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Category Archives: Immortality Medicine

I dont want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying. Woody Allen

Posted: November 23, 2014 at 7:41 pm

In the 16th century, Spanish explorer Ponce de Len went on an expedition to discover the mythical fountain of youth, stumbled upon the southeast coast of what is today known as United States. The magical water source supposedly capable of reversing the aging process and curing sickness may have been fictional, but it seems that many latter-day Leons are still searching for it in todays America.

Since America worships youth, men and women advancing in age, hungering to stay relevant, want to live long but look young and healthy. Serving them are the twin drivers of biotechnology and miracle face creams. Freezing time by ridding lines and sculpting the fat off the body is a pursuit universally chased by most oldies. Moneyed geysers often cohabit with women half their age lusting to regenerate their sag-bellied frames, get the old ticker pumping fresh blood by a fling with youth; quenching their thirst with the elixir of youth.

Recent experiments with blood transfusions from young mice to their older mates and vice versa show promise in age reversal. Young blood boosts old brains and bodies making the old mice look younger, while old blood prematurely ages the young mice. Humans are set to be the next guinea pigs and multi-billion dollar beauty and pharma corporations are already salivating at the prospect. Their wait period is over: Come October, human trials giving young blood plasma to older people begins; not for beauty but for medical reasons. A team at Stanford School of Medicine will administer the blood transfusion plasma donated by people under 30 to older volunteers with mild to moderate Alzheimers.

I certainly think that this therapy might be beneficial in a number of different conditions, says Tony Wyss-Coray, whose team pioneered blood transfusions in mice. Blood might contain the fountain of youth after all. And it is within us all thats the crazy thing. It [blood] just loses its power as we age.

Aggressively fighting age is another California-based not-for-profit institute called SENS Research Foundation: A world free of age-related disease is possible, they wager. Their research emphasises the application of regenerative medicine to age-related disease, with the intent of repairing underlying damage to the bodys tissues, cells, and molecules. Their avowed goal is to help build the industry that will end the diseases of aging.

Sexism: the stepchild of Septuagenarians

Until scientists can successfully engineer blood transfusions to fight the decaying process of age, the resounding Aye for a robust splice of youth and spunk fixates our real life drama. The current queen of drama is the former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. While she hems and haws on her candidacy for 2016 presidential elections, her male detractors hasten to remind the American public that age is against the lady with extra baggage, read folds, rumples, puckers and all. Howard Kurtz, the affable host of Fox News Channels Media Buzz remarked recently Hillary she of the ever-changing hairstyles has to worry about wrinkles in a way that male candidates do not. He warned male chauvinists that using her age against Hillary could backfire. Still, Kurtz, like his fellow Fox commenters, is Hillary-appearance-centric.

Charlie Cooks column Is Hillary Clinton Too Old to Run? zeroes in on her age, not her wisdom that she brings to the table. Skeptics, largely men, support Cooks diatribe appearing in the latest edition of the widely read National Journal. Mrs Clinton, the reader is informed, will be pass by the time she ends her two-term presidency (if elected and re-elected). She will be 77! While it was okay for Reagan to be that old when he left the White House; its not okay for Hillary Clinton. Why? Superannuation prevents women from performing the physically demanding job of a president; but not men, says Cook.

Endorsing the overarching view America worships youth, Charlie Cook no spring chicken at 60, says Clinton at 69 will fail to appeal to the younger electorate swiftly overtaking the baby boomers (Americans born between 1946 -64). The Millennials aka Generation Y disdain politicians of Mrs Clintons vintage, having entered adulthood only this century. Shell fail to make herself more relevant to the future, rather than to the past. Republican Senator Mitch McConnell, 72, quips Dont tell me that Democrats are the party of the future when their presidential ticket for 2016 is shaping up to look like a re-run of The Golden Girls [a popular sitcom of the 50s featuring four old women].

Men politicos blow dry their hair, use Botox to pull their sagging cheeks and jowls in a bid to look pretty boys comments a woman who thinks geriatrics like McConnell are sexists. Blame it on politics, celebrity culture and mainstream media whose creed is: to stay young is to be relevant. For the rest, its downhill all the way until you hit the ground six feet under.

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I dont want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying. Woody Allen

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Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, Creator of Soul Healing Miracles, Invites Public to Q & A Online Seminar About New Book …

Posted: November 22, 2014 at 8:41 am

Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) November 21, 2014

Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, founder of and New York Times bestselling author, along with co-author and physicist Rulin Xiu, PhD invite the public to a special interactive questions and answers event regarding the subject of their newly released book, Soul Mind Body Medicine System: Grand Unification Theory and Practice for Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Immortality, on November 22, 2014 at 11am PT, and available in every time zone around the world by live webcast. To register for webcast, please go to:

On Saturday, November 22 at 11 am PT/12 pm MT/2 pm ET/8 pm CET/12:30 am (Sunday) IST/6:00 am (Sunday) AEDT, the world renowned miracle healer and bestselling author, Dr. and Master Sha and co-author Dr. Rulin Xiu invite the public to post their questions on for a special 2 hour interactive webcast event that includes readings from the book with a Q & A where the authors will answer viewers questions regarding the teachings and practices of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. In addition, since Dr. Sha and Dr. Rulin will answer questions that pertain to the central theme in the new book: Grand Unification Theory and how it pertains to the viewers own personal and soul development. Participants can post their questions via video or text on Facebook, using the #AskMasterSha or #AskDrRulin hashtags.

In addition, all those who register for the Soul Mind Body Medicine System Online Event will receive Divine Soul Healing blessings that carry Divine frequency and vibration that can transform health, relationships, finances, intelligence and every aspect of all life.

About Soul Mind Body Science System: Written for personal development enthusiasts, armchair scientists, Sci Fi geeks, professional scientists, and those interested in the possibilities for advanced human potential, Soul Mind Body Science System makes a significant contribution to the ongoing debate about the true nature of reality. In this book, co-author Dr. Rulin Xiu explains how our reality is both deterministic and random. Dr. Xiu explains how conscious actions and unconscious actions manifest possibilities for humans. She uses the laws of science to explain how human potential can be magnified by opening ones mind to the possibilities.

Dr. and Master Sha, creator of Soul Mind Body Medicine, explains how the Soul Mind Body Science System book works along with the techniques and lessons from his acclaimed Soul Healing Miracles practices to create incredible blessings and self-healing practices that transform health, emotions, relationships, finances and any aspect of life. Dr. and Master Sha explains how the scientific-based Grand Unification Theory which includes the concept of oneness and how humanity can explore this potential to enhance their lives, be more productive, gain unlimited knowledge and do amazing things now.

The Grand Unification Scientific Formula S + E + M = 1 is created by Tao wisdom. People get sick and old, have relationship challenges, financial challenges, and other life challenges due to misalignment of S + E + M (soul, heart, mind, energy and matter), says Dr. and Master Sha. They are not aligned as one. The reason is people have many soul mind body blockages within S, E, and M. Soul mind body blockages are pollution in our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

To watch video testimonials of people receiving Soul Healing Miracles blessings, go to:

About the Authors:

In a time when more people are looking to answers to lifes questions, Dr. and Master Sha is proving to be a popular choice. Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha is the world-renowned miracle soul healer. He has created thousands of soul healing miracles worldwide in the last ten years ( He is the founder of Soul Mind Body Medicine. He was trained as a conventional medical doctor in China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada. The founder of the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment and the Love Peace Harmony Movement, Dr. and Master Sha is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including tai chi, qigong, feng shui, and the I Ching. Master Sha is also an expert in the most advanced cellular healing science now occurring in China. In the West, he is involved in breakthrough research on the effects of spirit on the human system. Dr. Sha was named Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong. In 2006, he was honored with the prestigious Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for his humanitarian efforts.

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Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, Creator of Soul Healing Miracles, Invites Public to Q & A Online Seminar About New Book ...

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The Immortal Medication – Genetics Medicine

Posted: November 20, 2014 at 11:41 pm

All my writings are a determination.

In the current past a scientist identified a miracle medication that boosts mans lifespan labeled immortality. Are these researchers capable of recognizing immortality when it arrives? Of program they have to restrict themselves to issue that can be touched and observed and I am specific that they do not think of on their own as God. They have in no way designed life they only identified some thing they did not learn previously. That means that God developed IT initial and consented to mans discovery at a time fixed by God. So if gentleman did not locate the drugs before it indicates God did not consent to it till now. God created to wipe out and wrecked to develop.

I actually wonder how these scientists who really feel the sunlight daily on their bodies can not get shut adequate to contact it, encourage themselves and other individuals like them with ideas of becoming immortal with a drugs that still does not let their bodies to get close to the sunlight. It is only the bodys lifespan that the medicine boosts not the souls. I cannot imagine how the researchers cannot see the immortal inside of their personal souls? I guess a single has to knock on numerous outer worlds to reach the innermost.

When scientists can not develop the dwelling particle in each and every mobile in his/her personal physique, how can they get immortal by just lengthening the lifespan of an currently present cell?

In India, in the olden days, astrologers suggested old men could marry young teenage ladies to boost their lifespan for they feared demise or the mysterious. In fact the politicians presently ruling Tamil Nadu has its founder in this group. Now a medication is being made to do the very same. Men truly have not appear out of their old ideas or fears. They have only succeeded in dressing aged fears with new make up. How can any person live in dread and want to lengthen that life of concern? Why do gentlemen not acknowledge the inescapable?

If youthfulness has an enhanced lifespan, then incidents of oppression will be on the increase. Guys are not outfitted to handle their own fears then how can they think of ladies and children? Their intolerance will be lengthened and they would want a lot more. Perhaps that is why toddlers can now be born from the discovery of utilizing 2 cells from a womans entire body by yourself. Perhaps a lot more ladies will try to crack free of charge from gentlemen and communicate out. Truly God is the only one who cares for all She produced ladies children guys excellent negative unpleasant and many others.

Bhuvaneswari Calambakkam

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The Immortal Medication - Genetics Medicine

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EDEL: In a galaxy far far away

Posted: November 17, 2014 at 3:41 am

OPINION Science fiction should not strive to accurately represent reality, but should indulge our imaginations by Brennan Edel | Oct 30 2014 | 10/30/14 12:24am

I have a soft spot for science fiction. Right next to Faulkner in my heart lie Clarke and Heinlein. So Im rightly excited about Christopher Nolans new, anticipated and mysterious science fiction film Interstellar, which stars Matthew McConaughey as the pilot of a team of astronauts tasked with finding a new, habitable planet for the human race. Interestingly enough, however, most of the anticipation regarding Interstellar isnt surrounding the plot. Certainly there is excitement about another Nolan flick, but a lot of the excitement is about how Interstellar a science fiction film is more science and less fiction.

In fact, the top four 13 Awesome Things We Now Know about Interstellar are about how scientific Interstellar is. Nolan heavily consulted with Kip Thorne, a retired and esteemed California Institute of Technology professor, over the course of the films production to generate equations for the computer-rendering of light around black holes and wormholes. Over the course of his involvement, Thorne actually advanced the field and can, according to Wired magazine, get at least two published articles out of it. However, will this scientific accuracy really improve Interstellar?

What should be asked of science fiction films is not consistency with our reality, but consistency with their own realities. In the original series of Star Trek, Spock and Captain Kirk, over three seasons, go relatively unscathed as scores of Enterprise security men get eaten, stabbed, shot, mangled and crushed by the multitudinous terrors of extraterrestrial life. In this reality, the heroes always survive; the bad guys are always terrible shots. No random goon can wound Skywalker or Kirk or The Man with no Name: badasses of that magnitude can only be taken down by other badasses. None of this needs to be explained the fantasy just needs to remain consistent with itself.

Thus Interstellar is taking a huge risk when it purports to be scientifically valid. It then doesnt just need to be consistent with the rules that it sets down, but also consistent with all of reality. The recent film Lucy made the mistake of trying to place itself in reality. Scarlett Johanssons character takes a drug that will unlock the full use of her brain as opposed to merely 10 percent. Lucy becomes ridiculous when you know that the 10 percent myth is so wrong it is almost laughable, according to Barry Gordon of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. In retrospect, the movie shouldnt have tried to justify the drug at all: then we could have accepted the plot. Interstellar is opening itself up to the same criticism of logic if it strays beyond reality an unnecessary risk because science fiction should unapologetically go beyond reality.

Science fiction, despite its name, isnt based on science or at least it shouldnt be. That its described as scientific at all is really a misnomer, because the vast majority of science fiction works are patently absurd. In Star Wars you can hear sounds in space, and the cruel Empire designs their AT-AT walkers with outlandishly high centers of mass seemingly for the nice view. In William Gibsons Neuromancer computer hacking is performed in virtual reality, like a bank heist. But these irrationalities give science fiction its poignancy, because, unlike our own universe, which is so very often disappointing, science fiction is unconfined by reality and cold logic. Who isnt sobered by the knowledge that the progressive decay of our cells DNA precludes any real chance of immortality? Who isnt saddened by the realization that fuel constraints will probably keep the human race from ever exploring the galaxy, that we will probably never be using flying cars, or teleporters, or that none of us will probably ever make first contact with an alien race? Realistic thinking is good for retirement planning, but its not good for science fiction.

Interstellar may end up being a visual masterpiece, but it might not be science fiction. Great science fiction allows us to transcend natural limitations: to place humans in world they perhaps wont ever see and to see how they would respond. Science fiction allows us to explore how humanity will react to the impossible. Nolans focus on realism is interesting, but in the end its just a gimmick. Whether Interstellar is a good science fiction flick wont be determined by its adherence to the rational but by its imagining of the fantastic. I dont want to see a universe where a near future Earth has been devastated by drought and famine, causing a scarcity in food and extreme changes in climate. Thats too immediate and realistic a concern for science fiction. Give me grand themes and strange sights, as the genre demands. Ask me what it means to be human when cyborgs have more emotion than man, like in Blade Runner. Show me a planet Hoth and planet Endor. Give me something as unbelievable as 2001. Dont give me science. Give me fiction.

That said, come November 7th Ill still be the first person through the doors.

Brennan Edel is an Opinion Columnist for The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at

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Revealed: Modern medicine unwraps ancient mysteries of Bolton's 2,000-year-old child mummy

Posted: November 15, 2014 at 11:40 pm

First published in News Last updated Exclusive by Saiqa Chaudhari, education reporter

AN ancient Egyptian mystery has been solved after doctors in America carried out a full body scan on Bolton's 2,000-year-old child mummy.

Experts in the US have discovered that the child was younger than first thought when she died and they have also determined her cause of death as appendicitis.

Radiologists at the Palm Beach Childrens Hospital in Florida described the chance to study the mummy as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

When the artefact was first studied in 1975, Egyptologists believed the girl had died aged between four and nine and said she had most likely suffered from tuberculosis.

But fresh tests on the mummy which is part of a global tour of Bolton Museum's famous Egyptology collection have found the girl was just two-and-a-half to three-and-a-half years old.

Physicians who reviewed her scans could even tell that her hair had likely been braided beneath her gilded mask.

Chief radiologist Dr Chad Kelman said: She was incredibly well-preserved and we are looking forward to correcting some earlier findings we could only determine with such detailed CT scanning.

"This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

The acclaimed "Quest for Immortality The Hidden Treasure of Ancient Egypt" tour is now on show at South Florida Science Center in West Palm Beach.

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Modern medicine unwraps ancient mysteries around 2,000-year-old child mummy

Posted: at 4:40 am

First published in News Last updated Exclusive by Saiqa Chaudhari, education reporter

AN ancient Egyptian mystery has been solved after doctors in America carried out a full body scan on Bolton's 2,000-year-old child mummy.

Experts in the US have discovered that the child was younger than first thought when she died and they have also determined her cause of death as appendicitis.

Radiologists at the Palm Beach Childrens Hospital in Florida described the chance to study the mummy as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

When the artefact was first studied in 1975, Egyptologists believed the girl had died aged between four and nine and said she had most likely suffered from tuberculosis.

But fresh tests on the mummy which is part of a global tour of Bolton Museum's famous Egyptology collection have found the girl was just two-and-a-half to three-and-a-half years old.

Physicians who reviewed her scans could even tell that her hair had likely been braided beneath her gilded mask.

Chief radiologist Dr Chad Kelman said: She was incredibly well-preserved and we are looking forward to correcting some earlier findings we could only determine with such detailed CT scanning.

"This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

The acclaimed "Quest for Immortality The Hidden Treasure of Ancient Egypt" tour is now on show at South Florida Science Center in West Palm Beach.

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Modern medicine unwraps ancient mysteries around 2,000-year-old child mummy

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How Brittany Maynard made us look at death

Posted: November 9, 2014 at 12:41 am


(CNN) -- For something that surrounds us so completely, bookending our lives, modern Americans can be surprisingly shy about death.

Yes, we talk about "deaths" -- heinous deaths, tragic deaths, celebrity deaths, untimely deaths.

But when it comes to death itself, many of us would rather use the broom of wishful thinking to sweep it away, leaving death to sit in some dark corner of our minds. Woody Allen best summed up that sentiment when he said, "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying."

For much of human history, religious rituals forced believers regularly to confront our ultimate fate.

Brittany Maynard's journey

Brittany Maynard's journey

Brittany Maynard's journey

Brittany Maynard's journey

Brittany Maynard's journey

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How Brittany Maynard made us look at death

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Brittany Maynard forced us to confront death

Posted: at 12:41 am


(CNN) -- For something that surrounds us so completely, bookending our lives, modern Americans can be surprisingly shy about death.

Yes, we talk about "deaths" -- heinous deaths, tragic deaths, celebrity deaths, untimely deaths.

But when it comes to death itself, many of us would rather use the broom of wishful thinking to sweep it away, leaving death to sit in some dark corner of our minds. Woody Allen best summed up that sentiment when he said, "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying."

For much of human history, religious rituals forced believers regularly to confront our ultimate fate.

Brittany Maynard's journey

Brittany Maynard's journey

Brittany Maynard's journey

Brittany Maynard's journey

Brittany Maynard's journey

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Brittany Maynard forced us to confront death

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Here Are All the Movies Opening Today, November 7. What Will You See?

Posted: November 8, 2014 at 1:41 am

Fri Nov 07 10:10:52 EST 2014

These days, the number of indies premiering on a weekly basis can be both thrilling and intimidating. To help sift through the number of new releases (independent or otherwise), we've created the Weekly Film Guide. Below you'll find basic plot, personnel and cinema information for today's fresh offerings.

"Why Don't You Play In Hell?"

READ MORE:Terrence Malick Disciple, A.J. Edwards, Discusses His Debut 'The Better Angels'

Here are the films opening theatrically in the U.S. the week of Friday, November 7. (Synopses provided by distributor unless noted otherwise.)

9 Full Moons Director: Tomer Almagor Cast:Amy Seimetz, Bret Roberts, Harry Dean Stanton, Donal Logue, Brian McGuire, Foster Timms, James Duval, Dale Dickey, Pamela Adlon Synopsis: "Popular wisdom tells us that love heals all wounds. Frankie (Amy Seimetz) is an emotional train wreck, careening around the East Los Angeles music scene drinking and meeting strangers. Lev (Bret Roberts) is a taciturn and tormented soul. He drives a limo and wants to work in the music business. They begin a relationship after they connect with each other one night at a party. This dark romance explores what love is like for two quiet people who may be damaged beyond repair. Lev gets to explore his musical dreams working for star Charlie King Nash (Donal Logue) and learn about the practical realities that restrain talent to make artistic dreams so complicated and frustrating. Together Frankie and Lev explore the challenges of a serious relationship, trying to determine if it's something either of them can handle. This moody piece goes beyond romantic movie clichs to explore the intricate interactions of two lovers who don't fit into any neat categorizations." Theatrical Release: Los Angeles

21 Years: Richard Linklater Director:Michael Dunaway & Tara Wood Synopsis: "It's been said that the first 21 years defines the career of an artist. Few directors have single-handedly shaken up the film establishment like the godfather of indie, Richard Linklater. From the groundbreaking 'Slacker' to his innovative 'Boyhood,' Linklater has just reached the 21-year mark and has unapologetically carved his signature into American pop culture. This compelling documentary takes you on a behind the scenes tour into Linklater's style, skills, and motivation via his friends, actors, and other directors. Get a raw and honest perspective on Richard through candid conversations with Ethan Hawke, Jack Black, Keanu Reeves, Billy Bob Thornton, Matthew McConaughey, Jason Reitman, Julie Delpy and others, and see their stories brought to life through hilarious animated sequences." Theatrical Release: Various (including New York and Los Angeles, Atlanta, Austin, Cleveland, Denver, Houston, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Seattle and Toronto)

Actress Director: Robert Greene Cast: Brandy Burre Synopsis: "Brandy Burre had a recurring role on the iconic TV drama The Wire when she became pregnant. She gave up her career to raise a family and now leads a picturesque domestic existence in upstate New York. But Brandy breaks thingsrules, expectationsand cant not perform. She craves action. She stages a slow dance in the shower and uses a clothes hanger as a scene partner in her one-woman performance of everyday life. But practising her art manqu through daily gestures, and living life as a creative outlet, arent enough anymore. Brandy decides to make a comeback. Balancing the demands of work and home, and playing all the partsmother, lover, wife, performerleads to painful choices and realizations. Can she be both supermom and superstar? Selfless and selfish? Actress is a present-tense melodrama that re-frames the complex-yet-familiar question: Can women have it all?" [Hot Docs] Criticwire Grade Average: A- (7 reviews) Theatrical Release: New York

The Better Angels Director: A.J. Edwards Cast:Jason Clarke, Diane Kruger, Brit Marling, Wes Bentley Synopsis: "Indiana, 1817. The entire nation, only 40 years old and a few years removed from a second war of independence, is still raw. Men and women must battle against nature and disease to survive in log cabins. This is young Abraham Lincolns world. Spanning three years of the future presidents childhood, The Better Angels explores his family, the hardships that shaped him, the tragedy that marked him forever, and the two women who guided him to immortality." [Sundance Film Festival] Criticwire Grade Average: A- (12 reviews) Theatrical Release: New York and Los Angeles (expands to various cities throughout the end of 2014)

Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain Director: Ravi Kumar Cast:Martin Sheen, Mischa Barton, Kal Penn, Rajpal Yadav, Tannishtha Chatterjee Synopsis: "Set in December 1984, 'Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain' is based on true events when a devastating pesticide leak in Madhya Pradesh, central India, killed thousands of people. Dilip, a rickshaw driver in Bhopal, India, lands himself a job at the Union Carbide plant. It is a chance to prove his worth to his family and pull them out of poverty. The job is tough with long hours; everyone is desperate to hold on to their pay cheque and so Dilip keeps quiet when he notices managers at the plant ignoring safety standards. Dilip's long time friend, Motwani, a tabloid journalist knows that Bhopal residents complain of the constant stench in the air and wake up at night choking from the gas. He is on a mission to expose what he believes is a deadly time bomb ticking away in his home town. He feels as if no one will listen but when he meets feisty American journalist, Eva, he sees a ray of hope and persuades her to confront Carbide executive Warren Anderson." Theatrical Release: New York (opens in Los Angeles on November 14th)

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Here Are All the Movies Opening Today, November 7. What Will You See?

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November 2014

Posted: at 1:41 am

The weather outside might be getting colder, but the Oscar race is just warming up! Can you feel it? No? Maybe you should be seeing more movies (or, at the very least, spending more time skimming entertainment blogs)!

Obviously, the hot ticket this month is Mockingjay: Part 1, the third movie in the epic adaptation of Suzanne Collins game-changing YA trilogy, The Hunger Games. We last left Katniss (I dont remember there being a Katniss - my dad) recovering from her second Games and distraught after learning that Peeta has been captured by the Capitol and her home, District 12, has been obliterated. The silver-ish lining: The rumored rebel district, District 13, exists, and its leaders are eager to recruit a reluctant Katniss for their cause. Dont hold your breath waiting for our heroine to catch a break. Let's just say relief in Panem lasts shorter than a J. Law-Chris Martin romance.

Speaking of the Oscars, this months Foxcatcher is supposedly packed fuller than Channing Tatums unitard with award-worthy performances. Based on Olympic wrestler Mark Schultzs memoir of the same name, the movie stars Tatum as the athlete hungry for Olympic glory and Steve Carell (playing shockingly against-type) as the crazy millionaire who sponsors Schultz. And if you cant get enough of character-driven Oscar bait, Eddie Redmaynes stunning performance as Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything is a cant-miss.

Comic book lovers can continue to stay home and watch the many comic-to-TV adaptations this month --- including the CWs Arrow and The Flash. If youve had just about enough of men in tights already, HBO aired an adaptation of Elizabeth Strouts Pulitzer Prize-winning OLIVE KITTERIDGE in early November. The four-part miniseries received rave reviews from critics, which isnt surprising considering the ever-reliable Frances McDormand was cast as the titular character. And dont worry if you missed it; Im sure you know someone whose HBOGo password you can borrow.

During this month of thanksgiving, lets give thanks for all the amazing books on screen we have to fill our days with meaning and things to do. Enjoy!

In Theaters:

Big Hero 6 Cast: Voices of Scott Adsit, Ryan Potter, Jamie Chung, Damon Wayans Jr. Director: Don Hall and Chris Williams Distributor:Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures MPAA Rating: PG Release Date: November 7th Based On:Marvel comic characters by Steven T. Seagle and Duncan Rouleau

With all the heart and humor audiences expect from Walt Disney Animation Studios, Big Hero 6 is an action-packed comedy-adventure about robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who learns to harness his genius-thanks to his brilliant brother Tadashi and their like-minded friends: adrenaline junkie Go Go Tamago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred. When a devastating turn of events catapults them into the midst of a dangerous plot unfolding in the streets of San Fransokyo, Hiroturns to his closest companion --- a robot named Baymax --- and transforms the group into a band of high-tech heroes determined to solve the mystery.

The Homesman Cast: Hilary Swank, Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones Director: Tommy Lee Jones Distributor: Roadside Entertainment MPAA Rating: R Release Date: November 7th Based On:THE HOMESMAN by Glendon Swarthout

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November 2014

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