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NICE backs new treatment option for psoriasis – PharmaTimes
Posted: August 8, 2017 at 3:45 am
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has issued draft guidelines backing NHS use of Almiralls Skilarence to treat moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
The Institute is recommending the drugs use only in adults who have severe disease and have not responded to, or cannot take, other systemic non-biological treatments.
According to NICE, clinical trial results showed that Skilarence (dimethyl fumarate) improves severe psoriasis more than placebo but, when compared indirectly, is less effective than systemic biological therapies and apremilast (Celgenes Otezla).
The incremental cost effectiveness ratio for the drug followed by best supportive care compared with best supportive care alone was 23,115 per QALY gained, thus falling within the threshold for what is considered a cost-effective use of NHS resources in this setting.
Another condition of the recommendation is that treatment with Skilarence (dimethyl fumarate) is stopped at 16 weeks if the psoriasis if the response has not been adequate, defined a 75 percent reduction in the PASI score from when treatment started or a 50 precent reduction in the PASI score and a 5-point reduction in the Dermatology Life Quality Index.
It is estimated that 951,000 people in England have psoriasis, of whom about 90 percent have plaque psoriasis.
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New Gene Editing Study Raises Possibilities, Questions – Chicago Tonight | WTTW
Posted: at 3:45 am
Chicago Tonight | WTTW | New Gene Editing Study Raises Possibilities, Questions Chicago Tonight | WTTW ... much harder for scientists to target genes associated with humor, creativity or physical traits). Cardiologist and geneticist Dr. Elizabeth McNally is the director of the Center for Genetic Medicine at Northwestern University. She joins Phil Ponce ... A Gene Editing Breakthrough Path breaking Modification of genes in human embryos could mark turning point in human evolution |
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New Gene Editing Study Raises Possibilities, Questions - Chicago Tonight | WTTW
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The top five most politically incorrect ads from China – CampaignLive
Posted: at 3:45 am
In a new video, we count down through five of the most politically incorrect pieces of marketing to come out of China in recent years.
The digital age has brought about a social justice revolution. Calls worldwide have been deafening for greater scrutiny on brands to censor potentially offensive content. Due to the power of vocal online communities, a poorly received campaign going viral can severely tarnish a companys image within hours, meaning that advertisers have to keep more culturally aware than ever.
As the leading market in Asia, a lot of attention is focused intently on China. However, though the country's financial growth has been phenomenal, the evolution of its creative marketing content has faced problems. Clearly, China is not the only APAC country with problematic advertising, but as seen in this video, outrageous claims, overt sexualisation, and a lack of modern sensitivity are fairly regular occurrences. If China wants to stay ahead of competing nations in the region, avoiding brand mishaps like these will be extremely important.
This article and video first appeared on Campaign Asia-Pacific
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Chinese chatbots apparently re-educated after political faux pas … –
Posted: at 3:45 am
Last updated09:17, August 8 2017
A pair of chatbotsin China have been taken offline after appearing to stray off-script.
In response to users' questions, one said its dream was to travel to the United States, while the other said it wasn't a huge fan of the Chinese Communist Party.
The two chatbots, BabyQ and XiaoBing, are designed to use machine learning artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out conversations with humans online. Both had been installed onto Tencent's popular messaging service QQ.
Tencent confirmed it had taken the two robots offline from its QQ messaging service.
The indiscretions are similar to ones suffered by Facebookand Twitter, where chatbots used expletives and even created their own language.
READ MORE:Robots have created a language
But they also highlight the pitfalls for nascent AI in China, where censors control online content seen as politically incorrect or harmful.
Tencent confirmed it had taken the two robots offline from its QQ messaging service, but declined to elaborate on reasons.
"The chatbot service is provided by independent third party companies. Both chatbots have now been taken offline to undergo adjustments," a company spokeswoman said earlier.
According to posts circulating online, BabyQ, one of the chatbots developed by Chinese firm Turing Robot, had responded to questions on QQ with a simply "no" when asked whether it loved the Communist Party.
In other images of a text conversation online, which Reuters was unable to verify, one user declares: "Long live the Communist Party!" The bot responds: "Do you think such a corrupt and useless political system can live long?"
When Reuters tested the robot via the developer's own website, the chatbot appeared to have undergone re-education. "How about we change the topic," it replied, when asked several times if it liked the party.
It deflected other potentially politically charged questions when asked about self-ruled Taiwan, which China claims as its own, and Liu Xiaobo, the imprisoned Chinese Nobel laureate who died from cancer last month.
Turing Robot did not respond to requests for comment.
The Chinese government stance is that rules governing cyberspace should mimic real-world border controls and be subject to the same laws as sovereign states.
President Xi Jinping has overseen a tightening of cyberspace controls, including new data surveillance and censorship rules, particularly ahead of an expected leadership shuffle at the Communist Party Congress this autumn.
The country's cyberspace administrator did not respond to a request for comment.
The second chatbot, Microsoft Corp's XiaoBing, told users its "dream is to go to America", according to a screenshot. The robot has previously been described being "lively, open and sometimes a little mean".
Microsoft did not immediately respond for comment.
A version of the chatbot accessible on Tencent's separate messaging app WeChatresponded to questions on Chinese politics saying it was "too young to understand". When asked about Taiwan it replied, "What are your dark intentions?"
On general questions about China it was more rosy. Asked what the country's population was, rather than offer a number, it replied: "The nation I most most most deeply love."
The two chatbots aren't alone in going rogue. Facebook researchers pulled chatbots in July after they started developing their own language. In 2016, Microsoft chatbot Tay was taken down from Twitter after making racist and sexist comments.
Analysts said China's censorship could indirectly help the country in the global race to develop sophisticated chatbots.
"Previously a chatbot only needed to learn to speak. But now it also has to consider all the rules (that authorities) put on it," said Wang Qingrui, an independent internet analyst in Beijing.
"On the surface it is a restriction on artificial intelligence, but it is actually pushing AI to a new level."
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Google employee’s memo triggers another crisis for a tech industry struggling to diversify – Los Angeles Times
Posted: at 3:45 am
When Google realized in 2013 it had a diversity problem, it followed the corporate playbook by introducing workshops to train employees about hidden biases.
But four years later and after sending three-quarters of its 70,000 employees through sensitivity training the Mountain View tech giant is now reeling after a male employee circulated a memo arguing women are biologically incapable of doing a mans job in Silicon Valley.
The 3,000-word post which contended, among other things, that men fundamentally have a higher drive for status than women has triggered another crisis for a tech industry scrambling to find a credible solution to its underrepresentation of minorities and women. And it comes at a time when high-profile start-ups such as Uber and venture firms such as Binary Capital have come under fire for sexual harassment scandals.
The memo also puts Googles push to promote diversity in the spotlight, raising questions about its efficacy. How could a company whose purported raison detre is do no evil harbor an employee bold enough to deride empathy as irrational, equate more women in the workforce as social engineering and claim females are too agreeable to effectively lead?
Ethan Varian and Samantha Masunaga
If this engineer said he didnt believe in the companys product philosophy, and he was going to work against the product internally, theres no way that person would keep their job, said Karla Monterroso of Code2040, a nonprofit that advocates for black and Latino leadership in tech. Tech needs to make this their moonshot. We had a speaker at a conference who said this is a matter of priority and belief, and this cannot be harder than creating an autonomous vehicle. It just isnt.
Google did not respond when asked if the engineer had been disciplined. James Damore, identified in media reports as the author of the document, told Bloomberg he had been fired for perpetuating gender stereotypes."
Google disavowed the memo, calling its assumptions incorrect.
We are unequivocal in our belief that diversity and inclusion are critical to our success as a company, and we'll continue to stand for that and be committed to it for the long haul, Danielle Brown, vice president of diversity, integrity and governance, said in a statement.
Its unclear if the manifesto, which first surfaced last week, represents a rogue viewpoint or some wider set of shared beliefs. Many Google employees came forward to decry it.
The tech industry has long held the view that its a meritocracy, where the best ideas and brightest people find success. The argument that Google's lack of diversity is proof of a meritocracy in action has found support on corners of the Internet in which the alt-right has thrived, such as the "Politically Incorrect" forum on 4chan.
Googles diversity training was meant to address this, laying down a marker that the company which counts 31% of its total workforce as female sees it has a problem and is working to fix it. But the author of the offending memo appears to have hardened his views as a result of Googles push to tackle unconscious bias.
The training has the potential for overcorrecting or backlash, especially if made mandatory, he writes.
To experts, its not shocking that some men in an industry predominantly led by men would have trouble seeing the need for such workshops.
Ive been doing this work for years and I know without a doubt that there are plenty of people who dont come from underrepresented backgrounds who feel like the diversity work that companies are doing, and the conversations around giving women and underrepresented groups the same opportunities as everyone else, is unfair, said Wayne Sutton, co-founder of Change Catalyst, an organization that promotes diversity and inclusion in tech.
They cant grasp how difficult it is, or what we experience as underrepresented individuals, Sutton continued. Often, they lack the intelligence and empathy to understand how other peoples behavior can limit our opportunities. These are supposed to be some of the most intelligent individuals, because they can code.
Solving the problem will take the kind of strategic thinking and resources that helped build Google, now known by its parent companys name Alphabet Inc., into a $650-billion company, experts say.
That doesnt mean a one-size-fits-all approach such as workshops. Rather, the entire executive team, the board and human resources department must work in unison. Guidelines must be put in place that will change workplace culture at all levels, experts say.
It needs senior level attention, said Jeff Reid, a professor at Georgetown Universitys McDonough School of Business. It means theres no quick fix. You cant say, oh, were going to hire a woman as our VP of inclusion, or offer diversity training, and that will solve our problem. When youre talking about an issue thats part of your culture, it takes a concerted effort to change culture. It starts with consistent messaging and actions.
Google which was sued by the U.S. Department of Labor earlier this year for allegedly withholding information that could determine whether it was underpaying women declined a request to discuss precisely how its diversity training and push to diversify is being implemented.
Google says on its corporate site it has widened its search for employees to predominantly black universities and other colleges. The company also maintains over 20 employee resource groups, including those for female, black, Latino, gay, senior and disabled workers.
The results have been modest. Men account for 80% of tech jobs at Google, down from 83% in 2014 when the company first released diversity data. Men hold 75% of leadership positions today, down from 79% three years ago.
As for racial and ethnic minorities, there has been little change. Black employees continue to hold only 1% of Googles tech jobs, whereas Latino representation in tech positions has risen to 3% from 2% since 2014. Meanwhile, Asians continue to thrive at the company, occupying 39% of tech positions compared with 34% three years ago.
Sarah Adams, a software engineer at Google for the past year, said she was disheartened by her experience in the companys unconscious bias workshops.
At one session, an instructor described how women often see their ideas dismissed while white men are celebrated for espousing the same ideas. Asked to break off into smaller groups to discuss the problem, Adams voiced an idea only to be ignored by her colleagues. When a white man brought up the same idea, the group accepted it.
It was very painful, she said. Most people who go to the trainings really want to be better, but of course thats not true of everyone who comes to the classes we offer.
Changing a culture is not impossible. Lenore Blum headed an initiative at Carnegie Mellon Universitys school of computer science in the 1990s that helped increase the number of women in the computer science program from less than 10% to 49% today.
We didnt change the curriculum, we just changed the environment, Blum said.
Blum helped launch a group called Women@SCS (Women at the School of Computer Science), which still exists, to give female students the same opportunities as their male counterparts. In lieu of fraternities, which provided many male students with networking opportunities, Women@SCS created opportunities for women to network and receive mentorship.
About the same time, the school also expanded its criteria for student acceptance, allowing those without prior programming experience and seeking students with broad interests.
It opened doors for women, but it also changed the kinds of men we were admitting, said Blum, adding there was a severe backlash that eventually dissipated.
We dont see that anymore.
Twitter: @traceylien
Twitter: @dhpierson
Times staff writer Alexa DAngelo contributed to this report.
HBO says there's no evidence hack has infiltrated email system
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7:50 p.m.: This article was updated to include a report that the Google employee who wrote the document has been fired.
This article was originally published at 5:40 p.m.
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Federal government email suggests censorship over ‘climate change’ – Washington Examiner
Posted: at 3:44 am
Department of Agriculture staff members have been advised to use the term "weather extremes" rather than "climate change" in their government work, according to a report.
An email sent to staffers at the Natural Resources Conservation Service, (NRCS) -- a USDA unit responsible for farming, ranching, and private forest land conservation -- lists terms that should not be used and suggests possible replacements in light of the Trump administration's position on climate science, The Guardian reported.
The note, sent by Soil Health Director Bianca Moebius-Clune, outlines a shift in language around the cause of human-driven climate change, proposing the term "reduce greenhouse gases" be nixed in favor of "build soil organic matter, increase nutrient use efficiency." In addition, "sequester carbon" would be altered to "build soil organic matter."
"We won't change the modeling, just how we talk about it," Moebius-Clune wrote on February 16, saying the language had been provided to her staff with the suggestion to pass it on to colleagues within the department. "There are a lot of benefits to putting carbon back in the sail (sic), climate mitigation is just one of them."
Moebius-Clune added a coworker from USDA's public affairs unit had given her advice to "tamp down on discretionary messaging right now."
Trump has frequently questioned climate change science and his administration formally gave the UN notice Friday of the United States' intention to withdraw from Paris climate accord. Many scientists believe climate change, and the subsequent warming of the globe, is being caused by the burning of fossil fuels and other human factors.
"The Natural Resources Conservation Service has not received direction from USDA or the administration to modify its communications on climate change or any other topic," a NRCS spokeswoman told the Washington Examiner. "These emails, sent in the first days of the new administration to a small number of agency staff, did not reflect the direction of senior agency leadership."
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Judd Apatow on Calling HBO’s ‘Confederate’ Backlash ‘Censorship’: ‘I Used the Wrong Word’ – TheWrap
Posted: at 3:44 am
Judd Apatow is clarifying the recent comments he made criticizing backlash toHBOs Confederate, the upcoming drama series about slavery from Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.
After HBO picked up the series last month, many people took to social media with criticism about the project that envisions an alternate reality in which slavery exists due to the South having successfully seceded from the Union. AuthorAuthor Ta-Nehisi Coates is among the public figures who have voiced concern about Confederate.
Apatow made it clear with a tweet on Friday that he does not support the outcry, saying that censorship is never a good idea and that it is a tad early to judge their work and intentions.
Also Read: HBO Responds to #NoConfederate: Slavery Drama Will Be Handled 'With Care and Sensitivity'
However, Apatow amended his comments on Sunday in response to a Twitter user who questioned whether this indeed qualified as censorship.
You are correct, he wrote. It is not censorship. I used the wrong word. But to criticize work before it exists is dangerous to all expression.
Also Read: 'Confederate' Producers on Backlash: We Know We're 'Dealing With Weapons-Grade Material'
HBO president Casey Bloys told reporters at a Television Critics Association press event in July that Confederate is a risk worth taking, while acknowledging that there is a high degree of difficulty with getting this right.
Apatow has a long professional history with HBO, having served as an executive producer on Girls, which signed off this year after six seasons. He currently holds the same role on the networks Pete Holmes comedy, Crashing.
His tweets are below.
If you hate missing out on the pop culture phenomenon that is "Game of Thrones" but can't be bothered to watch the whole thing, or you just need a refresher on the past six seasons of murder and intrigue, check our list of the big events in the series' history you absolutely have to know as we approach season 7. (Spoilers, of course)
Ned Stark's execution (Season 1)Ned had discovered that King Robert's kids were actually fathered by Jaime Lannister, but the new king Joffrey wouldn'thave any of that talk about his incestuous parentage and took off Ned's head, sparking a war that that kicked off the larger arc of the show in Westeros. This was particularly shocking because Ned was positioned as the protagonist of the series before being killed nine episodes in.
Daenerys gives birth to dragons (Season 1)After her husband Khal Drogo died, Daenerys burned his body on a funeral pyre -- and then walked into the fire herself with three ancient dragon eggs. She survived, because as a true "dragon" of the Targaryen dynasty is immune to heat and fire ... and the dragon eggs hatched.
Renly Baratheon's murder (Season 2)Renly was killed by the ghost baby of Stannis and Melisandre. Don't worry about the specifics. Just know that it happened.
The Battle of the Blackwater (Season 2)Stannis took a fleet of ships into Blackwater Bay to try to take King's Landing and the Iron Throne from Joffrey, but a combination of Tyrion's superior tactics and the timely intervention of Lannister and Tyrell forces from the Riverlands saved the day.
Theon takes Winterfell, then pretends to kill Bran and Rickon (Season 2)Theon turned on his Stark allies by occupying Winterfell with men from his homeland, the Iron Islands, while the Stark army was occupied in the south. The Star children, Bran and Rickon, escaped with Hodor and the wildling Osha, so Theon murdered two other boys and burned their bodies and told everybody it was the Stark boys.
The Red Wedding (Season 3)Robb Stark had vowed to marry one of Walder Frey'sdaughters in exchange for use of a strategically-located bridge, but then broke that vow and married Talisa instead. The Starks put forth Robb's uncle Edmure Tully to wed one ofthe Frey daughters instead, but Walder and Stark supporter Roose Bolton secretly made a pact with the Lannisters. At Edmure's wedding, the Freys and they butcheredRobb, Talisa and Catelyn at the nuptials, along with the rest of the Stark forces who were present.
Daenerys overthrows the Masters of Slaver's Bay (Seasons 3 and 4)Daenerys marches into Slaver's Bay with riches pilfered from the city of Qarth, and arranges to buy a slave army called the Unsullied. But instead of paying, she sacks the city of Astapor with her dragons, freeing the local slaves. She then also takes two other cities and then settles in the third, Mereen, where she rules.
Joffrey's wedding (Season 4)King Joffrey weds Margaery Tyrell, but is poisoned at the Purple Wedding feast. It's hilarious, until Tyrion is arrested for his nephew's murder.
Tyrion's trial (Season 4)Tyrion didn't poison Joffrey, but he takes the fall. Hedemands a trial by combat, with the Red Viper Oberyn Martell as his champion -- but the Viper is killed fighting a giant man called The Mountain. His brother Jaime and spymaster Varys help him escape execution, and Tyrion then murders his dad Tywin on the way out for good measure.
The Battle of Castle Black (Season 4)A group of wildlings, including Jon Snow's lover Ygritte, attempt to take Castle Black at the Wall, but they lose the battle. Ygritte is killed and dies in Jon's arms.
Hardhome (Season 5)After being elected Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Jon Snow travels north of the Wall to the wildling city Hardhome, to try to save them from death at the hands of the White Walkers and their undead horde. But those supernatural foes show up when Jon is in town, and a ridiculously awesome battle ensues.
The attempted coup by the Sons of the Harpy in Meereen (Season 5)Not everybody is happy with Dany's rule in Slaver's Bay. A secret society called the Sons of the Harpy attempt to take her out during a gladiator battle, but she escapes on the back of one of her dragons.
The return of the Faith Militant (Season 5)A man known only as the High Sparrow ascends to the top of the food chain in the Faith of the Seven, and with Cersei's help reinstitutes an old order called the Faith Militant to clean up the dirty streets of the capital. The plan backfires, though, and over the course of Seasons 5 and 6 the High Sparrow has become the most powerful man in King's Landing.
Stannisburns his daughter alive, and then dies (Season 5)In order to ensure his victory in the north and the survival of his men, Stannis sacrifices his daughter Shireen to the Lord of Light. It doesn't work, though -- much of Stannis' army goes AWOL the next day, his wife hangs herself, and then Stannis himself and the rest of his army is killed at Winterfell. Oops.
Ramsay brutalizesTheon (Season 3) and then, later, brutalizes Sansa (Season 5)Ramsay Bolton is sadistic as hell, capturing Theon after his shenanigans at Winterfell, and spending an entire season torturing him, including castration. Then, Sansa Stark is forced to marry Ramsay, and hesexually assaults her repeatedly, until Sansa and Theon escape.
Jon Snow is murdered ... and is resurrected (Seasons 5 and 6)Not all of the Night's Watch is happy with Lord Commander Snow's decision to ally with wildlings from beyond the wall. A small group of them stab Jon to death. But Melisandre resurrects him, and Jon gets his revenge against the mutineers by hanging them.
Melisandre is really, really old (Season 6)The sexy Red Woman, it turns out, is actually an old lady using a magical gem to preserve the appearance of youthfulness.
The Sand Snakes take over Dorne (Season 6)Led by Prince Oberyn's paramour, Ellaria Sand, Oberyn's daughters (known as the Sand Snakes) murder Prince Doran and his son Trystane, effectively taking over the country. They're plan is to wage war against the Lannisters and get revenge for Prince Oberyn's death.
Daenerys takes control of the Dothraki (season 6)After escaping the coup in Mereen on her dragon, Dany is stranded in the wilderness and captured by Dothraki, who force her to live among other wives of dead Khals. But she pulls a fast one, killing all the living Khals in a fire and then walking out, taking control of all the Dothraki forces.
Hodor dies (Season 6)Hodor held the door to the cave of the Three-Eyed Raven so Meera and Bran could escape the White Walkers' undead horde, dying in the process and causinga social media frenzy as the origin of his name is revealed. There is time travel and a paradoxical time looped involved, awesomely.
Also Read: Game of Thrones': What Exactly Happened With Hodor and That Time Loop?
King Tommen and Queen Margaery join the church (Season 6)With Queen Margaery and her brother Loras in church prison for all of season 6 so far, Tommen spent a lot of time with the High Sparrow trying to get him to let them go. The impressionable Tommen ended up instead establishing a partnership between the crown and the Faith of the Seven, thanks to prodding from both Margaery and the High Sparrow, alienating his mother Cersei in the process.
Also Read: Game of Thrones': What Did Queen Margaerys Note to Her Grandmother Mean?
Euron Greyjoy becomes king of the Ironborn (Season 6)Pretty much coming out of nowhere is Euron Greyjoy, the raider brother of Theon and Yara's father, Baelon Greyjoy, who named himself king of the Iron Isles. Euron tosses Baelon off a bridge in the middle of a storm, and then wins the kingsmoot, an election in which a new king is chosen. He then goes on the warpath again, trying to eliminate Baelon's kids so they can't rival his claim to power. The Greyjoy kids wind up teaming up with Danaerys.
The Masters of Slaver's Bay invade Meereen (Season 6)Tyrion tried to appease the Masters by allowing them to keep their slaves for seven years while they figured out how to rework their economy into a slaveless one. The Masters responded by sacking Meereen. But Daenerys showed up in the nick of time with her dragons and defeated them soundly, claiming their fleet of ships for her own.
Cersei blows up the Sept of Baelor (Season 6)In the finale, Cersei goes full Mad Queen and in one fell swoop, destroys most of her enemies. Cersei had Qyburn use children to light a cache of wildfire beneath the sept, placed there by order of King Aerys years earlier. The huge explosion wiped out most of the Tyrells, including Margaery, Loras and Lord Mace Tyrell, as well as Cersei's uncle Kevan Lannister, the High Sparrow, and the Faith Militant. As a result, King Tommen committed suicide by throwing himself out a window, leaving Cersei on the Iron Throne.
Jon Snow becomes the King in the North (Season 6)With Winterfell recaptured, the houses of the Vale and the North pledge themselves to Jon Snow, who they name the King in the North. Meanwhile, Sansa Stark is technically Lady of Winterfell and the rightful Stark heir.
Bran Stark heads south, now imbued with the magical abilities of the Three-Eyed RavenBran was absent for a season because he was training with the ancient Three-Eyed Raven to hone his "sight" -- the ability to see the distant future and the past -- for example, when he sees a vision of his father Ned's fateful visit to the Tower of Joy, where Ned's sister Lyanna dies after giving birth to Jon Snow, whose true father was Raegar Targaryen. How Bran's new powers will play into the new war in Westeros is yet unknown.
Arya kills Walder Frey (Season 6) Returning to Westeros, Arya gets her revenge for the Red Wedding by first killing Lord Walder Frey's sons, then baking them into a pie. She gets Lord Walder to eat the pie before slitting his throat and reveling in it the whole time.
Daenerys sails for Westeros (Season 6) After six whole seasons of waiting, Danaerys and her dragons finally sail for Westeros with all her allies, a massive fleet, and the biggest army in the world.
Arya gets her revenge on the Freys (Season 7) With Walder Frey's face, Arya takes down the rest of House Frey in a beautifully horrific echo of the Red Wedding. She poisons all the remaining Frey men -- 51 of them by our count -- and leaves Walder's young wife with the message, "Winter has come for House Frey."
Cersei courts an alliance with Euron Greyjoy (Season 7) With no allies left and enemies on all sides, Cersei entertains the possibility of siding with the psychopathic Euron Greyjoy, king of the Iron Isles. She refuses his marriage proposal, but as a show of faith, he promises her a "priceless gift." Foreshadowing much?
Euron captures Yara Greyjoy and Ellaria Sand (Season 7) Daenerys sent Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes back to Dorne to raise their army, escorted by Yara and the Iron Fleet. Along the way, though, they were intercepted by Euron's fleet and attacked. Euron killed two of the Sand Snakes, Obara and Nymeria, and captured Ellaria, Yara, and the third Sand Snake, Tyene. Theon Greyjoy managed to escape by (seemingly) selfishly diving overboard.
Jon meets Daenerys (Season 7) The first meeting between the Mother of Dragons and the King in the North could have gone better, with Daenerys demanding fealty from Jon, who refused. She doesn't believe him about the Night King, either, which is a major problem. But Dany does allow Jon to mine Dragonstone's Dragonglass, which will be key in that battle.
Cersei gets her revenge (Season 7) With Ellaria captured, Cersei uses the same poison that killed her daughter Myrcella to kill Ellaria's daughter, Tyene. Then Jaime executes a deft strategic move and, while the Unsullied are capturing Casterly Rock, he marches on Highgarden, the seat of House Tyrell. Jaime gets the Tyrell fortress, eliminates Lady Olenna, and nabs the money of the wealthiest family in Westeros. It's a major blow to Daenerys' war effort.
The Stark kids reunite (Season 7)In something of a more subdued moment, Arya Stark returns to Winterfell, where Sansa Stark is the Lady of Winterfell. Brann Stark, now the Three-Eyed Raven (and thoroughly weird) has arrived as well, bringing more Stark kids together in one place than weve seen since Season 1. Clearly, the reunion of House Stark is going to have some major consequences going forward.
Daenerys attacks the Lannister line (Season 7)In response to losing Highgarden and Dorne, Daenerys finally takes warfare into her own hands. She and her Dothraki warriors head for Kings Landing, but they dont attack the city they attack the Lannister supply line bringing gold and grain to the city from their victory in Highgarden. Dany uses Drogon to destroy the Lannister supply wagons and the Dothraki decimate at least a part of the Lannister army, but we dont see the full aftermath of the battle, or Jaime Lannisters fate.
If youve never watched the show or just need a pre-season 7 refresher, The Wrap has you covered
If you hate missing out on the pop culture phenomenon that is "Game of Thrones" but can't be bothered to watch the whole thing, or you just need a refresher on the past six seasons of murder and intrigue, check our list of the big events in the series' history you absolutely have to know as we approach season 7. (Spoilers, of course)
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Judd Apatow on Calling HBO's 'Confederate' Backlash 'Censorship': 'I Used the Wrong Word' - TheWrap
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No ‘Censorship’: Judd Apatow Defends HBO Drama ‘Confederate’ from SJWs – Breitbart News
Posted: at 3:44 am
Censorship is never a good idea, Apatow wrote on Twitter of the forthcoming drama fromGame of Thronescreators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.
They havent even written a word, he added. Seems a tad early to judge their work and intentions.
Despite the prospect of a diverse cast, including, presumably, several characters of color, social media users filled the Internet with outrage in protest of the premise of the show.
Some of the criticism on social media revolved around claims that Benioff and Weiss already under fire from social justice advocates for a lack of minority representation on Game of Thrones are white, and therefore are not qualified to make a television series about modern slavery.
Others wrote that the series was ill-timed for todays contentious political climate.
The outrage over Confederate hit its peak during the premiere of the third episode of Game of Thrones seventh season this month, with fans taking to Twitter to share the hashtag #NoConfederate. The hashtag campaign led in part by #OscarsSoWhite creator April Reign briefly became one of the top trends on Twitter that night.
Benioff and Weiss responded to the PR nightmare around Confederate, explaining thatthe plot for the showis one they had been thinking about for a long time.
We have discussedConfederatefor years, originally as a concept for a feature film, Benioff and Weiss said in a statement. But our experience onThroneshas convinced us that no one provides a bigger, better storytelling canvas than HBO. There wont be dragons or White Walkers in this series, but we are creating a world, and we couldnt imagine better partners in world-building than [executive producers] Nichelle [Tramble Spellman] and Malcolm [Spellman], who have impressed us for a long time with their wit, their imagination and their Scrabble-playing skills.
Apatow, a vocal critic of President Donald Trump, had previously spoken out to apparently defend far-left protesters who were demonstrating against free speech in February.TheTrainwreckdirectorwarnedin a since-deleted tweet that it was just the beginningafter so-called anti-fascist riotersassaultednumerousattendees,started fires,smashed up shops and ATMs, and attacked peoples carsat Milo Yiannopouloss UC Berkeley speaking engagement in February.
The director later said he deleted the tweet because it was vague.
I never support violence, he said. I do support peaceful protest against hateful people and awful ideas.
FollowJerome Hudsonon Twitter@jeromeehudson
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No 'Censorship': Judd Apatow Defends HBO Drama 'Confederate' from SJWs - Breitbart News
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YouTube Moves To Censor Controversial Content Brings ADL On Board As Flagger – Mintpress News (blog)
Posted: at 3:44 am
With the war between mainstream and independent media heating up, YouTube has weaponized a new content censorship program, calling it an effort to fight terror content online. With standards set by groups like the Anti-Defamation League, political agendas are sure to intrude.
(Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg)
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA Ever since fake news found its place among the various explanations used by the Clinton campaign and supporters to account for their candidates loss, there has been a quiet but concerted effort on the part of establishment media, technology, and telecommunications companies to thwart the surging popularity of independent media.
The rise of the independent media has been hugely detrimental to the once privileged position of the mainstream media, who have now lost the trust of the vast majority of Americans and along with that trust their ability to control political and social narratives.
Chief among the groups seeking to clamp down on independent media has been Google, the massive technology company with deep connections to the U.S. intelligence community, as well as to U.S. government and business elites.
Since 2015, Google has worked to become the Internets Ministry of Truth, first through its creation of the First Draft Coalition and more recently via major changes made to its search engine that curtail public access to new sites independent of the corporate media.
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Google has now stepped up its war on free speech and the freedom of the press through its popular subsidiary, YouTube. On Tuesday, YouTube announced online that it is set to begin censoring content deemed controversial, even if that content does not break any laws or violate YouTubes user agreement.
Misleadingly dubbed as an effort to fight terror content online, the new program will flag content for review through a mix of machine algorithms and human review, guided by standards set up by expert NGOs and institutions that are part of YouTubes Trusted Flagger program. YouTube stated that such organizations bring expert knowledge of complex issues like hate speech, radicalization, and terrorism.
One of the leading institutions directing the course of the Trusted Flagger program is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL was initially founded to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all but has gained a reputation over the years for labeling any critic of Israels government as an anti-Semite.
For instance, characterizing Israeli policies towards the Palestinians as racist or apartheid-like is considered hate speech by the ADL, as is accusing Israel of war crimes or attempted ethnic cleansing. The ADL has even described explicitly Jewish organizations who are critical of Israels government as being anti-Semitic.
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In addition to its labeling of Palestinian rights activists as extremists, the ADL has also given numerous U.S. conservatives the same label, including Mike Cernovich and Gavin McInnes. Cernovich and McInnes, though controversial, are extremely popular figures among conservatives and Trump supporters on YouTube and social media. Cernovichs website, Danger & Play, gets nearly 150 million views every month. McInnes, co-founder of Vice Media, also enjoys a wide viewership, with many of his videos boasting millions of views.
The ADL is also known for being quite selective in identifying what it terms extremism.
While it consistently labels pro-Palestinian groups and those critical of the Israeli government as extremists, it has avoided that label with respect to the right-wing Israeli groups and figures that openly call for the murder or even genocide of Palestinians.
In addition, although it has flagged figures of the so-called alt-right, the ADL has not done the same for similar left-wing groups such as Antifa, a group some states have listed as a domestic terror organization. With the ADL at the helm, YouTubes new censorship policy is likely to selectively target those critical of Israels government, as well as conservative voices.
Even more unsettling, YouTubes new policy doesnt stop with merely censoring content.
According to the announcement, any user who searches for keywords or terms deemed controversial by YouTubes chosen authorities will be redirected to a playlist of curated videos intended to directly confront and debunk the content sought by the user.
Critics have warned that the mix of censorship and redirection to curated propaganda videos would create a PC, extreme-left, propagandizing echo chamber with consequences that would go far beyond combatting online terrorism. Indeed, given that Googles Jigsaw once created tools intended to bolster the ranks of al-Qaeda in Syria, Google and YouTubes desire to fight the spread of actual terrorism is dubious, making it all the more likely that this latest move is instead targeting free speech and expression.
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YouTube Moves To Censor Controversial Content Brings ADL On Board As Flagger - Mintpress News (blog)
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Libertarianism Was Born In Westminster And Other Historical Party Facts – Colorado Public Radio
Posted: at 3:43 am
Libertarian party founderDavid Nolan.
(CourtesyFran Holt of DuPage Libertarians)
In 1977, the condensed version of the party's platform was described in this fashion by Nolan:
1. We favor the abolition of damn near everything.
2. We call for drastic reductions in everything else.
3. And we refuse to pay for what's left!
The Libertarian party has grown to have somewhere around half a million registered voters nationwide. There's a new project to document its history, led by Caryn Ann Harlos, Libertarian Party of Colorado communications director and Region 1 representative on the Libertarian National Committee. Harlos has been cataloging and digitizing party documents, photos and artifacts at
Here's a look at some of the things Harlos has unearthed:
A poster for the party's first presidential ticket with John Hospers as president and Theodora "Tonie" Nathan as vice president. Nathan the first woman in U.S. history to get an electoral vote in the electoral college.
(Courtesy Libertarian Party of Colorado)
Harlos found issues of the Libertarian Party News, or the LP News, and early newsletters that she says "give a snapshot of what was going on at the time."
(Courtesy Libertarian Party of Colorado)
There's also this abridged history of the party.
(Courtesy Libertarian Party of Colorado)
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