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Category Archives: Human Genetics
US-X – Video
Posted: November 12, 2012 at 11:44 pm
Unlike Owls Aim for the Eyes, which musically tells a story, US-X is a piano piece performed as the climax of a story. Freakified Downtime is the third FOWL cd. It is an intensely personal and emotional journey, from goofy love songs, to dark ditties with improvised lyrics about the meaningless of life. US-X marks the first recording in the FOWL cannon of a continuing obsession of mine, playing with excessive delay. What follows is the tale of which US-X is a part of. Ten thousand odd years from now: The Earth #39;s oceans have receded, millennia has purified enough potable water to re-sustain life. New forms of plant matter claw their way through decayed concrete. The labyrinthine miles of a sewer system snaking its way through an entire continent drain. Air tight vaults sealed centuries ago crack open one by one. Fail safe after fail safe, long lost human genetics emerge towards the surface. A species evolved to the dark black depths of the sewer system, hunchbacked and small. Grey lifeless eyes, and ears attuned to hear the slightest nuance in reverb and echo to find scurrying rodents on which to feast. Stomachs evolved to digest algae #39;s and scum forming throughout their sealed world. The sewer hordes find the final moisture barrier appears to be clear of salt water. To be certain the oceans have receded, they release from the sewers a shit bat, one of the animals able to survive on human feces down below. After soaring about the landscape, it returns with a scrap of Olive ...From:FOWLMUSICViews:7 0ratingsTime:10:11More inMusic
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Genetics Center takes part in global meet
Posted: at 11:44 pm
Four researchers from the Shafallah Medical Genetics Center (SMGC) have participated in an international human genetics meeting in San Francisco, California, USA to present the findings of their research projects in Qatar. The meeting is the 62nd annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics. It was held between November 6-10. It is the largest human genetics meeting and exposition in the world. It attracted about 7,000 scientific attendees and more than 200 exhibiting companies. American Society of Human Genetics members and leading scientists from around the world are selected to present their research findings at invited platform or poster sessions, during a 5 day packed programme. In addition, exhibitors show state-of-the-art medical and laboratory equipment, products, services and computer software designed to enhance human genetics research, teaching and diagnostics. The four researchers presented five posters that reflect on the research activities they had performed at SMGC in Doha. Two posters reported on gene discovery in two rare genetic conditions. One condition is found in one Qatari family and is related to mental retardation and multiple birth defects. The other condition represents a skin disease associated with a kidney defect with abnormal skin and low potassium levels in the blood of patients. A third poster reflects on the advances in bioinformatics tools that were adopted by SMGC to analyse large sets of genomic data. Two posters identify novel mutations in previously described genes and their relation to specific genetic disorders. Hassan Ali bin Ali, the chairman of the Shafallah Center, said: The researchers contribution to and participation at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting demonstrated the SMGC is now a world class genetics center that not only serves and helps the children at Shafallah, but contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge on a global basis. The staff work very hard and it is encouraging to know that their research produces meaningful and positive outcomes.
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Half Life 2 Mods: The Hidden | Part 4 | TO WIN, OR NOT TO WIN! – Video
Posted: at 11:44 pm
Half Life 2 Mods: The Hidden | Part 4 | TO WIN, OR NOT TO WIN!
Hey what #39;s up all you Kokos? I #39;m here to bring you sexy gaming videos and that #39;s what I #39;m going to do! We start off a brand new adventure with the Hidden Mod for Half Life 2! Me and my friends team up once again to live through the horror. experience it for yourself! "Enjoy the Video? Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe!" The Hidden- What is the Hidden? In the early 1950s human genetics experimentation was taking its first, tentative steps. Amongst many other black projects, a team of British scientists working at an Infinitum Research experimental station stumbled across some remarkable phenomena involving DNA manipulation. This led to deeper research with dangerously unpredictable results, often leading to human patients losing their lives in irresponsible and immoral experiments. Time passed on, and by the mid 1990s the failure rate of the experiments had been reduced from 75% to a mere 15%, enough for Infinitum to move onto the next stage: Biological Light Refraction. The British team were hoping to unravel the possibilities of light manipulation to create the perfect covert military agent. Early into the new millennium, due to a gross miscalculation, a series of tests on Subject 617 led to a massive synaptic trauma leaving the patient with multiple genetic anomalies. The subject was left in constant pain and with unstable DNA. The subject escaped captivity, killing anyone that got in its way.From:KokoGunner1Views:1 1ratingsTime:03:27More inGaming
Half Life 2 Mods: The Hidden | Part 4 | TO WIN, OR NOT TO WIN! - Video
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David Icke – Human Genetics, The Religion of Death [11/06/2012] – Video
Posted: November 11, 2012 at 4:43 am
David Icke - Human Genetics, The Religion of Death [11/06/2012]
Alex talks with author and presenter David Icke about election fraud and human genetics. http://www.facebook.comFrom:TheLightworkersmediaViews:0 0ratingsTime:58:00More inNews Politics
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The Hidden – Fun With No Silence
Posted: at 4:43 am
The Hidden - Fun With No Silence Friends - Part 1
Hej guys, This is a game called hidden which is a Extremly fun game! (And it #39;s free on steam!) here is some history of The Hidden Storyline In the early 1950s human genetics experimentation was taking its first, tentative steps. Amongst many other black projects, a team of British scientists working at an Infinitum Research experimental station stumbled across some remarkable phenomena involving DNA manipulation. This led to deeper research with dangerously unpredictable results, often leading to human patients losing their lives in irresponsible and immoral experiments. Time passed on, and by the mid 1990s the failure rate of the experiments had been reduced from 75% to a mere 15%, enough for Infinitum to move onto the next stage: Biological Light Refraction. The British team were hoping to unravel the possibilities of light manipulation to create the perfect covert military agent. Early into the new millennium, due to a gross miscalculation, a series of tests on Subject 617 led to a massive synaptic trauma leaving the patient with multiple genetic anomalies. The subject was left in constant pain and with unstable DNA. The subject escaped captivity, killing anyone that got in its way. The IRIS (Infinitum Research Interception Squad) team have been deployed to return the subject to a maximum security Infinitum Research facility for further study and dissection. The entire project was considered a failure: all funding ceased and development was discontinued while all ...From:NoSilenceVideosViews:0 7ratingsTime:12:15More inEntertainment
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ALEX-JONES-Talks-To-DAVID-ICKE–Human-Genetics,-Election-FRAUD-n-The-Religion-Of-DEATH – Video
Posted: at 4:43 am
ALEX JONES Talks To DAVID ICKE: Human Genetics, Election FRAUD The Religion Of DEATH Alex talks with author and presenter David Icke about election fraud and human genetics. TAGS: David Icke Alex Jones New World Order NWO Illuminati Conspiracy Truth Bush Government Propaganda Brain Washing WW3 wwiii Globalist Elite Takeover Gerald Celente Max Keiser Financial Economic Crisis Freedom Economy Tyranny 9/11 911 FBI CIA Zion Zionism Zionist Rothschild Royal Family 2012 2013 truth wake up matrix system plan agenda life government control cash trends bilderberg secret rich trendy fear divide rule religion income sheeple America US USA uk britain war ww3 terror false flag attack evil economy crisis gold silver investment bullion banker alex jones infowars gerald celente lindsey williams rothschild CashCapital47, 2012 2013 US USA America Paul Ryan Barack Michelle Obama Mitt Romney Joe Biden President Vice President Election Votes Voters Polls Speech Debate Democrat Republican Tea Party George Bush Bill Hilary Clinton Forward Change 47% Middle Class Income Policy Politics Category: News PoliticsFrom:CashCapital47Views:0 3ratingsTime:58:00More inNews Politics
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ALEX-JONES-Talks-To-DAVID-ICKE--Human-Genetics,-Election-FRAUD-n-The-Religion-Of-DEATH - Video
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Illumina Bioninformatics Overview at ASHG 2012 – Video
Posted: at 4:43 am
Illumina Bioninformatics Overview at ASHG 2012
Bioinformatics product manager Pierre Turpin gives an overview of Illumina #39;s sequencing bioinformatics solutions at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting in San Francisco.From:IlluminaIncViews:2 0ratingsTime:02:05More inScience Technology
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Verinata Health Announces New Findings At The American Society Of Human Genetics
Posted: at 4:43 am
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Nov. 9, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --Verinata Health, Inc., a privately-held company dedicated to maternal and fetal health, today announced two poster presentations at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG). The conference is being held in San Francisco, California.
"The verifi prenatal test offers pregnant women access to a blood test that is safe, early and accurate," said Dr. Jeffrey Bird, Executive Chairman and CEO of Verinata Health. "Looking beyond our current product offering, our early work presented at ASHG represents an exciting possibility for future non-invasive prenatal tests. While this initial work serves as a proof of principal, it clearly demonstrates the power and potential of massively parallel sequencing to detect alterations within individual chromosomes, similar to chromosomal microarrays."
The following posters were presented at ASHG on Thursday, November 8, 2012:
About the verifi prenatal testThe verifi prenatal test is a blood test that analyzes genetic material (or DNA) naturally found in a pregnant woman's blood to detect the most common fetal chromosome abnormalities. When directed by a physician, the verifi test can be offered to pregnant women of at least 10 weeks gestation at high risk of carrying a fetus with a genetic abnormality. A physician may classify a woman as "high-risk" if she is over 35 years of age, has a prior personal or family history of chromosome abnormalities, or has had a positive initial screening test indicating she is at increased risk for carrying a fetus with a genetic abnormality.
Verinata Health, Inc.Verinata is driven by a sole, extraordinary purpose maternal and fetal health. Our initial focus is to develop and offer non-invasive tests for early identification of fetal chromosomal abnormalities using our proprietary technologies. We aim to reduce the anxiety associated with today's multi-step process, the unacceptable false-positive rates, the non-specific and sometimes confusing results of current prenatal screening methods, as well as the risk of current invasive procedures. In support of national guidelines recommending first trimester aneuploidy risk assessment, we believe women who desire such an assessment should be offered a single blood draw test with a definitive result. The verifi prenatal test is available throughout the United States, with the exception of New York, through a physician. For more information about Verinata, please go to
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DAVID ICKE: Human Genetics, The Religion of Death! ALEX JONES [INFOWARS Nightly News] – Video
Posted: at 4:43 am
DAVID ICKE: Human Genetics, The Religion of Death! ALEX JONES [INFOWARS Nightly News]
Alex talks with author and presenter David Icke about election fraud and human genetics. David Vaughan Icke is a British writer and public speaker, best known for his conspiracy literature. Describing himself as the most controversial speaker in the world, he is the author of 19 books and has attracted a global following that cuts across the political spectrum. His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called "the Rosetta Stone for conspiracy junkies." Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 a psychic told him he was a healer who had been placed on Earth for a purpose, and that the spirit world was going to pass messages to him so he could educate others. In March 1991 he held a press conference to announce that he was a "Son of the Godhead" -- a phrase he said later the media had misunderstood -- and the following month told the BBC #39;s Terry Wogan show that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. He said the show changed his life, turning him from a respected household name into someone who was laughed at whenever he appeared in public. He continued nevertheless to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years mdash;The Robots #39; Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001) mdash;set out a moral and political worldview that combined New-Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of totalitarian ...From:CapitalWatchViews:0 0ratingsTime:58:00More inNews Politics
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Leading Genomic Services Company and Its Partners Raise More Than $150,000 in Support of Pediatric Genetics Research
Posted: at 4:43 am
SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwire - Nov 9, 2012) - Expression Analysis (EA), a Quintiles Company, has raised more than $27,000 for the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) in San Francisco. The donation benefits the pediatric genetics division, which allows researchers to diagnose childhood diseases more precisely, predict their course, and create more effective treatments with fewer side effects.
EA's "Leave Your Fingerprint on the Cure" campaign asked ASHG attendees to help complete a mural to earn corporate donations for the hospital. Each person who painted a flower and left his or her fingerprint on a large mural triggered a $75 donation to the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital. This is EA's fifth year at ASHG hosting this campaign, which has generated more than $150,000 for pediatric genetics research. The campaign is one of many programs that EA leads to aid academic and industry researchers in uncovering genetic markers linked to complex diseases.
"We are honored that EA has chosen to support UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, notably our Division of Pediatric Genetics through this unique fundraising initiative," said Anthony Wynshaw-Boris, MD, Chief, Pediatric Genetics, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital. "The generous donation will help our researchers continue the important work in better understanding genetic disease and developing new therapies."
"EA's Leave Your Fingerprint on the Cure campaign has grown exponentially over the past five years, with donations up from $10 per fingerprint in 2008 to $75 today. Through the help of our corporate sponsors, the campaign has raised more than $150,000 for research in pediatric medical genetics for seven hospitals across the United States," said Steve McPhail, President and CEO of EA."I sincerely thank this year's cosponsors Illumina, Raindance Technologies, Life Technologies, Fluidigm, Qiagen, Golden Helix and Ingenuity. This campaign has become an important part of who EA is -- a company dedicated to providing industry-leading tools and services that accelerate the pace of genetic research leading to improved diagnosis, treatment and management of complex disease."
About EA EA, a Quintiles company, provides cutting-edge genomic sequencing, gene expression, genotyping, and bioinformatics services to the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, diagnostic test developers, government agencies, and academic labs. All projects are conducted under clinical-grade quality control, ensured through CLIA certification, GLP compliance, and adherence to CLSI guidelines. EA's bioinformatics staff are key contributors to the Food and Drug Administration's MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) and Sequencing Quality Control (SEQC) studies, which aim to improve standards and quality measures for reliable use of next-generation sequencing and gene expression technologies in clinical practice and regulatory decision-making. As part of its mission to improve human health, EA has donated more than $2.2 million towards academic genomic research grants, including more than $150,000 as part of the"Leave Your Fingerprint on the Cure" Campaign for pediatric genetic research hosted at the American Society for Human Genetics annual meeting.
About Quintiles Quintiles is the world's leading provider of biopharmaceutical services. With a network of more than 27,000 professionals working in more than 80 countries, we have helped develop or commercialize all of the top 50 best selling drugs on the market.With extensive therapeutic, scientific and analytics expertise, we help biopharmaceutical and health sciences customers navigate the increasingly complex landscape with more predictability to enable better outcomes.
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Leading Genomic Services Company and Its Partners Raise More Than $150,000 in Support of Pediatric Genetics Research
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