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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Relatable: This Tiny Robot Is Powered by Alcohol – Futurism
Posted: August 23, 2020 at 1:28 am
A team of researchers have built a tiny microbot that runs entirely on methanol, a type of alcohol. The robot, dubbed RoBeetle, weighs less than a tenth of a gram and doesnt even need any other external power sources such as cables or electromagnetic fields to crawl along.
The energy density of batteries is very low, so we needed new sources of power, Nestor Perez-Arancibia at the University of Southern California, the designer of the robot, told New Scientist. We were able to make it so light and small because were not relying on batteries.
Heres how it works: as the methanol vapor of the fuel burns, tiny nickel-titanium alloy wires the robots artificial muscles repeatedly expand and then contract as they cool, causing it to crawl forward.
According to the researchers paper published in Science Robotics on Wednesday, the RoBeetle is a real powerhouse. It can lug 2.6 times its own weight. It can also carry an additional 95 milligram fuel tank, allowing it to crawl along for up to two hours.
The team is now trying to figure out how to keep it running for even longer. Theyre also seeing if they can attach wings to the tiny robot with funding from DARPA.
We want to create the first completely autonomous flying robot at beetle scale, Perez-Arancibia told New Scientist.
READ MORE: Watch a tiny robot powered by alcohol [Science]
More on robots: US Army Scientist Brags That Hes Trying to Build the Bad Guy From Terminator 2
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Harvard Astronomers Propose That Our Star System Used to Be Binary – Futurism
Posted: at 1:28 am
A team of Harvard astronomers have a wild new theory: the Sun used to have a companion star, making our solar system a binary one during its ancient history.
The astronomers say the theory could explain the formation of the Oort cloud, a theoretical cloud of dust and smaller objects in the distant regions of our solar system that many believe was created out of the left overs from the early solar system.
In a new preprint submitted last month to the preprint archive arXiv, the team suggests that the Sun used to have a long lost binary star companion. Such a system could explain how some objects were scattered to the far reaches of the solar system, sometimes even making it to neighboring systems and vice versa.
Previous models have had difficulty producing the expected ratio between scattered disk objects and outer Oort cloud objects, Amir Siraj, a Harvard undergraduate student involved in the research, said in a statement. The binary capture model offers significant improvement and refinement, which is seemingly obvious in retrospect: most Sun-like stars are born with binary companions.
A binary star system would be far more likely to capture the Oort cloud.
Binary systems are far more efficient at capturing objects than are single stars, co-author Avi Loeb said in the statement. If the Oort cloud formed as observed, it would imply that the Sun did in fact have a companion of similar mass that was lost before the Sun left its birth cluster.
The theory could also have sweeping implications of how life came to be on Earth.
Objects in the outer Oort Cloud may have played important roles in Earths history, such as possibly delivering water to Earth and causing the extinction of the dinosaurs, said Siraj.
The implications dont end there. Some astronomers believe our solar system is hiding a ninth major planet from us, dubbed Planet Nine. This potential planet so far has been hypothesized to be anything from a massive super-Earth planet to a collection of over 100 minor planets found well beyond the orbit of Neptune or even a tiny black hole.
The astronomers want to use the upcoming Vera C Rubin Observatory (VRO), slated to begin operations early next year, to confirm the existence of Planet Nine and other potential trans-Neptunian objects like it.
It is unclear where they came from, and our new model predicts that there should be more objects with a similar orbital orientation to Planet Nine, Loeb said.
If the VRO verifies the existence of Planet Nine, and a captured origin, and also finds a population of similarly captured dwarf planets, then the binary model will be favored over the lone stellar history that has been long-assumed, Siraj argued.
The team suggests that the Suns long lost binary companion would have been removed by other stars, born alongside our Sun in the same cluster, through their gravitational influence.
The Suns long-lost companion could now be anywhere in the Milky Way, Siraj said.
READ MORE: The sun may have started its life with a binary companion [Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics]
More on Planet Nine: Astronomers Want to Figure Out What the Hell Planet Nine Is
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NASA Says There’s a Small Leak on the International Space Station – Futurism
Posted: at 1:28 am
Leaking Air
NASA is investigating a small air leak on board the International Space Station. Luckily, the three current crew members arent in immediate danger, according to NASA, and will spend the upcoming weekend inside the Russian segment of the station as they try to find the source of the leak.
A small amount of air leakingout of the station is to be expected.
The stations atmosphere is maintained at pressure comfortable for the crew members, and a tiny bit of that air leaks over time, requiring routine repressurization from nitrogen tanks delivered on cargo resupply missions, reads a NASA statement.
That leak rate, however, has slightly increased, according to NASA, so the teams are working a plan to isolate, identify, and potentially repair the source.
While hunkered down in the Russian segment of the ISS, the crew will close all hatches so that mission control can monitor air pressure in each module. NASA expects some kind of answer by the end of next week.
The Russian segment will allow all three astronauts to float around the main Zvezda module, the Poisk mini-research module, and their Soyuz MS-16 spacecraft.
READ MORE: NASA investigating small air leak on International Space Station []
More on the ISS: Researchers Built a Gravity Suit to Keep Astronauts Healthy
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Tesla Competitor Claims Its Car Will Be the "Fastest Charging" EV Ever – Futurism
Posted: at 1:28 am
The Fastest Charger
Electric car company Lucid Motors claims that that its Lucid Air luxury sedan will be the fastest charging electric vehicle ever offered with the capability to charge at rates of up to 20 miles per minute, according to a press release.
Thats about 300 miles of range in just 20 minutes of charging, according to the company, which is making a pretty big deal out of its upcoming four door sedan right now. Just last week, Lucid announced that the vehicle will have awhopping 517 miles (832 km) on a single charge, beating out Teslas current range king, the Model S, with an estimated 402 miles.
Today, Lucid announced a 900-volt charger that can charge at an impressive rate of up to 300 kilowatts. To put that into perspective, the third generation of Teslas Supercharger network maxes out at 250 kW.
Lucid claims its charging tech will have full interoperability with public charging infrastructure, including existing 350 kilowatt fast chargers that are currently being built in the country.
But it will also with the help of Electrify America, a subsidiary of Volkswagen build out a separate fast charger network in the US, using the Combined Charging System (CCS) standard.
The company also announced what it claims to be the first-ever bidirectional AC charging station for the home, meaning that the charger can use their Lucid Air to pump electricity back into houses or off-grid vacation properties, according to the release, like a giant battery.
READ MORE: Lucid Motors boasts it will have the fastest charging electric vehicle ever offered [The Verge]
More on Lucid: Tesla Competitor, Lucid, Claims Their Car Will Have a 517 Mile Range
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Scientists: Exploding Star Likely Caused Mass Extinction on Earth – Futurism
Posted: at 1:28 am
According to researchers at the University of Illinois, a supernova 65 light-years from Earth likely caused a mass extinction event during the Late Devonian period, 359 million years ago.
The researchers found radioactive isotopes in rocks that may be able to confirm such an event, as detailed in a new paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
During the Late Devonian period, when most life was found in the oceans, one of the worst mass extinctions in Earths history gravely damaged its ecosystem. Yet its never been clear what caused it.
To explain the event, the team looked at rocks that contain ancient plant spores. These spores appeared to have been severely sunburnt by ultraviolet light, likely the consequence of a long-term lack of ozone in the atmosphere.
Earth-based catastrophes such as large-scale volcanism and global warming can destroy the ozone layer, too, but evidence for those is inconclusive for the time interval in question, astronomy and physics professor Brian Fields, lead author, said in a statement. Instead, we propose that one or more supernova explosions, about 65 light-years away from Earth, could have been responsible for the protracted loss of ozone.
It would have been quite the event, lighting up the skies.
To put this into perspective, one of the closest supernova threats today is from the star Betelgeuse, which is over 600 light-years away and well outside of the kill distance of 25 light-years, graduate student and study co-author Adrienne Ertel added.
The team also looked at other ozone depletion causes, including meteorite impacts, and gamma-ray bursts, but those wouldnt have caused a depletion in the longer term.
They suggest that the violent supernova flooded our planet with dangerous UV, X-, and gamma rays, irradiating the ozone layer with effects that would have lasted for up to 100,000 years, according to the researchers.
To confirm their suspicions, the team is now looking for the smoking gun two specific radioactive isotopes of plutonium, originating from the Late Devonian period, that only could have come to Earth from cosmic explosions.
The overarching message of our study is that life on Earth does not exist in isolation, Fields explains. We are citizens of a larger cosmos, and the cosmos intervenes in our lives often imperceptibly, but sometimes ferociously.
READ MORE: An Exploding Star 65 Light-Years From Earth May Have Triggered a Mass Extinction [Science Alert]
More on supernovas: Scientists Discover That Bones Are Made Out of Stars
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Dr. Fauci Just Released a World Map of Ongoing Disease Outbreaks – Futurism
Posted: at 1:28 am
With the endless torrent of COVID-19 updates, its easy to forget that there are other diseases spreading around the world.
Well, fret no more! Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and top White House coronavirus adviser, is here to remind you just how many dangerous outbreaks are happening right now.
Nipah Virus in southern India, measles in the U.S., diphtheria in Russia, and dozens more outbreaks are all pinpointed on a map that Fauci published alongside a preprint paper soon to be published in the journal Cell. Its meant to an educational resource. The paper lays out the myriad global conditions that enabled COVID-19 to bring the planet to its knees. But, as Gizmodo astutely points out, its also such a bummer.
The paper itself describes how genetic mutations can make diseases more or less dangerous and infectious over time. For instance, it points out that the common cold used to cause deadly epidemics before evolving into a far milder disease.
Thats not to say that the coronavirus will do the same, as Gizmodo notes. But it is interesting to see how past epidemics and outbreaks have shaped the current landscape of global diseases.
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40,000 Russians Are About to Get That Untested COVID-19 Vaccine – Futurism
Posted: at 1:28 am
Beginning next week, 40,000 volunteers will take the coronavirus vaccine that was recently approved and lauded by the Russian government.
The vaccine, which Russia has dubbed Sputnik V, is going to be distributed in a randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled clinical study, Ars Technica reports. Such large-scale experiments are a crucial part of making sure that a vaccine or any other medical treatment is both safe and effective but its also something that usually happens before that vaccine is approved amidst fanfare.
Its that reverse order that has experts around the world skeptical of Russias claims. Doctors have only tested Sputnik V in small, earlier-stage clinical trials, and the data from those experiments still arent available.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has been trying to get any sort of information about those earlier studies out of the Russian government, Ars Technica reports, but to little avail. That doesnt necessarily mean that the vaccine doesnt work as well as the Russian government claims but,at the same time, theres no evidence available that it does.
And some of Russias claims are pretty bold.
I know it has proven efficient and forms a stable immunity, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced earlier this month, according to AP News. We must be grateful to those who made that first step very important for our country and the entire world.
But without cold, hard data, experts are unlikely to be swayed.
Its essential we dont cut corners in safety or efficacy, WHO senior emergency official Catherine Smallwood told AP News.
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Two books reassess the work and forward thinking of HG Wells, one of the 20th century’s great futurists – The Canberra Times
Posted: at 1:28 am
life-style, books,
H. G. Wells (1866 -1946) is more remembered today for his science fiction novels, written at the end of the 19th century - The War of The Worlds, The Island of Dr Moreau, The Invisible Man and The Time Machine - than for his other novels or non-fiction books, such as his global bestseller, The Outline of History (1920). Adam Roberts, Professor of English at Royal Holloway College in London and Sarah Cole, Dean of Humanities at Columbia University, while taking different approaches, provide strong evidence for a Wellsian reassessment. Wells was arguably the most celebrated intellectual in the English-speaking world in the decades between the First and Second World Wars, a role which has also been largely forgotten. Wells met with many world leaders, such as Roosevelt, Lenin, Stalin, and Churchill, who said that he knew Wells' works so well he could pass an examination in them. Roberts highlights the impact of "The man who invented tomorrow". Wells envisaged in 1936 the concept of "The World Brain", a precursor on microfilm of Google/Wikipedia, and foreshadowed, inter alia, the tank, the atom bomb, global warming, aerial flight, mass surveillance, germ warfare, laser beams and cosmetic surgery. George Orwell wrote in 1941 that, "thinking people who were born about the beginning of this century are in some sense Wells' own creation ... The minds of all of us, and therefore the physical world, would be perceptibly different if Wells had never existed". Wells visited Australia in January, 1939, addressing the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science in Canberra's Albert Hall, against a backdrop of a heatwave and bushfires. Wells' comments in his speech, criticising Mussolini and Hitler, aroused the anger of Prime Minister Joseph Lyons, a supporter of Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement. Lyons responded, "The Federal Government is not to be associated with remarks which have been made by our visitor". Roberts sees Wells' non-fiction as irrevocably dated, whereas Coles, who views his 100 books of fiction and non-fiction and 6000 articles, as deliberately intertwined, writes that, "Wells felt no need to banish the pedagogic voice from his fiction". Coles sees Wells as a visionary radical, outlining the case for global unity, economies serving the "common good" and universal human rights. He was the major drafter of the Sankey Declaration, a precursor to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Wells ideas for global unity and a world state now seems less likely, with the rise of populism and the backlash against globalisation, although his attacks on autocratic leaders and dictators are still very relevant. Equally, Wells' comments on the Black Death, "a pestilence of unheard-of virulence", resonate today: "Never was there so clear a warning to mankind to seek knowledge and cease from bickering, to unite against the dark powers of nature". Wells' last book, the short Mind at the End of Its Tether (1945), was foreshadowed in his Canberra speech, when he said, "humanity . . . can't escape entire self -destruction as a species". Roberts sees parallels between Mind and his first novel, The Time Machine, revealing "a psychopathological going over and over the same ground, like Lady Macbeth endlessly washing her own hands". Roberts, an acclaimed sci-fi novelist and vice-president of the H. G. Wells Society, provides the first complete literary biography of Wells for 30 years, and the first to encompass his entire career as a writer. He adopts a chronological approach to Wells' writing to lead the reader through Wells' life in books. He is particularly insightful on the scientific romances, seeing, for example, The Island of Doctor Moreau as the first great novel of the Darwinian "revolution in thought". Coles argues that, while Wells "rejected and was rejected by modernism, Wells' influence on the twentieth century novel was greater than is often assumed ... His goals for literature were soaring, world-scaled." Both Coles and Roberts agree that Wells' lesser-known novels deserve rehabilitation, and especially praise Mr Britling Sees It Through (1916), which Maxim Gorky called "the finest, most courageous, truthful and humane book written in Europe in the course of this accursed war". Neither, however, shirk from documenting Wells' faults, especially on eugenics, sexism and, in Cole's words, "spasms of racism and callous complacency". Nonetheless, both authors make a persuasive case, through their different structural approaches, to restore Wells' reputation and ideas in a world again under threat, with the need more than ever for a belief in democracy, faith in scientific knowledge and the reaffirmation of human rights.
August 23 2020 - 12:00AM
H. G. Wells (1866 -1946) is more remembered today for his science fiction novels, written at the end of the 19th century - The War of The Worlds, The Island of Dr Moreau, The Invisible Man and The Time Machine - than for his other novels or non-fiction books, such as his global bestseller, The Outline of History (1920).
Adam Roberts, Professor of English at Royal Holloway College in London and Sarah Cole, Dean of Humanities at Columbia University, while taking different approaches, provide strong evidence for a Wellsian reassessment.
Rethinking H.G. Wells. Picture: Getty Images
Wells was arguably the most celebrated intellectual in the English-speaking world in the decades between the First and Second World Wars, a role which has also been largely forgotten. Wells met with many world leaders, such as Roosevelt, Lenin, Stalin, and Churchill, who said that he knew Wells' works so well he could pass an examination in them.
Roberts highlights the impact of "The man who invented tomorrow". Wells envisaged in 1936 the concept of "The World Brain", a precursor on microfilm of Google/Wikipedia, and foreshadowed, inter alia, the tank, the atom bomb, global warming, aerial flight, mass surveillance, germ warfare, laser beams and cosmetic surgery.
George Orwell wrote in 1941 that, "thinking people who were born about the beginning of this century are in some sense Wells' own creation ... The minds of all of us, and therefore the physical world, would be perceptibly different if Wells had never existed".
Wells visited Australia in January, 1939, addressing the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science in Canberra's Albert Hall, against a backdrop of a heatwave and bushfires. Wells' comments in his speech, criticising Mussolini and Hitler, aroused the anger of Prime Minister Joseph Lyons, a supporter of Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement. Lyons responded, "The Federal Government is not to be associated with remarks which have been made by our visitor".
Roberts sees Wells' non-fiction as irrevocably dated, whereas Coles, who views his 100 books of fiction and non-fiction and 6000 articles, as deliberately intertwined, writes that, "Wells felt no need to banish the pedagogic voice from his fiction".
Coles sees Wells as a visionary radical, outlining the case for global unity, economies serving the "common good" and universal human rights. He was the major drafter of the Sankey Declaration, a precursor to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Wells ideas for global unity and a world state now seems less likely, with the rise of populism and the backlash against globalisation, although his attacks on autocratic leaders and dictators are still very relevant.
Equally, Wells' comments on the Black Death, "a pestilence of unheard-of virulence", resonate today: "Never was there so clear a warning to mankind to seek knowledge and cease from bickering, to unite against the dark powers of nature".
Wells' last book, the short Mind at the End of Its Tether (1945), was foreshadowed in his Canberra speech, when he said, "humanity . . . can't escape entire self -destruction as a species". Roberts sees parallels between Mind and his first novel, The Time Machine, revealing "a psychopathological going over and over the same ground, like Lady Macbeth endlessly washing her own hands".
Roberts, an acclaimed sci-fi novelist and vice-president of the H. G. Wells Society, provides the first complete literary biography of Wells for 30 years, and the first to encompass his entire career as a writer. He adopts a chronological approach to Wells' writing to lead the reader through Wells' life in books. He is particularly insightful on the scientific romances, seeing, for example, The Island of Doctor Moreau as the first great novel of the Darwinian "revolution in thought".
Coles argues that, while Wells "rejected and was rejected by modernism, Wells' influence on the twentieth century novel was greater than is often assumed ... His goals for literature were soaring, world-scaled."
Both Coles and Roberts agree that Wells' lesser-known novels deserve rehabilitation, and especially praise Mr Britling Sees It Through (1916), which Maxim Gorky called "the finest, most courageous, truthful and humane book written in Europe in the course of this accursed war".
Neither, however, shirk from documenting Wells' faults, especially on eugenics, sexism and, in Cole's words, "spasms of racism and callous complacency".
Nonetheless, both authors make a persuasive case, through their different structural approaches, to restore Wells' reputation and ideas in a world again under threat, with the need more than ever for a belief in democracy, faith in scientific knowledge and the reaffirmation of human rights.
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Two books reassess the work and forward thinking of HG Wells, one of the 20th century's great futurists - The Canberra Times
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Experts Obtain New Trigger of Mass Extinction Party – Aviation Analysis Wing
Posted: at 1:28 am
(Newser) A mass extinction celebration that struck Earth 359 million a long time in the past nonetheless has experts scratching their heads. Was it volcano eruptions? Meteorites? Gamma-ray bursts? A new paper appears to be like at a different doable perpetrator: exploding stars. Researchers at the University of Illinois argue that proof hidden in rocks coincides with the influence of at minimum one particular supernova 65 mild-decades from Earth in the Late Devonian period, Futurism reviews. Analyzing ancient plant spores in rocks, they found indications of serious ultraviolet mild sunburnjust what you would hope from long-term ozone depletion in the atmosphere. Big-scale volcanism and worldwide warming can demolish the ozone layer, also, but evidence for people is inconclusive for the time interval in dilemma, lead writer Brian Fields claims in a statement.
Now his team is trying to get what Fields phone calls the smoking guns of a nearby supernova: the radioactive isotopes samarium-146 and plutonium-244 in fossils and rocks deposited in the course of the extinction. Neither of these isotopes occurs in a natural way on Earth today, and the only way they can get in this article is via cosmic explosions, suggests co-writer Zhenghai Liu. Interesting aspect be aware: The staff considers several blasts a risk because huge stars usually exist in clusters and can detonate if activated by a supernova in the team, Forbes notes. But Fields sees a more substantial information in all this: Lifestyle on Earth does not exist in isolation, he suggests. We are citizens of a larger sized cosmos, and the cosmos intervenes in our livesoften imperceptibly, but often ferociously. (Read through much more mass extinction stories.)
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Schools Will Never Return to Business as Usual. Heres How They Can Make the Most of Our New Reality. – EdSurge
Posted: at 1:28 am
Right now schools are makingand, in some cases, already implementing tough decisions about where learning should take place this fall. Elected officials are making decisions contrary to recommended guidelines that can leave school leaders in an impossible situation of shouldering accountability for health and safety while lacking the control to do so. Yet educators are still doing their best to prioritize students psychological and developmental needs in this vacuum of resources, guidance and personnel.
All of this effort may get schools to the starting line in the short-term, but schools need to be thinking about the long-term, too. Wetwo psychologists at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligencespoke to educational leaders and one futurist about what is needed to make this new reality work for educators and students in the long run.
Schools will never return to business as usual, predicts futurist Andrea Saveri. A futurist analyzes quantitative and qualitative data from current trends in order to predict the alternative scenarios that could play out in conditions of uncertainty, and Saveris work focuses on education mapping specifically.
The U.S. education system was designed 100 years ago to support the Industrial Revolution, Saveri explains. A shock like the pandemic shows just how rigid the institution really is. The future will only be more VUCAvolatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguousbecause of pressures like globalization, greater connectivity and climate change. How schools reorganize now, in response to the pandemic, may only be a dry run for what will be increasingly needed in the future.
Saveris analysis places emotional, interpersonal and cultural competencies at the center of adapting to a rapidly-changing post-industrial world. Uncertain conditions demand creativity and innovation. People will need to be emotionally intelligent and interpersonally skilled in order to collaborate across diverse perspectives to find solutions, as well as to manage the overwhelming feelings of grief, despair and anxiety that a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world can trigger.
One school that has already adopted this mindset is the New York City Lab School for Collaborative Studies, a public high school led by principal Brooke Jackson. The Lab School laid groundwork years ago by training staff in RULER, a schoolwide approach to social-emotional learning from our Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence; Courageous Conversations, a model for training and coaching organizations on racial equity; restorative circles for community development and conflict resolution and more.
These approaches teach adults and children how to use their emotions wisely and how to support inclusive, positive relationships to strengthen and grow their communities, which in turn support them. We can have hard conversations in a way that is caretaking and doesnt create more anxiety, depression and isolation for kids, Jackson says.
In response to COVID-19, the students at the Lab School have been organized into intimate, amphibious squads that can function either in person or at a distance. The squads are autonomous and choose the focus of their interdisciplinary projects together. Courses are taught by two teachers, allowing learning to continue if one develops health issues or leaves. Teachers serve as case managers for students, communicating with families, administrators and guidance counselors. Every morning begins with an in-person or distanced check-in, with mental health the top priority.
Jacksons high school students will have virtual spaces for student-led affinity clubs, and students will have opportunities to be teaching assistants, helping younger students with learning challenges and deepening their own relationships to favorite teachers or subjects. Their school day, also shorter, will end with an enrichment band where students can choose a deep dive into topics like the 2020 election or a creative writing project about life under COVID-19without homework or tests.
Teachers relationships with one another are also critical, Jackson says. Every Friday, Lab School educators hold a Zoom space for sharing and processing. Im going to try to hang on to my teachers, Jackson says. We might not have a computer lab or new furniture, but I know everyone will chip in to help problem-solve. We are brothers and sisters, and the waters too heavy for any one educator.
Dawn DeCosta, principal of Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School in Harlem, has always prioritized emotional and social skills but is leading her fall planning with new, developmentally appropriate opportunities.
DeCostas elementary school students will be able to have question-and-answer sessions with their teachers about living with the new safety guidelines. Theyll also spend the first month getting to know each other by creating visual projects on identity, culture and family. The school day, whether in-person or virtual, will be shorter, structured by predictable routines, and interspersed with brain breaks for meditation, gratitude practices, checking in with feelings or community kindness projects.
But DeCosta adds, Our teachers responded to distance learning in inspired ways, but teachers, alone, cannot do everything thats being asked of them. Schools need real help from their communities.
DeCostas holistic view is consistent with 40 years of research in developmental science, which shows that an individual does not shoulder wellbeing alone. The systems in which an individual is embedded are also responsible. When the people in environments outside of families and schools support childrens needs, children do better.
DeCosta details the kinds of support shed like to see from the wider community, for distance and in-person learning:
The map of each schools needs and resources will be different, but emotional wellbeing and community support must be consistent priorities throughout.
The Lab School and Thurgood Marshall Academy are models for how schools can rise to meet the challenges of these trying times. They also hold the promise of the systemic transformation needed to benefit our childrens futures.
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Schools Will Never Return to Business as Usual. Heres How They Can Make the Most of Our New Reality. - EdSurge
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