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Waging a New Offensive in Our War Against Alzheimer’s Disease – HuffPost
Posted: July 14, 2017 at 11:47 pm
Alzheimers disease now affects one out of every eight people over the age of 65 and approximately one in 1,000 people between the ages of 30 and 49. In some segments of our society, such as NFL football players, the rates are even more staggering, with the disease affecting one in 53 NFL retirees between the ages of 30 to 49 (the equivalent of one player per team).
With the total number of people affected by Alzheimers predicted to quadruple within the next 40 years, we need to find a new offensive against this unrelenting disease before it steals the minds of yet another generation. Predictive medicine provides us with a new, highly effective battle strategy that empowers us over Alzheimers. Using predictive medicine, we can now wage a new offensive against this, and many other diseases.
Until now, Alzheimers has been generally thought of as an incurable, unstoppable force of nature that strikes fear in the hearts of all. Patients in my own predictive medicine practice often tell me that they want to undergo comprehensive genetic screening in order to learn their risk for everything ... except Alzheimers disease. When I ask why, the answer is invariably, Because theres nothing I can do about it anyway.
In truth, however, by instituting preventive measures as early as possible, we can significantly lower our risk of contracting Alzheimers disease so that it strikes much later or not at all. A necessary part of the process of becoming empowered over Alzheimers is first realizing that many preventive measures do exist and that we can effectively lower our risk. We are not powerless against this disease.
Contrary to what most people believe, Alzheimers is not a disease of old age. It is a disease that develops slowly throughout our lives. While we may not notice the symptoms until we are much older, it starts to attack the proper functioning of our brain decades before any symptoms appear. Because of this, lifelong preventive measures are warranted.
Predictive medicine, a revolutionary new field that combines genetic technology with proactive, personalized prevention, allows us to assess risk and institute prevention of Alzheimers, even in children. By conducting comprehensive genetic testing we can not only find out whether you are at risk for hundreds of diseases, including Alzheimers, but, more importantly, determine which preventions will be most effective in lowering your risk of contracting those diseases.
Predictive medicines goal is to enable you and your physician to institute genetically tailored prevention years or even decades before disease occurs. No more waiting for disease - no more waiting for suffering. With predictive medicine, you can protect yourself against disease while you are still healthy and strong.
Predictive medicines strategy in defeating Alzheimers is straightforward: first, we use genetic screening to identify those individuals who are at increased risk; second, for those who are at increased risk, we use further genetic analysis to determine the most effective forms of prevention; and third, we institute these genetically tailored preventive measures throughout the persons life, starting as young as possible.
With a simple, relatively low-cost test requiring only some saliva (no needles, no blood), we can now predict who is at risk for Alzheimers and what will be the most effective methods of prevention against it. While there are many preventive strategies we can use against Alzheimers (all of which I discuss in my book, Outsmart Your Genes) one of the most powerful is actually quite simple: the avoidance of head injury.
We all contain a specific gene that helps the brain heal after injury, but approximately one in seven people contain changes within this gene, causing it to malfunction and rendering the brain less able to heal itself effectively following injury. While people with this abnormal gene have an increased risk of Alzheimers disease, their risk of the disease actually skyrockets if they suffer a head trauma such as a concussion. In these individuals, head injury is tantamount to throwing fuel onto a fire.
So finding out that you or your children have this abnormal gene provides the incentive for you to institute measures that will prevent the occurrence of significant head trauma. This might mean choosing not to play contact sports and/or making sure to always wear a helmet when rollerblading or biking.
Unfortunately, head injury is much more common than most people think, especially amongst high school, college and professional athletes. For example, more than 1 million teenagers play high school football, and a survey conducted in 2007 by The New York Times found that close to 50 percent of these athletes reported suffering one concussion, and 35 percent reported having sustained multiple concussions in a single season.
A 2010 Time magazine article also found that at the end of a single season, more than 70 percent of college football players reported concussion-like symptoms. And these numbers dont take into account the head injuries suffered while playing other contact sports, including boxing, ice hockey and wrestling.
The link between head trauma and an increased risk of Alzheimers has already become evident to members of the National Football League, which recently started a program called the 88 Plan to provide yearly monetary compensation to retired players who are suffering from Alzheimers. Preliminary results from a study now being conducted by the University of Michigan show that the rate of Alzheimers disease may be as much as 20 times higher in football players than in the general population. The numbers are so startling, in fact, that the US House Judiciary Committee convened a hearing several years ago to investigate the association between head injuries in the NFL and diseases of the brain, including Alzheimers.
By proactively limiting head injury throughout the life of those people who contain the abnormal gene that puts them at increased risk, we can significantly lower their risk of Alzheimers. And that is just one of the many genetically tailored preventive measures we can put into practice to battle this disease.
We no longer have to accept Alzheimers as inevitable. We no longer have to fear growing older. Genetic testing and predictive medicine gives us the ability to go forward knowing that we can control our own destiny. We can and we will win this war against Alzheimers. Through the use of genetic technology, we will prevail.
About The Author: Brandon Colby MD is the Founder of, the worlds largest App Store for DNA. Dr. Colby created for people who have already had genetic testing, such as from 23andMe, and National Geographic, and want to continue to obtain valuable insights from their genetic data. While Dr. Colby invented the first set of apps, the App Store now contains dozens of apps that analyze genetic data and provide clear, personalized solutions for better health. Dr. Colby is also the author of Outsmart Your Genes, the definitive laymans guide to the revolutionary fields of genomics and predictive medicine (also known as precision medicine). For additional information, please visit
An earlier version of this story was published by Dr. Colby in 2011.
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Waging a New Offensive in Our War Against Alzheimer's Disease - HuffPost
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Counseling can help you decide whether to get genetic testing – Lexington Herald Leader
Posted: at 11:47 pm
Lexington Herald Leader | Counseling can help you decide whether to get genetic testing Lexington Herald Leader The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that nearly 300,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Certain gene mutations can increase the risk of developing breast cancer and certain other cancers, and ... |
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Counseling can help you decide whether to get genetic testing - Lexington Herald Leader
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First gene therapy in the world is here, heralds new era in medicine – Financial Express
Posted: at 11:47 pm
Developed at the University of Pennsylvania and licensed to Novartis, CTL019, or tisagenlecleucel, is what scientists are calling a living drug.
A gene therapy to treat a form of blood cancer is just inches away from regulatory approval in the USputting the world in the throes of a paradigm shift in medicine. If the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accepts the recommendation of one of its panels and gives the nod to Novartiss CTL019, the treatment would become the first-ever gene therapy for any disease to be made available commercially. The small matter of the record aside, the treatments efficacy in treating B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia that has resisted conventional treatment or relapsed in patients as young as 3 years of age is reason enough to celebrate.
Developed at the University of Pennsylvania and licensed to Novartis, CTL019, or tisagenlecleucel, is what scientists are calling a living drugthough it is strictly not a drugbecause it involves engineering specific genes in the patients T lymphocytes (T-cells) that are a part of the bodys cell-mediated immunity, to attack B-cells that are also a part of the bodys immune system, but become malignant in leukaemia. First, a patients T-cells are harvested in millions, and a disabled form of the Human Immunodeficieny Virus is used to transfer the new genetic material to the T-cells genome. The altered T-cells are then intravenously returned to the patients body.
Due to the modification, T-cells recognise CD-19, a surface protein present on B-cells, as an antigen and mount an immune response. A study of 63 patients who received the treatment between April 2015 and August 2016 is the main evidence of CTL019s efficacy52 went into remission while 11 died; 11 of the 52 who had gone into remission had relapsed by November 2016 while, 29 are still in remission. However, there are a few concerns that need addressing. The FDA panel particularly pointed at the severe side-effectssince the modified T-cells dont differentiate between healthy B-cells and cancerous ones, the immune system collapsesand unclear long-term effects. For the moment, though, the opportunistic infections that may assail the patient are the main worry.
Oncologists, however, sound positive, given the immediate side-effects can be stemmedpatients receiving CTL019 are given immunoglobulin infusions every few monthsbut a greater length of time must pass before long-term effects, if any, are evident. Given how concentrated management of the therapy along with side-effects is necessary, Novartis will make it available in just 30-35 medical centres in the US initially. The good news is Novartis is not the only horse in the race in a pole positionKite Pharma, a US-based company, has applied for FDA approval for its Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy that involves similar genetic engineering of T-cells.
Given how difficult it is to ensure consistencyin some cases, the body fails to respondand scale with biologics, the challenges for all such gene therapies are daunting. CTL019s success, however, has an important message for Indiait is perhaps time to shed the stubborn resistance to genetic engineering when a developed nation is ready to adopt it, long-term risks included.
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First gene therapy in the world is here, heralds new era in medicine - Financial Express
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First gene-edited cloned dog may open gates to more cloning and help fight human diseases – Genetic Literacy Project
Posted: at 11:47 pm
Last week, Beijing-based biotech company Sinogene introduced Longlong to the world, a cute beagle puppy that is the first dog ever cloned using gene-editing. Longlong was born from a surrogate mother on May 26th, and even though he looks and acts like any other puppy, hes genetically identical to another dog, 2-year-old Apple. Like Longlong, Apple was born in a laboratory and used to research human diseases.
Lai Liangxue, the lead scientist at Sinogene, thinks animal cloning, although controversial, is necessary for learning about human disease prevention. LaitoldSixth Tonethat Longlongs success means that Chinese biotech companies will be able to conduct biomedical research on their own clones which is also much cheaper than gene-editing.
Meanwhile, Shi Zhensheng, a researcher and professor at China Agriculture University, believes that cloning dogs will benefit both man and mans best friend. The gene-edited dogs have great advantages in helping scientists to research human medicine and genetic diseases, also promoting the study on veterinary medicine, he said, according toCGTN.
Several pet owners have already come forward, Zhao said, seeking to bring beloved family dogs back to life. In South Korea, this sort of thing costs up to $100,000. The cloning of Longlong cost the company 10 million yuan ($1.5 million), a price that Zhao hopes to cut significantly in the coming years.Our price will be half of that, he said. We hope to popularize [such cloning] for the public.
The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post: Scientists show off worlds first dog cloned through gene-editing, hope to start producing pets in mass
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First gene-edited cloned dog may open gates to more cloning and help fight human diseases - Genetic Literacy Project
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Matthew Quick’s ‘Reason You’re Alive’: A feel-good sociopath’s story –
Posted: at 11:46 pm
The Reason You're Alive
By Matthew Quick
Harper. 240 pp. $25.99
Reviewed By David Martindale
In The Reason You're Alive, Matthew Quick performs a nifty literary magic trick.
The author of The Silver Linings Playbook introduces readers to David Granger, a politically incorrect Vietnam veteran who takes pride in the fact that he's basically too ornery to die.
By book's end, everyone will wind up loving the camouflage-wearing, knife-carrying sociopath.
Turns out he's really not such a bad guy once you get to know him.
Granger tells us his life story: going rogue and committing atrocities in the Vietnam jungle, coming home to a military psychiatric facility, marrying a woman more unstable than he is, and always at odds with his now-grown, "ignorant" liberal, art-dealer son.
Our protagonist ultimately goes on a mission to atone for an old transgression. He feels compelled to return a knife he stole nearly 50 years ago from his Vietnam nemesis: Clayton Fire Bear.
When readers make it to the Capra-esque final pages, they are almost certain to shed a feel-good tear or two. Our hero would bust their chops for all the "boo-hooing" and "girly-man behavior," but so be it.
This review originally appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
'Sting Like a Bee': When the champ found His voice Jun 29 - 8:55 PM
Mark Bowden's "Hue 1968": Lies, destruction, and the invisible enemy Jun 29 - 8:55 PM
Published: July 16, 2017 3:01 AM EDT The Philadelphia Inquirer
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Yield: A political limerick – Fence Post
Posted: at 11:46 pm
I'm starting to write this column on Independence Day. Ol' Nevah and I had a real quiet Fourth of July holiday. We basically stayed home all four days and canned some carrots, tilled and watered the garden, watched patriotic shows about the Star Spangled Banner and the famous memorials in Washington, D.C., and watched our Royals emerge from hibernation and morph into an exciting baseball team to watch.
As we watched those patriotic TV shows, I got to thinking about the political swamp in the nation's capital and the vitriolic media and how our founders would turn over in their graves if they could see us squander many of the principles and freedoms to which they pledged their fortunes and sacred honor.
I've loved writing limericks for a long time and usually when I write them, I stick to agricultural themes. But in honor of Independence Day and in deference to our founders and the political climate I decided to wade into the politically-incorrect waters of politics and penned the following limericks that succinctly describe our politics as I see them today.
If you like them, fine. Same if you don't. I'm just exercising my Constitutional freedom of speech.
Republican congresspersons are mired and tired. Theyre shirking the job for which they were hired.
America's Fly-Over Nation got roused
Over what the "bi-coastal" elites espoused.
And elected a "Tweeter,"
Which makes it all sweeter.
As their socialist dreams get doused.
A politician insultingly tweeted
To a news anchor he thought needed
But it turns out the result
Of his tweeted insult.
Would have been better deleted.
Once there was a President Trump,
Who was banished from the mass media stump.
So he resorted to tweets.
To bypass those elites,
And now they're all mired deep in a funk.
Republican congresspersons are mired and tired.
They're shirking the job for which they were hired.
They twiddle-dee, twiddle-dumb,
'Cause they think we're all numb,
But, they might just end up being fired.
The Founders said we should celebrate,
The birth of our nation so great.
With illuminations high in the sky
On the Fourth of July,
Not piddling ones, but really first-rate.
Last week I started describing some new Aggie Emojis that I think the rural community should start using on social media.
Well, I've come up with some more.
* A farrier (horseshoer): The emoji of a head with a cowboy hat in the middle of an upside down horseshoe.
* A farmer stuck in the mud: The emoji of a muddy farmer's face in a billed-cap surrounded by a circle of log chain.
* A sheep shearer (compliments of my friend ol' Nick deHyde in Iowa): the emoji of sheep shearer in greasy chaps sitting on a wool sack with a bloody bandana wrapped around his left fist.
* A farmer/mechanic: The emoji of a farmer head holding a wrench to the forefront with bleeding knuckles.
I'll probably think of more Aggie Emojis in the future.
At one point during a youth baseball game in a small rural town, the coach called one of his 9-year-old baseball players aside and asked, "Do you understand what cooperation is? What a team is?"
Boy: "Yes, coach."
Coach: "Do you understand that what matters is whether we win or lose together, as a team?"
Boy nodding. "Yes, sir."
Coach: "I'm sure you know, when an out is called, you shouldn't argue, curse, or verbally attack the umpire and call him as blind as a bat. Do you understand all that?"
Boy: "Yes, sir."
Coach: "And when I take you out of the game so that a teammate gets a chance to play, we don't yell 'what a dumb decision' or 'playing favorites again' do we?"
Boy: "No, sir, coach."
Coach: "Good, Now please go over and explain all that to your parents."
Hope I survive all the deep water I've gotten myself into this week. Have a good 'un.
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Yield: A political limerick - Fence Post
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Don Macpherson: The NDP’s ‘Jagmeet Singh problem’ in Quebec is real – Montreal Gazette
Posted: at 11:46 pm
Ontario NDP MPP Jagmeet Singh launches his bid for the federal NDP leadership in Brampton, Ont., on Monday, May 15, 2017. Nathan Denette / THE CANADIAN PRESS
Quebecers are not used to being asked to vote for politicians who look like Jagmeet Singh. He wears colourfulturbans and has a long, dark beard, symbols of his Sikh faith. And he is a serious contender for the leadership of the federal New Democratic Party.
Some Quebec New Democrats are concerned that if Singh wins the leadership, voters in this province will reject their party. Considering the evidence, including their own recent experience, that concern is understandable.
Last week, Le Devoir reported the fear of several Quebecers in the NDP that electors in their province would not vote for an aspiring prime minister who displays his religious convictions so conspicuously.
The newspaper followed up this week, quoting an unidentified source as saying that some New Democratic members of Parliament from Quebec are considering not running again if Singh becomes leader, because they fear that they would be defeated.
A former New Democratic MP defeated in the 2015 general election, Pierre Dionne Labelle, flatly told Le Devoir that Quebecers arent ready to have a leader wearing conspicuous (religious) symbols.
He and other, unidentified sources also mentioned positions taken by Singh, as a member of the Ontario legislature, that may have been influenced by his religious beliefs.
Dionne Labelle wasnt the first Quebec New Democrat to go on the record with his concerns about Singh.
Like Dionne Labelle and the other sources quoted by Le Devoir, Karl Blanger, writing last month for Lactualit magazine, recalled that the turning point against the NDP in 2015 was a controversy in Quebec over a religious symbol.
As the partys national director at the time, Blanger was well-positioned to witness the effect of the Bloc Qubcois attack on NDP leader Thomas Mulcairs defence of a Muslim womans freedom to wear the face-covering niqab.
On the specific question of a Sikh leader, recent poll results suggest that with Singh, the NDP would face resistance from a majority of Quebec voters.
In a Canada-wide survey by the Angus Reid Institute in late May, 54 per cent of Quebecers expressing an opinion candidly gave the politically incorrect answer that they would not consider voting for a party led by a Sikh. And 64 per cent said they would not consider voting for a party led by a man who wears a religious head-covering.
The argument that Quebecers are uncomfortable with religion in general because of their experience under an oppressive Catholic Church prior to the Quiet Revolution of the 1960s is unconvincing.
True, in the 1970s, when we baby boomers were all liberating ourselves, I was struck by hearing many of my French-speaking contemporaries tell me of their additional personal struggles to free themselves from the grip of the Church.
Still, the relationship of Quebecers to religion remains, well, complicated.
There has been no movement to eradicate Catholic place names from the map of Quebec, as there was to eliminate those in English, or to remove Catholic symbols from public school buildings.
It was the courts, not public pressure, that halted the recital of a prayer before meetings of the Saguenay city council. And it is public opinion, as interpreted by the three largest parties in the National Assembly, that keeps the crucifix on the wall above the speakers chair.
Last week, there were complaints when a Muslim prayer was overheard at the privately owned Parc Safari zoo outside Montreal. But as La Presse columnist Mario Girard pointed out, nobody objected last month when an outdoor Catholic mass was celebrated during an arts festival held by a Lanaudire village named Sainte-Batrix.
All this is the selective secularism thats been called Catho-lacit, a combination of the French words for Catholicism and secularism.
Eventually, Quebecers will probably get used to politicians who look like Singh, just as they have got used to ones who are women, or black, or gay. But were not there yet.
Twitter: DMacpGaz
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Don Macpherson: The NDP's 'Jagmeet Singh problem' in Quebec is real - Montreal Gazette
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Chinese Citizens Evade Internet Censors to Remember Liu Xiaobo – New York Times
Posted: at 11:46 pm
Denouncing Censorship Photo Internet users mourning Mr. Liu posted images of an empty chair, an echo of the way the Nobel Prize committee honored him in 2010. Credit via Weibo
As censors sprung into action after Mr. Lius death, internet users found creative means to convey their opinions. One popular motif was a picture of an empty chair, echoing the way the Nobel Prize committee honored Mr. Liu at the 2010 ceremony. Another common image was a black backdrop accompanied only by the text 1955-2017, the years of Mr. Lius life.
Chinese journalists, lawyers and activists denounced government efforts to erase mentions of Mr. Liu. He is now relatively unknown in China, despite his fame overseas, and the mainland Chinese news media has largely not reported his death. To evade censors who were patrolling the internet for uses of Mr. Lius name, some users instead referred to him as Wang Xiaobo, or Teacher Liu.
The censors were quick to react, blocking searches of several code words. A viral essay on Mr. Lius death titled A Night That Cant Be Discussed was quickly deleted.
Mr. Lius famous phrase I have no enemies and no hatred was widely quoted among his admirers in the hours after his death. He had planned to make the remark at his sentencing on charges of inciting subversion of state power in 2009, but the court forbade him from doing so. Since then, the quotation has become a mantra of hope for pro-democracy activists in China and a reminder of Mr. Lius commitment to nonviolence.
I have no enemies and no hatred. None of the police who monitored, arrested and interrogated me, none of the prosecutors who indicted me, and none of the judges who judged me are my enemies, Mr. Liu wrote in a prepared statement in 2009.
As they grappled with his death, Mr. Lius admirers quoted his writings and poetry. Some remembered his days helping student protesters gathered in Tiananmen Square in 1989. They posted photographs of a dimly lit square, a portrait of Mao blurry in the background.
You are the martyr of freedom, wrote one user. The executioner will never be forgiven.
Iris Zhao, Zoe Mou and Ye Fei contributed research.
A version of this article appears in print on July 15, 2017, on Page A7 of the New York edition with the headline: Evading Censors To Honor An Activist.
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Chinese Citizens Evade Internet Censors to Remember Liu Xiaobo - New York Times
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Letter: No censorship in West Peoria parade – Peoria Journal Star
Posted: at 11:46 pm
Karen Cook
As with most things these days, people do not agree.
I have lived in West Peoria for 43 years, having participated in the Fourth of July parade in various capacities and watched it many times. If the spirit of the Fourth of July stands for anything, it's for the freedoms we enjoy in America. Freedom of speech is No. 1.
I certainly hope the parade does not become censored because there are some groups I would like to see banned. That's not where freedom should lead us. The kids aren't much interested in antique cars, politicians, the pro-life movement or Planned Parenthood, but they are all part of the parade. That's America. I doubt any kids even noticed or understood the float.
The parade is always a fun event. Please don't force it to become a battleground.
Karen Cook
West Peoria
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‘Miracle plant’ aloe vera is versatile and powerful | Irish Examiner – Irish Examiner
Posted: at 11:45 pm
Abi Jackson gives seven reasons to fall in love with aloe vera this summer
Naturally cooling and soothing, its often hailed for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant qualities. It can help to speed up new cell growth and repair damaged tissues, says nutritionist Cassandra Barns. Thats why its an excellent soother for irritated and burnt skin.
Ultra-refreshing and naturally sweet, aloe vera is making its mark in the healthy drinks market, whether youre glugging an aloe-based drink, or topping up homemade smoothies and juices. Aloe vera is what we call a functional food. In other words, it has health benefits that can enhance our wellbeing, says Simplee Aloe nutritionist Libby Limon, who lists helping to balance energy levels and supporting our immune systems among its properties.
Thought superfoods were a new concept? Throughout history, people have turned to nature in a bid to bolster their health. The Ancient Egyptians dubbed aloe vera the plant of immortality. Its probably not going to make you live forever, but it is packed with vitamins. Aloe vera, often called a miracle plant, has been used in herbal medicine for over 2,000 years, adds Cassandra.
Cravings, energy slumps, mood swings, tiredness... our body has lots of ways of letting us know when were consuming too much sugar. Sometimes, poor blood-sugar balance can contribute to weight gain too, often due to a diet high in carbohydrates with a lack of fibre, healthy fats and protein, notes Libby.
Aloe vera has healthy polysaccharides, which have been shown to aid blood sugar balancing, and therefore can be a great tool to help weight management alongside reducing refined carbohydrates and sugars in the diet.
Aloe vera helps to improve the bodys digestion, beating the all too common bloat which is linked to an imbalance in the digestive tract, says Libby. Aloe vera has been long known for its digestive benefits, which include anti-inflammatory properties and helping to support friendly bacteria.
Aloe vera has a special, hidden quality which allows the body to absorb vitamin C and E from other foods. The body uses vitamin C to make collagen which helps keep skin healthy and elastic, says Libby. And both vitamin C and E are antioxidants, which protect skin against damage and ageing. Beautiful glowing skin is also linked to your digestion, hormone balance and detoxification. The aloe vera inner gel also has components which help with all three of these.
On the lookout for more natural beauty products? It doesnt get much more natural than this: scoop out the gooey insides of the plant, whizz through a blender and then apply to your hair for luscious, conditioned locks, or use as a soothing, replenishing face mask.
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'Miracle plant' aloe vera is versatile and powerful | Irish Examiner - Irish Examiner
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