.
If the United States is attacked, this nation reserves the right to defend ourselves, but if not, our leaders have no business antagonizing other countries. Imagine if everyone applied this train of thought in their daily lives. The promotion of peacefulness and individualism embodies libertarianism.
Statism and taxation are additional forces that libertarians oppose due to their devastating impacts on Americans. In essence, the state is a part of the government. From the time of its conception, the government was always meant to be controlled by the people of this nation, not vice versa. Also, taxation is merely an offshoot of statism.
Those in favor of taxation often claim that this practice is the only way in which our roads could be built or maintained. These people underestimate the power of self-interest, which Libertarian Prepper accurately pinpointed.
Business owners, shipping companies, and other free market forces will voluntary pitch in to ensure the upkeep of our roads. Additionally, roads maintained out of self-interest would most likely not be plagued with pot holes and other hazards.
Taxation is unnecessary and it steals hard earned proceeds from working Americans.
Whether or not one chooses to embrace libertarianism is entirely up to the individual. However, the decision to subscribe to a liberty minded ideology will provide a more productive worldview, encourage the pursuit of success, and prevent unnecessary conflicts.
Becoming a libertarian emboldens each and every person to embrace individualism and ultimately realize that pure liberty is what America was originally founded on.
Gabrielle Seunagal is an intelligent, witty, and iconic libertarian. She is very proud to be self-employed and happily works full time as a freelance writer. In her spare time, Gabrielle loves to read, travel, eat out, and go on adventures. You can follow her on Twitter @ClassySnobbb.
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Can Libertarian Cliff Hyra Make a Dent in the Virginia Governor’s … – Reason
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Cliff Hyra has a ready answer for anyone who thinks being governor is not an entry-level job: Roughly one-fourth of the country's current governors started their political careers that way. One of them, in fact, serves as governor of Virginia. (Whether Terry McAuliffe qualifies as an argument for gubernatorial neophytes or against them is an open question.)
Wisely, Hyrathe Libertarian Party's candidate for governor of Virginia this yeardoes not bring up another example of a novice: Donald Trump, who holds the most important elected position in the world without any prior political experience. Trump's approval ratings in Virginia continue to dangle below 40 percent.
But Trump does neuter arguments Libertarians often confront, such as the notion that people will not vote for a political outsider. And the criticism that Libertarian candidates are ill-prepared for officea stereotype Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson reinforced last year with his infamous Aleppo Moment. That was embarrassing, but Trump makes Johnson look like a walking encyclopedia.
The Trump era also confounds other received wisdom, such as the supposed immutability of ideological groups. A recent Cato Institute study on "The 5 Types of Trump Voters" finds that almost 20 percent hold essentially progressive views on economic and social issues. Some of the fiercest Trump critics, on the other hand, are traditional conservatives of the National Review variety. "Never-Trump Republicans" make up a significant segment of the political populace.
This has led to a fair amount of speculation about a potential re-alignment of America's political parties. Libertarians, who generally sound like Republicans on economics and Democrats on social issues, should be able to benefit from such a realignment by forming a coalition from both parties who favor limited government across a broad swath of issues.
Nice theory, anyway. It hasn't worked out so well in practice. ("Just like libertarianism itself!" cackle Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show balcony.) Even in elections where Libertarians have had a chance to break into the big leagues because the two major-party candidates turned off so many voters, they have come up short.
It happened last year, when Johnsona former Republican and two-time governorreceived only 3 percent of the vote. And it happened four years ago, when Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Robert Sarvis won 6.5 percent of the vote for governor of Virginia against McAuliffe and the GOP's Ken Cuccinelli.
If Libertarians can't break 10 percent (or even five) in elections like those, it's hard to see how they can make a bigger splash any other time. Which isn't to say the party is doomed to irrelevance. New Hampshire now has three sitting Libertarians in the state legislature. And even candidates who have no chance of winning can still make an impact by steering public discourse down different avenues. Just ask Bernie Sanders.
Yet Sanders was no neophyte. He was an established politician offering an alternative to dissatisfied party loyalists. Virginians already have had two of those this year: Tom Perriello on the left and Corey Stewart on the right. Periello carried the Sanders flag in the Democratic primary and got trounced. Stewart, a Trumpian to the core, carried the Confederate flag in the GOP primary and almost won.
That is bad news for the Virginia GOP, but it could be worse news for Hyrawho, on his campaign website, describes himself as "socially inclusive." In his acceptance speech at the Libertarian Party nominating event, Hyra also stressed the virtues of "unlimted freedom and"please note"respect."
Social inclusion and respect were not exactly high among Stewart's campaign themes. And Republicans who are turned off by the Stewart wing of the party can simply vote for their establishment nominee, Ed Gillespie.
Still, Hyra is performing a signal service simply by running. Like Sarvis before him, he is palpably smart, with an undergrad degree in aerospace engineering and a career as an intellectual-property lawyer.
He is straight-laced, which can only do good for the Libertarian Party's image. And he thinks people are tired of partisan rancor, and therefore might be open to someone who focuses on "ideas, not teams or tribal affiliation." He is "not an ideologue by an means," he says. "Incrementalism is sort of my calling card... I don't worry about privatizing the roads." If a policy works, then "we should be open to it."
Hyra has crafted a platform tailored to promote innovation and economic growth: End the state's BPOL tax, which applies to the first dollar of business revenue, rather than the first dollar of profit. Repeal certain occupational licensing requirements. Cut personal income taxes. Expand charter schools. Repeal the Certificate of Public Need regime in health care. Legalize marijuana. Roll back regulations that hinder the growth of the food and beverage industry.
And focus on respect. "Respect is at the heart of libertarianism," he said in an interview on Wednesday: Just because you think someone else is wrong doesn't mean you should impose your will on them. It's important, Hyra says, to have "respect for people no matter how different they are."
That's a message Virginians probably respect in turn. Whether the regard translates into votes, however, could be a different story.
This column originally appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
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On The Eucharist: Part One – Patheos (blog)
Posted: at 7:42 pm
Icon of Jesus at the Mystical Supper. Photograph by Henry Karlson
We are born again in baptism, then we find ourselves sanctified in the Spirit through the anointing of chrism. But as we are limited beings in the world, and we find ourselves consistently needing to eat and drink in order to extend ourselves and add to our potential energy lest we die, so we need spiritual nourishment to extend our spiritual potential and grow in the spirit lest we find a limit to our spiritual growth and then find ourselves facing a living-death, where our spiritual potential is, as it were, stretched to the limit in eternity.
In the whole of our being, body and soul, we hunger and thirst. We seek after food so we do not suffer loss. But the greatest food is that which can help our whole being, body and soul, at once, nourishing both that neither finds a limit to its potentiality before being stretched thin.
In our core, we thirst, and we receive the stream of living water, the Holy Spirit; likewise, we hunger, and receive the bread of life, by which we are able to partake of eternal life. Jesus said that he is himself that bread of life; he is the one who has come down from heaven in order for us to partake of him. In this manner, we can abide in him as he abides in us, and so we share in his infinite potential and life in a way which whatever we need, we can have from him and so never suffer loss:
I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.
The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? So Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me. This is the bread which came down from heaven, not such as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live for ever (Jn. 6:51 8 RSV).
Even in the way he came to us in his birth, he revealed to us that he came to give us of himself as the bread of life. As St. Anthony of Padua explained, the incarnation works in and through fitting symbols which reinforce each other, and here, we find Jesus being born in Bethlehem hints at his being the bread of life:
He is also called a Bethlehemite. Bethlehem means house of bread. He feeds us in the Church with the bready of his Body:
the bread will give is my flesh, for the life of the world. [Jn 6:52][1]
Jesus was born in the house of bread, to be the true Bethlehemite, indeed, to fulfill the meaning behind Bethlehem itself. He came to the world, not in some ordinary home, not even in an ordinary room at some inn, but in a manger, fulfilling what it means to be a Bethlehemite, for the manger is the place in which food is stored for animals. We are, to be sure, animals ourselves, and by coming to Christ, we come to the manger to feed. Jesus remains every in the manger as he is our food, the bread of life which has come down to the house of bread, so that we might live forever. We are nourished by the flesh and blood of Christ. Even as an infant, he was put on display in a trough. He came down from heaven and immediately showed he was to give of himself to us as our feed.
In receiving him, we are received by him; by eating the gift of the bread of life, we discover what eating itself is all about. Normally what we eat becomes a part of us as we absorb what we can receive and expel that which we cannot. By receiving the eucharist, we have Jesus presence in us, and we find ourselves receiving the medicine of immortality, the food which transforms us into the body of Christ. But instead of absorbing Christ in us, we find ourselves being taken in by Christ and become one with him in and through our reception of his holy gifts. We truly find ourselves abiding in him because we first opened ourselves up to let him abide in us. By accepting him, by eating his gift of himself found in the eucharist, we find he has entered us and transforms us. Thus, he is not consumed like simple food, but nonetheless, he still allows us to become what we eat, himself, as Hugh of St. Victor explained:
Finally we eat the flesh of the lamb when by taking His true body in the sacrament we are incorporated with Christ through faith and love. Elsewhere what is eaten is incorporated. Now when the body of Christ is eaten, not what is eaten but he who eats is incorporated with Him whom he eats. On this account Christ wished to be eaten by us, that He might incorporate us with Him.[2]
Christ takes what humans need in order to survive, food, and turns himself into it in order to fulfill the human condition and lift it up so that all that is truly and properly human finds itself received by him as a means of receiving him. Our body is real and represents a truth about ourselves which must not be denied. We are not Gnostics rejecting the functions of our body. All that Christ assume is itself able to be transformed by him and used by him for our gain.
As that which we eat is from what has been killed and so dead, we receive the lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world, from the one who died for our sake, so we can eat him and receive everlasting life. Ordinary food helps us in our temporal existence; our spiritual food of the bread of life, of the flesh and blood of Christ offered for us, gives us what we need in order to ne nourished in eternity.
He made it clear through repetition that he truly wants to believe he is the bread which has come down from heaven, that he truly came to give us his flesh and blood to eat and drink. He did not want us to think it was mere metaphor: he had many chances to indicate it was, but instead, through his repetition and how he declared himself to be the bread of life, he became more emphatic about it. We cannot neglect the meaning which he gave; we can dismiss it as absurd, and so dismiss him, but he did not offer those who believed in him and followed him any other choice than to accept this hard saying.
What Moses gave was food for the journey of life; it was manna from heaven which was good and helpful; but what Moses gave was only a foreshadow of what God sent to us in Jesus, so that we have food, not just for a particular day and time, but for eternity the difference between the two is night and day, with Moses giving a shadow of the things to come:
Jesus then said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven; my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven, and gives life to the world (Jn. 6:32-3 RSV).
Clearly, what Jesus said shocked his listeners; after he made sure they knew how serious he was by the emphasis he put in his words, many of them left (cf. Jn. 6:66). They, like so many others throughout the centuries, could not understand how and why we would be called to eat Jesus himself. It sounded like cannibalism. At least for those listening to his speech here, since he had yet to explain how he would offer himself as good, it is far easier to forgive those who departed at that point than those who later rejected his words after he revealed how he was to give himself in holy communion. What were the disciples to believe? How could they understand his enigmatic and cryptic words? Obviously, those who had already come to know and love Jesus knew he could be enigmatic, that his words could be filled with paradoxes which they could not comprehend. Thus, they continued to follow him even when others rejected him due to such confusion. They had already seen the glory of God manifested in him, attracting them to him, bringing out their love and acceptance of him, so that they could come to him in a faith which was open to the truth and the awareness such truth gave to them. They could know the truth even if they could not comprehend it; they could accept the truth and contemplate it with human reason, to see a kind of logic associated with it even if they saw the limits of human logic as it came face to face with the face of truth in Jesus himself. They continued to follow him even when he challenged them, but others, as soon as they found themselves challenged, left grumbling (cf. Jn. 6:66).
[1] St. Anthony of Padua, Sermons for Sundays and Festivals. Volume I. trans. Paul Spilsbury (Padova: Edizioni Messaggero Padova, 2007), 341.
[2] Hugh of Saint Victor, On the Sacraments. Trans. Roy J. Deferrari (Cambridge: Medieval Academy of America, 1951), 307.
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Seattle Police Failed To See Charleena Lyles As A Human Being – HuffPost
Posted: at 7:41 pm
Charleena Lyles is being buried on Monday. I plan to be there.
I didnt know Ms. Lyles, never met this pregnant mother of four who in death has captured the conscience of a city. But in a way she represents us all. The systems that were supposed to protect her ended up failing her instead. And the very people she reached out to for help in the end were the ones that took her life with her children present to bear witness.
Ms. Lyles shooting on Fathers Day at the hands of two Seattle police officers, was as tragic as it was senseless. And three weeks later it still angers and haunts me, as a mother and a grandmother, but also as someone who was involved early on in creating the very system to prevent these kinds of tragedies in the first place.
Mothers for Police Accountability, which I founded, began working in the late 1990s with the Seattle Police Department as well as county mental health practitioners to find more humane responses for officers dealing with people in mental health crises.
In 1997, following a standoff on a downtown Seattle street in which a man, wielding a samurai sword, held police at bay for 11 hours, Police Chief Norm Stamper agreed to look at a model for crisis intervention training that was being used in Portland.
I rode there with Seattle officers and observed first-hand how Portland police worked with mental health professionals to de-escalate crisis situations. That year, Seattle Police established a Crisis Intervention Team, a voluntary program for officers to receive training from mental-health experts.
And the training is included in the Memorandum of Understanding between Seattle and the Department of Justice (DOJ), as part of the citys ongoing monitoring by the federal government.
All Seattle police officers are required to have at least eight hours of crisis training. Most are CIT-certified, which means they have more extensive 40-hour training. Both officers who shot Lyles had been trained. Jason Anderson, who was hired in 2015, had eight hours while Steven McNew, who came on in 2008, was certified.
And we know the training works. The departments own report last August showed that over the span of a year, Seattle police used force in less than 2 percent of roughly 9,300 incidents in which they believed someone suspected of a disturbance or crime was mentally ill or in a state of crisis. The reporting is required under the court-ordered 2012 consent decreebetween (DOJ) and the city.
But it didnt work for Ms. Lyles.
We need to understand why.
Knowing about her past mental health encounter with Seattle police, why didnt either of the responding officers use pepper spray? And why did neither have a Taser with them something that is required as part of the crisis training?
I understand Anderson told investigators that even if he had a Taser, he still would have shot Charleena because his training called for the use of lethal force when being attacked by someone with a knife.
I believe they failed to see her as a human being.
Mothers For Police Accountability wants to know if this is a prelude to what will happen when the DOJ monitor checks all the boxes and leaves town. What will happen when nobodys watching?
The guys with the white hats arent coming.
What is happening in America now makes me even more determined that we have to fix this. I refuse to make this the new normal.
To heal the community we need to be able to hold this unjust system accountable. So Mothers will stay at the table where weve been for nearly three decades whether its holding community meetings, working alongside other organizations and on various committees around policing or speaking out directly about policy change.
We believe in accountability for everybody not just the police but for the black community, too. We are working to break the silence on black-on-black crime and how we harm one another.
We have to do both. In order to have a whole community, everybody needs to do better.
Rev. Harriett G. Walden is founder of Seattle-based Mothers for Police Accountability and co-chair of the Community Police Commission, a civilian body established as part of the agreement between the city of Seattle and the Department of Justice working to develop police reform recommendations.
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