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Category Archives: Genome
Access to your own genetic code: Koen Kas at TEDxFlanders – Video
Posted: December 20, 2012 at 7:42 am
Access to your own genetic code: Koen Kas at TEDxFlanders
Access to our biological code, our genome, will soon become a commodity. But what can we do with it -- what would we like to do with it -- how could we deal with it -- and would it make us ... better? Koen Kas takes us through a likely future. In thespirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxFlanders, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxFlanders event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations.)From:TEDxTalksViews:61 4ratingsTime:13:26More inScience Technology
Access to your own genetic code: Koen Kas at TEDxFlanders - Video
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Genome Project #3 – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Genome Project #3
Picture MovieFrom:Leonard MaurerViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:59More inMusic
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Genome Project #3 - Video
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Kopecky Family Band "Heartbeat" – Pandora Whiteboard Sessions – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Kopecky Family Band "Heartbeat" - Pandora Whiteboard Sessions
Kopecky Family Band performs "Heartbeat" for Pandora Whiteboard Sessions 9.11.12 Pandora Oakland HQ Over the years the Pandora office has had the great pleasure of receiving visits from many of these talented musicians and comedians. Some are well-established artists in town for a major show, others are in the middle of a grassroots tour, hitting coffee houses and small clubs up and down the West Coast. Sometimes we just meet up to show them around the office and learn about their careers, other times our employees are treated to a short performance. We also take the opportunity to show them the Music Genome Project and walk them through an analysis of their music, along with some data on their audience on Pandora. It #39;s been fun to see their reaction when they learn which songs are the most "thumbed up" or how large their audience is, and what areas around the country are particularly enthusiastic for their sound. This performances take place in front of a giant whiteboard in a common area of the Pandora Oakland office. On the day of the show one of the Pandora designers creates a unique drawing to represent each artist on the white board, which becomes the backdrop for the performance. The Whiteboard Sessions are unique because the daytime office environment calls for a different kind of performance than what people normally see at concerts. These sessions are mostly acoustic and there is a lot of interaction with the crowd. And there #39;s lots of improvising too ...From:pandoraViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:45More inMusic
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Kopecky Family Band "Heartbeat" - Pandora Whiteboard Sessions - Video
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Ion Torrent Proton Sequencer Launch Video – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Ion Torrent Proton Sequencer Launch Video
A launch video for Ion Torrent #39;s Ion Proton Sequencer trade;. The device can sequence an entire human genome in less than a day. Spin Creative shot on location in San Francisco with the Arri Alexa to capture simple yet stylish interviews, dramatic portraits and eye-catching b-roll of the device in a lab. An anamorphic lens flare for the b-roll adds extra visual punch. The edit combines a weaving of multi-screen layout (interviews, 3D animation and b-roll) along with a hitech/futuristic, motion type treatment. Client: Life Technologies Agency: Traina Design Director: Matthew Billings (Spin Creative, LLC)From:spincreativeViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:17More inFilm Animation
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Ion Torrent Proton Sequencer Launch Video - Video
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Heraldic beast deck (proxy) – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Heraldic beast deck (proxy)
hey guys, below is the decklist for the heraldic beast deck. rate, comment, and subscribe please!!: Monsters: Heraldic beast leo (3) Heraldic beast aberconway (3) Heraldic beast yale (2) Heraldic beast basilisk summoner monk (2) Tragoedia (2) Flame Tiger Chain Dog Sangan Spells: Advanced heraldry art (3) Reborn Medallion (3) pot of duality (2) MST (2) Monster Reborn Dark Hole Heavy Storm Monster Slots traps: Solmen Warning (2) Bottomless Trap Hole (2) Mirror Force (2) Horn of the phantom beast (2) reckless Greed (2) raigeki break Xyz Reborn Extra Deck: Verz Oroborous Number 91: thunder spark dragon Number 16: shock master Vylon disigma Gemknight pearl Number c39: utiopia ray Number 39: utopia Number 8: heraldic king genome heritage Fairy king aldervich Number 50: blackship of corn photon pappilloperative Lightning plover Lavalval chain Daigusto Emeral Abyss DwellerFrom:Chris DreherViews:17 4ratingsTime:15:29More inPeople Blogs
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Heraldic beast deck (proxy) - Video
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TreeGenes Database – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
TreeGenes Database
TreeGenes resources offer access to forest tree genome data and many other types of data as well. For more information and links to the sites and the publications see: blog.openhelix.comFrom:OpenHelixLLCViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:54More inScience Technology
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TreeGenes Database - Video
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GeneKey – Unlocking new treatment approaches for your cancer – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
GeneKey - Unlocking new treatment approaches for your cancer
Every individual #39;s cancer has a unique genomic profile that may point the way toward a personalized therapy program. Our scientific team analyzes a sample of your tumor, using state-of-the-art whole genome technologies to gain insight into the biology of your specific disease. This information can help identify potential treatments for you, including treatments that would not be considered otherwise. We search for options not only among known cancer treatments, but among the more than 2000 FDA-approved drugs as well as drugs that are currently being studied in clinical trials. To learn why this is important, visit genekey.comFrom:genekeyscienceViews:3 0ratingsTime:02:32More inPeople Blogs
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GeneKey - Unlocking new treatment approaches for your cancer - Video
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GENOME 002 – Live Promo – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
GENOME 002 - Live Promo
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GENOME 002 - Live Promo - Video
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JGI Contributes to the Cotton Genome – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
JGI Contributes to the Cotton Genome
Jeremy Schmutz, head of the DOE Joint Genome Institute #39;s Plant Program and a faculty investigator at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, talks about how bioenergy research interests are woven into the cotton genome. The full story is available at bit.lyFrom:BerkeleyLabViews:18 0ratingsTime:01:42More inScience Technology
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JGI Contributes to the Cotton Genome - Video
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Passenger "Let Her Go" – Pandora Whiteboard Sessions – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Passenger "Let Her Go" - Pandora Whiteboard Sessions
Passenger performs "Let Her Go" for Pandora Whiteboard Sessions 9.5.12 Pandora Oakland HQ Over the years the Pandora office has had the great pleasure of receiving visits from many of these talented musicians and comedians. Some are well-established artists in town for a major show, others are in the middle of a grassroots tour, hitting coffee houses and small clubs up and down the West Coast. Sometimes we just meet up to show them around the office and learn about their careers, other times our employees are treated to a short performance. We also take the opportunity to show them the Music Genome Project and walk them through an analysis of their music, along with some data on their audience on Pandora. It #39;s been fun to see their reaction when they learn which songs are the most "thumbed up" or how large their audience is, and what areas around the country are particularly enthusiastic for their sound. This performances take place in front of a giant whiteboard in a common area of the Pandora Oakland office. On the day of the show one of the Pandora designers creates a unique drawing to represent each artist on the white board, which becomes the backdrop for the performance. The Whiteboard Sessions are unique because the daytime office environment calls for a different kind of performance than what people normally see at concerts. These sessions are mostly acoustic and there is a lot of interaction with the crowd. And there #39;s lots of improvising too - recycling bins ...From:pandoraViews:10 7ratingsTime:04:09More inMusic
Passenger "Let Her Go" - Pandora Whiteboard Sessions - Video
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