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Category Archives: Genome
Nujabes – Genome [Fat Jon Ver.] [Departure] – Video
Posted: December 22, 2013 at 3:46 pm
Nujabes - Genome [Fat Jon Ver.] [Departure]
[Nujabes ] - From the album "Departure" - Samurai Champloo ;Honourable Genetics. - - delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is welcome.
By: faisca5
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Nujabes - Genome [Fat Jon Ver.] [Departure] - Video
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Beauty’s Genome – Video
Posted: December 21, 2013 at 8:43 am
Beauty #39;s Genome
Beauty #39;s Genome Words and Music by Carter Mobley Fear #39;s been delivered, it #39;s drowned in the river of our dreams Love is the reason to wait for a season of wh...
By: Carter Mobley
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Beauty's Genome - Video
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Should you have your whole genome sequenced? – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
Should you have your whole genome sequenced?
The "Should you have your whole genome sequenced?" seminar was presented by Richard Gibbs, PhD, Director of the Human Genome Sequencing Center on Sept. 17, 2013. This is part of the Evenings...
By: BCMweb
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Should you have your whole genome sequenced? - Video
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genome replication – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
genome replication
genome replication in e coli genome replication and progeny virion production hepatitis delta virus genome replication genome replication genome replication strategy.
By: GuncXYune
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genome replication - Video
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Whole Genome CN in Stratification and Diagnosis of Brain Tumor Patients – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
Whole Genome CN in Stratification and Diagnosis of Brain Tumor Patients
Dr. Pietsch shares his experiences in more than 600 FFPE brain tumor biopsies from the Institute of Neuropathology, University of Bonn Medical Center. This p...
By: Affymetrix
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Whole Genome CN in Stratification and Diagnosis of Brain Tumor Patients - Video
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Elucidating Darwin’s abominable mystery—the genome sequence of Amborella – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
Elucidating Darwin #39;s abominable mysterythe genome sequence of Amborella
Explore Research at the University of Florida: Pam and Doug Soltis, distinguished professors with the Florida Museum of Natural History, discuss how sequencing the genome of one critical flowering...
By: FloridaMuseum
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Elucidating Darwin's abominable mystery—the genome sequence of Amborella - Video
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Genome Sequencing | SEATTLE SCIENCE CAFE – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
Genome Sequencing | SEATTLE SCIENCE CAFE
November 2013 - Seattle Join UW #39;s Jay Shendure, M.D., Ph.D., to explore his team #39;s efforts to decipher the HeLa genome amidst controversy regarding issues of...
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The origin of flowers: DNA of storied plant provides insight into the evolution of flowering plants
Posted: at 8:43 am
Dec. 19, 2013 The newly sequenced genome of the Amborella plant addresses Darwin's "abominable mystery" -- the question of why flowers suddenly proliferated on Earth millions of years ago. The genome sequence sheds new light on a major event in the history of life on Earth: the origin of flowering plants, including all major food crop species. On 20 December 2013, a paper by the Amborella Genome Sequencing Project that includes a full description of the analyses performed by the project, as well as implications for flowering plant research, will be published in the journal Science. The paper is among three on different research areas related to the Amborella genome that will be published in the same issue of the journal.
Amborella (Amborella trichopoda) is unique as the sole survivor of an ancient evolutionary lineage that traces back to the last common ancestor of all flowering plants. The plant is a small understory tree found only on the main island of New Caledonia in the South Pacific. An effort to decipher the Amborella genome -- led by scientists at Penn State University, the University at Buffalo, the University of Florida, the University of Georgia, and the University of California-Riverside -- is uncovering evidence for the evolutionary processes that paved the way for the amazing diversity of the more than 300,000 flowering plant species we enjoy today.
This unique heritage gives Amborella a special role in the study of flowering plants. "In the same way that the genome sequence of the platypus -- a survivor of an ancient lineage -- can help us study the evolution of all mammals, the genome sequence of Amborella can help us learn about the evolution of all flowers," said Victor Albert of the University at Buffalo.
Scientists who sequenced the Amborella genome say that it provides conclusive evidence that the ancestor of all flowering plants, including Amborella, evolved following a "genome doubling event" that occurred about 200 million years ago. Some duplicated genes were lost over time but others took on new functions, including contributions to the development of floral organs.
"Genome doubling may, therefore, offer an explanation to Darwin's "abominable mystery" -- the apparently abrupt proliferation of new species of flowering plants in fossil records dating to the Cretaceous period," said Claude dePamphilis of Penn State University. "Generations of scientists have worked to solve this puzzle," he added.
Comparative analyses of the Amborella genome are already providing scientists with a new perspective on the genetic origins of important traits in all flowering plants -- including all major food crop species. "Because of Amborella's pivotal phylogenetic position, it is an evolutionary reference genome that allows us to better understand genome changes in those flowering plants that evolved later, including genome evolution of our many crop plants -- hence, it will be essential for crop improvement," stressed Doug Soltis of the University of Florida.
As another example of the value of the Amborella genome, Joshua Der at Penn State noted "We estimate that at least 14,000 protein-coding genes existed in the last common ancestor of all flowering plants. Many of these genes are unique to flowering plants, and many are known to be important for producing the flower as well as other structures and other processes specific to flowering plants."
"This work provides the first global insight as to how flowering plants are genetically different from all other plants on Earth," Brad Barbazuk of the University of Florida said, "and it provides new clues as to how seed plants are genetically different from non-seed plants."
Jim Leebens-Mack from UGA noted that "The Amborella genome sequence facilitated reconstruction of the ancestral gene order in the 'core eudicots,' a huge group that comprises about 75 percent of all angiosperms. This group includes tomato, apple and legumes, as well as timber trees such as oak and poplar." As an evolutionary outsider to this diverse group, the Amborella genome allowed the researchers to estimate the linear order of genes in an ancestral eudicot genome and to infer lineage-specific changes that occurred over 120 million years of evolution in the core eudicot.
At the same time, Amborella seems to have acquired some unusual genomic characteristics since it split from the rest of the flowering plant tree of life. For example, DNA sequences that can change locations or multiply within the genome (transposable elements) seem to have stabilized in the Amborella genome. Most plants show evidence of recent bursts of this mobile DNA activity, "But Amborella is unique in that it does not seem to have acquired many new mobile sequences in the past several million years," stated Sue Wessler of the University of California-Riverside. "Insertion of some transposable elements can affect the expression and function of protein-coding genes, so the cessation of mobile DNA activity may have slowed the rate of evolution of both genome structure and gene function."
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The origin of flowers: DNA of storied plant provides insight into the evolution of flowering plants
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Genome Analyses of Single Human Oocytes – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
Genome Analyses of Single Human Oocytes
Jie Qiao and colleagues describe how high-throughput sequencing of oocyte polar bodies could enhance preimplantation genomic screening in IVF.
By: cellvideoabstracts
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Mapping the TV Genome by tracking your tweets – Deb Roy at Wired 2013 video – Video
Posted: December 20, 2013 at 4:44 pm
Mapping the TV Genome by tracking your tweets - Deb Roy at Wired 2013 video
Deb Roy: Chief Media Scientist of Twitter and a tenured professor at MIT, Roy is an expert in exploring people #39;s behaviour and preferences in real time from ...
By: Wired UK
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Mapping the TV Genome by tracking your tweets - Deb Roy at Wired 2013 video - Video
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