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Category Archives: Genome
Hinxton – Wiki Article – Video
Posted: November 26, 2012 at 6:43 pm
Hinxton - Wiki Article
Hinxton is a village in South Cambridgeshire, England. It is the home to the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, which includes the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the European Bioinformatics Institute... Hinxton - Wiki Article - Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: Author: mym Image URL: ( Creative Commons ASA 3.0 ) Author: Image URL: ( Creative Commons ASA 3.0 ) Author: Image URL: ( Creative Commons ASA 3.0 )From:WikiPlaysViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:26More inEducation
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Hinxton - Wiki Article - Video
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Genogram – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Genome am interviewFrom:KATIANA SALINASViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:10More inEducation
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Genogram - Video
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"The Dark Matter of Biology" talk by Jonathan Eisen – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
"The Dark Matter of Biology" talk by Jonathan Eisen
At the Pence Art Gallery, Davis, CA for "An Evening with the Genome Center."From:Jonathan EisenViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:09:12More inScience Technology
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"The Dark Matter of Biology" talk by Jonathan Eisen - Video
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evolution is a lie? – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
evolution is a lie?
my video response to people are not animals (and evolution never happened) i watched his video and picked out the key points to counter them and was shocked to find he had lies in there about the human genome and even contradicts himself in later videos, so this was me picking apart his argument ni wanted to add a point that i forgot, he says godless blasphemy in his discription which is another contradiction as blasphemy is souly religious and then he says godless which kind of breaks it apart but what are you gonna do ...... so here is my counter video but i am not saying evolution is real and inteligent design doesnt exist i am just nuetralising it and clearing up a few points from my biological point of view.From:mathsandsciencetvViews:12 0ratingsTime:05:55More inEducation
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evolution is a lie? - Video
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11/25/12 – Are you dead? No. – Genome – PBX – Block II – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
11/25/12 - Are you dead? No. - Genome - PBX - Block II
I decided to poke some fun and pretend I was looking for something on the ground to not get shot. Apparently it works!From:IllestAirsoftViews:3 2ratingsTime:10:14More inEntertainment
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11/25/12 - Are you dead? No. - Genome - PBX - Block II - Video
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Dr. Susan Persky : How Genomics Interfaces with Social Sciences – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Dr. Susan Persky : How Genomics Interfaces with Social Sciences
Dr. Susan Persky of the National Human Genome Research Institute discusses how genomics research interface with behavioral and social sciences research.From:NIHODViews:3 0ratingsTime:01:17More inEducation
Dr. Susan Persky : How Genomics Interfaces with Social Sciences - Video
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Transposons cause fusion proteins and aneuploidy – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Transposons cause fusion proteins and aneuploidy
Transposons (TEs) cause fusion proteins and aneuploidy New studies revealed that the genome is dynamic, driven by transposons and controlled by epigenesis. These studies unveil also a complex and vibrating genome, in which mutations are formed and deleted, amidst a continuous transposon turnover. Transposable elements constitute 50% the human genome. They are highly mutagenic, targeting protein-coding genes for insertion, causing chromosome breakage and genome rearrangement. Epigenesis controls TEs by several mechanisms: - A range of chromatin modifications suppress TE transcription. - Post-transcriptional silencing of TEs by RNAi. - Proteins that modify chromatin structure are also involved in TE silencing . The response of TEs to stress can occur through one of two mechanisms First, the stress could directly activate TEs and their mutagenic activity. Second, stress might inhibit gene-silencing mechanisms in the genome, indirectly resulting in the reactivation of TEs. There is an important biological law which ought to be considered when explaining biological phenomena. A living entity under stress (perturbation) will restructure itself so as to maximize its survival. Virus is the stress agent that activates TEs to reshuffle the genome in order to maximize survival. Stress activated TEs reshuffle the genome, so as to maximize the survival of the entity carrying it. Reshuffling generates fusion genes (chimeric transcripts), which enable the entity to continue living.From:Gershom Zajicek M.D,Views:1 0ratingsTime:17:10More inScience Technology
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Transposons cause fusion proteins and aneuploidy - Video
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Dr. Colleen McBride : Role of Behavioral Social Sciences – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Dr. Colleen McBride : Role of Behavioral Social Sciences
Dr. Colleen McBride of the National Human Genome Research Institute discusses the role that behavioral and social scientists can play in the area of research.From:NIHODViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:24More inEducation
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Dr. Colleen McBride : Role of Behavioral Social Sciences - Video
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Dr. Susan Persky : How The Research Benefits Health Providers – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Dr. Susan Persky : How The Research Benefits Health Providers
Dr. Susan Persky of the National Human Genome Research Institute discusses how her research benefits medical providers.From:NIHODViews:4 0ratingsTime:00:43More inEducation
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Dr. Susan Persky : How The Research Benefits Health Providers - Video
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Dr. Colleen McBride : Phenotyping – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Dr. Colleen McBride : Phenotyping
Dr. Colleen McBride of the National Human Genome Research Institute discusses the importance of phenotyping.From:NIHODViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:11More inEducation
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