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Category Archives: Transhuman News

At The Human Library, The Books Are People And The Stories Are All True – 90.5 WESA

Posted: August 2, 2017 at 8:46 am

Stories from the Human Library launch at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh East Liberty branch on Monday, July 31, 2017.

The meeting space was standing-room-only at the Carnegie Library branch in East Liberty at Mondays launch of Pittsburghs Human Library project.

A library is, essentially, a collection of information and stories that live inside books, on tape or via DVD. In a human library, the stories are told aloud by the people who lived them. The idea started in Denmark in 2000, as a way to break down stereotypes and has since made its way around the world.

Dan Schlegel, 67, of McKeesportwas one of the storytellers at Mondays event. The audience was rapt as he recounted how he nearly lost his life on his 21stbirthday, three weeks after deploying to Vietnam. He was in the outhouse, feeling sorry for himself that hed have no cake or candles that year.

Then all of a sudden I hear [a whistling sound], I know its a rocket, I hit the floor, next thing I know, the whole outhouse blows up on top of me, Im shaking but I can feel fingers and toes and my nose, and Im like Well, Im still alive, Schlegel said.

It was the first of many experiences that all added up to leave Schlegel with post-traumatic stress disorder.

The best description I can give is when I came home from Vietnam, my body came back, but I felt like my mind was in hold baggage. It didnt show up for close to a year, he said.

Evalynn Farkas, 21, a senior at Chatham University, said she also suffers from PTSD.

Sometimes I tell my friends I feel like a ghost, Farkas said. Not existing inside this world or outside of it. Thats the best way I know to describe it.

She said growing up in an abusive home and surviving multiple rapes and sexual assaults has caused her to experience memory loss, panic attacks, anxiety and nightmares. But she said the library and academic have been her solace, and despite the challenges she faces she holds four jobs and is on track to graduate in May. She said she hopes to build a career helping other women who have experienced trauma.

You are here, you will heal, Farkas said. Be gentle to yourself.

Jayme Lynn McIntyre, 57, of East Liberty, said after living as a man for more than 50 years, surviving sexual assault, and struggling with addiction, she became depressed and suicidal.

I can be in a really big room like this and we can all be laughing and talking, and meanwhile Im thinking Id love to get up on that damn steeple and just swan dive off and end it, you know, just end it, McIntyre said.

She credited the behavioral health and social services available in Pittsburgh with saving her life. And though it took her decades to start living as her authentic self, she said its better late than never.

I want you all to know that its never too late to [join] the party just show the hell up, she said.

Organizers said this weeks event was only a launch, and that they expect more Human Library events to pop up around the city exploring different topics in a variety of settings in the coming months.

Groups and individuals interested in hosting a Human Library event can get in touch with Kali Stull at the Consumer Health Coalition.

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At The Human Library, The Books Are People And The Stories Are All True - 90.5 WESA

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Reviewers of Tesla’s Newest Vehicle Are Unanimous: The Model 3 Has No Competition – Futurism

Posted: at 8:45 am

In BriefThe first reviews of Tesla's Model 3 are in and they areresoundingly positive beyond expectations, even for thoseanticipating the world from the new model. Yes, the reviews arefilled with hyperbole and they're absolutely heartfelt, with thedetail to back them up. A Peerless Ride

As the Tesla Model 3 launch was imminent, Jack Stewart of Wired wrote, The arrival of Teslas Model 3 signals a new chapter in automotive history, one that erases 100-plus years of the gas engine and replaces it with technology, design, and performance hot enough to make electric vehicles more than aspirational to make [electric vehicles (EVs)] inspirational. But would it live up to its promise?

If youre still feeling skeptical about Teslas Model 3, the reviewers definitely arent. Heres what they have to say now that theyve driven it.

In a piece prefaced with, The Tesla Model 3 is here, and it is the most important vehicle of the century. Yes, the hyperbole is necessary, Kim Reynolds of Motor Trend raved: If anybody was expecting a typical boring electric sedan here, nope.

Magic, Im telling you. Magic. And this is the single-motor, rear-wheel-drive starting point. The already boggled mind boggles further at the mention of Dual Motor and Ludicrous, Reynolds continued. Have I ever driven a more startling small sedan? I havent. At speed, it gains a laser-alertness I havent encountered before [] [The] 2.0-liter Alfa Romeo Giulia [] feels like a wet sponge by comparison.

Ive driven all Teslas vehicles, Matthew Debord ofBusiness Insider wrote,But the Model 3 is something else [] [its] going to blow many, many minds. This is easily the most attractive entry-level luxury, all-electric car on the market[] I can safely say that the Model 3 has no competition.

[T]here isnt anybody whos going to sit in the drivers seat of this car and not want it, Debord continued. The Model 3 stokes immediate desire, and the lust lingers. That truly changes everything.

Peter Holley of The Washington Post gave a sense of the Model 3 as the car of the future, writing thatfrom the moment you sit inside the Model 3, you do sense that you have entered uncharted territory[] I attribute that feeling to the intuitive nature of the Model 3s minimalist design [and] the way the car seamlessly incorporates technology that is already second nature in many peoples everyday lives.

Its not so much that Tesla is ushering in the future, Holley argued. After riding in the Model 3, Im more inclined to think that Tesla is single-handedly pulling the automotive industry into the present the way anyone born before the Internet thought 2017 would look like decades earlier.

Charlie Turner of Top Gear explained the Autopilot experience: Our brief excursion also allowed us to test the Autopilot, a system that still feels like witchcraft. The levels at which the car is capable of processing information are staggering and if were honest its clearly concentrating a lot harder than most of us after a hard day at the office.

And both Engadget and Wired see the Model 3 and a sign of a new era in transportation. Engadgets Andrew Taratola wrote, While the Roadster put Tesla on the map, the Model 3 really feels like the car that will bring electric vehicles as a whole into the mainstream. And for Stewart, This car feels like an automotive tipping point, a sign that electric vehicles and hopefully, the infrastructure that supports themhave finallycome into their own.

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Hypothalamic Stem Cells Could Provide New Insights Into Aging – Futurism

Posted: at 8:45 am

Hypothalamic Stem Cells

The hypothalamus is the region of the brain that helps to regulate internal conditions like body temperature and blood concentration, but new research shows that it may fail us as we age. The research indicates that as the hypothalamuss stem cells die off, the region actually starts to promote aging, causing mental and physical faculties to decline at a more rapid pace.

In the past, researchers have observed that the hypothalamus becomes inflamed over time. This lead them to posit that the area is connected to aging. Recent research on mice proved that reversing the inflammation in the hypothalamus increases the animals life span and slows physical deterioration. In this latest study, scientists focusedon the stem cells of the hypothalamus. In younger animals, these stem cells divide and replace damaged and dead cells. However, as this research shows, over time the number of stem cells present in the hypothalamus drops. Inold age, they are essentially gone.

The team believed they were on to something, but undertook some practical experiments to see if their ideas were borne out by the evidence. First, they altered mice genetically to ensure theyd be out of stem cells(at a point earlier than would occur naturally). Reducing the stem cells in the mice by around 70 percent meant a life span that was about 8 percent shorter. This accelerated loss of stem cells also caused a loss of coordination, endurance, and memory, as well as behavior that was less youthful, curious, and social. When the team injected stem cells into the hypothalami of middle-aged mice, those mice gained about about 10 percent more mental and physical capabilities compared to mice injected with regular brain cells.

Originally, scientists believed that the stem cell loss could besignificant because it meant the host was unable to repair and replace damaged and dead cells. However, when the hypothalami of middle-aged mice were injected with stem cells, they improved too rapidly for this to be thecorrect mechanism. Instead, the team suspected microRNAs might be at work.

The RNA molecules, called microRNAs, are manufactured and released by stem cells to carry messages to other cells. Practically, based on the messages they carry, microRNAs mayalter the proteins cells produce. The researchers discovered that the stem cells in the hypothalamus produce massive amounts of microRNAs contained in tiny exosomes. In fact, when they injected mice with exosomes packed with microRNA from young hypothalamus stem cells, the effects were almost as effective in slowing signs of mental and physical aging as injections of stem cells were.

Recent research has focused on the role of mitochondria in aging and on the use of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in combatting aging in hematopoietic stem cells. Research from this year has also shown that cannabis-based treatment appears to reverse aging in the brains of mice. Concerning thisresearch, protecting or replacing the stem cells of the hypothalamus or somehow reinforcing or replacing the microRNA effects could slow aging in humans. This could mean testing current drugs such as acarbose (presently used to treat diabetes) to see if they can suppress the hypothalamic inflammation that causes the stem cells to die.

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Facebook’s Language-Creating AI Bots Are Now Required to Negotiate in English – Futurism

Posted: at 8:45 am

In BriefAfter Facebook researchers discovered their artificiallyintelligent chatbots created a new language to more efficientlynegotiate, they decided to tweak the systems to require that theyuse English. This raises the question of whether the "new language"should be allowed it it means the systems would be better equippedto meet their goals. A Secret Language

While developing negotiating chatbot agents, researchers at theFacebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR)lab noticedback in Junethat the artificially intelligent (AI) bots had spontaneously developed their own non-human language.

In a reportexplaining their research, they noted that this development spawned from the systems goal of improving their negotiation strategies the system of code words they started to use were clearly designed to maximize the efficiency of their communication.

Although the bots started out speaking English, the researchers realized they failed to provide a reward for speaking English. In other words, the systems had no reason to stick to English as it didnt contribute to their end goal of becoming more efficient negotiators.In fact, the systems had multiple incentives to veer away from the language, the same way communities of humans with expertise or niche knowledge create and use shorthand to discuss complex ideas more quickly or efficiently.

In that sense, the behavior should have been predictable. It was, in some sense, a very human adaptation as it was designed to enhance performance and minimize effort something the human brain excels at.

As they explained in their June post, the researchers could decode the new language with fairly little trouble as it was still English-based, but they could never be certain that their translations were 100 percent correct.Its important to remember, there arent bilingual speakers of AI and human languages, FAIRs Dhruv Batra told Fast Code Design.This new language also didnt serve the purpose of the research. Our interest was having bots who could talk to people, explained Mike Lewis, a research scientist at FAIR.

In the end, the researchers decided to tweak the agentsto avoid this drifting away from English.

The initial spontaneous development of the independent language highlights how much we still dont understandabout AIs, which is a huge part of the debate regarding AI research. AI could undoubtedly help us, and very few dispute that the technology is here to stay. However, the way we prepare for a world shared with AI, and whether or not that world will be safe for humans, is hotly debated.

To be sure, much AI-related fear is based more in science-fiction than fact. According Nigel Shadbolt, Oxford professor of artificial intelligence and chairman of the Open Data Institute, We most certainly need to consider the restraints and safeguards that we need to engineer into the hardware, software, and deployment policies of our current AI systems. But the next self-aware computer you encounter will only be appearing at a cinema near you.

The language issue cropping up at FAIR and elsewhere appears to fall squarely within the realm of restraints and safeguards. Should we allow AIs to develop task-specific dialectsif they improve performance, knowing it would mean we couldnt truly understand what they were saying?

Many experts urge that we err on the side of caution. Georgia Tech AI researcher Mark Riedl told Future of Life that AIs trained to optimize rewards could eventually come to see humans as a threat to their optimization plans.

Perhaps the most vocal warnings about AI advancing too quickly have come from Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking. One of the most salient points in their arguments is that by the time we perceive a risk, it may be too late. That may be the best argument of all for shutting down the chatter in a project like this.

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Science Updates: Bresnik reaches space station, Sally Ride heads out to sea – The San Diego Union-Tribune

Posted: August 1, 2017 at 5:50 pm

Welcome to Science in 60 Seconds


NASA astronaut Randy Bresnik a Marine pilot who was stationed at Miramar for many years has arrived at the International Space Station. Hes scheduled to spend six months at the orbiting outpost. Bresnik will help with several scientific experiments, including one involving potential therapies for Parkinsons disease.

This is Bresniks second trip into space. He earlier served on a space shuttle mission, and performed two spacewalks .


The research vessel Sally Ride is leaving San Diegos Scripps Institution of Oceanography this week to study the ecosystem of the California Current. The ship will be operating offshore, roughly between San Diego and Point Conception.

This is a return-to-service for the R/V Ride, which spent about three months undergoing repairs and upgrades.

The ship is named after former UC San Diego researcher Sally Ride, the first American woman to travel in space.


San Diego State University says that it raised more than $134 million in research funding during the fiscal year that ended on June 30. Thats one of the highest figures in campus history, but far from the $250 million it wishes to raise annually to evolve into one of Californias elite science centers.

The new money is being used for everything from heart studies to gauging the impact of smoking and air pollution in low income housing.

Twitter: @grobbins

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Comings and Goings in the NASA Family – Air & Space Magazine

Posted: at 5:50 pm

Laughing to keep from crying, Peggy Whitson says goodbye to crewmates Tomas Pesquet (back left) and Oleg Novitskiy (back right), with Jack 2Fish Fisher and Fyodor Yurchikhin by her side.

Ive never liked it when people appropriate the term family to include everything from co-workers to customers. Ive got my own family, thanks, and filling my tank with gas doesnt quite warrant a welcome to the Exxon family.

Still, some jobs really do go beyond just being another place to work, and astronaut has to be one of them. Over the decades, human spaceflight has developed a distinct culture, with its own particular customs and rituals that make NASA more like a family than a typical government agency.

I was thinking about this recently, watching Peggy Whitsons change-of-command ceremony on the space station. In case you dont know her, Whitson is one of the most accomplished astronauts of all time. Shes spent more time in space than any other American. She was the first woman to head NASAs astronaut office, and this was her third time commanding the space station.

Whitson is known for her work ethic and her intelligence, and listening to her air-to-ground exchanges with Mission Control, shes usually pretty business-like. So I wasnt prepared for this very emotional send-off of her crewmates, Tomas Pesquet of France and Oleg Novitski, who were returning to Earth the next day on a Soyuz transport.

I like everything about this clip, including Whitsons muting her own (I think) off-color reaction at the 2:00 mark, when she starts to get choked up again. A space station astronaut once told me that he found his emotions to be stronger in orbitthe highs were higher, and the lows were lower. Whether or not thats been true for Whitson, its clear that her bond with her fellow astronauts is very real.

Maybe its becauseas she points out to Fyodor Yurchikhin, the cosmonaut relieving her of commandsome of them have been working together for a long time. Many astronauts, even famous ones, spend just a short time in the spaceflight business. John Glenn, for example, was an astronaut for only five years, Sally Ride for just nine. Whitson has worked in and around NASA for more than 30 years, virtually her entire career, including serving, before she became an astronaut, as the project scientist for the shuttle-Mir program in the 1990s. Shes married to a NASA biomedical researcher. If anyones entitled to call it the NASA family, Whitson is.

Speaking of families, another time-honored Russian spaceflight ritual is the phone call to the ground after a Soyuz docks with the station, so the families and friends of the astronauts and cosmonauts can check in with their loved ones at the start of their long stay in orbit. Heres the scene from last Friday, right after Sergey Ryazanskiy, NASAs Randy Bresnik, and veteran Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli (at 60, the oldest station crew member yet) arrived on board:

We may not see many more of these family calls to Moscow, once ferry flights on U.S. commercial spaceships begin in the next year or two. Ill miss them.

At least well be watching the dockings in HD, though. Fridays docking to the station was captured with new, high-quality cameras on the station, and the detail, as you can see, is noticeably better than it used to be.

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Mars 2030: What It Was Like to Explore the Red Planet in Virtual Reality –

Posted: at 5:50 pm

In "Mars 2030," players get to land on the Red Planet, explore a realistic future habitat on the surface and dig into the history of the planet's landmarks in immersive 3D. The game is available today (July 31) for the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Steam PC platforms, and will soon be available for PlayStation VR. had the chance to strap on the HTC Vive and explore the Mars simulation, which provided a fascinating and realistic if sometimes dizzying excursion across the planet.

"The experience itself covers about 40 square kilometers [15 square miles] of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data from the HiRISE imagery device, and we read through the manual to convert the raw data from the MRO to function in a real-time game engine environment," Julian Reyes, director of virtual reality/augmented reality at Fusion Media Group, told [Red Planet VR: 'Mars 2030' in Pictures]

In "Mars 2030," players can explore 15 square miles (40 square km) of Mars in virtual reality drawn from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data, as well as a futuristic habitat on the Red Planet's surface.

The members of the production company were inspired by an MIT study that looked into the feasibility of Mars One, a Netherlands-based private colonization effort. The MIT study concluded that the company's setup would be deadly and unsustainable, and the company reached out to the MIT students to get their take on what exactly would work for a stay on Mars.

"They started to provide to us several technical papers, from habitation, spacesuits, rovers, food growth and ISRU [in-situ resource utilization] capabilities," Reyes said. Then, Fusion Media brought its concept to NASA for a partnership and built a team to reconstruct Mars' surface and a habitat, based on one developed by NASA's Langley Research Center, to reconstruct in the game-developer tool Unreal Engine.

The result is an immersive experience that is as scientifically precise as possible.'s Sarah Lewin gets her Red Planet legs in "Mars 2030."

After landing on Mars flanked by two other astronauts, the player is able to move around using the Vive headset and two hand controllers the astronaut's hands follow the player's, and can be outstretched to pick up samples or plant a flag. (Or at least try to plant a flag it's harder than it looks at first.)

Jumping up, the player floats down more slowly than would be expected the move is calibrated to Mars' gravity, and it's handy for getting around in leaps and bounds.

To get around even faster, though, the player rides in the Multi-Mission Space Exploration Vehicle rover, based on an actual NASA design. According to Reyes, the team drove a Mars rover over NASA's Mars Yard at Johnson Space Center in Houston to record the precise sound it would make, using eight different microphones. The game itself is scored by the London Symphony Orchestra.

After exploring the habitat featuring a waste-processing area, a Veggie unit with rows of greenery and a research lab, among other modules it's time for the player to explore Mars.

The MRO data sets the game across 15 square miles (40 square km) of Mars' Mawrth Vallis, one of two finalist landing sites for the upcoming ExoMars 2020 rover. The area has a wide variety of clay and varying terrain, making it a promising spot to search for signs of past water and life.

The player can turn and pick things up at any time, and can also smoothly slide forward and backward, but the easiest way to move without nausea, for inexperienced VR players, is to use the controller to teleport forward to any visible area.

Inside the "Mars 2030" habitat, players can explore the waste processing area, Veggie unit (complete with rows of planted greenery) and a research lab.

Players unlock different Discovery Zones across Mars as they collect rock samples. got a special glimpse of two: A long, cavernous lava tube and a tall, jagged mountain. Picking up a rock in the lava tube prompted a glimpse of the torrential flow that carved it out, and the player was overtaken by a dust storm that blotted out the sun after a nighttime climb up the mountain's side.

"It's a full day-night cycle, so you get to see Mars during the day and at night, and the transition, and there are dynamic weather systems so every so often you'll get hit by a dust stormor you'll see some dust devils passing by," Reyes said.

In the end, the player builds up an understanding of how the Red Planet has changed over time, plus the splendor of its current terrain, and a vision of how a realistic Mars habitat might function.

In "Mars 2030," the planet goes through day and night cycles over time, and even experiences dust storms which can blot out the sun.

"The general concept for the whole experience is to explore, and make discoveries that either unlock a piece of Mars history or take you back in time and let you see what this planet might have been like," Reyes said.

Players can also bring rocks back to the lab to put under the microscope and search for markers or signs of life. But whether the player finds any the "Mars 2030" creators aren't saying.

Email Sarah Lewin at or follow her @SarahExplains. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

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Kickstarter Alert: Get to Mars With ‘Total Recall: The Official Tabletop Game’ – GeekDad (blog)

Posted: at 5:50 pm

Whats the Schwarzenegger line from that action movie? Get to the choppa! No, wait. Hasta la vista, babee. No, wrong again. Oh yeah! Get your [self] to Mars! Thats it! Its now been 27 years (yikes!) since Total Recall thrilled audiences with hints of virtual realities and Mars colonization and rebellion. Now, you can play a part in a dream of Mars with Total Recall: The Official Tabletop Game, launching on Kickstarter today.

A game of bluffing and deduction for 4-8 players for players ages 12 and up. Total Recall is from Brian Henk and Clayton Skancke, who have also paired up to bring you New Salem, Good Cop, Bad Cop, and Leaders of Euphoria: Choose a Better Oppressor. Total Recall plays in 20-40 minutes and pits rebels against feds against Rekall scientists.

I played with a pre-launch print & play version of the game. Im told that, while the art is pretty close, it will change a bit so that the rebels and feds are easier to tall apart. Additionally, I had some spiffy player mats, which might not be part of the standard game. Additionally, there will likely be some upgrades that backers can pony up for: plastic minis instead of the cardboard gun standees, metal bars for Turbinium instead of the plastic gems, and more. Finally, like all pre-launch projects, components and art are subject to change!

That said, heres what youll find inside the box:

The artwork is original. That is, it doesnt feature the likenesses of any of the actors in either the Arnold Schwarzenegger or Colin Farrell versions. Im not going to try to understand the licensing that goes on with something like this, but Im sure its complicated and expensive, so I understand the reasons for original art.

While the standees and plastic gems do the job just fine, Ive seen renders of what the plastic minis and metal bars might look like and they are impressive and fun. In line with that, theres certainly no need for the play mats; the game will play the same without them, but adding them to the table definitely helps with the theme and are worth considering.

Each player gets a gun, a piece of Turbinium, and a Plot card. Character cards are sorted, depending on the number of players in the game, to create a deck. For instance, if playing with 5 players, remove the cards marked 6+, 7+, and 8+. The cards for Cohaagen and Kuato are removed, along enough cards from the deck to equal the total number of players. These are shuffled and dealt out, guaranteeing that no single player might be dealt both leaders. Next, the remaining deck is dealt until all players have exactly three face-down Character cards.

Players review their cards and determine if they are on the Fed team or the Rebel team, whether by simple majority of cards or possession of either leader. Next, players place the cards face-down in front of them. Players may look at their own cards at any time, but not move their positions after they have been placed. Bluffing then begins, trying to convince, persuade, or dissuade others of your true or false alliance. Rebels try to root out the Feds and kill their leader, Feds try to get the Rebels in the same way.

On a players turnplayers have four options for actionsthey may take one of the following:

If youre shot, you must reveal any face-down Character cards and return your gun to your side. If you have a leader, apply a Wounded token on that card. If the leader was already wounded, the game ends immediately. If you dont have a leader, you have woken from your dream about Mars and are now part of the Rekall team. Set all of your Character cards aside. Turn your reference card/player mat to the Rekall side. You get to keep the Turbinium you had, but you must give your Plot cards to the character who shot you. You have a new objective: to take all the Turbinium from the Fed and Rebel players.

Rekall Scientists, on their turns, may:

Play continues until one of four endgame conditions presents itself. If Kuato or Cohaagen receive two wounds, the game ends and the opposite team wins. If all the Turbinium is either in the Supply or in the hands of the Rekall Scientists, Rekall players win. Finally, if a player possesses both Cohaagen and Kuato at the same time, that player wins.

Total Recall was a movie that really captured a lot of imaginations back in the early 90s. It was great for geeks toohere was the worlds biggest action star in a sci-fi movie. What a great time! Total Recall: The Official Tabletop Game goes a long way toward capturing those feelings (without putting an oversized probe up your nose). The theme of unsuspected rebels walking among the devious feds is perfect for designers Henk & Skanckes brand of bluffing and deduction.

We liked Total Recall a lot; its wonderful. The tension at the table is often thick enough that you couldnt cut it with a Sharon Stone scissor kick. As long as cards are hidden, players are overly cautious and deceitful in revealing any information about their affiliations. However, with just three hidden characters, allegiances are soon revealed. One might think this would lead to a quick end game, however, plot cards and the role of the Rekall Scientists can lead to chaos; joyous, exciting, and wonderful chaos.

By swapping out cards of the dreamers (Rebels and Feds), Rekall Scientists can cause players to switch sides multiple times in a round and tip the balance of the majority. It is insane. Plot cards can also cause players to swap cards, divert shots, protect hidden cards, and more. (Note: This project will also include some NSFW cards, which are marked NSFW for language, specifically, lines from the film. The language, in my opinion, isnt overly objectionableno f-bombsbut if you want to play without these cards, it wont affect gameplay.) Having the Rekall Scientists is a great touch because if you get shot early, you are still in the game to the end (a nice improvement over Good Cop, Bad Cop).

However, the game is not without faults. Twice, during an afternoon of play, a leader was exposed on a very early turn and the game was over before the third round ended. Maybe that was just bad luck on our part, but it did feel weird. Another complaint is that the Turbinium is limited and, while the Plot deck is rich with great effects and adds greatly to the theme, I felt like we didnt get to experience enough of them in the game because players need to have Turbinium to play a Plot card. Maybe that was due to the play style of some of our players, a bit more aggressive than the others, but it was within the rules.

Still, Total Recall: The Official Tabletop Game is a really good time. Games move quickly enough that even if you have bad luck, like we did, were on the losing side, or just didnt get to shoot anyone, the next game is just around the corner. Like most bluffing/deduction games, Total Recall works best when played with a larger group. It can be played with a smaller group, but isnt as much fun, in my opinion. In a bigger crowd, theres more interaction, more deceit, more chance that the Rekall Scientists get involved, and its just better.

So get to Mars, jump in a Johnny Cab, start the reactor, back the game, and start having a blast!

I work. I play games. Sometimes I work at playing games.

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Kickstarter Alert: Get to Mars With 'Total Recall: The Official Tabletop Game' - GeekDad (blog)

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We Need to Talk About Genetic Engineering – Commentary Magazine

Posted: at 5:49 pm

What began as a broad-based and occasionally sympathetic conduit for anti-Trump activists has evolved into a platform for the maladjusted to receive unhealthy levels of public scrutiny. The cycle has become a depressingly familiar. A relatively obscure member of the political class achieves viral notoriety and becomes a figure of cult-like popularity with some uncompromising display of opposition toward the president only to humiliate themselves and their followers in short order.

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters is not the first to be feted by liberals as the embodiment of noble opposition to authoritarianism. In May, the Center for American Progress blog dubbed her the patron saint of resistance politics. Left-leaning viral-politics websites now routinely praise Waters as a Trump-bashing resistance leader, the Democratic rock star of 2017, and an all-around badass for her unflagging commitment to trashing the president as a crooked and racist liar, the Daily Beast observed. Waters was even honored by an audience of tweens and entertainers at this years MTV Movie Awards. Even a modestly curious review of Waters record would have led more cautious political actors to keep their distance. Time bombs have a habit of going off.

Zero hour arrived late Friday evening when Waters broke the news of a forthcoming putsch. Mike Pence is somewhere planning an inauguration, the congresswoman from California wrote. Priebus and Spicer will lead the transition. That sounds crazy, but its a familiar kind of crazy.

Anyone who has followed the congresswomans career knows she has a history of making inflammatory assertions for the benefit of her audience. It only takes a cursory google search to discover that, in her decade in politics, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has named her the most corrupt member of Congress four times and the misconduct of her chief of staff ensnared her in a House Ethics Committee probe. The Resistance is willing to overlook a plethora of flaws and misdeeds as long as their prior assumptions are validated.

This is not the first time its own heroes have undercut The Resistance.

National Reviews Charles C. W. Cooke recently demonstrated why Louise Mensch, formerly a prominent poster child for The Resistance, has a habit of seeing Russians behind every darkened corner. They are responsible for riots in Missouri, Democratic losses at the polls, and Anthony Weiners libido. In Menschs imagination, a secret Republican Guard is mere moments away from dispatching this administration amid some species of constitutional coup. Cooke also noted that Mensch was elevated to unearned status as a celebrity of the Resistance by the anti-Trump commentary class desperate for what she was selling.

Menschs star has faded, but not before she managed to embarrass those who invested confidence in her sources. Those who embraced her should have been more cautious in the process. Menschs British compatriots long ago caught onto her habit of lashing out at phantoms. A prudent political class would have given her a wide berth.

25-year-old Teen Vogue columnist Lauren Duca became a sensation last December when her article accusing the president of gas lighting the nation went viral. She was festooned with praise for her work from forlorn Democratsculminating in a letter of praise from Hillary Clintonand soon found herself the subject of fawning New York Times profiles and delivering college commencement addresses without any apparent effort to vet her work.

Duca, too, became a source of bias-confirming misinformation for the left. Cute pic of Trump getting tired of winning, she tweeted with the image of an airplane going down in flames. The tweet was quickly deleted, but not before it provided a means by which the pro-Trump right could credibly undermine her integrity.

Attributable only to a plague mass hysteria, liberal Trump opponents collectively determined last December that a paranoid, 127-tweet rant was a work of unpatrolled genius. That diatribe was the work of Eric Garland, a self-described D.C. technocrat based in Missouri whos now infamous game theory polemic was an example of what he calls his spastic historical and political narratives.

Journalists and political activists who surveyed his work declared it not just compelling anti-Trump prose but near historic in its brilliance. It was anything but. Laced with profanity, exaggerated misspellings to caricature his political opponents, and an offensively indiscreet application of the caps lock, Garland threaded 9/11, Al Gore, Hurricane Katrina, Edward Snowden, and Fox News to tell the tale of how Americas sovereignty was repeatedly violated. The Resistance abandoned its better judgment.

It wasnt long before Garland had humiliated anyone who ever treated him as a credible political observer. Rupert Murdoch is a threat to Western Civilization and a Russian operative, he wrote. I WONT BE THE FIRST GARLAND OF MY LINE TO SPILL BLOOD FOR AMERICA AND THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY AND NEVER THE LAST, YOU F***ERS. This kind of hyperventilating excess came as no surprise to anyone who didnt read his manic thread through tears as they struggled to come to terms with the age of Trump.

If Democrats hope to strike a favorable contrast with a lackadaisical White House, theyre not well served by surrounding themselves with reckless people. Too often, the faces of The Resistance wither in the spotlight. A serious movement attracts serious opposition. A frivolous, self-gratifying movement, well, doesnt.

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We Need to Talk About Genetic Engineering - Commentary Magazine

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Understanding the basics of Genetically-Modified Organisms – NIGERIAN TRIBUNE (press release) (blog)

Posted: at 5:49 pm

Genetic modification, also known as genetic engineering, is a technologically advanced way to select desirable traits in crops. While selective breeding has existed for thousands of years, modern biotechnology is more efficient and effective because seed developers are able to directly modify the genome of the crop. Plants that are genetically engineered (GE) have been selectively bred and enhanced with genes to withstand common problems that confront farmers. These include strains of wheat that are more resistant to drought, maize that can survive pesticides, and cassava that is biofortified with additional nutrients. In addition to resistance-based attributes and biofortification, some GM crops can produce higher yields from the same planted area. GM crops have the potential to strengthen farming and food security by granting more certainty against the unpredictable factors of nature. These resistances and higher yields hold great promise for the developing world and for global food security. Yet, controversy remains over access to this biotechnology, corporation patents on certain plant strains, and claims regarding the safety and quality of GM foods as compared to non-GM foods.

Why are seed developers genetically modified organisms? Genetic modification can protect crops against threats to strong yields, such as diseases, drought, pests, and herbicides used to control weeds, and therefore improve the efficiency of food production. While farmers have been selectively breeding plants for centuries, genetic engineering allows new traits to be developed much more quickly. Utilising traditional selective breeding can take multiple growing seasons to develop and test a new variety. Genetic engineering is more precise than conventional hybridisation and therefore is less likely to produce unexpected results. For example, mutagenic breeding is not considered genetic engineering, yet it exposes plant material to radiation or chemicals to create varieties with new traits.

GMOs seem to be in the news a lot lately. Is the GMO process new? GMOs are in the news a lot right now, but not because they are new. They have actually been in our food supply for nearly 20 years. Farmers have been using hybridisation and mutation breeding of crops to improve their resistance to pests or environmental conditions for decades. But scientists began to sufficiently understand the genetic makeup of certain plants to be able to modify genes that would strengthen the plants ability to resist new pests or diseases and thus improve yields so that farmers began planting GMO crops in the mid-1990s.

What are the effects of genetic modification on the environment? In order to feed a world population that is expected to top 9 billion by 2050 and to do so in ways that do not harm the environment, farmers will need to roughly double current production levels on about the same amount of land. Genetically modified crops are more efficient and therefore use less agricultural inputs to produce the same amount of food. From 1996-2012, without GM crops the world would have needed 123 million more hectares of land for equal crop production. GM technology reduced pesticide use by 8.9 per cent in the period from 1996- 2011. Because genetically modified crops require less ploughing and chemical usage, GM technology can reduce fossil fuel and CO2 emissions. Genetic engineering can therefore help to ameliorate the effects of agriculture on the environment. Farming accounted for 24 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2010 and 70 percent of freshwater use. Additionally, scientists are developing GM crops that are resistant to flood, drought, and cold, which improves agricultural resistance to climate change. GM crops also allow for greater use of no-till cultivation, which helps with carbon sequestration, soil erosion prevention, and better soil fertility.

How are GM crops related to nutrition and food security? Genetic modification can improve the nutritional profile of food and therefore serves as a key element in reducing global rates of malnutrition. For instance, golden rice is enhanced with beta-carotene and therefore provides a dose of vitamin A, a nutrient lacking in many diets around the world. Vitamin A deficiency leads to the death of nearly 700,000 children each year, so golden rice is a crucial initiative in reducing malnutrition. Additionally, in India, using BT corn led to the consumption of more nutritious foods, including fruits, vegetables, and animal products because of increased incomes. Another study in India showed that each hectare of BT cotton increased caloric intake by 74 calories per person per day and that 7.93 per cent of households using BT cotton were food insecure as opposed to 19.94 per cent of those using non-GM cotton.

What is the scientific consensus of the impact of GM foods on humans? From 2003-13, 1,783 studies showed no human or environmental dangers from genetically engineered crops, with a study concluding that the scientific research conducted thus far has not detected any significant hazard directly connected with the use of GM crops. The European Commission released a meta study of 50 research projects and found that the use of biotechnology and of GE plants per se does not imply higher risks than classical breeding methods or production technologies. One study in 2013 suggested that consumption of GM foods affected the health of lab animals, but the studys publication was subsequently pulled and its findings undermined because of digressions from standard scientific research principles.

Why use genetic engineering if other methods are just as effective at boosting productivity? Genetic engineering research has focused on overcoming problems that affect productivity, such as disease, weeds, and pests. When crops can avoid disease, weeds, and pests, crop yield is enhanced. Genetic modification is only one of the tools that farmers can use to boost productivity, and it does not eliminate the need for other advances such as hybridization, agricultural chemicals, and farm machinery. Rather, genetic modification is a technologically advanced application of biotechnology that works in conjunction with other modern agricultural practices. Dr Rose Maxwell Gidado is the Country Coordinator for Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology (OFAB).

Many dont know honey exportation is a goldmine NAQS boss

Prices of grains will fall soon

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Understanding the basics of Genetically-Modified Organisms - NIGERIAN TRIBUNE (press release) (blog)

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