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Hand-washing over coronavirus has created a dry skin epidemic – what to do – Coventry Telegraph
Posted: March 24, 2020 at 5:06 am
More hands are being washed than ever - and it is creating a new problem.
People are being urged to wash hands with soap and use hand sanitiser because of Covid-19, and it is leaving many with dry hands.
It is particularly an issue for those suffering from eczema.
That has led to the National Eczema Society (NES) issuing advice, reports the MEN.
Many eczema sufferers use an emollient to wash with and the society says using the soap substitute is adequate enough to keep hands clean.
To keep the eczema at bay they should reapply emollient to dry hands and if sanitiser is then added, the emollient should be reapplied once again.
For adults and children without an eczema diagnosis - but suffering dry and cracked skin as a result of the frequent washing - they should apply moisturiser after washing, followed by sanitiser.
Finding the moisturiser that's right for your skin type can be tricky, but there are plenty of hand creams to choose from and it's usually a case of trying a few to find one that suits best - so buy a small pot or tube initially to see if it helps.
The society says it has 'received a number of enquiries about the advice on frequent hand-washing and use of hand sanitisers to reduce coronavirus risk, for people with eczema'.
"Hand-washing is the best way to reduce transmission of coronavirus, and washing your hands with water and your usual emollient soap substitute should be adequate," says the NES.
"Emollient helps remove the virus from hands during the washing process, and serves the same cleansing purpose as soap."
It adds: "When you are out and about, we recommend that you continue to use emollient to wash your hands (decant a small amount into a pump dispenser or pot and refresh daily), and re-apply emollient afterwards.
"If you feel you need to use sanitising gel (which may irritate your eczema), apply your usual emollient afterwards to minimise any irritant effect. There is no eczema-friendly hand sanitiser, as they all contain alcohol, which dries out the skin.
"In public places where you can't avoid touching surfaces, try not to touch your nose, eyes or mouth (or your child's) because the virus gets in through mucous membranes."
Has yours or your child's eczema flared up because of frequent hand washing? Have you found a product to ease your dry or cracked skin? Let us know in the comments or share with us on our Manchester Family Facebook page.
Hand-washing over coronavirus has created a dry skin epidemic - what to do - Coventry Telegraph
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Coronavirus: How to properly care for dry hands caused by hand-washing and sanitiser, according to dermatologists – The Independent
Posted: at 5:06 am
As coronavirus continues to spread around the world, prime minister Boris Johnson and the NHS are urging people to frequently wash their hands.
Like the majority of cold and flu bugs, health experts state that the virus is spread through droplets transmitted into the air from coughing and sneezing, which people nearby can take in through their nose, mouth or eyes.
However, if the droplets land on surfaces and are picked up on the hands of others, it can spread further.
Sharing the full story, not just the headlines
As a result, health experts say that regular hand-washing is the most effective means of prevention with both Public Health England and health secretary Matt Hancock recommending that people wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds at a time to curb the spread of germs.
While vigorous hand-washing and using harsh sanitisers are both vital in reducing the spread of the virus, they can have an adverse effect on the skin, leaving hands feeling dry, cracked and sore.
According to Dr Susan Mayou, a consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic, this is because over time, excessive washing depletes the skins natural protective barrier.
Repetitive hand-washing can damage the integrity of the skin as a barrier, stripping away natural oils and causing hands to become dry, sore and irritated, Dr Mayou says.
If you have damaged the skin it becomes less effective as a barrier against infection so moisturising is essential but definitely dont stop the hand-washing!
Dr Adam Friedmann, a consultant dermatologist and clinical lead at The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic, agrees, adding that many people who are adhering to the NHSs advice will experience irritant contact eczema an eczema caused by a chemical, such as soap, irritating the skin.
So what simple things can we do to reduce irritation? Here is a dermatologists guide to looking after your hands during the coronavirus crisis.
Both Dr Mayou and Dr Friedmann recommend using a moisturising cleanser such as Dermol 500 to wash your hands instead of traditional soap as it can help to soften and hydrate the skin, especially when youre suffering from conditions such as eczema or dermatitis. While soothing, the product is an antimicrobial emollient meaning it kills microorganisms and stops their growth.
Alternatively, Dr Mayou suggests looking out for products that contain ingredients such as shea butter and aloe vera.
After drying your hands or the application of hand-sanitising gel, Dr Friedmann says you should apply a generous layer of hand cream to help keep them nourished, soothe any dry areas and minimise skin irritation.
Dr Mayou adds that creams are much more effective than lotions, with Aveeno, Neutrogena, CeraVe and Cetraben among some of her favourite purse-friendly and effective options.
If youre looking for a more intense hit of hydration, hand masks are a great treatment method for concentrating ingredients on your digits. Hand masks work just like face masks and while some consist of a thick cream that you applyto the backs of your hands others come in ready-made gloves that youleave on for a while (usually around 10-20 minutes) as the product soaks in and works its moisturising magic. Some of our top picks are Aveenos Nourishing Hand Maskand Patchologys Perfect Ten Self-Warming Hand Mask.
Wearing gloves will provide an added layer of protection and are particularly beneficial when cleaning, Dr Mayou says.
Many household cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be damaging to the skin, causing an irritant dermatitis, she explains, while Dr Friedmann adds that rubber gloves should only be worn for short periods as they may exacerbate skin conditions.
The trouble with wearing non-breathable gloves is that sweat will build up and this can actually worsen the situation as sweat can be quite an irritant, he explains.
Dr Mayou adds that wearing gloves outside will give a layer of protection against the elements, which can also be drying to the skin, while applying a thick layer of hand cream at night with cotton gloves before bed can help nourish and repair skin.
In addition to regular washing, Dr Friedmann states that not drying your hands properly can have a drying effect on the skin as it strips the skins natural oils when it evaporates.
Dr Mayou agrees, adding that drying your hands thoroughly is also important in reducing the transmission of bacteria and viruses, which is more likely to occur from wet skin.
Single use paper hand towels are more hygienic than electric hand dryers in reducing the risk of transmitting viruses. If using a hand dryer, ensure hands are dried thoroughly do not finish the drying process by wiping hands on jeans or clothing as these may not be clean and may transfer infection back onto the hands, Dr Mayou says.
In the home, cloth hand towels should be changed frequently, especially if used by several people, to prevent transmission of infection.
If your hands are inflamed, itchy, swollen or painful and showing no signs of improvement, Dr Mayou suggests it could be time to seek advice from a dermatologist for treatment and to determine if there is an underlying cause of the condition.
Dr Friedmann adds that people should seek help the moment that the hand condition is making life uncomfortable or unbearable.
We can undertake tests to ascertain whether this is an allergy or an irritant eczema and give treatment, he says.
Read more about how to properly wash your hands here
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Coronavirus: How to properly care for dry hands caused by hand-washing and sanitiser, according to dermatologists - The Independent
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10 Products That Delighted Us Last Week: From Track Suits to Tarot Decks – New York Magazine
Posted: at 5:06 am
10 items in this article 2 items on sale!
Photo: Courtesy of the vendors
We write about hundreds of products a week. Here, in our version of the Sunday circular, weve plucked out some of our favorites expert-recommendedessentials,life-changing stuffyou didnt know you needed, newly-launched gizmos, and thevery good dealswe uncovered while trolling through the vast online-shopping universe this past week.
As we wrote last week, one upside to our newfound downtime in this period of social distancing is that we all have more time to read. To help you (and ourselves) find new books to distract us from the 24-hour news cycle, we turned to the staff at one of our favorite local stores, McNally Jackson (which set up a fund to support its employees living costs after temporarily shuttering its locations due to the viral pandemic). This pick comes from shop owner Sarah McNally herself: This novella takes place over a week in Northumberland and is narrated by a 17-year-old girl. Her family joins a professor and three students to live off the land in a rough approximation of the Britons of the Iron Age. The tension builds, undercurrents of abuse rise ever closer to the surface. Its a little funny and very sad, and it transports the reader to the British bogs and beaches and to the life of hunting and gathering.
Another of our favorite distractions for these (and any other) days is a good puzzle, so we recently polled some cool people about the ones theyre putting together right now. This Areaware one came recommended by Books Are Magic bookseller and puzzle obsessive Margaret Myers, who does note that its calming-to-look-at ombr design makes it more challenging (but with time to kill, that may not be a bad thing). Theyre very hard and fun, she says, as well as framable (when complete), we think.
For many of us, the reality of working from home means working from the home you also live in with roommates, a situation that Strategist intern Kayla Levy is quite familiar with (she has four). From her guide to working from home with roommates (for which Levy spoke to other folks who have set-ups similar to hers) comes this month-at-a-glance schedule notebook from Muji, which crises-services worker Lena Beckett and her two other roommates use to coordinate chores because they need to happen much more frequently now.
Last week, columnist Chris Black and his friends behind Instagrams timely new account @WFHFits directed readers to several work-appropriate outfits for when your office might also be your couch. One such outfit, according to the @WFHFits braintrust, is a matching tracksuit by Adidas comfort and chic for you are the highest priorities. For more comfy-chic options, check out our staffers odes to their favorite work-from-home Shiv Roy pants, leggings, and tank tops (that double as yoga tops).
The reality is, most of us dont normally wash our hands this frequently and even if you dont suffer from eczema or psoriasis like I do, this level of cleanliness can be pretty irritating on the skin, our columnist says about one often-painful reality of proper personal hygiene. Following a deep dive into one of Reddits eczema forums, I decided on bottle of Gold Bonds $4 Eczema Relief Cream, she writes. After two days of consistent use (I put it on two to three times a day), dry patches were completely gone. I attribute this to the creams formula: It is comprised of oatmeal (which calms the skin and prevents itchiness), aloe vera (for soothing and hydrating), and vitamin E (which helps build the skins protective barrier and lock in moisture).
In a recent Micro Sale, we noted that this durable skillet from one of our favorite heritage cookware brands will come in handy for all the home cooking ahead. And, like the other Le Creuset pots and pans we (and our parents) own, if properly cared for, it will remain a workhorse in your kitchen for decades of happier times to come.
If being cooped up is taking a toll on your body, stretching can be a simple way to alleviate that. In talking to experts about the best tools you can use to become more flexible, many recommend prepping your muscles with a foam roller. One thing that massage-type tools can do relatively easily is improve the circulation of blood to the muscles, says Alain Saint-Dic, the head of training and development at Stretch Relief. This helps to get them warm, often leading to an overall better stretch. While the pros told us about less expensive foam rollers, we think this one recommended by Stretch*d co-founder and COO Vanessa Chu is particularly suited for stretching at home, because it collapses down for easy storage.
Youre probably thinking about stocking up on board games right now (among other things), begins contributor Rachel Daviess ode to these nifty, space-saving games. At first glance, they appear to be smart hardback classics you might see in an old library. But when you open the cover, youll find a nostalgic board game hidden neatly in there. She adds that, the clever design makes for easy storage, and that unlike the Candy Lands and Monopolys I grew up with, these versions are thoughtfully designed and beautifully illustrated, making the experience feel less like Im babysitting a preschooler and more like Im playing a parlor game with my very elegant friends.
While many of us might not want to peer at what the future may hold, those who do should consider this beautiful, not-so-useful object that you will treasure, according to writer Amanda Fortini, who recommended this tarot deck based on Salvador Dals tarot cards commissioned for the James Bond film Live and Let Die for our list of the best 40th birthday gifts. She calls them equal parts trippy and spooky, adding that they come in a purple felt box youll want to leave out on display. (Currently available for pre-order, the cards will ship in April 2020, according to Taschen.)
There is something about reading prop stylist Stephanie Yehs ode to her trusty tool (and toiletry) pouch that reminded us of the normal lives we may have temporarily lost, but, we hope, will return soon enough. Prop stylists are required to completely transform the ordinary into the spectacular to create a mermaid tail out of everyday objects, say, or build gravity-defying stacks of cosmetics. Which is where the Klein bags come in handy. They have a wide, 12.5-inch opening that can fit most anything we need, she told us, noting that, in addition to tools, sometimes, those things are extra pairs of socks, lip balms, or hand sanitizer.
Actually good deals, smart shopping advice, and exclusive discounts.
The Strategist is designed to surface the most useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Some of our latest conquests include the best acne treatments, rolling luggage, pillows for side sleepers, natural anxiety remedies, and bath towels. We update links when possible, but note that deals can expire and all prices are subject to change.
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10 Products That Delighted Us Last Week: From Track Suits to Tarot Decks - New York Magazine
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Psoriasis: Types, Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments …
Posted: at 4:58 am
Alwan, W., and F.O. Nestle. "Pathogenesis and Treatment of Psoriasis: Exploiting Pathophysiological Pathways for Precision Medicine." Clin Exp Rheumatol 33 (Suppl. 93): S2-S6.
Arndt, Kenneth A., eds., et al. "Topical Therapies for Psoriasis." Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 35.2S Mar. 2016: S35-S46.
Benhadou, Fairda, Dillon Mintoff, and Vronique del Marmol. "Psoriasis: Keratinocytes or Immune Cells -- Which Is the Trigger?" Dermatology Dec. 19, 2018.
Conrad, Curdin, Michel Gilliet. "Psoriasis: From Pathogenesis to Targeted Therapies." Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology Jan. 18, 2015.
Dowlatshahi, E.A., E.A.M van der Voort, L.R. Arends, and T. Nijsten. "Markers of Systemic Inflammation in Psoriasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." British Journal of Dermatology 169.2 Aug. 2013: 266-282.
Georgescu, Simona-Roxana, et al. "Advances in Understanding the Immunological Pathways in Psoriasis." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20.739 Feb. 10, 2019: 2-17.
Greb, Jacqueline E., et al. "Psoriasis." Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2 (2016): 1-17.
Kaushik, Shivani B., and Mark G. Lebwohl. "Review of Safety and Efficacy of Approved Systemic Psoriasis Therapies." International Journal of Dermatology 2018.
National Psoriasis Foundation. "Systemic Treatments: Biologics and Oral Treatments." 1-25.
Ogawa, Eisaku, Yuki Sato, Akane Minagawa, and Ryuhei Okuyama. "Pathogenesis of Psoriasis and Development of Treatment." The Journal of Dermatology 2017: 1-9.
Stiff, Katherine M., Katelyn R. Glines, Caroline L. Porter, Abigail Cline & StevenR. Feldman. "Current pharmacological treatment guidelines for psoriasis and psoriaticarthritis." Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology (2018).
Villaseor-Park, Jennifer, David Wheeler, and Lisa Grandinetti. "Psoriasis: Evolving Treatment for a Complex Disease." Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 79.6 June 2012: 413-423.
Woo, Yu Ri, Dae Ho Cho, and Hyun Jeong Park. "Molecular Mechanisms and Management of a Cutaneous Inflammatory Disorder: Psoriasis." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 Dec. 11, 2017: 1-26.
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Assessment of the Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) in psoriatic arthritis: association with disease activity and quality of life indices -…
Posted: at 4:58 am
The aim of this study was to evaluate the discriminant capability of the Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) according to disease activity, remission/low disease activity indices and quality of life indices in patients withpsoriatic arthritis(PsA).
Consecutive patients with PsA were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. At each visit, the patients underwent a complete physical examination and their clinical/laboratory data were collected. Disease activity was assessed using the Disease Activity Score forPsoriatic Arthritis(DAPSA) and remission/low disease activity using the DAPSA minimal disease activity (MDA) and very low disease activity (VLDA) criteria. ThePsoriatic ArthritisImpact of Disease (PsAID) and the Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index scores were also collected. Finally, PASS was assessed by asking all patients to answer yes or no to a single question.
Patients who answered yes to PASS showed a significantly better overall mean DAPSA score than those who were not in PASS. Furthermore, patients in PASS showed a significantly lower level of systemic inflammation, lower Leeds Enthesitis Index score, a significantly lower impact of disease (PsAID), lower pain and better function than patients who answered no to PASS. A moderate to good agreement was found between PASS, MDA, DAPSA low disease activity and PsAID score 4. Good sensitivity and specificity were found with PASS with respect to DAPSA low disease activity, and although PASS is sensitive in the identification of patients with MDA, DAPSA remission and VLDA it lacks of specificity.
This study showed that PASS might be used as an alternative to determine disease activity in patients with PsA in real clinical practice, mainly in patients with low disease activity according to DAPSA criteria.
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US Dermatologists Anticipate the Future of Atopic Dermatitis to Mirror that of the Over-Crowded Psoriasis Market – Daily Local News
Posted: at 4:58 am
EXTON, Pa., March 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --The past decade has ushered in an array of new treatment options for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, providing dermatologists with more than they bargained for and often times making it difficult to compare efficacy across medications. Thus, it has become crucial for companies to differentiate their assets both within and outside their drug class whether it be through head-to-head clinical trials, patient assistance programs, or building a dermatology portfolio to establish trust and a relationship as a respected partner in the field.
A noteworthy example of a company differentiating themselves from the pack is AbbVie, particularly with the launch of their third-in-class IL-23 inhibitor, Skyrizi, in psoriasis. According to the latest quarterly report included in Spherix's RealTime Dynamix: Plaque Psoriasis (US) service, brand share for fellow IL-23 inhibitor, Janssen's Tremfya, as well as the IL-17 inhibitors, Novartis' Cosentyx and Eli Lilly's Taltz, have remained relatively flat, while AbbVie's newest market entrant has experienced exponential growth since its April 2019 introduction. Impressively, nearly two-thirds of the 101 US dermatologists surveyed selected Skyrizi as their most preferred IL-23 inhibitor if limited to just one for the treatment of psoriasis, despite Tremfya's almost three-year tenure on the market.
Skyrizi's early success in psoriasis is likely attributed to a multitude of factors. Dermatologists report frequent contact with Skyrizi representatives, elevated satisfaction with the Skyrizi Complete program, high awareness of AbbVie's head-to-head post-marketing study demonstrating superiority over Cosentyx on skin clearance, and overall greater perceived efficacy compared to other alternate mechanism of action agents. Furthermore, the manufacturer is beginning to build onto their already well-received Humira legacy, expanding their dermatology portfolio an approach many big players in the field are partaking in.
AbbVie, Amgen, Eli Lilly, Janssen, and Novartis all own commercial products for the treatment of psoriasis as well as pipeline assets in atopic dermatitis (AD), with Pfizer holding pipeline assets in both indications. With only one biologic (Regeneron/Sanofi's Dupixent) currently FDA approved for the treatment of moderate to severe AD and a myriad of companies (aside from those listed above) with agents in the pipeline, the future advanced systemic market in AD has the potential to mirror the current psoriasis biologic landscape.
According to the Q1 2020 report included in Spherix's RealTime Dynamix: Atopic Dermatitis (US)service, 85% of surveyed dermatologists foresee the AD market emulating that of the crowded psoriasis market. Respondents also report a biologic/small molecule patient candidacy pool that is substantially larger than those currently treated with Dupixent and one that is comparable to the biologic-treated patient load in psoriasis.
Despite anticipated resemblances between the two markets, AD patients will likely be treated with more small molecule options, specifically JAK inhibitors. With the oral JAK inhibitors' (Lilly's Olumiant/baricitinib, Pfizer's abrocitinib, and AbbVie's Rinvoq/upadacitinib) projected launches around the corner, their location in the AD treatment paradigm will be key to uptake. Currently, one-half of dermatologists report it is unlikely these agents will be used prior to biologics in AD, which is how many prefer to utilize BMS' Otezla for the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis. Instead, dermatologists will likely follow in the footsteps of rheumatologists, where both Pfizer's Xeljanz and AbbVie's Rinvoq currently play in-line with the injectable biologics in RA.
Dermatologists also await the approval of topical JAK inhibitors for the treatment of AD (specifically Incyte's topical ruxolitinib and LEO's topical delgocitinib) and anticipate using these agents prior to oral JAK inhibitor use, in less severe patients, and for short-term flare management.
With a plethora of pipeline agents with the same mechanism of action and comparable efficacy, it comes down to the strategies these manufacturers are implementing across dermatology to build trust with prescribers around their brands, hence the creation of a dermatology portfolio. Spherix will be closely tracking products in development as well as newly launched brands in both markets through the RealTime Dynamixservices.
About RealTime DynamixRealTime Dynamix: Plaque Psoriasis (US) is an independent service providing strategic guidance through rapid and comprehensive quarterly reports, which include psoriasis market trending, launch tracking, and a fresh infusion of unique content with each wave.
A parallel service, RealTime Dynamix: Atopic Dermatitis (US), tracks the evolution of the US atopic dermatitis market on a quarterly basis.
About Spherix Global InsightsSpherix Global Insights is a hyper-focused market intelligence firm that leverages our own independent data and expertise to provide strategic guidance, so biopharma stakeholders make decisions with confidence. We specialize in select immunology, nephrology, and neurology markets.
All company, brand or product names in this document are trademarks of their respective holders.
For more information contact:Lynn Price, Immunology Franchise
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US Dermatologists Anticipate the Future of Atopic Dermatitis to Mirror that of the Over-Crowded Psoriasis Market - Daily Local News
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NASA Fixes Mars Lander By Telling It to Hit Itself With a Shovel – Futurism
Posted: at 4:57 am
Percussive Maintenance
NASAs InSightlander, which is currently on the surface of Mars, has faced some unexpected problems during its mission to explore and study the planet.
Namely, a digging probe that was built to burrow beneath the surface like a jackhammer got stuck because Mars soil is clumpier than scientists expected,PopularScience reports.
After a few failed attempts to get it out, NASA had to get a bit creative. Ultimately, it freed the probe up by giving it a solid thwack with InSights shovel.
NASA expected its probe, dubbed the mole, to dig its way through sand-like terrain. But because the Martian soil clumped together, the whole apparatus got stuck in place.
Programming InSights robotic arm to land down on the mole was a risky, last-resort maneuver, PopSci reports, because it risked damaging fragile power and communication lines that attached nearby. Thankfully, engineers spent a few months practicing in simulations before they made a real attempt.
With tentative results that the mole is working again, NASA hopes to again task it with burrowing beneath the surface of Mars.
Once its down there, it will hopefully be able to complete its research mission: analyzing temperature fluctuations inside the Red Planet in an attempt to understand how similar Mars core is to that of Earth.
READ MORE: At long last, NASAs probe finally digs in on Mars [Popular Science]
More on InSight: NASA Isnt Sure Whats Wrong With Its InSight Mars Lander
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NASA Fixes Mars Lander By Telling It to Hit Itself With a Shovel - Futurism
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Scientists Call for Fusion Power Plant in the United States – Futurism
Posted: at 4:57 am
Pilot Program
In an ambitious push to develop and implement nuclear fusion power, a team of 300 researchers just published a massive new report that lays out exactly what the scientific community needs and what it should prioritize to get the ball rolling.
The main goal of the report, according to an MIT press release, is to develop a shared, functional nuclear fusion power plant in the U.S. by the end of the decade the most ambitious and concerted call-to-arms for nuclear physicists,arguably, that the field has seen in years.
Theres a lot that needs to happen before that pilot fusion plant gets built if scientists had already conquered the challenges of practical nuclear fusion then the report wouldnt have been necessary.
This is the first time in a generation when the fusion community has been called upon to self-organize and figure out its highest priorities for getting from fusion science to fusion energy, Bob Mungaard, CEO of Commonwealth Fusion Systems, said in the release. How we can get ready, with data, experience, test facilities the things that are needed to support the science, and eventually an industry.
Over the next eight months, the team behind the report plans to formalize a series of recommendations for the Department of Energy on how to best pursue fusion energy.
Its something a lot of folks in Congress are interested in, said University of California, Los Angeles researcher Troy Carter.
READ MORE: Fusion researchers endorse push for pilot power plant in US [MIT Newsroom]
More on nuclear fusion: Expert: Im 100 Percent Confident Fusion Power Will Be Practical
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Scientists Call for Fusion Power Plant in the United States - Futurism
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We Talked to Someone Who Got the Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine – Futurism
Posted: at 4:57 am
This past Monday, Seattle-area Microsoft network engineer Neal Browning became the second-ever person to be injected with the experimental coronavirus vaccine developed by Moderna.
Later this week, we caught up with Browning to chat about how he ended up here, how his daily routine has changed since taking the vaccine, and what it feels like to take part in medical history.
This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
Futurism: Why did you volunteer to take part in this trial?
Neal Browning: Because science, facts, and medicine are important parts of modern life. I tell my three daughters they have to go get their vaccinations and flu shots, I am no different when leading by example. If I am healthy and can help take part in trying to reduce the pain, suffering and deaths associated with this pandemic, I would be remiss not to.
Logistically, howd you actually get involved?
A friend on Facebook referred me to the program, I looked into it and felt like I could make a difference if I took part.
What did it feel like, emotionally, as you prepared to get your first dose?
I was actually pretty relaxed. They had just taken my blood pressure and pulse before to make sure all was well, I was at about 72bpm pulse. I donate blood regularly, and needles dont bother me. There is no dead or even weakened virus in this vaccine, and while it had never been tested on any animal and I was the second to get it, I knew and accepted the risks.
Did you notice any side effects, or anything else, after you took the vaccine?
So far, near zero. The injection didnt hurt at all, and there was only a slight tightness in my arm from the vaccine being inserted. The following morning, there was very mild ache in the muscle at the injection site, but once I moved around and got blood flowing, it disappeared entirely within five minutes.
Are you at home, or are you being held for observation?
Im at home, but have a daily log to fill out, recording any symptoms at all, even if I dont think they are related to the vaccine, as well as my temperature daily. Ill return to the research location once a week for blood draws to analyze how my body is reacting.
Whats your living situation currently like?
I live with my fianc, and 50percent of the time we have my two daughters and her one daughter. We wash hands regularly, dont associate outside the home, and limit exposure by not going to public places except when absolutely necessary.
What happens next for you and the other participants as they test whether the vaccine worked?
We continue daily logs, and go get blood taken for the next four weeks. On week four, we will get a second vaccine injection, then go through an identical 4 weeks of weekly blood draws and daily logs.
Are you in any risk groups for the coronavirus, and did that factor into why they selected you?
No, that would be the phase 2 group, this group was tightly controlled, all between 18 and 55 years old, very healthy, and they went over our medical history quite in depth and rigorously to ensure there were not underlying health issues that could interfere at this first testing phase.
Do you know anyone whos been personally affected by the outbreak?
Yes, I heard that one of my old co-workers daughter had (she is in her early 20s) and had a rough go of it, but is recovered and ok now.
Is there anything else you think our readers should know?
Yes do not treat this lightly. If we overreact, we might never know if we did. If we under-react, we will cost a lot of lives needlessly. Those saying it is just the flu, or that they are young and wont be hurt you can be infected and contagious for over a week before you have symptoms. Think about your parents, friends, grandparents, everyone you are spreading this to unintentionally then they do the same. This is why we are in the place we are now. Limit social interactions outside of your home, wash your hands, and this will end sooner, and with less loss of life.
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Doctors Think This May Be the First Symptom of the Coronavirus – Futurism
Posted: at 4:57 am
Utah Jazz player Rudy Gobert, whos tested positive for the coronavirus, tweeted this weekend that he cant smell anything.
Gobert isnt alone. A growing number of doctors suspect that for many patients, the first symptom of the bug before a telltale cough or fever could be losing your sense of taste, smell, or both.
A fascinating new story in The New York Times tracked down growing worldwide evidence that those subtle symptoms could in many cases be harbingers of a coronavirus diagnosis. Some even went as far as to suggest that if you cant smell the garlic and onions youre sauting, you should consider acting as though you have the virus for the purposes of public health.
Almost everybody who is hospitalized has this same story, Italian doctor Marco Metra, whose hospital is treating hundreds of COVID-19 patients, told the Times. You ask about the patients wife or husband. And the patient says, My wife has just lost her smell and taste but otherwise she is well. So she is likely infected, and she is spreading it with a very mild form.
Experts have deemed the evidence sufficient that on Sunday, a prominent group of American head and neck doctors called for the loss of taste and smell to be added to the list of screening criteria for COVID-19.
Early-stage research in South Korea, China and Italy seems to corroborate the phenomenon, according to CNN, and the Times cited two researchers who said theyve observed the same thing in Germany.
There is good news, according to a professor of medicine at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich who talked to the Times: most patients are regaining both their sense of taste and smell after the infection clears up.
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