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Category Archives: Transhuman News

The human DNA is littered with fossils of viruses past that attacked us. And lost – Telegraph India

Posted: March 31, 2020 at 6:47 am

English naturalist Charles Robert Darwins seminal book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection went to press in 1859. That was 40 years before the concept of viruses was introduced to the world of science by Russian botanist Dmitri Ivanovsk. It took another century for viral researchers to decipher the genetic make-up of these infectious agents, to find out how they replicate and spread disease.

Darwin shunned and ridiculed after the publication of his book would probably be amazed to know that viruses such as the Covid-19 are considered living evidence of his theory of evolution.

If Charles Darwin reappeared today, he might be surprised to learn that humans are descended from viruses as well as from apes, British microbiologist Robin Weiss wrote in the journal Retrovirology. He was referring to fragments of retroviruses close cousins of the coronavirus found in the human genome.

These fragments are the fossils of a number of killer viruses, including several novel reassortments of influenza or coronaviruses that ravaged humans on a large scale in the past. These so-called endogeneous retroviruses (ERVs) are actually trophies of ancient molecular battles between viruses and their human hosts one which the humans eventually won. Some 8 per cent of human DNA represents fossil retroviral genomes, pointed out Weiss in his seminal research paper in 2010.

When competing groups of scientists in different parts of the world fully mapped the human genome in 2003, they found something they had never anticipated: bits that have no known function. Many scientists termed these seemingly inert shards junk DNA that littered our bodies. In the following decade, however, geneticists realised that some of those bits were actually endogenous retroviruses, fossils of defeated viruses that managed to invade our bodies but were disabled by our immune system. In Darwinian terms, in the struggle for existence our immune system got better of them and there was survival of the fittest through natural selection. Instead of getting buried as mineralised relics, these viruses reside within our DNA as bits of genetic code carrying records of millions of years but forever disabled, with no power to make us sick.

The discovery of the human genome as a living document of ancient and now extinct viruses prompted the emergence of a new field called palaeovirology. Two of its proponents, Michael Emerman and Harmit S. Malik, at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, US, define palaeovirology as the study of extinct viruses (called palaeoviruses) and the effects these agents have had on the evolution of their hosts. In other words, indirect evidence of these viral fossils can help reconstruct the past and offer clues on how to fight emerging viral epidemics or pandemics.

Malik grew up in Bombay and studied chemical engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology there. He studies evolving proteins and the genetics of evolutionary conflict embedded in the molecules, which has helped him uncover previously unrecognised sources of conflict.

As a pioneer palaeovirologist, Malik is fascinated by the constant battle being waged between humans and viruses for hundreds of thousands of years. In the course of his study, he found telltale imprints in our genome that narrate the story of how viruses infected our cells, how sometimes we have fought back by changing our protein and how sometimes viruses evaded them to get an upper hand. This evolutionary cat-and-mouse game has shaped our defence against viruses.

Palaeovirologists have also studied how similar viruses have attacked our close relatives, the primates chimpanzees and gorillas and compared how we have fared in these battles. For instance, the virus that leads to to the killer disease Aids in humans does not have much of an effect on chimps. What makes chimps relatively immune to this scary virus? Malik and Emerman found the clue to this mystery in an endogenous retrovirus called Pterv found in chimps (and other apes) but not in humans. They surmised that the retrovirus may have infected both humans and chimps about 4 million years ago. We learnt to stave off the virus while the chimps were hit by an epidemic. A gene called Trim 5 alpha is believed to have helped humans make a protein to purge the virus.

Malik and his colleagues reconstructed a part of the Pterv through computer modelling and found that while Trim 5 alpha helped us prevent the entry of the virus, it made us vulnerable to the HIV virus that causes Aids. However, the monkey version of the gene helps protect the apes from HIV and Aids. They concluded that if we can develop a therapy based on the Trim 5 alpha protein, it could defeat HIV. Research on drugs based on such evolutionary principles, however, is few and far between

Scientists have been studying several resurrected palaeoviruses like Pterv through evolution-guided reconstruction procedures. In 2005, researchers at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reconstructed the influenza virus that caused the 1918-19 flu pandemic, which killed as many as 50 million people worldwide. According to CDC, the research provides new information about the properties that contributed to its exceptional virulence. The natural emergence of another pandemic virus is considered highly likely by many experts, and therefore insights into pathogenic mechanisms can and are contributing to the development of prophylactic and therapeutic interventions needed to prepare for future pandemic viruses, says a CDC release.

The rapid evolution of viruses and emergence of the new coronavirus Covid-19 has once again shown that viruses evolve by the same means as humans. Many of these viruses hop from animals to humans and evolve, swapping genetic material in and out of respective genomes. Thats why we can have immunity to a virus weve had in the past, but get seriously affected by one our body has never seen before.

Somewhere, Darwin must be feeling vindicated that his theory is so starkly exposed in a viral machinery.

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The human DNA is littered with fossils of viruses past that attacked us. And lost - Telegraph India

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Canadian Researchers are Attempting to Develop One DNA Vaccine to Stop All Coronaviruses – The Weather Channel

Posted: at 6:47 am

Canadian researchers are developing a DNA vaccine not just for SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, but also for all the other viruses of the coronavirus family. This vaccine, if successfully developed, will be effective against all coronavirus-related diseases from the past, present and the future.

Entos Pharmaceuticals, a health-care biotechnology company headed by a University of Alberta researchers, has developed a new therapeutic compounds using the company's proprietary drug-delivery platform, and has begun manufacturing vaccine candidates against the novel coronavirus.

"Given the urgency of the situation, we can have a lead candidate vaccine within two months. Once we have that it's a race to get it into clinical trials," said John Lewis, CEO of Entos and a Professor at the University of Alberta in Canada.

Lewis said in comparison to a traditional vaccine, DNA-based vaccines hold several advantages.

Nucleic acids are introduced directly into the patient's own cells, causing them to make pieces of the virus, and thereby tricking the immune system into mounting a response without the full virus actually being present, the researcher said.

According to the company, the approach is recognised as being easier to move into large-scale manufacturing, offers improved vaccine stability, and works without needing an infectious agent.

In the current absence of a vaccine for COVID-19, several companies around the world are mounting efforts to begin similar work.

The first clinical trial using a DNA-based vaccine developed by Moderna Inc. in the US was on March 13. Their approach allows for antibodies to be made in the human trial volunteers against a specific protein on the surface of the coronavirus that lets the virus enter human cells. The hope is that the antibodies will stop the interaction.

Though this approach is designed to be effective against COVID-19 specifically, Lewis said Entos is taking a different track. The company plans to use plasmid DNA to amplify the production of key coronavirus surface and structural proteins with each injection, with an eye to the bigger picture.

"Many of the structural proteins in the virus are pretty well conserved across all the coronaviruses, including SARS and MERS," said Lewis.

"We're hoping that if we express more of the structural proteins that are common to most coronaviruses, we can inhibit the current COVID-19, and also potentially protect against all coronaviruses both past and future," Lewis added.

To move the project forward quickly, the company is seeking financial support from both provincial and federal levels of the government. "We have the opportunity to save a lot of lives, and I think it's really upon us and governments to find solutions for that," Lewis said.

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Canadian Researchers are Attempting to Develop One DNA Vaccine to Stop All Coronaviruses - The Weather Channel

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DNA from bloody towel leads to conviction of Cork city burglar – Echo Live

Posted: at 6:47 am

A COUPLE in their 90s returned to their home in Cork city to find that an intruder had smashed his way in through a bedroom window and left a bloody towel at the scene after him.

Judge Olann Kelleher said it was awful that a couple of this age had to deal with something like that at this late stage in their lives.

Detective Garda Robert McCarthy said the blood at the scene of the crime was forensically examined and the DNA analysis linked it to Kenneth Duggan of 65 Ballinderry Park, Mayfield, Cork.

Duggan was jailed at Cork District Court for ten months in respect of this burglary and two six-month sentences for other burglaries, those sentences made consecutive to the ten months, leaving him with a total jail term of 16 months.

Shane Collins Daly, defence solicitor, said the accused had pleaded guilty to three burglaries at the earliest opportunity. He also cooperated with the garda investigation into the crimes.

Sergeant Gearid Davis said the accused had 128 previous convictions including 38 counts for carrying out burglaries and five for theft.

Det. Garda McCarthy said the couple in their 90s returned to their home on August 29 last and noticed that a bedroom window had been broken.

The house was not ransacked but it had been disturbed by the intruder and a bloodstained towel left at the scene. The burglar appeared to have cut himself while smashing the window and getting in to the house.

As well as the DNA match for Kenneth Duggan there was video evidence from a neighbours CCTV.

The elderly householders presented a victim impact report to the court through the investigating officer but this was not read out in court. Judge Kelleher read the statement.

Also on that date at another Mayfield address at Iona Park, Duggan was forcing the backdoor when the householder was alerted by the noise. Duggan fled the scene without getting anything.

Earlier on August 16 he turned up at the home of a woman in her 70s. The householder returned home to find someone had broken in through a kitchen window and stolen 1,000 worthy of jewellery. The woman lives alone in the house in the Silverheights area.

DNA from bloody towel leads to conviction of Cork city burglar - Echo Live

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Coming back from a crisis is in theatre’s DNA just look at the Royal Exchange –

Posted: at 6:47 am

"The city looks as if it has been built to withstand foul weather" J. B. Priestley

Looking at Manchester's Royal Exchange, it can be difficult to remember a time when the theatre was not the powerhouse it is today. Transformed by Sarah Frankcom during her time as artistic director, the space is a hub for creativity with younger and more diverse audiences than at any point in its history. Most importantly, the Exchange's reputation for superb theatre remains as strong as it has ever been.

Like other venues around the country that have been forced to shut their doors, the Exchange now faces a period of uncertainty. Last week the theatre closed its stages until autumn, suspending the world premiere of Winsome Pinnock's Alfred Fagon Award-winning play Rockets and Blue Lights and the return of their acclaimed 2019 West Side Story production.

The venue is relying on the generosity of the public in these troubling times but as bleak as things appear, this is a plight that can be endured. Triumph in the face of adversity is not only ingrained in the history of Manchester but in the Royal Exchange's DNA as well.

15 June 1996 is remembered by some as the day that Paul Gascoigne sparked England's Euro 96 campaign with a wonderful goal against Scotland at Wembley but in Manchester it is recalled for different reasons. The Exchange itself had been due to open their revival of Stanley Houghton's play Hindle Wakes but events 50 metres down the road that morning would change the face of the city and its theatre.

A bomb attack carried out at 11:17 by the IRA caused around 700 million worth of damage and decimated Manchester's centre. The 1,500 kilogram device that detonated remains the largest explosion in Britain since WWII and over 200 people were injured. Being in close proximity to the bomb, the damage incurred by the Exchange was appalling the theatre's famous glass domes were shattered and the building was flooded in the aftermath. Like many businesses within the blast radius, the venue was forced to close immediately and all creative work on site was halted.

Despite this tragedy, the theatre company was determined not to allow events that day to bring an enforced end to their existence and over the next two years, they found a temporary home in Castlefield whilst refurbishment on the building could begin. Thanks to fundraising and public generosity, as well as a 32 million pound donation from the National Lottery, the repaired venue was able to open its doors once again on 20 November 1998. Twenty nine months after it was supposed to have been staged, a performance of Hindle Wakes celebrated the opening of the new space the Royal Exchange had miraculously survived.

The theatre currently finds itself in a different storm to twenty-odd years ago. In contrast to the very visible damage wreaked by a bomb, the coronavirus has emptied the nation's theatres without dislodging a single brick. Yet the Exchange can take great solace from how their audiences have responded to crises in the past. Resilience and defiance are needed now more than ever.

For donations to the Royal Exchange, please visit their website.


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‘It is part of a firefighter’s DNA to provide help during difficult times’ – Yorkshire Evening Post

Posted: at 6:47 am

It encompasses everything from dealing with the aftermath of collisions on the roads and rescuing people from rivers, to responding to medical incidents and suicide attempts.

Crews here and across West Yorkshire could be called upon to deal with building collapses, hazardous materials, flooding and much more. And, of course, there are the animal-related rescues that give rise to the well-worn jokes about days spent rescuing cats stuck up trees.

The Yorkshire Evening Post continues its Your Right to Know campaign this week with a look at the statistics for non-fire incidents tackled by West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

The latest figures show that the service responded to 2,995 non-fire incidents during 2018/19, an increase of 20 per cent since 2014/15.

Deputy Chief Fire Officer Dave Walton told the YEP: As we are named firefighters, there can be the misconception that all we do is fight fires when really the role is so much more than that. No two days in the job are the same and our crews have to be prepared for a huge range of possible calls.

We also keep the community safe in less dramatic ways by fitting smoke alarms and educating people around fire safety.

Our firefighters truly are multi-skilled, and were constantly training using the latest skills and equipment to keep the people of West Yorkshire safe.

It is no surprise that firefighters are joining colleagues across the emergency services, the NHS and beyond to support the fight against coronavirus. They will help as needed with tasks ranging from driving ambulances to delivering food and medicine to those self-isolating.

Chief Fire Officer John Roberts said: Its part of a firefighters DNA to provide help during difficult times so we are pleased to support this way of working together with our fellow emergency services.

We are already working at the heart of our local communities, and trained in things like driving emergency vehicles and responding to critical situations so we are well placed to deliver these additional tasks to help protect the most vulnerable.

But he stressed these additional duties would be on top of the services usual role in keeping West Yorkshire safe.

Id like to assure the public that fire cover remains a priority for us as a service and we will continue responding to all core emergencies, such as fires and road traffic collisions, he said.

Road traffic collisions were the most frequent non-fire incidents during 2018/19, with 614 recorded the equivalent of nearly 12 per week.

This was followed by 389 requests to gain entry to a property and 270 calls to support other agencies. There were also 255 lift releases, 122 animal rescues, 84 flood-related calls, 77 medical incidents and 44 water rescues.

The latter require a response from specialist water teams, such as those at Leeds Fire Station where crew manager Frank McNeil, inset, is based.

Mr McNeil: Its the training more than anything else that separates us. We have our own personal protection dry suits and personal flotation devices.

Were trained to self-rescue. If we do find ourselves in trouble in fast water as were performing a rescue and get stuck, were trained to swim ourselves out of danger, if you like.

Getting an accurate location can be among the first challenges.

Where somebody goes in, it doesnt necessarily mean its where theyre going to be when the crew get there, he said. The most important thing is to get us out first, its getting us on the way. The last thing we want is somebody else trying to go in to rescue someone and getting into difficulty themselves.

Non-fire incidents in 2018/19

614 road traffic collisions

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An Atheist Shares the Helpful Email She Received After Her Father’s Death – Friendly Atheist – Patheos

Posted: at 6:46 am

One of the more difficult aspects of being an atheist, at least from an outsiders perspective, is dealing with death. How do we face the end of our own lives? How do we comfort others who have lost a loved one?

Last year, Lori Lipman Brown, the former executive director of the Secular Coalition for America, lost her father Mel. He was a wonderful activist whom I had the pleasure of knowing for several years.

She just published a piece in The Humanist reflecting on his death a year later. Its beautiful on its own terms, but I wanted to highlight one part of it in particular.

She shares one of the emails she received shortly after he died and its such a great example of how we can be a source of comfort for others without using religious platitudes.

Dear Lori,

I was so sorry to hear that your dad died. He gave so much to us in his activism, his warmth, his humor and his friendship. Please DO NOT FEEL THE NEED TO REPLY TO THIS EMAIL; I know you have a lot on your plate right now with all the details that need to be handled following a death.

These are just a few things I can think of that I could do, but if you think of anything else you need me for, just let me know.

With deepest friendship

Its not just an open offer of help. Its a list of specific things people may not think about until theyre already grieving. (Brown says she took the person up on the help with taxes.)

Great advice for an awful situation.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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Father Ted star Pauline McLynn glad to be an atheist after new BBC show –

Posted: at 6:46 am

Pauline McLynn might have been iconic as tea-loving Mrs. Doyle in Father Ted, but she admits shes nothing like her character. So much so, in fact, that the actress says she got out of the habit of Catholicism.

Pauline became a global star in the 1990s as the scatty housekeeper to three priests in the hit Channel 4 clerical comedy.

Though she was brought up as a Catholic, the TV star has revealed she doesnt miss having religion in her life.

Despite that, Sligo-born Pauline has embarked on a 1,000-km pilgrimage from Belgrade to Istanbul alongside former British politician Edwina Currie and Olympic star Fatima Whitbread in BBC series Pilgrimage: The Road to Istanbul.

TV presenter Adrian Chiles, a converted Catholic, and comedian Dom Joly, an atheist, are also taking part.

The group spend two weeks living as simple pilgrims on the ancient route, and Pauline was certainly curious about the spiritual element of the new three-part series.

She reveals: I was christened a Catholic but Im a secular person. I was brought up an Irish Catholic at a time when the church and the state were so entwined in Ireland that you just didnt get a choice.

It was more a habit than a religion to the point where I realised I wasnt practicing or anything anymore, it just meant so little that I didnt even miss it. Im an atheist.

TheFather Ted favourite said being religious and being kind were not mutually exclusive.

In fact, all of the talking about, Well I like to be kind and everything. Yeah, I do as well, but I just think thats being a decent human being.

Revealing why she decided to take part in the pilgrimage, Pauline said: These were three countries Ive never been to before! Mostly, which I was glad to see in the first episode, was just how funny it all was.

We all did [an] interview before we went off on our travels, and Im afraid I quite shallowly said that I like walking, a little bit of an adventure and I was hoping to have a right laugh. That is indeed what happened.

So, did she find spiritual enlightenment on the trek in the end?

All the trip did for me was cemented the fact that I really have no time for organised religion of any sort, Pauline said.

We visited an awful lot of places where the most extraordinary atrocities occurred, and its all in the name, really, of religion. I was glad to be an atheist at the end of it all.

Pilgrimage: The Road To Istanbul airs on BBC Two on Friday, March 27 at 9pm.

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5 Ways Scientists Hope to Achieve Immortality for Humanity

Posted: at 6:34 am

Is immortality within our reach? Maybe not yet, but we are definitely trying. While the new film "Self/Less" features an interesting science fiction take on achieving immortality, various advances have been taking place in the very real scientific community. We may have a long way to go before we can transfer our consciousness into Ryan Reynolds body, butscience is working pretty hard on some fascinating alternatives to the notion of immortality:

Anti-Aging Genetic Engineering

The inhibitor is currently in trials as an anticancer agent, and the hope is that one day death will not be the result a prolonged, painful disease, but through a quicker, more natural means like cardiac arrest or stroke. Here's what Irina Conboy, one of the scientists at UC Berkeley, said about the motivations behind the team's efforts.

Regenerative Medicine

Tests have not yet been performed on human subjects, but the progress seen so far is enough to makeStuart Orkin of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, feel very confident about the future.

But that's not the only advance in stem cell research. This year, scientists at the Salk Institute discovered a type of stem cell whose identity is tied to their location in a developing embryo, and not their time-related stage of development. These region-selective pluripotent stem cells (rsPSCs) are easier to grow in the laboratory, offer advantages for gene editing, and, unlike conventional stem cells, have the ability to integrate into modified mouse embryos.

As Jun Wu, a postdoctoral researcher describes; understanding the spatial characteristics of the stem cells "could be crucial to generate functional and mature cell types for regenerative medicine." It could well be that in the near future, parts of the body that have degenerated due to age, could be regenerated at will by the introduction of these fascinating stem cells.


Ananodevice imbued with data on toxins and pathogens could be used to enhance the human immune system by recognizing and destroying an invasive agent. Nanotechnology could also be used to remove lipofuscin, a product that accumulates in lysosomes negatively impacting cell function and manifesting in age related conditions. All of these technologies are speculative, but nanobots are already lengthening our lives in tests to fight cancer, and many believe such technologies are truly the future of the medical industry.

Digital Immortality

Computer programmers have already created artificial neural networks that can form associations and learn through pattern-recognition, but they don't possess the complexity of the human brain. However, if our consciousness is just based on brain activity and if technology can record and analyze them, they could possibly be reduced to computations. Advances have already been made with animal tests, and in 2011 a team from the University of Southern California and Wake Forest University created the first artificial neural implant, a device that produces electrical activity that causes a rat to react as thoughthe signal came from its own brain.


- Neruobridge technology reconnected a paralyzed man's brain to his body

- The Eyeborg: Canadian filmmaker Rob Spence lost his right eye in a shotgun accident and replaced it with a video camera that transmits what he's seeing to a computer.

- Programmer Amal Graafstra has inserted radio-frequency identification chips in his hands connected to scanners on his doors and laptop, eliminating the need for keys or passwords.

- "Transhumanists" advocate for cyborgization, genetic engineering, and synthetic biology, to increase our intelligence, health, and lives to transform humanity to a "post-human" stage.

Current advances in anti-aging, regenerative medicine, nanomedicine, digital immortality, and cyborgization may only be focusing on prolonging life at the moment. But these technologies have already improved our lives, and as the possibility of immortality is played out on the movie screen, we can see the world of fiction slowly melding with our own reality.

5 Ways Scientists Hope to Achieve Immortality for Humanity

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Medicine of Immortality | Dominicana

Posted: at 6:34 am

A panis vivus essay is meant to convey, in no uncertain terms, that the Eucharist is really and truly the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is our collective response to the 2019 Pew Research Center survey, which reported that only a third of United States Catholics believe in the Real Presence. Henceforward, a panis vivus essay will be published once per month during the academic year.

We are all sick, infected with mortality. Death is the one disease that does not discriminate, but comes for all eventually. As Saint Augustine laments, Not everything grows old, but everything dies (Confessions, IV.x.15).

But it was not always so, because God did not make death (Wis 1:13) but created man for incorruption (Wis 2:23). When God made man, he immunized him to death. Dwelling in friendship with God, the souls of our first parents enjoyed a spiritual life that flowed like an IV into their bodies, vaccinating them against physical death.

When our first parents rebelled against God, however, they tore the lifeline of saving medicine from their veins. Instead, the spiritual death of the soul began to seep into the body. All humanity became sick with the double death of soul and body.

Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick, Jesus said (Lk 5:31). And humanity was sicksick unto death. Jesus became man to be the physician we need. As St. Ignatius of Antioch confessed, There is only one physician, who is both flesh and spirit, born and unborn, God in man, true life in death, both from Mary and from God, first subject to suffering and then beyond it, Jesus Christ our Lord (Letter to the Ephesians 7.2).

Going to the cross, like a medic into the midst of a battle, He who for us is life itself descended here and endured our death and slew it by the abundance of his life (Confessions, IV.xii.19). In his humanity, our Divine Physician overcame the death of the human soul and body.

Christ applies the healing power of his passion, death, and resurrection to our illness through the sacraments. Baptism pours new, divine life into our souls. But sin can still attack our newfound health. For, sin is the spiritual death of the soul (ST III q. 79, a. 6). Confession, then, resuscitates the soul to life.

In the Eucharist, however, we discover a unique medicine. While the other sacraments convey the physicians healing power, the Eucharist contains the physician himself. The Eucharist is the flesh of our savior Jesus Christ, which suffered for our sins and which the Father by his goodness raised up (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6.2). In the Eucharist, Christ is both physician and medicine.

Christ gives himself as the medicine to strengthen and preserve our souls from death and prepare our bodies to share his physical resurrection. This is why St. Ignatius calls it the medicine of immortality, the antidote we take in order not to die but to live forever in Jesus Christ (Letter to the Ephesians 20.2).

Christ himself promises that if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever (Jn 6:51). As St. Thomas Aquinas comments, Christ presents the Eucharist as the cure to both spiritual and physical death: But those who eat the Eucharist spiritually, both live spiritually now without sin, and will live physically forever (Commentary on the Gospel of John, ch. 6, lect. 6, n. 954).

The Eucharist is not like some cheap over-the-counter drug. Rather, it is the most potent, most effective antidote, giving eternal life to the soul and the body. Normal medicine, like food, enters the body and is used up by the body, transformed into the body. This medicine of immortality, on the other hand, transforms the one who receives it. Augustine heard, as it were, the voice of God directing him to the Euchairst, assuring him, you will not change me into you like the good your flesh eats, but you will be changed into me (Confession, VII.x.16).

Here, then, we have the antidote to our illness, the medicine for our mortality. In the Eucharist, we receive a share in the one who does not grow old or die but is ever ancient, ever new (Confessions, X.xxvii.38).

Image: James Tissot, La communion des aptres

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Scientists Claim We Might Be Immortal in 17 Years This …

Posted: at 6:34 am

Companies like Google are now investing millions ofdollars into the research ofeternal life. Along with the breakthroughs, scientists have also come across some challenges, aswell.

Immortality has fascinated people for thousands ofyears. The perspective ofliving forever has had such astrong case against the fear ofdying that people have been looking for anelixir oraremedy toprolong life for many centuries.

Bright Side wants toshare with you whats going oninscience inthe search for immortality and would like topresent toyou anoutlook onthe possibility ofliving forever.

Ongoing research

The idea ofimmortality issocaptivating that modern science and medicine may bringus asclose todiscovering asolution asever.

For example, atNorthwestern University intheUS, scientists learned toturn off the genetic switch that causes aging, however, not inhumans yet, but inworms. Ofcourse, its ahuge step from worms tohumans, but this technique isalready animportant achievement.

Another achievement was torevive old mice byinfusing blood from young mice. Researchers think this procedure could also work onhumans.

Silicon Valley isalso involved inthis science, and wehave some big names standing behind the research.

Worldwide contribution

Agreat amount ofmoney isbeing put forward for immortality research, and there are many celebrities who are involved inthe contribution:

Larry Ellison: one ofthe five richest men onEarth and one ofthe owners ofOracle.

Sergey Brin: co-founder ofGoogle and the Calico foundation, which focuses onhealth, well-being, and longevity.

Aubrey deGrey: ascientist and aresearcher; the founder ofnumerous studies onregenerative medicine.

These famous people confessed that theyre afraid ofaging and death and theyre now investing infinding remedies against this seemingly inevitable outcome.

7Deadly SENS

Scientist and author ofEnding Aging (2007), Aubrey deGrey, isworking onstrategies toexclude death from our genes. Heiscurrently working onthe 7deadly SENS things that cause aging onacellular level," and they are:

Modern science onimmortality and 5ways toachieveit:

The idea ofimmortality iscaptivating tothis day and wehave aton ofscience fiction toimagine how itcan turn out movies, TVshows, books, and scientific articles provide anincredible amount ofinformation.

Toquote Wolfgang Fink, aresearcher from the University ofArizona, Iwould see immortality coming from the biological sector. Healso says, Bypreventing cell death and aging, preserving itthrough cryogenic methods ordonors, wecan prolong their natural lifespan.

Here are the five ways scientists believe tobeable toachieve immortality:

Eternal life through meditation?

While what scientists are dealing with still remindsus more ofscience fiction, lets get back towhats happening onEarth.

Ever heard ofDashi-Dorzho Itigilov? Hewas aBuryat Buddhist lama, born in1852. And heisstill believed tobeinameditative state, rather than dead. Itisall due tothe way hepassed away. Herecommended his fellow monks tostart the process ofmeditation and the funeral rites while hesat inthe lotus position, claiming hewould soon pass away. Henever wokeup from this meditation and tothis day heremains inthe lotus position and seems toremain immune from any signs ofdecay. People believe heisinastate ofhibernation oranirvana-like state.

Well, maybe meditation wont provide eternal life toall ofus, but some ofthe benefits ofmeditation are:

All ofthe above can have apositive effect onthe longevity ofyour life.

Biohackers have adifferent approach tothe matter oflongevity. They use their knowledge ofneuromediators and genes toprolong their lives and toimprove their body performance.

The centenarians

Over the years, several men and women have achieved along lifespan. Here are some ofthem:

Jeanne Calment (1875-1997), lived for 122 years and 164days.

Shigechiyo Izumi (1865-1986), lived for 120 years and 237days.

Sarah DeRemer (Clark) Knauss (1880-1999), lived for 119 years and 97days.

Lucy (Terrell) Hannah (1875-1993), lived for 117 years and 248days.

Marie Louse Febronie (Chasse) Meilleur (1880-1998), lived for 117 years and 230days.

Some ofsuch centenarians who are now alive are vegetarians, some eat alot ofmeat and drink wine, some are smokers, many love chocolate, and many dont like toexercise. But what they dohave incommon isthat they are generally happy and easy-going. And wethink its something tostick towhile the scientists are busy trying tounlock the secret toimmortality.

What doyou think will happen inthe future inthis field? Doyou believe science can really make people live forever? Wed love tohear your opinion inthe comments!

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Scientists Claim We Might Be Immortal in 17 Years This ...

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