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Category Archives: Genome
Simplified Access and Mining of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Copy Number Data – Video
Posted: November 28, 2012 at 5:44 pm
Simplified Access and Mining of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Copy Number Data
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) has generated a wealth of genomic information for a wide range of cancers. Much of the data is available publicly on the internet via the TCGA portal. Although the data portal provides access to download processed data as well as the ability to issue simple queries, the utility of this tool is rather limited for most research applications. BioDiscovery has solved these issues by 1) downloading the publically available (Level 3) data and associated phenotypic data onto a single, secure, cloud-based repository-Nexus DB 2) providing free and easy access to this data to Nexus Copy Number users and 3) providing user-friendly tools (Nexus Copy Number and Nexus DB) to analyze and mine this data. In this presentation we will show how to search and query this data with Nexus Copy Number and Nexus DB to find, for example, projects with a particular aberration signature or projects with specific affected genes. We will also discuss possible issues with the level 3 data and how the raw data can be used to obtain a more accurate representation of the data.From:BioDiscoveryIncViews:0 0ratingsTime:48:13More inScience Technology
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Simplified Access and Mining of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Copy Number Data - Video
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Yeast Nuclear Structure – Video
Posted: at 5:44 pm
Yeast Nuclear Structure
Shows the nuclear structure of the yeast genomeFrom:Richard J. FeldmannViews:1 0ratingsTime:09:34More inScience Technology
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Klick Health Trashes the Company FAQ in Favor of Video Q
Posted: at 5:44 pm
Klick Health Trashes the Company FAQ in Favor of Video Q A
At the E2 Innovate conference in Santa Clara, California, the trade show floor was lined with different companies trying to sell their all-in-one enterprise collaboration solution. Klick Health could have chosen that path, but instead spent the last ten years developing its own internal collaboration system called Genome, explained Jay Goldman, SVP Innovation for Klick Health. Genome started on this belief that email sucks and it #39;s a horrible tool to use to track any tasks that need to be completed, said Goldman. With the introduction of Genome, Klick Health banned email internally and stopped using it for tracking any tasks. Today, it #39;s a single system that runs the whole company. It has become their travel system, their expense system, budgeting, finances, project management, and everything else that has to do with the business happens through Genome, said Goldman. KlickTalk -- Video Q A among employees One element of Klick Health #39;s Genome is KlickTalk, a resource pool comprised of video answers coworkers have about common office questions. They could be internal questions such as "How do I do an expense report?" or "How do I set up my vacation days?" Or they can be client related such as "Who do I get in touch with for this issue?" The purpose of KlickTalk, explained Goldman is "we don #39;t want people to get hung up on those questions because they can become big time sucks. Or people put off something to do because they don #39;t know how to do it." Ask the question to the ...From:kigniteViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:04More inPeople Blogs
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Watch Horizon: Miracle Cure? A Decade of the Human Genome Online Full Movie – Video
Posted: at 5:44 pm
Watch Horizon: Miracle Cure? A Decade of the Human Genome Online Full Movie
Full Movie Link: http://www.zexnetworks.comFrom:Tommie SeeleyViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:36More inFilm Animation
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NYGC Welcomes Robert Darnell as President
Posted: at 5:44 pm
NYGC Welcomes Robert Darnell as President Scientific Director
Robert B. Darnell, MD, Ph.D., a leading expert in the emerging area of RNA genomics, was named President and Scientific Director of the New York Genome Center on November 28, 2012. While he #39;s new to the role of President and Scientific Director, Darnell is no stranger to NYGC. He was part of the Center #39;s founding board and executive committee, and he #39;s the Heilbrunn Professor of Cancer Biology at The Rockefeller University, which is also home to NYGC #39;s Pilot Lab. He #39;ll retain that position and continue to be an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.From:NewYork GenomeCenterViews:3 0ratingsTime:01:45More inScience Technology
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Yak Genome Database YGD – Video
Posted: at 5:44 pm
Yak Genome Database YGD
A quick look at the search and display features of the Yak Genome Database. For links and references, see the associated blog post here: blog.openhelix.comFrom:OpenHelixLLCViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:41More inScience Technology
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Leicester scientists print human genome in 130 books – Video
Posted: at 5:44 pm
Leicester scientists print human genome in 130 books
28 November 2012 Scientists at the University of Leicester have printed the whole of the human genome to show just how much information it takes to make up one human body. They say it has taken 130 book volumes, which would take 95 years to read.From:marthymamoViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:51More inNews Politics
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scientists print human genome in 130 books – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
scientists print human genome in 130 books
Scientists at the University of Leicester have printed the whole of the human genome to show just how much information it takes to make up one human body. They say it has taken 130 book volumes, which would take 95 years to read. Eleanor Garnier reports.From:technologyvideos4uViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:51More inPeople Blogs
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Dr. Svante Paabo on the Power of Genomics – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Dr. Svante Paabo on the Power of Genomics
As part of the Genome Canada / Gairdner Foundation Genomics: The Power and the Promise conference being held in Ottawa, we shot some quick videos of various people across Canada talking about the potential power of genomics. The Power and Promise conference and gala dinner brings together some of the top experts in the field of genomics and examines the impact of genomics on Canada #39;s bioeconomy, health, agriculture, and the environment.From:OntarioGenomicsClipsViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:30More inScience Technology
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Translating all CDS Features in a Genome Using SeqNinja – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Translating all CDS Features in a Genome Using SeqNinja
In this video, we show you how to translate all of the CDS features from a genome into a multiple sequence FASTA file in a single step using SeqNinjaFrom:DNASTARIncViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:56More inScience Technology
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