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Category Archives: Transhuman News

See the International Space Station tonight and 4 planets – 69News WFMZ-TV

Posted: October 4, 2020 at 3:04 am

In tonight's clear skies, you can see:

The International Space Stationwill cross over us again today, Saturday, October 3, for four minutes at 7:45 P.M.

Now the start time will differ by a minute or two depending where you live, so get the exact time for your community

The flyover is an hour after the 6:40 P.M. sunset.

The space station will first appear in the northwest sky, near where the sun sets. Then, it'll travel low in the sky to the northeastern horizon.

Before it reaches the northeast horizon, it'll suddenly vanish!

This happens because the International Space Station runs into the darkness of the Earth's shadow. We see the space station in the first place because it's reflecting sunlight.

The International Space station will look like an airplane flying across the sky. It will have a smooth, steady motion. You'll know you saw it if it vanishes before reaching the horizon, provided trees are not obstructing that horizon for you.

Jupiter and Saturn will be in the southern sky, and they are very close to each other. At dusk, Jupiter is the brightest object in the sky. Saturn is to the left of Jupiter.

Both are somewhat low in the sky. They set (dip below the horizon) a few hours after sunset.

Mars is spectacular. It'll be near the nearly full moon (the full moon was Wednesday) at dusk. It'll keep rising through the night, and it'll be high in the southern sky in the middle of the night. That's when you'll really notice its orange color.

Mars is high in the south sky.

Venusis in the night sky right at sunset for only a few hours. It will set at 10 P.M. tonight, leaving very dark skies for the rest of the night.

If you see the moon, it'll be a crescent shape because we just had a new moon last week. The moon gets half full later this week.

Watch the International Space Station fly over you Monday night.

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When and where to see the International Space Station above Cornwall this week – Falmouth Packet

Posted: at 3:04 am

The International Space Station will once again be visible above the skies of Cornwall this week - weather permitting of course.

The station flies above our heads constantly, and orbits the planet every 90 minutes at a height of over 250 miles.

Of course, it's impossible to see during the day, but at night - and with the space station's orbit passing over Britain just so - it takes on the appearance of a bright star moving across the sky.

It resembles a glowing orb without the telltale flashes of an aircraft's wing drifting silently through the dark.

It goes through periods when we won't be able to see it for months, as its diagonal orbit crosses other parts of the planet, but every now and then, there comes a space of a few weeks when it flies overhead - and at night.

Times vary ever so slightly depending on your location, but we've used those given by NASA's Spot the Station website for Truro, the location it gives for Cornwall.

Here are the dates and times of when the station will become visible:

September 28

Passing over at 8.49pm, for two minutes, appearing at 33 above WNW and leaving at 54 above E.

September 29

First passing over at 8.01pm, for four minutes, appearing at 33 above WNW and leaving at 18 above E.

Later passing over at 9.37pm for less than one minute, at 17 above W leaving 25 above W.

September 30

Passing over at 8.50pm, for two minutes, appearing at 26 above W and leaving at 59 above SSE.

October 1

First passing over at 8.03pm, for three minutes, appearing at 33 above WNW and leaving at 22 above ESE.

Later passing over at 9.e9pm, for one minute, appearing at 11 above W and leaving at 16 above WSW.

October 2

First passing over at 7.20pm, for less than one minute, appearing at 15 above E and leaving at 10 above E.

Later passing over at 8.52pm, for two minutes, appearing at 19 above W and leaving at 32 above SSW.

October 3

First passing over at 8.05pm, for three minutes, appearing at 30 above W and leaving at 19 above SE.

October 4

First passing over at 7.18pm, for four minutes, appearing at 40 above W and leaving at 12 above ESE.

Later passing over at 8.54pm, for two minutes, appearing at 12 above WSW and leaving at 15 above SSW.

October 5

Passing over at 8.07pm, for two minutes, appearing at 20 above WSW and leaving at 11 above SSE.

You should have no trouble spotting the International Space Station as it drifts overhead - we say 'drift', but it's actually travelling at over 17,000 mph.

You'll easily be able to spot it with the naked eye (cloud cover permitting of course), though even modestly priced binoculars may be able to pick out some of the station's details, like its large solar panels.

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When and where to see the International Space Station above Cornwall this week - Falmouth Packet

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Patient Experiences and Concerns With Eczema – Dermatology Advisor

Posted: at 3:04 am

An overview of patient experiences with eczema were described in study data published in British Journal of Dermatology. Overall, many patients felt that clinicians and peers tend to dismiss the psychosocial effect of eczema. Others also expressed a need for more information about eczema treatment.

Investigators conducted a systematic search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL from inception through February 2019 for qualitative studies focusing on patient experiences with eczema and eczema treatment. Studies describing the experiences of clinicians were excluded. Study data were extracted and systematically coded to identify common themes in patient experiences. Study quality was assessed using the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research, although no studies were excluded on the grounds of quality alone.

A total of 39 papers describing 32 studies were included in the thematic synthesis. The pooled study cohort included 1007 participants, including 405 parents of children with eczema, 252 patients with eczema, and 350 online forum users. Study quality was generally high; participant selection, study setting, and analytic methods were well-reported. Overall, 4 analytical themes were identified: 1) Eczema viewed as transient rather than chronic; 2) Psychosocial impact of eczema not acknowledged by others; 3) Concerns about eczema treatments; and 4) Insufficient information eczema.

1. Eczema viewed as transient rather than chronic

According to the thematic analysis, patients with eczema experience frustration at the chronic nature of eczema. Many expressed a desire to identify their underlying cause of eczema and subsequently cure the condition. Parents of children with eczema expressed hopes that their child would outgrow eczema. The perception of eczema as a short-term condition was associated with disappointment with treatment options, which provide only symptom relief rather than a cure.

2. Psychosocial impact of eczema not acknowledged by others

Study participants frequently expressed frustration at the lack of acknowledgement for the psychological burden of eczema. Eczema was significantly associated with low mood, poor self-esteem, persistent discomfort, and even sleep disruption. Even so, many reported that health professionals did not take their symptoms seriously. Others described their peers dismissing their symptoms as just[dry] skin or something that would resolve with time.

3. Concerns about eczema treatments

Many patients and carers expressed concerns about the safety of topical corticosteroids. Long-term use of topical corticosteroids may cause skin thinning, and some patients reported building a tolerance to certain topical treatments. Others described receiving conflicting advice from practitioners, with some health professionals advising against long-term steroid use and others encouraging it.

4. Insufficient information about eczema

Overall, the study cohort described a dearth of information about eczema. Advice and treatment suggestions may vary between practitioners. Many expressed a desire for a demonstration from health professionals regarding how much topical treatment to apply. Other patients said they felt their treatment was not personalized or up to date.

Limitations to the study, as cited by the researchers, include that the study data was only taken from peer-reviewed journals and that the synthesis process is inherently interpretive.

Results from this thematic analysis emphasize the psychosocial burden of eczema. Practitioners can encourage effective self-management of eczema by acknowledging patient concerns and providing clear treatment advice. Health professionals need to address common treatment beliefs and concerns and seek positive ways to promote a control not cure message to support effective ongoing self-management, investigators wrote.


Teasdale E, Muller I, Sivyer K, et al. Views and experiences of managing eczema: systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies [published online June 12, 2020]. Br J Dermatol. doi: 10.1111/bjd.19299

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NEA’s Eczema Awareness Month Engages and Empowers the Eczema Community to Unhide the Realities of this Chronic Inflammatory Skin Disease that Burdens…

Posted: at 3:03 am

This year's month-long stakeholder engagement efforts focus on providing education, support and resources for people living with eczema through NEA's ongoing #UnhideECZEMA campaign, and heightening awareness/self-awareness of the eczema experience through #GetEczemaWise, an empowering campaign.

People of all races, ages, and skin types suffer from eczema, which refers to a group of chronic and acute symptoms that typically cause skin itch, sleep disturbance, inflammation, and/or a rash-like appearance. There are seven different types of eczema and it is possible to have more than one type. 3

Eczema has the highest effect on disability-associated life years for patients with skin diseases worldwide.4 The disease burden of eczema includes various painful and often debilitating physical, mental and emotional effects, as conveyed in NEA's Eczema Awareness Month video.

Eczema Facts

Learn more eczema facts:

At a time when eczema sufferers face additional challenges imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, the eczema community has reason to see hope on the horizon. "We are in the midst of an unprecedented era of discovery and promise for the future of eczema, thanks to new medications in the pipeline, scientific research underway, and evolving insights into the lived experience and treatment preferences that can advance innovative and targeted therapies for this burdensome skin disease," comments Julie Block, NEA President and CEO.

NEA's Eczema Awareness Month 2020 is supported in part by the following sponsors: Sanofi Genzyme/Regeneron; AbbVie; Eli Lilly; Water Wipes; Baby Dove; CeraVe, and Dermavant.

About National Eczema Association (NEA)Founded in 1988, NEA is the largest, 501(c)(3) non-profit, US patient advocacy organization serving people affected by eczema. NEA's mission is to improve the health and quality of life for individuals with eczema through research, support, and education. For more on NEA, visit:


SOURCE National Eczema Association

National Eczema Association | Symptoms, Support, Treatment and Research

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NEA's Eczema Awareness Month Engages and Empowers the Eczema Community to Unhide the Realities of this Chronic Inflammatory Skin Disease that Burdens...

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Signs of Eczema and how to combat it: Dr B.L Jangid REVEALS some Dermatologist approved methods – PINKVILLA

Posted: at 3:03 am

Eczema a term used for a group of conditions that can cause your skin to turn itchy or inflamed, leading to having a rash-like appearance. Here is how you can combat it.

Ever noticed your skin getting inflamed or irritated due to uncertain or unfamiliar reasons? If so, then this might be due to Eczema a term used for a group of conditions that can cause your skin to turn itchy or inflamed, leading to having a rash-like appearance. But there's nothing to worry about as this skin disorder is completely curable. All you need to do is visit a good dermatologist and follow the instructions as prescribed. But what exactly is Eczema?

What is Eczema?

Eczema is a non-contagious, reaction pattern that the skin produces as a result of several diseases. While the real cause is still unknown behind its occurrence, eczema is believed to begin as raised, red tiny blisters that contain a clear fluid atop elevated, red plaques.

Signs of Eczema

The mandatory thing to remember about eczema is that the signs and symptoms linked with it can entirely vary from person to person. This simply means that your eczema might not look the same on you as it does on another child or adult, depending upon their age. Not only this, medical professionals claim that different types of eczema might also appear differently in parts of the body at different times.

Usually, eczema is itchy whose intensity can range from mild to moderate for many people. But unfortunately, sometimes it can also take a worse face that eventually results in the development of extremely inflamed skin. Also, sometimes the itch can get so bad that you might scratch it until it starts to bleed. This condition is usually termed as the 'Itch-scratch cycle'.

Some of the common signs of eczema include:

The areas infected by eczema can include the face, scalp, arms, legs, back, chest, behind the knees, neck, wrists, ankles, etc.

Eczema: Ways to Combat It?

The sole purpose behind the treatment of eczema is to provide ease, preventing itching that can give birth to infection if not controlled on time. While talking about the treatment and ways to combat eczema, it can be broadly classified into two parts, namely Home remedies and in severe condition, medications recommended by skin experts.

Home Remedies

Since eczema turns your skin itchy and dry, you can opt for certain home-based treatments like applying lotions and creams to keep it moist. Though, remember to use them when your skin is damp, like after showering for holding in moisture. Over-the-counter products like antihistamines and hydrocortisone cream can also help in this condition.

If you're having any symptom related to Eczema, it is suggested to consult a skin specialist at the earliest before it takes a fatal form. The doctor's suggested medicines can help you control the adverse effect of eczema, thus eradicating the itching and inflammation associated with it.

About the author: Dr B.L Jangid is a Dermatologist and Hair Transplant Surgeon, SkinQure Clinic.

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Signs of Eczema and how to combat it: Dr B.L Jangid REVEALS some Dermatologist approved methods - PINKVILLA

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What is Cica Cream and How it Works For Sensitive And Dry Skin – Benefits of This Popular Beauty Product –

Posted: at 3:03 am

Cica Cream is the new-buzz-worthy ingredient which is doing rounds on the internet. It is a go-to cream for anyone suffering from skin-sensitivity or flare-ups. If you have dry, sensitive, or eczema-prone skin- Cica Cream is the solution.What is cica cream? Also Read - Guess the Price of Disha Patani's Prettiest Yellow Floral Dress

Cicas scientific name is Centella Asiatica, also known as Gotu kola or tiger grass is a herb from the family Apiaceae. This herb is being used for over 3,000 years to heal wounds. Skincare brands have recently discovered this ingredient and have started adding it in moisturizers, serums, etc to heal the skin. Also Read - On International Vodka Day, Here Busting 5 Common Vodka Myths

Is Cica Cream good for you? Also Read - Nitric Oxide A Possible Treatment For COVID-19 Too: Study

If you are struggling with psoriasis, eczema, lupus, leprosy, syphilis, acne, dryness, rosacea- Cica cream will work like magic for you. Cica has anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, and anti-bacterial properties that cure skin ailments. It will calm your skin and heal it too.

As reported by Healthline, its also been shown to help stimulate the creation of collagen, a building block protein of tissues throughout the body that keeps skin elastic. Cica can help strengthen the skin barrier and can be anti-aging.The herb has been used for many years in the medicinal form to cure various skin conditions including:

Cures Eczema and psoriasis: The report by Healthline stated that thanks to its anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties, Cica might cure eczema. It has proven to be a helpful addition for someone suffering from eczema or psoriasis.

Keeps dryness and irritation at bay: With its anti-inflammatory properties, cica cream can help you keep your skin moisturized and avoid irritation.

Bye-bye Wrinkles- Dont worry about those fine lines and wrinkles, Cica cream will take care of it. Cica has antioxidant properties with vitamin C and madecassoside extract that helps in improving skin hydration, elasticity and fades wrinkles.

Lightens scars and acne: Its madecassoside keeps the skin hydrated and cures acne. The cream can also heal minor burns, scars, and cuts.

This cream bolsters the skins barrier, hydrates, and soothes irritation, you can use it twice a day as a moisturizer.

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Mum hails Irish skincare brand after painful eczema left her looking ‘bruised everywhere’ – Belfast Live

Posted: at 3:03 am

A Co Down mum has hailed an Irish skincare brand as her saviour after helping clear painful eczema outbreaks.

Janielle Hunter started to suffer from dry skin on her face when she was a teenager and since then the problem has left her feeling self-conscious and afraid to go out without being 'plastered in make-up', for fear of being judged.

The 30-year-old told Belfast Live: "My problem with dry skin started at 13, around the time of puberty, when I began getting crusty skin around the eyes. It came and went, but my school friends teased me about it, which stressed me out and made it worse. When I started getting it around my face, the doctor prescribed a mild steroid cream which helped me keep it at bay.

"Last year, I started feeling a bit rundown and anxious and my eczema came out in full force around my face, shoulders, arms and lower back. It looked like I was bruised everywhere. The steroid cream provided temporary relief, but every time I stopped using it, the eczema returned with a vengeance."

Having "spent a fortune" on various creams and salves, some which she said she had 'poured acid on her skin', Janielle was desperate for a solution when she discovered Irish skincare brand Elave.

"I was stuck in a cycle where I had to keep using the cream, and I didnt like that because of the chemicals and I felt it was thinning my skin. I was desperate for a solution and I tried absolutely everything.

"I spent a fortune on creams and salves, but I found the more expensive and natural they were, the worse they were. I tried one very well-known organic brand, which cost me 40, and it felt like I had poured acid on my skin!

"It was really interfering with my life. I work in a customer-facing job and I was too self-conscious to go out the door without being plastered in make-up to hide my dry skin. I was itchy all the time and couldnt sleep."

It was at that point the Carryduff woman discovered Elave, an family-run Irish company from the Gardiner Family, who have been creating natural skincare products since 1934.

Janielle decided to keep a written diary as she started to use the products to chart how they reacted with her skin, and she was amazed by the results in just two weeks.

Here is her diary:

Week 1: I started using the Elave Body Wash, Intensive Cream and Shampoo and nothing else. I saw an improvement within a couple of days then my eczema returned with a vengeance. I thought, oh no, this isnt going to work either! But I persevered anyway.

Week 2: A major improvement! My partner noticed it first he told me my lower back had cleared up. I was very excited. The next thing, my chin, jawline and face started clearing up. My shoulders and arms came next. I wasnt even itching anymore and was able to get my first good nights sleep in months.

Week 3: I continued to use my steroid cream alongside the Elave for Weeks 1 and 2, but stopped using it in Week 3. I felt comfortable stopping using it and didnt see any adverse effects. I always felt that any time I stopped using the cream, then started again, that my eczema returned twice as bad, but obviously people should take the advice of their doctor. By this time, I see a vast improvement - the results are fantastic.

Since then the mum-of-two simply cannot be without her Elave skincare and has a spring in her step.

"I have continued with my regime since then. I forgot to pack my Elave when I went away on a weekend break and thought it wouldnt matter too much all things considered, but my eczema returned right away. When I got home and got the emollient back on again, it disappeared again very quickly.

"My skin continues to be very prone to dryness, so I need to work at it continuously. I keep a tube of cream beside my bed which my partner tries to steal for his feet. I am really delighted with the results, especially since when I go into work I only need to wear one mask, now, not two!"

Eczema usually starts in childhood, with sore, red, rough and weeping rashes. Heres some advice from Elave Skincare Adviser Karen Johnston on how to treat it.

What is Eczema?

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a condition where patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, red, cracked and rough. Blisters may sometimes occur. It affects 1 in 5 babies born in Ireland and 1 in 10 adults.

What causes it?

Medical experts put the rise in eczema up from 3% to 25% inside two generations - down to environmental pollutants and harsh chemicals. It can also be triggered by certain foods, smoke and pollen.

What does it look like?

Rashes occur on the scalp, cheeks, neck, creases of elbows or knees, buttocks, legs and ankles. They can become bumpy, lighten or darken in colour, bubble up and leak fluid. They can also thicken and develop into knots which are permanently itchy.

Is there a cure?

While eczema can lessen as children get older, it is a lifelong condition. However, it can be managed very successfully by focusing on healing damaged skin and alleviating symptoms.

What should I do?

You can get more information from the National Eczema Society and the Irish Skin Foundation.

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Mum hails Irish skincare brand after painful eczema left her looking 'bruised everywhere' - Belfast Live

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Klur Skincare Founder Lesley Thornton on Her At-Home Wellness Routine, and Giving Back to the Black Community – Vogue

Posted: at 3:03 am

Launched in 2019, Klur originally consisted of seven products, all of which are made up of natural ingredients, thoughtfully sourced. Thornton is conscious about biodiversity, prioritizing ingredients that are readily accessible including Aloe Vera, dandelion, and sea kelp. I formulate with long-term sustainability in mind and like to work with many local farmers, she says. Her suppliers are based in the United States, mainly in California. Rare and exotic ingredients don't necessarily make better products, she notes. If it's not accessible and it doesn't give back, we're not using it in our products.

Thornton's personal favorites from her line are the moisturizing cleanser Gentle Matter, which she uses daily, along with the skin supplement Symmetry Fluid in the summer, and Stellar Restoration (a multivitamin-infused retinol), which is her go-to in colder months. But lately, shes added a new element to her routine.

For the first time since the brand's last launch, a year and a half ago, Thornton has an addition to the Klur family: the Supreme Seed, a purification mask thats ideal for sensitive skin. A lot of clay masks have high pHs. Once you mix them with water, the pH goes up, so people find themselves more irritated and dry after. By contrast, Supreme Seed is not going to tug at the skin. It never dries down hard, or flakes. You can layer an oil underneath it and leave on the mask for 15 minutes. During that time, the mask will press the nutrients from the oil into your skin, thanks to the MSM (a pure, collagen enhancing organic sulfur) inside of the mask. The added bonus? When you remove the mask, it goes off as a cleanser which you can massage into the skin and then rinse off.

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Klur Skincare Founder Lesley Thornton on Her At-Home Wellness Routine, and Giving Back to the Black Community - Vogue

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Eczema flare-ups and unusual breakouts could be a sign of stressed skin but heres how you can solve it – OK! magazine

Posted: at 3:03 am

Ever find your usually well-behaved skin just suddenly seems to play up, and you cant quite put your finger on why? Perhaps it feels more sensitive than normal or you noticed a scattering of new spots. Maybe even a long-dormant skin condition such as eczema or rosacea pops up to say hello again.

It could be that your skin is stressed and to be honest, who would blame it after this year? This stress could be caused by a number of reasons: lack of sleep, a change in diet, using products that irritate, environmental factors such as sun exposure, hay fever and temperature changes plus, of course, actual mental stress.

Stress has been shown to alter the immune functions of the skin and skin barrier function so it has the potential to aggravate pretty much any skin concern, explains consultant dermatologist Dr Justine Kluk. Which means that if there are any underlying issues that you usually manage to keep under control, they may make a sudden and unwelcome reappearance.

But instead of telling your skin to reach for a bottle of wine and a family-sized bar of Dairy Milk, here are a few common skin stressors and what you can do about them...

Aside from the obvious after-effects, sun exposure can also exacerbate existing sensitive skin conditions such as redness and rosacea, explains Lucy Xu, skin specialist and founder of London Premier Laser and Skin Clinics. The usual suncare advice applies wear a high SPF every day and keep your face out of direct sunlight wherever possible.

Also try a soothing facial mist, Lucy says. Use it throughout the day to keep skin hydrated. Beauty Pie Uber Youth Super Elixir Microbiome Mist (17.43 members price, here) is not only refreshing on a hot day but also balances your microbiome, which contributes to a healthy skin barrier.

With retinol, vitamin C and exfoliating acids frequently hailed as the ultimate anti-ageing ingredients, it can be hard to resist diving headfirst into the highest percentages you can get your hands on. And lets not forget the rise of at-home pampering during lockdown, thanks to the absence of salons and clinics (and perhaps a little boredom). But overusing aggressive products can have the opposite effect, aggravating the skin and resulting in an irritated complexion.

Leave off all active ingredients until your skin feels like it is back to normal, and then you can gradually start to reintroduce them back into your routine.

Theres no denying the last few months have brought with them a whole new load of challenges, and internal stress can show on the outside, too.

Spots are a common result. High stress levels cause an increase in hormones which may result in skin issues such as acne, especially around the chin and mouth, explains Lucy. So its essential to try and remedy whatever is making you stressed.

While on paper that sounds about as useful as telling someone to cheer up or be careful, but some of the common practical tips for de-stressing - aromatherapy oils, relaxing baths, pillow sprays - can all help, and many people swear by the calming effects of a few drops of CBD under the tongue. Try CBII CBD Oil, from 29 here.

If all this wasnt enough to contend with, most of our skins are now facing something new having a layer of fabric or gauze regularly pressed against it. Weve all seen the shocking images of frontline healthcare workers faces after wearing PPE for hours on end, but many others are reporting an increase in skin conditions from wearing medical or fabric masks, even for short periods of time.

There are many ways in which wearing a mask could mean your skin will start to suffer, from friction causing irritation to bacteria transferring onto your face, explains Lucy. The increased moisture levels from your breath can also alter the skins microbiome, exacerbating other inflammatory conditions such as eczema and rosacea.

To help avoid this, use a mask made from breathable cotton or silk, only wear them when you need to, and wash them regularly using an unscented detergent.

Look for products that are suitable for sensitive skin, free from fragrance and designed to soothe and repair.

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, 9.50 here, is often recommended by dermatologists and is a favourite with celebrities such as Reese Witherspoon and Charlize Theron. And go easy with the flannel, advises Lucy.

The whole La Roche-Posay range is brilliant for sensitive skin, but Hyalu B5 Hyaluronic Serum, 38 here will boost the skins repairing process while plumping out fine lines.

Hemp seed oil is rich in fatty acids, omega 6 and omega 3 - ingredients that have soothing, hydrating properties, explains Dr Justine. Try Garnier Organic Hemp Multi-Restore Gel Cream, 7.99 here.

Eczema flare-ups and unusual breakouts could be a sign of stressed skin but heres how you can solve it - OK! magazine

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If You’ve Been Exposed To Wildfire Smoke, Here Are 5 Derm Tips To Calm Skin –

Posted: at 3:03 am

In terms of things to think about during the onslaught of West Coast wildfires, skin care does not (and should not) top the list. Although, it does make sense some would ponder skin health after exposure to such an infernoair pollution does affect your skin over time, and smoke can be a large part of that equation.

Specifically, smoke contains particulate matter, a type of air pollution that's small enough to sneak into your pores and cause free radical damagewhich, as we know, ultimately leads to dull skin, an uneven tone, and wrinkles down the line. The soot and ash can also clog your pores and cause breakouts, says board-certified dermatologistHoward Sobel, M.D., founder of Sobel Skin. "If you have sensitive skin, are acne-prone, or have a skin condition such as rosacea, eczema, or psoriasis, the smoke exposure can also cause flare-ups of these conditions," he tells mbg.

Here's how to protect your skin from the increase in smoke exposure, as well as calm any smoke-induced irritation after the fact. It's not the only avenue to focus on in terms of mentally and physically recovering from these disasters (not by a long shot), but it is something you can take into your own hands:

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