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Category Archives: Genome
Salmonella core genome: Genetic distance among 408 Salmonella measured along the genome – Video
Posted: October 5, 2013 at 12:42 pm
Salmonella core genome: Genetic distance among 408 Salmonella measured along the genome
The distance between the parts of the Salmonella genome shared by 408 strains in over 50 serovars (the core genome) was measured in a sliding 5 kb window. Re...
By: Michael McClelland
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Salmonella core genome: Genetic distance among 408 Salmonella measured along the genome - Video
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Shuang Wang – Genome Compression – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Shuang Wang - Genome Compression
iDASH Third Annual All Hands Symposium September 16-17, 2013 Atkinson Hall (Calit2) auditorium, University of California San Diego.
By: Calit2ube
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Shuang Wang - Genome Compression - Video
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BroadE: Introduction to Genome STRiP for discovery and genotyping of deletions – Video
Posted: October 4, 2013 at 7:41 am
BroadE: Introduction to Genome STRiP for discovery and genotyping of deletions
Copyright Broad Institute, 2013. All rights reserved. The presentations below were filmed during the 2013 GATK Workshop, part of the BroadE Workshop series. ...
By: broadinstitute
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BroadE: Introduction to Genome STRiP for discovery and genotyping of deletions - Video
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Code For Life The Human Genome MultiScienceChannel – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Code For Life The Human Genome MultiScienceChannel
By: MultiScienceChannel
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Code For Life The Human Genome MultiScienceChannel - Video
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Sasquatch Genome Project’s Dr. Melba Ketchum on ABC 8 – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Sasquatch Genome Project #39;s Dr. Melba Ketchum on ABC 8
By: SasquatchDNAVids
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Sasquatch Genome Project's Dr. Melba Ketchum on ABC 8 - Video
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Sasquatch Genome Project Presents Evidence
Posted: at 7:41 am
When it comes to believing in Bigfoot or Sasquatch, it seems like you are either a die hard believer or a complete skeptic. If you happened to be torn between believer and skeptic, you may want to consider the evidence brought force by the Sasquatch Genome Project researchers. This group of scientists recently released footage and DNA evidence that they said would prove the existence of Sasquatch.
The evidence was presented at a news conference held in Dallas on Tuesday. The researchers claim that they have been sequencing DNA from 3 different sasquatch genomes and have spent over 5 years on the project. The results of the study show that sasquatch is a human relative that arose approximately 13,000 years ago and is a hybrid cross between a primate and Homo sapiens.
While the three Sasquatch nuclear genomes aligned well with one another and showed significant homology to human chromosome 11, the Sasquatch genomes were novel and fell well outside of known ancient hominin as well as ape sequences, explains Melba Ketchum. Because some of the mtDNA haplogroups found in our Sasquatch samples originated as late as 13,000 years ago, we are hypothesizing that the Sasquatch are human hybrids, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.
While many people say their presentation is bologna, many other were excited to see the film evidence and believe it to be authentic. The team says they are not finished with their work and are still collecting evidence and working on DNA evidence. They plan to use the evidence to film a documentary in the near future.
Image from Wikimedia Commons.
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Sasquatch Genome Project Presents Evidence
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Sasquatch Genome Project Finds Bigfoot
Posted: at 7:41 am
The researchers of Sasquatch Genome Project led by Dr. Melba Ketchum has presented evidences of Bigfoot existence in Texas during a press conference. Some DNA samples and an HD video footage of the...
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Source: WorldScreen
The researchers of Sasquatch Genome Project led by Dr. Melba Ketchum has presented evidences of Bigfoot existence in Texas during a press conference. Some DNA samples and an HD video footage of the alleged Bigfoot sleeping in the Kentucky woods has been shown to media.
Sasquatch Genome Project team claims that these evidences proves that the Bigfoot is a human hybrid. Their $500,000 study now shows that the legendary Sasquatch creature "Bigfoot" exists in North America. This alleged creature was once human. Bigfoot was evolved from humans approximately 13,000 years ago.
The group of Sasquatch Genome Project researchers also claims that they have "111 specimens of Sasquatch hair, blood, skin and other tissue types," according to NYDailyNews. These specimens confirms that Bigfoot is real.
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Sasquatch Genome Project Finds Bigfoot
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Recurrent mutations in melanoma detected by genome sequencing – Video
Posted: October 3, 2013 at 3:42 am
Recurrent mutations in melanoma detected by genome sequencing
Drs. John M. Kirkwood and Antoni Ribas chaired the Perspectives in Melanoma XVII meeting on September 13-14, 2013 in Baltimore, Maryland. This webcast is composed of presentations from though...
By: ImedexCME
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Recurrent mutations in melanoma detected by genome sequencing - Video
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Jewish Genome Myth BUSTED! video below – Video
Posted: at 3:42 am
Jewish Genome Myth BUSTED! video below
Jewish Genome Myth BUSTED! video below.
By: target 5
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Jewish Genome Myth BUSTED! video below - Video
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Bt Genome analysis – Video
Posted: at 3:42 am
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