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Category Archives: Genome
Lone Frank complete video – Video
Posted: December 4, 2012 at 1:47 pm
Lone Frank complete video
An interview with Lone Frank and a reading from her book My Beautiful Genome, shortlisted for the 2012 Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books with a video introducing the book made by students Rachael Smith, Tashena Alam, Pema Denzongpa and Sam Mirab from London College of Communication.From:RoyalSocietyViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:37More inScience Technology
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Atossa Genetics, Inc. Designated Expertise Partner to Cancer Genome Summit
Posted: at 1:47 pm
SEATTLE, WA--(Marketwire - Dec 3, 2012) - Atossa Genetics, Inc. ( NASDAQ : ATOS ) announced today that it has been designated as the Expertise Partner to the 2nd Annual Cancer Genome Summit being held December 4-6, 2012 at the Revere Hotel Boston Common in Boston, Massachusetts.Dr. Steven C. Quay, M.D., Ph.D., FCAP, chairman, CEO and president of Atossa Genetics, will present on Thursday, December 6th, 2012, during the morning session.
Dr. Quay's presentation will focus on breast cancer prevention through the diagnosis and treatment of the abnormal cells that are the precursors of cancer, so-called reversible hyperplastic intraductal lesions. His presentation will include:
"Using Atossa Genetics' patented, FDA-cleared medical devices and our patented high-complexity laboratory developed tests to diagnose reversible, pre-cancerous breast changes and then treat them locally with intraductal therapy provides a platform that has the potential to realize our goal of preventing breast cancer," stated Dr. Steven Quay, MD, PhD, FCAP. "We look forward to identifying forward-looking pharma and biotech companies with novel treatment formulations to partner in this new paradigm for breast health, intraductal treatment of pre-cancerous lesions."
The Cancer Genome Summit is the only meeting that brings together thought leaders from pharmaceutical companies, academia and the clinic, to discuss harnessing the cancer genome to revolutionize drug development programs and patient treatment choices. The presentations will include the latest clinical data. Sharing these insights holds the key to understanding how genes cause cancer and how diagnostics and treatments can be improved. This year's meeting will show attendees how to identify new drug targets, combat resistance mechanisms, streamline clinical trials, and improve clinical management. More information about the meeting may be found at Cancer Genome Summit.
About Atossa Genetics, Inc.
Atossa Genetics, Inc. ( NASDAQ : ATOS ), The Breast Health Company, is based in Seattle, WA, and is focused on preventing breast cancer through the commercialization of patented, FDA-cleared diagnostic medical devices and patented, laboratory developed tests (LDT) that can detect precursors to breast cancer up to eight years before mammography, and through research and development that will permit it to commercialize treatments for pre-cancerous lesions.
The National Reference Laboratory for Breast Health (NRLBH), a wholly owned subsidiary of Atossa Genetics, Inc., is a CLIA-certified high-complexity molecular diagnostic laboratory located in Seattle, WA, that provides the patented ForeCYTE Breast Health Test, a risk assessment test for women 18 to 73 years of age akin to the Pap Smear, and the ArgusCYTE Breast Health Test, a blood test for recurrence in breast cancer survivors that provides a "liquid biopsy" for circulating cancer cells and a tailored treatment plan for patients and their caregivers.
Forward-Looking Statements
Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this press release, including statements regarding Atossa's plans, expectations, projections, potential opportunities, goals and objectives are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated or estimated future results, including the risks and uncertainties associated with the efficacy of Atossa's products and services, the market demand for and acceptance of Atossa's products and services and other risks detailed from time to time in the Atossa's final prospectus, dated November 7, 2012, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and Atossa undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the issuance of this press release.
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Genome Sequencing For Babies Brings Knowledge And Conflicts
Posted: at 1:47 pm
By sequencing a newborn's genome, doctors could screen for more genetic conditions. But parents could be confronted with confusing or ambiguous data about their baby's health.
By sequencing a newborn's genome, doctors could screen for more genetic conditions. But parents could be confronted with confusing or ambiguous data about their baby's health.
When Christine Rowan gave birth prematurely in August, her new baby was having problems breathing. So Rowan brought her daughter, Zoe, to the Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., for genetic testing.
"It's funny because when we first had the testing done, we didn't even really think about the fact the testing was going to lay out all of her DNA," says Rowan, 32, who lives in Northern Virginia.
But while Rowan and her husband were waiting for the results, questions started popping into their heads.
"If we have all this information, when do we tell Zoe? You know, do we wait until she's a specific age and say, 'Oh, by the way we have all your DNA. ... Do you want to see what doctors have found?' " Rowan says.
"Or do we kind of keep that to ourselves? Or would it be better to just only get the information we really need and then genuinely not know so that we don't have to walk down that road? We don't really have that answer, at this moment."
Rowan's questions are at the heart of an intense debate over the prospect of using a test known as whole genome sequencing on babies.
Genome sequencing deciphers an individual's entire genetic code. The price of doing this has been dropping quickly, raising the possibility that sequencing can become more common than ever before. That includes the possibility of sequencing all babies when they're born.
Sequencing an individual's genome at birth would enable doctors to screen for far more genetic conditions than they do now. The hope is that it would catch more rare genetic conditions early, and help doctors prevent more complications and many deaths.
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Sea of Change: An Arctic Expedition – Video
Posted: December 2, 2012 at 4:45 pm
Sea of Change: An Arctic Expedition
The project "Sea of Change" is funded by the United States Department of Energy of the Joint Genome Institute in collaboration with several research groups. Mariam Rizkallah, an AUC Masters student, went on a one-month summer expedition to the Arctic as part of an international research team in the hopes of collecting samples of microorganisms that play a key role in global biogeochemical cycles and could unlock keys to global warming.From:AUCViews:13 1ratingsTime:01:57More inEducation
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Crayon Presents: New Blood – Video
Posted: at 4:45 pm
Crayon Presents: New Blood
Featuring: Former | Slice | Gmiller | Visuals by Genome http://www.readingroomsdundee.comFrom:Connor MacDonaldViews:134 1ratingsTime:00:32More inMusic
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Five Minute for kill 1 christian Open Door – Video
Posted: at 4:45 pm
Five Minute for kill 1 christian Open Door
Epicurean,materialist,ideology,mechanistic,philosophy,abortion,birth,control,euthanasia,eugenics,experiments,human,embryos,libertinism,divorce,promiscuous,sexual,perversions,drugs,hedonistic,occultism,Darwinian neo-Darwinian,evolution,creation,Darwin,Darwinism,communism,genome,atmosphere,oxygen,molecules,hydrogen,ion,atoms,genetic,archeology,fossil,dinosaur,footprints,atheists,agnostics,theory,religionFrom:MyJHWHViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:03More inScience Technology
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2013 Liberty Helix And Genome Ski Test And Review – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
2013 Liberty Helix And Genome Ski Test And Review
Christopher Ewart and Gavin Gibson get on the 2013 Liberty Helix and Genome skis in this ski test and review for the Ski Prophet #39;s YouTube Channel, SkiGearTV.From:SkiGearTVViews:43 3ratingsTime:02:15More inSports
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Bactrian camels: wild and domestic genome – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Bactrian camels: wild and domestic genome
Bactrian camels: wild and domestic genome Movie illustrating life of wild and domestic bactrian camels. The movie initially shows a flock of wild bactrian camels in Mongolian Wild Camel Protection Area, Altai province, Mongolia. The second part of the movie depicts ethnic Mongolian herders with their domestic bactrian camels in Alshaa aimag, Inner Mongolia, China. - Bactrian camel genome holds survival secrets Scientists are unpacking the genomic tricks that help camels to live in harsh conditions. Nature 13 November 2012 doi:10.1038/nature.2012.11807 Reference The Bactrian Camels Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium Nature Commun. 3, 1202 (2012). Genome sequences of wild and domestic bactrian camels Nature Communications 13 November 2012 Volume: 3, Article number: 1202 DOI: doi:10.1038/ncomms2192 PDF: http://www.nature.comFrom:Stefano Di CriscioViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:05More inPets Animals
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11/25/12 – Advancing – Vietnam – Saint – MK18 Mod 1 – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
11/25/12 - Advancing - Vietnam - Saint - MK18 Mod 1
In this game we had to capture the huts, and try to grab as many switch boxes as we can. They #39;re hidden through out the field. Genome and I did pretty well this game. We ended up getting a nice sweep at the end. I hope you guys like the footage! Let us know if you guys want us to do any reviews, or if you guys have any input to give us on how we play! Thanks! PS: I am using Genomes lower since my mosfet screwed up at the last event we went too. I should be getting it fixed soon... hopefully....From:IllestAirsoftViews:1 1ratingsTime:08:39More inEntertainment
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11/25/12 - Advancing - Vietnam - Saint - MK18 Mod 1 - Video
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OSDD Experts Voices – Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (I) – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
OSDD Experts Voices - Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (I)
OSDD is a CSIR led team India Consortium with global partnership with a vision to provide affordable healthcare to the developing world by providing a global platform where the best minds can collaborate collectively endeavor to solve the complex problems associated with discovering novel therapies for neglected tropical diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis, Leshmaniasis, etc.OSDD is a translational platform for drug discovery, bringing together informaticians, wet lab scientists, contract research organizations, clinicians, hospitals and others who are willing to adhere to the affordable healthcare philosophy. It is a concept to collaboratively aggregate the biological, genetic and chemical information available to scientists in order to use it to hasten the discovery of drugs. This will provide a unique opportunity for scientists, doctors, technocrats, students and others with diverse expertise to work for a common cause. The success of Open Source models in Information Technology (For eg, Web Technology, The Linux Operating System) and Biotechnology (For eg, Human Genome Sequencing) sectors highlights the urgent need to initiate a similar model in healthcare, ie, an Open Source model for Drug Discovery. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( India is one of the largest publicly funded research organizations in the world. CSIR has played a key role in the development of industry in India by providing them with technologies. In particular, it ...From:osddvoicesViews:6 0ratingsTime:04:11More inScience Technology
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