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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Facebook Just Filed a Patent for a Modular Consumer Device – Futurism
Posted: July 25, 2017 at 11:40 am
In Brief Facebook has filed a patent application for a modular consumer electronic device that could function as a smartphone, GPS, microphone, speaker, and touch display. This device will be similar to the failed Google Project ARA device if it succeeds. Plug-and-Play Smartphones
On Thursday July 20, Facebook published its patent application for a modular electromechanical device that includes a phone, GPS, microphone, speaker, and touch display. This kind of modular consumer hardware would allow users to combine several differentcomponents together on a single device a kind of plug-and-play smartphone.
This sort of modular design is also of interest to Google, who has already made one unsuccessful attemptto bring its Project Ara smartphone to market. Some members of the Project Ara team are now at Facebooks Building 8 including Regina Dugan, the leader of the research lab.Building 8 is Facebookslab for consumer technologies and the epicenter of its futuristic projects.
Several Building 8 employees were named on the patent application. Thefour employees had previously worked for Nascent Objects, a startup that prototyped modular gadgets using 3D printing. Facebook acquired Nascent Objects last year, and a spokesperson confirmed to Tech Insider that the technologies in the patent application were part of that acquisition.
According to the patent application, the device could work as a phone, or it could work more like Amazons Alexa doesin terms of its music speaker function. The application also notes that the components of millions of connected devices could be loaded with various kinds of software as pieces are swapped out.
The modular system also appears to be a move towards more efficient and long-term use of consumer electronics. The application reads, Typically, the hardware components included in the consumer electronics that are considered outdated are still useable. However, the hardware components can no longer be re-used since consumer electronics are designed as closed systems. From a consumer prospective, the life cycle of conventional consumer electronics is expensive and wasteful.
It remains to be seen whether Facebook will succeed where Google failed; just because a patient application is filed, theres no guarantee that a device willactually get made.
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Scientists Assert That A Child has Officially Been Virtually Cured of HIV – Futurism
Posted: at 11:40 am
In Brief A nine-year-old child from South Africa has reportedly been "virtually cured" of HIV, as signs and symptoms of the dreaded infection hasn't been seen since the child received treatment shortly after being born in 2007. But how was this child cured? Nine Years and Counting
At the on-going Paris conference of the International AIDS Society (IAS), a team of scientists is presenting details of a remarkable development that could improve HIV treatment. The case is that of a nine-year-old South African child who was infected with HIV at birth. After receiving a burst of treatment soon after being born, the child has since been free of any symptoms or activesigns of the menacing virus without any further treatment.
HIV, which is known to affect more than36.7 million people worldwide, is one of the deadliest viruses around today since it was discovered, its taken the lives of more than 35 million victims, according to the World Health Organization. This South African case, however, is a glimmer of hope.
[T]his new case strengthens our hope that by treating HIV-infected children for a brief period beginning in infancy, we may be able to spare them the burden of lifelong therapy and the health consequences of long-term immune activation typically associated with HIV disease, Anthony Fauci, directorNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), told The Guardian.
While the doctors report detectingtiny fraction of immune cells that still have the virus integrated into them, the childs immune system remains healthy, and there is no sign of HIV infection.
The South African child was part of a NIAID-funded trial in 2007for treating infants with HIV. Scientists and doctors, however, haveyet to understand why and how the 40-week treatment (which was also given to 142 other children) worked for this child, whose identity remains anonymous.
We dont believe that antiretroviral therapy alone can lead to remission, Avy Violari, pediatric research head at the Perinal HIV Research Unit in Johannesburg, told the BBC. We dont really know whats the reason why this child has achieved remission we believe its either genetic or immune system-related.
Still, the mere fact that something like this is possible is a cause for hope. Unlike other cases where supposedly cured infants later on demonstrated latent HIV in the immune system, this South African case is the third reported virtually cured child. Speaking to The Guardian, Caroline Tiemessen from Johannesburgs National Institute of Communicable Diseases said, By further studying the child, we may expand our understanding of how the immune system controls HIV replication.
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The Third-Largest Cryptocurrency, Ripple’s XRP, Up Almost 4000% in Second Quarter – Futurism
Posted: at 11:40 am
In Brief Ripple and its token, XRP, have dominated the crypto currency market during the first half of 2017 as XRP finished the second quarter up 3,977 percent. This is an example of cryptocurrencies booming during an overall digital currency renaissance. Ripple Exploding In Q2
The digital currency market has been dominated by Ripples XRP for the first half of the year. XRP finished itssecond financial quarter up 3,977 percent from the beginning of the year at $0.26. It has now dropped to about $0.19, but this is still an impressive display of growth and strength.
Ripple and XRP are just part of the latest example of cryptocurrencies booming during an overall digital currency renaissance. Right now, various countries are experimenting with cryptocurrencies, acknowledging their role in the future of finance and looking to secure their place in that future. For example, the South African Reserve Bank, the countrys central bank, is trying on Bitcoin regulation for size; China is testing a national cryptocurrency a sensible option in a country that has gone almost totally cashless in urban areas; andEthereum Island may be coming to the African coast as Mauritius moves to take its place as a cryptocurrency and blockchain technology hub.
Meanwhile, despite some rocky days, many experts think that now is the best time to invest in cryptocurrencies whichever platform appeals to you. While some are worried that the cryptocurrency market might be experiencing a bubble, others see this period of rapid growth as a sign of larger changes in the world economy. As countries like China and Japan sway the cryptocurrency market, it becomes clearer that close attention to technological advancement, a desire to achieve cybersecurity, and a need to control ones money are the decisive factors for many cryptocurrency investors.
This makes Ripples focus on international payments seem shrewd, and feel like a strong explanatory factor in XRPs current strong position in the cryptocurrency market.
Disclosure: Several members of the Futurism team, including the editors of this piece, are personal investors in a number of cryptocurrency markets. Their personal investment perspectives have no impact on editorial content.
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The Third-Largest Cryptocurrency, Ripple's XRP, Up Almost 4000% in Second Quarter - Futurism
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Source of Weird! Signal From Nearby Star Finally Confirmed – Futurism
Posted: at 11:40 am
In BriefAfter generating a lot of hype over the past weeks, the sourceof the mysterious signal from Ross 128 has finally been confirmed.A second observation concluded that the signal isn't some form ofalien communication, but instead satellite transmissions. Surprise, Surprise!
The detection ofpeculiar radio signalsfrom a dim star roughly 11 light-years away from Earth had the public speculating wildly last week about the possibility that wed finally detected an alien communication.
After looking further into the signals with a little help from theSearch for ExtraTerrestrial Life (SETI) Institute, astronomers at thePlanetary Habitability Laboratory at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo are ready to confirm the source of the signals from Ross 128, and its not ET.
We are now confident about the source of the Weird! Signal, Abel Mendez, director of the PHL, wrote in a blog post on Friday. The best explanation is that the signals are transmissions from one or more geostationary satellites.
The signal officially named the Weird! Signal was only spotted near Ross 128, one of several red dwarf stars Mendez and his team have been studying, because Ross 128 is close to the celestial equator where many geostationary satellites are placed, Mendez explained.
The PHL also conductedan informal survey of almost 800 participants, including more than 60 astronomers, to find out what people thought was causing the Weird! Signal. Most said it was likely astronomical in nature. This is interesting since in the absence of solid information about the signal, most astronomers would think that [radio interference or instrumental failures] would probably be the most likely explanation, Mendez noted.
Unexplained signals, like the more popular and recently resolved Wow! signal, draw significant attention because many people are hopeful that well find some trace of alien life. Indeed, the unofficial public survey showed that roughly 200 of the 800 participants believed the Weird! Signal was communication from intelligent alien life.
However, as Mendez explained, Unexplained here does not mean inexplicable; it just means we are not able to tell which is the precise source from many possibilities.
Just like the Wow! Signal, the Weird! Signal from Ross 128 demonstrates that theres likely to be some non-alienanswer to many of the mysteries we uncover from the universe.
Of course, this doesnt mean that the search for alien life isnt worth it. Before we can consider any such explanation, however, we need to explore all stellar and astronomical possibilities. Sometimes, these possibilities may take 40 years to be completely explored, as was the case with the Wow! Signal, but such is the nature of scientific inquiry.
This was a great experience of open science, Mendez wrote. Sometimes projects, observational campaigns, or missions do not necessarily reach their objectives. The lesson here is that we all need to continue exploring and sharing results openly. Some people prefer to only learn about the successes, but others prefer science in real-time, no matter the end result.
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Lockheed Recycles Shuttle Parts For Deep Space Station – WMFE
Posted: July 24, 2017 at 7:49 am
Lockheed Martin artist rendering of the NextSTEP habitat docked with Orion in cislunar orbit as part of a concept for the Deep Space Gateway. Orion will serve as the habitats command deck in early missions, providing critical communications, life support and navigation to guide long-duration missions. Photo: Lockheed Martin
NASA awarded Lockheed Martin a contract for the Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) habitat study contract.
The plan is to put a space station near the moon as a kind of cosmic rest-stop for deep space missions to places like Mars. Its called the Deep Space Gateway and NASA asked Lockheed Martin to design a prototype at Kennedy Space Center.
Lockheed engineers are using theDonatello Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM), an old space shuttle cargo container that was once used to send supplies to the International Space Station.
Using recycled parts will lower the cost of the prototype, and speed up development. Making use of existing capabilities will be a guiding philosophy for Lockheed Martin to minimize development time and meet NASAs affordability goals, said Bill Pratt, Lockheed Martin NextSTEP program manager. The team will also use a mix of virtual and augmented reality to test the tech that will keep the astronauts safe.
The Deep Space Gateway will receive crews from NASAs Orion spacecraft also in development with Lockheed Martin.
Work on the prototype will last about 18 months.
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The International Space Station visits the Lowcountry sky this week. Here’s when to see it, starting Sunday – Island Packet
Posted: at 7:49 am
Island Packet | The International Space Station visits the Lowcountry sky this week. Here's when to see it, starting Sunday Island Packet The International Space Station will be a regular visitor to the night and early morning skies of the Lowcountry in coming days. Starting Sunday evening, you will be able to see the station streak across the sky for 6 minutes starting at 9:55 p.m ... |
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The International Space Station visits the Lowcountry sky this week. Here's when to see it, starting Sunday - Island Packet
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Astronaut describes surviving fire on the space station during Comic-Con 2017’s NatGeo Nerd Nite – OCRegister
Posted: at 7:49 am
Astronaut Jerry Linenger has looked down upon Earth from space, but as he prepared to speak to the crowd at Nerd Nite, NatGeos annual event at Comic-Con 2017, he saw something hed likely never seen before.
A mermaid. With a trident. Sitting up front to watch his talk.
Perhaps due to the incredible things Linegers done as an astronaut who lived on the Mir space station for nearly 5 months and survived a fire on it, Linenger took everything the loud music, swirling planetary lightshow and costumed crowd in stride.
I learned a lot about living in isolation and being off the planet removed from mankind, said Lineger, who spent 2 years prior to his time on Mir living in Russia learning the language before going up.
There were other challenges, too.
I had a little one-and-a-half-year-old and my wife was pregnant. We had the worst fire ever in an orbiting spacecraft, and during that fire my survival instinct kicked in, Lineger said, adding that during the fire he was determined he would get home to his son. That parental instinct, survival of the species, kicked in.
Lineger was on hand, along with JPLs Bobak Ferdowsi and Mallory Lefland and fellow astronaut Jeffrey Hoffman, to talk about NatGeos series Mars and One Blue Planet while guests ate, listened to a DJ and watched a dancer in a flight suit perform inside a clear inflated ball.
Hoffman, an astronomer and MIT professor who repaired the Hubble Telescope during one of his five Shuttle flights, spoke to the crowd about the elements of a Mars mission.
Afterward Hoffman gave a short interview in which he said what had been most memorable about his work in space: Fixing the Hubble.
That was incredibly satisfying, because that was such a complicated mission he said. Many people thought it was too much, but we actually did it. And of course it worked.
Did he miss anything during his time in space? Since he was busy and the shuttle missions werent longer than a few weeks, he says he didnt really miss the Earth. Other than wanting to see his family and friends, there was only one thing he could think of hed missed.
To munch down on a nice, crunchy salad, he said. All the space food is really mushy.
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Adam Savage explains why space suits are his happy place – The … – The Verge
Posted: at 7:49 am
Adam Savage loves space suits. When I interviewed him in March, he spoke about how safety equipment appealed to him, whether it was firefighter gear, the protective armor that bomb disposal personnels wear, or space suits of the fictional variety.
For the last several years, Savage would attend San Diego Comic-Con dressed up in a costume that hides his identity, something he calls Adam Incognito. This year, one of the costumes he suited up in was one used in the production of Alien: Covenant.
After he returned from the floor, I spoke with him about why hes so attracted to these galactic wear.
This interview has been condensed for clarity.
Looking back to how you said youre attracted to safety equipment, how did you find wearing the Alien space suit while walking around the floor today? Were you impervious to the crowds?
Well, I'm not impervious to the crowds, because about 75 people came up to me and said you must be Adam. I've definitely spoiled my own thing because Ive done so much cosplay now that any time people see an elaborate, full suit, they ask if its me.
However, the guys at FBFX did a nice job [with this suit]. This fabric looks heavy duty. It looks like ballistic nylon, but it breathes quite well.
To you, what makes up a good space suit costume? What components do you look for?
The stuff that I really like in a space suit is the detail. In a NASA suit, I love the high-level details that tell the story that this was made by people. If you look at NASA hardware really close up you really can sense that these arent production-made items. They're one-offs, each one handmade by a machinist, designed by engineers. And, the best movie space suits are the ones that also communicate that same kind of hand-hewn attention to detail.
What's an example of a detail that you found stands out in a real or fictional suit?
Right now, I'm totally obsessed with the [Alien] Covenant stuff. They have a number of things like little brass tags and tiny markers, and even things like pressure readings that are based off of what the real pressure of that suit would probably be.
So what can cosplayers learn from real suits, and what can real suit makers learn from science fictional suits?
It's funny because real space suits almost never have lights in the helmet. [Theyre] a totally a movie trope because you have to see the actors. There are almost no lights on any NASA suit.
There is a simplicity to NASA hardware and it's required: you need that simplicity. A film like Alien: Covenant is layering in [details] because theyre thinking of a future where these aren't one-off items: they are [mass-produced.]
With its reveal of the latest Z-2 backpack entry suit, NASA is definitely trying to sexy it up to garner a bit more public excitement. They gave it some color, called it the Mars Colonization Suit. I think that's a reasonable thing for an organization like NASA to do, and the positive benefits from The Martian, I think, led if not directly then were at least partially responsible for the increase in NASA's budget a couple of years later. These things capture the public's imagination.
NASAs running out of space suits.
NASA is behind in their space suit production. Its over a million dollars to make a space suit. They now have a set of replacement parts where they can fit together a suit that fits an astronaut by adjusting the arms and the legs and the various geometries.
But yeah, NASA uses a ludicrously complex set of procedures to make this the multilayer, air-proof suits it uses.
What what trends are you seeing in costume manufacturing that has changed how people are making suits?
There's two major leaps. One is from cosplayers: the advancement of foam building technology using camping mats, hot glue, and contact cement to make really elaborate costumes. Its unparalleled: this is a really exciting time, and budgets are going lower because the materials are more easy to come by. It's just about the sweat equity of making sure the forms look great and curves are good.
The other major advancement that I'm really excited about is screen-printing dimension and texture onto lightweight fabrics, so that they look heavy-duty. Captain Americas Winter Soldier costume was an early, excellent harbinger of what's coming. They took four-way stretch dance fabric, which is really light and easy to wear for the actor, and they printed it with texture that made it look like the old ballistic nylon, which is much heavier and harder for the actor to wear, so its much more comfortable.
It turns out that a primary cost on making feature films is just getting the actors out and back into their costumes so they can eat lunch. No actor wants to sit in some giant space suit and try to eat a burrito. It sometimes takes an entire special effects team half an hour or maybe more to get an actor out of a cumbersome costume.
So, working with lighter-weight materials that breathe more definitely increases the the length of time the actors can spend in those suits, and then increases the amount the production can get done.
How about 3D printing and rapid prototyping? I know for some productions, they end up printing up a number of components or props.
3D printing has totally revolutionized both cosplay and costuming for movies. I know that neck rings that FBFX effects made for The Martian and for this suit were 3D printed. [Even] when you machine something and then cast it, trying to get the parts to couple back together is difficult, with the shrinkage inherent in casting and the shrinkage is dependent upon the volume of the material you're trying to cast. That means that some of these are straight 3D printed high strength resins, and that's kind of the only way you can do stuff like this.
[Pointing to the Alien Covenant Helmet on the table] How about this helmet in particular?
I think this helmet is largely 3D printed. Some of the forms for the carbon fiber pressure panels... the neck rings are totally 3D printed, and then there's all this brass etching and all this custom detail. FBFX and companies like it all around the world are using this to radically increase the shapes and the stuff they can produce, lowering the amount of time they need to make it.
Do you see this trickling into the cosplay consumer market?
It's totally trickling in the consumer market, because you can now buy an Ultimaker printer for a couple of grand, and get really impressive resolution for effectively a prosumer model 3D printer.
Last question: right now, whats your favorite space suit?
Currently right now, it's both of the suits from Alien: Covenant: the hard suit that Tennessee wears, which has all 3D printed bearings. It's an absolute masterpiece of engineering. Those were not off-the-shelf components. That suit would have cost tens of thousands of dollars if they were. That was a completely wearable hard suit. That's simply because those guys wanted to push the envelope of what was possible in movie costumes.
Photography by Andrew Liptak / The Verge
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Companies Rush to Develop ‘Utterly Transformative’ Gene Therapies – New York Times
Posted: at 7:48 am
The products closest to approval so far have a limited focus to treat blood cancers like leukemia (for which an F.D.A. advisory panel recommended approval of the first treatment last week) and lymphoma, as opposed to the solid tumors that form in organs like the breasts and lungs and cause many more deaths. About 80,000 people a year have the kinds of blood cancers that the first round of new treatments can fight, out of the 1.7 million cases of cancer diagnosed annually in the United States.
The new treatments are expected to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they come with risks. Patients in the earliest studies nearly died from side effects like raging fever, low blood pressure and lung congestion. Doctors have learned how to control those reactions, but experts also have concerns about possible long-term effects like second cancers that could in theory be caused by the disabled viruses used in genetic engineering. No such cancers have been seen so far, but it is too soon to rule them out.
The new leukemia treatment involves removing millions of white blood cells called T cells often referred to as the soldiers of the immune system from the patients bloodstream, genetically engineering them to recognize and kill cancer, multiplying them and then infusing them back into the patient. The process is expensive because each treatment has to be made separately for each person.
Solid tumors are less amenable to treatment with these altered cells which scientists call CAR-T cells but studies at various centers are trying to find ways to use it against mesothelioma and cancers of the ovary, breast, prostate, pancreas and lung.
These solid tumors are like Fort Knox, Dr. Grupp said. They dont want to let the T cells in. We need combination approaches, CAR-T plus something else, but until the something else is defined were not doing to see the same kind of responses.
The pioneering T-cell therapy for leukemia was created at the University of Pennsylvania, which licensed it to Novartis. The F.D.A. panel recommended approval of it for a narrow subset of severely ill patients, only a few hundred a year in the United States: those ages 3 to 25 who have B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia that has relapsed or not responded to the standard treatments. Those patients have poor odds of surviving, but in clinical trials, a single T-cell treatment has produced long remissions in many and possibly even cured some.
Novartis plans to request another approval later this year of the same treatment (which it calls CTL019 or tisagenlecleucel) for adults who have a type of lymphoma diffuse large B-cell lymphoma that has relapsed or resisted treatment. A competitor, Kite Pharma, has also filed for approval of a T-cell treatment for lymphoma. Another competitor, Juno, suffered a setback when it shut down a T-cell study in adults after five patients died from brain swelling. Kite has also reported one such death.
Novartis is studying several other types of T-cells, with different genetic tweaks, to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma as well as glioblastoma.
Some of the more promising work so far involves efforts to make the existing gene treatments even more effective in blood cancers. For lymphoma patients, the T cells are being given along with a drug, ibrutinib, and the combination seems to work better than either treatment alone.
At the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, there are not enough study spots for all the patients who hope to receive T-cell treatment, and the waiting time can stretch to months, longer than some can afford to wait. Waiting times should decline after the treatment is approved and becomes more widely available.
Dr. Grupp said that one encouraging avenue of research involved giving the T-cells at an earlier stage of the disease, instead of very late, as rules now require. He said a study was being planned at multiple centers that he hoped would start within the next six months or so. The patients would be children with early signs that the usual chemotherapy which cures many is not working well for them.
We could deploy the treatment considerably earlier and before they get so sick, he said. He added, That is another big step in terms of trying to figure out how to use these cells appropriately.
Earlier treatment, he said, might help some patients avoid bone-marrow transplant, a grueling, last-ditch treatment. Children with less advanced disease also tend to have milder side effects from the T-cell treatment.
Studies in children are also underway to combine T-cell treatment with the immunotherapy drugs called checkpoint inhibitors, which help unleash the cancer-killing power of T cells. There will be many such studies, Dr. Grupp predicted, but, he said, Its early days.
The T cells in the Novartis products, and in the earliest ones its competitors are developing, have been engineered to seek and destroy cells that display on their surfaces a protein called CD19 a characteristic of many leukemias and lymphomas.
Identifying other targets would be a boon, Dr. Grupp said, because sometimes leukemic cells lacking CD19 proliferate, escape the treatment and cause relapse.
Another target is being studied, and Dr. Grupp said the next step, which he called superimportant, would be to attack two cellular targets in the same patient.
In the next year or so, he said, that approach will also be studied in both children and adults who have acute myeloid leukemia, which he described as a tough disease.
Researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston are trying a completely different approach to engineering cells, one that they hope might eventually yield an off the shelf treatment that would not have to be tailored to each individual patient and that might be less expensive.
Instead of using T cells, the team uses natural killer cells, another component of the immune system, one that has a powerful ability to fight anything it recognizes as foreign. Instead of extracting the cells from patients, the researchers, Dr. Katy Rezvani and Dr. Elizabeth Shpall, remove the natural killers from samples of umbilical-cord blood donated by women who have just given birth.
They use natural killer cells because T cells from one person cannot be safely given to another, lest they attack the hosts tissue, causing graft-versus-host disease, which can be fatal. Natural killer cells do not cause that deadly reaction, so it is safe to use such cells from a newborns cord blood to treat patients.
The natural killer cells are genetically engineered to attack CD19, and also to produce a substance that activates them and helps them persist in the body. They also have an off switch, a gene that will let the researchers shut down the cells with a certain drug if they cause dangerous side effects that cannot be controlled.
After promising studies in mice, the researchers have opened a study for adults with relapsed or treatment-resistant chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The first patient was to be treated this week, Dr. Rezvani said.
One unit of cord blood yields enough cells to treat five patients, she said, and in two weeks the natural killer cells can be expanded 500-fold, to a billion cells.
We plan to make the product and infuse it fresh to the patient, but we are also working on optimizing the freezing process so we can make the product, freeze it and keep it, so that when patients need it, we can give it.
A version of this article appears in print on July 24, 2017, on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Racing to Alter Patients Cells To Kill Cancer.
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3 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Humans’ Ancient Relationship with Dogs – AlterNet
Posted: at 7:48 am
Photo Credit: Anatolii Brohovskyi /
Dogs were the first animal to cohabit with humans, and modern research increasingly reveals the many ways in which humans and dogs have grown in tandem for thousands of years. New research out this week reveals that has likely been the case since the Early Neolithic period in ancient Europe, which dates the canine-human relationship back much further than previously theorized. New DNA research published this week in the journal Nature Communications shows modern dogs likely came from a single pack of wolves between 20,00040,000 years ago in Eurasia.
While previous studies suggested there may have been two separate instances of wolf domestication, the new study notes that most dogs of today can be traced back to a single Ancient European dog genome. While the study narrows the origins of dogs down to a 20 thousand year period, the exact location and timing remains a mystery.
Science has shown that the relationsihp between dogs and humans has always been a mutual one, and our ancient ties likely began because of a few hungry and particularly friendly wolves.
Here are three key scientifictheories about dog-human co-evolution:
1. A genetic mutation made some wolves (and dogs) want to cuddle with us and be our friends.
Dogs like to stay closer to humans and gaze at us longer than wolves do, a new study of canine genetics at Princeton University observed. And, the likelihood of an animal doing this correlates with that animal's given DNA.
As an article in the LA Times about the new study notes, similar genetic mutations in humans are linked with a rare developmental disorder called Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS).
People with WBS are typically hyper-social, meaning they form bonds quickly and show great interest in other people, including strangers, the Times piece notes.
In the study, researchers found that the more social dogs and wolves had similar mutations in three genes called GTF2I, GTF2IRD1 and WBSCR17. Those same genes have been observed in other studies to cause increased social behavior in mice and are thought to do the same thing in humans.
2. Dogs probably domesticated us, not the other way around.
Some scientists theorize that friendly wolves sought out humans. They probably made the first move in our thousands-of-years-old relationship, as a 2013 National Geographic feature details.
The article explains that the theory that humans used dogs to hunt doesnt hold much water because humans were already successful hunters without wolves, and didnt tend to be friendly towards other carnivorous species. It theorizes that friendly wolves likely made the first move, and sought out human relationships:
The wolves that were bold but aggressive would have been killed by humans, and so only the ones that were bold and friendly would have been tolerated.
Over time the physicality of those friendlier wolves changed.
Domestication gave them splotchy coats, floppy ears, wagging tails. In only several generations, these friendly wolves would have become very distinctive from their more aggressive relatives.
3. Dogs and humans ate together as we evolved, so our digestion has developed similarly.
As researchers on a 2013 study of dog genetics explain, there are a number of corresponding genes in dogs and humans particularly when it comes to processing food.
In both of our species, the genes responsible for metabolism and digestion, such as the genetic code for cholesterol, changed similarly. Researchers theorized those changes could be due to dramatic changes in the proportion of plants vs meats dogs and humans were consuming around the same time.
April M. Short is a yoga teacher and writer whopreviouslyworked as AlterNet's drugs and health editor. She currently works part-time for AlterNet, and freelances for a number of publications nationwide.
See the article here:
3 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Humans' Ancient Relationship with Dogs - AlterNet
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