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Company whose trailer was used in human smuggling case has history of legal problems – Washington Post

Posted: July 26, 2017 at 12:46 am

Pyle Transportation the Schaller, Iowa-based trucking company whose name was on a trailer found to be carrying dozens of undocumented immigrantsin San Antonio on Sunday has a history of legal trouble and unpaid taxes, according to records.

Owner Brian Pyle told an Iowa news station that truck driver James Bradley, who has been charged with smuggling immigrants for financial gain, had worked with Pyle Transportation on and off for about five years. But Pyle said he did not know what Bradley was hauling when the trailer was discovered in a Walmart parking lot Sunday with eight of the migrants inside dead.

The federal government charged in March 2015 that Pyle Transportation Inc. had avoided tax obligations by continually neglecting to timely file employment tax returns since at least 2009, according to the complaint. Though the family-owned company withheld federal tax payments from its employees, it did not send that money to the federal government, the government alleged. The complaint also claimed that the company failed to pay taxes for heavy highway vehicle use. As of May 13, 2014, the government claimed that the company owed $151,223 in unpaid taxes.

Absent an injunction, based on its past tax history, it is reasonable to expect that PTIs noncompliance with the tax laws will continue, the complaint reads.

In fact, the individual defendants previously operated two other trucking businesses, Horizon Logistics and Pyle Truck Line, which did the same thing, the complaint continues, referring to Brian Pyle and other Pyles listed as officers or employees of the company. After accruing and failing to pay those tax liabilities, the operations and customers of the previous businesses were transferred to [Pyle Transportation].

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Pyle Truck Lines also faced felony charges in 2000 for falsifying a report or records to the secretary of transportation. A federal judge ordered the company to serve five years of probation and pay $42,254 in restitution, according to federal court documents.

Federal prosecutors say Bradley carried dozens of undocumented immigrants in a trailer with no cooling or ventilation. By the time Bradley stopped the trailer in a Walmart parking lot early Sunday, eight of the migrants inside were dead and many others were suffering from the critical effects of heat stroke, the government said. Two of them died later at hospitals.

Mexicos Foreign Ministry has said that 25 of 39 migrants were Mexican nationals, based on preliminary information from its consulate in San Antonio.

Bradley could face the death penalty because people died while in transit. Bradley told investigators that he was traveling from Iowa at the request of his boss to deliver the trailer to Brownsville, Tex., and didnt know what was inside. Hehad said that his boss, who wasnt named in the document, had sold the trailer to a person in Brownsville.

Reached Sunday by a reporter, Brian Pyle saidBradleywas an owner-operator involved in a standard trucking practice in which Bradley owned the truck and managed his own deliveries but used Pyles insurance and company name and paid Pyle a percentage of his earnings.

Without naming Bradley, Pyle had told a Washington Post reporter on Sunday that this was the truck drivers very first trip and that he didnt know what he was hauling. However, Pyle told an Iowa television news station Monday that he had worked with Bradley for years and had hired Bradley to deliver a trailer he had sold in May. He said Bradley was scheduled to drop it off in Brownsville, Texas on Friday.

[After deadly smuggling case, officials charge truck driver and decry crime against humanity]

He has worked here before, Pyle told the reporter. He is an owner-operator now, or he was at the time. . . . He did everything on his own bought his own fuel, made his own decisions.

The WHO-TV reporter said Pyle regretted not taking the logo off his trailer before selling it.

Bradley is pictured in his Facebook profile photo wearing a Pyle T-shirtand was Facebook friends with Pyle, whose Facebook page has now been removed, and other Pyle employees and truck drivers.

Pyle Transportation has 18 trucks and 15 drivers, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Authorized for hire and interstate driving, Pyle is listed as a carrier of general freight, refrigerated food and beverages, meat, fresh produce and paper products.

[Horrific episode of human smuggling fuels both sides of immigration debate]

Owner-operator trucking can be a financially challenging job, said Norita Taylor, a spokeswoman for the Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association, a trade association with more than 150,000 truck-driver members. The average annual income for such drivers is around $43,000, she said,and while drivers operate with considerably more discretion over their hours and assignments than company drivers, they are also responsible for a wider range of costs.

The long and short of it is being a small business trucker entails not just the cost of your equipment but also the insurance and taxes and fees, Taylor said. And fuel is like the number-one expense after equipment.

Bradley bought the truck a 1999 Peterbilt model that had been refurbished and given a new paint job in March for $90,000, said Justin McDaniel of Outlaw Iron in West Bend, Wis., who sold him the truck. Bradley had taken out a pair of loans earlier this year to buy a truck and trailer for which he needed to make payments of almost $2,000 a month, according to records.

Avi Selk and Todd Frankel contributed to this report.

Editors note: A previous version of this story included complaints about Pyle Transportation left on a Facebook page.Because the allegations in those complaints could not be corroborated, they have been removed.

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Company whose trailer was used in human smuggling case has history of legal problems - Washington Post

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Here’s a list of people Trump has fired or threatened to fire – Washington Post

Posted: at 12:46 am

By Nicole Lewis By Nicole Lewis July 25 at 7:35 PM

Before Donald Trump became president, he made a name for himself as a reality television sensation on The Apprentice. At the end of each episode, Trump would send one contestant packing by turninghis hand into a finger gun, fixing it on the contestant, and saying, youre fired."

Since taking office in January, Trump has doubled down on his signature move. Just more than a week into his presidency, he fired acting attorney general Sally Yates. Then, it was U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara,whodid not comply when asked to submit his resignation along with 46 other U.S. attorneys in March. And most infamously, he dismissed FBI Director James B. Comey in May.

Hes teased about firing many more members of his administration, often joking about canning them during meetings or public appearances.

At a Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia on Monday,Trump broke out the finger gun once againwhen he joked that if Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price didnt get the votes to win on the health-care bill, he would be out of a job. Trump told the scouts: "And hopefully he is going to get the votes tomorrow He better get them. He better get them. Otherwise Ill say Tom, you're fired!"

But some who know the president well say thepersona he created on The Apprentice, where he seemed to relish letting people go, is not the Trump they know in real life. Sam Nunberg, Trumps policy adviser during his presidential campaign told Politico in June: I dont think he likes to gratuitously fire people, he said. He wants to give people chances. Trump fired Nunberg when his racially charged Facebook posts were made public.

Heres a look atotherpeople Trump has fired or threatened to fire -- complete with a finger gun tally.

James B. Comey, Sally Yates and Preet Bharara were all law enforcement officials until President Trump fired them and they were all investigating Trump or his administration at the time of their firing. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post)

Acting attorney general Sally Yates Fired on: Jan. 30, 2017 Reason: Yates sent a memo to Justice Department employees asking themnot to defend Trumps initial travel ban on people from seven majority-Muslim countries. Method:Yates was given a hand-delivered letter just a few hours before the White House released a statement to reporters. Finger gun involved: No.

U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara Fired on:March 11, 2017 Reason: TheTrump administration asked all remaining Obama-era attorneys to resign, clearing the way for new appointments. Method:After refusing to hand in his resignation, Bharara was officially fired. Finger gun involved:No.

FBI Director James B. Comey Fired on: May 9, 2017 Reason: Trump said he fired Comey for his handling of the investigation of Hillary Clintons emails. But Comey testified that he believes he was fired to change the way the Russia investigation was being conducted. Method:A hand-delivered letter was sent to Comeys office while he was visiting California. Comey heard about his firing on the news. Finger gun involved:No.

Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump

President-elect Donald Trump ended his first news conference since the election by telling his sons he'll "fire" them if they don't do a good job running his company. Trump made the catchphrase "you're fired" popular during his time hosting "The Apprentice." (The Washington Post)

Reason: Trump put his sons in charge of the family business. If they dont run it well while Trump is president, he says theyll be out of a job. Was he joking?For the most part, yes. Finger gun involved: Oh, yes.

Special ProsecutorRobert S. Mueller III Reason: Trump told New York Times reporters that if Mueller began investigating his businesses itwould cross a red line. But he did not answer the reporters questions as to whether he would fire Mueller because he didnt think that line would be crossed. It has been crossed. Bloomberg News reported on July 20 that Mueller is focusing on Trumps transactions in Russia. Was he joking?Not a chance. Finger gun involved: No.

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price

President Trump quipped that he would fire health and human services secretary Tom Price if he did not round up enough votes to repeal Obamacare. (Reuters)

Reason: At a Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia on July 24, Trump joked that if Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price didnt secure enough Senate votes to proceed with dismantling Obamacare, he would be out of a job. Trump told the scouts: And hopefully he is going to get the votes tomorrow ... He better get them. He better get them. Otherwise I'll say, Tom, youre fired!" Was he joking? The Senate did vote to proceed on a health-care bill, so we may never know. Finger gun involved: Absolutely.

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley Reason: Trump questioned Haleys colleagueson whether shewas doing a good job during a lunch with members of the Security Council. Was he joking? It seems that way. I want to thank Ambassador Nikki Haley for her outstanding leadership and for acting as my personal envoy on the Security Council. She is doing a good job. Now, does everybody like Nikki?," he said. Otherwise she could be easily replaced, right? No, we wont do that. I promise you we wont do that. Shes doing a fantastic job. Finger gun involved: Only the metaphorical one of being burned at your own work lunch.

White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon Reason: During an exchange withNew York Post reporter Michael Goodwin, Trump distanced himself from Bannon, minimizing his role as an adviser. Was he joking? This might be serious. Bannon was removed from the National Security Council in April, and his role in the White House is increasingly unclear. Finger gun involved: As far as we know, no.

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus Reason: In June, Politicoreportedthat Trump set a deadline of July 4 to remove several staff members, including Priebus. I dont want them to come into this mess. If Im going to clean house, they will come in as fresh blood, Trump said, according to Politico's source. Was he joking? No, though he has not yet actedon the threat. Finger gun involved:The source did not specify.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer

White House press secretary Sean Spicer resigned on July 21, the same day Anthony Scaramucci became the new communications director. The Post's Callum Borchers looks at Spicier's tenure as the White House spokesman and the difficulties he faced representing the president. (Erin Patrick O'Connor,Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

Reason: Rumors about Trump wanting to replace Spicer circulated throughout his tenure before he resigned on July 20. Reports includedTrump mulling a replacement such as Laura Ingraham or Kimberly Guilfoyle. Method: Spicer submitted his resignation. Finger gun involved: No, but Trump did tease him for his work in front of the camera. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders read the presidents remarks during a press briefing: "I wish him continued success as he moves on to pursue new opportunities. Just look at his great television ratings."

Attorney General Jeff Sessions

President Trump said he would have "picked someone else" had he known that Attorney General Jeff Sessions would recuse himself from the Russia probe. (The Washington Post)

Reason: Trump is frustrated with Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation, saying if he knew Sessions would step away from the probe he would have picked someone else. On Tuesday, Trump reiterated his frustrations with Sessions, accusing him of taking a very weak stance on Hillary Clinton and people who have leaked intelligence. Method:The Fixs Aaron Blake writes that Trump seems to be choosing the make your life hell until you quit method. Finger gun involved: No, but Sessions will have to deal with the sting of knowing Trump is disappointed by his actions.

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Human Smuggling or Human Trafficking? They’re Two Very Different Crimes – Texas Public Radio

Posted: at 12:46 am

The discovery of a stifling tractor-trailer in San Antonio this weekend packed with nearly 40 undocumented immigrants is reverberating across the country. Ten people have died as a result of the possible human trafficking incident.

Since the case first came to light, some sources in the media have been using the terms 'human trafficking' and 'human smuggling' interchangeably. But they're two very different crimes.

"I think people are confused about the difference between human smuggling and human trafficking because they often blend into each other," says Kerry Ward, an associate professor of history at Rice University who studies forced migration. "But they're distinct crimes. Human trafficking is a crime against a person while human smuggling is a crime against a border."

Human trafficking doesn't necessarily involve movement. People can be trafficked for forced labor purposes anywhere, even in their own homes.

Smuggling, on the other hand, involves transporting people illegally across a border.

"Now sometimes the people who are engaged in being smuggled have done so voluntarily, so they've paid money to be shipped across the border," Ward says. "What often happens is that these people become vulnerable to further exploitation and become trafficked when they are held against their will, often for labor purposes."

Human trafficking victims have more options for legal recourse according to Stacie Jonas, Managing Attorney for Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid.

"Victims of human trafficking are eligible for certain legal remedies and protections that are not always available to people who were smuggled," says Jonas.

Right now, Jonas says it appears the case in San Antonio is being charged as a crime involving smuggling. She says she hopes that the people recovered from the tractor trailer should be screened to determine if they are also victims of trafficking.

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Cooking With Human Poop Charcoal Is Now A Thing In Parts Of Kenya – Crave Online

Posted: at 12:46 am

Close-Up Of Burning Coal On Metal Grill. Photo: Mathias Genterczewsky / EyeEm

Everyone whos ever grilled has what they consider to be the best way to barbecue. Some say gas is the best, while others point to charcoal as the betteroption. Its a debate thatlllikelycontinue for generations and generations.

Based on whats happening out in Kenya, the charcoal side might have just gained some steam in the argument in the most unexpected way possible. What theyre doing is quite literally the shit.

According to a video published by the New York Post, human feces is being converted into charcoal, and the results are positive both for the community and environment.

As it turns out,human crap has a lot more advantages than just clearing a room. Feces has shown to burn longer than firewood or your typical bag of charcoal. It also apparently creates less smoke and surprise, surprise has NO SMELL. Bet you didnt see that coming, huh?

Sadly, only 27 percent of people in Nakaru, Kenya have access tosewer systems. Its a problem that is being flipped into opportunity because the sludge from the area is being collected and transformed into charcoal briquettes. The process includes drying out the poop, heating it, then mixing it with molasses and sawdust for binding.

As a result of all this, charcoal poop has turned into cash-money. Roughly one kilo of briquettes is worth 50 cents. Based on projected goals, they hope to produce ten tons a monthby the end of 2017, eventually moving to ten tons a day when they have the right equipment. Thistranslates to $4,500 per ten tons, a good amount of money for the largely poor villagers in the area.

So as you can see, human crap isnt so bad after all.Remember that the next time you blow up the bathroom.

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Billionaire burn: Musk says Zuckerberg’s understanding of AI threat ‘is limited’ – Washington Post

Posted: at 12:46 am

Its rare if not unheard of to hear someone question Mark Zuckerbergs comprehension skills.

The Facebook chief executive and social media icon is frequently lauded for his critical thinking and global vision, qualities that have helped him maintain his reign atop one of the worlds most successful companies.

Yet on Tuesday, Tesla chief executive and fellow billionaire Elon Musk said in a tweet that Zuckerbergs understanding of the threat posted by artificial intelligence is limited.


In Silicon Valley, at least, thems tech titan fightin words.

[Elon Musk doesnt think were prepared to face humanitys biggest threat: Artificial intelligence]

Musks tweet was a response to a Facebook live broadcast that Zuckerbergdid during a backyard grilling session Sunday in which he was asked about Musks strident warnings surroundingAI. Without mentioning Musk by name, Zuckerberg called such warnings really negative and pretty irresponsible.

As he waited for his wood-burning stove to finish slow-cooking a brisket, Zuckerberg fielded a variety of questions, including on economic opportunity and thefuture of AI.

I think that people who are naysayers and try to drum up these doomsday scenarios. I dont understand it. Its really negative, and, in some ways, I actually think its pretty irresponsible, said Zuckerberg, who also argued that people can build things and the world gets better.

Zuckerberg pointed out some of the ways in which he believes AI can save human lives, such as helping to enhance the safety of self-driving cars and to diagnose medical conditions. He argued that technology can be used for good or bad and that its incumbent upon inventors to innovate with caution.

But people who are arguing for slowing down the process of building AI, I just find that really questionable, he added. I have a hard time wrapping my head around that. If youre arguing against AI, then youre arguing against safer cars that arent going to have accidents and youre arguing against being able to better diagnose people when theyre sick.

[YouTube is tricking people who search for ISIS videos]

Musk has been warning for years about the risk posed by AI, most recentlytelling a group of governorsthis month that they need to start regulating artificial intelligence, which he called a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization.

When pressed for concrete guidance, Musk said the government must get a better understanding of AI before its too late.

Once there is awareness, people will be extremely afraid, as they should be, Musk said. AI is a fundamental risk to the future of human civilization in a way that car accidents, airplane crashes, faulty drugs or bad food were not. They were harmful to a set of individuals in society, but they were not harmful to individuals as a whole.

After Musk dropped his dig at Zuckerberg on Twitter, thousands of retweets and likes followed. Musk followed up his statement by noting that a movie on the subject is coming soon, but he did not providedetails.

More reading:

How doctors used virtual reality to save the lives of conjoined twin sisters

Google Street Views latest destination: The International Space Station

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A Bitcoin Civil War Has Been Avoided, at Least Temporarily – Futurism

Posted: at 12:46 am

In BriefMore than 80 percent of bitcoin miners have expressed supportfor BIP91, a protocol update that represents a compromise betweenwhat miners and developers want for the future of thecryptocurrency. If fully adopted, it could help Bitcoin avoid the"civil war" that many have been predicting. This Way or That Way?

Like a season premiere of the popular HBO seriesGame of Thrones, the financeworld is eyeing July 31 with both anticipation and slight trepidation.

Anongoing disagreement between miners and developersover the future of Bitcoins blockchainhas had many Bitcoin analysts, investors, and enthusiasts fearing a potential split in the cryptocurrency at the end of this month. However,as a moderate solution seems more likely to be accepted, fears of a network hard fork are beginning to die down.

As previously reported, the Bitcoin crisis is the result of a clash of ideas for the future of the popular cryptocurrency and its blockchains transactional capacity. Miners wanted to increase Bitcoins block limit, while developers proposed moving data off the main blockchain network.

The more moderate solution, which was activated on July 22, isBitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) 91. This protocol update prevents a hard fork from occurring by providing a compromise between what miners and developers want.Last week, more than 80 percent of bitcoinminers expressed support for BIP91, passing the threshold required for implementation.

This is definitely good news,but the potential for chaos hasnt been entirely avoided. Its only July 25, so five days remain before the required July 31 lock in. More than 51 percent of miners must begin usingthe BIP91 protocol by then for it to be fully adopted.

For now, though, it seems less and less likely that a hard fork is coming between July 31 and August 2. As if anticipating future smooth sailing, bitcoins value has risento $2,729 as of this writing. Thats a $570 increase over last weeks value.

Still, some are quick to point out that this current period of peace couldbe temporary.

Segwit2X locked-in on July 21st with +90% miner support so many people could now be tempted to assume that the scaling debate is over and Bitcoin is now good to scale to the masses, Juan Manini-Rios, CEO of SHA256 Trading, wrote in a Medium post. Unfortunately, that is not the case at all and a Bitcoin fork is still almost certain.

For AQR Capital Management former managing director Aaron Brown, a currency split may not be that bad for Bitcoin. It is the rule, not the exception, that currencies evaporate due to hyperinflation, government default or expropriation, or a losing a war, he told MIT Tech Review. People do not use them because they have faith in their long-term survival, but because they can facilitate transactions today.

Disclosure: Several members of the Futurism team, including the editors of this piece, are personal investors in a number of cryptocurrency markets. Their personal investment perspectives have no impact on editorial content.

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Scientists Have Discovered That There is Water Under the Moon’s Surface – Futurism

Posted: at 12:46 am

In Brief New research from Brown University suggests that huge amounts of water may be found under the surface of the Moon. The presence of water in the Moon's mantle could provide insight to how water got to Earth and help sustain future deep space missions. A Wet Mantle

Scientists have long speculated about the presence of water on the Moon. Previous studies found traces of water in the icy shadowed regions of the Moons poles, but a recent study from Brown University suggests that there may be substantial amounts of water hiding inside the lunar rock.

Unlike the water in the lunar poles, which could have been caused byhydrogen coming from solar winds, the water in the mantle came very early in theMoonsformation, Brown University geologist Ralph Milliken said in an interview In their study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, Milliken and his team examined pyroclastic deposits rock layers which were probably formed from large volcanic eruptions using satellite data from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper instrument on the Indian Chandrayaan-1 probe.

Our work shows that nearly all of the large pyroclastic deposits also contain water, so this seems to be a common characteristic of magmas that come from the deep lunar interior, Milliken said in the interview. That is, most of the mantle of the moon may be wet.'

How large amounts of water ended up under the Moons surface remains unclear. Understanding it the water got there, possibly delivered after the giant impact event, as Millikens team thinks, could help explain how water came to be on Earth.

Even more interesting is the potential help lunar water could give to future exploration on the Moon and beyond. These deposits may be much easier to access than potential water ice in shadowed regions at the lunar poles, Milliken added in the interview. Water is heavy and expensive to take from Earth to space, so any bit of water that you can get on the moon instead of bringing with you from Earth is a big deal and opens up possibilities for sustained human presence on the moon.

This would be especially useful since some Mars missions in the works right now notably NASAs involve using the Moon as a jump off point. A potential lunar base would be easier to maintain given the presence of water on Earths satellite.

The better we understand how much water is there, then the better we can estimate the processes responsible and the usefulness of the deposits for future human exploration, Milliken said to

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The Futurist: Future by design – Human Resources Online

Posted: at 12:46 am

Antonio Ramirez, senior vice-president of human resources at Sands China on how to proactively prepare your business for a new generation of employees.

Millennials are already here time to get ready for Generation Z.

A few years ago, I used to ask at the end of meetings with all the team members if they had any questions or suggestions 99% of the time the team had no questions or suggestions, so I assumed they had nothing to share.

I was wrong. They had lots of questions, lots of things that they wanted to tell me and share. I was just using the wrong platform. A few months ago we started to use an anonymous communication platform. I received lots of messages from the team; we maintained conversations; they raised concerns the end result being a much better team.

E-chat is a must-have platform and not a nice-to-have. At Sands China, we do not offer a job, but a lifestyle, so we need to have the culture, the technology and platforms that support it.

HR works to be a team that supports the company, which shapes the reality of today and the future, supports innovation, develops the culture, attracts, retains and develops talent so we have the best team structures.

We do it by using a leadership approach based on coaching principles, plus:

We are the architects of the HR strategies. We work with departments bringing the latest developments in the HR field. We zoom out with them and we work together on the planning, monitoring the implementation and measuring the outcomes of HR.

This is the generation that doesnt know what a TV channel is this is the Netflix, YouTube and Google generation.

We will have so much to learn with them and we want to be ready. We have created the Innovation and Productivity Centre, where the physical space and the working methodology are being shaped with the input of Millennials and for Gen Z.

We are investing big on a HR data centre and our Millennial team members are playing a vital role in mining the data and proposing solutions and new approaches. We are confident that we will be able to see trends that will allow us to be ready for Gen Z.

Millennials and Gen Z value information, stimulation and connection. They are well-informed, evolved and empathetic, and at Sands China, we want to be the reflection of all of this.

We are designing today to be the future of Gen Z.

The June 2017 issue of Human Resources magazine is a special edition, bringing you interviews with 12 HR leaders, with their predictions on the future of HR.

ReadThe Futuristor subscribe here.

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Explore the International Space Station Using Google Street View – Smithsonian

Posted: July 25, 2017 at 11:49 am

SmartNews Keeping you current Looking out at Earth from the Cupola Observation Module of the International Space Station on Google Street View (Google / YouTube) July 24, 2017

Google Street View has taken armchair explorers to some of Earth's most exotic locations, fromthe ancient ruins ofAngkorandMachuPicchuto the natural wonders of theGalapagos Islandsand theGrand Canyon.But its newest location is (literally) out of this world: the International Space Station. AsThuyOngreports forThe Verge,you can now explore the ISS from your own computer screen without suffering the challengesof spaceflight.

"In the six months that I spent on the International Space Station, it was difficult to find the words or take a picture that accurately describes the feeling of being in space," French astronaut Thomas Pesquet writes in a blog postannouncing the new Street View location. "Working with Google on my latest mission, I captured Street View imagery to show what the ISS looks like from the inside, and share what its like to look down on Earth from outer space."

According to Pesquet, the team couldn't usethe bulky backpacks or car-mounted devices usually used to record Google Street View locations. Not only is it difficultto send new equipment to the station,it's a pretty cramped environment. And then there's the issue of microgravity.

"All of our Street View procedures are predicated on the existence of gravity," Stafford Marquardt jokes in a video about the new Street View. Tripods would have to be secured wherever they were positioned. And photos taken by hand run into the issue that the photographer is constantly floating. So the team had to get creative.

The basic idea is that the astronaut would take images of the space station using a DSLR camera already on theISS. Then the images would be stitched back together on Earth. The problem is thateach image must be taken at a similar angle before being stitched, otherwise there would be seams or distortion in the final picture where the images didn't quite line up.

After testing out various methods on Earth, they decided thatPesquetwould stretch two bungee cords in a cross section of the station. Then he would take images, rotating the camera around the center point where the bungee cords cross.

This isn't the first time non-traditional equipment has been used to add to the considerable library of Google Street View. An islander on Denmark'sFaroeIslands used 360-degree camerasstrapped to sheepto map the rocky archipelago, while divers in Australia recorded the Great Barrier Reefwith an underwater camera submarine.

Pesquethopes that being able to explore this collaborative project orbiting thousands of miles above our planet and all of its borders will help people get perspective on the Earth.

"None of this would have been possible without the work of the team on the ground, my colleagues (turned roommates) on theISS, and the countries that came together to send us up to space,"Pesquetwrote in his blog post. "Looking at Earth from above made me think about my own world a little differently, and I hope that theISSon Street View changes your view of the world too."

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Explore the International Space Station with Google Street View –

Posted: at 11:49 am

Aspiring astronauts can now pretend to float on the International Space Station (ISS), thanks to Google. The company worked with astronauts on the orbiting complex to provide a Google Street View of the space station, from its science labs to its beautiful Earth-facing Cupola window.

Thomas Pesquet, a European Space Agency astronaut who helped collect the images earlier this year, said in a blog post that the experience of capturing the tour "describes the feeling of being in space" better than words or a picture can. But there were limitations to collecting the data. For one, astronauts float in space, so the imagery of the ISS couldn't be captured the same way as other Google Street View locations.

NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston and Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama worked with Google to create a "gravity-free method of collecting the imagery," Pesquet said in the blog post. These methods included using DSLR cameras and other equipment already available at the space station. An extended video provides an additional look at how the view came together. (Pesquet didn't specify the other equipment in the blog post.) [The International Space Station: Inside and Out (Infographic)]

"I collected still photos in space, that were sent down to Earth where they were stitched together to create panoramic 360 degree imagery of the ISS," Pesquet wrote.

"We did a lot of troubleshooting before collecting the final imagery that you see today in Street View," he added.

"The ISS has technical equipment on all surfaces, with lots of cables and a complicated layout with modules shooting off in all directions left, right, up, down," Pesquet wrote. "And it's a busy place, with six crew members [at the time] carrying out research and maintenance activities 12 hours a day. There are a lot of obstacles up there, and we had limited time to capture the imagery, so we had to be confident that our approach would work."

The International Space Station's U.S. laboratory module as seen through Google Street View.

The tour is the first Google Street View captured in space, and it features annotations that pop up to explain additional information about each module, such as how astronauts stay physically fit or the kinds of food they eat.

You can read the entire blog post here: and take a virtual tour of the International Space Station here in Google Street View:

The International Space Station's Cupola observation module as seen through Google Street View.

The ISS has been occupied continuously since November 2000. It generally houses three to six crewmembers, who split their days between science and maintenance activities. Crewmembers currently "commute" to space on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft, but within the next few years, commercial spacecraft from SpaceX and Boeing will ferry astronauts from U.S. soil for the first time since the space shuttle's retirement in 2011.

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