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Human DNA is mostly trash, biologists say | New York Post – New York Post
Posted: July 19, 2017 at 3:41 am
At least 75 percent of our DNA is useless junk, according to a new study.
Researchers at the University of Houston calculated that only 10 to 15 percent of the human genome is functional, and definitely no more than 25 percent. That makes the remaining 75 to 90 percent of our genome junk useless matter that isnt toxic or harmful, its mostly just there. The study was recently published in Genome Biology and Evolution.
Biologists have argued for years about whether or not our DNA is mostly trash or mostly purposeful. A study conducted in 2012 stated that up to 80 percent of our DNA plays some role in making us who we are a claim that Dan Graur, lead author of the most recent study, hopes his findings will put to rest.
For 80 percent of the human genome to be functional, each couple in the world would have to beget on average 15 children and all but two would have to die or fail to reproduce, Graur told
Graurs research examines how mutations affect DNA. When mutations form in junk DNA, nothing happens. But when mutations form in functional DNA, they can be deadly. If a child inherits functional DNA with mutations, theyll likely die before being able to have children of their own this is how evolution ensures that lethal mutations dont build up and continue getting passed on.
So if the majority of our DNA were functional, we would be accumulating stacks of damaging mutations and need to maintain unrealistic birth rates to sustain the population. And this obviously isnt the case.
Graur told New Scientist that the aforementioned 2012 study spent $400 million on the research and wanted something big to say. Knowing the percentage of functional DNA is crucial to studying and curing diseases.
We need to know the functional fraction of the human genome in order to focus biomedical research on the parts that can be used to prevent and cure disease, Graur said. There is no need to sequence everything under the sun. We need only to sequence the sections we know are functional.
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Huge savings in human misery and money – Regina Leader-Post
Posted: at 3:41 am
Kenton Weisgerber, as seen in this photo from last year, is a client of the Housing First program. BRYAN SCHLOSSER / Regina Leader-Post
Not long ago, Kenton Weisgerbers life looked hopeless he was an addict with mental health issues who was one of the hidden homeless in Regina.
Hed lost his job, his home and his roommate.
I ended up putting myself in a tough position where I had no stability, Weisgerber said. At that point, I started to couch surf and stay with people, not really having anywhere that I could call a safe place. All the time, dealing with an addiction.
Last year, he was one of 26 people participating in Reginas initial Housing First program, run by Phoenix Residential Society.
Im humbled Ive been given a second chance, Weisgerber said.
Hes using that chance to confront his addiction and mental health issues and further his education.
Im successful because of the trust and the hope these people gave me,Weisgerber said.
Under the umbrella of the federal governments Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS), the YMCA serves as the Community Entity for Regina and Rural Saskatchewan. It is supported by Reginas Community Advisory Board to fund initiatives that aim to end homelessness in our city.
A number of community-based organizations have been part of Housing First, includingThe Circle Project. It was brought on board in the fall of 2016 to offer cultural supports to individuals in the program.
A key priority of HPS funding is Housing First the philosophy and practice of housing the homeless and offering supports when theyre housed.
The initiatives one-year results were released Tuesday at an anniversary event.
An $18,080 investment per participant produced estimated savings of $1.9 million.
The stats speak for themselves but Id be remiss if I didnt put it out there that theres more money and resources needed, said Tyler Gray, Carmichael Outreachs public relations officer.
Currently, 118 people with high needs are waiting to get into Housing First 26 assessed with very severe needs.
Extra funding would make a huge difference, said Lori Wright, in charge of intensive case management with Phoenix Homes.
Its about manpower, she said. We can only support so many Funding would be amazing. Permanent supportive housing would be phenomenal in this city.
Mayor Michael Fougere said cost savings are important, but even more so, peoples lives are being changed.
They are hopeless and they have no place to go, he said. The idea of Housing First is to stabilize them, and then deal with their particular addictions and mental health issues Those changes matter so much to our city.
The city spends roughly $2.5 million on housing.
I do think that a discussion of federal, provincial and city financing resources and in-kind contributions are really important to move this to the end goal, which is ending homelessness, Fougere said.
Due to the success of Housing First through Phoenix Homes and demand for the program, Carmichael Outreach was contracted for 2017-18 to build a second Housing First team for Regina.
Social Services Minister Tina Beaudry-Mellor isinterested in the results Housing First has achieved and wants to see how her ministry can use their measuring tools.
Shes also frustrated.
Weve been working in parallel, but tandem to each other and not in a co-ordinated way, she said. The reason I was there today was to try and change that.
Social Services doesnt provide direct funding to Housing First.
Beaudry-Mellor noted federal funding goes directly to the Community Advisory Board and bypasses the province.
Thats one of the reasons our investments are separate from the Housing First piece, Beaudry-Mellor said. We have invested just under $30 million in the Regina area for hard-to-house projects and that would include housing people with complex medical needs and disabilities through my ministry specifically, but also it would include people who are struggling with mental health and addictions.
MP Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety, noted housing is one of the prime determinants of health, safety and well-being.
Housing First has caused a greater focus and attention on that issue than I think weve ever seen before, he said.
The federal government has invested more than $3 million in the last two or three years to address homelessness around Regina, he said.
Part of the research thats been done is on this very question: Does Housing First work? said Goodale. And the data is indicating in a compelling way that it does.
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Cryptocurrency Hit Record Low Values Over the Weekend – Futurism
Posted: at 3:40 am
In BriefCryptocurrencies fell over the weekend, reaching record lowsand loosing billions in market cap. While they've since recoveredthe losses, it shows just how unpredictable the cryptocurrencymarket truly is. Cryptos Rise (& Fall)
Over the weekend, cryptocurrencies suffered one of the most severe decreases in value in history when their market cap fell from a record high of $116 billion in June to $60 billion on Sunday July 17. Early this week, themarket has started to rise again, but the plummet will not soon be forgotten:throughout the day on Sunday, Bitcoin dropped from over $2,000 to as low as $1,758.20, and Ether fell 20percent to $130.26.Click to View Full Infographic
As of Tuesday morning, it seems thedownward trend has ended, with all major cryptocurrencies reporting rising rates again: Bitcoin is back over $2,000 once more, with Coin Market Cap reporting the currency is now trading at $2,307 (9:00 EST), while Ether has risen from a low over the weekend to a current value of $196.58. The total market cap has regained losses of around $10 billion,according to Coindesk.
Despite the improvement, however, cryptocurrencies are a long way off the meteoric successes they enjoyed in June, where they saw a market cap as high as $116 billion. Since then, Bitcoin has lost around 30 percent of its value, with its highpoint being $3,000 in contrast to todays figure of roughly $2,000. Ethereum has suffered even more severely, dropping from $395 to $164. Despite these falls, 2017 remains a record breaking year for cryptocurrency overall.
There have been, according to Venture Beat, three main reasons for the 48 hour cryptocurrency flop.
First, the bitcoin civil war that seems imminent as of August 1st when the Bitcoin improvement proposal 148 is set to activate. For one, theproposal concerns the possibility of increasing the cryptocurrencysblock size, (a decision which has divided miners and investors).At any rate, and regardless of the eventual decision, the uncertainty right now has caused many investors to liquidate their virtual assets.
Second, a flurry of startups have chosen to get out of the game afterprofitable rounds of investment derived from initial coin offerings (ICOs). Two particularly striking examples are EOS: after raising $200 million worth of Ether earlier this month, they have been offloading it to Bitfinex and TenX, which raised 200,000 ETH ($67 million at the time) in its token sale 30 percent of which has already been sold. This contributes to uncertainty and danger in the marketplace, which can precipitatedecreasing value.
Third, the presence of amateur sellers that the bitcoin market attracts through its fundamental lack of regulation and policing can have a multiplier effect on every market movement, namely throughfrantic, if not occasionally panicked, buying and selling practices.
While the ultimate success of cryptocurrencies remains speculative, one thing we know for sure after observingtheir activity over the last few days is that financial currencies remain volatile and prone to unpredictability.
Disclosure: Several members of the Futurism team, including the editors of this piece, are personal investors in a number of cryptocurrency markets. Their personal investment perspectives have no impact on editorial content.
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As Cryptocurrency Prices Recover, Bitcoin War May Be Averted – Futurism
Posted: at 3:40 am
In Brief After a rough weekend, Bitcoin investors, miners, and developers are cautiously optimistic: after hitting historic lows, the cryptocoin's price went back up on Monday.
After a rough weekend of historic lows, Bitcoin prices began to recoveron Monday, reachingover $2,300, signaling a crisis averted for now.Its also an optimistic sign that the potential network hard fork may be avoided, with more bitcoin shareholders, miners and developers,warming up to a proposed solution.
Bitcoin prices dropped dramatically beginning Friday and continuing well into the weekend. Economic forecasts had suggested that the most turbulent period in the cryptocoins history wasimminent. It didnt come as a complete surprise, as many were expecting the so-called Bitcoin Civil Warto ensue between miners and developers, after a deadlock in deciding what direction the cryptocurrency should take amidst increased blockchain traffic.
Miners wanted to increase Bitcoins block-size limit, while developers have proposed moving data off the main blockchain network, which would diminish the influence miners wield. The scaling solution in question is the Bitcoin Improvement Protocol (BIP) 91, which makes theSegWit2x update and the BIP 148compatible. Essentially, it would make it easier for the SegWit2x update to be adopted, while at the same time avoiding the split that BIP 148 might cause.
To lock in by July 31, BIP 91 only needs 80 percent miner support unlike BIP 148, which would require 95 percent. With increased support for BIP 91, the expected July 31 to August 2 bitcoin splitcould still be averted.
Disclosure: Several members of the Futurism team, including the editors of this piece, are personal investors in a number of cryptocurrency markets. Their personal investment perspectives have no impact on editorial content.
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The Smartphone Is Eventually Going to Die, and Apple, Google … – Futurism
Posted: at 3:40 am
The Rise of Smartphones
These are the quiet times.
From April toJune, techs biggest companies all held their annual mega-events, laying out their grand visions for the next 12 months or so.
Facebook kicked it off in late April with itsF8 conference, followed byMicrosoft Build, then theGoogle I/O conference, andApples Worldwide Developers Conferencefinished things off. Amazon doesnt really hold events, but it unveiled two new Amazon Echo smart speakers during that period for good measure.
And things will get exciting again, sooner than you know it. This Fall, Apple is expected to reveal a10th-anniversary iPhone, Google will likely reveal arevamped Pixel smartphone, and Microsoft is expected to hold another one of its regular late-October Surface computer press conferences.
In the meantime, theres not much to do but reflect on what weve learned so far this year about the future of tech. And beyond the hype and the hyperbole, were starting to see the very earliest stages of a battle for the next phase of computing.
Because while Apple and Google may dominate the smartphone market today, technologies like augmented reality present whole-new platforms where theres no clear winner. So Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook, having missed out on owning a mobile platform, are doing their damndest tohasten the end of the smartphone and the end of Apple and Googles duopoly, while theyre at it.
Every major technological shift has created big opportunities for the few entrepreneurs who see it coming early in the seventies, Apple and Microsoft made big bets that the PC would be a much bigger market than gigantic room-sized mainframes, while themainframe industry decried the PC itself as a fad. We see who won that one.
Similarly, Microsoft didnt fully realize the potential of smartphones, until well after Google and Apple proved them wrong. Now, Googles Android is the most popular operating system in the world, full stop. And the iPhone has propelledApple torecord profits and to the status asthecompany to beat in tech.
Well, it seems like time is a flat circle. Right now, were seeing the earliest growing pains of augmented reality and virtual reality tech that overlays the digital world onto ourhuman senses. It means information, projected into your eyes and ears, as you need it. Why carry a phone when Netflix and WhatsApp are floating in front of you?
Some call it a fad, or just something thats too new and untestedto be considered a real threat to the smartphone. And yet, theres a veritable arms race to build these augmented reality platforms of the future.
Amazons Alexa is primarily thought of as a digital voice assistant, but having a virtual person tell you the time and weather definitely qualifies as augmented reality. Microsoft has its reality-bending HoloLens hologram goggles.Facebookand Snapchat have both built augmented reality straight into the camera. Even Google-backed startupMagic Leap thinks its yet-to-released goggles have a shot at becoming a new platform.
The net result is arace to build whatever is going to do the smartphone what the PC did to the mainframe. What these companies all have in common is that they missed the boat on building smartphone operating systems of their own. Now, its on them to build whatever comes next.
Apple and Google are well aware of the threat and are not standing still.
Apple has ARkit, a system for building augmented reality into iPhone apps, using the phones built-in camera. Its technologically robust enough and easy enough to use that developers love it, givingApple a nice foothold in augmented reality. If and whenApple releases smart glasses, those apps will come right over.
Google has various augmented reality effortsin the works, including Project Tango. And although the first version of the Google Glass headset flopped, if Google figures out how to revamp the device, it will have a vehicle to extend Android into the AR realm.
In a weird way, going on the defensive like this almost gives Apple a perverse incentive to replace the iPhone: IfApple can build the next great hardware platform itself, it means that Amazon cant do it with Alexa, and Microsoft cant do it with HoloLens.
In the meantime, as we appreciate all the new hardware and software goodies coming out later this year, keep the perspective that everything were seeing now is the first salvo in a computing war that will rage forthe next decade and beyond.
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Elon Musk Scraps Solar Roof Idea for New Tesla Model – Futurism
Posted: at 3:40 am
In Brief Elon Musk told the National Governors Association meeting that the solar roof for the Model 3 (or any car) was not practical and was an idea that would be "scrapped." As of now, a car's roof is not big enough to make this efficient with current technologies.
In November 2016, Elon Musk said that the upcoming Tesla Model 3 would incorporate the technology of the new solar roof. However, on July 15 at the National Governors Association meeting, Musk squelched the idea in his remarks. When asked about the solar roof, he indicated that he would scrap that idea which requires some very complicated engineering. He explained:
I really thought about this. I pushed my team. Is there some way we can do it on the car? Technically, if you have some sort of transformer-like thing that will pop out of the trunk like a hardtop convertible that ratchets solar panels over the car. . .and provided you are in the sun, that would be enough to generate 20 to 30 miles a day of electricity. Its a difficult way to do it.
As Electrek reports, the issue with the concept of solar panels that cover the top of cars is that they are rarely efficient enough to be worthwhile. Furthermore, their functionality varies based on your location. Even the Prius solar roof is really mostly a ventilation system, not a significant source of backup power for the car. In the end, the idea of a retractable array in the trunk is a complicated solution that would, at most, add 20 to 30 miles per day.So, unfortunately, it looks like we wont be seeing the solar roof option on the Model 3, at least not now.
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New Breakthrough DiscoveryEvery Quantum Particle Travels … – Futurism
Posted: at 3:40 am
Quantum Mechanical Particles
Mathematicians at the Universities of York, Munich and Cardiff have identified a unique property of quantum mechanical particles they can move in the opposite way to the direction in which they are being pushed.
In everyday life, objects travel in the same direction as their momentum a car in forward motion is going forwards, and certainly not backwards.
However, this is no longer true on microscopic scales quantumparticlescan partially go into reverse and travel in the direction opposite to their momentum. This unique property is known as backflow.
This is the first time this has been found in a particle where external forces are acting on it. Previously, scientists were only aware of this movement in free quantum particles, where noforceis acting on them.
Using a combination of analytical and numerical methods, researchers also obtained precise estimates about the strength of this phenomenon. Such results demonstrate that backflow is always there but is a rather small effect, which may explain why it has not been measured yet.
This discovery paves the way for further research intoquantum mechanics, and could be applied to future experiments in quantum technology fields such as computer encryption.
Dr Henning Bostelmann, Researcher in Yorks Department of Mathematics, said: This new theoretical analysis into quantum mechanical particles shows that this backflow effect is ubiquitous in quantum physics.
We have shown that backflow can always occur, even if a force is acting on the quantum particle while it travels. The backflow effect is the result of wave-particle duality and the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, and it is already well understood in an idealised case of force-free motion.
Dr Gandalf Lechner, Researcher in Cardiffs Universitys School of Mathematics, said: Forces can of course make a particle go backwards that is, they can reflect it, and this naturally leads to increased backflow. But we could show that even in a completely reflection-free medium, backflow occurs. In the presence of reflection, on the other hand, we found that backflow remains asmall effect, and estimated its magnitude.
Dr Daniela Cadamuro, Researcher at the Technical University of Munich, said: The backflow effect in quantum mechanics has been known for quite a while, but it has always been discussed in regards to free quantum particles, i.e., no external forces are acting on the particle.
As freequantum particlesare an idealised, perhaps unrealistic situation, we have shown that backflow still occurs when external forces are present. This means that external forces dont destroy the backflow effect, which is an excitingnew discovery.
These new findings allow us to find out the optimal configuration of a quantum particle that exhibits the maximal amount of backflow, which is important for future experimental verification.
This article was provided byUniversity of York. Materials may have been edited for clarity and brevity. And make the name of the source a link back to their website.
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This 3D-Printed Human Heart Can Do Everything a Real One Can – Futurism
Posted: at 3:40 am
In Brief Soft robotics and 3D printing have allowed a team of researchers from Switzerland to develop an artificial heart that works like the real thing. This proof of concept design was successfully tested in the lab, but it may take a while before it will be ready.
Scientists have been developingartificial hearts for quite some time now. However, many of the current designs are unfortunatelyclunky, which presents difficulties in successfully integrating them into human tissue. To approach this issue, a team of researchers from ETH Zrich decided to take a cue from thebiological human heart.
Instead of using separate parts, the Swiss team, led by Nicholas Cohrs, 3D-printed an artificial heart using a soft, flexible material. The material was molded into a single part (or a monoblock) which allowed the team to design a complex inner structure complete with pumping mechanisms able to be triggered by silicon ventricles. This method imitates a realistic human heartbeat.
[O]ur goal is to develop an artificial heart that is roughly the same size as the patients own one and which imitates the human heart as closely as possible in form and function, Cohrs said in a press release. The team successfully tested this artificial heart, pumping blood-like fluid at human body-like pressures. The team published their research in the journal Artificial Organs.
However, this design is still a proof of concept, which means its yet to be ready for actual implantation. The materials used are, as of right now, unable to last more than half an hour or some few thousand heartbeats, though that could vary a bit depending on a persons heart rate. Its a limitation the team will continue to work on, as new materials and design improvements advance. Once perfected, this design could potentially improve the lives and health ofaround 26 million people worldwide who suffer from various heart conditions.
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Google Glass Is Back, and It’s No Longer Meant for Everyone – Futurism
Posted: at 3:40 am
In Brief Google's iconic Glass is now back, but this time the wearable is not meant for the average consumer. Alphabet's X division has refocused the device for optimal use in the workplace, and already, the reboot is poised to be more successful than the original. A Clearer Vision
When Google Glass debuted back in 2012, it generated so muchhype that people expected it to usher in a new era of wearable technologies. Sadly, the hype was short-lived as people realized that Glass wasnt what they thought it could be.
Despite officially shutting down the Glass website in 2015, Google didnt exactly pull the plug on the project, and now, Glass is backwith a new mission.
The reboot comes from X, the moonshot branch of Googles parent company, Alphabet. The eyeglass-like wearable is now called Glass Enterprise Edition, and according to the Glass website, its nowa hands-free device, for hands-on workers.
Workers in many fields, like manufacturing, logistics, field services, and healthcare, find it useful to consult a wearable device for information and other resources while their hands are busy, Jay Kothari, project lead for Glass, wrote in a blog announcement. Thats why weve spent the last two years working closely with a network of more than 30 expert partners to build customized software and business solutions for Glass for people in these fields.
This work-focused version of Glass was a product of time and smart choices. Despite the original Explorer Edition not landing a core market, it did find traction in a number of work environments.
We first saw signs of Glass potential for businesses in the Glass Explorer days, explained Kothari. As we said when we graduated, wed been seeing incredible developments with Glass in the workplace.
While Alphabet continued to supply companies likeBoeing, General Electric, DHL, and AGCO with the Glass Explorer, they also started adjusting the lenses to focus on just one market.
For these businesses, using the Enterprise Edition has worked out pretty well. Employees are now working smarter, faster, and safer because they have the information they need right in their line of sight,AGCOs Peggy Gulick told Kothari.
By pivoting away from the consumer market, Glass may just have found a way to rewrite its legacy.
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Elon Musk: Almost All Cars Produced Will Be Autonomous in 10 Years – Futurism
Posted: at 3:40 am
In Brief Elon Musk shared a bold prediction for the future of EVs and autonomous driving systems during a talk at a meeting of the National Governors Association. Just two decades from now, he expects most of the vehicles on the road will be electric and autonomous.
During a talk at the National Governors Association on Saturday, Elon Musk shared a bold prediction for the future of personal transportation. Not only does he believe that half the cars produced in the United States just 10 years from now will be electric, he thinks almost all cars produced by then will be autonomous.
In 10 years, half of all production will be EV, he told the governors. I think almost all cars produced will be autonomous in 10 years, almost all. It will be rare to find one that is not, in 10 years.
While EVs and autonomous cars will comprise a bulk of new vehicles, however, that doesnt mean they will be the majority on the roads. New vehicle production is only about five percent of the size of the vehicle fleet, Musk explained, and because a car or truck can last for 15 to 20 years, it will take some time for the old to be replaced by the new. Even when new vehicle production switches over to electric or autonomousthat still means the vast majority of the fleet is not, he noted.
Musk estimated that well have to wait a bit longer before we see a significant change in the types of vehicles on the road, but two decades from now, he expects an overwhelming portion of vehicles to be electric and fully autonomous.
The shift wont be limited to cars and trucks, either. He predicts that eventually all transport will go fully electric with the exception of spacecraft.
Musk is at the forefront of this driverless and electric revolution. Tesla recently began production on their Model 3, which is poised to make electric vehicles more affordable, and the companys cars have been breaking EV industry records for hypermiling and cannonball runs.
Teslas progress has spurred their competitors into action, with other industry leaders like Volvo making the decision to go all electric. If the trend continues, Musks predictions could prove true and we could be just a few short years from entering the age of electric, autonomous vehicles.
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