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Category Archives: Genome
OSDD Experts Voices – OSDD in a new phase Dr Balganesh Head OSDD UNIT – Video
Posted: December 2, 2012 at 4:44 pm
OSDD Experts Voices - OSDD in a new phase Dr Balganesh Head OSDD UNIT
OSDD is a CSIR led team India Consortium with global partnership with a vision to provide affordable healthcare to the developing world by providing a global platform where the best minds can collaborate collectively endeavor to solve the complex problems associated with discovering novel therapies for neglected tropical diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis, Leshmaniasis, etc.OSDD is a translational platform for drug discovery, bringing together informaticians, wet lab scientists, contract research organizations, clinicians, hospitals and others who are willing to adhere to the affordable healthcare philosophy. It is a concept to collaboratively aggregate the biological, genetic and chemical information available to scientists in order to use it to hasten the discovery of drugs. This will provide a unique opportunity for scientists, doctors, technocrats, students and others with diverse expertise to work for a common cause. The success of Open Source models in Information Technology (For eg, Web Technology, The Linux Operating System) and Biotechnology (For eg, Human Genome Sequencing) sectors highlights the urgent need to initiate a similar model in healthcare, ie, an Open Source model for Drug Discovery. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( India is one of the largest publicly funded research organizations in the world. CSIR has played a key role in the development of industry in India by providing them with technologies. In particular, it ...From:osddvoicesViews:2 0ratingsTime:07:49More inScience Technology
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OSDD Experts Voices - OSDD in a new phase Dr Balganesh Head OSDD UNIT - Video
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OSDD Experts Voices – Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (II) – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
OSDD Experts Voices - Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (II)
OSDD is a CSIR led team India Consortium with global partnership with a vision to provide affordable healthcare to the developing world by providing a global platform where the best minds can collaborate collectively endeavor to solve the complex problems associated with discovering novel therapies for neglected tropical diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis, Leshmaniasis, etc.OSDD is a translational platform for drug discovery, bringing together informaticians, wet lab scientists, contract research organizations, clinicians, hospitals and others who are willing to adhere to the affordable healthcare philosophy. It is a concept to collaboratively aggregate the biological, genetic and chemical information available to scientists in order to use it to hasten the discovery of drugs. This will provide a unique opportunity for scientists, doctors, technocrats, students and others with diverse expertise to work for a common cause. The success of Open Source models in Information Technology (For eg, Web Technology, The Linux Operating System) and Biotechnology (For eg, Human Genome Sequencing) sectors highlights the urgent need to initiate a similar model in healthcare, ie, an Open Source model for Drug Discovery. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( India is one of the largest publicly funded research organizations in the world. CSIR has played a key role in the development of industry in India by providing them with technologies. In particular, it ...From:osddvoicesViews:9 0ratingsTime:07:36More inScience Technology
OSDD Experts Voices - Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (II) - Video
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OSDD Experts Voices – Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (III) – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
OSDD Experts Voices - Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (III)
OSDD is a CSIR led team India Consortium with global partnership with a vision to provide affordable healthcare to the developing world by providing a global platform where the best minds can collaborate collectively endeavor to solve the complex problems associated with discovering novel therapies for neglected tropical diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis, Leshmaniasis, etc.OSDD is a translational platform for drug discovery, bringing together informaticians, wet lab scientists, contract research organizations, clinicians, hospitals and others who are willing to adhere to the affordable healthcare philosophy. It is a concept to collaboratively aggregate the biological, genetic and chemical information available to scientists in order to use it to hasten the discovery of drugs. This will provide a unique opportunity for scientists, doctors, technocrats, students and others with diverse expertise to work for a common cause. The success of Open Source models in Information Technology (For eg, Web Technology, The Linux Operating System) and Biotechnology (For eg, Human Genome Sequencing) sectors highlights the urgent need to initiate a similar model in healthcare, ie, an Open Source model for Drug Discovery. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( India is one of the largest publicly funded research organizations in the world. CSIR has played a key role in the development of industry in India by providing them with technologies. In particular, it ...From:osddvoicesViews:1 0ratingsTime:05:45More inScience Technology
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OSDD Experts Voices - Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (III) - Video
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Transposons and the dynamic genome – Video
Posted: November 30, 2012 at 5:43 pm
Transposons and the dynamic genome
Transposons and the dynamic genome Transposons were instrumental in our evolution contributing to our fitness more then all other traditional mutations. As transposons (TEs) emerge into our collective consciousness, they become more and more significant. They constitute 50% of our genome, and continually move around. Hitherto we were told that genome is static and nearly frozen. Keeping its image from generation to generation. New studies reveal a dynamic and vibrant genome. When facing stress TEs are turning over, some are born others disrupted. All are dispersed by transposases. I regard stress induced TE changes and gene mutations are protective measures to keep a living entity alive. This newly acquired insight is inherited by its progeny. The most famous fusion protein is BCR-ABL, which was created in a CML stem cell stressed by a virus. Medicine states, that BCR-ABL is a random error mutation which causes leukemia. I maintain that BCR-ABL was created by TE activation to slow leukemia progression. Without this protective protein, patient might have succumbed to stress like in acute leukemia.From:Gershom Zajicek M.D,Views:1 0ratingsTime:16:52More inScience Technology
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The Sea and Cake "A Mere" – Pandora Whiteboard Sessions – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
The Sea and Cake "A Mere" - Pandora Whiteboard Sessions
The Sea and Cake perform "A Mere" for Pandora Whiteboard Sessions 11.8.12 Pandora Oakland HQ Over the years the Pandora office has had the great pleasure of receiving visits from many of these talented musicians and comedians. Some are well-established artists in town for a major show, others are in the middle of a grassroots tour, hitting coffee houses and small clubs up and down the West Coast. Sometimes we just meet up to show them around the office and learn about their careers, other times our employees are treated to a short performance. We also take the opportunity to show them the Music Genome Project and walk them through an analysis of their music, along with some data on their audience on Pandora. It #39;s been fun to see their reaction when they learn which songs are the most "thumbed up" or how large their audience is, and what areas around the country are particularly enthusiastic for their sound. This performances take place in front of a giant whiteboard in a common area of the Pandora Oakland office. On the day of the show one of the Pandora designers creates a unique drawing to represent each artist on the white board, which becomes the backdrop for the performance. The Whiteboard Sessions are unique because the daytime office environment calls for a different kind of performance than what people normally see at concerts. These sessions are mostly acoustic and there is a lot of interaction with the crowd. And there #39;s lots of improvising too - recycling bins ...From:pandoraViews:22 1ratingsTime:04:37More inMusic
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The Sea and Cake "A Mere" - Pandora Whiteboard Sessions - Video
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World’s First Proven Anti-Aging Serum is Here (Spanish) – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
World #39;s First Proven Anti-Aging Serum is Here (Spanish)
For more information, please go to our official website: Join us on Facebook! http Get the latest update via Twitter! The world #39;s first clinically proven anti-aging serum is here. Watch this video to find out about the scientific discovery known as DNP - the main ingredient in our breakthrough new anti-aging serum, Nevaline. The scientists at DermaCareNeuroScienceInstitute have discovered this early baby stage regulatory peptide for skin health. Its efficiency is clinically proven. The human genome and genes expression have been used to verify the specific potency of this signal peptide. In our clinical and scientific studies the topical application of Nevaline works immediately on cellular level. By reintroducing this master regulator peptide to your skin via Nevaline, your signs of aging may naturally regress and you will once again retain the youthful, smooth look. Sounds too good to be true? Watch the video to find out about the science behind it.From:dnifoyViews:5 0ratingsTime:02:54More inPeople Blogs
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World's First Proven Anti-Aging Serum is Here (Spanish) - Video
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inFocus: Eric Banks – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
inFocus: Eric Banks
Eric Banks is a computational biologist at the Broad Institute. But for Eric and his team members, problem solving doesn #39;t begin in front of a computer. Instead, they begin by talking to each other and to people outside of the analysis group, walking around, drawing on whiteboards, and generally brainstorming and asking questions. Then it #39;s time to start prototyping - trying out a solution on a small scale to see if it improves the quality of the results. The process is iterative, and Banks and his team keep tinkering, examining, and circling back to try new solutions. Learn more about how Banks became interested in the field of computational biology in general and the Broad Institute in particular in this video profile. Learn more about Banks #39;s research and about working at the Broad Institute: -Program in Medical and Population Genetics ( -Genome Analysis Toolkit ( -Careers at the Broad Institute (www.broadinstitute.orgFrom:broadinstituteViews:4 0ratingsTime:03:06More inScience Technology
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Coming in 2013 | BURZYNSKI: CANCER IS SERIOUS BUSINESS, CHAPTER 2 | A Modern Story – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Picking up where the first highly acclaimed internationally award winning documentary left off, "Burzynski: Cancer is Serious Business, Chapter 2" tells the story of the status of clinical testing of Antineoplastons sanctioned by the Food Drug Administration mdash;as well as a modern story of patients being treated today at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas. For many patients being treated by the Burzynski Clinic today mdash;their advanced cancer itself runs secondary to the constant barrage of skepticism coming not only from their local oncologists mdash;who simply do not understand Burzynski #39;s therapy mdash;but also their own friends and family who feel they are not making the correct treatment decisions mdash;even though mainstream oncology has already left them for dead. As this story unfolds, the audience will witness a real-time change of hearts and minds from many outside doctors and families mdash;right before their eyes. Since the mapping of the Cancer Genome, Burzynski has pioneered an expansion of his therapy that he calls, "Personalized Gene-Targeted Cancer Therapy", where each patient #39;s Genomic Cancer Atlas is mapped, and a treatment regimen is personally tailored for each individual patient mdash;vs. the conveyor belt, "one size fits all" approach that current oncology adheres to. Due to the slow-moving bureaucratic obstacles of Antineoplastons by the FDA, this new expanded direction has allowed more patients who are denied access to Antineoplastons by the FDA to benefit from Burzynski #39;s ...From:BurzynskiMovieViews:61 5ratingsTime:05:10More inScience Technology
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Coming in 2013 | BURZYNSKI: CANCER IS SERIOUS BUSINESS, CHAPTER 2 | A Modern Story - Video
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Genome with Todd Hazelrigg – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Genome with Todd Hazelrigg
Todd Hazelrigg jams with Genome at On The Rox in Kankakee, ILFrom:THaze87Views:1 0ratingsTime:04:08More inMusic
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Genome with Todd Hazelrigg - Video
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11/25/12 – Ok, Khaleesi? – Genome – PBX – HK416 – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
11/25/12 - Ok, Khaleesi? - Genome - PBX - HK416
Nothing special except more team cohesion with Genome and Saint. We got the boat pretty quick and almost uncontested. Question for everyone. Do you want use to do something special? A live stream where you can ask us questions? Or do you want any one of us to do a review of any gun in particular?From:IllestAirsoftViews:1 0ratingsTime:11:18More inEntertainment
11/25/12 - Ok, Khaleesi? - Genome - PBX - HK416 - Video
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