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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Techly Explains: Are twins genetic? – Techly

Posted: August 14, 2017 at 11:48 am

Imagine the moment, youve just been told youre expecting twins. You are trying not to think about The Shining.

You are wondering why you, specifically, have somehow ended up doubly pregnant. Allow Techly to shed some light on the subject.

Now while that clip from the late 80s buddy comedy Twins isnt the most scientific thing youll see today, its always fun to see Arnie acting in the rare scenes when he isnt mowing down foot soldiers and it does raise a significant point. There is a large difference between identical (or monozygotic) twins and fraternal (dizygotic) twins, here demonstrated ably by DeVito and Schwarzenegger.

In the case of identical twins, as the medical term monozygotic may suggest, they occur when one zygote (essentially a fertilized egg) splits into two halves during early development, meaning both embryos have identical genetic information. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, develop from two separate zygotes and are therefore made up of differing, while similar, genetic information.

So, is there a genetic reason for the occurrence of twins? Could there be some genetic predisposition to carrying twins? Well according to this post on The Stanford Tech forum its kind of yes and no territory. To be more specific, the post states identical twins do not run in families and a history of fraternal twins only helps if it comes in on the mothers side. Furthermore, it says that a female fraternal twin is 2.5 times more likely to give birth to a further set of twins and that goes up to 3-4 times when the woman already has already given birth to a set of fraternal twins.

According to the Sciencemag site scientists from eight countries found two genes that increase a womans chance of having twins. A team of researchers in Amsterdam, where the Nederlands Twin Register which currently contains 75,000 cases, started in 1987 collated data from databases in the Nederlands, USA and good ol Australia.

The researchers, working on a sample of over 2000 births, examined the genetic information of the mothers to see if there was a common link between the mothers of fraternal twins. They eventually narrowed it down to two SNPs (essentially single stretches of DNA that signpost genetic differences between people) and subsequently reported in the American Journal of Human Genetics that having a copy of each of them will increase that persons chances of giving birth to fraternal twins by a huge 29%. The first SNP relates to the production of the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which, if the levels remain quite high while the ovaries mature, can lead to the production of more than one egg. The other SNP is a little more mysterious, SMAD3 has been noted to change how ovaries respond to FSH, at least in mice but in terms of its role in human fertilization, research is ongoing.

So there you have it, of course, a full genetic analysis is not necessarily available to everyone, so whether or not you are genetically predisposed to have your own DeVito/Schwarzenegger caper may have to remain a surprise for now. Having said that, youre family history can, of course, be a handy indicator when considering your own genetic make-up, so Auntie Jane should be able to give you some idea!

Writer of words. Dreamer of dreams. Leader of men.

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Orphan Black Was Never About Cloning – Slate Magazine

Posted: at 11:48 am

From the opening scene, questions of identityboth existential and scientificprovide the shows narrative thrust.

BBC America

This article contains spoilers about the series finale of Orphan Black.

After five seasons of clone cabals, the BBC America/Space series Orphan Black has come to a mostly happy end. Yet an ellipsis follows wrapping of the show, hinting at bigger questions that transcend the characters storylines. Orphan Blacks conspiracies, camp, and Tatiana Maslanys riveting performances as a dozen different clones make it easy to overlook its prescience and profundity. From the opening scene in which Sarah Manning sees her clone kill herself by stepping in front of a train, questions of identityboth existential and scientificprovide the shows narrative thrust. Who created the clones? How? Why? How much control do their creators have over them? The shows final season provides answers while raising questions that transcend science fiction. What role should ethics play in science? Do scientific subjects have the right to self-determination?

If you stopped watching a few seasons back, heres a brief synopsis of how the mysteries wrap up. Neolution, an organization that seeks to control human evolution through genetic modification, began Project Leda, the cloning program, for two primary reasons: to see whether they could and to experiment with mutations that might allow people (i.e., themselves) to live longer. Neolution partnered with biotech companies such as Dyad, using its big pharma reach and deep pockets to harvest peoples genetic information and to conduct individual and germline (that is, genetic alterations passed down through generations) experiments, including infertility treatments that result in horrifying birth defects and body modification, such as tail-growing.

In the final season, we meet the man behind the curtain: P.T. Westmoreland, who claims to be 170 years old thanks to life-extension treatments such as parabiosis (transfusions of young blood). Westmoreland wants to harness the healing powers of the particular LIN28A gene mutation found in the fertile clones kids. (Real-world studies suggest that while LIN28A mutations are linked to cancer, its RNA-binding protein promotes self-renewal of embryotic stem cells.)

Westmorelandultimately discovered to be a fraud who assumed the original Westmorelands identity after he diedpersonifies one of the shows messages: that pseudoscience and megalomania can masquerade as science. Just because someone has a genetic sequencer and a lab coat doesnt mean hes legitimate, and just because someones a scientist doesnt mean hes ethical.

Orphan Black demonstrates Carl Sagans warning of a time when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few. Neolutionists do whatever they want, pausing only to consider whether theyre missing an opportunity to exploit. Their hubris is straight out of Victor Frankensteins playbook. Frankenstein wonders whether he ought to first reanimate something of simpler organisation than a human, but starting small means waiting for glory. Orphan Blacks evil scientists embody this belief: if theyre going to play God, then theyll control not just their own destinies, but the clones and, ultimately, all of humanitys. Any sacrifices along the way are for the greater goodreasoning that culminates in Westmorelands eugenics fantasy to genetically sterilize 99 percent of the population he doesnt enhance.

Orphan Black uses sci-fi tropes to explore real-world plausibility. Neolution shares similarities with transhumanism, the belief that humans should use science and technology to take control of their own evolution. While some transhumanists dabble in body modifications, such as microchip implants or night-vision eye drops, others seek to end suffering by curing human illness and aging. But even these goals can be seen as selfish, as access to disease-eradicating or life-extending technologies would be limited to the wealthy. Westmorelands goal to sell Neolution to the 1 percent seems frighteningly plausibletranshumanists, who statistically tend to be white, well-educated, and male, and their associated organizations raise and spend massive sums of money to help fulfill their goals. Critics raise many objections to transhumanism, including overpopulation and the socioeconomic divide between mortals and elite immortals, which some think might beget dystopia. Researchers are exploring ways to extend the human lifespan whether by genetic modification, reversing senescence (cellular deterioration with age), nanobots, or bio-printed tissues and organs, but in the world of Orphan Black we dont have to speculate about the consequences of such work.

The show depicts the scientists dehumanization of the clones from its first scene, when Beth, unable to cope with the realities of her cloned existence, commits suicide. When another clone, Cosima, tries to research her DNA, she gets a patent statement: This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property. It doesnt matter that Cosima is sick or that shes in love. Shes not a person: Shes a trademarked product, as are the other clones.

Orphan Black warns us that money, power, and fear of death can corrupt both people and science.

The shows most tragic victim is Rachel, the evil clone. Shes the cautionary tale: Frankensteins monster, alone, angry, and cursed. The only one raised with the awareness of what she is, Rachel grows up assured of her own importance and motivated to expand it by doing Neolutions dirty work. Westmoreland signs a document giving Rachel sovereignty, but later she sees computer files in which shes still referred to by her patent number. Despite her leadership, cunning, and bravery, even those working with her never regard her as human. Her willingness to hurt her sisters and herself shows what happens to someone whose experience of nature and nurture is one and the same.

We, the viewers, also dehumanize Rachel by writing her off as one of them. When she lands on the side of her sisters, she does so not out of morality but out of vengeance. At the end, Westmoreland, the closest thing she has to a father, taunts her: its fitting you return to your cage. All lab rats do. But her childhood flashbacks suggest she doesnt want others to experience what she has. When Neolutionists take 9-year-old Kira from her home at gunpoint, Rachel initially supports the plan to load Kira with fertility drugs and then harvest her eggs to access her mutated gene. But when Kira gives Rachel a friendship bracelet (and perhaps her first friendship), Rachels haunted expression suggests that beneath her usually unflappable demeanor, shes still a frightened little girl. When Kira asks, Who hurt you? Rachel responds, They all did.

Whether motivated by retaliation, morality, or both, Rachel helps save Kira and takes down Neolution. Yet its unclear whats left for her as shell never be welcomed into Clone Club. Her last act is to provide a list of clones around the world so Cosima and former Dyad researcher Delphine can cure them. Rachel gives the clones control over their livesand in so doing, asserts control over her own.

Ultimately, Orphan Black is all about choice. Theres much in life we cant choose: our parents, the circumstances of our birth, our DNA. Its no surprise that a show that espouses girl power (the future is female is both spoken and seen on a T-shirt in the final two episodes) dwells on the importance of choice. The finale flashes back to Sarah in front of Planned Parenthood debating whether to have an abortion. Reckless, rough Sarah surprises herself (and Mrs. S, her foster mother) by deciding to keep the baby. Years before she learns how many decisions others have made about her body, she makes a decision for herself.

On Orphan Black, denial of choice is tantamount to imprisonment. That the clones have to earn autonomy underscores the need for ethics in science, especially when it comes to genetics. The shows message here is timely given the rise of gene-editing techniques such as CRISPR. Recently, the National Academy of Sciences gave germline gene editing the green light, just one year after academy scientists from around the world argued it would be irresponsible to proceed without further exploring the implications. Scientists in the United Kingdom and China have already begun human genetic engineering and American scientists recently genetically engineered a human embryo for the first time. The possibility of Project Leda isnt farfetched. Orphan Black warns us that money, power, and fear of death can corrupt both people and science. Once that happens, loss of humanityof both the scientists and the subjectsis inevitable.

In Carl Sagans dark vision of the future, people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority. This describes the plight of the clones at the outset of Orphan Black, but as the series continues, they challenge this paradigm by approaching science and scientists with skepticism, ingenuity, and grit. The lab rats assert their humanity and refuse to run the maze. Freedom looks different to everyone, Sarah says in the finale. As she struggles to figure out what freedom will look like for hershould she get her GED? Sell the house? Get a job?its easy to see how overwhelming such options would be for someone whose value has always been wrapped in a double helix. But no matter what uncertainties their futures hold, the clones dismantle their cages and make their own choices, proving what weve known all alongtheir humanity.

This article is part of Future Tense, a collaboration among Arizona State University, New America, and Slate. Future Tense explores the ways emerging technologies affect society, policy, and culture. To read more, follow us on Twitter and sign up for our weekly newsletter.

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How does DNA testing work, what are ancestry DNA kits and which celebrities have taken DNA tests? – The Sun

Posted: at 11:47 am

The Sun
How does DNA testing work, what are ancestry DNA kits and which celebrities have taken DNA tests?
The Sun
After taking a swab of your DNA, genetic scientists then examine it and see if there are any other potential matches in order to trace your ancestry. Ancestry DNA kits are now available to buy online, and only require you to take a small saliva sample ...
DNA kit deal will reveal the mysteries of your Irish family historyIrishCentral

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How does DNA testing work, what are ancestry DNA kits and which celebrities have taken DNA tests? - The Sun

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Man pleads guilty to Lancaster rape after crime scene DNA match – LancasterOnline

Posted: at 11:47 am

A man pleaded guilty to the rape and beating of a woman on a Lancaster street in 2014, according to the Lancaster County District Attorney's office.

Robert R. Pitt, 20, recently pleaded guilty in Lancaster County Court to nine charges including felony counts of rape and robbery.

Pitt, a stranger to the victim, was a week short of turning 18 when he targeted the woman in the 400 block of South Duke Street on Aug. 10, 2014.

He took her cellphone as she tried to call for help, according to the district attorney's office. She broke free and was taken to an area hospital.

Pitt was a prison inmate last year when his DNA profile matched crime scene evidence.

Assistant District Attorney Karen Mansfield petitioned the case to be tried in adult court. The trial was scheduled to begin Monday, and Pitt entered the plea Aug. 11, according to the district attorney's office.

Judge Jeffery Wright accepted the plea and will order sentence in about 90 days, after a background check is completed.

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Spoto High History teacher raising money for DNA project – WTSP 10 News

Posted: at 11:47 am

Jenny Dean, WTSP 5:27 AM. EDT August 14, 2017

Spoto High School history teacher Michael Mars is hoping to raise money to have his students do a DNA test to find out what parts of the world they're from. (Photo: WTSP)

As students start to hit the books, one of the hardest jobs for teachers is finding new ways to keep students engaged and interested in learning.

SpotoHigh School history teacher Michael Mars figured the best way to get students interested is to show them where they and their families fit into world events. He wants to have students do a simple DNA test to send off, to find out what parts of the world they come from.

Mars decided to do this after assigning a family tree project last year, and seeing how hard it was for many of his students.

"Our African American students would get to the late1800sand get to a dead end because of the whole issue with the civil war and slavery, Mars said. Other students would have no knowledge of their grandparents."

This idea costs money. To test all his students, it'll cost about $7,000.

Mars hopes to raise the money through a GoFundMe account.

If Mars doesn't get enough to test all the students, then he says he will use it as a reward for students who are excelling in his class.

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Researchers hack a computer using DNA – Techworm

Posted: at 11:47 am

With each passing day, hackers are using innovative ways to breach cyber security systems. One such inventive method of hacking a computer is via DNA.

Researchers at the University of Washington claims to have successfully injected a malware program into a DNA sample and use it to hack into a computer that analyzes the sequence of that DNA. In other words, so that when a gene sequencer analyzes it the resulting data becomes a program that corrupts gene-sequencing software and takes control of the underlying computer.

The team also explained its work in a more readable essay on its website that provides suggestions to tighten computer security and privacy protections in DNA synthesis, sequencing, and processing.

One of the big things we try to do in the computer security community is to avoid a situation where we say, Oh shoot, adversaries are here and knocking on our door and were not prepared,' co-author Tadayoshi Kohno, a professor at UWs Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, said in a statement. Instead, wed rather say, Hey, if you continue on your current trajectory, adversaries might show up in 10 years. So lets start a conversation now about how to improve your security before it becomes an issue.'

The researchers through trial and error successfully proved that it is possible to infect a computer with a malware that was coded into a strand of DNA and which when inserted into the gene-sequencing process, could allow an attacker to gain control of that system.

To assess whether this is theoretically possible, we included a known security vulnerability in a DNA processing program, they wrote. We then designed and created a synthetic DNA strand that contained malicious computer code encoded in the bases of the DNA strand. When this physical strand was sequenced and processed by the vulnerable program it gave remote control of the computer doing the processing. That is, we were able to remotely exploit and gain full control over a computer using adversarial synthetic DNA.

Should we be worried with this finding at this point of time? Well, not really. We dont want to alarm people or make patients worry about genetic testing, which can yield incredibly valuable information, said author and Allen School Associate Professor Luis Ceze. We do want to give people a heads up that as these molecular and electronic worlds get closer together, there are potential interactions that we havent really had to contemplate before.

However, the finding is been considered as a significant breakthrough in the growing overlap between the digital and the biological world. As sequencing becomes cheaper and more popular, there are chances of more DNA-encoded cyberthreats.

The researchers asserted that, It is time to improve the state of DNA security. We encourage the DNA sequencing community to proactively address computer security risks before any adversaries manifest.

The researchers plan to discuss their findings at the USENIX Security Symposium in Vancouver during a presentation on August 17.

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The lowdown on genome editing – NATIONAL – The Hindu – The Hindu

Posted: at 11:47 am

In a first, researchers from the Oregon Health and Science University along with colleagues in California, China and South Korea repaired a mutation in human embryos by using a gene-editing tool called CRISPR-Cas9.

The mutation seen in the MYBPC3 gene causes a common heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is marked by thickening of the heart muscle.

The mutation is seen in about one in 500 people and can lead to sudden death later in life. It is an inherited cardiac disease and the presence of even one copy of the gene can cause symptoms, which usually manifest as heart failure. Correcting the mutation in the embryo ensures that the child is born healthy and the defective gene is not passed on to future generations. There is currently no cure for the condition.

CRISPR-Cas9 is a system used by bacterial cells to recognise and destroy viral DNA as a form of adaptive immunity. Using components of the CRISPR system, researchers can remove, add or alter specific DNA sequences in the genome of higher organisms.

The gene editing tool has two components a single-guide RNA (sgRNA) that contains a sequence that can bind to DNA, and the Cas9 enzyme which acts as a molecular scissor that can cleave DNA. The genetic sequence of the sgRNA matches the target sequence of the DNA that has to be edited. In order to selectively edit a desired sequence in DNA, the sgRNA is designed to find and bind to the target.

Upon finding its target, the Cas9 enzyme swings into an active form that cuts both strands of the target DNA. One of the two main DNA-repair pathways in the cell then gets activated to repair the double-stranded breaks. While one of the repair mechanisms result in changes to the DNA sequence, the other is more suitable for introducing specific sequences to enable tailored repair. In theory, the guide RNA will only bind to the target sequence and no other regions of the genome.

But the CRISPR-Cas9 system can also recognise and cleave different regions of the genome than the one that was intended to be edited. These off-target changes are very likely to take place when the gene-editing tool binds to DNA sequences that are very similar to the target one. Though many studies have found few unwanted changes suggesting that the tool is probably safe, researchers are working on safer alternatives.

Along with sperm from a man with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the gene-editing tool was also introduced into eggs from 12 healthy women before fertilisation. In normal conditions, a piece of DNA with the correct sequence serves as a template for the repair to work, although the efficiency can be significantly low. Instead of the repair template that was provided by the researchers, the cells used the healthy copy of the DNA from the egg as a template. This came as a big surprise.

Normally, if sperm from a father with one mutant copy of the gene is fertilized in vitro with normal eggs, 50% of the embryos would inherit the condition. When the gene-editing tool was used, 42 out of the 58 embryos did not carry the mutation. The remaining 16 embryos had unwanted additions or deletions of DNA.

Thus the probability of inheriting the healthy gene increased from 50 to 72.4%. There was no off-target snipping of the DNA. According to Nature, the edited embryos developed similarly to the control embryos, with 50% reaching an early stage of development (blastocyst). This indicates that editing does not block development.

Clinical trials are under way in China and in the U.S. to use this tool for treating cancer. In May this year, it was shown in mice that it is possible to shut down HIV-1 replication and even eliminate the virus from infected cells. In agriculture, a new breed of crops that are gene-edited will become commercially available in a few years. In February this year, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the National Academy of Medicine said scientific advances make gene editing in human reproductive cells a realistic possibility that deserves serious consideration.

R. Prasad

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August 2017 Regulating CRISPR genome editing in humans: where do we go from here? – JD Supra (press release)

Posted: at 11:47 am

The use of genome-editing techniques in medical therapies has proved to be a promising development in the treatment of certain diseases, such as cancer, HIV and rare diseases, by genetically altering specific types of cells. Compared to other techniques used to insert, delete or replace DNA in the genome of an organism, CRISPR/Cas9 is much quicker, easier to use and less costly, may be more precise in its application, and can also be used to edit multiple genes simultaneously. The technique therefore has the potential to be a true game-changer in medicine with profound beneficial effects on human health. However, the enthusiasm for the opportunities of this promising technology should be accompanied by adequate regulatory oversight to guarantee the safety of products and applications that use this technology.

The first clinical trial using CRISPR-edited immune cells began in patients with lung cancer in China in 2016. Earlier this year, FDAs Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee did not find any objections to the first clinical protocol to use CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing, and the first US clinical trial is expected to start shortly. Several more clinical trials have since been approved and started in China, including one which proposes to perform gene editing in vivo i.e. directly within the body of live patients (as opposed to ex vivo, e.g. using cells extracted from donors).

Most recently, in August 2017, a team of US-based scientists at Oregon Health and Science University published a paper describing the successful use of CRISPR/Cas9 to fix a disease-causing DNA error in dozens of early-stage human embryos, which, according to biologist Shoukrat Mitalipov, brings us much closer to clinical applications. Clinical use of this work would mean actually implanting some of these embryos with the goal of children being born that possess genes which have been artificially edited using CRISPR technology and would be capable of passing those edited genes to their offspring. These developments are exciting for patients and their loved ones, but in equal measure represent a challenge to existing regulatory structures and society at large. At any rate, with the pace of development in the CRISPR field around the world, clinical trials involving CRISPR in the EU may not be far away.

Regulators in the EU and abroad will need to stay abreast of this new (r)evolution in genome-editing technologies. In this respect, different groups established within the European Commission, including the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, have emphasised the great potential [of the CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing technology] due to its many advantages to previous methods and acknowledged that the CRISPR/Cas9 system challenges the international regulatory landscape for the modification of human cells in the near to medium term.

While no specific regulatory guidance has been issued to date, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has started to lay the groundwork for the regulatory implications to come, by launching a public consultation on the revision of its Guideline on medicinal products containing genetically modified cells on 20 July 2017. The EMA specifically recognises that the current 2012 guideline focuses on genetic modifications by traditional methods (based on the use of vectors carrying recombinant nucleic acids), but that the introduction of the CRISPR/Cas9 system has rapidly increased the use of genome-editing technologies to genetically modify cells ex vivo for clinical applications, and aims to take these aspects into consideration in its revised draft guideline, which is expected by March 2018.

Regulation of gene-edited products in the EU

1.EU-wide classification and authorisation of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products

Currently, in the EU, new medicinal products based on genes (gene therapy), cells (cell therapy) and tissues (tissue engineering) also known as advanced therapy medicinal products or ATMP are regulated by the ATMP Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 1394/2007 on advanced therapy medicinal products). The ATMP Regulation is a lex specialis supplementing the provisions of Directive 2001/83/EC and Regulation (EC) No 726/2004. It regulates ATMPs which are intended to be placed on the market in [EU] Member States and either prepared industrially or manufactured by a method involving an industrial process.

Like all other modern biotechnology medicinal products, ATMPs are regulated at EU level and are subject to the centralised marketing authorisation procedure. In addition to the general regulatory requirements that apply to all medicinal products, given their complexity, ATMPs are subject to specific technical requirements, including the type and amount of quality pre-clinical and clinical data necessary to demonstrate the quality, safety and efficacy of the product and obtain a marketing authorisation. To facilitate the development of these products and help pharmaceutical companies prepare for marketing authorisation applications, the EMA has adopted a raft of scientific guidelines. Whether the existing regulatory framework and guidelines will be fit for purpose for genome-editing applications remains to be seen. Some clarifications and modifications seem unavoidable as is reflected by the EMAs on-going revision of its overarching guideline on medicinal products containing genetically modified cells in light of the CRISPR/Cas9 advances.

The ATMP Regulation distinguishes three types of ATMPs, two of which are of interest when considering CRISPR products and applications: (i) gene therapy medicinal products (GTMPs) and (ii) somatic cell therapy medicinal products (sCTMPs).

Pursuant to Directive 2001/83/EC (Annex I, Part IV, Section 2.1), a GTMP corresponds to a biological medicinal product with the following characteristics:

a)it contains an active substance which contains or consists of a recombinant nucleic acid used in or administered to human beings with a view to regulating, repairing, replacing, adding or deleting a genetic sequence; and

b)its therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic effect relates directly to the recombinant nucleic acid sequence it contains, or to the product of genetic expression of this sequence.

In contrast, the Directive (Annex I, Part IV, Section 2.2) defines an sCTMP as a biological medicinal product that:

a)contains or consists of cells or tissues that have been subject to substantial manipulation so that biological characteristics, physiological functions or structural properties relevant for the intended clinical use have been altered, or of cells or tissues that are not intended to be used for the same essential function(s) in the recipient and the donor; and

b)is presented as having properties for, or is used in or administered to human beings with a view to treating, preventing or diagnosing a disease through the pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action of its cells or tissues.

Depending on the primary mode of action of a therapy, CRISPR-modified cells that are used in therapy could likely be categorised as either GTMPs or sCTMPs (though given the early stages of CRISPR-related clinical trials, this has not yet been confirmed by regulatory authorities to date). For example, where the primary use of genome-edited haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is immune reconstitution and the genetic modification is for the secondary purpose of limiting risk of graft versus host disease, the therapy is likely to be classified as an sCTMP. This is because HSCs themselves can reconstitute a patients immune system without any genetic modification. In contrast, where the primary mode of action is a direct result of the genetic modification, it is likely to be classified as a GTMP. For example, where a gene is inserted into T-cells, resulting in a receptor being expressed on the cell surface designed to recognise and attack target cells (such as cancer cells), this is likely to be considered a GTMP because the T-cells alone, without this genetic modification, would not provide any therapeutic effect. Notwithstanding the above, the ATMP Regulation requires that a product meeting the definition of both GTMP and sCTMP be classified as a GTMP.

If an applicant is unsure whether a product is an ATMP, it can request a recommendation from the EMAs specialised Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT), which must respond within 60 days (after consultation with the European Commission). Non-confidential summaries of these recommendations are publicly available. The CAT provides advice on whether a product falls within the definition of an ATMP, formulates draft opinions on the quality, safety and efficacy of ATMPs for final approval by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), and advises the latter on any data generated in the development of ATMPs. The CAT has previously evaluated cell therapies involving genetically modified cells and the evaluation of CRISPR-modified medicinal products is likely to be analogous (see for example Autologous anti-BCMA CAR T-cells which were classified as a gene therapy medicinal product). Companies interested in the development and marketing of CRISPR edited medicinal products should consider monitoring CAT recommendations, reports and publications in order to better understand how CRISPR products will be classified and regulated in the context of the ATMP Regulation.

2.National approvals by competent authorities and ethics committees of clinical trials with ATMPs

ATMPs must go through clinical trials in the same way as any other medicine. Clinical trials are approved on a national basis, by the national competent regulatory authorities after the provision of the opinion of an ethics committee, in accordance with the harmonised procedures and principles established by the Clinical Trials Directive (Directive 2001/20/EC). However, the application procedure will be streamlined significantly as applications will be submitted through a single EU portal and undergo a (partly) harmonised assessment (by all Member States involved) once the Clinical Trials Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 will become applicable (at the earliest, October 2018 according to the timeframe drawn up by the EMA but most likely later).

Given the complexity of ATMPs (and the corresponding clinical trial dossiers), specific written authorisation is required, and the timelines for approval of clinical trials with these products are often longer than for regular medicinal products. Currently, the time period for the national competent authority to consider a request for authorisation of a clinical trial which in principle may not exceed 60 days may be extended by 30 days in the case of GTMPs and sCTMPs. This maximum period of 90 days may be extended by a further 90 days in the event of consultation of a group or a committee in accordance with the regulations and procedures of the Member States concerned. Under the new Clinical Trials Regulation, review timelines will remain lengthier in the case of clinical trials involving an ATMP.

Ethical aspects remain the responsibility of individual EU Member States and (even under the new Clinical Trial Regulation) local ethics committees need to give their opinion before a clinical trial can be authorised. It is clear that the debate around trials involving products created by CRISPR techniques (or therapies involving the direct in vivo use of CRISPR in patients) is likely to be complex given the numerous ethical issues (such as the fear of designer babies and other eugenic applications) raised by this technology. Currently, for ATMPs, ethics committees can extend the time period to give their reasoned opinion on a clinical trial with these products from 60 to 90 days (which may be further extended by 90 days in the event of consultation of a specific committee), and despite the intention of the Clinical Trials Regulation to shorten the timelines for clinical trial approvals in the EU these extended timelines are likely to be indispensible for CRISPR related trials.

However, importantly, to date, it is clearly established in EU law that gene therapy trials resulting in modifications to the subjects germ line genetic identity are prohibited (and this prohibition is maintained under the EU Clinical Trials Regulation). Therefore, one of the most controversial applications of CRISPR (which was the subject of the August 2017 Mitalipov paper) the editing of genes at a germ-line level (in egg cells, sperm cells and embryos) so that the edited gene is inheritable by future generations is unlikely to be permitted in the EU for the foreseeable future.

3.Other regulations to consider

Additional legislation supporting the ATMP regulation will have to be considered as well. For example, where tissues and cells are used as starting materials, the donation, procurement and testing of the cells are covered by the Tissues and Cells Directive (Directive 2004/23/EC). Other relevant legislation includes Directive 2005/28/EC that lays down detailed guidelines for good clinical practice (GCP) and the requirements for authorisation of the manufacturing or importation of ATMPs.

This is an exciting time for research and development wherein the use of CRISPR in medicine may lead to rapid and significant progress for human health. The regulation of the developments triggered by this new technology is important to ensure that, on the one hand, appropriate quality and safety standards are adhered to, by way of evaluating and mitigating potential risks and, on the other, a clear and certain regulatory environment is created to encourage researchers to explore fully the potential of this technology within the ethical bounds society deems appropriate. It appears that the regulation of gene and cell therapies under the EU ATMP Regulation possibly with some regulatory modifications and the adoption of adequate scientific guidelines - could also govern revolutionary gene-editing techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9, and is therefore the legal instrument to watch as CRISPR continues to conquer the world of medicine.

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August 2017 Regulating CRISPR genome editing in humans: where do we go from here? - JD Supra (press release)

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New Technique Searches ‘Dark Genome’ for Disease Mutations – Lab Manager Magazine

Posted: at 11:47 am

Image credit: Getty Images

New York, NY When doctors cant find a diagnosis for a patients disease, they turn to genetic detectives. Equipped with genomic sequencing technologies available for less than 10 years, these sleuths now routinely search through a patients DNA looking for mutations responsible for mysterious diseases.

Despite many successes, the search still comes back empty more often than not. In fact, disease-causing mutations are found in only about one in three to four patients suspected of having a strongly genetic condition.

A big reason why most investigations turn up empty-handed is the dark genome. Only two percent of the human genome is well understood by scientists. This small fraction contains the 20,000 genes that encode instructions for making the cells proteins. The remaining 98 percentthe dark genomeis largely a mystery. Although its known that the dark, non-coding genome regulates genesturning them on and off, for examplethe details remain obscure.

As a consequence, sequencing data from the entire genome is currently considered almost uninterpretable, saysDavid Goldstein, PhD, the John E. Borne Professor of Medical and Surgical Research and director of the Institute for Genomic Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center, and todays genetic detectives restrict their search for disease-causing mutations to the sliver of genome that contains protein-coding genes.

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To help locate pathogenic mutations in the vast non-coding genome, Dr. Goldstein and his colleagues Ayal Gussow and Andrew Allen have developed a new technique called Orion. Orion is designed to flag regions of the non-coding genome that are likely to contain disease-causing genetic changes by identifying parts of the genome that are under selection in the human population.

We anticipate that researchers will immediately start using Orion to help them find pathogenic mutations in patients in which previous sequencing efforts were negative, says Dr. Goldstein. Details about the method were published online Aug. 10 in PLoS One.

Orion was developed by comparing the entire genomes of 1,662 people and identifying stretches of DNA that vary little from person to person. Because these regions are intolerant to change, they are most likely doing something important, says Dr. Goldstein, lead author of the paper.

That means a mutation in an intolerant region is more likely to cause disease than a mutation in a tolerant (read: less important) region. This prediction was confirmed when the researchers mapped the locations of previously identified non-coding mutations: More mutations fell within Orions intolerant regions.

Previous methods to explore the non-coding genome focused on areas of the non-coding genome that have been retained in multiple species over evolutionary time, suggesting they, too, have an important function. However, this approach is not able to identify regions of the genome that have taken on important new functions in humans.

Orion isnt yet a finished product, Dr. Goldstein says. As more genomes are sequenced, the resolution of Orions regions will improve dramatically.

At that point, we are optimistic that Orion will constitute one helpful tool in the effort to identify variants throughout the genome that influence the risk of both rare and common diseases, says Dr. Goldstein.

Thestudyis titled Orion: Detecting Regions of the Human Non-Coding Genome that are Intolerant to Variation Using Population Genetics. Authors are Ayal Gussow (Duke University, Durham, NC, and Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY), Brett Copeland (CUMC), Ryan Dhindsa (CUMC), Quanli Wang (CUMC), Slave Petrovski (CUMC and University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia), William Majoros (Duke), Andrew Allen (Duke), and David Goldstein (CUMC).

The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health (1U01MH105670, 1UM1HG00901,F31NS092362,RC2NS070344;U01NS077303;U01NS053998,RC2MH089915,K01MH098126,R01MH097971,U01HG007672, andUM1AI100645); Biogen Inc.; SAIC Fredrick Inc.; the Joseph and Kathleen Bryan Alzheimers Disease Research Center; the Duke Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology and Immunogen Discovery; the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; the Ellison Medical Foundation; and the Murdock Study Community Registry and Biorepository.

David Goldstein is a founder of and holds equity in Pairnomix and Praxis and receives support from Janssen, Gilead, Biogen, AstraZeneca, and UCB. The authors declare no other conflicts of interest.

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New Technique Searches 'Dark Genome' for Disease Mutations - Lab Manager Magazine

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Living to 125 too much of a good thing? – El Dorado News-Times

Posted: at 11:47 am

Tom Purcell

"A 125-year life expectancy for human beings? I have zero desire to stick around that long."

"Ah, yes, you speak of a debate among scientists over human longevity. I read about it at Business Insider. Some scientists argue that the maximum age humans may live is 115 years, whereas others argue that 125 years is possible."

"A hundred and twenty-five years of watching Republicans and Democrats going at it? The heck with that."

"Living is rife with challenges, to be sure. But living a long life has its upsides. Wouldn't you want to visit your parents and other family members for a lot more years than most of us are able? Wouldn't you like to see them all at a Sunday dinner several more times than most human beings are able?"

"Maybe with your family. My family has taken years off of my life!"

"I see, but wouldn't it be awesome if some of our finest human beings could stick around longer? Don Rickles, one of the greatest entertainers ever, died this year at 91. How great would it be to keep him around for two more decades?"

"True, but if Rickles were to stick around longer, that means annoying celebrities would stick around, too, and keep yapping at us every time a Republican becomes president."

"There are other upsides to a longer life. What if we could keep our greatest minds around longer? Where would the world be if Einstein had another 25 years to unlock the mysteries of the universe?"

"But what if he figured out ways to extend human life even further, which would require me and the wife to have to keep coming up with new things to bicker about? Who has that kind of energy?"

"The downsides are a fair point. As people live longer, they could overburden government programs, such as Social Security. Where would we get all the money to support them?"

"How about we especially extend the lives of the rich so we can take them to the cleaners?"

"And living is expensive. If you live to 125, how will you pay for your housing and food and everyday expenses?"

"Thank goodness McDonald's is always hiring, but I for one have no desire to flip burgers at the age of 125."

"The costs of medical care are too high for millions now. I imagine that at 125 years of age, one's medical bills would be difficult to manage."

"Look, as a middle-aged guy, who is already showing signs of fatigue, here is what I know about living. Life is largely made up of colds, bills, speeding tickets and people who let you down. These experiences are connected together by a series of mundane tasks."

"Did anyone tell you how cheerful you can be? Go on."

"Well, these drudgeries are occasionally interrupted by a wonderful meal, a really good laugh with friends or a romantic evening with a lovely woman. Then the mundane stuff starts all over again. Who wants 125 years of that?"

"A lot of people do. The human lifespan has improved significantly in the past few generations. Millions are living healthy lives beyond the age of 80 today, and, when they were younger, few of them expected to live that long. Why not live relatively good lives until 125?"

"Because then I'd really worry about my slacker son."


"He's 35 years old and still living at home. If we drastically extend lifespans, my wife will have to tell him: 'Son, you're 100 years old! When are you going to move out of the basement and get a job?'"

For info on using this column in your publication or website, contact or call (805) 969-2829. Send comments to Tom at

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Living to 125 too much of a good thing? - El Dorado News-Times

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