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Don’t fear the rise of superbabies. Worry about who will own genetic engineering technology. – Chicago Tribune
Posted: August 3, 2017 at 9:52 am
Seen any clone armies in your backyard lately? Probably not. This might surprise you if you are old enough to remember the ethical panic that greeted the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell, in Scotland 21 years ago.
The cloned creature set off a crazy overreaction, with fears of clone armies, re-creating the dead, and a host of other horrors, monsters, abuses and terrors none of which has come to pass. That is why it is so important, amid all the moral hand-wringing about what could happen as human genetic engineering emerges, to keep our ethical eye on the right ball. Freaking out over impending superbabies and mutant humans with the powers of comic book characters is not what is needed.
An international team of scientists, led by researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University, has used genetic engineering on human sperm and a pre-embryo. The group is doing basic research to figure out if new forms of genetic engineering might be able to prevent or repair terrible hereditary diseases.
How close are they to making freakish superpeople using their technology? About as close as we are to traveling intergalactically using current rocket technology.
So what should we be worrying about as this rudimentary but promising technique tries to get off the launch pad?
First and foremost, oversight of what is going on. Congress, in its infinite wisdom, has banned federal funding for genetic engineering of sperm, eggs, pre-embryos or embryos. That means everything goes on in the private or philanthropic world here or overseas, without much guidance. We need clear rules with teeth to keep anyone from trying to go too fast or deciding to try to cure anything in an embryo intended to become an actual human being without rock-solid safety data.
Second, we need to determine who should own the techniques for genetic engineering. Important patent fights are underway among the technology's inventors. That means people smell lots of money. And that means it is time to talk about who gets to own what and charge what, lest we reinvent the world of the $250,000 drug in this area of medicine.
Finally, human genetic engineering needs to be monitored closely: all experiments registered, all data reported on a public database and all outcomes good and bad made available to all scientists and anyone else tracking this area of research. Secrecy is the worst enemy that human genetic engineering could possibly have.
Let your great-great-grandkids fret about whether they want to try to make a perfect baby. Today we need to worry about who will own genetic engineering technology, how we can oversee what is being done with it and how safe it needs to be before it is used to try to prevent or fix a disease.
That is plenty to worry about.
Arthur L. Caplan is head of the division of medical ethics at the New York University School of Medicine.
See the rest here:
Don't fear the rise of superbabies. Worry about who will own genetic engineering technology. - Chicago Tribune
Posted in Genetic Engineering
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Genetic Engineering with Strict Guidelines? Ha! – National Review
Posted: at 9:52 am
Human genetic engineering is moving forward exponentially and we are still not having any meaningful societal, regulatory, or legislative conversations about whether, how, and to what extent we should permit the human genome to be altered in ways that flow down the generations.
But dont worry. The scientists assure us, when that can be done, there will (somehow) beSTRICT OVERSIGHT From the AP story:
And lots more research is needed to tell if its really safe, added Britains Lovell-Badge. He and Kahn were part of a National Academy of Sciences report earlier this year that said if germline editing ever were allowed, it should be only for serious diseases with no good alternatives and done with strict oversight.
Please!No more! When I laugh this hard it makes mystomach hurt.
Heres the problem: Strict guidelines rarely are strict and the almost never permanently protect. Theyare ignored, unenforced, or stretched over time until they, essentially, cease to exist.
Thats awful with actions such as euthanasia. But wecant let that kind of pretense rule the day withtechnologies that could prove to be among themost powerful and potentially destructive inventions in human history. Indeed, other than nuclear weapons, I cant think of a technology with more destructive potential.
Strict oversight will have to include legal limitations and clear boundaries, enforced bystiff criminalpenalties, civil remedies, and international protocols.
They wont be easy to craft and it will take significant time to work through all of the scientific and ethical conundrums.
But we havent made a beginning. If we wait until what may be able to be done actually can be done, it will be too late.
Wheres the leadership? All we have now is drift.
Read the original here:
Genetic Engineering with Strict Guidelines? Ha! - National Review
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Kathiresan and Topol on Genomics of Heart Disease – Medscape
Posted: at 9:52 am
Focusing on Heart Attacks Among the Young
Eric J. Topol, MD: Hello. I'm Eric Topol, editor-in-chief of Medscape. I'm privileged today to speak with Sekar Kathiresan from the Broad Institute, who heads up the Center for Genomic Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, which is not even a year old, and who also is on the faculty at Harvard Medical School. Sek, you've done some remarkable things to advance our knowledge in cardiovascular genomics. In fact, you're my go-to guy.
I'd like to start with your background and how you got into this area. You grew up in Pittsburgh, went to Penn for undergrad, and then to Harvard?
Sekar Kathiresan, MD: I graduated from Harvard Medical School in '92 and have stayed there since. I did internal medicine (clinical cardiology) training, and I was a chief resident in medicine at Mass General. I started my research training in 2003 after all those years of medical school and clinical training. It was originally supposed to be just a 2-year stint in genetic epidemiology, but I ended up liking it so much that I spent 5 years as a postdoctoral fellow2 years at the Framingham Heart Study and 3 years at the Broad Institute, learning human genetics. I got all of the foundation for genetics research during that experience.
I started my own lab in 2008. The whole time, we've been focused on trying to understand why some people have heart attacks at a young age, specifically looking at the genetic basis for premature myocardial infarction (MI).
Dr Topol: In addition, you've established worldwide collaborations of people doing similar things. How did you start that?
Dr Kathiresan: That's an interesting story. I started in this work in 1997 as an intern at Mass General, recruiting patients who'd had an MI prior to the age of 50 for men and 60 for women. A faculty member there, Chris O'Donnell, started that project and got me involved. Over the subsequent 6 or 7 years of my clinical training, we recruited about 500 such patients at Mass General. I realized quickly that it wasn't going to be a sufficient sample size to make the kind of observations needed to understand the biology of the disease. It's a complex disease; a few patients were not going to help solve the problem.
In the mid-2000s I worked with David Altshuler. He was my mentor, and he encouraged me to reach out to people around the world who had similar collections of patients. As a postdoctoral fellow, I emailed investigators in Malm, Sweden, who had a similar collection. They had published their findings. I said, "Do you want to work with us?" They invited me to Malm, and I went. We ended up partnering with six or seven other investigators to start what we called the Myocardial Infarction Genetics Consortium. That's been the foundation for all of our work on heart attack genetics.
Around the same time, I started a similar consortium for looking at cholesterol level genetics. That has now expanded to more than 50 centers around the world.
Dr Topol: There is a real misconception that heart attacks and coronary disease are tightly interwoven with lipids and cholesterol, but plenty of people who have virtually normal or even better-than-average lipid profiles wind up having heart attacks. Where do you see this field going in terms of better understanding the non-LDL cholesterolor other lipidfoundation for MIs?
Dr Kathiresan: I'll share with you what we have learned about heart attack genetics over the past 10 years. Doing something unbiased, in the sense of looking across the genome and asking, "Where in the genome is there risk for heart attack in terms of cases versus controls?", we have learned that several previously known pathways show up. For example, one of the top results in any genetic analysis for heart attack is LDL cholesterol and several genes related to LDL cholesterol. In addition, we've been able to clarify some controversies in the lipids area.
It was unclear when I got into the field which of the twoHDL, the so-called "good cholesterol," or triglycerideswas more important. When I was in medical school I was taught that anything that raised the good cholesterol must be good for you. Our genetics have shown that is not the case. Basically, HDL cholesterol is a very good marker of risk but it's unlikely to be a causal factor. We published a genetics study[1] a couple of years ago that challenged the conventional wisdom and suggested that drugs that raise HDL are not going to work. We actually had a hard time publishing that study; it took a couple of years, but since then, there have been five randomized control trials of medicines that have tried to raise HDL cholesterol.
Dr Topol: It's been a big bust.
Dr Kathiresan: It turns out that we probably were on the wrong side of the seesaw. When HDL is down, triglycerides are up. People thought that HDL was what was important. The genetics now strongly point to triglycerides-rich lipoproteins.
We have LDL and we have triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. The other key factor in the lipids space is something called lipoprotein(a). The genetics are compelling that these three things are very important for heart attack. The surprising thing has been that of the 55 gene regions we've identified for heart attack, only about 40% point to things that we already knew about. Another 60% don't relate to any of the known risk factors, like blood pressure or cholesterol, suggesting that there are new mechanisms for atherosclerosis. As a community, we need to figure those out.
Dr Topol: For example, the common variant of 9p21, a 60 kb noncoding region, has nothing known to do with cholesterol, and we are still working on what it really means, right?
Dr Kathiresan: Yes. At Scripps, you played a big role in trying to sort that out. It's been 10 years and it's been very challenging. None of this is going to be easy. Cholesterol was hypothesized to play a role in heart attack more than 100 years ago, and some people are still debating the role of LDL cholesterol. This isn't going to be straightforward, but it does suggest that there are lots of other mechanisms.
Dr Topol: That's obviously very important because Brown and Goldstein, the famous Nobel Laureates who were instrumental in the development of statins at the turn of the century, published an editorial in Science, "Heart Attacks: Gone With the Century?"[2] That was the notion that statins would be widely used and that we would stamp out heart attacks. That hasn't exactly happened, although there has been a reduction in large ST-elevation infarcts.
Dr Kathiresan: There are a couple of issues. Their hypothesis is sound; it says that if you start treatment early enough, and if the LDL is low over an extended period of time (30-40 years), you won't develop atherosclerosis. They based that hypothesis on model organism work but also on human genetics. People who carry mutations that naturally lower their LDL to very low levels lifelong rarely develop atherosclerosis. Societies like rural China, where LDL is very low, have very little atherosclerosis. It is a very good hypothesis and we still have to test it. We don't know.
Dr Topol: If you could do it at birth...
Dr Kathiresan: If we could do it safely...
Dr Topol: And safelyright.
Dr Kathiresan: Even if you do that, there are still several other elements or pathways. We are seeing now, in the United States at least, a transition from risk that was driven over the past century by blood pressure, smoking, and LDL, to this century, when risk is basically being driven by abdominal adiposity, insulin, and triglyceridesthe cardiometabolic axis. That's what we're seeing with the obesity epidemic. LDL levels are coming down and heart attack rates have come down as a result, but we have the countervailing force of cardiometabolic disease. That's where triglyceride-rich lipoproteins come ininsulin and so forth. This is on an incredible rise in the United States and also worldwide.
Dr Topol: One of the most seminal studies in the three decades during which I studied cardiology and coronary heart disease was one that you and your colleagues published last November in the New England Journal of Medicine.[3] In that study, you had the genetic risk scores, so you knew the various polygenic markers and could separate people into low, moderate or intermediate, and high risk, and you showed the titration of high riskwhich has never been done before, genomicallywith better lifestyle.
A Cell editorial[4] published very soon after your paper said that diet and exercise will save us all.
I want to get your thoughts about this. These days, if people knew that they were at high risk without any connection to family history, blood pressure, or LDL, they could benefit from this knowledge and this could be a way to promote, for them in particular, a healthy lifestyle.
Dr Kathiresan: Thank you for your kind words about the paper. The work started with a very simple observation. In my preventive cardiology clinic at Mass General, we have patients who come in and say, "My father died of a heart attack at age 50. I am doomed." They feel that DNA is destiny for this disease. We wanted to address that if you are at high genetic risk, can you overcome or counterbalance that risk with a favorable, healthy lifestyle? We've known for many years that a favorable lifestyle is associated with a reduced risk for coronary heart disease. In the context of genetic risk, how do they interact?
We found that if you are at high genetic risk, based on 50 different DNA markers, you could cut that risk in half by having a favorable lifestyle that included not smoking, regular fruit and vegetable intake, maintaining an ideal weight, and so forth. It was a very sobering message in some sense and a good public health messagethat if you are at high genetic risk based on, let's say, family history, you should not take this DNA-as-destiny approach. Rather, you do have control over your health, specifically by trying to practice these healthful behaviors.
Dr Topol: It transcends the Framingham Risk Score era because now you have a way to gauge risk and it can be titrated, so it was a big step forward. I also want to get into the idea that you can protect your heart disease risk naturallythat is Mother Nature. Previously you've talked about APOC3 and a startling finding about these homozygotes that you identified in Pakistan. Would you tell us that story?
Dr Kathiresan: You wrote many years ago about protective mutations. When we think about genetics, we think automatically about risk, but actually there is a big value of genetics in finding people who are naturally protected because of a mutation, and the main value is that you could hopefully develop a medicine that might mimic that mutation. If you can do that, then you can transfer the benefit that nature gave just to that one rare person to the entire population. That's the concept.
There's a very good example in the cardiovascular space with the gene PCSK9, where this held true. We set out a couple of years ago to ask whether there are other examples. The first that we found was the gene apolipoprotein C3. This is a gene that has been known about for 30 or more years. It's a gene that puts a break on your body's ability to handle dietary fat. When we eat a McDonald's burger, right after the meal, the triglyceride level goes up two- to threefold. The body has to clear that fat and the APOC3 protein actually dampens your ability, or puts a break on your body's ability, to clear it.
We found that about 1 in 150 people in the United States have a favorable mutation that gets rid of one of the two gene copies of APOC3. These individuals have lost a "bad guy" in their blood, and therefore they have lower lifelong triglyceride levels and about a 40% lower risk for heart attacks. That immediately suggested that if you could develop a medicine that got rid of APOC3, you might be able to reduce risk for heart attack.
One of the other key features of this paradigm is finding individuals who lack both copies of that gene. Sometimes you would call them "human knock-outs." Why do you want to know that? If there's a person walking around who naturally lacks both copies of that gene, and they are healthy, then that immediately says that you could pretty safely treat somebody with an inhibitor of that protein and not have a lot of adverse effects. It's not a complete predictor, but it's pretty close.
We set out to find these individuals. We looked at more than 100,000 people in the United Sates of European ancestry and did not find a single person who lacked both copies of APOC3. It turns out that there are people in whom both copies are gone, but that property tends to happen more when the parents of a child are closely related to each otherfor example, first-cousin marriage. In some parts of the world, it is actually fairly common. It's not taboo as it is in the United States. Pakistan is a country with the highest proportion of marriages that involve parents who are closely related. We went to an investigator in Pakistan, a collaborator who had recruited a large study of heart attacks there, and we did sequencing of APOC3 in more than 20,000 people. We found four individuals who completely lacked the gene.
Dr Topol: It was striking that these people, first with low triglycerides, also had no triglyceride elevation when they ate a fatty meal.
Dr Kathiresan: It's fascinating. This was a small fishing village. My collaborator, Danish Saleheen, had a mobile truck to do studies. They went out to the fishing village and recruited family members in whom gene copies were present and those with both copies gone. They gave both groups of individuals a fat challenge and then took blood samples every hour for 6 hours. In all of the people who had APOC3, the triglyceride levels went up (like they would in you and me), but in the people who didn't have the gene, the triglyceride levels did not budge at all after the fatty meal. This gives us some insight as to why people are protected from heart attack.
Dr Topol: It's interesting, because it flies in the face of so many studies where they lowered triglyceride levels and findings were very disappointingthere was little clinical effect. But this is a different target, of course.
Dr Kathiresan: That's the issue. There were lots of studies over the years (particularly with fibrates and fish oils, for example). In randomized controlled trials, those two medicines lowered triglycerides but they were unable to show that they lowered risk for heart attack. The challenge is that we don't really know what the molecular targets are for those two drugs, and triglyceride metabolism is complex. You can imagine waysand there are actually waysthat you can lower the triglyceride level, but counteract that with other bad things where the net effect might be no effect on disease risk. The way you lower the triglycerides will mattermaybe a little less so than for LDL. It looks like almost any way you lower LDL (although there are some exceptions there too) makes a difference in terms of heart disease risk. For triglycerides, it matters how you lower them.
We are seeing that there are several genes (APOC3 and a couple of others) in the pathway where there is naturally occurring genetic variation, pointing to these genes as being the way to lower triglycerides if you want to lower risk for heart attack.
Dr Topol: That's phenomenal. What we are seeing here is starting to really crack the big three: Lp(a), APOC3 (and other triglycerides), and LDL. We're going to see the lipid story become amplified. There is still going to be this other...
Dr Kathiresan: Residual risk.
Dr Topol: That's going to be an interesting enigma.
Dr Topol: Where are you going next? How are you going to keep building this? This foundation of knowledge has been extraordinary. You have been working on it for a decade. What can you do to expand this now?
Dr Kathiresan: The lab has worked on three elements during the past 10 years: discovery of new genes, understanding how they work, and then translating those findings to improve cardiac care. I see genomics and informed cardiac care going in two ways. One is identifying a subset of individuals who are at much higher risk, based on the genome. We are pretty good at that right now and I think there will be broad uptake over the next 10 years.
We'll then be able to find a subset of individuals early in life, based on their DNA sequence, who are at three-, four-, or 10-fold higher risk for heart attack. Then the question becomes, what do you do for those patients? We've already shown the value of lifestyle and probably a statin, but then the key question is, what else is there? Can we develop a medicine in the nonlipid space that can have dramatic benefit? That's what I see in the next 10 years.
Dr Topol: That would be exciting. We will ultimately get there as we learn more.
Now, you are big on Twitter.
Dr Kathiresan: No bigger than you.
Dr Topol: I enjoy following you. You are great to follow because you are one of my favorite educators. We can learn a lot from Twitter. What do you like about it? Sometimes, of course, you are tweeting about the Steelers, but when you are not tweeting about the Steelers or politics, what do you enjoy about Twitter?
Dr Kathiresan: I love what you just said. Every day I learn something new on Twitter. It's a little bit of a double-edged sword. We all know about social media; it's quite addictive. I could sometimes spend an inordinate amount of time on it. That aside, I learn a lot and it's mostly about science. It's things that I would not have seen. On your feed, you transfer an incredible amount of information daily, and there are lots of other opinions. Often now it is the place for immediate news, whether it's science news or other news.
A good example: A couple of weeks ago, the topline results from the randomized controlled trial of the PCSK9 antibody were announced. I knew they were going to be announced because it was a 4 PM release by Amgen at the close of the market, so I'm waiting.
Dr Topol: The first look is going to be on Twitter.
Dr Kathiresan: Exactly. A day later it will show up in The New York Times.
Dr Topol: The pulse of our field, as you say; the amount of information that you can get through Twitter in science and biomedicineour worldis quite extraordinary, and it's just as surprising that a lot more physicians and researchers don't use it.
Dr Kathiresan: Two of the healthiest areas are genomics and cardiovascular medicine. There's a tremendous amount of cardiology on Twitter, and of course, genomics is way ahead of a lot of other fields.
Dr Topol: It seems that way. It's some of my favorite stuff.
This has been really fun. I just cannot say enough about how much you have accomplished in such a short time to advance the field. [Heart disease is] still right there as the number-one cause of death and disability, and we still have a long way to go, although cancer is catching up and may soon overtake it in the United States.
Thanks so much for joining us. And thanks to all of you for joining us for this conversation. It got a little deep into the pathophysiology and genomics of coronary disease, but it's certainly an area that we are going to continue to build on.
Follow Dr Kathiresan on Twitter @skathire and Dr Topol @EricTopol
The rest is here:
Kathiresan and Topol on Genomics of Heart Disease - Medscape
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Rohan Silva: The genetic revolution is happening in a tiny office or coffee shop near you – Evening Standard
Posted: at 9:52 am
Epic. Thats the word that comes to mind when you visit the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Its a vast campus just outside Cambridge, with hulking buildings full of data servers, genetic engineers and scientific researchers.
Theres a real sense of history at Sanger, which isnt surprising because its the place where British scientists working with a team in the US decrypted the entire human genetic code in 2003, a momentous event that was compared by President Clinton at the time to the feat of putting a man on the Moon.
Sequencing the human genome for the first time was a massive project it took 13 years, cost more than 2 billion, and involved thousands of scientists, which helps explains the gargantuan scale of the Sanger Institute itself.
But as weve seen with computers, over time technology rapidly falls in price and shrinks in size, and thats no different when it comes to genetics. Today the cost of decoding a whole human genome has dropped to less than 1,000 and can be done in a matter of hours.
As a result, genetic engineering technology is being opened up in much the same way that computers quickly went from something only wealthy organisations could afford to being affordable and commonplace.
This shift matters. All over London start-ups are now working on genetic technologies which previously would have been only possible for major corporations or public-sector bodies to do because the cost would have been prohibitive.
This bottom-up innovation grassroots genetics, if you will is happening in the most unlikely places.If you stroll up Hanbury Street, just off Brick Lane, you come to a fantastic coffee shop called Nude Espresso. Just next door is a little office the kind of place you might expect to find a small charity or arts organisation.
Instead its home to Desktop Genetics, which is at the forefront of genetic engineering, using cutting-edge artificial intelligence to make it easier to manipulate genes and edit DNA, opening up new possibilities for medicine and healthcare.
Its the same story with Lab Genius, founded by James Field, a young graduate from Imperial College. It has come up with a way of re-engineering protein that could enable the creation of entirely new types of drugs, cosmetics and even materials and its doing it all from a typical little office in London, not a fancy laboratory out of town.
Start-ups working on genetic technologies are popping up all over the capital which might sound scary, given media stories about the health risks of genetically engineered foods, as well as legitimate ethical questions about manipulating the building blocks of life.
As with other areas of technology, its vital that government oversight keeps pace and adjusts to the fact that these days its not just well-funded big businesses that are doing genetic science, its start-ups that dont have entire teams dedicated to navigating public sector bureaucracy.
But if we can do the right things to support this new wave of London innovation, we all stand to benefit. That requires unlocking more funding for these emerging start-ups, as well as providing shared equipment they may not be able to afford by themselves.
More high-paid jobs, new sources of economic growth and the next generation of medical treatments and drugs these are just some of the potential benefits of the grassroots genetics revolution happening all around us.
So the next time you walk past a non-descript office building in London, just think the future of genetics might be developed right under your nose.
If the summer football transfer rumours are to be believed, the Brazilian striker Neymar, pictured, is set to become the highest-paid footballer in the world if he leaves Barcelona and signs for Paris Saint-Germain. According to reports, Neymar will earn 36 million a year a whopping 300 per cent pay rise.
No doubt this salary will spark a debate about whether footballers are paid too much and whether there should be a salary cap, like in American sports. But the problem with a salary cap is that it doesnt restrict the amount of money coming into the sport from TV deals, tickets and merchandise it simply means the owners of sports clubs earn more because they can pay their players less.
Surely its better that the workers the footballers get to keep more of the money they generate from their labour rather than the men in suits making fatter profits off the back of their hard work? Its just a thought but I cant imagine Comrade Corbyn making the same point.
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Rohan Silva: The genetic revolution is happening in a tiny office or coffee shop near you - Evening Standard
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Charlie Gard Post-Mortem: Could He Have Been Saved? – PLoS Blogs (blog)
Posted: at 9:51 am
Charlie Gard would have turned one year old tomorrow.
The day before the British infant died of a mitochondrial disease on July 27, a short article inMIT Technology Reviewteased that Shoukhrat Mtalipov and his team at Oregon Health & Science University and colleagues had used CRISPR-Cas9 to replace a mutation in human embryos, a titillating heads-up that didnt actually name the gene or disease.
Yesterday Naturepublished the details of what the researchers call gene correction, not editing, because it uses natural DNA repair. I covered the news conference, with a bit of perspective, forGenetic Literacy Project.
Might gene editing enable Charlies parents, who might themselves develop mild symptoms as they age, to have another child free of the familys disease? Could anything have saved the baby?
The court hearing testimonyon the case between Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and the family, published April 11, chronicles the sad story. The hospital had requested discontinuing life support based on the lack of tested treatment.
Charlie was born August 4, 2016, at full term and of a good weight, but by a few weeks of age, his parents noticed that he could no longer lift his head nor support any part of his body. By the October 2 pediatrician visit, Charlie hadnt gained any weight, despite frequent breastfeeding. After an MRI and EEG, Charlie had a nasogastric tube inserted to introduce high-caloric nutrition.
By October 11, the baby was lethargic, his breathing shallow. So his parents, Connie Yates and Chris Gard, took him to GOSH. There, physicians noted Charlies persistently elevated lactate. It was an ominous sign.
Remember Bio 101? When cellular respiration in the mitochondria fails, an alternate pathway releases lactic acid this is what causes muscle cramps in a sprinter right after a race. Its what was happening to the thousands of mitochondria in Charlies muscle cells; they werent extracting enough ATP energy from digested nutrients, and so the baby was limp, unable to reach or react much. His brain was running out of energy too.
On October 25, a muscle biopsy indicated only 6% of the normal amount of mitochondrial DNA, well below the 35% that indicates a mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDDS). But which one did Charlie have? Which gene was mutant? Thats important. With a judge discussing strains of the syndrome, as if it is a bacterial infection and not a monogenic disease, confusion loomed.
In mid November, sequencing of Charlies genome found two mutations in the gene RRM2B, causing infantile onset encephalomyopathic MDDS. It affected the brain and muscles that was obvious but he was also deaf and had heart and kidney abnormalities. With these findings, the Ethics Committee at GOSH advised against a ventilator.
Charlies disease is a block to the machinery in charge of supplying nucleotide building blocks for mitochondrial DNA synthesis, Fernando Scaglia, professor of medical and human genetics at Baylor College of Medicine, told me when I picked his brain on whether gene editing might help Charlies parents.
(A quasi-technical aside: RRM2B encodes an enzyme [ribonucleotide reductase] that, with three other subunits, removes an oxygen from the sugar part of nucleic acid building blocks, leaving deoxyribose as the sugar rather than ribose, with two phosphates attached. This happens just outside the mitochondria. Once these precursors get into the mitochondria, a third phosphate is added, forming the DNA nucleotide building blocks of the 37 mitochondrial genes. Charlie inherited a RRM2B mutation from each parent the gene is in the nucleus, but it is essential to supply the mitochondria with nucleotides. RRM2Bs enzyme works only in cells that arent dividing hence the extreme effects on Charlies muscles and brain.)
Charlies seizures started on December 15 and never let up. Experts began weighing in, including by the end of the month Michio Hirano from Columbia University, who had experience using nucleoside bypass therapy on 18 patients with MDDS due to mutations in a different gene, TK2. A ray of hope?
Nucleoside bypass therapy provides precursors to the DNA building blocks that have only one of the three phosphates, to circumvent the disabled enzyme, and because the full forms are too highly charged to easily enter cells. But the paper analyzingthe strategy, from 2012, clearly showed that it didnt work in an experimental system for Charlies disease myotubes, bits of non-dividing muscle in a dish:
First we suggest that not only myotubes (post-mitotic cells), but also myoblasts and possibly other dividing cells can show mtDNA depletion in RRM2B deficiency. Second, supplementation with dNMPs, as expected, had no beneficial effect in RRM2B deficiency. Based on the function of this protein supplementation with dNDPs could be tried as an alternative strategy in RRM2B deficiency. (This isnt a sentence, albeit the crucial one for the case; it means trying two phosphates instead of one.)
Im guessing that these three sentences are what catalyzed the parents GoFundMeeffort and desire to take their baby to the US. But theres never been a proper clinical trial for nucleoside therapy, said Dr. Scaglia, although 18 patients in Spain and Italy with mutations in a different gene, TK2, have so far tolerated it. But that form only affects muscle. The treatment might not have crossed the blood-brain barrier to reach Charlies more extensive disease.
Justice Francis knew the limitations of what some in the media called the pioneering treatment, if not the difference between a microbe and a gene. In fact, this type of treatment has not even reached the experimental stage on mice let alone been tried on humans with this particular strain of MDDS, he wrote.
From January 9th until the 27th, Charlie had an unrelenting storm of seizures, his EEG erratic even when he wasnt obviously seizing. This setback caused postponement of an ethics committee meeting and all but Dr. Hirano to give up. Perhaps he thought it a theoretical possibility because of that one sentence in the 2012 paper that suggested giving DNA precursors with 2 phosphates instead of one.
For a time, Columbia University considered treating Charlie, with what I dont know. Meanwhile, nurses noted and then testified that the baby was gaining weight but making no obvious progress, countering the parents observations that Charlie felt pain, distress, pleasure, and subtly communicated with them.
Then an EEG from March 30 convinced even Dr. Hirano that an attempt at any treatment would be futile a term that so dominated the court hearing that Justice Francis defined it: for the avoidance of any doubt, the word futile in this context means pointless or of no effective benefit.Goals began to focus on preventing suffering.
Yet the Pope and the Presidentweighed in circa July 4, offering to welcome the baby for unspecified treatment to the Vatican or US. What did they know that the English doctors didnt? And I had to wonder, where are these notables when similar things happen to many other babies born with rare genetic diseases? (See No Ice Buckets or Pink Ribbons for Very Rare Genetic Diseases)
For a time, discussion at the hearing devolved into a UK vs US scenario of the Brits taking a more reasoned approach in denying a futile therapy whereas US docs would try anything if parents could just raise enough money. The single-payer system in the UK was a factor too.
As the Pope and President were making their kind offers, pretty much all the experts were reaching agreement that Charlie should be taken off life support. Still, and understandably, the parents grabbed at any hope. We truly believe that these medicines will work, the father told the court, although nucleoside bypass was more an untested hypothesis than a medicine. Belief cant alter biochemistry.
And so Charlie passed away on July 27.
It was too soon for nucleoside bypass therapy, nor were approaches for other mitochondrial diseases such as cofactor supplementation (which I wrote abouthere), liver transplant, or stem cell transplant applicable. Nor can a recently-described peptide-like moleculethat silences mitochondrial genes help, because Charlies mutant genes are in the nucleus. (A mitochondrion only houses 37 genes.)
Gene therapy or gene editing couldnt have saved Charlie, because the intervention would have to have infiltrated his many muscle and brain cells, damaged beyond repair. But could either approach enable his parents to avoid having another child with two doses of the RRM2B mutation? (Gene therapy introduces a functioning copy of a gene; gene editing can replace it.)
Couples who are carriers of the same recessive condition already have options to avoid passing on the disease: prenatal genetic testing to identify an affected fetus and ending the pregnancy, or preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) following IVF and selecting healthy embryos to continue development in the uterus.
Unfortunately, yesterdays Nature paper about gene correction of a heart condition doesnt apply to Charlies family. The researchers used CRISPR-Cas9 to snip a dominant mutation from sperm at the brink of fertilizing an egg, jumpstarting a natural DNA repair mechanism that copies a normal version of the gene from the egg to reconstitute two functioning copies a little like me giving my husband a Womens March tee-shirt to match mine and replace his Jets tee-shirt. The approach wouldnt work for a sperm and an egg each bearing a recessive mutation in the same gene, the scenario for Charlie and 1 in 4 of his potential siblings, because there wouldnt be a healthy gene to copy.
Its easier to do PGD and select those embryos that would not have a mutation in the particular gene, as is done for many other conditions, Dr. Scaglia said. However, editing-out mutations can potentially help older women undergoing PGD by upping the percentage of okay embryos both the number of eggs and their quality decline precipitously with age. A more pressing problem, Dr. Scaglia added, is controlling the cost of PGD and getting insurance to cover it, rather than pursuing gene editing.
How should Charlie Gard have been treated? Given my experience as a hospice volunteer and cat owner, plus my knowledge of genetics and the pathways of cellular respiration, I think that he should have been taken off life support, which began in October, and given only love and palliative care, as soon as his mutation was identified from genome sequencing in November.
Sometimes we are kinder to our pets than we are to people.
In May I had to ask the vet to help my cat Panda cross the rainbow bridge. Panda had been losing weight for months, his kidneys failing. I knew the end was near when on a Sunday night he wandered to a spot in the garden where hed never gone before, curled up under a shrub, and stayed there. Cats do this. The next morning I took him to the vet for hydration and further treatment, and he had to stay there. But by Wednesday morning, when Panda backed into the cave of his cage even for me, I knew he was ready, even if I wasnt.
The kind vet gently added a barbiturate to Pandas IV. I didnt have to pull the plug on an invasive medical device, as had to happen for little Charlie. But I held tightly onto my kitty as life left him.
It was the right thing to do.
Here is the original post:
Charlie Gard Post-Mortem: Could He Have Been Saved? - PLoS Blogs (blog)
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Designer babies: Watchdog claims editing out gene mutations is first step to ‘dystopian eugenics’ – talkRADIO (press release)
Posted: at 9:51 am
Once editing of genetic mutations in embryos is allowed, it will be impossible to avoid a "dystopian" world of "consumer eugenics."
That's the view ofwatchdog group Human Genetics Alert, whose founding director even raised the scourge of Nazism in a fiery interview with Julia Hartley-Brewer.
Dr David King spoke to talkRADIO after aUS study showedscientists may soon be able to edit out genetic mutations in order to prevent babies from being born with diseases. It is also thought that the technique could remove inherited conditions from embryos.
King told Julia Hartley-Brewer: "Once we allow this, allow them to start making genetically modified babies, then it will be basically impossible to avoid getting into that dystopian world of consumer eugenics and designer babies."
King said that the sort of eugenic theories espoused by the Nazis in the 1930s demonstrate the evil which could eventually arise from gene-editing - a claim which drew short shrift from Julia.
The intervieww also suggestedthat "actually theres no medical case" for eradicating diseases by editing embryo DNA,claiming there are plenty of ways of preventing genetic diseases.
"The media always skip over [the fact that]we already have perfectly good techniques for avoiding the birth of those children [with genetic diseases]. Once you've got the gene, you can do genetic testing of either embryos or foetuses if the pregnancy has been established.
"The number of cases that occur around the world where you cant use preimplantation genetic diagnosis, you can count them on the fingers of one hand.
"We can do it now, the reason why science keeps on investing in new technologies that are actually uneccessary is because basically of this really rather mindless belief of technology as progress."
Listen to the full interview above
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Designer babies: Watchdog claims editing out gene mutations is first step to 'dystopian eugenics' - talkRADIO (press release)
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Scientists Precisely Edit DNA In Human Embryos To Fix A Disease Gene – NPR
Posted: at 9:51 am
The first sign of successful in vitro fertilization, after co-injection of a gene-correcting enzyme and sperm from a donor with a genetic mutation known to cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Courtesy of OHSU hide caption
The first sign of successful in vitro fertilization, after co-injection of a gene-correcting enzyme and sperm from a donor with a genetic mutation known to cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Scientists have been tinkering with the DNA in humans and other living things for decades. But one thing has long been considered off-limits: modifying human DNA in any way that could be passed down for generations.
Now, an international team of scientists reports they have, for the first time, figured out a way to successfully edit the DNA in human embryos without introducing the harmful mutations that were a problem in previous attempts elsewhere. The work was published online Wednesday in the journal Nature.
"It's a pretty exciting piece of science," says George Daley, dean of the Harvard Medical School, who was not involved in the research. "It's a technical tour de force. It's really remarkable."
The research is ultimately aimed at helping families plagued by genetic diseases. The new experiment used a powerful new gene-editing technique to correct a genetic defect behind a heart disorder that can cause seemingly healthy young people to suddenly die from heart failure.
The experiment corrected the defect in nearly two-thirds of several dozen embryos, without causing potentially dangerous mutations elsewhere in the DNA.
None of the embryos were used to try to create a baby. But if future experiments confirm the techniques are safe and effective, the scientists say the same approach could be used to prevent a long list of inheritable diseases.
"Potentially, we're talking about thousands of genes and thousands of patients," says Paula Amato, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. She was a member of the scientific team from the U.S., China and South Korea.
Other diseases that might ultimately benefit from such an approach include Huntington's disease, cystic fibrosis, perhaps an inherited form of Alzheimer's disease and cases of breast and ovarian cancer caused by mutations in the BRCA genes.
Nonetheless, the work is setting off alarm bells among critics around the world.
"I think it's extraordinarily disturbing," says Marcy Darnovsky, who directs the Center for Genetics and Society, a genetics watchdog group in Berkeley, Calif. "It's a flagrant disregard of calls for a broad societal consensus in decisions about a really momentous technology that could be used good, but in this case is being used in preparation for an extraordinarily risky application."
"If irresponsible scientists are not stopped, the world may soon be presented with a fait accompli of the first [genetically modified] baby," says David King, who heads the U.K-based group Human Genetics Alert. "We call on governments and international organizations to wake up and pass an immediate global ban on creating cloned or GM babies, before it is too late."
Amato and others stress that their work is aimed at preventing terrible diseases, not creating genetically enhanced people. And they note that much more research is needed to confirm the technique is safe and effective before anyone tries to make a baby this way.
But scientists hoping to continue the work in the U.S. face many regulatory obstacles. The National Institutes of Health will not fund any research involving human embryos (the new work was funded by Oregon Health & Science University). And the Food and Drug Administration is prohibited by Congress from considering any experiments that involve genetically modified human embryos.
Nevertheless, the researchers say they're hopeful about continuing the work, perhaps in Britain. The United Kingdom has permitted genetic experiments involving human embryos forbidden in the United States.
"If other countries would be interested, we would be happy to work with their regulatory bodies," says Shoukhrat Mitalipov, director of the Oregon Health & Science University's Center for Embryonic Cell and Gene Therapy.
Shoukhrat Mitalipov, principal investigator for the embryo editing study, directs the Center for Embryonic Cell and Gene Therapy at Oregon Health & Sciences University. Courtesy of Kristyna Wentz-Graff/OHSU hide caption
Shoukhrat Mitalipov, principal investigator for the embryo editing study, directs the Center for Embryonic Cell and Gene Therapy at Oregon Health & Sciences University.
One major concern is safety to a developing embryo whether genetically modified human embryos would indeed produce healthy babies. But on a broader level, any changes made in the DNA of an embryo would be passed down for generations. That raises fears that any mistakes in the editing that inadvertently caused new diseases could become a permanent part of that family's genetic blueprint.
Darnovsky and others also worry that modifying human DNA in an embryo could give rise to "designer babies." That's when parents pick and choose the traits of their children to try to make them smarter, taller, stronger or have other traits that make them seem superior. That's not yet technically possible. But critics fear scientists are already moving in that direction.
"The scenario is that you would have fertility clinics advertising to people who wanted to engineer their future children so that they could be presented as 'enhanced' as biologically better than everyone else," Darnovsky says. "It's not a world we want to build. It's not a world we want to live in."
Unscrupulous researchers could also rush the technology into fertility clinics to try to start creating babies they can bill as genetically enhanced before the technology has even been proved safe, and before a societal consensus has been reached about what applications should be permitted.
"This is a strong statement that we can do genome editing," says Harvard's Daley. "The question that remains is: 'Should we?' We need a deeper public discourse around the ethical implications of this technology."
Darnovsky and some scientists argue that many couples who carry genetic diseases already have safer alternatives to this sort of gene editing. Couples carrying genetic diseases can go through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and have their embryos tested before being implanted in the womb.
"I will admit to experiencing a sense of puzzlement," says Fyodor Urnov, an associate director at the Altius Institute for Biomedical Sciences, a nonprofit research institute in Seattle.
"The question I have is: 'Why did you folks bother, given that there is a safe, effective, approved and ethical way to attain exactly the goal you have set out to do without any of the significant logical and ethic hurdles of having to edit a human embryo?" Urnov says.
Amato and the other scientists on the international team say their approach could offer an alternative for couples for whom those standard options won't work or are less desirable. But they agree the work should only move forward with careful regulatory oversight to prevent abuse.
"Anytime there's a new technology there's a potential for misuse. We have to acknowledge that," Amato says. "Personally I don't feel that's a reason not to pursue the research if you think there's a potential benefit that outweighs that risk. And I think if you can prevent serious disease in future generations, that makes it worthwhile to pursue this."
The advance was first reported last week in Technology Review, a magazine published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But the details were withheld and the researchers did not elaborate until the scientific paper had finished being vetted by other scientists for publication in Nature.
For their experiments, the scientists obtained sperm from a donor carrying a mutation for the heart disorder cardiomyopathy. They then used that sperm to fertilize dozens of eggs obtained from healthy women.
At the same time as fertilization, the researchers injected a powerful, microscopic gene-editing tool known as CRISPR-Cas9. The new technique makes it much easier than previous approaches to make very precise changes in DNA.
Several scientists likened the approach to doing surgery on fetuses when they are in the womb. But this takes that idea much further and involves repairing damaged DNA at a molecular level in the womb.
"This is nano-surgery," says George Church, a prominent Harvard geneticist who also was not involved in the research. "You're doing it with the finest possible scalpel."
The editing tool very accurately cut into a mutated gene known as MYBPC3, which causes cardiomyopathy. To the researchers' surprise, the cut triggered the embryos to repair the defective gene on their own. This is a process that had previously been unknown, the scientists say.
"The most exciting moment was when we realized the mechanism of repair," Amato says. "It was fixing itself."
The researchers then let the embryos develop for several days so they could analyze them to see how well the experiments worked. In one part of the experiments involving 58 embryos, the approach corrected the mutation in more than 70 percent of the embryos, the researchers reported.
"The gene defect was corrected with high efficiency," Amato says.
In addition, a detailed genetic analysis of the embryos concluded that the gene editing had not caused safety problems.
"I think this is a significant advance," Church says. "This is important."
In 2015, Chinese scientists reported trying to edit the DNA of embryos for the first time, also using CRISPR-Cas9. But that experiment involved embryos that could never develop normally. And while those researchers did succeed in editing the targeted defect, it also produced unintended defects elsewhere in the embryos' DNA.
The scientists who conducted the new experiments say they think they avoided those problems by injecting CRISPR at the same time the eggs were being fertilized by sperm.
"That was key," Mitalipov says.
Alta Charo, a bioethicist at the University of Wisconsin, dismissed concerns about the work leading to designer babies.
"This is not the dawn of the era of the designer baby," says Charo, who co-chaired a committee formed by the National Academies of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine to determine whether such experiments should be permissible. The committee concluded earlier this year that gene editing of human embryos could be allowed in rare cases when no other options are available but only to treat diseases.
"I do not think that the constant drumbeat about the fear of designer baby is warranted, Charo says. "What this is, is a possible step toward being able to edit the DNA in human embryos that's reliable and precise."
In the meantime, scientists in Britain have won approval to use CRISPR to edit the DNA in healthy human embryos to learn more about normal human development. A team in Sweden has started similar experiments.
"I think this needs to be tightly regulated," says Fredrik Lanner, a geneticist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm who is conducting those experiments. "This is very exciting. But it also could be a double-edged sword. So I think we really have to be extra cautious with this technology."
The rest is here:
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DNA clue to origins of early Greek civilization – BBC News
Posted: at 9:51 am
BBC News | DNA clue to origins of early Greek civilization BBC News DNA is shedding light on the people who built Greece's earliest civilizations. Researchers analysed genetic data from skeletons dating to the Bronze Age, a period marked by the emergence of writing, complex urban planning and magnificent art and ... The Greeks really do have near-mythical origins, ancient DNA reveals Ancient DNA analysis reveals Minoan and Mycenaean origins DNA Study Traces Greek Ancestry |
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DNA clue to origins of early Greek civilization - BBC News
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More than Myth: Ancient DNA Reveals Roots of 1st Greek Civilizations – Live Science
Posted: at 9:51 am
A fragment from a Minoan fresco showing a woman dancing. The fragment dates to between 1600 B.C. and 1450 B.C.
The Minoans and Mycenaeans were the first advanced, literate civilizations to appear in Europe. They left archaeologists with a wealth of material to pore over: palaces, golden jewelry, wall paintings, writing (some of it still undeciphered) and, of course, burials, in what is today Greece.
Now, new research on Bronze Age skeletons could shed light on the origins of the Minoan and Mycenaean people.
The study of ancient DNA suggests that there is genetic continuity between the predecessors of these ancient cultures and Greeks today. The Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations emerged from Aegean farming communities and gave rise to the Greeks who built the Parthenon and developed democracy. The findings, which were published online today (Aug. 2) in the journal Nature, also raise some questions about prehistoric migrations that set the stage for the Bronze Age. [7 Bizarre Ancient Cultures That History Forgot]
The Minoans and Mycenaeans have intrigued archaeologists from the early days of the discipline.
The Bronze Age civilization called the Mycenaeans used an early form of Greek called Linear B (shown inscribed on this tablet).
German businessman and archaeology pioneer Heinrich Schliemann set out in the 1870s to find the real-life remains of the heroic-era Homer described in "The Odyssey" and "The Iliad."He uncovered gold-rich tombs in the city of Mycenae, and since then, dozens more Mycenaean sites have been studied across mainland Greece and the Aegean Islands. The civilization, which lasted from about 1600 B.C. to 1100 B.C., produced the earliest written form of the Greek language. [10 Beasts & Dragons: How Reality Made Myth]
Just a few decades after Schliemann's exploits, British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans revealed the ruins of a monumental, fresco-filled palace on the Greek island of Crete that predated the Mycenaeans. He called this culture "Minoan" after the mythical King Minos who ruled over Crete and occasionally sacrificed young Athenians to the labyrinth-dwelling half-man, half-bull Minotaur. The Minoans thrived on the island between 2700 B.C. and the mid-1400s B.C., when the Thera volcanic eruption on Santorini in the southern Aegean Sea may have triggered the cultures collapse. Minoan script and hieroglyphs remain untranslated, but the language is thought to be very different from Greek.
Because of some iconographic similarities with Egyptian art, Evans thought that the Minoans might have come from North Africa. In the century that followed, others proposed theories about how the Minoans and the Mycenaeans came about, wondering how much these cultures owed to other great civilizations in Mesopotamia and Egypt, said study leader Iosif Lazaridis, a geneticist at Harvard Medical School. "These theories have been difficult to test, but with ancient DNA, it is possible to say something about the origins of the people," Lazaridis told Live Science.
Lazaridis and his colleagues looked at ancient DNA samples from 19 sets of human remains that had been found at Bronze Age tombs and burial sites in the Aegeanregion. The researchers sequenced those ancient genomes and checked the DNA against a database of 332 other ancient genomes and thousands of genomes of present-day humans.
Genetically, the Minoans and Mycenaeans had the most in common with early Neolithic farmers from Greece and Turkey, the researchers found. The genomes of the Minoans and the Mycenaeans were also similar to those of modern Greek populations and to each other for the most part.
The study found that the Minoans and Mycenaeans got some of their DNA from populations farther east, from places like the Caucasus (the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea) and Iran. However, only the Mycenaeans seemed to have some "northern" ancestry, which the authors speculate could represent the vestiges of a massive prehistoric migration of nomadic herders from the Eurasian steppe that eventually made it to mainland Greece but not Crete. Lazaridis was involved in a previous ancient-DNA study that pointed to such a migration as the potential source of Indo-European languages (a category that includes Greek).
John Bintliff, an archaeologist at Leiden University in the Netherlands who was not involved in the study, said some of the findings resonate with current ideas on the Minoans and Mycenaeans. For example, the fact that the Mycenaeans spoke Greek but the Minoans spoke a different, still untranslated tongue "has long suggested that the mainland and Crete were subjected to different streams of farming migrants," Bintliff told Live Science.
However, Bintliff cautioned against looking for big historic events in gene diffusion.
"The supposed 'nomad invasion' has been a long-researched issue in European prehistory, and was originally tied to innovations in weaponry and burial customs," Bintliff said. "After decades of investigation, however, most prehistorians in Eastern to Western Europe disagreed with any major arrival of new people Gene flow can occur presumably through individual smaller-scale migration of a peaceful kind, through commerce and the movement of artisans and other specialists."
Lazaridis said further research could potentially help scientists understand how these "eastern" and "northern" types of ancestry got in the DNA of Bronze Age Greeks, whether by trickling in slowly from neighboring regions over thousands of years, or bysudden big migrations.
Original article on Live Science.
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Media Falsely Claim DNA Evidence Refutes Scripture – The Federalist
Posted: at 9:51 am
Of the many things that journalists are ignorant of, religion is at the top of the list. I like to collect examples of biblical illiteracy. The Associated Press once gave William Butler Yeats credit for writing Hebrews. The New York Times said that Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus into heaven.
The past few days have seen a flurry of articles claiming that a new archeological find disputes the scriptural account of the Canaanites. Heres USA Today, for example:
The Bible claimed that the ancient Canaanites were wiped out according to Gods orders, but a new genetic research study reveals a different story.
As it turns out, the Canaanites survived Gods order, and their DNA lives on in Lebanon, where over 90% of Lebanese derive their ancestry from Canaanites, according to a study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics.
The Independents headline for this explosive news was, Bible says Canaanites were wiped out by Israelites but scientists just found their descendants living in Lebanon.
The Telegraph was blunt: Study disproves the Bibles suggestion that the ancient Canaanites were wiped out. Science magazine went with, Ancient DNA counters biblical account of the mysterious Canaanites. And Cosmos Magazine declared, DNA vs the Bible: Israelites did not wipe out the Canaanites.
The New York Times led with the same angle:
There is a story in the Hebrew Bible that tells of Gods call for the annihilation of the Canaanites, a people who lived in what are now Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and the Palestinian territories thousands of years ago.
You shall not leave alive anything that breathes, God said in the passage. But you shall utterly destroy them.
But a genetic analysis published on Thursday has found that the ancient population survived that divine call for their extinction, and their descendants live in modern Lebanon.
The only problem being, of course, that all of these stories are wrong about what the Bible claims regarding the annihilation of the Canaanites.
Yes, there are passages in the Bible about God instructing Israel to destroy the Canaanites. The group is mentioned in Genesis and Exodus as inhabitants of the land God wants Israel to posess. Theyre notoriously wicked, according to biblical reports. There is a call for their annihilation. The book of Joshua is pretty much about this attempt by the Israelites to vanquish their enemies, the Canaanites. Interestingly, some scholars believe that the Canaanites created the Semitic alphabet, which developed into the Hebrew language.
Anyway, by the end of the very exciting book of Joshua, readers are told that the annihilation of the enemy is not complete. And its laid out in more detail in the book of Judges. Judges begins with yet more tales of conquests of the Canaanites. But as a section headline in my Bible states, there was a failure to complete the conquest. Here are verses 27 through 33:
However, Manasseh did not drive out the inhabitants of Beth Shean and its villages, or Taanach and its villages, or the inhabitants of Dor and its villages, or the inhabitants of Ibleam and its villages, or the inhabitants of Megiddo and its villages; for the Canaanites were determined to dwell in that land.
And it came to pass, when Israel was strong, that they put the Canaanites under tribute, but did not completely drive them out.
Nor did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites who dwelt in Gezer; so the Canaanites dwelt in Gezer among them.
Nor did Zebulun drive out the inhabitants of Kitron or the inhabitants of Nahalol; so the Canaanites dwelt among them, and were put under tribute.
Nor did Asher drive out the inhabitants of Acco or the inhabitants of Sidon, or of Ahlab, Achzib, Helbah, Aphik, or Rehob.
So the Asherites dwelt among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the land; for they did not drive them out.
Nor did Naphtali drive out the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh or the inhabitants of Beth Anath; but they dwelt among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the land. Nevertheless the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh and Beth Anath were put under tribute to them.
It could not be more clear. Over and over and over again, were told that the Canaanites survived.
And in the next chapter of Judges, God makes it explicit that he will not drive out the Canaanites:
Then the Angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim, and said: I led you up from Egypt and brought you to the land of which I swore to your fathers; and I said, I will never break My covenant with you. And you shall make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land; you shall tear down their altars. But you have not obeyed My voice. Why have you done this? Therefore I also said, I will not drive them out before you; but they shall be thorns in your side, and their gods shall be a snare to you.
In the next chapter it says, Thus the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites And they took their daughters to be their wives, and gave their daughters to their sons; and they served their gods.
All of which to say DNA testing that shows Canaanites were not destroyed by Israelites would not refute Scripture but instead confirm it.
Some of the media outlets above slightly revised or outright corrected their stories. All were too willing to accept the assumptions in the original study, which made misleading claims about what scripture teaches regarding Canaanites.
The books of the Old and New Testaments are things that all journalists should be familiar with at a passing level, particularly if theyre going to write about them. Even a cursory knowledge of Gods covenant relationship with Israel would have been enough to avoid these missteps or false claims. These media outlets should hire people who are Sunday School teachers or otherwise familiar with the story of the land God gave to Israel. These errors are not surprising any more, but they should be avoided at a time of declining media credibility.
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